/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kReplication #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context_noop.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/is_master_response.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_set_config.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_set_heartbeat_args_v1.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_set_heartbeat_response.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_external_state_mock.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_test_fixture.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/topology_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/executor/network_interface_mock.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point_service.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" namespace mongo { namespace repl { namespace { using executor::NetworkInterfaceMock; using executor::RemoteCommandRequest; using executor::RemoteCommandResponse; using ApplierState = ReplicationCoordinator::ApplierState; TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, RandomizedElectionOffsetWithinProperBounds) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345"))); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); Milliseconds electionTimeout = config.getElectionTimeoutPeriod(); long long randomOffsetUpperBound = durationCount(electionTimeout) * getExternalState()->getElectionTimeoutOffsetLimitFraction(); Milliseconds randomOffset; // Verify for numerous rounds of random number generation. int rounds = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { randomOffset = getReplCoord()->getRandomizedElectionOffset_forTest(); ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS(randomOffset, Milliseconds(0)); ASSERT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS(randomOffset, Milliseconds(randomOffsetUpperBound)); } } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, RandomizedElectionOffsetAvoidsDivideByZero) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1 << "settings" << BSON("electionTimeoutMillis" << 1)); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); // Make sure that an election timeout of 1ms doesn't make the random number // generator attempt to divide by zero. Milliseconds randomOffset = getReplCoord()->getRandomizedElectionOffset_forTest(); ASSERT_EQ(Milliseconds(0), randomOffset); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, ElectionSucceedsWhenNodeIsTheOnlyElectableNode) { assertStartSuccess(BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345" << "votes" << 0 << "hidden" << true << "priority" << 0)) << "protocolVersion" << 1), HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getMemberState().secondary()) << getReplCoord()->getMemberState().toString(); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(10, 1), 0)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(10, 1), 0)); auto electionTimeoutWhen = getReplCoord()->getElectionTimeout_forTest(); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(Date_t(), electionTimeoutWhen); log() << "Election timeout scheduled at " << electionTimeoutWhen << " (simulator time)"; NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); while (net->now() < electionTimeoutWhen) { net->runUntil(electionTimeoutWhen); if (!net->hasReadyRequests()) { continue; } auto noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); const auto& request = noi->getRequest(); error() << "Black holing irrelevant request to " << request.target << ": " << request.cmdObj; net->blackHole(noi); } net->exitNetwork(); // _startElectSelfV1 is called when election timeout expires, so election // finished event has been set. getReplCoord()->waitForElectionFinish_forTest(); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getMemberState().primary()) << getReplCoord()->getMemberState().toString(); simulateCatchUpAbort(); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); const auto opCtxPtr = makeOperationContext(); auto& opCtx = *opCtxPtr; // Since we're still in drain mode, expect that we report ismaster: false, issecondary:true. IsMasterResponse imResponse; getReplCoord()->fillIsMasterForReplSet(&imResponse, {}); ASSERT_FALSE(imResponse.isMaster()) << imResponse.toBSON().toString(); ASSERT_TRUE(imResponse.isSecondary()) << imResponse.toBSON().toString(); signalDrainComplete(&opCtx); getReplCoord()->fillIsMasterForReplSet(&imResponse, {}); ASSERT_TRUE(imResponse.isMaster()) << imResponse.toBSON().toString(); ASSERT_FALSE(imResponse.isSecondary()) << imResponse.toBSON().toString(); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, StartElectionDoesNotStartAnElectionWhenNodeIsRecovering) { assertStartSuccess(BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1), HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING)); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getMemberState().recovering()) << getReplCoord()->getMemberState().toString(); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(10, 1), 0)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(10, 1), 0)); simulateEnoughHeartbeatsForAllNodesUp(); auto electionTimeoutWhen = getReplCoord()->getElectionTimeout_forTest(); ASSERT_EQUALS(Date_t(), electionTimeoutWhen); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, ElectionSucceedsWhenNodeIsTheOnlyNode) { startCapturingLogMessages(); assertStartSuccess(BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1), HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(10, 1), 0)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(10, 1), 0)); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); getReplCoord()->waitForElectionFinish_forTest(); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getMemberState().primary()) << getReplCoord()->getMemberState().toString(); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); const auto opCtxPtr = makeOperationContext(); auto& opCtx = *opCtxPtr; // Since we're still in drain mode, expect that we report ismaster: false, issecondary:true. IsMasterResponse imResponse; getReplCoord()->fillIsMasterForReplSet(&imResponse, {}); ASSERT_FALSE(imResponse.isMaster()) << imResponse.toBSON().toString(); ASSERT_TRUE(imResponse.isSecondary()) << imResponse.toBSON().toString(); signalDrainComplete(&opCtx); getReplCoord()->fillIsMasterForReplSet(&imResponse, {}); ASSERT_TRUE(imResponse.isMaster()) << imResponse.toBSON().toString(); ASSERT_FALSE(imResponse.isSecondary()) << imResponse.toBSON().toString(); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, ElectionSucceedsWhenAllNodesVoteYea) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); OperationContextNoop opCtx; getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0)); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); startCapturingLogMessages(); simulateSuccessfulV1Election(); getReplCoord()->waitForElectionFinish_forTest(); // Check last vote auto lastVote = getExternalState()->loadLocalLastVoteDocument(nullptr); ASSERT(lastVote.isOK()); ASSERT_EQ(0, lastVote.getValue().getCandidateIndex()); ASSERT_EQ(1, lastVote.getValue().getTerm()); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("election succeeded")); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, ElectionSucceedsWhenMaxSevenNodesVoteYea) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345") << BSON("_id" << 4 << "host" << "node4:12345") << BSON("_id" << 5 << "host" << "node5:12345") << BSON("_id" << 6 << "host" << "node6:12345") << BSON("_id" << 7 << "host" << "node7:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); OperationContextNoop opCtx; getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0)); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); startCapturingLogMessages(); simulateSuccessfulV1Election(); getReplCoord()->waitForElectionFinish_forTest(); // Check last vote auto lastVote = getExternalState()->loadLocalLastVoteDocument(nullptr); ASSERT(lastVote.isOK()); ASSERT_EQ(0, lastVote.getValue().getCandidateIndex()); ASSERT_EQ(1, lastVote.getValue().getTerm()); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("election succeeded")); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, ElectionFailsWhenInsufficientVotesAreReceivedDuringDryRun) { startCapturingLogMessages(); BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(time1); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(time1); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); simulateEnoughHeartbeatsForAllNodesUp(); auto electionTimeoutWhen = getReplCoord()->getElectionTimeout_forTest(); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(Date_t(), electionTimeoutWhen); log() << "Election timeout scheduled at " << electionTimeoutWhen << " (simulator time)"; int voteRequests = 0; NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); while (voteRequests < 2) { if (net->now() < electionTimeoutWhen) { net->runUntil(electionTimeoutWhen); } ASSERT_TRUE(net->hasReadyRequests()); const NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target.toString() << " processing " << request.cmdObj; if (consumeHeartbeatV1(noi)) { // The heartbeat has been consumed. } else if (request.cmdObj.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() == "replSetRequestVotes") { net->scheduleResponse(noi, net->now(), makeResponseStatus(BSON( "ok" << 1 << "term" << 0 << "voteGranted" << false << "reason" << "don't like him much"))); voteRequests++; } else { net->blackHole(noi); } net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); } net->exitNetwork(); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, countLogLinesContaining("not running for primary, we received insufficient votes")); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, ElectionFailsWhenDryRunResponseContainsANewerTerm) { startCapturingLogMessages(); BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(time1); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(time1); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); simulateEnoughHeartbeatsForAllNodesUp(); auto electionTimeoutWhen = getReplCoord()->getElectionTimeout_forTest(); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(Date_t(), electionTimeoutWhen); log() << "Election timeout scheduled at " << electionTimeoutWhen << " (simulator time)"; int voteRequests = 0; NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); while (voteRequests < 1) { if (net->now() < electionTimeoutWhen) { net->runUntil(electionTimeoutWhen); } ASSERT_TRUE(net->hasReadyRequests()); const NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target.toString() << " processing " << request.cmdObj; if (consumeHeartbeatV1(noi)) { // The heartbeat has been consumed. } else if (request.cmdObj.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() == "replSetRequestVotes") { net->scheduleResponse( noi, net->now(), makeResponseStatus(BSON("ok" << 1 << "term" << request.cmdObj["term"].Long() + 1 << "voteGranted" << false << "reason" << "quit living in the past"))); voteRequests++; } else { net->blackHole(noi); } net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); } net->exitNetwork(); getReplCoord()->waitForElectionFinish_forTest(); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, countLogLinesContaining("not running for primary, we have been superseded already")); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, NodeWillNotStandForElectionDuringHeartbeatReconfig) { // start up, receive reconfig via heartbeat while at the same time, become candidate. // candidate state should be cleared. OperationContextNoop opCtx; assertStartSuccess(BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 2 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345") << BSON("_id" << 4 << "host" << "node4:12345") << BSON("_id" << 5 << "host" << "node5:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1), HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0)); getGlobalFailPointRegistry() ->getFailPoint("blockHeartbeatReconfigFinish") ->setMode(FailPoint::alwaysOn); // hb reconfig NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); ReplSetHeartbeatResponse hbResp2; ReplSetConfig config; config .initialize(BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 3 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1)) .transitional_ignore(); hbResp2.setConfig(config); hbResp2.setConfigVersion(3); hbResp2.setSetName("mySet"); hbResp2.setState(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY); net->runUntil(net->now() + Seconds(10)); // run until we've sent a heartbeat request const NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi2 = net->getNextReadyRequest(); net->scheduleResponse(noi2, net->now(), makeResponseStatus(hbResp2.toBSON(true))); net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); getNet()->exitNetwork(); // prepare candidacy BSONObjBuilder result; ReplicationCoordinator::ReplSetReconfigArgs args; args.force = false; args.newConfigObj = config.toBSON(); ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::ConfigurationInProgress, getReplCoord()->processReplSetReconfig(&opCtx, args, &result)); logger::globalLogDomain()->setMinimumLoggedSeverity(logger::LogSeverity::Debug(2)); startCapturingLogMessages(); // receive sufficient heartbeats to allow the node to see a majority. ReplicationCoordinatorImpl* replCoord = getReplCoord(); ReplSetConfig rsConfig = replCoord->getReplicaSetConfig_forTest(); net->enterNetwork(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { const NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target.toString() << " processing " << request.cmdObj; ReplSetHeartbeatArgsV1 hbArgs; if (hbArgs.initialize(request.cmdObj).isOK()) { ReplSetHeartbeatResponse hbResp; hbResp.setSetName(rsConfig.getReplSetName()); hbResp.setState(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY); hbResp.setConfigVersion(rsConfig.getConfigVersion()); BSONObjBuilder respObj; net->scheduleResponse(noi, net->now(), makeResponseStatus(hbResp.toBSON(true))); } else { error() << "Black holing unexpected request to " << request.target << ": " << request.cmdObj; net->blackHole(noi); } net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); } net->exitNetwork(); // Advance the simulator clock sufficiently to trigger an election. auto electionTimeoutWhen = getReplCoord()->getElectionTimeout_forTest(); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(Date_t(), electionTimeoutWhen); log() << "Election timeout scheduled at " << electionTimeoutWhen << " (simulator time)"; net->enterNetwork(); while (net->now() < electionTimeoutWhen) { net->runUntil(electionTimeoutWhen); if (!net->hasReadyRequests()) { continue; } auto noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); if (!consumeHeartbeatV1(noi)) { // Black hole all requests other than heartbeats including vote requests. net->blackHole(noi); } } net->exitNetwork(); stopCapturingLogMessages(); // ensure node does not stand for election ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Not standing for election; processing " "a configuration change")); getGlobalFailPointRegistry() ->getFailPoint("blockHeartbeatReconfigFinish") ->setMode(FailPoint::off); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, ElectionFailsWhenInsufficientVotesAreReceivedDuringRequestVotes) { startCapturingLogMessages(); BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(time1); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(time1); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); simulateEnoughHeartbeatsForAllNodesUp(); simulateSuccessfulDryRun(); NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); while (net->hasReadyRequests()) { const NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target.toString() << " processing " << request.cmdObj; if (request.cmdObj.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() != "replSetRequestVotes") { net->blackHole(noi); } else { net->scheduleResponse(noi, net->now(), makeResponseStatus(BSON( "ok" << 1 << "term" << 1 << "voteGranted" << false << "reason" << "don't like him much"))); } net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); } net->exitNetwork(); getReplCoord()->waitForElectionFinish_forTest(); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("not becoming primary, we received insufficient votes")); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, TransitionToRollbackFailsWhenElectionInProgress) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(time1); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(time1); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); simulateEnoughHeartbeatsForAllNodesUp(); simulateSuccessfulDryRun(); ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::ElectionInProgress, getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_ROLLBACK)); ASSERT_FALSE(getReplCoord()->getMemberState().rollback()); // We do not need to respond to any pending network operations because setFollowerMode() will // cancel the freshness checker and election command runner. } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, ElectionFailsWhenVoteRequestResponseContainsANewerTerm) { startCapturingLogMessages(); BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(time1); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(time1); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); simulateEnoughHeartbeatsForAllNodesUp(); simulateSuccessfulDryRun(); NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); while (net->hasReadyRequests()) { const NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target.toString() << " processing " << request.cmdObj; if (request.cmdObj.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() != "replSetRequestVotes") { net->blackHole(noi); } else { net->scheduleResponse( noi, net->now(), makeResponseStatus(BSON("ok" << 1 << "term" << request.cmdObj["term"].Long() + 1 << "voteGranted" << false << "reason" << "quit living in the past"))); } net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); } net->exitNetwork(); getReplCoord()->waitForElectionFinish_forTest(); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("not becoming primary, we have been superseded already")); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, ElectionFailsWhenTermChangesDuringDryRun) { startCapturingLogMessages(); BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(time1); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(time1); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); simulateEnoughHeartbeatsForAllNodesUp(); auto onDryRunRequest = [this](const RemoteCommandRequest& request) { // Update to a future term before dry run completes. ASSERT_EQUALS(0, request.cmdObj.getIntField("candidateIndex")); ASSERT(getTopoCoord().updateTerm(1000, getNet()->now()) == TopologyCoordinator::UpdateTermResult::kUpdatedTerm); }; simulateSuccessfulDryRun(onDryRunRequest); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining( "not running for primary, we have been superseded already during dry run")); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, ElectionFailsWhenTermChangesDuringActualElection) { startCapturingLogMessages(); BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(time1); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(time1); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); simulateEnoughHeartbeatsForAllNodesUp(); simulateSuccessfulDryRun(); // update to a future term before the election completes getReplCoord()->updateTerm(&opCtx, 1000).transitional_ignore(); NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); while (net->hasReadyRequests()) { const NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target.toString() << " processing " << request.cmdObj; if (request.cmdObj.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() != "replSetRequestVotes") { net->blackHole(noi); } else { net->scheduleResponse( noi, net->now(), makeResponseStatus(BSON( "ok" << 1 << "term" << request.cmdObj["term"].Long() << "voteGranted" << true << "reason" << ""))); } net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); } net->exitNetwork(); getReplCoord()->waitForElectionFinish_forTest(); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("not becoming primary, we have been superseded already")); } class TakeoverTest : public ReplCoordTest { public: /* * Verify that a given priority takeover delay is valid. Takeover delays are * verified in terms of bounds since the delay value is randomized. */ void assertValidPriorityTakeoverDelay(ReplSetConfig config, Date_t now, Date_t priorityTakeoverTime, int nodeIndex) { Milliseconds priorityTakeoverDelay = priorityTakeoverTime - now; Milliseconds electionTimeout = config.getElectionTimeoutPeriod(); long long baseTakeoverDelay = durationCount(config.getPriorityTakeoverDelay(nodeIndex)); long long randomOffsetUpperBound = durationCount(electionTimeout) * getExternalState()->getElectionTimeoutOffsetLimitFraction(); auto takeoverDelayUpperBound = Milliseconds(baseTakeoverDelay + randomOffsetUpperBound); auto takeoverDelayLowerBound = Milliseconds(baseTakeoverDelay); ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS(priorityTakeoverDelay, takeoverDelayLowerBound); ASSERT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS(priorityTakeoverDelay, takeoverDelayUpperBound); } /* * Processes and mocks responses to any pending PV1 heartbeat requests that have been * scheduled at or before 'until'. For any such scheduled heartbeat requests, the * heartbeat responses will be mocked at the same time the request was made. So, * for a heartbeat request made at time 't', the response will be mocked as * occurring at time 't'. This function will always run the clock forward to time * 'until'. * * The applied & durable optimes of the mocked response will be set to * 'otherNodesOpTime', and the primary set as 'primaryHostAndPort'. * * Returns the time that it ran until, which should always be equal to 'until'. */ Date_t respondToHeartbeatsUntil(const ReplSetConfig& config, Date_t until, const HostAndPort& primaryHostAndPort, const OpTime& otherNodesOpTime) { auto net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); // If 'until' is equal to net->now(), process any currently queued requests and return, // without running the clock. if (net->now() == until) { _respondToHeartbeatsNow(config, primaryHostAndPort, otherNodesOpTime); } else { // Otherwise, run clock and process heartbeats along the way. while (net->now() < until) { // Run clock forward to time 'until', or until the time of the next queued request. net->runUntil(until); _respondToHeartbeatsNow(config, primaryHostAndPort, otherNodesOpTime); } } net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); net->exitNetwork(); ASSERT_EQ(net->now(), until); return net->now(); } void performSuccessfulTakeover(Date_t takeoverTime, TopologyCoordinator::StartElectionReason reason, const LastVote& lastVoteExpected) { startCapturingLogMessages(); simulateSuccessfulV1ElectionAt(takeoverTime); getReplCoord()->waitForElectionFinish_forTest(); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getMemberState().primary()); // Check last vote auto lastVote = getExternalState()->loadLocalLastVoteDocument(nullptr); ASSERT(lastVote.isOK()); ASSERT_EQ(lastVoteExpected.getCandidateIndex(), lastVote.getValue().getCandidateIndex()); ASSERT_EQ(lastVoteExpected.getTerm(), lastVote.getValue().getTerm()); if (reason == TopologyCoordinator::StartElectionReason::kPriorityTakeover) { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Starting an election for a priority takeover")); } ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("election succeeded")); } private: /* * Processes and schedules mock responses to any PV1 heartbeat requests scheduled at or * before the current time. Assumes that the caller has already entered the network with * 'enterNetwork()'. It does not run the virtual clock. * * Intended as a helper function only. */ void _respondToHeartbeatsNow(const ReplSetConfig& config, const HostAndPort& primaryHostAndPort, const OpTime& otherNodesOpTime) { auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto net = getNet(); // Process all requests queued at the present time. while (net->hasReadyRequests()) { // If we see that the next request isn't for a heartbeat, exit the function. // This allows us to mock heartbeat responses with whatever info we want // right up until another event happens (like an election). This is // particularly important for simulating a catchup takeover because // we need to know specific info about the primary. auto noi = net->getFrontOfUnscheduledQueue(); auto&& nextRequest = noi->getRequest(); if (nextRequest.cmdObj.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() != "replSetHeartbeat") { return; } noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); auto&& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target << " processing " << request.cmdObj << " at " << net->now(); // Make sure the heartbeat request is valid. ReplSetHeartbeatArgsV1 hbArgs; ASSERT_OK(hbArgs.initialize(request.cmdObj)); // Build the mock heartbeat response. ReplSetHeartbeatResponse hbResp; hbResp.setSetName(config.getReplSetName()); if (request.target == primaryHostAndPort) { hbResp.setState(MemberState::RS_PRIMARY); } else { hbResp.setState(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY); } hbResp.setConfigVersion(config.getConfigVersion()); hbResp.setTerm(replCoord->getTerm()); hbResp.setAppliedOpTime(otherNodesOpTime); hbResp.setDurableOpTime(otherNodesOpTime); auto response = makeResponseStatus(hbResp.toBSON(replCoord->isV1ElectionProtocol())); net->scheduleResponse(noi, net->now(), response); } } }; TEST_F(TakeoverTest, DoesntScheduleCatchupTakeoverIfCatchupDisabledButTakeoverDelaySet) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1 << "settings" << BSON("catchUpTimeoutMillis" << 0 << "catchUpTakeoverDelay" << 10000)); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::StaleTerm, replCoord->updateTerm(&opCtx, 1)); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover has been scheduled yet. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough // information to know that we are fresher than the current primary. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover was not scheduled. ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, SchedulesCatchupTakeoverIfNodeIsFresherThanCurrentPrimary) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); // Update the current term to simulate a scenario where an election has occured // and some other node became the new primary. Once you hear about a primary election // in term 1, your term will be increased. replCoord->updateTerm_forTest(1, nullptr); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover has been scheduled yet. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we are fresher than the current primary, prompting the scheduling of a catchup // takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); auto catchupTakeoverTime = replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get(); Milliseconds catchupTakeoverDelay = catchupTakeoverTime - now; ASSERT_EQUALS(config.getCatchUpTakeoverDelay(), catchupTakeoverDelay); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, SchedulesCatchupTakeoverIfBothTakeoversAnOption) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345" << "priority" << 2) << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345" << "priority" << 3)) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); // Update the current term to simulate a scenario where an election has occured // and some other node became the new primary. Once you hear about a primary election // in term 1, your term will be increased. replCoord->updateTerm_forTest(1, nullptr); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we are fresher than the current primary, prompting the scheduling of a catchup // takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover has actually been scheduled at the // correct time and that a priority takeover has not been scheduled. ASSERT(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); auto catchupTakeoverTime = replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get(); Milliseconds catchupTakeoverDelay = catchupTakeoverTime - now; ASSERT_EQUALS(config.getCatchUpTakeoverDelay(), catchupTakeoverDelay); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, PrefersPriorityToCatchupTakeoverIfNodeHasHighestPriority) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345" << "priority" << 2) << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); logger::globalLogDomain()->setMinimumLoggedSeverity(logger::LogSeverity::Debug(2)); startCapturingLogMessages(); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); // Update the current term to simulate a scenario where an election has occured // and some other node became the new primary. Once you hear about a primary election // in term 1, your term will be increased. replCoord->updateTerm_forTest(1, nullptr); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we are fresher than the current primary, prompting the scheduling of a takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Assert that a priority takeover has been scheduled and that a catchup takeover has not // been scheduled. ASSERT(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, countLogLinesContaining("I can take over the primary because I have a higher priority, " "the highest priority in the replica set, and fresher data.")); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, CatchupTakeoverNotScheduledTwice) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); // Update the current term to simulate a scenario where an election has occured // and some other node became the new primary. Once you hear about a primary election // in term 1, your term will be increased. replCoord->updateTerm_forTest(1, nullptr); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we are fresher than the current primary, prompting the scheduling of a catchup // takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle catchupTakeoverCbh = replCoord->getCatchupTakeoverCbh_forTest(); auto catchupTakeoverTime = replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get(); Milliseconds catchupTakeoverDelay = catchupTakeoverTime - now; ASSERT_EQUALS(config.getCatchUpTakeoverDelay(), catchupTakeoverDelay); // Mock another round of heartbeat responses now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil( config, now + config.getHeartbeatInterval(), HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Make sure another catchup takeover wasn't scheduled ASSERT_EQUALS(catchupTakeoverTime, replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get()); ASSERT_TRUE(catchupTakeoverCbh == replCoord->getCatchupTakeoverCbh_forTest()); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, CatchupAndPriorityTakeoverNotScheduledAtSameTime) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345" << "priority" << 2) << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345" << "priority" << 3)) << "protocolVersion" << 1); // In order for node 1 to first schedule a catchup takeover, then a priority takeover // once the first gets canceled, it must have a higher priority than the current primary // (node 2). But, it must not have the highest priority in the replica set. Otherwise, // it will schedule a priority takeover from the start. assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); // Update the current term to simulate a scenario where an election has occured // and some other node became the new primary. Once you hear about a primary election // in term 1, your term will be increased. replCoord->updateTerm_forTest(1, nullptr); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we are fresher than the current primary, prompting the scheduling of a catchup // takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); auto catchupTakeoverTime = replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get(); Milliseconds catchupTakeoverDelay = catchupTakeoverTime - now; ASSERT_EQUALS(config.getCatchUpTakeoverDelay(), catchupTakeoverDelay); // Create a new OpTime so that the primary's last applied OpTime will be in the current term. OpTime caughtupOptime(Timestamp(300, 1), 1); // Mock another heartbeat where the primary is now up to date. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil( config, now + catchupTakeoverDelay / 2, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), caughtupOptime); // Since the primary has caught up, we cancel the scheduled catchup takeover. // But we are still higher priority than the primary, so after the heartbeat // we will schedule a priority takeover. ASSERT(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, CatchupTakeoverCallbackCanceledIfElectionTimeoutRuns) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); // Update the current term to simulate a scenario where an election has occured // and some other node became the new primary. Once you hear about a primary election // in term 1, your term will be increased. replCoord->updateTerm_forTest(1, nullptr); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); startCapturingLogMessages(); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we are fresher than the current primary, prompting the scheduling of a catchup // takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); auto catchupTakeoverTime = replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get(); Milliseconds catchupTakeoverDelay = catchupTakeoverTime - now; ASSERT_EQUALS(config.getCatchUpTakeoverDelay(), catchupTakeoverDelay); // Fast forward clock to after electionTimeout and black hole all // heartbeat requests to make sure the election timeout runs. Date_t electionTimeout = replCoord->getElectionTimeout_forTest(); auto net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); while (net->now() < electionTimeout) { net->runUntil(electionTimeout); while (net->hasReadyRequests()) { auto noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); net->blackHole(noi); } } ASSERT_EQUALS(electionTimeout, net->now()); net->exitNetwork(); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Starting an election, since we've seen no PRIMARY")); // Make sure catchup takeover never happend and CatchupTakeover callback was canceled. ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); ASSERT(replCoord->getMemberState().secondary()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Canceling catchup takeover callback")); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, countLogLinesContaining("Starting an election for a catchup takeover")); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, CatchupTakeoverCanceledIfTransitionToRollback) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); // Update the current term to simulate a scenario where an election has occured // and some other node became the new primary. Once you hear about a primary election // in term 1, your term will be increased. replCoord->updateTerm_forTest(1, nullptr); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); startCapturingLogMessages(); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we are fresher than the current primary, prompting the scheduling of a catchup // takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); auto catchupTakeoverTime = replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get(); Milliseconds catchupTakeoverDelay = catchupTakeoverTime - now; ASSERT_EQUALS(config.getCatchUpTakeoverDelay(), catchupTakeoverDelay); // Transitioning to rollback state should cancel the takeover ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_ROLLBACK)); ASSERT_TRUE(replCoord->getMemberState().rollback()); stopCapturingLogMessages(); // Make sure catchup takeover never happend and CatchupTakeover callback was canceled. ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Canceling catchup takeover callback")); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, countLogLinesContaining("Starting an election for a catchup takeover")); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, SuccessfulCatchupTakeover) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); HostAndPort primaryHostAndPort("node2", 12345); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(100, 5000), 0); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 4000), 0); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); // Update the term so that the current term is ahead of the term of // the last applied op time. This means that the primary is still in // catchup mode since it hasn't written anything this term. ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::StaleTerm, replCoord->updateTerm(&opCtx, replCoord->getTerm() + 1)); // Make sure we're secondary and that no takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, primaryHostAndPort, behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); auto catchupTakeoverTime = replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get(); Milliseconds catchupTakeoverDelay = catchupTakeoverTime - now; ASSERT_EQUALS(config.getCatchUpTakeoverDelay(), catchupTakeoverDelay); startCapturingLogMessages(); // The catchup takeover will be scheduled at a time later than one election // timeout after our initial heartbeat responses, so mock a few rounds of // heartbeat responses to prevent a normal election timeout. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil( config, catchupTakeoverTime, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); stopCapturingLogMessages(); // Since the heartbeats go through the catchupTakeoverTimeout, this log // message happens already (otherwise it would happen in performSuccessfulTakeover). ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Starting an election for a catchup takeover")); LastVote lastVoteExpected = LastVote(replCoord->getTerm() + 1, 0); performSuccessfulTakeover(catchupTakeoverTime, TopologyCoordinator::StartElectionReason::kCatchupTakeover, lastVoteExpected); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, CatchupTakeoverDryRunFailsPrimarySaysNo) { startCapturingLogMessages(); BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345") << BSON("_id" << 4 << "host" << "node4:12345") << BSON("_id" << 5 << "host" << "node5:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); HostAndPort primaryHostAndPort("node2", 12345); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(100, 5000), 0); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 4000), 0); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); // Update the term so that the current term is ahead of the term of // the last applied op time. This means that the primary is still in // catchup mode since it hasn't written anything this term. ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::StaleTerm, replCoord->updateTerm(&opCtx, replCoord->getTerm() + 1)); // Make sure we're secondary and that no takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, primaryHostAndPort, behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); auto catchupTakeoverTime = replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get(); Milliseconds catchupTakeoverDelay = catchupTakeoverTime - now; ASSERT_EQUALS(config.getCatchUpTakeoverDelay(), catchupTakeoverDelay); // The catchup takeover will be scheduled at a time later than one election // timeout after our initial heartbeat responses, so mock a few rounds of // heartbeat responses to prevent a normal election timeout. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil( config, catchupTakeoverTime, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Starting an election for a catchup takeover")); // Simulate a dry run where the primary has caught up and is now ahead of the // node trying to do the catchup takeover. All the secondary nodes respond // first so that it tests that we require the primary vote even when we've // received a majority of the votes. Then the primary responds no to the vote // request and as a result the dry run fails. int voteRequests = 0; int votesExpected = config.getNumMembers() - 1; NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi_primary; Date_t until = net->now() + Seconds(1); while (voteRequests < votesExpected) { unittest::log() << "request: " << voteRequests << " expected: " << votesExpected; const NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target.toString() << " processing " << request.cmdObj; if (request.cmdObj.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() != "replSetRequestVotes") { net->blackHole(noi); } else { bool voteGranted = request.target != primaryHostAndPort; net->scheduleResponse( noi, until, makeResponseStatus(BSON("ok" << 1 << "term" << 1 << "voteGranted" << voteGranted << "reason" << ""))); voteRequests++; } net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); } while (net->now() < until) { net->runUntil(until); if (net->hasReadyRequests()) { const NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); net->blackHole(noi); } } net->exitNetwork(); getReplCoord()->waitForElectionDryRunFinish_forTest(); stopCapturingLogMessages(); // Make sure an election wasn't called for and that we are still secondary. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining( "not running for primary, the current primary responded no in the dry run")); ASSERT(replCoord->getMemberState().secondary()); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, PrimaryCatchesUpBeforeCatchupTakeover) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); // Update the term so that the current term is ahead of the term of // the last applied op time. ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::StaleTerm, replCoord->updateTerm(&opCtx, replCoord->getTerm() + 1)); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); startCapturingLogMessages(); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we are fresher than the current primary, prompting the scheduling of a catchup // takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); auto catchupTakeoverTime = replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get(); Milliseconds catchupTakeoverDelay = catchupTakeoverTime - now; ASSERT_EQUALS(config.getCatchUpTakeoverDelay(), catchupTakeoverDelay); // Mock another heartbeat where the primary is now up to date // and run time through when catchup takeover was supposed to happen. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil( config, now + catchupTakeoverDelay, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), currentOptime); stopCapturingLogMessages(); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover election happened. ASSERT(replCoord->getMemberState().secondary()); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Not starting an election for a catchup takeover")); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, PrimaryCatchesUpBeforeHighPriorityNodeCatchupTakeover) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345" << "priority" << 2) << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345" << "priority" << 3)) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOptime(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(currentOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(currentOptime); OpTime behindOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); // Update the term so that the current term is ahead of the term of // the last applied op time. ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::StaleTerm, replCoord->updateTerm(&opCtx, replCoord->getTerm() + 1)); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); startCapturingLogMessages(); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we are fresher than the current primary, prompting the scheduling of a catchup // takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), behindOptime); // Make sure that the catchup takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); auto catchupTakeoverTime = replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest().get(); Milliseconds catchupTakeoverDelay = catchupTakeoverTime - now; ASSERT_EQUALS(config.getCatchUpTakeoverDelay(), catchupTakeoverDelay); // Mock another heartbeat where the primary is now up to date // and run time through when catchup takeover was supposed to happen. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil( config, now + catchupTakeoverDelay, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), currentOptime); stopCapturingLogMessages(); // Make sure we're secondary and that no catchup takeover election happens. ASSERT(replCoord->getMemberState().secondary()); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getCatchupTakeover_forTest()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Not starting an election for a catchup takeover")); // Make sure that the priority takeover has now been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); auto priorityTakeoverTime = replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest().get(); assertValidPriorityTakeoverDelay(config, now, priorityTakeoverTime, 0); // Node 1 schedules the priority takeover, and since it has the second highest // priority in the replica set, it will schedule in 20 seconds. We must increase // the election timeout so that the priority takeover will actually be executed. // Mock another round of heartbeat responses to prevent a normal election timeout. Milliseconds longElectionTimeout = config.getElectionTimeoutPeriod() * 2; now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil( config, now + longElectionTimeout, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), currentOptime); LastVote lastVoteExpected = LastVote(replCoord->getTerm() + 1, 0); performSuccessfulTakeover(priorityTakeoverTime, TopologyCoordinator::StartElectionReason::kPriorityTakeover, lastVoteExpected); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, SchedulesPriorityTakeoverIfNodeHasHigherPriorityThanCurrentPrimary) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345" << "priority" << 2) << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime myOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(myOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(myOptime); // Make sure we're secondary and that no priority takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we supersede priorities of all other nodes, prompting the scheduling of a priority // takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), myOptime); // Make sure that the priority takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); auto priorityTakeoverTime = replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest().get(); assertValidPriorityTakeoverDelay(config, now, priorityTakeoverTime, 0); // Also make sure that updating the term cancels the scheduled priority takeover. ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::StaleTerm, replCoord->updateTerm(&opCtx, replCoord->getTerm() + 1)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, SuccessfulPriorityTakeover) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345" << "priority" << 2) << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime myOptime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(myOptime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(myOptime); // Make sure we're secondary and that no priority takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses, which should give us enough information to know // that we supersede priorities of all other nodes, prompting the scheduling of a priority // takeover. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), myOptime); // Make sure that the priority takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); auto priorityTakeoverTime = replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest().get(); assertValidPriorityTakeoverDelay(config, now, priorityTakeoverTime, 0); // The priority takeover might be scheduled at a time later than one election // timeout after our initial heartbeat responses, so mock another round of // heartbeat responses to prevent a normal election timeout. Milliseconds halfElectionTimeout = config.getElectionTimeoutPeriod() / 2; now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil( config, now + halfElectionTimeout, HostAndPort("node2", 12345), myOptime); LastVote lastVoteExpected = LastVote(replCoord->getTerm() + 1, 0); performSuccessfulTakeover(priorityTakeoverTime, TopologyCoordinator::StartElectionReason::kPriorityTakeover, lastVoteExpected); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, DontCallForPriorityTakeoverWhenLaggedSameSecond) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345" << "priority" << 2) << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); HostAndPort primaryHostAndPort("node2", 12345); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOpTime(Timestamp(100, 5000), 0); OpTime behindOpTime(Timestamp(100, 3999), 0); OpTime closeEnoughOpTime(Timestamp(100, 4000), 0); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(behindOpTime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(behindOpTime); // Make sure we're secondary and that no priority takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); // Mock a first round of heartbeat responses. now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, primaryHostAndPort, currentOpTime); // Make sure that the priority takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); auto priorityTakeoverTime = replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest().get(); assertValidPriorityTakeoverDelay(config, now, priorityTakeoverTime, 0); // At this point the other nodes are all ahead of the current node, so it can't call for // priority takeover. startCapturingLogMessages(); now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, priorityTakeoverTime, primaryHostAndPort, currentOpTime); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT(replCoord->getMemberState().secondary()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Not standing for election because member is not " "caught up enough to the most up-to-date member to " "call for priority takeover")); // Mock another round of heartbeat responses that occur after the previous // 'priorityTakeoverTime', which should schedule a new priority takeover Milliseconds heartbeatInterval = config.getHeartbeatInterval() / 4; now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil( config, now + heartbeatInterval, primaryHostAndPort, currentOpTime); // Make sure that a new priority takeover has been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); priorityTakeoverTime = replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest().get(); assertValidPriorityTakeoverDelay(config, now, priorityTakeoverTime, 0); // Now make us caught up enough to call for priority takeover to succeed. replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(closeEnoughOpTime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(closeEnoughOpTime); LastVote lastVoteExpected = LastVote(replCoord->getTerm() + 1, 0); performSuccessfulTakeover(priorityTakeoverTime, TopologyCoordinator::StartElectionReason::kPriorityTakeover, lastVoteExpected); } TEST_F(TakeoverTest, DontCallForPriorityTakeoverWhenLaggedDifferentSecond) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345" << "priority" << 2) << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); HostAndPort primaryHostAndPort("node2", 12345); auto replCoord = getReplCoord(); auto now = getNet()->now(); OperationContextNoop opCtx; OpTime currentOpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); OpTime behindOpTime(Timestamp(97, 1), 0); OpTime closeEnoughOpTime(Timestamp(98, 1), 0); replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(behindOpTime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(behindOpTime); // Make sure we're secondary and that no priority takeover has been scheduled. ASSERT_OK(replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, now, primaryHostAndPort, currentOpTime); // Make sure that the priority takeover has actually been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); auto priorityTakeoverTime = replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest().get(); assertValidPriorityTakeoverDelay(config, now, priorityTakeoverTime, 0); // At this point the other nodes are all ahead of the current node, so it can't call for // priority takeover. startCapturingLogMessages(); now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil(config, priorityTakeoverTime, primaryHostAndPort, currentOpTime); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT(replCoord->getMemberState().secondary()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Not standing for election because member is not " "caught up enough to the most up-to-date member to " "call for priority takeover")); // Mock another round of heartbeat responses that occur after the previous // 'priorityTakeoverTime', which should schedule a new priority takeover Milliseconds heartbeatInterval = config.getHeartbeatInterval() / 4; now = respondToHeartbeatsUntil( config, now + heartbeatInterval, primaryHostAndPort, currentOpTime); // Make sure that a new priority takeover has been scheduled and at the // correct time. ASSERT(replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest()); priorityTakeoverTime = replCoord->getPriorityTakeover_forTest().get(); assertValidPriorityTakeoverDelay(config, now, priorityTakeoverTime, 0); // Now make us caught up enough to call for priority takeover to succeed. replCoord->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(closeEnoughOpTime); replCoord->setMyLastDurableOpTime(closeEnoughOpTime); LastVote lastVoteExpected = LastVote(replCoord->getTerm() + 1, 0); performSuccessfulTakeover(priorityTakeoverTime, TopologyCoordinator::StartElectionReason::kPriorityTakeover, lastVoteExpected); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, NodeCancelsElectionUponReceivingANewConfigDuringDryRun) { // Start up and become electable. assertStartSuccess(BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 2 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345")) << "settings" << BSON("heartbeatIntervalMillis" << 100)), HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0)); simulateEnoughHeartbeatsForAllNodesUp(); // Advance to dry run vote request phase. NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); while (TopologyCoordinator::Role::kCandidate != getTopoCoord().getRole()) { net->runUntil(net->now() + Seconds(1)); if (!net->hasReadyRequests()) { continue; } auto noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); // Consume the heartbeat or black hole it. if (!consumeHeartbeatV1(noi)) { net->blackHole(noi); } } net->exitNetwork(); ASSERT(TopologyCoordinator::Role::kCandidate == getTopoCoord().getRole()); // Submit a reconfig and confirm it cancels the election. ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::ReplSetReconfigArgs config = { BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 4 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345"))), true}; BSONObjBuilder result; const auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->processReplSetReconfig(opCtx.get(), config, &result)); // Wait until election cancels. net->enterNetwork(); net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); net->exitNetwork(); ASSERT(TopologyCoordinator::Role::kFollower == getTopoCoord().getRole()); } TEST_F(ReplCoordTest, NodeCancelsElectionUponReceivingANewConfigDuringVotePhase) { // Start up and become electable. assertStartSuccess(BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 2 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345")) << "settings" << BSON("heartbeatIntervalMillis" << 100)), HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0)); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(OpTime(Timestamp(100, 1), 0)); simulateEnoughHeartbeatsForAllNodesUp(); simulateSuccessfulDryRun(); ASSERT(TopologyCoordinator::Role::kCandidate == getTopoCoord().getRole()); // Submit a reconfig and confirm it cancels the election. ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::ReplSetReconfigArgs config = { BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 4 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345"))), true}; BSONObjBuilder result; const auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->processReplSetReconfig(opCtx.get(), config, &result)); // Wait until election cancels. getNet()->enterNetwork(); getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations(); getNet()->exitNetwork(); ASSERT(TopologyCoordinator::Role::kFollower == getTopoCoord().getRole()); } class PrimaryCatchUpTest : public ReplCoordTest { protected: using NetworkOpIter = NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator; using NetworkRequestFn = stdx::function; const Timestamp smallTimestamp{1, 1}; executor::RemoteCommandResponse makeHeartbeatResponse(OpTime opTime) { ReplSetConfig rsConfig = getReplCoord()->getReplicaSetConfig_forTest(); ReplSetHeartbeatResponse hbResp; hbResp.setSetName(rsConfig.getReplSetName()); hbResp.setState(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY); hbResp.setConfigVersion(rsConfig.getConfigVersion()); hbResp.setAppliedOpTime(opTime); hbResp.setDurableOpTime(opTime); return makeResponseStatus(hbResp.toBSON(true)); } void simulateSuccessfulV1Voting() { ReplicationCoordinatorImpl* replCoord = getReplCoord(); NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); auto electionTimeoutWhen = replCoord->getElectionTimeout_forTest(); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(Date_t(), electionTimeoutWhen); log() << "Election timeout scheduled at " << electionTimeoutWhen << " (simulator time)"; ASSERT(replCoord->getMemberState().secondary()) << replCoord->getMemberState().toString(); // Process requests until we're primary but leave the heartbeats for the notification // of election win. Exit immediately on unexpected requests. while (!replCoord->getMemberState().primary()) { log() << "Waiting on network in state " << replCoord->getMemberState(); net->enterNetwork(); if (net->now() < electionTimeoutWhen) { net->runUntil(electionTimeoutWhen); } // Peek the next request, don't consume it yet. const NetworkOpIter noi = net->getFrontOfUnscheduledQueue(); const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target.toString() << " processing " << request.cmdObj; if (ReplSetHeartbeatArgsV1().initialize(request.cmdObj).isOK()) { OpTime opTime(Timestamp(), getReplCoord()->getTerm()); net->scheduleResponse( net->getNextReadyRequest(), net->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(opTime)); } else if (request.cmdObj.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() == "replSetRequestVotes") { net->scheduleResponse(net->getNextReadyRequest(), net->now(), makeResponseStatus(BSON("ok" << 1 << "reason" << "" << "term" << request.cmdObj["term"].Long() << "voteGranted" << true))); } else { // Stop the loop and let the caller handle unexpected requests. net->exitNetwork(); break; } net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); net->exitNetwork(); } } ReplSetConfig setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(OpTime opTime, long long timeout = 5000) { BSONObj configObj = BSON("_id" << "mySet" << "version" << 1 << "members" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("_id" << 1 << "host" << "node1:12345") << BSON("_id" << 2 << "host" << "node2:12345") << BSON("_id" << 3 << "host" << "node3:12345")) << "protocolVersion" << 1 << "settings" << BSON("heartbeatTimeoutSecs" << 1 << "catchUpTimeoutMillis" << timeout)); assertStartSuccess(configObj, HostAndPort("node1", 12345)); ReplSetConfig config = assertMakeRSConfig(configObj); getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(opTime); getReplCoord()->setMyLastDurableOpTime(opTime); ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_SECONDARY)); simulateSuccessfulV1Voting(); IsMasterResponse imResponse; getReplCoord()->fillIsMasterForReplSet(&imResponse, {}); ASSERT_FALSE(imResponse.isMaster()) << imResponse.toBSON().toString(); ASSERT_TRUE(imResponse.isSecondary()) << imResponse.toBSON().toString(); return config; } executor::RemoteCommandResponse makeFreshnessScanResponse(OpTime opTime) { // OpTime part of replSetGetStatus. return makeResponseStatus(BSON("optimes" << BSON("appliedOpTime" << opTime))); } void processHeartbeatRequests(NetworkRequestFn onHeartbeatRequest) { NetworkInterfaceMock* net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); while (net->hasReadyRequests()) { const NetworkInterfaceMock::NetworkOperationIterator noi = net->getNextReadyRequest(); const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target.toString() << " processing heartbeat " << request.cmdObj << " at " << net->now(); if (ReplSetHeartbeatArgsV1().initialize(request.cmdObj).isOK()) { onHeartbeatRequest(noi); } else { log() << "Black holing unexpected request to " << request.target << ": " << request.cmdObj; net->blackHole(noi); } net->runReadyNetworkOperations(); } net->exitNetwork(); } // Response heartbeats with opTime until the given time. Exit if it sees any other request. void replyHeartbeatsAndRunUntil(Date_t until, NetworkRequestFn onHeartbeatRequest) { auto net = getNet(); net->enterNetwork(); while (net->now() < until) { while (net->hasReadyRequests()) { // Peek the next request auto noi = net->getFrontOfUnscheduledQueue(); auto& request = noi->getRequest(); log() << request.target << " at " << net->now() << " processing " << request.cmdObj; if (ReplSetHeartbeatArgsV1().initialize(request.cmdObj).isOK()) { // Consume the next request onHeartbeatRequest(net->getNextReadyRequest()); } else { // Cannot consume other requests than heartbeats. net->exitNetwork(); return; } } net->runUntil(until); } net->exitNetwork(); } // Simulate the work done by bgsync and applier threads. setMyLastAppliedOpTime() will signal // the optime waiter. void advanceMyLastAppliedOpTime(OpTime opTime) { getReplCoord()->setMyLastAppliedOpTime(opTime); getNet()->enterNetwork(); getNet()->runReadyNetworkOperations(); getNet()->exitNetwork(); } }; // The first round of heartbeats indicates we are the most up-to-date. TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, PrimaryDoesNotNeedToCatchUp) { startCapturingLogMessages(); OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1); int count = 0; processHeartbeatRequests([this, time1, &count](const NetworkOpIter noi) { count++; auto net = getNet(); // The old primary accepted one more op and all nodes caught up after voting for me. net->scheduleResponse(noi, net->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time1)); }); // Get 2 heartbeats from secondaries. ASSERT_EQUALS(2, count); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQ(1, countLogLinesContaining("Caught up to the latest optime known via heartbeats")); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); signalDrainComplete(opCtx.get()); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } // Heartbeats set a future target OpTime and we reached that successfully. TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, CatchupSucceeds) { startCapturingLogMessages(); OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); OpTime time2(Timestamp(100, 2), 0); ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1); processHeartbeatRequests([this, time2](const NetworkOpIter noi) { auto net = getNet(); // The old primary accepted one more op and all nodes caught up after voting for me. net->scheduleResponse(noi, net->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time2)); }); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); advanceMyLastAppliedOpTime(time2); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Caught up to the latest known optime successfully")); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); signalDrainComplete(opCtx.get()); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, CatchupTimeout) { startCapturingLogMessages(); OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); OpTime time2(Timestamp(100, 2), 0); ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1); auto catchupTimeoutTime = getNet()->now() + config.getCatchUpTimeoutPeriod(); replyHeartbeatsAndRunUntil(catchupTimeoutTime, [this, time2](const NetworkOpIter noi) { // Other nodes are ahead of me. getNet()->scheduleResponse(noi, getNet()->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time2)); }); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Catchup timed out")); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); signalDrainComplete(opCtx.get()); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, CannotSeeAllNodes) { startCapturingLogMessages(); OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1); // We should get caught up by the timeout time. auto catchupTimeoutTime = getNet()->now() + config.getCatchUpTimeoutPeriod(); replyHeartbeatsAndRunUntil(catchupTimeoutTime, [this, time1](const NetworkOpIter noi) { const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); if (request.target.host() == "node2") { auto status = Status(ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable, "Can't reach remote host"); getNet()->scheduleResponse(noi, getNet()->now(), status); } else { getNet()->scheduleResponse(noi, getNet()->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time1)); } }); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQ(1, countLogLinesContaining("Caught up to the latest optime known via heartbeats")); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); signalDrainComplete(opCtx.get()); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, HeartbeatTimeout) { startCapturingLogMessages(); OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1); // We should get caught up by the timeout time. auto catchupTimeoutTime = getNet()->now() + config.getCatchUpTimeoutPeriod(); replyHeartbeatsAndRunUntil(catchupTimeoutTime, [this, time1](const NetworkOpIter noi) { const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); if (request.target.host() == "node2") { log() << "Black holing heartbeat from " << request.target.host(); getNet()->blackHole(noi); } else { getNet()->scheduleResponse(noi, getNet()->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time1)); } }); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQ(1, countLogLinesContaining("Caught up to the latest optime known via heartbeats")); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); signalDrainComplete(opCtx.get()); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, PrimaryStepsDownBeforeHeartbeatRefreshing) { startCapturingLogMessages(); OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); OpTime time2(Timestamp(100, 2), 0); ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1); // Step down immediately. ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); TopologyCoordinator::UpdateTermResult updateTermResult; auto evh = getReplCoord()->updateTerm_forTest(2, &updateTermResult); ASSERT_TRUE(evh.isValid()); getReplExec()->waitForEvent(evh); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->getMemberState().secondary()); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Exited primary catch-up mode")); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, countLogLinesContaining("Caught up to the latest")); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, countLogLinesContaining("Catchup timed out")); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_FALSE(getReplCoord()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, PrimaryStepsDownDuringCatchUp) { startCapturingLogMessages(); OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); OpTime time2(Timestamp(100, 2), 0); ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1); // Step down in the middle of catchup. auto abortTime = getNet()->now() + config.getCatchUpTimeoutPeriod() / 2; replyHeartbeatsAndRunUntil(abortTime, [this, time2](const NetworkOpIter noi) { // Other nodes are ahead of me. getNet()->scheduleResponse(noi, getNet()->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time2)); }); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); TopologyCoordinator::UpdateTermResult updateTermResult; auto evh = getReplCoord()->updateTerm_forTest(2, &updateTermResult); ASSERT_TRUE(evh.isValid()); getReplExec()->waitForEvent(evh); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->getMemberState().secondary()); // replyHeartbeatsAndRunUntil(getNet()->now() + config.getCatchUpTimeoutPeriod()); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Exited primary catch-up mode")); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, countLogLinesContaining("Caught up to the latest")); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, countLogLinesContaining("Catchup timed out")); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_FALSE(getReplCoord()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, PrimaryStepsDownDuringDrainMode) { startCapturingLogMessages(); OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); OpTime time2(Timestamp(100, 2), 0); ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1); processHeartbeatRequests([this, time2](const NetworkOpIter noi) { auto net = getNet(); // The old primary accepted one more op and all nodes caught up after voting for me. net->scheduleResponse(noi, net->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time2)); }); ReplicationCoordinatorImpl* replCoord = getReplCoord(); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); advanceMyLastAppliedOpTime(time2); ASSERT(replCoord->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Caught up to the latest")); // Step down during drain mode. TopologyCoordinator::UpdateTermResult updateTermResult; auto evh = replCoord->updateTerm_forTest(2, &updateTermResult); ASSERT_TRUE(evh.isValid()); getReplExec()->waitForEvent(evh); ASSERT_TRUE(replCoord->getMemberState().secondary()); // Step up again ASSERT(replCoord->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); simulateSuccessfulV1Voting(); ASSERT_TRUE(replCoord->getMemberState().primary()); // No need to catch up, so we enter drain mode. processHeartbeatRequests([this, time2](const NetworkOpIter noi) { auto net = getNet(); net->scheduleResponse(noi, net->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time2)); }); ASSERT(replCoord->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); { Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_FALSE(replCoord->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } signalDrainComplete(opCtx.get()); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT(replCoord->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Stopped); ASSERT_TRUE(replCoord->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, FreshestNodeBecomesAvailableLater) { OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); OpTime time2(Timestamp(200, 1), 0); OpTime time3(Timestamp(300, 1), 0); OpTime time4(Timestamp(400, 1), 0); // 1) The primary is at time 1 at the beginning. ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1); // 2) It cannot see all nodes. It learns of time 3 from one node, but the other isn't available. // So the target optime is time 3. startCapturingLogMessages(); auto oneThirdOfTimeout = getNet()->now() + config.getCatchUpTimeoutPeriod() / 3; replyHeartbeatsAndRunUntil(oneThirdOfTimeout, [this, time3](const NetworkOpIter noi) { const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); if (request.target.host() == "node2") { auto status = Status(ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable, "Can't reach remote host"); getNet()->scheduleResponse(noi, getNet()->now(), status); } else { getNet()->scheduleResponse(noi, getNet()->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time3)); } }); // The node is still in catchup mode, but the target optime has been set. ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQ(1, countLogLinesContaining("Heartbeats updated catchup target optime")); // 3) Advancing its applied optime to time 2 isn't enough. advanceMyLastAppliedOpTime(time2); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); // 4) After a while, the other node at time 4 becomes available. Time 4 becomes the new target. startCapturingLogMessages(); auto twoThirdsOfTimeout = getNet()->now() + config.getCatchUpTimeoutPeriod() * 2 / 3; replyHeartbeatsAndRunUntil(twoThirdsOfTimeout, [this, time3, time4](const NetworkOpIter noi) { const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); if (request.target.host() == "node2") { getNet()->scheduleResponse(noi, getNet()->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time4)); } else { getNet()->scheduleResponse(noi, getNet()->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time3)); } }); // The node is still in catchup mode, but the target optime has been updated. ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQ(1, countLogLinesContaining("Heartbeats updated catchup target optime")); // 5) Advancing to time 3 isn't enough now. advanceMyLastAppliedOpTime(time3); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); // 6) The node catches up time 4 eventually. startCapturingLogMessages(); advanceMyLastAppliedOpTime(time4); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQ(1, countLogLinesContaining("Caught up to the latest")); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); signalDrainComplete(opCtx.get()); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, InfiniteTimeoutAndAbort) { startCapturingLogMessages(); OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); OpTime time2(Timestamp(100, 2), 0); auto infiniteTimeout = ReplSetConfig::kInfiniteCatchUpTimeout.count(); ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1, infiniteTimeout); // Run time far forward and ensure we are still in catchup mode. // This is an arbitrary time 'far' into the future. auto later = getNet()->now() + config.getElectionTimeoutPeriod() * 10; replyHeartbeatsAndRunUntil(later, [this, &config, time2](const NetworkOpIter noi) { // Other nodes are ahead of me. getNet()->scheduleResponse(noi, getNet()->now(), makeHeartbeatResponse(time2)); // Simulate the heartbeats from secondaries to primary to update liveness info. // TODO(sz): Remove this after merging liveness info and heartbeats. const RemoteCommandRequest& request = noi->getRequest(); ReplSetHeartbeatArgsV1 hbArgs; hbArgs.setConfigVersion(config.getConfigVersion()); hbArgs.setSetName(config.getReplSetName()); hbArgs.setSenderHost(request.target); hbArgs.setSenderId(config.findMemberByHostAndPort(request.target)->getId()); hbArgs.setTerm(getReplCoord()->getTerm()); ASSERT(hbArgs.isInitialized()); ReplSetHeartbeatResponse response; ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->processHeartbeatV1(hbArgs, &response)); }); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->getMemberState().primary()); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Running); // Simulate a user initiated abort. ASSERT_OK(getReplCoord()->abortCatchupIfNeeded()); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Exited primary catch-up mode")); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, countLogLinesContaining("Caught up to the latest")); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, countLogLinesContaining("Catchup timed out")); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); signalDrainComplete(opCtx.get()); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } TEST_F(PrimaryCatchUpTest, ZeroTimeout) { startCapturingLogMessages(); OpTime time1(Timestamp(100, 1), 0); ReplSetConfig config = setUp3NodeReplSetAndRunForElection(time1, 0); ASSERT(getReplCoord()->getApplierState() == ApplierState::Draining); stopCapturingLogMessages(); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, countLogLinesContaining("Skipping primary catchup")); auto opCtx = makeOperationContext(); signalDrainComplete(opCtx.get()); Lock::GlobalLock lock(opCtx.get(), MODE_IX, UINT_MAX); ASSERT_TRUE(getReplCoord()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx.get(), "test")); } } // namespace } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo