/** * Copyright (C) 2021-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/catalog/create_collection.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/dbdirectclient.h" #include "mongo/db/s/auto_split_vector.h" #include "mongo/db/s/collection_sharding_runtime.h" #include "mongo/db/s/operation_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/s/shard_server_test_fixture.h" #include "mongo/db/s/split_vector.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/platform/random.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kTest namespace mongo { namespace { const NamespaceString kNss = NamespaceString::createNamespaceString_forTest("autosplitDB", "coll"); const std::string kPattern = "_id"; /* * Call the autoSplitVector function of the test collection on a chunk with bounds [0, 100) and with * the specified `maxChunkSizeMB`. */ std::pair, bool> autoSplit(OperationContext* opCtx, int maxChunkSizeMB, boost::optional limit = boost::none, bool forward = true) { return autoSplitVector(opCtx, kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1) /* shard key pattern */, BSON(kPattern << 0) /* min */, BSON(kPattern << 1000) /* max */, maxChunkSizeMB * 1024 * 1024 /* max chunk size in bytes*/, limit, forward); } class AutoSplitVectorTest : public ShardServerTestFixture { public: /* * Before each test case: * - Creates a sharded collection with shard key `_id` */ void setUp() { ShardServerTestFixture::setUp(); auto opCtx = operationContext(); { OperationShardingState::ScopedAllowImplicitCollectionCreate_UNSAFE unsafeCreateCollection(opCtx); uassertStatusOK( createCollection(operationContext(), kNss.dbName(), BSON("create" << kNss.coll()))); } DBDirectClient client(opCtx); client.createIndex(kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1)); } /* * Insert the specified number of documents in the test collection, with incremental shard key * `_id` starting from `_nextShardKey`. */ void insertNDocsOf1MB(OperationContext* opCtx, int nDocs) { DBDirectClient client(opCtx); std::string s(1024 * 1024 - 24, 'a'); // To get a 1MB document for (int i = 0; i < nDocs; i++) { BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append(kPattern, _nextShardKey++); builder.append("str", s); BSONObj obj = builder.obj(); ASSERT(obj.objsize() == 1024 * 1024); // 1 MB document client.insert(kNss, obj); } } /* * Get the number of documents inserted until now. */ int getInsertedSize() { return _nextShardKey; } private: int _nextShardKey = 0; }; class AutoSplitVectorTest10MB : public AutoSplitVectorTest { /* * Before each test case: * - Creates a sharded collection with shard key `_id` * - Inserts `10` documents of ~1MB size (shard keys [0...9]) */ void setUp() { AutoSplitVectorTest::setUp(); auto opCtx = operationContext(); insertNDocsOf1MB(opCtx, 10 /* nDocs */); DBDirectClient client(opCtx); ASSERT_EQUALS(10, client.count(kNss)); } }; // Throw exception upon calling autoSplitVector on dropped/unexisting collection TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest, NoCollection) { ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( autoSplitVector(operationContext(), NamespaceString::createNamespaceString_forTest("dummy", "collection"), BSON(kPattern << 1) /* shard key pattern */, BSON(kPattern << kMinBSONKey) /* min */, BSON(kPattern << kMaxBSONKey) /* max */, 1 * 1024 * 1024 /* max chunk size in bytes*/), DBException, ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound); } TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest, EmptyCollection) { const auto [splitKey, continuation] = autoSplitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1) /* shard key pattern */, BSON(kPattern << kMinBSONKey) /* min */, BSON(kPattern << kMaxBSONKey) /* max */, 1 * 1024 * 1024 /* max chunk size in bytes*/); ASSERT_EQ(0, splitKey.size()); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest, EmptyCollectionBackwards) { const auto [splitKey, continuation] = autoSplitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1) /* shard key pattern */, BSON(kPattern << kMinBSONKey) /* min */, BSON(kPattern << kMaxBSONKey) /* max */, 1 * 1024 * 1024 /* max chunk size in bytes*/, boost::none, false); ASSERT_EQ(0, splitKey.size()); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, EmptyRange) { const auto [splitKey, continuation] = autoSplitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1) /* shard key pattern */, BSON(kPattern << kMinBSONKey) /* min */, BSON(kPattern << -10) /* max */, 1 * 1024 * 1024 /* max chunk size in bytes*/); ASSERT_EQ(0, splitKey.size()); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } // No split points if estimated `data size < max chunk size` TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, NoSplitIfDataLessThanMaxChunkSize) { auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 11 /* maxChunkSizeMB */); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), 0); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } // Do not split in case of `chunk size == maxChunkSize` TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, NoSplitIfDataEqualMaxChunkSize) { auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 10 /* maxChunkSizeMB */); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), 0); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } // No split points if `chunk size > max chunk size` but threshold not reached TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, NoSplitIfDataLessThanThreshold) { const auto surplus = 2; { // Increase collection size so that the auto splitter can actually be triggered. Use a // different range to don't interfere with the chunk getting splitted. insertNDocsOf1MB(operationContext(), surplus /* nDocs */); } auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 10 /* maxChunkSizeMB */); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), 0); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } // One split point if `chunk size > max chunk size` and threshold reached TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, SplitIfDataSlightlyMoreThanThreshold) { const auto surplus = 4; insertNDocsOf1MB(operationContext(), surplus /* nDocs */); auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 10 /* maxChunkSizeMB */); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(6, splitKeys.front().getIntField(kPattern)); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, SplitIfDataSlightlyMoreThanThresholdBackwards) { const auto surplus = 4; insertNDocsOf1MB(operationContext(), surplus /* nDocs */); auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 10 /* maxChunkSizeMB */, boost::none, false); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(7, splitKeys.front().getIntField(kPattern)); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } // Split points if `data size > max chunk size * 2` and threshold reached TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, SplitIfDataMoreThanThreshold) { const auto surplus = 14; insertNDocsOf1MB(operationContext(), surplus /* nDocs */); auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 10 /* maxChunkSizeMB */); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(7, splitKeys.front().getIntField(kPattern)); ASSERT_EQ(15, splitKeys.back().getIntField(kPattern)); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, SplitIfDataMoreThanThresholdBackwards) { const auto surplus = 14; insertNDocsOf1MB(operationContext(), surplus /* nDocs */); auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 10 /* maxChunkSizeMB */, boost::none, false); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(16, splitKeys.front().getIntField(kPattern)); ASSERT_EQ(8, splitKeys.back().getIntField(kPattern)); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } // Split points are not recalculated if the right-most chunk is at least `80% maxChunkSize` TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, NoRecalculateIfBigLastChunk) { const auto surplus = 8; insertNDocsOf1MB(operationContext(), surplus /* nDocs */); auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 10 /* maxChunkSizeMB */); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(9, splitKeys.front().getIntField(kPattern)); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, NoRecalculateIfBigLastChunkBackwards) { const auto surplus = 8; insertNDocsOf1MB(operationContext(), surplus /* nDocs */); auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 10 /* maxChunkSizeMB */, boost::none, false); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(8, splitKeys.front().getIntField(kPattern)); ASSERT_FALSE(continuation); } // Test that the limit argument is honored and that split points are correctly repositioned TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, LimitArgIsRespected) { const auto surplus = 4; insertNDocsOf1MB(operationContext(), surplus /* nDocs */); // Maximum split keys returned (no limit) const auto numPossibleSplitKeys = [&]() { auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 2 /* maxChunkSizeMB */); return splitKeys.size(); }(); ASSERT_GT(numPossibleSplitKeys, 3); for (auto limit : {1, 2, 3}) { const auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 2 /* maxChunkSizeMB */, limit); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), limit); } } TEST_F(AutoSplitVectorTest10MB, LimitArgIsRespectedBackwards) { const auto surplus = 4; insertNDocsOf1MB(operationContext(), surplus /* nDocs */); // Maximum split keys returned (no limit) const auto numPossibleSplitKeys = [&]() { auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 2 /* maxChunkSizeMB */, boost::none, false); return splitKeys.size(); }(); ASSERT_GT(numPossibleSplitKeys, 3); for (auto limit : {1, 2, 3}) { const auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), 2 /* maxChunkSizeMB */, limit, false); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), limit); } } class RepositionLastSplitPointsTest : public AutoSplitVectorTest { public: /* * Tests that last split points are properly repositioned in case the surplus allows so or not * repositioned otherwise. */ void checkRepositioning(int maxDocsPerChunk, int surplus, int nSplitPoints) { ASSERT(surplus >= 0 && surplus < maxDocsPerChunk); const auto maxDocsPerNewChunk = maxDocsPerChunk - ((maxDocsPerChunk - surplus) / (nSplitPoints + 1)); bool mustReposition = surplus >= maxDocsPerChunk - maxDocsPerNewChunk && surplus < maxDocsPerChunk * 0.8; int toInsert = (maxDocsPerChunk * nSplitPoints) - getInsertedSize() + surplus; insertNDocsOf1MB(operationContext(), toInsert); int expectedChunkSize = mustReposition ? getInsertedSize() / (nSplitPoints + 1) : maxDocsPerChunk; auto [splitKeys, continuation] = autoSplit(operationContext(), maxDocsPerChunk /* maxChunkSizeMB */); int approximateNextMin = expectedChunkSize; for (const auto& splitKey : splitKeys) { int _id = splitKey.getIntField(kPattern); // Expect an approximate match due to integers rounding in the split points algorithm. ASSERT(_id >= approximateNextMin - 2 && _id <= approximateNextMin + 2) << BSON( "approximateNextMin" << approximateNextMin << "splitKeys" << splitKeys << "maxDocsPerChunk" << maxDocsPerChunk << "surplus" << surplus << "nSplitPoints" << nSplitPoints << "maxDocsPerNewChunk" << maxDocsPerNewChunk << "mustReposition" << mustReposition << "toInsert" << toInsert << "expectedChunkSize" << expectedChunkSize); approximateNextMin = _id + expectedChunkSize; } } }; // Test that last split points are recalculated fairly (if the surplus allows so) TEST_F(RepositionLastSplitPointsTest, RandomRepositioningTest) { PseudoRandom random(SecureRandom().nextInt64()); // Avoid small sizes already checked in other test cases. // Random maxDocsPerChunk in interval: [10, 110). int maxDocsPerChunk = random.nextInt32(100) + 10; // Random surplus in interval: [0, maxDocsPerChunk). int surplus = random.nextInt32(maxDocsPerChunk); LOGV2(6000900, "RandomRepositioningTest parameters", "maxDocsPerChunk"_attr = maxDocsPerChunk, "surplus"_attr = surplus); for (int nSplitPointsToReposition = 1; nSplitPointsToReposition < 4; nSplitPointsToReposition++) { checkRepositioning(maxDocsPerChunk, surplus, nSplitPointsToReposition); } } } // namespace } // namespace mongo