/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kSharding #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/s/config/initial_split_policy.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/type_shard.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/type_tags.h" #include "mongo/s/config_server_test_fixture.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" namespace mongo { namespace { /** * Asserts that the given vectors of BSON objects are equal */ void assertBSONObjVectorsAreEqual(const std::vector& expected, const std::vector& actual) { ASSERT_EQ(expected.size(), actual.size()); for (auto expectedIt = expected.begin(), actualIt = actual.begin(); expectedIt != expected.end() && actualIt != actual.end(); ++expectedIt, ++actualIt) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(*expectedIt, *actualIt); } } /** * Asserts that the given vectors of ChunkType objects are equal */ void assertChunkVectorsAreEqual(const std::vector& expected, const std::vector& actual) { ASSERT_EQ(expected.size(), actual.size()); for (auto expectedIt = expected.begin(), actualIt = actual.begin(); expectedIt != expected.end() && actualIt != actual.end(); ++expectedIt, ++actualIt) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ((*expectedIt).toShardBSON().removeField("lastmod"), (*actualIt).toShardBSON().removeField("lastmod")); } } /** * Returns a test hashed shard key pattern if isHashed is true. * Otherwise, returns a regular shard key pattern. */ ShardKeyPattern makeShardKeyPattern(bool isHashed) { if (isHashed) return ShardKeyPattern(BSON("x" << "hashed")); return ShardKeyPattern(BSON("x" << 1)); } /** * Calls calculateHashedSplitPointsForEmptyCollection according to the given arguments * and asserts that calculated split points match with the expected split points. */ void checkCalculatedHashedSplitPoints(bool isHashed, bool isEmpty, int numShards, int numInitialChunks, const std::vector* expectedInitialSplitPoints, const std::vector* expectedFinalSplitPoints) { std::vector initialSplitPoints; std::vector finalSplitPoints; InitialSplitPolicy::calculateHashedSplitPointsForEmptyCollection(makeShardKeyPattern(isHashed), isEmpty, numShards, numInitialChunks, &initialSplitPoints, &finalSplitPoints); assertBSONObjVectorsAreEqual(*expectedInitialSplitPoints, initialSplitPoints); assertBSONObjVectorsAreEqual(*expectedFinalSplitPoints, finalSplitPoints); } TEST(CalculateHashedSplitPointsTest, EmptyCollectionMoreChunksThanShards) { const std::vector expectedInitialSplitPoints = {BSON("x" << 0)}; const std::vector expectedFinalSplitPoints = { BSON("x" << -4611686018427387902LL), BSON("x" << 0), BSON("x" << 4611686018427387902LL)}; checkCalculatedHashedSplitPoints( true, true, 2, 4, &expectedInitialSplitPoints, &expectedFinalSplitPoints); } TEST(CalculateHashedSplitPointsTest, EmptyCollectionChunksEqualToShards) { const std::vector expectedSplitPoints = {BSON("x" << -3074457345618258602LL), BSON("x" << 3074457345618258602LL)}; checkCalculatedHashedSplitPoints(true, true, 3, 3, &expectedSplitPoints, &expectedSplitPoints); } TEST(CalculateHashedSplitPointsTest, EmptyCollectionHashedWithInitialSplitsReturnsEmptySplits) { const std::vector expectedSplitPoints; checkCalculatedHashedSplitPoints(true, true, 2, 1, &expectedSplitPoints, &expectedSplitPoints); } TEST(CalculateHashedSplitPointsTest, EmptyCollectionNumInitialChunksZero) { const std::vector expectedInitialSplitPoints = {BSON("x" << 0)}; const std::vector expectedFinalSplitPoints = { BSON("x" << -4611686018427387902LL), BSON("x" << 0), BSON("x" << 4611686018427387902LL)}; checkCalculatedHashedSplitPoints( true, true, 2, 0, &expectedInitialSplitPoints, &expectedFinalSplitPoints); } TEST(CalculateHashedSplitPointsTest, NonEmptyCollectionHashedWithInitialSplitsFails) { std::vector expectedSplitPoints; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(checkCalculatedHashedSplitPoints( true, false, 2, 3, &expectedSplitPoints, &expectedSplitPoints), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } TEST(CalculateHashedSplitPointsTest, NotHashedWithInitialSplitsFails) { std::vector expectedSplitPoints; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(checkCalculatedHashedSplitPoints( false, true, 2, 3, &expectedSplitPoints, &expectedSplitPoints), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } class GenerateInitialSplitChunksTest : public unittest::Test { public: /** * Returns a vector of ChunkType objects for the given chunk ranges. * shardIds[i] is the id of shard for the chunk for chunkRanges[i]. * Checks that chunkRanges and shardIds have the same length. */ const std::vector makeChunks(const std::vector chunkRanges, const std::vector shardIds) { ASSERT_EQ(chunkRanges.size(), shardIds.size()); std::vector chunks; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < chunkRanges.size(); ++i) { ChunkVersion version(1, 0, OID::gen()); ChunkType chunk(_nss, chunkRanges[i], version, shardIds[i]); chunk.setHistory({ChunkHistory(_timeStamp, shardIds[i])}); chunks.push_back(chunk); } return chunks; } /** * Returns a vector of numShards shard ids with shard names * prefixed by _shardName */ const std::vector makeShardIds(const int numShards) { std::vector shardIds; for (int i = 0; i < numShards; i++) { shardIds.push_back(shardId(std::to_string(i))); } return shardIds; } const NamespaceString nss() { return _nss; } const ShardKeyPattern& shardKeyPattern() { return _shardKeyPattern; } const KeyPattern& keyPattern() { return _shardKeyPattern.getKeyPattern(); } const ShardId shardId(std::string shardNum) { return ShardId(_shardName + shardNum); } const Timestamp timeStamp() { return _timeStamp; } private: const NamespaceString _nss{"test.foo"}; const ShardKeyPattern _shardKeyPattern = makeShardKeyPattern(true); const std::string _shardName = "testShard"; const Timestamp _timeStamp{Date_t::now()}; }; class GenerateInitialHashedSplitChunksTest : public GenerateInitialSplitChunksTest { public: const std::vector& hashedSplitPoints() { return _splitPoints; } const std::vector& hashedChunkRanges() { return _chunkRanges; } private: const std::vector _splitPoints{ BSON("x" << -4611686018427387902LL), BSON("x" << 0), BSON("x" << 4611686018427387902LL)}; const std::vector _chunkRanges = { ChunkRange(keyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("x" << -4611686018427387902LL)), ChunkRange(BSON("x" << -4611686018427387902LL), BSON("x" << 0)), ChunkRange(BSON("x" << 0), BSON("x" << 4611686018427387902LL)), ChunkRange(BSON("x" << 4611686018427387902LL), keyPattern().globalMax()), }; }; TEST_F(GenerateInitialHashedSplitChunksTest, NoSplitPoints) { const std::vector splitPoints; const std::vector shardIds = makeShardIds(2); const auto shardCollectionConfig = InitialSplitPolicy::generateShardCollectionInitialChunks( nss(), shardKeyPattern(), shardIds[0], timeStamp(), splitPoints, shardIds); // there should only be one chunk const auto expectedChunks = makeChunks( {ChunkRange(keyPattern().globalMin(), keyPattern().globalMax())}, {shardId("0")}); assertChunkVectorsAreEqual(expectedChunks, shardCollectionConfig.chunks); } TEST_F(GenerateInitialHashedSplitChunksTest, SplitPointsMoreThanAvailableShards) { const std::vector shardIds = makeShardIds(2); const auto shardCollectionConfig = InitialSplitPolicy::generateShardCollectionInitialChunks( nss(), shardKeyPattern(), shardIds[0], timeStamp(), hashedSplitPoints(), shardIds); // // chunks should be distributed in a round-robin manner const std::vector expectedChunks = makeChunks(hashedChunkRanges(), {shardId("0"), shardId("1"), shardId("0"), shardId("1")}); assertChunkVectorsAreEqual(expectedChunks, shardCollectionConfig.chunks); } TEST_F(GenerateInitialHashedSplitChunksTest, SplitPointsNumContiguousChunksPerShardsGreaterThanOne) { const std::vector shardIds = makeShardIds(2); const auto shardCollectionConfig = InitialSplitPolicy::generateShardCollectionInitialChunks( nss(), shardKeyPattern(), shardIds[0], timeStamp(), hashedSplitPoints(), shardIds, 2); // chunks should be distributed in a round-robin manner two chunks at a time const std::vector expectedChunks = makeChunks(hashedChunkRanges(), {shardId("0"), shardId("0"), shardId("1"), shardId("1")}); assertChunkVectorsAreEqual(expectedChunks, shardCollectionConfig.chunks); } class GenerateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunksTest : public GenerateInitialSplitChunksTest { public: /** * Calls generateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunks according to the given arguments * and asserts that returned chunks match with the chunks created using expectedChunkRanges * and expectedShardIds. */ void checkGeneratedInitialZoneChunks(const std::vector& tags, const int numShards, const std::vector& expectedChunkRanges, const std::vector& expectedShardIds) { const auto shardCollectionConfig = InitialSplitPolicy::generateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunks( nss(), shardKeyPattern(), timeStamp(), tags, makeTagToShards(numShards), makeShardIds(numShards)); const std::vector expectedChunks = makeChunks(expectedChunkRanges, expectedShardIds); assertChunkVectorsAreEqual(expectedChunks, shardCollectionConfig.chunks); } const std::string shardKey() { return _shardKey; } const std::string zoneName(std::string zoneNum) { return _zoneName + zoneNum; } TagsType makeTag(const ChunkRange range, std::string zoneName) { BSONObjBuilder tagDocBuilder; tagDocBuilder.append("_id", BSON(TagsType::ns(nss().ns()) << TagsType::min(range.getMin()))); tagDocBuilder.append(TagsType::ns(), nss().ns()); tagDocBuilder.append(TagsType::min(), range.getMin()); tagDocBuilder.append(TagsType::max(), range.getMax()); tagDocBuilder.append(TagsType::tag(), zoneName); const auto parseStatus = TagsType::fromBSON(tagDocBuilder.obj()); uassertStatusOK(parseStatus); return parseStatus.getValue(); } /** * Returns a map of size numTags mapping _zoneName\d to _shardName\d */ StringMap> makeTagToShards(const int numTags) { StringMap> tagToShards; for (int i = 0; i < numTags; i++) { tagToShards[zoneName(std::to_string(i))] = {shardId(std::to_string(i))}; } return tagToShards; } private: const ShardKeyPattern _shardKeyPattern = makeShardKeyPattern(true); const std::string _zoneName = "zoneName"; const std::string _shardKey = "x"; }; TEST_F(GenerateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunksTest, PredefinedZonesSpanFromMinToMax) { const std::vector expectedChunkRanges = { ChunkRange(keyPattern().globalMin(), keyPattern().globalMax()), // corresponds to a zone }; const std::vector tags = {makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[0], zoneName("0"))}; const std::vector expectedShardIds = {shardId("0")}; checkGeneratedInitialZoneChunks(tags, 1, expectedChunkRanges, expectedShardIds); } TEST_F(GenerateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunksTest, PredefinedZonesSpanDoNotSpanFromMinToMax) { const std::vector expectedChunkRanges = { ChunkRange(keyPattern().globalMin(), BSON(shardKey() << 0)), ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 0), BSON(shardKey() << 10)), // corresponds to a zone ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 10), keyPattern().globalMax()), }; const std::vector tags = {makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[1], zoneName("0"))}; const std::vector expectedShardIds = {shardId("0"), shardId("0"), shardId("1")}; checkGeneratedInitialZoneChunks(tags, 2, expectedChunkRanges, expectedShardIds); } TEST_F(GenerateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunksTest, PredefinedZonesContainGlobalMin) { const std::vector expectedChunkRanges = { ChunkRange(keyPattern().globalMin(), BSON(shardKey() << 0)), // corresponds to a zone ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 0), keyPattern().globalMax()), }; const std::vector tags = {makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[0], zoneName("0"))}; const std::vector expectedShardIds = {shardId("0"), shardId("0")}; checkGeneratedInitialZoneChunks(tags, 2, expectedChunkRanges, expectedShardIds); } TEST_F(GenerateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunksTest, PredefinedZonesContainGlobalMax) { const std::vector expectedChunkRanges = { ChunkRange(keyPattern().globalMin(), BSON(shardKey() << 0)), ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 0), keyPattern().globalMax()), // corresponds to a zone }; const std::vector tags = {makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[1], zoneName("0"))}; const std::vector expectedShardIds = {shardId("0"), shardId("0")}; checkGeneratedInitialZoneChunks(tags, 2, expectedChunkRanges, expectedShardIds); } TEST_F(GenerateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunksTest, PredefinedZonesContainGlobalMinAndMax) { const std::vector expectedChunkRanges = { ChunkRange(keyPattern().globalMin(), BSON(shardKey() << 0)), // corresponds to a zone ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 0), BSON(shardKey() << 10)), ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 10), keyPattern().globalMax()), // corresponds to a zone }; const std::vector tags = {makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[0], zoneName("0")), makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[2], zoneName("1"))}; const std::vector expectedShardIds = {shardId("0"), shardId("0"), shardId("1")}; checkGeneratedInitialZoneChunks(tags, 2, expectedChunkRanges, expectedShardIds); } TEST_F(GenerateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunksTest, PredefinedZonesContiguous) { const std::vector expectedChunkRanges = { ChunkRange(keyPattern().globalMin(), BSON(shardKey() << 0)), ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 0), BSON(shardKey() << 10)), // corresponds to a zone ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 10), BSON(shardKey() << 20)), // corresponds to a zone ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 20), keyPattern().globalMax()), }; const std::vector tags = {makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[1], zoneName("1")), makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[2], zoneName("0"))}; const std::vector expectedShardIds = { shardId("0"), shardId("1"), shardId("0"), shardId("1")}; checkGeneratedInitialZoneChunks(tags, 2, expectedChunkRanges, expectedShardIds); } TEST_F(GenerateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunksTest, PredefinedZonesNotContiguous) { const std::vector expectedChunkRanges = { ChunkRange(keyPattern().globalMin(), BSON(shardKey() << 0)), ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 0), BSON(shardKey() << 10)), // corresponds to a zone ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 10), BSON(shardKey() << 20)), ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 20), BSON(shardKey() << 30)), // corresponds to a zone ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 30), keyPattern().globalMax()), }; const std::vector tags = {makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[1], zoneName("0")), makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[3], zoneName("1"))}; const std::vector expectedShardIds = { shardId("0"), shardId("0"), shardId("1"), shardId("1"), shardId("2")}; checkGeneratedInitialZoneChunks(tags, 3, expectedChunkRanges, expectedShardIds); } TEST_F(GenerateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunksTest, NumRemainingChunksGreaterThanNumShards) { const std::vector expectedChunkRanges = { ChunkRange(keyPattern().globalMin(), BSON(shardKey() << 0)), ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 0), BSON(shardKey() << 10)), // corresponds to a zone ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 10), BSON(shardKey() << 20)), ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 20), BSON(shardKey() << 30)), ChunkRange(BSON(shardKey() << 30), keyPattern().globalMax()), }; const std::vector tags = {makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[1], zoneName("0")), makeTag(expectedChunkRanges[3], zoneName("1"))}; // shard assignment should wrap around to the first shard const std::vector expectedShardIds = { shardId("0"), shardId("0"), shardId("1"), shardId("1"), shardId("0")}; checkGeneratedInitialZoneChunks(tags, 2, expectedChunkRanges, expectedShardIds); } TEST_F(GenerateShardCollectionInitialZonedChunksTest, EmptyTagsShouldFail) { const std::vector expectedChunkRanges; const std::vector tags; const std::vector expectedShardIds; ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( checkGeneratedInitialZoneChunks(tags, 1, expectedChunkRanges, expectedShardIds), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo