/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregate_command_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_fetcher.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/primary_only_service.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_all_database_cloner.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_migration_state_machine_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_oplog_applier.h" #include "mongo/rpc/metadata/repl_set_metadata.h" #include "mongo/util/time_support.h" namespace mongo { class DBClientConnection; class OperationContext; class ReplicaSetMonitor; class ServiceContext; namespace repl { class OplogBufferCollection; /** * TenantMigrationRecipientService is a primary only service to handle * data copy portion of a multitenant migration on recipient side. */ class TenantMigrationRecipientService final : public PrimaryOnlyService { // Disallows copying. TenantMigrationRecipientService(const TenantMigrationRecipientService&) = delete; TenantMigrationRecipientService& operator=(const TenantMigrationRecipientService&) = delete; public: static constexpr StringData kTenantMigrationRecipientServiceName = "TenantMigrationRecipientService"_sd; static constexpr StringData kNoopMsg = "Resume token noop"_sd; explicit TenantMigrationRecipientService(ServiceContext* const serviceContext); ~TenantMigrationRecipientService() = default; StringData getServiceName() const final; NamespaceString getStateDocumentsNS() const final; ThreadPool::Limits getThreadPoolLimits() const final; std::shared_ptr constructInstance( BSONObj initialStateDoc) const final; class Instance final : public PrimaryOnlyService::TypedInstance { public: explicit Instance(ServiceContext* const serviceContext, const TenantMigrationRecipientService* recipientService, BSONObj stateDoc); SemiFuture run(std::shared_ptr executor, const CancellationToken& token) noexcept final; /* * Interrupts the running instance and cause the completion future to complete with * 'status'. */ void interrupt(Status status) override; /** * Interrupts the migration for garbage collection. */ void onReceiveRecipientForgetMigration(OperationContext* opCtx); /** * Returns a Future that will be resolved when data sync associated with this Instance has * completed running. */ SharedSemiFuture getDataSyncCompletionFuture() const { return _dataSyncCompletionPromise.getFuture(); } /** * Returns a Future that will be resolved when the work associated with this Instance has * completed to indicate whether the migration is forgotten successfully. */ SharedSemiFuture getCompletionFuture() const { return _taskCompletionPromise.getFuture(); } /** * Report TenantMigrationRecipientService Instances in currentOp(). */ boost::optional reportForCurrentOp( MongoProcessInterface::CurrentOpConnectionsMode connMode, MongoProcessInterface::CurrentOpSessionsMode sessionMode) noexcept final; /* * Returns the instance id. */ const UUID& getMigrationUUID() const; /* * Returns the tenant id (database prefix). */ const std::string& getTenantId() const; /** * To be called on the instance returned by PrimaryOnlyService::getOrCreate(). Returns an * error if the options this Instance was created with are incompatible with a request for * an instance with the options given in 'stateDoc'. */ Status checkIfOptionsConflict(const TenantMigrationRecipientDocument& stateDoc) const; /* * Blocks the thread until the tenant migration reaches consistent state in an interruptible * mode. Returns the donor optime at which the migration reached consistent state. Throws * exception on error. */ OpTime waitUntilMigrationReachesConsistentState(OperationContext* opCtx) const; /* * Blocks the thread until the tenant oplog applier applied data past the * 'returnAfterReachingTimestamp' in an interruptible mode. If the recipient's logical clock * has not yet reached the 'returnAfterReachingTimestamp', advances the recipient's logical * clock to 'returnAfterReachingTimestamp'. Finally, stores the * 'returnAfterReachingTimestamp' as 'rejectReadsBeforeTimestamp' in the state * document and waits for the write to be replicated to every node (i.e. wait for * 'rejectReadsBeforeTimestamp' to be set on the TenantMigrationRecipientAccessBlocker of * every node) to guarantee that no reads will be incorrectly accepted. * * Throws IllegalOperation if the state document already has 'rejectReadsBeforeTimestamp' * that is not equal to 'returnAfterReachingTimestamp', and on other error. */ OpTime waitUntilMigrationReachesReturnAfterReachingTimestamp( OperationContext* opCtx, const Timestamp& returnAfterReachingTimestamp); /* * Set the oplog creator functor, to allow use of a mock oplog fetcher. */ void setCreateOplogFetcherFn_forTest( std::unique_ptr&& createOplogFetcherFn) { _createOplogFetcherFn = std::move(createOplogFetcherFn); } /** * Stops the oplog applier without going through tenantForgetMigration. */ void stopOplogApplier_forTest() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _tenantOplogApplier->shutdown(); } /* * Suppresses selecting 'host' as the donor sync source, until 'until'. */ void excludeDonorHost_forTest(const HostAndPort& host, Date_t until) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _excludeDonorHost(lk, host, until); } const auto& getExcludedDonorHosts_forTest() { return _excludedDonorHosts; } private: friend class TenantMigrationRecipientServiceTest; using ConnectionPair = std::pair, std::unique_ptr>; // Represents the instance task state. class TaskState { public: enum StateFlag { kNotStarted = 1 << 0, kRunning = 1 << 1, kInterrupted = 1 << 2, kDone = 1 << 3, }; using StateSet = int; bool isSet(StateSet stateSet) const { return _state & stateSet; } bool checkIfValidTransition(StateFlag newState) { switch (_state) { case kNotStarted: return newState == kRunning || newState == kInterrupted || newState == kDone; case kRunning: return newState == kInterrupted || newState == kDone; case kInterrupted: return newState == kDone || newState == kRunning; case kDone: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void setState(StateFlag state, boost::optional interruptStatus = boost::none, bool isExternalInterrupt = false) { invariant(checkIfValidTransition(state), str::stream() << "current state: " << toString(_state) << ", new state: " << toString(state)); // The interruptStatus can exist (and should be non-OK) if and only if the state is // kInterrupted. invariant((state == kInterrupted && interruptStatus && !interruptStatus->isOK()) || (state != kInterrupted && !interruptStatus), str::stream() << "new state: " << toString(state) << ", interruptStatus: " << interruptStatus); _state = state; _interruptStatus = (interruptStatus) ? interruptStatus.get() : _interruptStatus; _isExternalInterrupt = isExternalInterrupt; } bool isExternalInterrupt() const { return (_state == kInterrupted) && _isExternalInterrupt; } bool isNotStarted() const { return _state == kNotStarted; } bool isRunning() const { return _state == kRunning; } bool isInterrupted() const { return _state == kInterrupted; } bool isDone() const { return _state == kDone; } Status getInterruptStatus() const { return _interruptStatus; } std::string toString() const { return toString(_state); } static std::string toString(StateFlag state) { switch (state) { case kNotStarted: return "Not started"; case kRunning: return "Running"; case kInterrupted: return "Interrupted"; case kDone: return "Done"; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } private: // task state. StateFlag _state = kNotStarted; // task interrupt status. Set to Status::OK() only when the recipient service has not // been interrupted so far, and is used to remember the initial interrupt error. Status _interruptStatus = Status::OK(); // Indicates if the task was interrupted externally due to a 'recipientForgetMigration' // or stepdown/shutdown. bool _isExternalInterrupt = false; }; /* * Helper for interrupt(). * The _receivedForgetMigrationPromise is resolved when skipWaitingForForgetMigration is * set (e.g. stepDown/shutDown). And we use skipWaitingForForgetMigration=false for * interruptions coming from the instance's task chain itself (e.g. _oplogFetcherCallback). */ void _interrupt(Status status, bool skipWaitingForForgetMigration); /* * Transitions the instance state to 'kStarted'. * * Persists the instance state doc and waits for it to be majority replicated. * Throws an user assertion on failure. */ SemiFuture _initializeStateDoc(WithLock); /* * Transitions the instance state to 'kDone' and sets the expireAt field. * * Persists the instance state doc and waits for it to be majority replicated. * Throws on shutdown / notPrimary errors. */ SemiFuture _markStateDocAsGarbageCollectable(); /** * Creates a client, connects it to the donor. If '_transientSSLParams' is not none, uses * the migration certificate to do SSL authentication. Otherwise, uses the default * authentication mode. Throws a user assertion on failure. * */ std::unique_ptr _connectAndAuth(const HostAndPort& serverAddress, StringData applicationName); /** * Creates and connects both the oplog fetcher client and the client used for other * operations. */ SemiFuture _createAndConnectClients(); /** * Fetches all key documents from the donor's admin.system.keys collection, stores them in * config.external_validation_keys, and refreshes the keys cache. */ void _fetchAndStoreDonorClusterTimeKeyDocs(const CancellationToken& token); /** * Retrieves the start optimes from the donor and updates the in-memory state accordingly. */ void _getStartOpTimesFromDonor(WithLock lk); /** * Pushes documents from oplog fetcher to oplog buffer. * * Returns a status even though it always returns OK, to conform the interface OplogFetcher * expects for the EnqueueDocumentsFn. */ Status _enqueueDocuments(OplogFetcher::Documents::const_iterator begin, OplogFetcher::Documents::const_iterator end, const OplogFetcher::DocumentsInfo& info); /** * Creates the oplog buffer that will be populated by donor oplog entries from the retryable * writes fetching stage and oplog fetching stage. */ void _createOplogBuffer(); /** * Runs an aggregation that gets the entire oplog chain for every retryable write entry in * `config.transactions`. Only returns oplog entries in the chain where * `ts` < `startFetchingOpTime.ts` and adds them to the oplog buffer. */ SemiFuture _fetchRetryableWritesOplogBeforeStartOpTime(); /** * Runs the aggregation from '_makeCommittedTransactionsAggregation()' and migrates the * resulting committed transactions entries into 'config.transactions'. */ SemiFuture _fetchCommittedTransactionsBeforeStartOpTime(); /** * Creates an aggregation pipeline to fetch transaction entries with 'lastWriteOpTime' < * 'startFetchingDonorOpTime' and 'state: committed'. */ AggregateCommand _makeCommittedTransactionsAggregation() const; /** * Processes a committed transaction entry from the donor. Updates the recipient's * 'config.transactions' collection with the entry and writes a no-op entry for the * recipient secondaries to replicate the entry. */ void _processCommittedTransactionEntry(const BSONObj& entry); /** * Starts the tenant oplog fetcher. */ void _startOplogFetcher(); /** * Called when the oplog fetcher finishes. Usually the oplog fetcher finishes only when * cancelled or on error. */ void _oplogFetcherCallback(Status oplogFetcherStatus); /** * Returns the filter used to get only oplog documents related to the appropriate tenant. */ BSONObj _getOplogFetcherFilter() const; /* * Indicates that the recipient has completed the tenant cloning phase. */ bool _isCloneCompletedMarkerSet(WithLock) const; /* * Traverse backwards through the oplog to find the optime which tenant oplog application * should resume from. The oplog applier should resume applying entries that have a greater * optime than the returned value. */ OpTime _getOplogResumeApplyingDonorOptime(const OpTime startApplyingDonorOpTime, const OpTime cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime) const; /* * Starts the tenant cloner. * Returns future that will be fulfilled when the cloner completes. */ Future _startTenantAllDatabaseCloner(WithLock lk); /* * Gets called when the cloner completes cloning data successfully. * And, it is responsible to populate the 'dataConsistentStopDonorOpTime' * and 'cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime' fields in the state doc. */ SemiFuture _onCloneSuccess(); /* * Returns a future that will be fulfilled when the tenant migration reaches consistent * state. */ SemiFuture _getDataConsistentFuture(); /* * Cancels the tenant migration recipient instance task work. */ void _cancelRemainingWork(WithLock lk); /* * Performs some cleanup work on sync completion, like, shutting down the components or * fulfilling any data-sync related instance promises. */ void _cleanupOnDataSyncCompletion(Status status); /* * Suppresses selecting 'host' as the donor sync source, until 'until'. */ void _excludeDonorHost(WithLock, const HostAndPort& host, Date_t until); /* * Returns a vector of currently excluded donor hosts. Also removes hosts from the list of * excluded donor nodes, if the exclude duration has expired. */ std::vector _getExcludedDonorHosts(WithLock); /* * Makes the failpoint stop or hang the migration based on failpoint data "action" field. * If "action" is "hang" and 'opCtx' is not null, the failpoint will be interruptible. */ void _stopOrHangOnFailPoint(FailPoint* fp, OperationContext* opCtx = nullptr); /** * Updates the state doc in the database and waits for that to be propagated to a majority. */ SemiFuture _updateStateDocForMajority(WithLock lk) const; /* * Returns the majority OpTime on the donor node that 'client' is connected to. */ OpTime _getDonorMajorityOpTime(std::unique_ptr& client); /** * Enforces that the donor and recipient share the same featureCompatibilityVersion. */ void _compareRecipientAndDonorFCV() const; /** * Increments either 'totalSuccessfulMigrationsReceived' or 'totalFailedMigrationsReceived' * in TenantMigrationStatistics by examining status and promises. */ void _setMigrationStatsOnCompletion(Status completionStatus) const; mutable Mutex _mutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("TenantMigrationRecipientService::_mutex"); // All member variables are labeled with one of the following codes indicating the // synchronization rules for accessing them. // // (R) Read-only in concurrent operation; no synchronization required. // (S) Self-synchronizing; access according to class's own rules. // (M) Reads and writes guarded by _mutex. // (W) Synchronization required only for writes. ServiceContext* const _serviceContext; const TenantMigrationRecipientService* const _recipientService; // (R) (not owned) std::shared_ptr _scopedExecutor; // (M) TenantMigrationRecipientDocument _stateDoc; // (M) // This data is provided in the initial state doc and never changes. We keep copies to // avoid having to obtain the mutex to access them. const std::string _tenantId; // (R) const UUID _migrationUuid; // (R) const std::string _donorConnectionString; // (R) const MongoURI _donorUri; // (R) const ReadPreferenceSetting _readPreference; // (R) // TODO (SERVER-54085): Remove server parameter tenantMigrationDisableX509Auth. // Transient SSL params created based on the state doc if the server parameter // 'tenantMigrationDisableX509Auth' is false. const boost::optional _transientSSLParams = boost::none; // (R) std::shared_ptr _donorReplicaSetMonitor; // (M) // Members of the donor replica set that we have excluded as a potential sync source for // some period of time. std::vector> _excludedDonorHosts; // (M) // Because the cloners and oplog fetcher use exhaust, we need a separate connection for // each. The '_client' will be used for the cloners and other operations such as fetching // optimes while the '_oplogFetcherClient' will be reserved for the oplog fetcher only. // // Follow DBClientCursor synchonization rules. std::unique_ptr _client; // (S) std::unique_ptr _oplogFetcherClient; // (S) std::unique_ptr _createOplogFetcherFn = std::make_unique(); // (M) std::unique_ptr _donorOplogBuffer; // (M) std::unique_ptr _dataReplicatorExternalState; // (M) std::unique_ptr _donorOplogFetcher; // (M) std::unique_ptr _tenantAllDatabaseCloner; // (M) std::shared_ptr _tenantOplogApplier; // (M) // Writer pool to do storage write operation. Used by tenant collection cloner and by // tenant oplog applier. std::unique_ptr _writerPool; //(M) // Data shared by cloners. Follow TenantMigrationSharedData synchronization rules. std::unique_ptr _sharedData; // (S) // Indicates whether the main task future continuation chain state kicked off by run(). TaskState _taskState; // (M) // Used to indicate whether the migration is able to be retried on fetcher error. boost::optional _oplogFetcherStatus; // (M) // Promise that is resolved when the state document is initialized and persisted. SharedPromise _stateDocPersistedPromise; // (W) // Promise that is resolved Signaled when the instance has started tenant database cloner // and tenant oplog fetcher. SharedPromise _dataSyncStartedPromise; // (W) // Promise that is resolved Signaled when the tenant data sync has reached consistent point. SharedPromise _dataConsistentPromise; // (W) // Promise that is resolved when the data sync has completed. SharedPromise _dataSyncCompletionPromise; // (W) // Promise that is resolved when the recipientForgetMigration command is received or on // stepDown/shutDown with errors. SharedPromise _receivedRecipientForgetMigrationPromise; // (W) // Promise that is resolved when the chain of work kicked off by run() has completed to // indicate whether the state doc is successfully marked as garbage collectable. SharedPromise _taskCompletionPromise; // (W) // Waiters are notified when 'tenantOplogApplier' is valid on restart. stdx::condition_variable _restartOplogApplierCondVar; // (M) // Indicates that the oplog applier is being cleaned up due to restart of the future chain. // This is set to true when the oplog applier is started up again. bool _isRestartingOplogApplier = false; // (M) }; private: ExecutorFuture _rebuildService(std::shared_ptr executor, const CancellationToken& token) override; ServiceContext* const _serviceContext; /* * Ensures that only one Instance is able to insert the initial state doc provided by the user, * into NamespaceString::kTenantMigrationRecipientsNamespace collection at a time. * * No other locks should be held when locking this. RSTl/global/db/collection locks have to be * taken after taking this. */ Lock::ResourceMutex _stateDocInsertMutex{"TenantMigrationRecipientStateDocInsert::mutex"}; }; } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo