/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_oplog_batcher.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/apply_ops.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog_batcher.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kTenantMigration namespace mongo { namespace repl { TenantOplogBatcher::TenantOplogBatcher(const UUID& migrationUuid, RandomAccessOplogBuffer* oplogBuffer, std::shared_ptr executor, Timestamp resumeBatchingTs, OpTime beginApplyingAfterOpTime) : AbstractAsyncComponent(executor.get(), std::string("TenantOplogBatcher_") + migrationUuid.toString()), _oplogBuffer(oplogBuffer), _executor(executor), _resumeBatchingTs(resumeBatchingTs), _beginApplyingAfterOpTime(beginApplyingAfterOpTime) {} TenantOplogBatcher::~TenantOplogBatcher() { shutdown(); join(); } void TenantOplogBatcher::_pushEntry(OperationContext* opCtx, TenantOplogBatch* batch, OplogEntry&& op) { uassert(4885606, str::stream() << "Prepared transactions are not supported for tenant migration." << redact(op.toBSONForLogging()), !op.isPreparedCommit() && (op.getCommandType() != OplogEntry::CommandType::kApplyOps || !op.shouldPrepare())); if (op.isTerminalApplyOps()) { if (op.getOpTime() <= _beginApplyingAfterOpTime) { // Fetched for the sake of retryable commitTransaction, don't need to apply. return; } // All applyOps entries are expanded and the expansions put in the batch expansion array. // The original applyOps is kept in the batch ops array. // This applies to multi-document transactions. auto expansionsIndex = batch->expansions.size(); auto& curExpansion = batch->expansions.emplace_back(); auto lastOpInTransactionBson = op.getEntry().toBSON(); repl::ApplyOps::extractOperationsTo(op, lastOpInTransactionBson, &curExpansion); auto oplogPrevTsOption = op.getPrevWriteOpTimeInTransaction(); if (oplogPrevTsOption && !oplogPrevTsOption->isNull()) { // Since 'extractOperationsTo' adds the operations to 'curExpansion' in chronological // order, but we traverse the oplog chain in reverse chronological order, we need to // reverse each set of operations from each 'applyOps', including the one in 'op', then // reverse the whole thing to get all the operations in chronological order. // We skip all this reversing in the common case of only one oplog entry. std::reverse(curExpansion.begin(), curExpansion.end()); while (oplogPrevTsOption && !oplogPrevTsOption->isNull()) { auto txnOp = OplogEntry(uassertStatusOK( _oplogBuffer->findByTimestamp(opCtx, oplogPrevTsOption->getTimestamp()))); auto prevExpandedOpsEnd = curExpansion.size(); repl::ApplyOps::extractOperationsTo(txnOp, lastOpInTransactionBson, &curExpansion); // This reverses results in the operations from this applyOps, so they are stored in // reverse chronological order. Since we are traversing the chain in reverse order, // the whole array will end up in reverse order when we are done. std::reverse(curExpansion.begin() + prevExpandedOpsEnd, curExpansion.end()); oplogPrevTsOption = txnOp.getPrevWriteOpTimeInTransaction(); } std::reverse(curExpansion.begin(), curExpansion.end()); } batch->ops.emplace_back(TenantOplogEntry(std::move(op), expansionsIndex)); } else if (op.getPreImageOpTime() || op.getPostImageOpTime()) { uassert(5351001, str::stream() << "expected donor oplog entry with opTime: " << op.getOpTime().toString() << ": " << redact(op.toBSONForLogging()) << " to have only one of " << OplogEntryBase::kPreImageOpTimeFieldName << " or " << OplogEntryBase::kPostImageOpTimeFieldName, !op.getPreImageOpTime() || !op.getPostImageOpTime()); OpTime imageOpTime = op.getPreImageOpTime() ? *op.getPreImageOpTime() : *op.getPostImageOpTime(); // Almost all the time, this oplog entry will be the previous one in the batch. However, // it may fall on a batch boundary or in unusual cases there may be oplog entries in // between. In these cases we add the image directly before the oplog entry it refers to. // This is consistent with what shard migration does. The oplog applier will ignore // image entries which are not directly followed by the entry referring to them. if (batch->ops.empty() || batch->ops.back().entry.getOpTime() != imageOpTime) { LOGV2_DEBUG(5351004, 1, "Tenant Oplog Batcher reordering pre- or post- image for oplog entry", "opTime"_attr = op.getOpTime(), "imageOpTime"_attr = imageOpTime); auto swImageOp = _oplogBuffer->findByTimestamp(opCtx, imageOpTime.getTimestamp()); if (swImageOp.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) { // If we don't find the pre/post image in the buffer, it means that the pre/post // image has an optime less than the startFetchingDonorOpTime and was never // fetched. This implies that there was a newer transaction number started in // the same session on the donor when the retryable write pre-fetch stage tried // to fetch oplog entries with optime less than the startFetchingDonorOpTime. In // that case, we don't need to support retrying the current findAndModify. // Therefore, use a dummy pre/post image. LOGV2(5535301, "Tenant Oplog Batcher cannot find pre- or post- image", "imageOpTime"_attr = imageOpTime); } else { batch->ops.emplace_back(TenantOplogEntry(uassertStatusOK(swImageOp))); } } batch->ops.emplace_back(TenantOplogEntry(std::move(op))); } else { batch->ops.emplace_back(TenantOplogEntry(std::move(op))); } } void TenantOplogBatcher::_consume(OperationContext* opCtx) { // This is just to get the op off the buffer; it's been peeked at and queued for application // already. // If we failed to get an op off the buffer, this means that shutdown() was called between the // consumer's calls to peek() and consume(). shutdown() cleared the buffer so there is nothing // for us to consume here. Since our postcondition is already met, it is safe to return // successfully. BSONObj opToPopAndDiscard; invariant(_oplogBuffer->tryPop(opCtx, &opToPopAndDiscard) || _isShuttingDown() || !isActive()); } bool TenantOplogBatcher::_mustProcessIndividually(const OplogEntry& entry) { // See the comment of OplogBatcher::_getBatchActionForEntry() for details. The conditions // here are similar to the kProcessIndividually case in that function. if (entry.isCommand()) { return (entry.getCommandType() != OplogEntry::CommandType::kApplyOps) || entry.shouldPrepare() || entry.isSingleOplogEntryTransactionWithCommand() || entry.isEndOfLargeTransaction(); } const auto nss = entry.getNss(); return nss.mustBeAppliedInOwnOplogBatch(); } StatusWith TenantOplogBatcher::_readNextBatch(BatchLimits limits) { auto opCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); TenantOplogBatch batch; while (batch.ops.empty()) { bool hasData = false; while (!hasData) { hasData = _oplogBuffer->waitForData(Seconds(1)); stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); if (!_isActive_inlock() || _isShuttingDown_inlock()) { return {ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "Tenant oplog batcher shut down"}; } } LOGV2_DEBUG(4885602, 1, "Tenant Oplog Batcher reading batch", "component"_attr = _getComponentName()); BSONObj op; // We are guaranteed this loop will return at least one operation, because waitForData // returned true above. std::size_t totalOps = 0; std::uint32_t totalBytes = 0; while (_oplogBuffer->peek(opCtx.get(), &op)) { auto entry = OplogEntry(op); if (_mustProcessIndividually(entry)) { if (batch.ops.empty()) { _pushEntry(opCtx.get(), &batch, std::move(entry)); _consume(opCtx.get()); } // We end the batch before the entry that must be processed individually. Since // we've only "peeked" it, it will be the first thing on the buffer for the next // batch. break; } auto opCount = OplogBatcher::getOpCount(entry); auto opBytes = entry.getRawObjSizeBytes(); if (totalOps > 0 && (totalOps + opCount > limits.ops || totalBytes + opBytes > limits.bytes)) { // Batch is done; no more operations fit. break; } totalOps += opCount; totalBytes += opBytes; _pushEntry(opCtx.get(), &batch, std::move(entry)); _consume(opCtx.get()); } } LOGV2_DEBUG(4885603, 1, "Tenant Oplog Batcher read batch", "component"_attr = _getComponentName(), "size"_attr = batch.ops.size()); return batch; } SemiFuture TenantOplogBatcher::_scheduleNextBatch(WithLock, BatchLimits limits) { if (!_isActive_inlock() || _isShuttingDown_inlock()) { return SemiFuture::makeReady( Status(ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "Tenant oplog batcher has been shut down.")); } auto pf = makePromiseFuture(); auto taskCompletionPromise = std::make_shared>(std::move(pf.promise)); _batchRequested = true; auto statusWithCbh = _executor->scheduleWork([this, limits, taskCompletionPromise, self = shared_from_this()]( const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackArgs& args) { if (!args.status.isOK()) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _batchRequested = false; taskCompletionPromise->setError(args.status); if (_isShuttingDown_inlock()) { _transitionToComplete_inlock(); } return; } // Using makeReadyFutureWith here allows capturing exceptions. auto result = makeReadyFutureWith( [this, &limits, self = shared_from_this()] { return _readNextBatch(limits); }); stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); // Fulfilling 'taskCompletionPromise' and resetting '_batchRequested' have to be done in // a single critical section to avoid failure due to "Cannot ask for already-requested // oplog fetcher batch". _batchRequested = false; taskCompletionPromise->setFrom(std::move(result)); if (_isShuttingDown_inlock()) { _transitionToComplete_inlock(); } }); // If the batch fails to schedule, ensure we get a valid error code instead of a broken promise. if (!statusWithCbh.isOK()) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _batchRequested = false; taskCompletionPromise->setError(statusWithCbh.getStatus()); if (_isShuttingDown_inlock()) { _transitionToComplete_inlock(); } } return std::move(pf.future).semi(); } SemiFuture TenantOplogBatcher::getNextBatch(BatchLimits limits) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); uassert(4885600, "Cannot ask for already-requested oplog fetcher batch.", !_batchRequested); uassert(4885601, "Batch limit in bytes must be greater than 0", limits.bytes > 0); uassert(4885607, "Batch limit in number of ops must be greater than 0", limits.ops > 0); return _scheduleNextBatch(lk, limits); } void TenantOplogBatcher::_doStartup_inlock() { LOGV2_DEBUG( 4885604, 1, "Tenant Oplog Batcher starting up", "component"_attr = _getComponentName()); if (!_resumeBatchingTs.isNull()) { auto opCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); uassert(5272303, str::stream() << "Error resuming oplog batcher", _oplogBuffer ->seekToTimestamp(opCtx.get(), _resumeBatchingTs, RandomAccessOplogBuffer::SeekStrategy::kInexact) .isOK()); // Doing a 'seekToTimestamp' will not set the '_lastPoppedKey' on its own if a document // with '_resumeBatchingTs' exists in the buffer collection. We do a 'tryPop' here to set // '_lastPoppedKey' to equal '_resumeBatchingTs'. if (_oplogBuffer->findByTimestamp(opCtx.get(), _resumeBatchingTs).isOK()) { BSONObj opToPopAndDiscard; _oplogBuffer->tryPop(opCtx.get(), &opToPopAndDiscard); } LOGV2_DEBUG(5272306, 1, "Tenant Oplog Batcher will resume batching from after timestamp", "timestamp"_attr = _resumeBatchingTs); } } void TenantOplogBatcher::_doShutdown_inlock() noexcept { LOGV2_DEBUG( 4885605, 1, "Tenant Oplog Batcher shutting down", "component"_attr = _getComponentName()); if (!_batchRequested) { _transitionToComplete_inlock(); } // If _batchRequested was true, we handle the _transitionToComplete when it becomes false. } } // namespace repl } // namespace mongo