/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/bson/timestamp.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/member_state.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_set_heartbeat_response.h" #include "mongo/util/time_support.h" namespace mongo { namespace repl { /** * This class contains the data from heartbeat responses and replSetUpdatePosition commands for one * member of a replica set. **/ class MemberData { public: MemberData(); MemberState getState() const { return _lastResponse.getState(); } int getHealth() const { return _health; } Date_t getUpSince() const { return _upSince; } Date_t getLastHeartbeat() const { return _lastHeartbeat; } Date_t getLastHeartbeatRecv() const { return _lastHeartbeatRecv; } void setLastHeartbeatRecv(Date_t newHeartbeatRecvTime) { _lastHeartbeatRecv = newHeartbeatRecvTime; } const std::string& getLastHeartbeatMsg() const { return _lastHeartbeatMessage; } const HostAndPort& getSyncSource() const { return _lastResponse.getSyncingTo(); } OpTime getHeartbeatAppliedOpTime() const { return _lastResponse.getAppliedOpTime(); } OpTime getHeartbeatDurableOpTime() const { return _lastResponse.hasDurableOpTime() ? _lastResponse.getDurableOpTime() : OpTime(); } int getConfigVersion() const { return _lastResponse.getConfigVersion(); } bool hasAuthIssue() const { return _authIssue; } Timestamp getElectionTime() const { return _lastResponse.getElectionTime(); } long long getTerm() const { return _lastResponse.getTerm(); } // Was this member up for the last heartbeat? bool up() const { return _health > 0; } // Was this member up for the last hearbeeat // (or we haven't received the first heartbeat yet) bool maybeUp() const { return _health != 0; } OpTime getLastAppliedOpTime() const { return _lastAppliedOpTime; } OpTime getLastDurableOpTime() const { return _lastDurableOpTime; } Date_t getLastAppliedWallTime() const { return _lastAppliedWallTime; } Date_t getLastDurableWallTime() const { return _lastDurableWallTime; } // When was the last time this data was updated via any means? Date_t getLastUpdate() const { return _lastUpdate; } // Was the last update stale as of the last check? bool lastUpdateStale() const { return _lastUpdateStale; } // Index of this member in the replica set config member list. int getConfigIndex() const { return _configIndex; } int getMemberId() const { return _memberId; } bool isSelf() const { return _isSelf; } HostAndPort getHostAndPort() const { return _hostAndPort; } /** * Sets values in this object from the results of a successful heartbeat command. * Returns whether or not the optimes advanced as a result of this heartbeat response. */ bool setUpValues(Date_t now, ReplSetHeartbeatResponse&& hbResponse); /** * Sets values in this object from the results of a erroring/failed heartbeat command. * _authIssues is set to false, _health is set to 0, _state is set to RS_DOWN, and * other values are set as specified. */ void setDownValues(Date_t now, const std::string& heartbeatMessage); /** * Sets values in this object that indicate there was an auth issue on the last heartbeat * command. */ void setAuthIssue(Date_t now); /** * Reset the boolean to record the last restart. */ void restart() { _updatedSinceRestart = false; } bool isUpdatedSinceRestart() const { return _updatedSinceRestart; } /** * Performs setLastAppliedOpTime and also sets the wall clock time corresponding to the last * applied opTime. Should only be used on the current node. */ void setLastAppliedOpTimeAndWallTime(OpTimeAndWallTime opTime, Date_t now); /** * Performs setLastDurableOpTime and also sets the wall clock time corresponding to the last * durable opTime. Should only be used on the current node. */ void setLastDurableOpTimeAndWallTime(OpTimeAndWallTime opTime, Date_t now); /** * Sets the last applied op time (not the heartbeat applied op time) iff the new optime is * later than the current optime, and updates the lastUpdate time. Returns true if the * optime was advanced. * Performs advanceLastAppliedOpTime and also sets the wall clock time corresponding to the last * applied opTime. Should only be used on the current node. */ bool advanceLastAppliedOpTimeAndWallTime(OpTimeAndWallTime opTime, Date_t now); /** * Sets the last durable op time (not the heartbeat applied op time) iff the new optime is * later than the current optime, and updates the lastUpdate time. Returns true if the * optime was advanced. * Performs advanceLastDurableOpTime and also sets the wall clock time corresponding to the last * durable opTime. Should only be used on the current node. */ bool advanceLastDurableOpTimeAndWallTime(OpTimeAndWallTime opTime, Date_t now); /* * Indicates that this data is stale, based on _lastUpdateTime. */ void markLastUpdateStale() { _lastUpdateStale = true; } /* * Updates the _lastUpdateTime and clears staleness without changing anything else. */ void updateLiveness(Date_t now) { _lastUpdate = now; _lastUpdateStale = false; } void setConfigIndex(int configIndex) { _configIndex = configIndex; } void setIsSelf(bool isSelf) { _isSelf = isSelf; } void setHostAndPort(HostAndPort hostAndPort) { _hostAndPort = hostAndPort; } void setMemberId(int memberId) { _memberId = memberId; } private: bool _checkAndSetLastDurableOpTime(OpTime opTime, Date_t now); // -1 = not checked yet, 0 = member is down/unreachable, 1 = member is up int _health; // Time of first successful heartbeat, if currently still up Date_t _upSince; // This is the last time we got a response from a heartbeat request to a given member. Date_t _lastHeartbeat; // This is the last time we got a heartbeat request from a given member. Date_t _lastHeartbeatRecv; // This is the error message we got last time from contacting a given member. std::string _lastHeartbeatMessage; // Did the last heartbeat show a failure to authenticate? bool _authIssue; // The last heartbeat response we received. ReplSetHeartbeatResponse _lastResponse; // Have we received heartbeats since the last restart? bool _updatedSinceRestart = false; // Last time we got any information about this member, whether heartbeat // or replSetUpdatePosition. Date_t _lastUpdate; // Set when lastUpdate time exceeds the election timeout. Implies that the member is down // on the primary, but not the secondaries. bool _lastUpdateStale = false; // Last known OpTime that the replica has applied and journaled to. OpTime _lastDurableOpTime; Date_t _lastDurableWallTime = Date_t::min(); // Last known OpTime that the replica has applied, whether journaled or unjournaled. OpTime _lastAppliedOpTime; Date_t _lastAppliedWallTime = Date_t::min(); // TODO(russotto): Since memberData is kept in config order, _configIndex // and _isSelf may not be necessary. // Index of this member in the replica set configuration. int _configIndex; // Is this the data for this member? bool _isSelf; // This member's member ID. memberId and hostAndPort duplicate information in the // set's ReplSetConfig. int _memberId = -1; // Client address of this member. HostAndPort _hostAndPort; }; } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo