/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/db/range_arithmetic.h" #include "mongo/s/chunk_manager.h" namespace mongo { /** * The collection metadata has metadata information about a collection, in particular the * sharding information. It's main goal in life is to be capable of answering if a certain * document belongs to it or not. (In some scenarios such as chunk migration, a given * document is in a shard but cannot be accessed.) * * To build a collection from config data, please check the MetadataLoader. The methods * here allow building a new incarnation of a collection's metadata based on an existing * one (e.g, we're splitting in a given collection.). * * This class's chunk mapping is immutable once constructed. */ class CollectionMetadata { public: /** * Instantiates a metadata object, which represents an unsharded collection. This 'isSharded' * for this object will return false and it is illegal to use it for filtering. */ CollectionMetadata() = default; /** * The main way to construct CollectionMetadata is through MetadataLoader or clone() methods. * * "thisShardId" is the shard identity of this shard for purposes of answering questions like * "does this key belong to this shard"? */ CollectionMetadata(ChunkManager cm, const ShardId& thisShardId); /** * Returns whether this metadata object represents a sharded or unsharded collection. */ bool isSharded() const { return bool(_cm); } bool allowMigrations() const; /** * Returns the resharding key if the coordinator state is such that the recipient is tailing * the donor's oplog. */ boost::optional getReshardingKeyIfShouldForwardOps() const; /** * Throws an exception if resharding fields currently exist in the collection metadata. */ void throwIfReshardingInProgress(NamespaceString const& nss) const; /** * Returns the current shard version for the collection or UNSHARDED if it is not sharded. * * Will throw ShardInvalidatedForTargeting if _thisShardId is marked as stale by * the CollectionMetadata's current chunk manager. */ ChunkVersion getShardVersion() const { return (isSharded() ? _cm->getVersion(_thisShardId) : ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED()); } /** * Returns the current shard version for the collection or UNSHARDED if it is not sharded. * * Will not throw an exception if _thisShardId is marked as stale by the CollectionMetadata's * current chunk manager. Only use this function when logging the returned ChunkVersion. If the * caller must execute logic based on the returned ChunkVersion, use getShardVersion() instead. */ ChunkVersion getShardVersionForLogging() const { return (isSharded() ? _cm->getVersionForLogging(_thisShardId) : ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED()); } /** * Returns the current collection version or UNSHARDED if it is not sharded. */ ChunkVersion getCollVersion() const { return (isSharded() ? _cm->getVersion() : ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED()); } /** * Obtains the shard id with which this collection metadata is configured. */ const ShardId& shardId() const { invariant(isSharded()); return _thisShardId; } const ShardKeyPattern& getShardKeyPattern() const { invariant(isSharded()); return _cm->getShardKeyPattern(); } /** * Returns true if 'key' contains exactly the same fields as the shard key pattern. */ bool isValidKey(const BSONObj& key) const { return getShardKeyPattern().isShardKey(key); } const BSONObj& getKeyPattern() const { return getShardKeyPattern().toBSON(); } const std::vector>& getKeyPatternFields() const { return getShardKeyPattern().getKeyPatternFields(); } BSONObj getMinKey() const { return getShardKeyPattern().getKeyPattern().globalMin(); } BSONObj getMaxKey() const { return getShardKeyPattern().getKeyPattern().globalMax(); } bool uuidMatches(UUID uuid) const { invariant(isSharded()); return _cm->uuidMatches(uuid); } const UUID& getUUID() const { return _cm->getUUID(); } /** * Returns just the shard key fields, if the collection is sharded, and the _id field, from * `doc`. Does not alter any field values (e.g. by hashing); values are copied verbatim. */ BSONObj extractDocumentKey(const BSONObj& doc) const; /** * String output of the collection and shard versions. */ std::string toStringBasic() const; // // Methods used for orphan filtering and general introspection of the chunks owned by the shard // const ChunkManager* getChunkManager() const { invariant(isSharded()); return _cm.get_ptr(); } /** * Returns true if the document with the given key belongs to this chunkset. If the key is empty * returns false. If key is not a valid shard key, the behaviour is undefined. */ bool keyBelongsToMe(const BSONObj& key) const { invariant(isSharded()); return _cm->keyBelongsToShard(key, _thisShardId); } /** * Given a key 'lookupKey' in the shard key range, get the next chunk which overlaps or is * greater than this key. Returns true if a chunk exists, false otherwise. * * Passing a key that is not a valid shard key for this range results in undefined behavior. */ bool getNextChunk(const BSONObj& lookupKey, ChunkType* chunk) const; /** * Returns true if the argument range overlaps any chunk. */ bool rangeOverlapsChunk(const ChunkRange& range) const { invariant(isSharded()); return _cm->rangeOverlapsShard(range, _thisShardId); } /** * Returns true if this shard has any chunks for the collection. */ bool currentShardHasAnyChunks() const; /** * Given a key in the shard key range, get the next range which overlaps or is greater than * this key. * * This allows us to do the following to iterate over all orphan ranges: * * ChunkRange range; * BSONObj lookupKey = metadata->getMinKey(); * boost::optional range; * while((range = metadata->getNextOrphanRange(receiveMap, lookupKey))) { * lookupKey = range->maxKey; * } * * @param lookupKey passing a key that does not belong to this metadata is undefined. * @param receiveMap is an extra set of chunks not considered orphaned. * * @return orphanRange the output range. Note that the NS is not set. */ boost::optional getNextOrphanRange(const RangeMap& receiveMap, const BSONObj& lookupKey) const; /** * Returns all the chunks which are contained on this shard. */ RangeMap getChunks() const; /** * BSON output of the chunks metadata into a BSONArray */ void toBSONChunks(BSONArrayBuilder* builder) const; const boost::optional& getReshardingFields() const { invariant(isSharded()); return _cm->getReshardingFields(); } const boost::optional& getTimeseriesFields() const { invariant(isSharded()); return _cm->getTimeseriesFields(); } private: // The full routing table for the collection or boost::none if the collection is not sharded boost::optional _cm; // The identity of this shard, for the purpose of answering "key belongs to me" queries. If the // collection is not sharded (_cm is boost::none), then this value will be empty. ShardId _thisShardId; }; } // namespace mongo