 *    Copyright (C) 2019-present MongoDB, Inc.
 *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
 *    as published by MongoDB, Inc.
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    Server Side Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
 *    along with this program. If not, see
 *    <http://www.mongodb.com/licensing/server-side-public-license>.
 *    As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
 *    code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
 *    conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
 *    linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
 *    must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for
 *    all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
 *    with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
 *    file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
 *    delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
 *    exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
 *    it in the license file.

#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"

#include <boost/optional.hpp>

#include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h"
#include "mongo/db/catalog_raii.h"
#include "mongo/db/client.h"
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
#include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h"
#include "mongo/db/s/metadata_manager.h"
#include "mongo/db/s/sharding_runtime_d_params_gen.h"
#include "mongo/db/s/sharding_state.h"
#include "mongo/db/server_options.h"
#include "mongo/db/service_context.h"
#include "mongo/executor/task_executor.h"
#include "mongo/s/catalog/type_chunk.h"
#include "mongo/s/client/shard_registry.h"
#include "mongo/s/shard_server_test_fixture.h"
#include "mongo/stdx/condition_variable.h"
#include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h"
#include "mongo/util/assert_util.h"

namespace mongo {
namespace {

using unittest::assertGet;

const NamespaceString kNss("TestDB", "TestColl");
const std::string kPattern = "key";
const KeyPattern kShardKeyPattern(BSON(kPattern << 1));
const std::string kThisShard{"thisShard"};
const std::string kOtherShard{"otherShard"};

class MetadataManagerTest : public ShardServerTestFixture {
    void setUp() override {
        _manager = std::make_shared<MetadataManager>(
            getServiceContext(), kNss, executor(), makeEmptyMetadata());

     * Returns an instance of CollectionMetadata which has no chunks owned by 'thisShard'.
    static CollectionMetadata makeEmptyMetadata(
        const KeyPattern& shardKeyPattern = kShardKeyPattern,
        const ChunkRange& range = ChunkRange{BSON(kPattern << MINKEY), BSON(kPattern << MAXKEY)},
        UUID uuid = UUID::gen()) {
        const OID epoch = OID::gen();

        auto rt = RoutingTableHistory::makeNew(
            {ChunkType{kNss, range, ChunkVersion(1, 0, epoch), kOtherShard}});

        std::shared_ptr<ChunkManager> cm = std::make_shared<ChunkManager>(rt, boost::none);

        return CollectionMetadata(cm, kThisShard);

     * Returns a new metadata's instance based on the current state by adding a chunk with the
     * specified bounds and version. The chunk's version must be higher than that of all chunks
     * which are in the input metadata.
     * It will fassert if the chunk bounds are incorrect or overlap an existing chunk or if the
     * chunk version is lower than the maximum one.
    static CollectionMetadata cloneMetadataPlusChunk(const CollectionMetadata& collMetadata,
                                                     const ChunkRange& range) {
        const BSONObj& minKey = range.getMin();
        const BSONObj& maxKey = range.getMax();
        ASSERT(!rangeMapOverlaps(collMetadata.getChunks(), minKey, maxKey));

        auto cm = collMetadata.getChunkManager();

        const auto chunkToSplit = cm->findIntersectingChunkWithSimpleCollation(minKey);
        ASSERT_BSONOBJ_GTE(minKey, chunkToSplit.getMin());
        ASSERT_BSONOBJ_LT(maxKey, chunkToSplit.getMax());

        std::vector<ChunkType> splitChunks;

        auto chunkVersion = cm->getVersion();

        if (SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.evaluate(chunkToSplit.getMin() < minKey)) {
                kNss, ChunkRange(chunkToSplit.getMin(), minKey), chunkVersion, kOtherShard);

        splitChunks.emplace_back(kNss, ChunkRange(minKey, maxKey), chunkVersion, kThisShard);

            kNss, ChunkRange(maxKey, chunkToSplit.getMax()), chunkVersion, kOtherShard);

        auto rt = cm->getRoutingHistory()->makeUpdated(splitChunks);

        return CollectionMetadata(std::make_shared<ChunkManager>(rt, boost::none), kThisShard);

    static CollectionMetadata cloneMetadataMinusChunk(const CollectionMetadata& metadata,
                                                      const ChunkRange& range) {
        const BSONObj& minKey = range.getMin();
        const BSONObj& maxKey = range.getMax();
        ASSERT(rangeMapOverlaps(metadata.getChunks(), minKey, maxKey));

        auto cm = metadata.getChunkManager();

        const auto chunkToMoveOut = cm->findIntersectingChunkWithSimpleCollation(minKey);
        ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(minKey, chunkToMoveOut.getMin());
        ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(maxKey, chunkToMoveOut.getMax());

        auto chunkVersion = cm->getVersion();

        auto rt = cm->getRoutingHistory()->makeUpdated(
            {ChunkType(kNss, ChunkRange(minKey, maxKey), chunkVersion, kOtherShard)});

        return CollectionMetadata(std::make_shared<ChunkManager>(rt, boost::none), kThisShard);

    std::shared_ptr<MetadataManager> _manager;

TEST_F(MetadataManagerTest, CleanUpForMigrateIn) {

    // Sanity checks
    ASSERT_EQ(0UL, _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get().getChunks().size());

    ChunkRange range1(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));
    ChunkRange range2(BSON("key" << 10), BSON("key" << 20));

    auto notif1 = _manager->beginReceive(range1);

    auto notif2 = _manager->beginReceive(range2);

    ASSERT_EQ(2UL, _manager->numberOfRangesToClean());
    ASSERT_EQ(0UL, _manager->numberOfRangesToCleanStillInUse());

       ChunkInReceivingChunksListIsRemovedAfterShardKeyRefineIfMigrationSucceeded) {

    // Simulate receiving a range. This will add an item to _receivingChunks.
    ChunkRange range(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));
    auto notif1 = _manager->beginReceive(range);

    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfReceivingChunks(), 1);

    // Simulate a situation in which the migration completes, and then the shard key is refined,
    // before this shard discovers the updated metadata.
    auto uuid = _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get().getChunkManager()->getUUID().get();
    ChunkRange refinedRange(BSON("key" << 0 << "other" << MINKEY),
                            BSON("key" << 10 << "other" << MINKEY));
    auto refinedMetadata = makeEmptyMetadata(BSON(kPattern << 1 << "other" << 1),
                                             ChunkRange(BSON("key" << MINKEY << "other" << MINKEY),
                                                        BSON("key" << MAXKEY << "other" << MAXKEY)),

    // Set the updated chunk map on the MetadataManager.
    _manager->setFilteringMetadata(cloneMetadataPlusChunk(refinedMetadata, refinedRange));
    // Because the refined range overlaps with the received range (pre-refine), this should remove
    // the item in _receivingChunks.
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfReceivingChunks(), 0);

       ChunkInReceivingChunksListIsNotRemovedAfterShardKeyRefineIfNonOverlappingRangeIsReceived) {

    // Simulate receiving a range. This will add an item to _receivingChunks.
    ChunkRange range(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));
    auto notif1 = _manager->beginReceive(range);
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfReceivingChunks(), 1);

    // Simulate a situation in which the shard key is refined and this shard discovers
    // updated metadata where it owns some range that does not overlap with the range being migrated
    // in.
    auto uuid = _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get().getChunkManager()->getUUID().get();
    ChunkRange refinedNonOverlappingRange(BSON("key" << -10 << "other" << MINKEY),
                                          BSON("key" << 0 << "other" << MINKEY));

    auto refinedMetadata = makeEmptyMetadata(BSON(kPattern << 1 << "other" << 1),
                                             ChunkRange(BSON("key" << MINKEY << "other" << MINKEY),
                                                        BSON("key" << MAXKEY << "other" << MAXKEY)),

    // Set the updated chunk map on the MetadataManager.
        cloneMetadataPlusChunk(refinedMetadata, refinedNonOverlappingRange));

    // Because the refined range does not overlap with the received range (pre-refine), this should
    // NOT remove the item in _receivingChunks.
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfReceivingChunks(), 1);

TEST_F(MetadataManagerTest, TrackOrphanedDataCleanupBlocksOnScheduledRangeDeletions) {
    ChunkRange cr1(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));

    // Enable fail point to suspendRangeDeletion.

    auto notifn1 = _manager->cleanUpRange(cr1, boost::none, false /*delayBeforeDeleting*/);
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfRangesToClean(), 1UL);

    auto optNotifn = _manager->trackOrphanedDataCleanup(cr1);


TEST_F(MetadataManagerTest, CleanupNotificationsAreSignaledWhenMetadataManagerIsDestroyed) {
    const ChunkRange rangeToClean(BSON("key" << 20), BSON("key" << 30));

        _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get(), {BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 20)}));

        cloneMetadataPlusChunk(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get(), rangeToClean));

    // Optional so that it can be reset.
    boost::optional<ScopedCollectionDescription> cursorOnMovedMetadata{

        cloneMetadataMinusChunk(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get(), rangeToClean));

    auto notif = _manager->cleanUpRange(rangeToClean, boost::none, false /*delayBeforeDeleting*/);

    auto optNotif = _manager->trackOrphanedDataCleanup(rangeToClean);

    // Reset the original shared_ptr. The cursorOnMovedMetadata will still contain its own copy of
    // the shared_ptr though, so the destructor of ~MetadataManager won't yet be called.

    // Destroys the ScopedCollectionDescription object and causes the destructor of MetadataManager
    // to run, which should trigger all deletion notifications.

    // Advance time to simulate orphanCleanupDelaySecs passing.
        executor::NetworkInterfaceMock::InNetworkGuard guard(network());
        network()->advanceTime(network()->now() + Seconds{5});


TEST_F(MetadataManagerTest, RefreshAfterSuccessfulMigrationSinglePending) {
    ChunkRange cr1(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));

        cloneMetadataPlusChunk(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get(), cr1));
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get().getChunks().size(), 1UL);

TEST_F(MetadataManagerTest, RefreshAfterSuccessfulMigrationMultiplePending) {
    ChunkRange cr1(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));
    ChunkRange cr2(BSON("key" << 30), BSON("key" << 40));

            cloneMetadataPlusChunk(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get(), cr1));
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfRangesToClean(), 0UL);
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get().getChunks().size(), 1UL);

            cloneMetadataPlusChunk(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get(), cr2));
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get().getChunks().size(), 2UL);

TEST_F(MetadataManagerTest, RefreshAfterNotYetCompletedMigrationMultiplePending) {
    ChunkRange cr1(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));
    ChunkRange cr2(BSON("key" << 30), BSON("key" << 40));

        _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get(), {BSON("key" << 50), BSON("key" << 60)}));
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get().getChunks().size(), 1UL);

TEST_F(MetadataManagerTest, BeginReceiveWithOverlappingRange) {
    ChunkRange cr1(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));
    ChunkRange cr2(BSON("key" << 30), BSON("key" << 40));

        cloneMetadataPlusChunk(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get(), cr1));
        cloneMetadataPlusChunk(_manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none)->get(), cr2));

    ChunkRange crOverlap(BSON("key" << 5), BSON("key" << 35));

// Tests membership functions for _rangesToClean
TEST_F(MetadataManagerTest, RangesToCleanMembership) {
    ChunkRange cr(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));

    ASSERT_EQ(0UL, _manager->numberOfRangesToClean());

    // Enable fail point to suspendRangeDeletion.

    auto notifn = _manager->cleanUpRange(cr, boost::none, false /*delayBeforeDeleting*/);
    ASSERT_EQ(1UL, _manager->numberOfRangesToClean());


TEST_F(MetadataManagerTest, ClearUnneededChunkManagerObjectsLastSnapshotInList) {
    ChunkRange cr1(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));
    ChunkRange cr2(BSON("key" << 30), BSON("key" << 40));

    auto scm1 = _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none);
        _manager->setFilteringMetadata(cloneMetadataPlusChunk(scm1->get(), cr1));
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfMetadataSnapshots(), 1UL);
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfRangesToClean(), 0UL);

        auto scm2 = _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none);
        ASSERT_EQ(scm2->get().getChunks().size(), 1UL);
        _manager->setFilteringMetadata(cloneMetadataPlusChunk(scm2->get(), cr2));
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfMetadataSnapshots(), 2UL);
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfEmptyMetadataSnapshots(), 0);

    // The CollectionMetadata in scm2 should be set to boost::none because the object accessing it
    // is now out of scope, but that in scm1 should remain
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfEmptyMetadataSnapshots(), 1);
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfMetadataSnapshots(), 2UL);

    auto scm = _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none);
    ASSERT_EQ(scm->get().getChunks().size(), 2UL);

TEST_F(MetadataManagerTest, ClearUnneededChunkManagerObjectSnapshotInMiddleOfList) {
    ChunkRange cr1(BSON("key" << 0), BSON("key" << 10));
    ChunkRange cr2(BSON("key" << 30), BSON("key" << 40));
    ChunkRange cr3(BSON("key" << 50), BSON("key" << 80));
    ChunkRange cr4(BSON("key" << 90), BSON("key" << 100));

    auto scm = _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none);
    _manager->setFilteringMetadata(cloneMetadataPlusChunk(scm->get(), cr1));
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfMetadataSnapshots(), 1UL);
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfRangesToClean(), 0UL);

    auto scm2 = _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none);
    ASSERT_EQ(scm2->get().getChunks().size(), 1UL);
    _manager->setFilteringMetadata(cloneMetadataPlusChunk(scm2->get(), cr2));

        auto scm3 = _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none);
        ASSERT_EQ(scm3->get().getChunks().size(), 2UL);
        _manager->setFilteringMetadata(cloneMetadataPlusChunk(scm3->get(), cr3));
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfMetadataSnapshots(), 3UL);
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfEmptyMetadataSnapshots(), 0);

         * The CollectionMetadata object created when creating scm2 above will be set to boost::none
         * when we overrwrite scm2 below. The _metadata list will then look like:
         * [
         *      CollectionMetadataTracker{ metadata: xxx, orphans: [], usageCounter: 1},
         *      CollectionMetadataTracker{ metadata: boost::none, orphans: [], usageCounter: 0},
         *      CollectionMetadataTracker{ metadata: xxx, orphans: [], usageCounter: 1},
         *      CollectionMetadataTracker{ metadata: xxx, orphans: [], usageCounter: 1}
         * ]
        scm2 = _manager->getActiveMetadata(boost::none);
        ASSERT_EQ(scm2->get().getChunks().size(), 3UL);
        _manager->setFilteringMetadata(cloneMetadataPlusChunk(scm2->get(), cr4));
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfMetadataSnapshots(), 4UL);
        ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfEmptyMetadataSnapshots(), 1);

    /** The CollectionMetadata in scm3 should be set to boost::none because the object accessing it
     * is now out of scope. The _metadata list should look like:
     * [
     *      CollectionMetadataTracker{ metadata: xxx, orphans: [], usageCounter: 1},
     *      CollectionMetadataTracker{ metadata: boost::none, orphans: [], usageCounter: 0},
     *      CollectionMetadataTracker{ metadata: boost::none, orphans: [], usageCounter: 0},
     *      CollectionMetadataTracker{ metadata: xxx, orphans: [], usageCounter: 1}
     * ]

    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfMetadataSnapshots(), 4UL);
    ASSERT_EQ(_manager->numberOfEmptyMetadataSnapshots(), 2);

}  // namespace
}  // namespace mongo