/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/s/config/initial_split_policy.h" #include "mongo/client/read_preference.h" #include "mongo/db/bson/dotted_path_support.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/curop.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/lite_parsed_pipeline.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/process_interface/shardsvr_process_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/sharded_agg_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/s/balancer/balancer_policy.h" #include "mongo/db/s/sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/vector_clock.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/s/balancer_configuration.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/type_shard.h" #include "mongo/s/grid.h" #include "mongo/s/shard_util.h" #include "mongo/stdx/unordered_map.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kSharding namespace mongo { namespace { using ChunkDistributionMap = stdx::unordered_map; using ZoneShardMap = StringMap>; using boost::intrusive_ptr; std::vector getAllShardIdsSorted(OperationContext* opCtx) { // Many tests assume that chunks will be placed on shards // according to their IDs in ascending lexical order. auto shardIds = Grid::get(opCtx)->shardRegistry()->getAllShardIds(opCtx); std::sort(shardIds.begin(), shardIds.end()); return shardIds; } /** * Creates a chunk based on the given arguments, appends it to 'chunks' and increments the given * chunk version */ void appendChunk(const SplitPolicyParams& params, const BSONObj& min, const BSONObj& max, ChunkVersion* version, const ShardId& shardId, std::vector* chunks) { chunks->emplace_back(params.collectionUUID, ChunkRange(min, max), *version, shardId); auto& chunk = chunks->back(); chunk.setOnCurrentShardSince(version->getTimestamp()); chunk.setHistory({ChunkHistory(*chunk.getOnCurrentShardSince(), shardId)}); version->incMinor(); } /** * Return the shard with least amount of chunks while respecting the zone settings. */ ShardId selectBestShard(const ChunkDistributionMap& chunkMap, const ZoneInfo& zoneInfo, const ZoneShardMap& zoneToShards, const ChunkRange& chunkRange) { auto zone = zoneInfo.getZoneForChunk(chunkRange); auto iter = zoneToShards.find(zone); uassert(4952605, str::stream() << "no shards found for zone: " << zone << ", while creating initial chunks for new resharded collection", iter != zoneToShards.end()); const auto& shards = iter->second; uassert(4952607, str::stream() << "no shards found for zone: " << zone << ", while creating initial chunks for new resharded collection", !shards.empty()); auto bestShardIter = chunkMap.end(); for (const auto& shard : shards) { auto candidateIter = chunkMap.find(shard); if (bestShardIter == chunkMap.end() || candidateIter->second < bestShardIter->second) { bestShardIter = candidateIter; } } invariant(bestShardIter != chunkMap.end()); return bestShardIter->first; } /* * Returns a map mapping each tag name to a vector of shard ids with that tag name */ StringMap> buildTagsToShardIdsMap(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::vector& tags) { StringMap> tagToShardIds; if (tags.empty()) { return tagToShardIds; } // Get all docs in config.shards through a query instead of going through the shard registry // because we need the zones as well const auto configServer = Grid::get(opCtx)->shardRegistry()->getConfigShard(); const auto shardDocs = uassertStatusOK( configServer->exhaustiveFindOnConfig(opCtx, ReadPreferenceSetting(ReadPreference::Nearest), repl::ReadConcernLevel::kMajorityReadConcern, NamespaceString::kConfigsvrShardsNamespace, BSONObj(), BSONObj(), boost::none)); uassert(50986, str::stream() << "Could not find any shard documents", !shardDocs.docs.empty()); for (const auto& tag : tags) { tagToShardIds[tag.getTag()] = {}; } for (const auto& shardDoc : shardDocs.docs) { auto parsedShard = uassertStatusOK(ShardType::fromBSON(shardDoc)); for (const auto& tag : parsedShard.getTags()) { tagToShardIds[tag].push_back(parsedShard.getName()); } } return tagToShardIds; } } // namespace std::vector InitialSplitPolicy::calculateHashedSplitPoints( const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern, BSONObj prefix, int numInitialChunks) { invariant(shardKeyPattern.isHashedPattern()); invariant(numInitialChunks > 0); std::vector splitPoints; if (numInitialChunks == 1) { return splitPoints; } // Hashes are signed, 64-bit integers. So we divide the range (-MIN long, +MAX long) into // intervals of size (2^64/numInitialChunks) and create split points at the boundaries. // // The logic below ensures that initial chunks are all symmetric around 0. const long long intervalSize = (std::numeric_limits::max() / numInitialChunks) * 2; long long current = 0; const auto proposedKey(shardKeyPattern.getKeyPattern().toBSON()); auto buildSplitPoint = [&](long long value) { // Forward the iterator until hashed field is reached. auto shardKeyPatternItr = BSONObjIterator(shardKeyPattern.getKeyPattern().toBSON()); while (shardKeyPattern.getHashedField().fieldNameStringData() != (*shardKeyPatternItr++).fieldNameStringData()) { } // Append the prefix fields to the new splitpoint, if any such fields exist. BSONObjBuilder bob(prefix); // Append the value of the hashed field for the current splitpoint. bob.append(shardKeyPattern.getHashedField().fieldNameStringData(), value); // Set all subsequent shard key fields to MinKey. while (shardKeyPatternItr.more()) { bob.appendMinKey((*shardKeyPatternItr++).fieldNameStringData()); } return bob.obj(); }; if (numInitialChunks % 2 == 0) { splitPoints.push_back(buildSplitPoint(current)); current += intervalSize; } else { current += intervalSize / 2; } for (int i = 0; i < (numInitialChunks - 1) / 2; i++) { splitPoints.push_back(buildSplitPoint(current)); splitPoints.push_back(buildSplitPoint(-current)); current += intervalSize; } sort(splitPoints.begin(), splitPoints.end(), SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeLessThan()); return splitPoints; } InitialSplitPolicy::ShardCollectionConfig InitialSplitPolicy::generateShardCollectionInitialChunks( const SplitPolicyParams& params, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern, const Timestamp& validAfter, const std::vector& splitPoints, const std::vector& allShardIds, const int numContiguousChunksPerShard) { invariant(!allShardIds.empty()); std::vector finalSplitPoints; // Make sure points are unique and ordered auto orderedPts = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet(); for (const auto& splitPoint : splitPoints) { orderedPts.insert(splitPoint); } for (const auto& splitPoint : orderedPts) { finalSplitPoints.push_back(splitPoint); } ChunkVersion version({OID::gen(), validAfter}, {1, 0}); const auto& keyPattern(shardKeyPattern.getKeyPattern()); std::vector chunks; for (size_t i = 0; i <= finalSplitPoints.size(); i++) { const BSONObj min = (i == 0) ? keyPattern.globalMin() : finalSplitPoints[i - 1]; const BSONObj max = (i < finalSplitPoints.size()) ? finalSplitPoints[i] : keyPattern.globalMax(); // It's possible there are no split points or fewer split points than total number of // shards, and we need to be sure that at least one chunk is placed on the primary shard const ShardId shardId = (i == 0 && finalSplitPoints.size() + 1 < allShardIds.size()) ? params.primaryShardId : allShardIds[(i / numContiguousChunksPerShard) % allShardIds.size()]; appendChunk(params, min, max, &version, shardId, &chunks); } return {std::move(chunks)}; } std::unique_ptr InitialSplitPolicy::calculateOptimizationStrategy( OperationContext* opCtx, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern, const std::int64_t numInitialChunks, const bool presplitHashedZones, const boost::optional>& initialSplitPoints, const std::vector& tags, size_t numShards, bool collectionIsEmpty, bool useAutoSplitter) { uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, str::stream() << "numInitialChunks is only supported when the collection is empty " "and has a hashed field in the shard key pattern", !numInitialChunks || (shardKeyPattern.isHashedPattern() && collectionIsEmpty)); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, str::stream() << "When the prefix of the hashed shard key is a range field, " "'numInitialChunks' can only be used when the 'presplitHashedZones' is true", !numInitialChunks || shardKeyPattern.hasHashedPrefix() || presplitHashedZones); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, str::stream() << "Cannot have both initial split points and tags set", !initialSplitPoints || tags.empty()); // If 'presplitHashedZones' flag is set, we always use 'PresplitHashedZonesSplitPolicy', to make // sure we throw the correct assertion if further validation fails. if (presplitHashedZones) { return std::make_unique( opCtx, shardKeyPattern, tags, numInitialChunks, collectionIsEmpty); } // The next preference is to use split points based strategy. This is only possible if // 'initialSplitPoints' is set, or if the collection is empty with shard key having a hashed // prefix. if (initialSplitPoints) { return std::make_unique(*initialSplitPoints); } if (tags.empty() && shardKeyPattern.hasHashedPrefix() && collectionIsEmpty) { return std::make_unique( shardKeyPattern, numShards, numInitialChunks); } if (!tags.empty()) { if (collectionIsEmpty) { return std::make_unique(opCtx, tags); } return std::make_unique(); } if (collectionIsEmpty) { return std::make_unique(); } if (useAutoSplitter) { return std::make_unique(); } return std::make_unique(); } InitialSplitPolicy::ShardCollectionConfig SingleChunkOnPrimarySplitPolicy::createFirstChunks( OperationContext* opCtx, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern, const SplitPolicyParams& params) { const auto currentTime = VectorClock::get(opCtx)->getTime(); const auto validAfter = currentTime.clusterTime().asTimestamp(); ChunkVersion version({OID::gen(), validAfter}, {1, 0}); const auto& keyPattern = shardKeyPattern.getKeyPattern(); std::vector chunks; appendChunk(params, keyPattern.globalMin(), keyPattern.globalMax(), &version, params.primaryShardId, &chunks); return {std::move(chunks)}; } InitialSplitPolicy::ShardCollectionConfig AutoSplitInChunksOnPrimaryPolicy::createFirstChunks( OperationContext* opCtx, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern, const SplitPolicyParams& params) { // Under this policy, chunks are only placed on the primary shard. std::vector shardIds{params.primaryShardId}; // Refresh the balancer settings to ensure the chunk size setting, which is sent as part of // the splitVector command and affects the number of chunks returned, has been loaded. const auto balancerConfig = Grid::get(opCtx)->getBalancerConfiguration(); uassertStatusOK(balancerConfig->refreshAndCheck(opCtx)); auto optNss = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupNSSByUUID(opCtx, params.collectionUUID); invariant(optNss); const auto shardSelectedSplitPoints = uassertStatusOK( shardutil::selectChunkSplitPoints(opCtx, params.primaryShardId, *optNss, shardKeyPattern, ChunkRange(shardKeyPattern.getKeyPattern().globalMin(), shardKeyPattern.getKeyPattern().globalMax()), balancerConfig->getMaxChunkSizeBytes())); const auto currentTime = VectorClock::get(opCtx)->getTime(); return generateShardCollectionInitialChunks(params, shardKeyPattern, currentTime.clusterTime().asTimestamp(), shardSelectedSplitPoints, shardIds, 1 // numContiguousChunksPerShard ); } InitialSplitPolicy::ShardCollectionConfig SplitPointsBasedSplitPolicy::createFirstChunks( OperationContext* opCtx, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern, const SplitPolicyParams& params) { // On which shards are the generated chunks allowed to be placed. const auto shardIds = getAllShardIdsSorted(opCtx); const auto currentTime = VectorClock::get(opCtx)->getTime(); const auto validAfter = currentTime.clusterTime().asTimestamp(); return generateShardCollectionInitialChunks( params, shardKeyPattern, validAfter, _splitPoints, shardIds, _numContiguousChunksPerShard); } AbstractTagsBasedSplitPolicy::AbstractTagsBasedSplitPolicy(OperationContext* opCtx, std::vector tags) : _tags(tags) { _tagToShardIds = buildTagsToShardIdsMap(opCtx, tags); } AbstractTagsBasedSplitPolicy::SplitInfo SingleChunkPerTagSplitPolicy::buildSplitInfoForTag( TagsType tag, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern) { const auto nextShardIndex = _nextShardIndexForZone[tag.getTag()]++; const auto& shardIdsForTag = getTagsToShardIds().find(tag.getTag())->second; auto shardId = shardIdsForTag[nextShardIndex % shardIdsForTag.size()]; // Do not generate any split points when using this strategy. We create one chunk on a shard // choosen using round-robin. return {{}, {std::make_pair(shardId, 1)}}; } InitialSplitPolicy::ShardCollectionConfig AbstractTagsBasedSplitPolicy::createFirstChunks( OperationContext* opCtx, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern, const SplitPolicyParams& params) { invariant(!_tags.empty()); const auto shardIds = getAllShardIdsSorted(opCtx); const auto currentTime = VectorClock::get(opCtx)->getTime(); const auto validAfter = currentTime.clusterTime().asTimestamp(); const auto& keyPattern = shardKeyPattern.getKeyPattern(); auto tagToShards = getTagsToShardIds(); auto nextShardIdForHole = [&, indx = 0L]() mutable { return shardIds[indx++ % shardIds.size()]; }; ChunkVersion version({OID::gen(), validAfter}, {1, 0}); auto lastChunkMax = keyPattern.globalMin(); std::vector chunks; for (const auto& tag : _tags) { // Create a chunk for the hole [lastChunkMax, tag.getMinKey) if (tag.getMinKey().woCompare(lastChunkMax) > 0) { appendChunk( params, lastChunkMax, tag.getMinKey(), &version, nextShardIdForHole(), &chunks); } // Create chunk for the actual tag - [tag.getMinKey, tag.getMaxKey) const auto it = tagToShards.find(tag.getTag()); invariant(it != tagToShards.end()); uassert(50973, str::stream() << "Cannot shard collection " << tag.getNS() << " due to zone " << tag.getTag() << " which is not assigned to a shard. Please assign this zone to a shard.", !it->second.empty()); // The buildSplitInfoForTag() should provide split points which are in sorted order. So we // don't need to sort them again while generating chunks. auto splitInfo = buildSplitInfoForTag(tag, shardKeyPattern); // Ensure that the number of splitPoints is consistent with the computed chunk distribution. // The resulting number of chunks will be one more than the number of split points to // accommodate boundaries. invariant(splitInfo.splitPoints.size() + 1 == std::accumulate(splitInfo.chunkDistribution.begin(), splitInfo.chunkDistribution.end(), static_cast(0), // initial value for 'runningSum'. [](size_t runningSum, const auto& currentElem) { return runningSum + currentElem.second; })); // Generate chunks using 'splitPoints' and distribute them among shards based on // 'chunkDistributionPerShard'. size_t splitPointIdx = 0; for (auto&& chunksOnShard : splitInfo.chunkDistribution) { const auto [targetShard, numChunksForShard] = chunksOnShard; for (size_t i = 0; i < numChunksForShard; ++i, ++splitPointIdx) { const BSONObj min = (splitPointIdx == 0) ? tag.getMinKey() : splitInfo.splitPoints[splitPointIdx - 1]; const BSONObj max = (splitPointIdx == splitInfo.splitPoints.size()) ? tag.getMaxKey() : splitInfo.splitPoints[splitPointIdx]; appendChunk(params, min, max, &version, targetShard, &chunks); } } lastChunkMax = tag.getMaxKey(); } // Create a chunk for the hole [lastChunkMax, MaxKey] if (lastChunkMax.woCompare(keyPattern.globalMax()) < 0) { appendChunk( params, lastChunkMax, keyPattern.globalMax(), &version, nextShardIdForHole(), &chunks); } return {std::move(chunks)}; } AbstractTagsBasedSplitPolicy::SplitInfo PresplitHashedZonesSplitPolicy::buildSplitInfoForTag( TagsType tag, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern) { // Returns the ceiling number for the decimal value of x/y. auto ceilOfXOverY = [](auto x, auto y) { return (x / y) + (x % y != 0); }; // This strategy presplits each tag such that at least 1 chunk is placed on every shard to which // the tag is assigned. We distribute the chunks such that at least '_numInitialChunks' are // created across the cluster, and we make a best-effort attempt to ensure that an equal number // of chunks are created on each shard regardless of how the zones are laid out. // We take the ceiling when the number is not divisible so that the final number of chunks // we generate are at least '_numInitialChunks'. auto numChunksPerShard = ceilOfXOverY(_numInitialChunks, _numTagsPerShard.size()); const auto& tagsToShardsMap = getTagsToShardIds(); invariant(tagsToShardsMap.find(tag.getTag()) != tagsToShardsMap.end()); const auto& shardsForCurrentTag = tagsToShardsMap.find(tag.getTag())->second; // For each shard in the current zone, find the quota of chunks that can be allocated to that // zone. We distribute chunks equally to all the zones present on a shard. std::vector> chunkDistribution; chunkDistribution.reserve((shardsForCurrentTag.size())); auto numChunksForCurrentTag = 0; for (auto&& shard : shardsForCurrentTag) { auto numChunksForCurrentTagOnShard = ceilOfXOverY(numChunksPerShard, _numTagsPerShard[shard.toString()]); chunkDistribution.push_back({shard, numChunksForCurrentTagOnShard}); numChunksForCurrentTag += (numChunksForCurrentTagOnShard); } // Extract the fields preceding the hashed field. We use this object as a base for building // split points. BSONObjBuilder bob; for (auto&& elem : tag.getMinKey()) { if (elem.fieldNameStringData() == shardKeyPattern.getHashedField().fieldNameStringData()) { break; } bob.append(elem); } auto prefixBSON = bob.obj(); return {calculateHashedSplitPoints(shardKeyPattern, prefixBSON, numChunksForCurrentTag), std::move(chunkDistribution)}; } PresplitHashedZonesSplitPolicy::PresplitHashedZonesSplitPolicy( OperationContext* opCtx, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern, std::vector tags, size_t numInitialChunks, bool isCollectionEmpty) : AbstractTagsBasedSplitPolicy(opCtx, tags) { // Verify that tags have been set up correctly for this split policy. _validate(shardKeyPattern, isCollectionEmpty); // Calculate the count of zones on each shard and save it in a map for later. const auto& tagsToShards = getTagsToShardIds(); for (auto&& tag : tags) { auto& shardsForCurrentTag = tagsToShards.find(tag.getTag())->second; for (auto&& shard : shardsForCurrentTag) { _numTagsPerShard[shard.toString()]++; } } // If we are here, we have confirmed that at least one tag is already set up. A tag can only be // created if they are associated with a zone and the zone has to be assigned to a shard. invariant(!_numTagsPerShard.empty()); // If 'numInitialChunks' was not specified, use default value. _numInitialChunks = numInitialChunks ? numInitialChunks : _numTagsPerShard.size() * 2; } /** * If 'presplitHashedZones' flag is set with shard key prefix being a non-hashed field then all * zones must be set up according to the following rules: * 1. All lower-bound prefix fields of the shard key must have a value other than MinKey or * MaxKey. * 2. All lower-bound fields from the hash field onwards must be MinKey. * 3. At least one upper-bound prefix field must be different than the lower bound counterpart. * * Examples for shard key {country : 1, hashedField: "hashed", suffix : 1}: * Zone with range : [{country : "US", hashedField: MinKey, suffix: MinKey}, {country :MaxKey, * hashedField: MaxKey, suffix: MaxKey}) is valid. * Zone with range : [{country : MinKey, hashedField: MinKey, suffix: MinKey}, {country : "US", * hashedField: MinKey, suffix: MinKey}) is invalid since it violates #1 rule. * Zone with range: [{country : "US", hashedField: MinKey, suffix: "someVal"}, {country :MaxKey, * hashedField: MaxKey, suffix: MaxKey}) is invalid since it violates #2 rule. * Zone with range: [{country : "US", hashedField: MinKey, suffix: MinKey}, {country : "US", * hashedField: MaxKey, suffix: MaxKey}) is invalid since it violates #3 rule. * * If the shard key has a hashed prefix, then pre-splitting is only supported if there is a single * zone defined from global MinKey to global MaxKey. i.e, if the shard key is {x: "hashed", y: 1} * then there should be exactly one zone ranging from {x:MinKey, y:MinKey} to {x:MaxKey, y:MaxKey}. */ void PresplitHashedZonesSplitPolicy::_validate(const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern, bool isCollectionEmpty) { const auto& tags = getTags(); uassert( 31387, "'presplitHashedZones' is only supported when the collection is empty, zones are set up " "and shard key pattern has a hashed field", isCollectionEmpty && !tags.empty() && shardKeyPattern.isHashedPattern()); if (shardKeyPattern.hasHashedPrefix()) { uassert(31412, "For hashed prefix shard keys, 'presplitHashedZones' is only supported when there " "is a single zone defined which covers entire shard key range", (tags.size() == 1) && !shardKeyPattern.getKeyPattern().globalMin().woCompare(tags[0].getMinKey()) && !shardKeyPattern.getKeyPattern().globalMax().woCompare(tags[0].getMaxKey())); return; } for (auto&& tag : tags) { auto startItr = BSONObjIterator(tag.getMinKey()); auto endItr = BSONObjIterator(tag.getMaxKey()); // We cannot pre-split if the lower bound fields preceding the hashed field are same as // the upper bound. We validate that at least one of the preceding field is different. // Additionally we all make sure that none of the lower-bound prefix fields have Minkey // or MaxKey. bool isPrefixDifferent = false; do { uassert(31388, str::stream() << "One or more zones are not defined in a manner that supports hashed " "pre-splitting. Cannot have MinKey or MaxKey in the lower bound for " "fields preceding the hashed field but found one, for zone " << tag.getTag(), (*startItr).type() != BSONType::MinKey && (*startItr).type() != BSONType::MaxKey); isPrefixDifferent = isPrefixDifferent || (*startItr).woCompare(*endItr); ++endItr; // Forward the iterator until hashed field is reached. } while ((*++startItr).fieldNameStringData() != shardKeyPattern.getHashedField().fieldNameStringData()); uassert(31390, str::stream() << "One or more zones are not defined in a manner that supports " "hashed pre-splitting. The value preceding hashed field of the " "upper bound should be greater than that of lower bound, for zone " << tag.getTag(), isPrefixDifferent); uassert( 31389, str::stream() << "One or more zones are not defined in a manner that supports " "hashed pre-splitting. The hashed field value for lower bound must " "be MinKey, for zone " << tag.getTag(), (*startItr).type() == BSONType::MinKey); // Each field in the lower bound after the hashed field must be set to MinKey. while (startItr.more()) { uassert(31391, str::stream() << "One or more zones are not defined in a manner that supports " "hashed pre-splitting. The fields after the hashed field must " "have MinKey value, for zone " << tag.getTag(), (*startItr++).type() == BSONType::MinKey); } } } std::vector ReshardingSplitPolicy::createRawPipeline(const ShardKeyPattern& shardKey, int numSplitPoints, int samplesPerChunk) { std::vector res; const auto& shardKeyFields = shardKey.getKeyPatternFields(); BSONObjBuilder sortValBuilder; using Doc = Document; using Arr = std::vector; using V = Value; Arr arrayToObjectBuilder; for (auto&& fieldRef : shardKeyFields) { // If the shard key includes a hashed field and current fieldRef is the hashed field. if (shardKey.isHashedPattern() && fieldRef->dottedField().compare(shardKey.getHashedField().fieldNameStringData()) == 0) { arrayToObjectBuilder.emplace_back( Doc{{"k", V{fieldRef->dottedField()}}, {"v", Doc{{"$toHashedIndexKey", V{"$" + fieldRef->dottedField()}}}}}); } else { arrayToObjectBuilder.emplace_back(Doc{ {"k", V{fieldRef->dottedField()}}, {"v", Doc{{"$ifNull", V{Arr{V{"$" + fieldRef->dottedField()}, V{BSONNULL}}}}}}}); } sortValBuilder.append(fieldRef->dottedField().toString(), 1); } res.push_back(BSON("$sample" << BSON("size" << numSplitPoints * samplesPerChunk))); res.push_back(BSON("$sort" << sortValBuilder.obj())); res.push_back( Doc{{"$replaceWith", Doc{{"$arrayToObject", Arr{V{arrayToObjectBuilder}}}}}}.toBson()); return res; } ReshardingSplitPolicy ReshardingSplitPolicy::make(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& origNs, const NamespaceString& reshardingTempNs, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKey, int numInitialChunks, boost::optional> zones, int samplesPerChunk) { uassert(4952603, "samplesPerChunk should be > 0", samplesPerChunk > 0); return ReshardingSplitPolicy( numInitialChunks, zones, _makePipelineDocumentSource(opCtx, origNs, shardKey, numInitialChunks, samplesPerChunk)); } ReshardingSplitPolicy::ReshardingSplitPolicy(int numInitialChunks, boost::optional> zones, std::unique_ptr samples) : _numInitialChunks(numInitialChunks), _zones(std::move(zones)), _samples(std::move(samples)) { uassert(4952602, "numInitialChunks should be > 0", numInitialChunks > 0); uassert(4952604, "provided zones should not be empty", !_zones || _zones->size()); } InitialSplitPolicy::ShardCollectionConfig ReshardingSplitPolicy::createFirstChunks( OperationContext* opCtx, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKey, const SplitPolicyParams& params) { if (_zones) { for (auto& zone : *_zones) { zone.setMinKey(shardKey.getKeyPattern().extendRangeBound(zone.getMinKey(), false)); zone.setMaxKey(shardKey.getKeyPattern().extendRangeBound(zone.getMaxKey(), false)); } } auto splitPoints = _extractSplitPointsFromZones(shardKey); if (splitPoints.size() < static_cast(_numInitialChunks - 1)) { // The BlockingResultsMerger underlying the $mergeCursors stage records how long was // spent waiting for samples from the donor shards. It doing so requires the CurOp // to be marked as having started. CurOp::get(opCtx)->ensureStarted(); _appendSplitPointsFromSample( &splitPoints, shardKey, _numInitialChunks - splitPoints.size() - 1); } uassert(4952606, "The shard key provided does not have enough cardinality to make the required amount " "of chunks", splitPoints.size() >= static_cast(_numInitialChunks - 1)); ZoneShardMap zoneToShardMap; ChunkDistributionMap chunkDistribution; ZoneInfo zoneInfo; if (_zones) { zoneToShardMap = buildTagsToShardIdsMap(opCtx, *_zones); for (const auto& zone : *_zones) { uassertStatusOK( zoneInfo.addRangeToZone({zone.getMinKey(), zone.getMaxKey(), zone.getTag()})); } } { auto allShardIds = getAllShardIdsSorted(opCtx); for (const auto& shard : allShardIds) { chunkDistribution.emplace(shard, 0); } zoneToShardMap.emplace("", std::move(allShardIds)); } std::vector chunks; const auto& keyPattern = shardKey.getKeyPattern(); auto lastChunkMax = keyPattern.globalMin(); const auto currentTime = VectorClock::get(opCtx)->getTime(); const auto validAfter = currentTime.clusterTime().asTimestamp(); ChunkVersion version({OID::gen(), validAfter}, {1, 0}); splitPoints.insert(keyPattern.globalMax()); for (const auto& splitPoint : splitPoints) { auto bestShard = selectBestShard( chunkDistribution, zoneInfo, zoneToShardMap, {lastChunkMax, splitPoint}); appendChunk(params, lastChunkMax, splitPoint, &version, bestShard, &chunks); lastChunkMax = splitPoint; chunkDistribution[bestShard]++; } return {std::move(chunks)}; } BSONObjSet ReshardingSplitPolicy::_extractSplitPointsFromZones(const ShardKeyPattern& shardKey) { auto splitPoints = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet(); if (!_zones) { return splitPoints; } for (const auto& zone : *_zones) { splitPoints.insert(zone.getMinKey()); splitPoints.insert(zone.getMaxKey()); } const auto keyPattern = shardKey.getKeyPattern(); splitPoints.erase(keyPattern.globalMin()); splitPoints.erase(keyPattern.globalMax()); return splitPoints; } void ReshardingSplitPolicy::_appendSplitPointsFromSample(BSONObjSet* splitPoints, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKey, int nToAppend) { int nRemaining = nToAppend; auto nextKey = _samples->getNext(); while (nextKey && nRemaining > 0) { // if key is hashed, nextKey values are already hashed auto result = splitPoints->insert(nextKey->getOwned()); if (result.second) { nRemaining--; } nextKey = _samples->getNext(); } } std::unique_ptr ReshardingSplitPolicy::makePipelineDocumentSource_forTest(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& ns, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKey, int numInitialChunks, int samplesPerChunk) { MakePipelineOptions opts; opts.attachCursorSource = false; return _makePipelineDocumentSource( opCtx, ns, shardKey, numInitialChunks, samplesPerChunk, std::move(opts)); } std::unique_ptr ReshardingSplitPolicy::_makePipelineDocumentSource(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& ns, const ShardKeyPattern& shardKey, int numInitialChunks, int samplesPerChunk, MakePipelineOptions opts) { auto rawPipeline = createRawPipeline(shardKey, numInitialChunks - 1, samplesPerChunk); StringMap resolvedNamespaces; resolvedNamespaces[ns.coll()] = {ns, std::vector{}}; // Config servers don't have ShardingState enabled, so we have to manually create // ShardServerProcessInterface instead of getting it from the generic factory so the pipeline // can talk to the shards. auto pi = std::make_shared( Grid::get(opCtx)->getExecutorPool()->getArbitraryExecutor()); auto expCtx = make_intrusive(opCtx, boost::none, /* explain */ false, /* fromMongos */ false, /* needsMerge */ true, /* allowDiskUse */ true, /* bypassDocumentValidation */ false, /* isMapReduceCommand */ ns, boost::none, /* runtimeConstants */ nullptr, /* collator */ std::move(pi), std::move(resolvedNamespaces), boost::none); /* collUUID */ expCtx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/tmp"; return std::make_unique( Pipeline::makePipeline(rawPipeline, expCtx, opts), samplesPerChunk - 1); } ReshardingSplitPolicy::PipelineDocumentSource::PipelineDocumentSource( SampleDocumentPipeline pipeline, int skip) : _pipeline(std::move(pipeline)), _skip(skip) {} boost::optional ReshardingSplitPolicy::PipelineDocumentSource::getNext() { auto val = _pipeline->getNext(); if (!val) { return boost::none; } for (int skippedSamples = 0; skippedSamples < _skip; skippedSamples++) { auto newVal = _pipeline->getNext(); if (!newVal) { break; } val = newVal; } return val->toBson(); } } // namespace mongo