/** * Copyright (C) 2014 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include "mongo/base/disallow_copying.h" #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/member_state.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_executor.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_settings.h" #include "mongo/util/net/hostandport.h" namespace mongo { class BSONObj; class BSONObjBuilder; class IndexDescriptor; class NamespaceString; class OperationContext; class OpTime; struct WriteConcernOptions; namespace repl { class TopologyCoordinator; /** * The ReplicationCoordinator is responsible for coordinating the interaction of replication * with the rest of the system. The public methods on ReplicationCoordinator are the public * API that the replication subsystem presents to the rest of the codebase. */ class ReplicationCoordinator { MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(ReplicationCoordinator); public: typedef boost::posix_time::milliseconds Milliseconds; struct StatusAndDuration { public: Status status; Milliseconds duration; StatusAndDuration(const Status& stat, Milliseconds ms) : status(stat), duration(ms) {} }; virtual ~ReplicationCoordinator(); /** * Does any initial bookkeeping needed to start replication, and instructs the other * components of the replication system to start up whatever threads and do whatever * initialization they need. * Takes ownership of the passed-in TopologyCoordinator and NetworkInterface. */ virtual void startReplication(TopologyCoordinator* topCoord, ReplicationExecutor::NetworkInterface* network) = 0; /** * Does whatever cleanup is required to stop replication, including instructing the other * components of the replication system to shut down and stop any threads they are using, * blocking until all replication-related shutdown tasks are complete. */ virtual void shutdown() = 0; /** * Returns true if it is safe to shut down the server now. Currently the only time this * can be false is if this node is primary and there are no secondaries within 10 seconds * of our optime. */ virtual bool isShutdownOkay() const = 0; /** * Returns a reference to the parsed command line arguments that are related to replication. * TODO(spencer): Change this to a const ref once we are no longer using it for mutable * global state. */ virtual ReplSettings& getSettings() = 0; enum Mode { modeNone = 0, modeReplSet, modeMasterSlave }; /** * Returns a value indicating whether this node is a standalone, master/slave, or replicaset * note: nodes are determined to be replicaset members by the presence of a replset config. * This means that nodes will appear to be standalone until a config is received. */ virtual Mode getReplicationMode() const = 0; /** * Returns true if this node is configured to be a member of a replica set or master/slave * setup. */ virtual bool isReplEnabled() const { return getReplicationMode() != modeNone; } /** * Returns the current replica set state of this node (PRIMARY, SECONDARY, STARTUP, etc). * It is invalid to call this unless getReplicationMode() == modeReplSet. */ virtual MemberState getCurrentMemberState() const = 0; /** * Blocks the calling thread for up to writeConcern.wTimeout millis, or until "ts" has been * replicated to at least a set of nodes that satisfies the writeConcern, whichever comes * first. A writeConcern.wTimeout of 0 indicates no timeout (block forever) and a * writeConcern.wTimeout of -1 indicates return immediately after checking. Will return a * Status with ErrorCodes::ExceededTimeLimit if the writeConcern.wTimeout is reached before * the data has been sufficiently replicated, a Status with ErrorCodes::NotMaster if the * node is not Primary/Master, or a Status with ErrorCodes::UnknownReplWriteConcern if * the writeConcern.wMode contains a write concern mode that is not known. */ virtual StatusAndDuration awaitReplication(const OperationContext* txn, const OpTime& ts, const WriteConcernOptions& writeConcern) = 0; /** * Like awaitReplication(), above, but waits for the replication of the last operation * performed on the client associated with "txn". */ virtual StatusAndDuration awaitReplicationOfLastOp( const OperationContext* txn, const WriteConcernOptions& writeConcern) = 0; /** * Causes this node to relinquish being primary for at least 'stepdownTime'. If 'force' is * false, before doing so it will wait for 'waitTime' for one other node to be within 10 * seconds of this node's optime before stepping down. Returns a Status with the code * ErrorCodes::ExceededTimeLimit if no secondary catches up within waitTime, * ErrorCodes::NotMaster if you are no longer primary when trying to step down, * ErrorCodes::SecondaryAheadOfPrimary if we are primary but there is another node that * seems to be ahead of us in replication, and Status::OK otherwise. * TODO(spencer): SERVER-14251 This should block writes while waiting for other nodes to * catch up, and then should wait till a secondary is completely caught up rather than * within 10 seconds. */ virtual Status stepDown(bool force, const Milliseconds& waitTime, const Milliseconds& stepdownTime) = 0; /** * Behaves similarly to stepDown except that after stepping down as primary it waits for * up to 'postStepdownWaitTime' for one other node to match this node's optime exactly. * TODO(spencer): This method should be removed and all callers should use shutDown, after * shutdown has been fixed to block new writes while waiting for secondaries to catch up. */ virtual Status stepDownAndWaitForSecondary(const Milliseconds& initialWaitTime, const Milliseconds& stepdownTime, const Milliseconds& postStepdownWaitTime) = 0; /** * TODO a way to trigger an action on replication of a given operation */ // handle_t onReplication(OpTime ts, writeConcern, callbackFunction); // TODO /** * Returns true if the node can be considered master for the purpose of introspective * commands such as isMaster() and rs.status(). */ virtual bool isMasterForReportingPurposes() = 0; /** * Returns true if it is valid for this node to accept writes on the given database. * Currently this is true only if this node is Primary, master in master/slave, * a standalone, or is writing to the local database. * * If a node was started with the replSet argument, but has not yet received a config, it * will not be able to receive writes to a database other than local (it will not be treated * as standalone node). */ virtual bool canAcceptWritesForDatabase(const StringData& dbName) = 0; /** * Checks if the current replica set configuration can satisfy the given write concern. * * Things that are taken into consideration include: * 1. If the set has enough members. * 2. If the tag exists. * 3. If there are enough members for the tag specified. */ virtual Status checkIfWriteConcernCanBeSatisfied( const WriteConcernOptions& writeConcern) const = 0; /* * Returns Status::OK() if it is valid for this node to serve reads on the given collection * and an errorcode indicating why the node cannot if it cannot. */ virtual Status canServeReadsFor(const NamespaceString& ns, bool slaveOk) = 0; /** * Returns true if this node should ignore unique index constraints on new documents. * Currently this is needed for nodes in STARTUP2, RECOVERING, and ROLLBACK states. */ virtual bool shouldIgnoreUniqueIndex(const IndexDescriptor* idx) = 0; /** * Updates our internal tracking of the last OpTime applied for the given member of the set * identified by "rid". Also updates all bookkeeping related to tracking what the last * OpTime applied by all tag groups that "rid" is a part of. This is called when * secondaries notify the member they are syncing from of their progress in replication. * This information is used by awaitReplication to satisfy write concerns. It is *not* used * in elections, we maintain a separate view of member optimes in the topology coordinator * based on incoming heartbeat messages, which is used in elections. * * @returns ErrorCodes::NodeNotFound if the member cannot be found in sync progress tracking * @returns Status::OK() otherwise */ virtual Status setLastOptime(const OID& rid, const OpTime& ts) = 0; /** * Retrieves and returns the current election id, which is a unique id which changes after * every election. */ virtual OID getElectionId() = 0; /** * Returns the RID for this node. The RID is used to identify this node to our sync source * when sending updates about our replication progress. */ virtual OID getMyRID() = 0; /** * Prepares a BSONObj describing an invocation of the replSetUpdatePosition command that can * be sent to this node's sync source to update it about our progress in replication. */ virtual void prepareReplSetUpdatePositionCommand(BSONObjBuilder* cmdBuilder) = 0; /** * Handles an incoming replSetGetStatus command. Adds BSON to 'result'. */ virtual void processReplSetGetStatus(BSONObjBuilder* result) = 0; /** * Toggles maintenanceMode to the value expressed by 'activate' * return true, if the change worked and false otherwise */ virtual bool setMaintenanceMode(bool activate) = 0; /** * Handles an incoming replSetSyncFrom command. Adds BSON to 'result' * returns Status::OK if the sync target could be set and an ErrorCode indicating why it * couldn't otherwise. */ virtual Status processReplSetSyncFrom(const std::string& target, BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /** * Handles an incoming replSetMaintenance command. 'activate' indicates whether to activate * or deactivate maintenanceMode. * returns Status::OK() if maintenanceMode is successfully changed, otherwise returns a * Status containing an error message about the failure */ virtual Status processReplSetMaintenance(bool activate, BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /** * Handles an incoming replSetFreeze command. Adds BSON to 'resultObj' * returns Status::OK() if the node is a member of a replica set with a config and an * error Status otherwise */ virtual Status processReplSetFreeze(int secs, BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /** * Handles an incoming heartbeat command. Adds BSON to 'resultObj'; * returns a Status with either OK or an error message. */ virtual Status processHeartbeat(const BSONObj& cmdObj, BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /** * Arguments for the replSetReconfig command. */ struct ReplSetReconfigArgs { BSONObj newConfigObj; bool force; }; /** * Handles an incoming replSetReconfig command. Adds BSON to 'resultObj'; * returns a Status with either OK or an error message. */ virtual Status processReplSetReconfig(OperationContext* txn, const ReplSetReconfigArgs& args, BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /* * Handles an incoming replSetInitiate command. If "configObj" is empty, generates a default * configuration to use. * Adds BSON to 'resultObj'; returns a Status with either OK or an error message. */ virtual Status processReplSetInitiate(OperationContext* txn, const BSONObj& configObj, BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /* * Handles an incoming replSetGetRBID command. * Adds BSON to 'resultObj'; returns a Status with either OK or an error message. */ virtual Status processReplSetGetRBID(BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /** * Increments this process's rollback id. Called every time a rollback occurs. */ virtual void incrementRollbackID() = 0; /** * Arguments to the replSetFresh command. */ struct ReplSetFreshArgs { StringData setName; // Name of the replset HostAndPort who; // host and port of the member that sent the replSetFresh command unsigned id; // replSet id of the member that sent the replSetFresh command int cfgver; // replSet config version that the member who sent the command thinks it has OpTime opTime; // last optime seen by the member who sent the replSetFresh command }; /* * Handles an incoming replSetFresh command. * Adds BSON to 'resultObj'; returns a Status with either OK or an error message. */ virtual Status processReplSetFresh(const ReplSetFreshArgs& args, BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /** * Arguments to the replSetElect command. */ struct ReplSetElectArgs { StringData set; // Name of the replset unsigned whoid; // replSet id of the member that sent the replSetFresh command int cfgver; // replSet config version that the member who sent the command thinks it has OID round; // unique ID for this election }; /* * Handles an incoming replSetElect command. * Adds BSON to 'resultObj'; returns a Status with either OK or an error message. */ virtual Status processReplSetElect(const ReplSetElectArgs& args, BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /** * Handles an incoming replSetUpdatePosition command, updating each nodes oplog progress. * returns Status::OK() if the all updates are processed correctly, ErrorCodes::NodeNotFound * if any updating node cannot be found in the config, or any of the normal replset * command ErrorCodes. */ virtual Status processReplSetUpdatePosition(const BSONArray& updates, BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /** * Handles an incoming replSetUpdatePosition command that contains a handshake. * returns Status::OK() if the handshake processes properly, ErrorCodes::NodeNotFound * if the handshaking node cannot be found in the config, or any of the normal replset * command ErrorCodes. */ virtual Status processReplSetUpdatePositionHandshake(const BSONObj& handshake, BSONObjBuilder* resultObj) = 0; /** * Handles an incoming Handshake command (or a handshake from replSetUpdatePosition). * Associates the node's 'remoteID' with its 'handshake' object. This association is used * to update local.slaves and to forward the node's replication progress upstream when this * node is being chainged through. * * Returns true if it was able to associate the 'remoteID' and 'handshake' and false * otherwise. */ virtual bool processHandshake(const OID& remoteID, const BSONObj& handshake) = 0; /** * Returns once the oplog's most recent entry changes or after one second, whichever * occurs first. */ virtual void waitUpToOneSecondForOptimeChange(const OpTime& ot) = 0; /** * Returns a bool indicating whether or not this node builds indexes. */ virtual bool buildsIndexes() = 0; /** * Returns a vector containing BSONObjs describing each member that has applied operation * at OpTime 'op'. */ virtual std::vector getHostsWrittenTo(const OpTime& op) = 0; protected: ReplicationCoordinator(); }; } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo