/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_oplog_applier.h" #include #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_session.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/document_validation.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/d_concurrency.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/exception_util.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/dbhelpers.h" #include "mongo/db/op_observer/op_observer.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/apply_ops.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/cloner_utils.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/insert_group.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_applier_utils.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_client_info.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_server_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/session_update_tracker.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_migration_access_blocker_util.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_migration_decoration.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_migration_recipient_service.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_oplog_batcher.h" #include "mongo/db/session/session_catalog_mongod.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction/transaction_participant.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/thread_pool.h" #include "mongo/util/database_name_util.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kTenantMigration namespace mongo { namespace repl { MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangInTenantOplogApplication); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(fpBeforeTenantOplogApplyingBatch); TenantOplogApplier::TenantOplogApplier(const UUID& migrationUuid, const MigrationProtocolEnum& protocol, boost::optional tenantId, OpTime startApplyingAfterOpTime, RandomAccessOplogBuffer* oplogBuffer, std::shared_ptr executor, ThreadPool* writerPool, Timestamp resumeBatchingTs) : AbstractAsyncComponent(executor.get(), std::string("TenantOplogApplier_") + migrationUuid.toString()), _migrationUuid(migrationUuid), _protocol(protocol), _tenantId(tenantId), _startApplyingAfterOpTime(startApplyingAfterOpTime), _oplogBuffer(oplogBuffer), _executor(std::move(executor)), _writerPool(writerPool), _resumeBatchingTs(resumeBatchingTs) { if (_protocol != MigrationProtocolEnum::kShardMerge) { invariant(_tenantId); } else { invariant(!_tenantId); } } TenantOplogApplier::~TenantOplogApplier() { shutdown(); join(); } SemiFuture TenantOplogApplier::getNotificationForOpTime( OpTime donorOpTime) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); // If we're not running, return a future with the status we shut down with. if (!_isActive_inlock()) { return SemiFuture::makeReady(_finalStatus); } // If this optime has already passed, just return a ready future. if (_lastAppliedOpTimesUpToLastBatch.donorOpTime >= donorOpTime || _startApplyingAfterOpTime >= donorOpTime) { return SemiFuture::makeReady(_lastAppliedOpTimesUpToLastBatch); } // This will pull a new future off the existing promise for this time if it exists, otherwise // it constructs a new promise and pulls a future off of it. auto [iter, isNew] = _opTimeNotificationList.try_emplace(donorOpTime); return iter->second.getFuture().semi(); } OpTime TenantOplogApplier::getStartApplyingAfterOpTime() const { return _startApplyingAfterOpTime; } Timestamp TenantOplogApplier::getResumeBatchingTs() const { return _resumeBatchingTs; } void TenantOplogApplier::setCloneFinishedRecipientOpTime(OpTime cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); invariant(!_isActive_inlock()); invariant(!cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime.isNull()); invariant(_cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime.isNull()); _cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime = cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime; } void TenantOplogApplier::_doStartup_inlock() { _oplogBatcher = std::make_shared( _migrationUuid, _oplogBuffer, _executor, _resumeBatchingTs, _startApplyingAfterOpTime); uassertStatusOK(_oplogBatcher->startup()); auto fut = _oplogBatcher->getNextBatch( TenantOplogBatcher::BatchLimits(std::size_t(tenantApplierBatchSizeBytes.load()), std::size_t(tenantApplierBatchSizeOps.load()))); std::move(fut) .thenRunOn(_executor) .then([this, self = shared_from_this()](TenantOplogBatch batch) { _applyLoop(std::move(batch)); }) .onError([this, self = shared_from_this()](Status status) { invariant(_shouldStopApplying(status)); }) .getAsync([](auto status) {}); } void TenantOplogApplier::_setFinalStatusIfOk(WithLock, Status newStatus) { if (_finalStatus.isOK()) { _finalStatus = newStatus; } } void TenantOplogApplier::_doShutdown_inlock() noexcept { // Shutting down the oplog batcher will make the _applyLoop stop with an error future, thus // shutting down the applier. _oplogBatcher->shutdown(); // Oplog applier executor can shutdown before executing _applyLoop() and shouldStopApplying(). // This can cause the applier to miss notifying the waiters in _opTimeNotificationList. So, // shutdown() is responsible to notify those waiters when _applyLoop() is not running. if (!_applyLoopApplyingBatch) { // We actually hold the required lock, but the lock object itself is not passed through. _finishShutdown(WithLock::withoutLock(), {ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "Tenant oplog applier shut down"}); } } void TenantOplogApplier::_preJoin() noexcept { if (_oplogBatcher) { _oplogBatcher->join(); } } void TenantOplogApplier::_applyLoop(TenantOplogBatch batch) { { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); // Applier is not active as someone might have called shutdown(). if (!_isActive_inlock()) return; _applyLoopApplyingBatch = true; } // Getting the future for the next batch here means the batcher can retrieve the next batch // while the applier is processing the current one. auto nextBatchFuture = _oplogBatcher->getNextBatch( TenantOplogBatcher::BatchLimits(std::size_t(tenantApplierBatchSizeBytes.load()), std::size_t(tenantApplierBatchSizeOps.load()))); Status applyStatus{Status::OK()}; try { _applyOplogBatch(&batch); } catch (const DBException& e) { applyStatus = e.toStatus(); } if (_shouldStopApplying(applyStatus)) { return; } std::move(nextBatchFuture) .thenRunOn(_executor) .then([this, self = shared_from_this()](TenantOplogBatch batch) { _applyLoop(std::move(batch)); }) .onError([this, self = shared_from_this()](Status status) { invariant(_shouldStopApplying(status)); }) .getAsync([](auto status) {}); } bool TenantOplogApplier::_shouldStopApplying(Status status) { { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _applyLoopApplyingBatch = false; if (!_isActive_inlock()) { return true; } if (_isShuttingDown_inlock()) { _finishShutdown(lk, {ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "Tenant oplog applier shutting down"}); return true; } dassert(_finalStatus.isOK()); // Set the _finalStatus. This guarantees that the shutdown() called after releasing // the mutex will signal donor opTime waiters with the 'status' error code and not with // ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled. _setFinalStatusIfOk(lk, status); if (_finalStatus.isOK()) { return false; } } shutdown(); return true; } bool TenantOplogApplier::_shouldIgnore(const OplogEntry& entry) { if (_protocol == MigrationProtocolEnum::kMultitenantMigrations) { return false; } const auto tenantId = tenant_migration_access_blocker::parseTenantIdFromDatabaseName(entry.getNss().dbName()); tenant_migration_access_blocker::validateNssIsBeingMigrated( tenantId, entry.getNss(), _migrationUuid); return !tenantId; } void TenantOplogApplier::_finishShutdown(WithLock lk, Status status) { // shouldStopApplying() might have already set the final status. So, don't mask the original // error. _setFinalStatusIfOk(lk, status); LOGV2_DEBUG(4886005, 1, "TenantOplogApplier::_finishShutdown", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "error"_attr = redact(_finalStatus)); invariant(!_finalStatus.isOK()); // Any unfulfilled notifications are errored out. for (auto& listEntry : _opTimeNotificationList) { listEntry.second.setError(_finalStatus); } _opTimeNotificationList.clear(); _transitionToComplete_inlock(); } void TenantOplogApplier::_applyOplogBatch(TenantOplogBatch* batch) { LOGV2_DEBUG(4886004, 1, "Tenant Oplog Applier starting to apply batch", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "firstDonorOptime"_attr = batch->ops.front().entry.getOpTime(), "lastDonorOptime"_attr = batch->ops.back().entry.getOpTime()); auto opCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); _checkNsAndUuidsBelongToTenant(opCtx.get(), *batch); auto writerVectors = _fillWriterVectors(opCtx.get(), batch); std::vector statusVector(writerVectors.size(), Status::OK()); for (size_t i = 0; i < writerVectors.size(); i++) { if (writerVectors[i].empty()) continue; _writerPool->schedule([this, &writer = writerVectors.at(i), &status = statusVector.at(i)]( auto scheduleStatus) { if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) { status = scheduleStatus; } else { status = _applyOplogBatchPerWorker(&writer); } }); } _writerPool->waitForIdle(); // Make sure all the workers succeeded. for (const auto& status : statusVector) { if (!status.isOK()) { LOGV2_ERROR(4886012, "Failed to apply operation in tenant migration", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "error"_attr = redact(status)); } uassertStatusOK(status); } fpBeforeTenantOplogApplyingBatch.pauseWhileSet(); LOGV2_DEBUG(4886011, 1, "Tenant Oplog Applier starting to write no-ops", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid); auto lastBatchCompletedOpTimes = _writeNoOpEntries(opCtx.get(), *batch); stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _lastAppliedOpTimesUpToLastBatch.donorOpTime = lastBatchCompletedOpTimes.donorOpTime; // If the batch contains only resume token no-ops, then the last batch completed // recipient optime returned will be null. if (!lastBatchCompletedOpTimes.recipientOpTime.isNull()) { _lastAppliedOpTimesUpToLastBatch.recipientOpTime = lastBatchCompletedOpTimes.recipientOpTime; } _numOpsApplied += batch->ops.size(); LOGV2_DEBUG(4886002, 1, "Tenant Oplog Applier finished applying batch", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "lastBatchCompletedOpTimes"_attr = lastBatchCompletedOpTimes); // Notify all the waiters on optimes before and including _lastAppliedOpTimesUpToLastBatch. auto firstUnexpiredIter = _opTimeNotificationList.upper_bound(_lastAppliedOpTimesUpToLastBatch.donorOpTime); for (auto iter = _opTimeNotificationList.begin(); iter != firstUnexpiredIter; iter++) { iter->second.emplaceValue(_lastAppliedOpTimesUpToLastBatch); } _opTimeNotificationList.erase(_opTimeNotificationList.begin(), firstUnexpiredIter); hangInTenantOplogApplication.executeIf( [&](const BSONObj& data) { LOGV2( 5272315, "hangInTenantOplogApplication failpoint enabled -- blocking until it is disabled.", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "lastBatchCompletedOpTimes"_attr = lastBatchCompletedOpTimes); hangInTenantOplogApplication.pauseWhileSet(opCtx.get()); }, [&](const BSONObj& data) { return !lastBatchCompletedOpTimes.recipientOpTime.isNull(); }); } void TenantOplogApplier::_checkNsAndUuidsBelongToTenant(OperationContext* opCtx, const TenantOplogBatch& batch) { // Shard merge protocol checks the namespace and UUID when ops are assigned to writer pool. if (_protocol == MigrationProtocolEnum::kShardMerge) return; auto checkNsAndUuid = [&](const OplogEntry& op) { if (!op.getNss().isEmpty() && !ClonerUtils::isNamespaceForTenant(op.getNss(), *_tenantId)) { LOGV2_ERROR(4886015, "Namespace does not belong to tenant being migrated", "tenant"_attr = *_tenantId, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, logAttrs(op.getNss())); uasserted(4886016, "Namespace does not belong to tenant being migrated"); } if (!op.getUuid()) return; if (_knownGoodUuids.find(*op.getUuid()) != _knownGoodUuids.end()) return; try { auto nss = OplogApplierUtils::parseUUIDOrNs(opCtx, op); if (!ClonerUtils::isNamespaceForTenant(nss, *_tenantId)) { LOGV2_ERROR(4886013, "UUID does not belong to tenant being migrated", "tenant"_attr = *_tenantId, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "UUID"_attr = *op.getUuid(), logAttrs(nss)); uasserted(4886014, "UUID does not belong to tenant being migrated"); } _knownGoodUuids.insert(*op.getUuid()); } catch (const ExceptionFor&) { LOGV2_DEBUG(4886017, 2, "UUID for tenant being migrated does not exist", "tenant"_attr = *_tenantId, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "UUID"_attr = *op.getUuid(), logAttrs(op.getNss())); } }; for (const auto& op : batch.ops) { if (op.expansionsEntry < 0 && !op.entry.isPartialTransaction()) checkNsAndUuid(op.entry); } for (const auto& expansion : batch.expansions) { for (const auto& op : expansion) { checkNsAndUuid(op); } } } namespace { bool isResumeTokenNoop(const OplogEntry& entry) { if (entry.getOpType() != OpTypeEnum::kNoop) { return false; } if (!entry.getObject().hasField("msg")) { return false; } if (entry.getObject().getStringField("msg") != TenantMigrationRecipientService::kNoopMsg) { return false; } return true; } } // namespace TenantOplogApplier::OpTimePair TenantOplogApplier::_writeNoOpEntries( OperationContext* opCtx, const TenantOplogBatch& batch) { auto* opObserver = cc().getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); // Group donor oplog entries from the same session together. LogicalSessionIdMap> sessionOps; // All other oplog entries. std::vector nonSessionOps; // The 'opCtx' must be interruptible on stepdown and stepup to avoid a deadlock situation with // the RSTL. opCtx->setAlwaysInterruptAtStepDownOrUp_UNSAFE(); // Prevent the node from being able to change state when reserving oplog slots and writing // entries. AutoGetOplog oplogWrite(opCtx, OplogAccessMode::kWrite); // We start WriteUnitOfWork only to reserve oplog slots. So, it's ok to abort the // WriteUnitOfWork when it goes out of scope. WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); // Reserve oplog slots for all entries. This allows us to write them in parallel. auto oplogSlots = repl::getNextOpTimes(opCtx, batch.ops.size()); // Keep track of the greatest oplog slot actually used, ignoring resume token noops. This is // what we want to return from this function. auto greatestOplogSlotUsed = OpTime(); auto slotIter = oplogSlots.begin(); for (const auto& op : batch.ops) { if (isResumeTokenNoop(op.entry) || op.ignore) { // Since we won't apply resume token noop oplog entries and internal collection // oplog entries (for shard merge protocol), we do not want to set the recipient optime // for them. invariant(!op.ignore || _protocol == MigrationProtocolEnum::kShardMerge); slotIter++; continue; } // Group oplog entries from the same session for noop writes. if (auto sessionId = op.entry.getOperationSessionInfo().getSessionId()) { sessionOps[*sessionId].emplace_back(&op.entry, slotIter); } else { nonSessionOps.emplace_back(&op.entry, slotIter); } greatestOplogSlotUsed = *slotIter++; } const size_t numOplogThreads = _writerPool->getStats().options.maxThreads; const size_t numOpsPerThread = std::max(std::size_t(minOplogEntriesPerThread.load()), (nonSessionOps.size() / numOplogThreads)); LOGV2_DEBUG(4886003, 1, "Tenant Oplog Applier scheduling no-ops ", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "firstDonorOptime"_attr = batch.ops.front().entry.getOpTime(), "lastDonorOptime"_attr = batch.ops.back().entry.getOpTime(), "numOplogThreads"_attr = numOplogThreads, "numOpsPerThread"_attr = numOpsPerThread, "numOplogEntries"_attr = batch.ops.size(), "numSessionsInBatch"_attr = sessionOps.size()); // Vector to store errors from each writer thread. The first numOplogThreads entries store // errors from the noop writes for non-session oplog entries. And the rest store errors from the // noop writes for each session in the batch. std::vector statusVector(numOplogThreads + sessionOps.size(), Status::OK()); // Dispatch noop writes for non-session oplog entries into numOplogThreads writer threads. auto opsIter = nonSessionOps.begin(); size_t numOpsRemaining = nonSessionOps.size(); for (size_t thread = 0; thread < numOplogThreads && opsIter != nonSessionOps.end(); thread++) { auto numOps = std::min(numOpsPerThread, numOpsRemaining); if (thread == numOplogThreads - 1) { numOps = numOpsRemaining; } _writerPool->schedule([=, &status = statusVector.at(thread)](auto scheduleStatus) { if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) { status = scheduleStatus; } else { try { _writeNoOpsForRange(opObserver, opsIter, opsIter + numOps); } catch (const DBException& e) { status = e.toStatus(); } } }); opsIter += numOps; numOpsRemaining -= numOps; } invariant(opsIter == nonSessionOps.end()); // Dispatch noop writes for oplog entries from the same session into the same writer thread. size_t sessionThreadNum = 0; for (const auto& s : sessionOps) { _writerPool->schedule([=, &status = statusVector.at(numOplogThreads + sessionThreadNum)]( auto scheduleStatus) { if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) { status = scheduleStatus; } else { try { _writeSessionNoOpsForRange(s.second.begin(), s.second.end()); } catch (const DBException& e) { status = e.toStatus(); } } }); sessionThreadNum++; } _writerPool->waitForIdle(); // Make sure all the workers succeeded. for (const auto& status : statusVector) { if (!status.isOK()) { LOGV2_ERROR(5333900, "Failed to write noop in tenant migration", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "error"_attr = redact(status)); } uassertStatusOK(status); } return {batch.ops.back().entry.getOpTime(), greatestOplogSlotUsed}; } void TenantOplogApplier::_writeSessionNoOpsForRange( std::vector::const_iterator begin, std::vector::const_iterator end) { auto opCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); tenantMigrationInfo(opCtx.get()) = boost::make_optional(_migrationUuid); // Since the client object persists across each noop write call and the same writer thread could // be reused to write noop entries with older optime, we need to clear the lastOp associated // with the client to avoid the invariant in replClientInfo::setLastOp that the optime only goes // forward. repl::ReplClientInfo::forClient(opCtx->getClient()).clearLastOp(); opCtx->setAlwaysInterruptAtStepDownOrUp_UNSAFE(); // All the ops will have the same session, so we can retain the scopedSession throughout // the loop, except when invalidated by multi-document transactions. This allows us to // track the statements in a retryable write. std::unique_ptr scopedSession; // Make sure a partial session doesn't escape. ON_BLOCK_EXIT([this, &scopedSession, &opCtx] { if (scopedSession) { auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx.get()); invariant(txnParticipant); txnParticipant.invalidate(opCtx.get()); } }); boost::optional prePostImageEntry = boost::none; OpTime originalPrePostImageOpTime; for (auto iter = begin; iter != end; iter++) { const auto& entry = *iter->first; invariant(!isResumeTokenNoop(entry)); invariant(entry.getSessionId()); MutableOplogEntry noopEntry; noopEntry.setOpType(repl::OpTypeEnum::kNoop); noopEntry.setNss(entry.getNss()); noopEntry.setUuid(entry.getUuid()); noopEntry.setObject({}); // Empty 'o' field. noopEntry.setObject2(entry.getEntry().toBSON()); noopEntry.setOpTime(*iter->second); noopEntry.setWallClockTime(opCtx->getServiceContext()->getFastClockSource()->now()); noopEntry.setTid(entry.getTid()); boost::optional sessionTxnRecord; std::vector stmtIds; boost::optional prevWriteOpTime = boost::none; if (entry.getTxnNumber() && !entry.isPartialTransaction() && (entry.getCommandType() == repl::OplogEntry::CommandType::kCommitTransaction || entry.getCommandType() == repl::OplogEntry::CommandType::kApplyOps)) { // Final applyOp for a transaction. auto sessionId = *entry.getSessionId(); auto txnNumber = *entry.getTxnNumber(); auto optTxnRetryCounter = entry.getOperationSessionInfo().getTxnRetryCounter(); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "txnRetryCounter is only supported in sharded clusters", !optTxnRetryCounter.has_value()); { auto lk = stdx::lock_guard(*opCtx->getClient()); opCtx->setLogicalSessionId(sessionId); opCtx->setTxnNumber(txnNumber); opCtx->setInMultiDocumentTransaction(); } LOGV2_DEBUG(5351502, 1, "Tenant Oplog Applier committing transaction", "sessionId"_attr = sessionId, "txnNumber"_attr = txnNumber, "txnRetryCounter"_attr = optTxnRetryCounter, "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "op"_attr = redact(entry.toBSONForLogging())); // Check out the session. if (!scopedSession) { auto mongoDSessionCatalog = MongoDSessionCatalog::get(opCtx.get()); scopedSession = mongoDSessionCatalog->checkOutSessionWithoutOplogRead(opCtx.get()); } auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx.get()); uassert( 5351500, str::stream() << "Tenant oplog application failed to get transaction participant " "for transaction " << txnNumber << " on session " << sessionId, txnParticipant); // We should only write the noop entry for this transaction commit once. uassert(5351501, str::stream() << "Tenant oplog application cannot apply transaction " << txnNumber << " on session " << sessionId << " because the transaction with txnNumberAndRetryCounter " << txnParticipant.getActiveTxnNumberAndRetryCounter().toBSON() << " has already started", txnParticipant.getActiveTxnNumberAndRetryCounter().getTxnNumber() < txnNumber); txnParticipant.beginOrContinueTransactionUnconditionally( opCtx.get(), {txnNumber, optTxnRetryCounter}); // Only set sessionId, txnNumber and txnRetryCounter for the final applyOp in a // transaction. noopEntry.setSessionId(sessionId); noopEntry.setTxnNumber(txnNumber); noopEntry.getOperationSessionInfo().setTxnRetryCounter(optTxnRetryCounter); // Write a fake applyOps with the tenantId as the namespace so that this will be picked // up by the committed transaction prefetch pipeline in subsequent migrations. // // Unlike MTM, shard merge copies all tenants from the donor. This means that merge does // not need to filter prefetched committed transactions by tenantId. As a result, // setting a nss containing the tenantId for the fake transaction applyOps entry isn't // necessary. if (_protocol != MigrationProtocolEnum::kShardMerge) { noopEntry.setObject(BSON( "applyOps" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON(OplogEntry::kNssFieldName << NamespaceString(*_tenantId + "_", "").ns())))); } // Use the same wallclock time as the noop entry. sessionTxnRecord.emplace(sessionId, txnNumber, OpTime(), noopEntry.getWallClockTime()); sessionTxnRecord->setState(DurableTxnStateEnum::kCommitted); sessionTxnRecord->setTxnRetryCounter(optTxnRetryCounter); // If we have a prePostImage no-op here, it is orphaned; this can happen in some // very unlikely rollback situations. prePostImageEntry = boost::none; } else if (!entry.getStatementIds().empty() && !SessionUpdateTracker::isTransactionEntry(entry)) { // If it has a statement id but isn't a transaction, it's a retryable write. auto sessionId = *entry.getSessionId(); auto txnNumber = *entry.getTxnNumber(); auto entryStmtIds = entry.getStatementIds(); LOGV2_DEBUG(5351000, 2, "Tenant Oplog Applier processing retryable write", "entry"_attr = redact(entry.toBSONForLogging()), "sessionId"_attr = sessionId, "txnNumber"_attr = txnNumber, "statementIds"_attr = entryStmtIds, "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid); if (entry.getOpType() == repl::OpTypeEnum::kNoop) { // There are two types of no-ops we expect here. One is pre/post image, which // will have an empty o2 field. The other is previously transformed oplog // entries from earlier migrations. // We don't wrap the no-ops in another no-op. // If object2 is missing, this is a preImage/postImage. if (!entry.getObject2()) { // *noopEntry.getObject2() is the original migrated no-op in BSON format. prePostImageEntry = uassertStatusOK(MutableOplogEntry::parse(*noopEntry.getObject2())); originalPrePostImageOpTime = entry.getOpTime(); prePostImageEntry->setOpTime(noopEntry.getOpTime()); prePostImageEntry->setWallClockTime(noopEntry.getWallClockTime()); prePostImageEntry->setFromMigrate(true); // Clear the old tenant migration UUID. prePostImageEntry->setFromTenantMigration(boost::none); // Don't write the no-op entry. continue; } else { // Otherwise this is a previously migrated retryable write. Avoid // re-wrapping it. uassert(5351003, str::stream() << "Tenant Oplog Applier received unexpected Empty o2 " "field (original oplog entry) in migrated noop: " << redact(entry.toBSONForLogging()), !entry.getObject2()->isEmpty()); // *noopEntry.getObject2() is the original migrated no-op in BSON format. noopEntry = uassertStatusOK(MutableOplogEntry::parse(*noopEntry.getObject2())); noopEntry.setOpTime(*iter->second); noopEntry.setWallClockTime( opCtx->getServiceContext()->getFastClockSource()->now()); // Clear the old tenant migration UUID. noopEntry.setFromTenantMigration(boost::none); // Set the inner 'o2' optime to the donor entry's optime because the recipient // uses the timestamp in 'o2' to determine where to resume applying from. auto o2Entry = uassertStatusOK(MutableOplogEntry::parse(*entry.getObject2())); o2Entry.setOpTime(entry.getOpTime()); o2Entry.setWallClockTime(entry.getWallClockTime()); noopEntry.setObject2(o2Entry.toBSON()); } } stmtIds.insert(stmtIds.end(), entryStmtIds.begin(), entryStmtIds.end()); if (!prePostImageEntry && (entry.getPreImageOpTime() || entry.getPostImageOpTime())) { LOGV2(5535302, "Tenant Oplog Applier omitting pre- or post- image for findAndModify", "entry"_attr = redact(entry.toBSONForLogging()), "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid); } else if (entry.getPreImageOpTime()) { uassert( 5351002, str::stream() << "Tenant oplog application cannot apply retryable write with txnNumber " << txnNumber << " statementNumber " << stmtIds.front() << " on session " << sessionId << " because the preImage op time " << originalPrePostImageOpTime.toString() << " does not match the expected optime " << entry.getPreImageOpTime()->toString(), originalPrePostImageOpTime == entry.getPreImageOpTime()); noopEntry.setPreImageOpTime(prePostImageEntry->getOpTime()); } else if (entry.getPostImageOpTime()) { uassert( 5351007, str::stream() << "Tenant oplog application cannot apply retryable write with txnNumber " << txnNumber << " statementNumber " << stmtIds.front() << " on session " << sessionId << " because the postImage op time " << originalPrePostImageOpTime.toString() << " does not match the expected optime " << entry.getPostImageOpTime()->toString(), originalPrePostImageOpTime == entry.getPostImageOpTime()); noopEntry.setPostImageOpTime(prePostImageEntry->getOpTime()); } else { // Got a prePostImage no-op without the original entry; this can happen in some // very unlikely rollback situations. prePostImageEntry = boost::none; } { auto lk = stdx::lock_guard(*opCtx->getClient()); opCtx->setLogicalSessionId(sessionId); opCtx->setTxnNumber(txnNumber); } if (!scopedSession) { auto mongoDSessionCatalog = MongoDSessionCatalog::get(opCtx.get()); scopedSession = mongoDSessionCatalog->checkOutSessionWithoutOplogRead(opCtx.get()); } auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx.get()); uassert(5350900, str::stream() << "Tenant oplog application failed to get retryable write " "for transaction " << txnNumber << " on session " << sessionId, txnParticipant); // beginOrContinue throws on failure, which will abort the migration. Failure should // only result from out-of-order processing, which should not happen. TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter{txnNumber}; txnParticipant.beginOrContinue(opCtx.get(), txnNumberAndRetryCounter, boost::none /* autocommit */, boost::none /* startTransaction */); // We could have an existing lastWriteOpTime for the same retryable write chain from a // previously aborted migration. This could also happen if the tenant being migrated has // previously resided in this replica set. So we want to start a new history chain // instead of linking the newly generated no-op to the existing chain before the current // migration starts. Otherwise, we could have duplicate entries for the same stmtId. invariant(!_cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime.isNull()); if (txnParticipant.getLastWriteOpTime() > _cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime) { prevWriteOpTime = txnParticipant.getLastWriteOpTime(); } else { prevWriteOpTime = OpTime(); // Before we start a new history chain, reset the in-memory retryable write // state in the txnParticipant so it can be built up from scratch again with // the new chain. LOGV2_DEBUG(5709800, 2, "Tenant oplog applier resetting existing retryable write state", "lastWriteOpTime"_attr = txnParticipant.getLastWriteOpTime(), "_cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime"_attr = _cloneFinishedRecipientOpTime, "sessionId"_attr = sessionId, "txnNumber"_attr = txnNumber, "statementIds"_attr = entryStmtIds, "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid); txnParticipant.invalidate(opCtx.get()); txnParticipant.refreshFromStorageIfNeededNoOplogEntryFetch(opCtx.get()); TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter{txnNumber}; txnParticipant.beginOrContinue(opCtx.get(), txnNumberAndRetryCounter, boost::none /* autocommit */, boost::none /* startTransaction */); } // We should never process the same donor statement twice, except in failover // cases where we'll also have "forgotten" the statement was executed. uassert(5350902, str::stream() << "Tenant oplog application processed same retryable write " "twice for transaction " << txnNumber << " statement " << entryStmtIds.front() << " on session " << sessionId, !txnParticipant.checkStatementExecutedNoOplogEntryFetch(opCtx.get(), entryStmtIds.front())); // Set sessionId, txnNumber, and statementId for all ops in a retryable write. noopEntry.setSessionId(sessionId); noopEntry.setTxnNumber(txnNumber); noopEntry.setStatementIds(entryStmtIds); // set fromMigrate on the no-op so the session update tracker recognizes it. noopEntry.setFromMigrate(true); // Use the same wallclock time as the noop entry. The lastWriteOpTime will be filled // in after the no-op is written. sessionTxnRecord.emplace(sessionId, txnNumber, OpTime(), noopEntry.getWallClockTime()); } else { // This is a partial transaction oplog entry. // If we have a prePostImage no-op here, it is orphaned; this can happen in some // very unlikely rollback situations. prePostImageEntry = boost::none; } noopEntry.setPrevWriteOpTimeInTransaction(prevWriteOpTime); LOGV2_DEBUG(5535700, 2, "Tenant Oplog Applier writing session no-op", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "op"_attr = redact(noopEntry.toBSON())); AutoGetOplog oplogWrite(opCtx.get(), OplogAccessMode::kWrite); boost::optional tenantLock; boost::optional tenantId = [&]() -> boost::optional { if (_tenantId) { return TenantId{OID::createFromString(*_tenantId)}; } if (entry.getTid()) { return *entry.getTid(); } return boost::none; }(); if (tenantId) { tenantLock.emplace(opCtx.get(), *tenantId, MODE_IX); } writeConflictRetry( opCtx.get(), "writeTenantNoOps", NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace, [&] { WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx.get()); // Write the pre/post image entry, if it exists. if (prePostImageEntry) repl::logOp(opCtx.get(), &*prePostImageEntry); // Write the noop entry and update config.transactions. auto oplogOpTime = repl::logOp(opCtx.get(), &noopEntry); if (sessionTxnRecord) { sessionTxnRecord->setLastWriteOpTime(oplogOpTime); TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx.get()) .onWriteOpCompletedOnPrimary(opCtx.get(), {stmtIds}, *sessionTxnRecord); } wuow.commit(); }); prePostImageEntry = boost::none; // Invalidate in-memory state so that the next time the session is checked out, it // would reload the transaction state from config.transactions. if (opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction()) { auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx.get()); invariant(txnParticipant); txnParticipant.invalidate(opCtx.get()); opCtx->resetMultiDocumentTransactionState(); scopedSession = {}; } } } void TenantOplogApplier::_writeNoOpsForRange(OpObserver* opObserver, std::vector::const_iterator begin, std::vector::const_iterator end) { auto opCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); tenantMigrationInfo(opCtx.get()) = boost::make_optional(_migrationUuid); // Since the client object persists across each noop write call and the same writer thread could // be reused to write noop entries with older optime, we need to clear the lastOp associated // with the client to avoid the invariant in replClientInfo::setLastOp that the optime only goes // forward. repl::ReplClientInfo::forClient(opCtx->getClient()).clearLastOp(); opCtx->setAlwaysInterruptAtStepDownOrUp_UNSAFE(); AutoGetOplog oplogWrite(opCtx.get(), OplogAccessMode::kWrite); auto tenantLocks = _acquireIntentExclusiveTenantLocks(opCtx.get(), begin, end); writeConflictRetry(opCtx.get(), "writeTenantNoOps", NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace, [&] { WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx.get()); for (auto iter = begin; iter != end; iter++) { const auto& entry = *iter->first; if (isResumeTokenNoop(entry)) { // We don't want to write noops for resume token noop oplog entries. They would // not be applied in a change stream anyways. continue; } // We don't need to link no-ops entries for operations done outside of a session. const boost::optional preImageOpTime = boost::none; const boost::optional postImageOpTime = boost::none; const boost::optional prevWriteOpTimeInTransaction = boost::none; opObserver->onInternalOpMessage( opCtx.get(), entry.getNss(), entry.getUuid(), {}, // Empty 'o' field. entry.getEntry().toBSON(), // We link the no-ops together by recipient op time the same way the actual ops // were linked together by donor op time. This is to allow retryable writes // and changestreams to find the ops they need. preImageOpTime, postImageOpTime, prevWriteOpTimeInTransaction, *iter->second); } wuow.commit(); }); } std::vector TenantOplogApplier::_acquireIntentExclusiveTenantLocks( OperationContext* opCtx, std::vector::const_iterator entryBegin, std::vector::const_iterator entryEnd) const { // Determine all involved tenants. std::set tenantIds = [&] { std::set tenantIds; if (_tenantId) { tenantIds.emplace(OID::createFromString(*_tenantId)); } else { for (auto iter = entryBegin; iter != entryEnd; ++iter) { const auto& oplogEntry = *iter->first; if (oplogEntry.getTid()) { tenantIds.insert(*oplogEntry.getTid()); } } } return tenantIds; }(); // Acquire a lock for each tenant. std::vector tenantLocks; tenantLocks.reserve(tenantIds.size()); for (auto&& tenantId : tenantIds) { tenantLocks.emplace_back(opCtx, tenantId, MODE_IX); } return tenantLocks; } std::vector> TenantOplogApplier::_fillWriterVectors( OperationContext* opCtx, TenantOplogBatch* batch) { std::vector> writerVectors( _writerPool->getStats().options.maxThreads); CachedCollectionProperties collPropertiesCache; for (auto&& op : batch->ops) { // If the operation's optime is before or the same as the startApplyingAfterOpTime we don't // want to apply it, so don't include it in writerVectors. if (op.entry.getOpTime() <= _startApplyingAfterOpTime) continue; uassert(4886006, "Tenant oplog application does not support prepared transactions.", !op.entry.shouldPrepare()); uassert(4886007, "Tenant oplog application does not support prepared transactions.", !op.entry.isPreparedCommit()); // We never need to apply no-ops or partial transactions. if (op.entry.getOpType() == OpTypeEnum::kNoop || op.entry.isPartialTransaction()) continue; if (op.expansionsEntry >= 0) { // This is an applyOps or transaction; add the expansions to the writer vectors. auto isTransactionWithCommand = false; auto expansions = &batch->expansions[op.expansionsEntry]; bool tenantOp = false; for (auto&& entry : *expansions) { if (_shouldIgnore(entry)) { uassert(6114521, "Can't have a transaction with operations on both tenant and internal " "collections.", !tenantOp); op.ignore = true; continue; } uassert(6114522, "Can't have a transaction with operations on both tenant and internal " "collections.", !op.ignore); tenantOp = true; if (entry.isCommand()) { // If the transaction contains a command, serialize the operations. isTransactionWithCommand = true; } } if (op.ignore) { continue; } OplogApplierUtils::addDerivedOps(opCtx, expansions, &writerVectors, &collPropertiesCache, isTransactionWithCommand /* serial */); } else { if (_shouldIgnore(op.entry)) { op.ignore = true; continue; } // Add a single op to the writer vectors. OplogApplierUtils::addToWriterVector( opCtx, &op.entry, &writerVectors, &collPropertiesCache); } } return writerVectors; } Status TenantOplogApplier::_applyOplogEntryOrGroupedInserts( OperationContext* opCtx, const OplogEntryOrGroupedInserts& entryOrGroupedInserts, OplogApplication::Mode oplogApplicationMode, const bool isDataConsistent) { // We must ensure the opCtx uses replicated writes, because that will ensure we get a // NotWritablePrimary error if a stepdown occurs. invariant(opCtx->writesAreReplicated()); auto op = entryOrGroupedInserts.getOp(); if (op->isIndexCommandType() && op->getCommandType() != OplogEntry::CommandType::kCreateIndexes && op->getCommandType() != OplogEntry::CommandType::kDropIndexes) { LOGV2_ERROR(488610, "Index creation, except createIndex on empty collections, is not supported in " "tenant migration", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "op"_attr = redact(op->toBSONForLogging())); uasserted(5434700, "Index creation, except createIndex on empty collections, is not supported in " "tenant migration"); } if (op->getCommandType() == OplogEntry::CommandType::kCreateIndexes) { auto uuid = op->getUuid(); uassert(5652700, "Missing UUID from createIndex oplog entry", uuid); try { AutoGetCollectionForRead autoColl(opCtx, {op->getNss().db().toString(), *uuid}); uassert(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, "Collection does not exist", autoColl); // During tenant migration oplog application, we only need to apply createIndex on empty // collections. Otherwise, the index is guaranteed to be dropped after. This is because // we block index builds on the donor for the duration of the tenant migration. if (!Helpers::findOne(opCtx, autoColl.getCollection(), BSONObj()).isNull()) { LOGV2_DEBUG(5652701, 2, "Tenant migration ignoring createIndex for non-empty collection", "op"_attr = redact(op->toBSONForLogging()), "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid); return Status::OK(); } } catch (const ExceptionFor&) { // If the collection doesn't exist, it is safe to ignore. return Status::OK(); } } // We don't count tenant application in the ops applied stats. auto incrementOpsAppliedStats = [] { }; auto status = OplogApplierUtils::applyOplogEntryOrGroupedInsertsCommon(opCtx, entryOrGroupedInserts, oplogApplicationMode, isDataConsistent, incrementOpsAppliedStats, nullptr /* opCounters*/); LOGV2_DEBUG(4886009, 2, "Applied tenant operation", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "error"_attr = status, "op"_attr = redact(op->toBSONForLogging())); return status; } Status TenantOplogApplier::_applyOplogBatchPerWorker(std::vector* ops) { auto opCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); opCtx->setEnforceConstraints(false); tenantMigrationInfo(opCtx.get()) = boost::make_optional(_migrationUuid); // Set this to satisfy low-level locking invariants. opCtx->lockState()->setShouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication(false); const bool allowNamespaceNotFoundErrorsOnCrudOps(true); bool isDataConsistent; OplogApplication::Mode mode; switch (_protocol) { case MigrationProtocolEnum::kMultitenantMigrations: // Multi-tenant migration always use oplog application mode 'kInitialSync' and // isDataConsistent 'false', because we're applying oplog entries to a cloned database // the way initial sync does. isDataConsistent = false; mode = OplogApplication::Mode::kInitialSync; break; case MigrationProtocolEnum::kShardMerge: // Since shard merge protocol uses backup cursor for database cloning and tenant oplog // catchup phase is not resumable on failovers, the oplog entries will be applied on a // consistent copy of donor data. isDataConsistent = true; mode = OplogApplication::Mode::kSecondary; break; default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } auto status = OplogApplierUtils::applyOplogBatchCommon( opCtx.get(), ops, mode, allowNamespaceNotFoundErrorsOnCrudOps, isDataConsistent, [this](OperationContext* opCtx, const OplogEntryOrGroupedInserts& opOrInserts, OplogApplication::Mode mode, const bool isDataConsistent) { return _applyOplogEntryOrGroupedInserts(opCtx, opOrInserts, mode, isDataConsistent); }); if (!status.isOK()) { LOGV2_ERROR(4886008, "Tenant migration writer worker batch application failed", "protocol"_attr = _protocol, "migrationId"_attr = _migrationUuid, "error"_attr = redact(status)); } return status; } std::unique_ptr makeTenantMigrationWriterPool() { return makeTenantMigrationWriterPool(tenantApplierThreadCount); } std::unique_ptr makeTenantMigrationWriterPool(int threadCount) { return makeReplWriterPool( threadCount, "TenantMigrationWriter"_sd, true /* isKillableByStepdown */); } } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo