/** * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kReplicationRollback #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/rs_rollback.h" #include #include #include "mongo/bson/bsonelement_comparator.h" #include "mongo/bson/util/bson_extract.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_manager.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_manager_global.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_catalog_entry.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/database_holder.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/document_validation.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/index_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/rename_collection.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/uuid_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/commands.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/write_conflict_exception.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/dbhelpers.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/working_set_common.h" #include "mongo/db/logical_session_id.h" #include "mongo/db/logical_time_validator.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/delete.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/update.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/update_lifecycle_impl.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/update_request.h" #include "mongo/db/query/internal_plans.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/bgsync.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/drop_pending_collection_reaper.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_process.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/roll_back_local_operations.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/rollback_source.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/rslog.h" #include "mongo/db/s/shard_identity_rollback_notifier.h" #include "mongo/db/session_catalog.h" #include "mongo/util/exit.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point_service.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" namespace mongo { using std::shared_ptr; using std::unique_ptr; using std::list; using std::map; using std::set; using std::string; using std::pair; namespace repl { using namespace rollback_internal; bool DocID::operator<(const DocID& other) const { int comp = uuid.toString().compare(other.uuid.toString()); if (comp < 0) return true; if (comp > 0) return false; const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator = nullptr; BSONElementComparator eltCmp(BSONElementComparator::FieldNamesMode::kIgnore, stringComparator); return eltCmp.evaluate(_id < other._id); } bool DocID::operator==(const DocID& other) const { // Since this is only used for tests, going with the simple impl that reuses operator< which is // used in the real code. return !(*this < other || other < *this); } void FixUpInfo::removeAllDocsToRefetchFor(UUID collectionUUID) { docsToRefetch.erase(docsToRefetch.lower_bound(DocID::minFor(collectionUUID)), docsToRefetch.upper_bound(DocID::maxFor(collectionUUID))); } void FixUpInfo::removeRedundantOperations() { for (const auto& collectionUUID : collectionsToDrop) { removeAllDocsToRefetchFor(collectionUUID); indexesToDrop.erase(collectionUUID); indexesToCreate.erase(collectionUUID); collectionsToRename.erase(collectionUUID); collectionsToResyncMetadata.erase(collectionUUID); } } bool FixUpInfo::removeRedundantIndexCommands(UUID uuid, std::string indexName) { LOG(2) << "Attempting to remove redundant index operations from the set of indexes to create " "for collection " << uuid << ", for index '" << indexName << "'"; // See if there are any indexes to create for this collection. auto indexes = indexesToCreate.find(uuid); // There are no indexes to create for this collection UUID, so there are no index creation // operations to remove. if (indexes == indexesToCreate.end()) { LOG(2) << "Collection " << uuid << " has no indexes to create. Not removing any index creation operations for index '" << indexName << "'."; return false; } // This is the set of all indexes to create for the given collection UUID. Keep a reference so // we can modify the original object. std::map* indexesToCreateForColl = &(indexes->second); // If this index was not previously added to the set of indexes that need to be created for this // collection, then we do nothing. if (indexesToCreateForColl->find(indexName) == indexesToCreateForColl->end()) { LOG(2) << "Index '" << indexName << "' was not previously set to be created for collection " << uuid << ". Not removing any index creation operations."; return false; } // This index was previously added to the set of indexes to create for this collection, so we // remove it from that set. LOG(2) << "Index '" << indexName << "' was previously set to be created for collection " << uuid << ". Removing this redundant index creation operation."; indexesToCreateForColl->erase(indexName); // If there are now no remaining indexes to create for this collection, remove it from // the set of collections that we need to create indexes for. if (indexesToCreateForColl->empty()) { indexesToCreate.erase(uuid); } return true; } void FixUpInfo::recordRollingBackDrop(const NamespaceString& nss, OpTime opTime, UUID uuid) { // Records the collection that needs to be removed from the drop-pending collections // list in the DropPendingCollectionReaper. collectionsToRemoveFromDropPendingCollections.emplace(uuid, std::make_pair(opTime, nss)); // Records the collection drop as a rename from the drop pending // namespace to its namespace before it was dropped. RenameCollectionInfo info; info.renameTo = nss; info.renameFrom = nss.makeDropPendingNamespace(opTime); // We do not need to check if there is already an entry in collectionsToRename // for this collection because it is not possible that a renameCollection occurs // on the same collection after it has been dropped. Thus, we know that this // will be the first RenameCollectionInfo entry for this collection and do not // need to change the renameFrom entry to account for multiple renames. collectionsToRename[uuid] = info; } Status FixUpInfo::recordDropTargetInfo(const BSONElement& dropTarget, const BSONObj& obj, OpTime opTime) { StatusWith dropTargetUUIDStatus = UUID::parse(dropTarget); if (!dropTargetUUIDStatus.isOK()) { std::string message = str::stream() << "Unable to roll back renameCollection. Cannot parse " "dropTarget UUID. Returned status: " << redact(dropTargetUUIDStatus.getStatus()) << ", oplog entry: " << redact(obj); error() << message; return dropTargetUUIDStatus.getStatus(); } UUID dropTargetUUID = dropTargetUUIDStatus.getValue(); // The namespace of the collection that was dropped is the same namespace // that we are trying to rename the collection to. NamespaceString droppedNs(obj.getStringField("to")); // Records the information necessary for undoing the dropTarget. recordRollingBackDrop(droppedNs, opTime, dropTargetUUID); return Status::OK(); } Status rollback_internal::updateFixUpInfoFromLocalOplogEntry(FixUpInfo& fixUpInfo, const BSONObj& ourObj, bool isNestedApplyOpsCommand) { // Checks that the oplog entry is smaller than 512 MB. We do not roll back if the // oplog entry is larger than 512 MB. if (ourObj.objsize() > 512 * 1024 * 1024) throw RSFatalException(str::stream() << "Rollback too large, oplog size: " << ourObj.objsize()); // If required fields are not present in the BSONObj for an applyOps entry, create these fields // and populate them with dummy values before parsing ourObj as an oplog entry. BSONObjBuilder bob; if (isNestedApplyOpsCommand) { if (!ourObj.hasField("ts")) { bob.appendTimestamp("ts"); } if (!ourObj.hasField("h")) { long long dummyHash = 0; bob.append("h", dummyHash); } } bob.appendElements(ourObj); BSONObj fixedObj = bob.obj(); // Parse the oplog entry. const OplogEntry oplogEntry(fixedObj); if (isNestedApplyOpsCommand) { LOG(2) << "Updating rollback FixUpInfo for nested applyOps oplog entry: " << redact(oplogEntry.toBSON()); } // Extract the op's collection namespace and UUID. NamespaceString nss = oplogEntry.getNamespace(); auto uuid = oplogEntry.getUuid(); if (oplogEntry.getOpType() == OpTypeEnum::kNoop) return Status::OK(); if (oplogEntry.getNamespace().isEmpty()) { throw RSFatalException(str::stream() << "Local op on rollback has no ns: " << redact(oplogEntry.toBSON())); } auto obj = oplogEntry.getOperationToApply(); if (obj.isEmpty()) { throw RSFatalException(str::stream() << "Local op on rollback has no object field: " << redact(oplogEntry.toBSON())); } // If the operation being rolled back has a txnNumber, then the corresponding entry in the // session transaction table needs to be refetched. const auto& operationSessionInfo = oplogEntry.getOperationSessionInfo(); auto txnNumber = operationSessionInfo.getTxnNumber(); if (txnNumber) { auto sessionId = operationSessionInfo.getSessionId(); invariant(sessionId); invariant(oplogEntry.getStatementId()); auto transactionTableUUID = fixUpInfo.transactionTableUUID; if (transactionTableUUID) { BSONObjBuilder txnBob; txnBob.append("_id", sessionId->toBSON()); auto txnObj = txnBob.obj(); DocID txnDoc(txnObj, txnObj.firstElement(), transactionTableUUID.get()); txnDoc.ns = NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns(); fixUpInfo.docsToRefetch.insert(txnDoc); fixUpInfo.refetchTransactionDocs = true; } else { throw RSFatalException( str::stream() << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns() << " does not have a UUID, but local op has a transaction number: " << redact(oplogEntry.toBSON())); } } if (oplogEntry.getOpType() == OpTypeEnum::kCommand) { // The first element of the object is the name of the command // and the collection it is acting on, e.x. {renameCollection: "test.x"}. BSONElement first = obj.firstElement(); switch (oplogEntry.getCommandType()) { case OplogEntry::CommandType::kCreate: { // Example create collection oplog entry // { // ts: ..., // h: ..., // op: "c", // ns: "foo.$cmd", // ui: BinData(...), // o: { // create: "abc", ... // } // ... // } fixUpInfo.collectionsToDrop.insert(*uuid); return Status::OK(); } case OplogEntry::CommandType::kDrop: { // Example drop collection oplog entry // { // ts: ..., // h: ..., // op: "c", // ns: "foo.$cmd", // ui: BinData(...), // o: { // drop: "abc" // } // ... // } NamespaceString collectionNamespace(nss.getSisterNS(first.valuestr())); // Registers the collection to be removed from the drop pending collection // reaper and to be renamed from its drop pending namespace to original namespace. fixUpInfo.recordRollingBackDrop(collectionNamespace, oplogEntry.getOpTime(), *uuid); return Status::OK(); } case OplogEntry::CommandType::kDropIndexes: { // Example drop indexes objects // o: { // dropIndexes: "x", // index: "x_1" // } // o2:{ // v: 2, // key: { x: 1 }, // name: "x_1", // ns: "foo.x" // } string ns = nss.db().toString() + '.' + first.valuestr(); string indexName; auto status = bsonExtractStringField(obj, "index", &indexName); if (!status.isOK()) { severe() << "Missing index name in dropIndexes operation on rollback, document: " << redact(oplogEntry.toBSON()); throw RSFatalException( "Missing index name in dropIndexes operation on rollback."); } BSONObj obj2 = oplogEntry.getObject2().get().getOwned(); // Inserts the index name and the index spec of the index to be created into the map // of index name and index specs that need to be created for the given collection. fixUpInfo.indexesToCreate[*uuid].insert( std::pair(indexName, obj2)); return Status::OK(); } case OplogEntry::CommandType::kCreateIndexes: { // Example create indexes obj // o:{ // createIndex: x, // v: 2, // key: { x: 1 }, // name: "x_1", // } string indexName; auto status = bsonExtractStringField(obj, "name", &indexName); if (!status.isOK()) { severe() << "Missing index name in createIndexes operation on rollback, document: " << redact(oplogEntry.toBSON()); throw RSFatalException( "Missing index name in createIndexes operation on rollback."); } // Checks if a drop was previously done on this index. If so, we remove it from the // indexesToCreate because a dropIndex and createIndex operation on the same // collection for the same index cancel each other out. We do not record the // createIndexes command in the fixUpInfo struct since applying both of these // commands will lead to the same final state as not applying either of the // commands. We only cancel out in the direction of [create] -> [drop] indexes // because it is possible that in the [drop] -> [create] direction, when we create // an index with the same name it may have a different index spec from that index // that was previously dropped. if (fixUpInfo.removeRedundantIndexCommands(*uuid, indexName)) { return Status::OK(); } // Inserts the index name to be dropped into the set of indexes that // need to be dropped for the collection. fixUpInfo.indexesToDrop[*uuid].insert(indexName); return Status::OK(); } case OplogEntry::CommandType::kRenameCollection: { // Example rename collection obj // o:{ // renameCollection: "foo.x", // to: "foo.y", // stayTemp: false, // dropTarget: BinData(...), // } // dropTarget will be false if no collection is dropped during the rename. // The ui field will contain the UUID of the new collection that is created. BSONObj cmd = obj; std::string ns = first.valuestrsafe(); if (ns.empty()) { std::string message = str::stream() << "Collection name missing from oplog entry: " << redact(obj); log() << message; return Status(ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError, message); } // Checks if dropTarget is present. If it has a UUID value, we need to // make sure to un-drop the collection that was dropped in the process // of renaming. if (auto dropTarget = obj.getField("dropTarget")) { auto status = fixUpInfo.recordDropTargetInfo(dropTarget, obj, oplogEntry.getOpTime()); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } } RenameCollectionInfo info; info.renameTo = NamespaceString(ns); info.renameFrom = NamespaceString(obj.getStringField("to")); // Checks if this collection has been renamed before within the same database. // If it has been, update the renameFrom field of the RenameCollectionInfo // that we will use to create the oplog entry necessary to rename the // collection back to its original state. auto collToRename = fixUpInfo.collectionsToRename.find(*uuid); if (collToRename != fixUpInfo.collectionsToRename.end()) { info.renameFrom = (*collToRename).second.renameFrom; } fixUpInfo.collectionsToRename[*uuid] = info; // Because of the stayTemp field, we add any collections that have been renamed // to collectionsToResyncMetadata to ensure that the collection is properly set // as either a temporary or permanent collection. fixUpInfo.collectionsToResyncMetadata.insert(*uuid); return Status::OK(); } case OplogEntry::CommandType::kDropDatabase: { // Example drop database oplog entry // { // ts: ..., // h: ..., // op: "c", // ns: "foo.$cmd", // o:{ // "dropDatabase": 1 // } // ... // } // Since we wait for all internal collection drops to be committed before recording // a 'dropDatabase' oplog entry, this will always create an empty database. // Creating an empty database doesn't mean anything, so we do nothing. return Status::OK(); } case OplogEntry::CommandType::kCollMod: { for (auto field : obj) { // Example collMod obj // o:{ // collMod : "x", // validationLevel : "off", // index: { // name: "indexName_1", // expireAfterSeconds: 600 // } // } const auto modification = field.fieldNameStringData(); if (modification == "collMod") { continue; // Skips the command name. The first field in the obj will be the // command name. } if (modification == "validator" || modification == "validationAction" || modification == "validationLevel" || modification == "usePowerOf2Sizes" || modification == "noPadding") { fixUpInfo.collectionsToResyncMetadata.insert(*uuid); continue; } // Some collMod fields cannot be rolled back, such as the index field. string message = "Cannot roll back a collMod command: "; severe() << message << redact(obj); throw RSFatalException(message); } return Status::OK(); } case OplogEntry::CommandType::kApplyOps: { // Example Apply Ops oplog entry //{ // op : "c", // ns : admin.$cmd, // o : { // applyOps : [ { // op : "u", // must be idempotent! // ns : "test.x", // ui : BinData(...), // o2 : { // _id : 1 // }, // o : { // _id : 2 // } // }] // } // } if (first.type() != Array) { std::string message = str::stream() << "Expected applyOps argument to be an array; found " << redact(first); severe() << message; return Status(ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError, message); } for (const auto& subopElement : first.Array()) { if (subopElement.type() != Object) { std::string message = str::stream() << "Expected applyOps operations to be of Object type, but found " << redact(subopElement); severe() << message; return Status(ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError, message); } // In applyOps, the object contains an array of different oplog entries, we call // updateFixUpInfoFromLocalOplogEntry here in order to record the information // needed for rollback that is contained within the applyOps, creating a nested // call. auto subStatus = updateFixUpInfoFromLocalOplogEntry(fixUpInfo, subopElement.Obj(), true); if (!subStatus.isOK()) { return subStatus; } } return Status::OK(); } default: { std::string message = str::stream() << "Can't roll back this command yet: " << " cmdname = " << first.fieldName(); severe() << message << " document: " << redact(obj); throw RSFatalException(message); } } } // If we are inserting/updating/deleting a document in the oplog entry, we will update // the doc._id field when we actually insert the docID into the docsToRefetch set. DocID doc = DocID(fixedObj, BSONElement(), *uuid); doc._id = oplogEntry.getIdElement(); if (doc._id.eoo()) { std::string message = str::stream() << "Cannot roll back op with no _id. ns: " << nss.ns(); severe() << message << ", document: " << redact(oplogEntry.toBSON()); throw RSFatalException(message); } fixUpInfo.docsToRefetch.insert(doc); return Status::OK(); } namespace { /** * This must be called before making any changes to our local data and after fetching any * information from the upstream node. If any information is fetched from the upstream node after we * have written locally, the function must be called again. */ void checkRbidAndUpdateMinValid(OperationContext* opCtx, const int rbid, const RollbackSource& rollbackSource, ReplicationProcess* replicationProcess) { // It is important that the steps are performed in order to avoid racing with upstream // rollbacks. // 1. Gets the last doc in their oplog. // 2. Gets their RBID and fail if it has changed. // 3. Sets our minValid to the previously fetched OpTime of the top of their oplog. const auto newMinValidDoc = rollbackSource.getLastOperation(); if (newMinValidDoc.isEmpty()) { uasserted(40500, "rollback error newest oplog entry on source is missing or empty"); } if (rbid != rollbackSource.getRollbackId()) { // Our source rolled back so the data we received is not necessarily consistent. uasserted(40508, "rollback rbid on source changed during rollback, canceling this attempt"); } // We have items we are writing that aren't from a point-in-time. Thus, it is best not to come // online until we get to that point in freshness. In other words, we do not transition from // RECOVERING state to SECONDARY state until we have reached the minValid oplog entry. OpTime minValid = fassert(40492, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(newMinValidDoc)); log() << "Setting minvalid to " << minValid; // This method is only used with storage engines that do not support recover to stable // timestamp. As a result, the timestamp on the 'appliedThrough' update does not matter. invariant(!opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine()->supportsRecoverToStableTimestamp()); replicationProcess->getConsistencyMarkers()->clearAppliedThrough(opCtx, {}); replicationProcess->getConsistencyMarkers()->setMinValid(opCtx, minValid); if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rollbackHangThenFailAfterWritingMinValid)) { // This log output is used in jstests so please leave it. log() << "rollback - rollbackHangThenFailAfterWritingMinValid fail point " "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled."; while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rollbackHangThenFailAfterWritingMinValid)) { invariant(!globalInShutdownDeprecated()); // It is an error to shutdown while enabled. mongo::sleepsecs(1); } uasserted(40502, "failing rollback due to rollbackHangThenFailAfterWritingMinValid fail point"); } } /** * Drops an index from the collection based on its name by removing it from the indexCatalog of the * collection. */ void dropIndex(OperationContext* opCtx, IndexCatalog* indexCatalog, const string& indexName, NamespaceString& nss) { bool includeUnfinishedIndexes = false; auto indexDescriptor = indexCatalog->findIndexByName(opCtx, indexName, includeUnfinishedIndexes); if (!indexDescriptor) { warning() << "Rollback failed to drop index " << indexName << " in " << nss.toString() << ": index not found."; return; } WriteUnitOfWork wunit(opCtx); auto status = indexCatalog->dropIndex(opCtx, indexDescriptor); if (!status.isOK()) { severe() << "Rollback failed to drop index " << indexName << " in " << nss.toString() << ": " << redact(status); } wunit.commit(); } /** * Rolls back all createIndexes operations for the collection by dropping the * created indexes. */ void rollbackCreateIndexes(OperationContext* opCtx, UUID uuid, std::set indexNames) { NamespaceString nss = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx).lookupNSSByUUID(uuid); Lock::DBLock dbLock(opCtx, nss.db(), MODE_X); Collection* collection = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx).lookupCollectionByUUID(uuid); // If we cannot find the collection, we skip over dropping the index. if (!collection) { LOG(2) << "Cannot find the collection with uuid: " << uuid.toString() << " in UUID catalog during roll back of a createIndexes command."; return; } // If we cannot find the index catalog, we skip over dropping the index. auto indexCatalog = collection->getIndexCatalog(); if (!indexCatalog) { LOG(2) << "Cannot find the index catalog in collection with uuid: " << uuid.toString() << " during roll back of a createIndexes command."; return; } for (auto itIndex = indexNames.begin(); itIndex != indexNames.end(); itIndex++) { const string& indexName = *itIndex; log() << "Dropping index in rollback for collection: " << nss << ", UUID: " << uuid << ", index: " << indexName; dropIndex(opCtx, indexCatalog, indexName, nss); LOG(1) << "Dropped index in rollback for collection: " << nss << ", UUID: " << uuid << ", index: " << indexName; } } /** * Rolls back all the dropIndexes operations for the collection by re-creating * the indexes that were dropped. */ void rollbackDropIndexes(OperationContext* opCtx, UUID uuid, std::map indexNames) { NamespaceString nss = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx).lookupNSSByUUID(uuid); Lock::DBLock dbLock(opCtx, nss.db(), MODE_X); Collection* collection = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx).lookupCollectionByUUID(uuid); // If we cannot find the collection, we skip over dropping the index. if (!collection) { LOG(2) << "Cannot find the collection with uuid: " << uuid.toString() << "in UUID catalog during roll back of a dropIndexes command."; return; } for (auto itIndex = indexNames.begin(); itIndex != indexNames.end(); itIndex++) { const string indexName = itIndex->first; BSONObj indexSpec = itIndex->second; // We replace the namespace field because it is possible that a // renameCollection command has occurred, changing the namespace of the // collection from what it initially was during the creation of this index. BSONObjBuilder updatedNss; updatedNss.append("ns", nss.ns()); BSONObj updatedNssObj = updatedNss.obj(); indexSpec = indexSpec.addField(updatedNssObj.firstElement()); log() << "Creating index in rollback for collection: " << nss << ", UUID: " << uuid << ", index: " << indexName; createIndexForApplyOps(opCtx, indexSpec, nss, {}, OplogApplication::Mode::kRecovering); LOG(1) << "Created index in rollback for collection: " << nss << ", UUID: " << uuid << ", index: " << indexName; } } /** * Drops the given collection from the database. */ void dropCollection(OperationContext* opCtx, NamespaceString nss, Collection* collection, Database* db) { if (RollbackImpl::shouldCreateDataFiles()) { Helpers::RemoveSaver removeSaver("rollback", "", nss.ns()); // Performs a collection scan and writes all documents in the collection to disk // in order to keep an archive of items that were rolled back. auto exec = InternalPlanner::collectionScan( opCtx, nss.toString(), collection, PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO); BSONObj curObj; PlanExecutor::ExecState execState; while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (execState = exec->getNext(&curObj, NULL))) { auto status = removeSaver.goingToDelete(curObj); if (!status.isOK()) { severe() << "Rolling back createCollection on " << nss << " failed to write document to remove saver file: " << redact(status); throw RSFatalException( "Rolling back createCollection. Failed to write document to remove saver " "file."); } } // If we exited the above for loop with any other execState than IS_EOF, this means that // a FAILURE or DEAD state was returned. If a DEAD state occurred, the collection or // database that we are attempting to save may no longer be valid. If a FAILURE state // was returned, either an unrecoverable error was thrown by exec, or we attempted to // retrieve data that could not be provided by the PlanExecutor. In both of these cases // it is necessary for a full resync of the server. if (execState != PlanExecutor::IS_EOF) { if (execState == PlanExecutor::FAILURE && WorkingSetCommon::isValidStatusMemberObject(curObj)) { Status errorStatus = WorkingSetCommon::getMemberObjectStatus(curObj); severe() << "Rolling back createCollection on " << nss << " failed with " << redact(errorStatus) << ". A full resync is necessary."; throw RSFatalException( "Rolling back createCollection failed. A full resync is necessary."); } else { severe() << "Rolling back createCollection on " << nss << " failed. A full resync is necessary."; throw RSFatalException( "Rolling back createCollection failed. A full resync is necessary."); } } } WriteUnitOfWork wunit(opCtx); // We permanently drop the collection rather than 2-phase drop the collection // here. By not passing in an opTime to dropCollectionEvenIfSystem() the collection // is immediately dropped. fassert(40504, db->dropCollectionEvenIfSystem(opCtx, nss)); wunit.commit(); } /** * Renames a collection out of the way when another collection during rollback * is attempting to use the same namespace. */ void renameOutOfTheWay(OperationContext* opCtx, RenameCollectionInfo info, Database* db) { // Finds the UUID of the collection that we are renaming out of the way. auto collection = db->getCollection(opCtx, info.renameTo); invariant(collection); // Creates the oplog entry to temporarily rename the collection that is // preventing the renameCollection command from rolling back to a unique // namespace. auto tmpNameResult = db->makeUniqueCollectionNamespace(opCtx, "rollback.tmp%%%%%"); if (!tmpNameResult.isOK()) { severe() << "Unable to generate temporary namespace to rename collection " << info.renameTo << " out of the way. " << tmpNameResult.getStatus().reason(); throw RSFatalException( "Unable to generate temporary namespace to rename collection out of the way."); } const auto& tempNss = tmpNameResult.getValue(); LOG(2) << "Attempted to rename collection from " << info.renameFrom << " to " << info.renameTo << " but " << info.renameTo << " exists already. Temporarily renaming collection " << info.renameTo << " with UUID " << collection->uuid().get() << " out of the way to " << tempNss; // Renaming the collection that was clashing with the attempted rename // operation to a different collection name. auto uuid = collection->uuid().get(); auto renameStatus = renameCollectionForRollback(opCtx, tempNss, uuid); if (!renameStatus.isOK()) { severe() << "Unable to rename collection " << info.renameTo << " out of the way to " << tempNss; throw RSFatalException("Unable to rename collection out of the way"); } } /** * Rolls back a renameCollection operation on the given collection. */ void rollbackRenameCollection(OperationContext* opCtx, UUID uuid, RenameCollectionInfo info) { auto dbName = info.renameFrom.db(); log() << "Attempting to rename collection with UUID: " << uuid << ", from: " << info.renameFrom << ", to: " << info.renameTo; Lock::DBLock dbLock(opCtx, dbName, MODE_X); auto db = DatabaseHolder::getDatabaseHolder().openDb(opCtx, dbName); invariant(db); auto status = renameCollectionForRollback(opCtx, info.renameTo, uuid); // If we try to roll back a collection to a collection name that currently exists // because another collection was renamed or created with the same collection name, // we temporarily rename the conflicting collection. if (status == ErrorCodes::NamespaceExists) { renameOutOfTheWay(opCtx, info, db); // Retrying to renameCollection command again now that the conflicting // collection has been renamed out of the way. status = renameCollectionForRollback(opCtx, info.renameTo, uuid); if (!status.isOK()) { severe() << "Rename collection failed to roll back twice. We were unable to rename " << "collection " << info.renameFrom << " to " << info.renameTo << ". " << status.toString(); throw RSFatalException( "Rename collection failed to roll back twice. We were unable to rename " "the collection."); } } else if (!status.isOK()) { severe() << "Unable to roll back renameCollection command: " << status.toString(); throw RSFatalException("Unable to rollback renameCollection command"); } LOG(1) << "Renamed collection with UUID: " << uuid << ", from: " << info.renameFrom << ", to: " << info.renameTo; } Status _syncRollback(OperationContext* opCtx, const OplogInterface& localOplog, const RollbackSource& rollbackSource, int requiredRBID, ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord, ReplicationProcess* replicationProcess) { invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); FixUpInfo how; log() << "Starting rollback. Sync source: " << rollbackSource.getSource() << rsLog; how.rbid = rollbackSource.getRollbackId(); uassert( 40506, "Upstream node rolled back. Need to retry our rollback.", how.rbid == requiredRBID); // Find the UUID of the transactions collection. An OperationContext is required because the // UUID is not known at compile time, so the SessionCatalog needs to load the collection. how.transactionTableUUID = SessionCatalog::getTransactionTableUUID(opCtx); log() << "Finding the Common Point"; try { auto processOperationForFixUp = [&how](const BSONObj& operation) { return updateFixUpInfoFromLocalOplogEntry(how, operation, false); }; // Calls syncRollBackLocalOperations to run updateFixUpInfoFromLocalOplogEntry // on each oplog entry up until the common point. auto res = syncRollBackLocalOperations( localOplog, rollbackSource.getOplog(), processOperationForFixUp); if (!res.isOK()) { const auto status = res.getStatus(); switch (status.code()) { case ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing: case ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError: return status; default: throw RSFatalException(status.toString()); } } how.commonPoint = res.getValue().getOpTime(); how.commonPointOurDiskloc = res.getValue().getRecordId(); how.removeRedundantOperations(); } catch (const RSFatalException& e) { return Status(ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError, str::stream() << "need to rollback, but unable to determine common point between" " local and remote oplog: " << e.what()); } OpTime commonPoint = how.commonPoint; OpTime lastCommittedOpTime = replCoord->getLastCommittedOpTime(); OpTime committedSnapshot = replCoord->getCurrentCommittedSnapshotOpTime(); log() << "Rollback common point is " << commonPoint; // Rollback common point should be >= the replication commit point. invariant(commonPoint.getTimestamp() >= lastCommittedOpTime.getTimestamp()); invariant(commonPoint >= lastCommittedOpTime); // Rollback common point should be >= the committed snapshot optime. invariant(commonPoint.getTimestamp() >= committedSnapshot.getTimestamp()); invariant(commonPoint >= committedSnapshot); try { ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { auto status = replicationProcess->incrementRollbackID(opCtx); fassert(40497, status); }); syncFixUp(opCtx, how, rollbackSource, replCoord, replicationProcess); } catch (const RSFatalException& e) { return Status(ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError, e.what()); } if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rollbackHangBeforeFinish)) { // This log output is used in js tests so please leave it. log() << "rollback - rollbackHangBeforeFinish fail point " "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled."; while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rollbackHangBeforeFinish)) { invariant(!globalInShutdownDeprecated()); // It is an error to shutdown while enabled. mongo::sleepsecs(1); } } return Status::OK(); } } // namespace void rollback_internal::syncFixUp(OperationContext* opCtx, const FixUpInfo& fixUpInfo, const RollbackSource& rollbackSource, ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord, ReplicationProcess* replicationProcess) { unsigned long long totalSize = 0; // UUID -> doc id -> doc stdx::unordered_map, UUID::Hash> goodVersions; auto& catalog = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx); // Fetches all the goodVersions of each document from the current sync source. unsigned long long numFetched = 0; log() << "Starting refetching documents"; for (auto&& doc : fixUpInfo.docsToRefetch) { invariant(!doc._id.eoo()); // This is checked when we insert to the set. UUID uuid = doc.uuid; NamespaceString nss = catalog.lookupNSSByUUID(uuid); try { LOG(2) << "Refetching document, collection: " << nss << ", UUID: " << uuid << ", " << redact(doc._id); // TODO : Slow. Lots of round trips. numFetched++; BSONObj good; NamespaceString resNss; std::tie(good, resNss) = rollbackSource.findOneByUUID(nss.db().toString(), uuid, doc._id.wrap()); // To prevent inconsistencies in the transactions collection, rollback fails if the UUID // of the collection is different on the sync source than on the node rolling back, // forcing an initial sync. This is detected if the returned namespace for a refetch of // a transaction table document is not "config.transactions," which implies a rename or // drop of the collection occured on either node. if (uuid == fixUpInfo.transactionTableUUID && resNss != NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace) { throw RSFatalException( str::stream() << "A fetch on the transactions collection returned an unexpected namespace: " << resNss.ns() << ". The transactions collection cannot be correctly rolled back, a full " "resync is required."); } totalSize += good.objsize(); // Checks that the total amount of data that needs to be refetched is at most // 300 MB. We do not roll back more than 300 MB of documents in order to // prevent out of memory errors from too much data being stored. See SERVER-23392. if (totalSize >= 300 * 1024 * 1024) { throw RSFatalException("replSet too much data to roll back."); } // Note good might be empty, indicating we should delete it. goodVersions[uuid].insert(std::pair(doc, good)); } catch (const DBException& ex) { // If the collection turned into a view, we might get an error trying to // refetch documents, but these errors should be ignored, as we'll be creating // the view during oplog replay. // Collection may be dropped on the sync source, in which case it will be dropped during // oplog replay. So it is safe to ignore NamespaceNotFound errors while trying to // refetch documents. if (ex.code() == ErrorCodes::CommandNotSupportedOnView || ex.code() == ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound) continue; log() << "Rollback couldn't re-fetch from uuid: " << uuid << " _id: " << redact(doc._id) << ' ' << numFetched << '/' << fixUpInfo.docsToRefetch.size() << ": " << redact(ex); throw; } } log() << "Finished refetching documents. Total size of documents refetched: " << goodVersions.size(); log() << "Checking the RollbackID and updating the MinValid if necessary"; checkRbidAndUpdateMinValid(opCtx, fixUpInfo.rbid, rollbackSource, replicationProcess); invariant(!fixUpInfo.commonPointOurDiskloc.isNull()); // Rolls back createIndexes commands by dropping the indexes that were created. It is // necessary to roll back createIndexes commands before dropIndexes commands because // it is possible that we previously dropped an index with the same name but a different // index spec. If we attempt to re-create an index that has the same name as an existing // index, the operation will fail. Thus, we roll back createIndexes commands first in // order to ensure that no collisions will occur when we re-create previously dropped // indexes. // We drop indexes before renaming collections so that if a collection name gets longer, // any indexes with names that are now too long will already be dropped. log() << "Rolling back createIndexes commands."; for (auto it = fixUpInfo.indexesToDrop.begin(); it != fixUpInfo.indexesToDrop.end(); it++) { UUID uuid = it->first; std::set indexNames = it->second; rollbackCreateIndexes(opCtx, uuid, indexNames); } log() << "Dropping collections to roll back create operations"; // Drops collections before updating individual documents. We drop these collections before // rolling back any other commands to prevent namespace collisions that may occur // when undoing renameCollection operations. for (auto uuid : fixUpInfo.collectionsToDrop) { // Checks that if the collection is going to be dropped, all commands that // were done on the collection to be dropped were removed during the function // call to removeRedundantOperations(). invariant(!fixUpInfo.indexesToDrop.count(uuid)); invariant(!fixUpInfo.indexesToCreate.count(uuid)); invariant(!fixUpInfo.collectionsToRename.count(uuid)); invariant(!fixUpInfo.collectionsToResyncMetadata.count(uuid)); NamespaceString nss = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx).lookupNSSByUUID(uuid); log() << "Dropping collection: " << nss << ", UUID: " << uuid; AutoGetDb dbLock(opCtx, nss.db(), MODE_X); Database* db = dbLock.getDb(); if (db) { Collection* collection = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx).lookupCollectionByUUID(uuid); dropCollection(opCtx, nss, collection, db); LOG(1) << "Dropped collection: " << nss << ", UUID: " << uuid; } } // Rolling back renameCollection commands. log() << "Rolling back renameCollection commands and collection drop commands."; for (auto it = fixUpInfo.collectionsToRename.begin(); it != fixUpInfo.collectionsToRename.end(); it++) { UUID uuid = it->first; RenameCollectionInfo info = it->second; rollbackRenameCollection(opCtx, uuid, info); } log() << "Rolling back collections pending being dropped: Removing them from the list of " "drop-pending collections in the DropPendingCollectionReaper."; // Roll back any drop-pending collections. This must be done first so that the collection // exists when we attempt to resync its metadata or insert documents into it. for (const auto& collPair : fixUpInfo.collectionsToRemoveFromDropPendingCollections) { const auto& optime = collPair.second.first; const auto& collectionNamespace = collPair.second.second; LOG(1) << "Rolling back collection pending being dropped for OpTime: " << optime << ", collection: " << collectionNamespace; DropPendingCollectionReaper::get(opCtx)->rollBackDropPendingCollection( opCtx, optime, collectionNamespace); } // Full collection data and metadata resync. if (!fixUpInfo.collectionsToResyncMetadata.empty()) { // Retrieves collections from the sync source in order to obtain the collection // flags needed to roll back collMod operations. We roll back collMod operations // after create/renameCollection/drop commands in order to ensure that the // collections that we want to change actually exist. For example, if a collMod // occurs and then the collection is dropped. If we do not first re-create the // collection, we will not be able to retrieve the collection's catalog entries. for (auto uuid : fixUpInfo.collectionsToResyncMetadata) { NamespaceString nss = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx).lookupNSSByUUID(uuid); log() << "Resyncing collection metadata for collection: " << nss << ", UUID: " << uuid; Lock::DBLock dbLock(opCtx, nss.db(), MODE_X); auto db = DatabaseHolder::getDatabaseHolder().openDb(opCtx, nss.db().toString()); invariant(db); Collection* collection = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx).lookupCollectionByUUID(uuid); invariant(collection); auto cce = collection->getCatalogEntry(); auto infoResult = rollbackSource.getCollectionInfoByUUID(nss.db().toString(), uuid); if (!infoResult.isOK()) { // The collection was dropped by the sync source so we can't correctly change it // here. If we get to the roll-forward phase, we will drop it then. If the drop // is rolled back upstream and we restart, we expect to still have the // collection. log() << nss.ns() << " not found on remote host, so we do not roll back collmod " "operation. Instead, we will drop the collection soon."; continue; } auto info = infoResult.getValue(); CollectionOptions options; // Updates the collection flags. if (auto optionsField = info["options"]) { if (optionsField.type() != Object) { throw RSFatalException(str::stream() << "Failed to parse options " << info << ": expected 'options' to be an " << "Object, got " << typeName(optionsField.type())); } // Removes the option.uuid field. We do not allow the options.uuid field // to be parsed while in parseForCommand mode in order to ensure that the // user cannot set the UUID of a collection. BSONObj optionsFieldObj = optionsField.Obj(); optionsFieldObj = optionsFieldObj.removeField("uuid"); auto status = options.parse(optionsFieldObj, CollectionOptions::parseForCommand); if (!status.isOK()) { throw RSFatalException(str::stream() << "Failed to parse options " << info << ": " << status.toString()); } // TODO(SERVER-27992): Set options.uuid. } else { // Use default options. } WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); // Set collection to whatever temp status is on the sync source. cce->setIsTemp(opCtx, options.temp); // Resets collection user flags such as noPadding and usePowerOf2Sizes. if (options.flagsSet || cce->getCollectionOptions(opCtx).flagsSet) { cce->updateFlags(opCtx, options.flags); } // Set any document validation options. We update the validator fields without // parsing/validation, since we fetched the options object directly from the sync // source, and we should set our validation options to match it exactly. auto validatorStatus = collection->updateValidator( opCtx, options.validator, options.validationLevel, options.validationAction); if (!validatorStatus.isOK()) { throw RSFatalException( str::stream() << "Failed to update validator for " << nss.toString() << " (" << uuid << ") with " << redact(info) << ". Got: " << validatorStatus.toString()); } wuow.commit(); LOG(1) << "Resynced collection metadata for collection: " << nss << ", UUID: " << uuid << ", with: " << redact(info) << ", to: " << redact(cce->getCollectionOptions(opCtx).toBSON()); } // Since we read from the sync source to retrieve the metadata of the // collection, we must check if the sync source rolled back as well as update // minValid if necessary. log() << "Rechecking the Rollback ID and minValid"; checkRbidAndUpdateMinValid(opCtx, fixUpInfo.rbid, rollbackSource, replicationProcess); } // Rolls back dropIndexes commands by re-creating the indexes that were dropped. log() << "Rolling back dropIndexes commands."; for (auto it = fixUpInfo.indexesToCreate.begin(); it != fixUpInfo.indexesToCreate.end(); it++) { UUID uuid = it->first; std::map indexNames = it->second; rollbackDropIndexes(opCtx, uuid, indexNames); } log() << "Deleting and updating documents to roll back insert, update and remove " "operations"; unsigned deletes = 0, updates = 0; time_t lastProgressUpdate = time(0); time_t progressUpdateGap = 10; for (const auto& nsAndGoodVersionsByDocID : goodVersions) { // Keeps an archive of items rolled back if the collection has not been dropped // while rolling back createCollection operations. const auto& uuid = nsAndGoodVersionsByDocID.first; unique_ptr removeSaver; invariant(!fixUpInfo.collectionsToDrop.count(uuid)); NamespaceString nss = catalog.lookupNSSByUUID(uuid); if (RollbackImpl::shouldCreateDataFiles()) { removeSaver = std::make_unique("rollback", "", nss.ns()); } const auto& goodVersionsByDocID = nsAndGoodVersionsByDocID.second; for (const auto& idAndDoc : goodVersionsByDocID) { time_t now = time(0); if (now - lastProgressUpdate > progressUpdateGap) { log() << deletes << " delete and " << updates << " update operations processed out of " << goodVersions.size() << " total operations."; lastProgressUpdate = now; } const DocID& doc = idAndDoc.first; BSONObj pattern = doc._id.wrap(); // { _id : ... } try { // TODO: Lots of overhead in context. This can be faster. const NamespaceString docNss(doc.ns); Lock::DBLock docDbLock(opCtx, docNss.db(), MODE_X); OldClientContext ctx(opCtx, doc.ns.toString()); Collection* collection = catalog.lookupCollectionByUUID(uuid); // Adds the doc to our rollback file if the collection was not dropped while // rolling back createCollection operations. Does not log an error when // undoing an insert on a no longer existing collection. It is likely that // the collection was dropped as part of rolling back a createCollection // command and the document no longer exists. if (collection && removeSaver) { BSONObj obj; bool found = Helpers::findOne(opCtx, collection, pattern, obj, false); if (found) { auto status = removeSaver->goingToDelete(obj); if (!status.isOK()) { severe() << "Rollback cannot write document in namespace " << nss.ns() << " to archive file: " << redact(status); throw RSFatalException(str::stream() << "Rollback cannot write document in namespace " << nss.ns() << " to archive file."); } } else { error() << "Rollback cannot find object: " << pattern << " in namespace " << nss.ns(); } } if (idAndDoc.second.isEmpty()) { LOG(2) << "Deleting document with: " << redact(doc._id) << ", from collection: " << doc.ns << ", with UUID: " << uuid; // If the document could not be found on the primary, deletes the document. // TODO 1.6 : can't delete from a capped collection. Need to handle that // here. deletes++; if (collection) { if (collection->isCapped()) { // Can't delete from a capped collection - so we truncate instead. // if this item must go, so must all successors. try { // TODO: IIRC cappedTruncateAfter does not handle completely // empty. This will be slow if there is no _id index in // the collection. const auto clock = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getFastClockSource(); const auto findOneStart = clock->now(); RecordId loc = Helpers::findOne(opCtx, collection, pattern, false); if (clock->now() - findOneStart > Milliseconds(200)) warning() << "Roll back slow no _id index for " << nss.ns() << " perhaps?"; // Would be faster but requires index: // RecordId loc = Helpers::findById(nsd, pattern); if (!loc.isNull()) { try { writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "cappedTruncateAfter", collection->ns().ns(), [&] { WriteUnitOfWork wunit(opCtx); collection->cappedTruncateAfter( opCtx, loc, true); wunit.commit(); }); } catch (const DBException& e) { if (e.code() == 13415) { // hack: need to just make cappedTruncate do this... writeConflictRetry( opCtx, "truncate", collection->ns().ns(), [&] { WriteUnitOfWork wunit(opCtx); uassertStatusOK(collection->truncate(opCtx)); wunit.commit(); }); } else { throw; } } } } catch (const DBException& e) { // Replicated capped collections have many ways to become // inconsistent. We rely on age-out to make these problems go away // eventually. warning() << "Ignoring failure to roll back change to capped " << "collection " << nss.ns() << " with _id " << redact(idAndDoc.first._id.toString( /*includeFieldName*/ false)) << ": " << redact(e); } } else { deleteObjects(opCtx, collection, nss, pattern, true, // justOne true); // god } } } else { LOG(2) << "Updating document with: " << redact(doc._id) << ", from collection: " << doc.ns << ", UUID: " << uuid << ", to: " << redact(idAndDoc.second); // TODO faster... updates++; UpdateRequest request(nss); request.setQuery(pattern); request.setUpdates(idAndDoc.second); request.setGod(); request.setUpsert(); UpdateLifecycleImpl updateLifecycle(nss); request.setLifecycle(&updateLifecycle); update(opCtx, ctx.db(), request); } } catch (const DBException& e) { log() << "Exception in rollback ns:" << nss.ns() << ' ' << pattern.toString() << ' ' << redact(e) << " ndeletes:" << deletes; throw; } } } log() << "Rollback deleted " << deletes << " documents and updated " << updates << " documents."; log() << "Truncating the oplog at " << fixUpInfo.commonPoint.toString() << " (" << fixUpInfo.commonPointOurDiskloc << "), non-inclusive"; // Cleans up the oplog. { const NamespaceString oplogNss(NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace); Lock::DBLock oplogDbLock(opCtx, oplogNss.db(), MODE_IX); Lock::CollectionLock oplogCollectionLoc(opCtx->lockState(), oplogNss.ns(), MODE_X); OldClientContext ctx(opCtx, oplogNss.ns()); Collection* oplogCollection = ctx.db()->getCollection(opCtx, oplogNss); if (!oplogCollection) { fassertFailedWithStatusNoTrace( 40495, Status(ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError, str::stream() << "Can't find " << NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.ns())); } // TODO: fatal error if this throws? oplogCollection->cappedTruncateAfter(opCtx, fixUpInfo.commonPointOurDiskloc, false); } Status status = getGlobalAuthorizationManager()->initialize(opCtx); if (!status.isOK()) { severe() << "Failed to reinitialize auth data after rollback: " << redact(status); fassertFailedNoTrace(40496); } // If necessary, clear the memory of existing sessions. if (fixUpInfo.refetchTransactionDocs) { SessionCatalog::get(opCtx)->invalidateSessions(opCtx, boost::none); } if (auto validator = LogicalTimeValidator::get(opCtx)) { validator->resetKeyManagerCache(); } // Reload the lastAppliedOpTime and lastDurableOpTime value in the replcoord and the // lastAppliedHash value in bgsync to reflect our new last op. The rollback common point does // not necessarily represent a consistent database state. For example, on a secondary, we may // have rolled back to an optime that fell in the middle of an oplog application batch. We make // the database consistent again after rollback by applying ops forward until we reach // 'minValid'. replCoord->resetLastOpTimesFromOplog(opCtx, ReplicationCoordinator::DataConsistency::Inconsistent); } Status syncRollback(OperationContext* opCtx, const OplogInterface& localOplog, const RollbackSource& rollbackSource, int requiredRBID, ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord, ReplicationProcess* replicationProcess) { invariant(opCtx); invariant(replCoord); DisableDocumentValidation validationDisabler(opCtx); UnreplicatedWritesBlock replicationDisabler(opCtx); Status status = _syncRollback( opCtx, localOplog, rollbackSource, requiredRBID, replCoord, replicationProcess); log() << "Rollback finished. The final minValid is: " << replicationProcess->getConsistencyMarkers()->getMinValid(opCtx) << rsLog; return status; } void rollback(OperationContext* opCtx, const OplogInterface& localOplog, const RollbackSource& rollbackSource, int requiredRBID, ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord, ReplicationProcess* replicationProcess, stdx::function sleepSecsFn) { // Set state to ROLLBACK while we are in this function. This prevents serving reads, even from // the oplog. This can fail if we are elected PRIMARY, in which case we better not do any // rolling back. If we successfully enter ROLLBACK we will only exit this function fatally or // after transitioning to RECOVERING. We always transition to RECOVERING regardless of success // or (recoverable) failure since we may be in an inconsistent state. If rollback failed before // writing anything, SyncTail will quickly take us to SECONDARY since are are still at our // original MinValid, which is fine because we may choose a sync source that doesn't require // rollback. If it failed after we wrote to MinValid, then we will pick a sync source that will // cause us to roll back to the same common point, which is fine. If we succeeded, we will be // consistent as soon as we apply up to/through MinValid and SyncTail will make us SECONDARY // then. { Lock::GlobalWrite globalWrite(opCtx); auto status = replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_ROLLBACK); if (!status.isOK()) { log() << "Cannot transition from " << replCoord->getMemberState().toString() << " to " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_ROLLBACK).toString() << causedBy(status); return; } } try { auto status = syncRollback( opCtx, localOplog, rollbackSource, requiredRBID, replCoord, replicationProcess); // Aborts only when syncRollback detects we are in a unrecoverable state. // WARNING: these statuses sometimes have location codes which are lost with uassertStatusOK // so we need to check here first. if (ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError == status.code()) { severe() << "Unable to complete rollback. A full resync may be needed: " << redact(status); fassertFailedNoTrace(40507); } // In other cases, we log the message contained in the error status and retry later. uassertStatusOK(status); } catch (const DBException& ex) { // UnrecoverableRollbackError should only come from a returned status which is handled // above. invariant(ex.code() != ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError); warning() << "Rollback cannot complete at this time (retrying later): " << redact(ex) << " appliedThrough= " << replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime() << " minvalid= " << replicationProcess->getConsistencyMarkers()->getMinValid(opCtx); // Sleep a bit to allow upstream node to coalesce, if that was the cause of the failure. If // we failed in a way that will keep failing, but wasn't flagged as a fatal failure, this // will also prevent us from hot-looping and putting too much load on upstream nodes. sleepSecsFn(5); // 5 seconds was chosen as a completely arbitrary amount of time. } catch (...) { std::terminate(); } // At this point we are about to leave rollback. Before we do, wait for any writes done // as part of rollback to be durable, and then do any necessary checks that we didn't // wind up rolling back something illegal. We must wait for the rollback to be durable // so that if we wind up shutting down uncleanly in response to something we rolled back // we know that we won't wind up right back in the same situation when we start back up // because the rollback wasn't durable. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->waitUntilDurable(); // If we detected that we rolled back the shardIdentity document as part of this rollback // then we must shut down to clear the in-memory ShardingState associated with the // shardIdentity document. if (ShardIdentityRollbackNotifier::get(opCtx)->didRollbackHappen()) { severe() << "shardIdentity document rollback detected. Shutting down to clear " "in-memory sharding state. Restarting this process should safely return it " "to a healthy state"; fassertFailedNoTrace(40498); } auto status = replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING); if (!status.isOK()) { severe() << "Failed to transition into " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING) << "; expected to be in state " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_ROLLBACK) << "; found self in " << replCoord->getMemberState() << causedBy(status); fassertFailedNoTrace(40499); } } } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo