/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include "mongo/db/s/resharding/resharding_oplog_fetcher.h" #include #include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h" #include "mongo/client/dbclient_connection.h" #include "mongo/client/remote_command_targeter.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/exception_util.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregate_command_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/read_concern_args.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/read_concern_level.h" #include "mongo/db/s/resharding/resharding_metrics.h" #include "mongo/db/s/resharding/resharding_metrics_new.h" #include "mongo/db/s/resharding/resharding_util.h" #include "mongo/db/s/sharding_data_transform_cumulative_metrics.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/write_unit_of_work.h" #include "mongo/executor/task_executor.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/s/grid.h" #include "mongo/stdx/mutex.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kResharding namespace mongo { namespace { boost::intrusive_ptr _makeExpressionContext(OperationContext* opCtx) { StringMap resolvedNamespaces; resolvedNamespaces[NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.coll()] = { NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace, std::vector()}; return make_intrusive(opCtx, boost::none, /* explain */ false, /* fromMongos */ false, /* needsMerge */ true, /* allowDiskUse */ true, /* bypassDocumentValidation */ false, /* isMapReduceCommand */ NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace, boost::none, /* runtimeConstants */ nullptr, /* collator */ MongoProcessInterface::create(opCtx), std::move(resolvedNamespaces), boost::none); /* collUUID */ } } // namespace const ReshardingDonorOplogId ReshardingOplogFetcher::kFinalOpAlreadyFetched{Timestamp::max(), Timestamp::max()}; ReshardingOplogFetcher::ReshardingOplogFetcher(std::unique_ptr env, UUID reshardingUUID, UUID collUUID, ReshardingDonorOplogId startAt, ShardId donorShard, ShardId recipientShard, NamespaceString toWriteInto) : _env(std::move(env)), _reshardingUUID(reshardingUUID), _collUUID(collUUID), _startAt(startAt), _donorShard(donorShard), _recipientShard(recipientShard), _toWriteInto(toWriteInto) { auto [p, f] = makePromiseFuture(); stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _onInsertPromise = std::move(p); _onInsertFuture = std::move(f); } ReshardingOplogFetcher::~ReshardingOplogFetcher() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _onInsertPromise.setError( {ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "explicitly breaking promise from ReshardingOplogFetcher"}); } Future ReshardingOplogFetcher::awaitInsert(const ReshardingDonorOplogId& lastSeen) { // `lastSeen` is the _id of the document ReshardingDonorOplogIterator::getNextBatch() has last // read from the oplog buffer collection. // // `_startAt` is updated after each insert into the oplog buffer collection by // ReshardingOplogFetcher to reflect the newer resume point if a new aggregation request was // being issued. It is also updated with the latest oplog timestamp from donor's cursor response // after we finish inserting the entire batch. stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); if (lastSeen < _startAt) { // `lastSeen < _startAt` means there's at least one document which has been inserted by // ReshardingOplogFetcher and hasn't been returned by // ReshardingDonorOplogIterator::getNextBatch(). The caller has no reason to wait until yet // another document has been inserted before reading from the oplog buffer collection. return Future::makeReady(); } // `lastSeen == _startAt` means the last document inserted by ReshardingOplogFetcher has already // been returned by ReshardingDonorOplogIterator::getNextBatch() and so // ReshardingDonorOplogIterator would want to wait until ReshardingOplogFetcher does another // insert. // // `lastSeen > _startAt` isn't expected to happen in practice because // ReshardingDonorOplogIterator only uses _id's from documents that it actually read from the // oplog buffer collection for `lastSeen`, but would also mean the caller wants to wait. return std::move(_onInsertFuture); } ExecutorFuture ReshardingOplogFetcher::schedule( std::shared_ptr executor, const CancellationToken& cancelToken, CancelableOperationContextFactory factory) { if (_startAt == kFinalOpAlreadyFetched) { LOGV2_INFO(6077400, "Resharding oplog fetcher resumed with no more work to do", "donorShard"_attr = _donorShard, "reshardingUUID"_attr = _reshardingUUID); return ExecutorFuture(std::move(executor)); } return ExecutorFuture(executor) .then([this, executor, cancelToken, factory] { return _reschedule(std::move(executor), cancelToken, factory); }) .onError([](Status status) { LOGV2_INFO(5192101, "Resharding oplog fetcher aborting", "reason"_attr = status); return status; }); } ExecutorFuture ReshardingOplogFetcher::_reschedule( std::shared_ptr executor, const CancellationToken& cancelToken, CancelableOperationContextFactory factory) { return ExecutorFuture(executor) .then([this, executor, cancelToken, factory] { ThreadClient client(fmt::format("OplogFetcher-{}-{}", _reshardingUUID.toString(), _donorShard.toString()), _service()); return iterate(client.get(), factory); }) .then([executor, cancelToken](bool moreToCome) { // Wait a little before re-running the aggregation pipeline on the donor's oplog. The // 1-second value was chosen to match the default awaitData timeout that would have been // used if the aggregation cursor was TailableModeEnum::kTailableAndAwaitData. return executor->sleepFor(Seconds{1}, cancelToken).then([moreToCome] { return moreToCome; }); }) .then([this, executor, cancelToken, factory](bool moreToCome) { if (!moreToCome) { LOGV2_INFO(6077401, "Resharding oplog fetcher done fetching", "donorShard"_attr = _donorShard, "reshardingUUID"_attr = _reshardingUUID); return ExecutorFuture(std::move(executor)); } if (cancelToken.isCanceled()) { return ExecutorFuture( executor, Status{ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled, "Resharding oplog fetcher canceled due to abort or stepdown"}); } return _reschedule(std::move(executor), cancelToken, factory); }); } bool ReshardingOplogFetcher::iterate(Client* client, CancelableOperationContextFactory factory) { std::shared_ptr targetShard; { auto opCtxRaii = factory.makeOperationContext(client); opCtxRaii->checkForInterrupt(); StatusWith> swDonor = Grid::get(opCtxRaii.get())->shardRegistry()->getShard(opCtxRaii.get(), _donorShard); if (!swDonor.isOK()) { LOGV2_WARNING(5127203, "Error finding shard in registry, retrying.", "error"_attr = swDonor.getStatus()); return true; } targetShard = swDonor.getValue(); } try { return consume(client, factory, targetShard.get()); } catch (const ExceptionForCat&) { // Defer to the cancellation token for whether the Interruption exception should be retried // upon or not. It is possible the error came as the response from the remote donor shard. // It is also possible that the error is from a stray killOp command being run on this // recipient shard. return true; } catch (const ExceptionFor&) { LOGV2_ERROR( 5192103, "Fatal resharding error while fetching.", "error"_attr = exceptionToStatus()); throw; } catch (const ExceptionFor&) { LOGV2_ERROR( 5354400, "Fatal resharding error while fetching.", "error"_attr = exceptionToStatus()); throw; } catch (const DBException&) { LOGV2_WARNING( 5127200, "Error while fetching, retrying.", "error"_attr = exceptionToStatus()); return true; } } void ReshardingOplogFetcher::_ensureCollection(Client* client, CancelableOperationContextFactory factory, const NamespaceString nss) { auto opCtxRaii = factory.makeOperationContext(client); auto opCtx = opCtxRaii.get(); invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); // Create the destination collection if necessary. writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "createReshardingLocalOplogBuffer", nss.toString(), [&] { const CollectionPtr coll = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupCollectionByNamespace(opCtx, nss); if (coll) { return; } WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); AutoGetDb autoDb(opCtx, nss.db(), LockMode::MODE_IX); Lock::CollectionLock collLock(opCtx, nss, MODE_IX); auto db = autoDb.ensureDbExists(opCtx); db->createCollection(opCtx, nss); wuow.commit(); }); } AggregateCommandRequest ReshardingOplogFetcher::_makeAggregateCommandRequest( Client* client, CancelableOperationContextFactory factory) { auto opCtxRaii = factory.makeOperationContext(client); auto opCtx = opCtxRaii.get(); auto expCtx = _makeExpressionContext(opCtx); auto serializedPipeline = createOplogFetchingPipelineForResharding(expCtx, _startAt, _collUUID, _recipientShard) ->serializeToBson(); AggregateCommandRequest aggRequest(NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace, std::move(serializedPipeline)); if (_useReadConcern) { // We specify {afterClusterTime: , level: "majority"} as the read // concern to guarantee the postBatchResumeToken when the batch is empty is non-decreasing. // The ReshardingOplogFetcher depends on inserting documents in increasing _id order, // including for the synthetic no-op oplog entries generated from the postBatchResumeToken. invariant(_startAt != kFinalOpAlreadyFetched); auto readConcernArgs = repl::ReadConcernArgs( boost::optional(_startAt.getClusterTime()), boost::optional(repl::ReadConcernLevel::kMajorityReadConcern)); aggRequest.setReadConcern(readConcernArgs.toBSONInner()); } ReadPreferenceSetting readPref(ReadPreference::Nearest, ReadPreferenceSetting::kMinimalMaxStalenessValue); aggRequest.setUnwrappedReadPref(readPref.toContainingBSON()); aggRequest.setWriteConcern(WriteConcernOptions()); aggRequest.setHint(BSON("$natural" << 1)); aggRequest.setRequestReshardingResumeToken(true); if (_initialBatchSize) { SimpleCursorOptions cursor; cursor.setBatchSize(_initialBatchSize); aggRequest.setCursor(cursor); } return aggRequest; } bool ReshardingOplogFetcher::consume(Client* client, CancelableOperationContextFactory factory, Shard* shard) { _ensureCollection(client, factory, _toWriteInto); auto aggRequest = _makeAggregateCommandRequest(client, factory); auto opCtxRaii = factory.makeOperationContext(client); int batchesProcessed = 0; bool moreToCome = true; Timer batchFetchTimer; // Note that the oplog entries are *not* being copied with a tailable cursor. // Shard::runAggregation() will instead return upon hitting the end of the donor's oplog. uassertStatusOK(shard->runAggregation( opCtxRaii.get(), aggRequest, [this, &batchesProcessed, &moreToCome, &opCtxRaii, &batchFetchTimer, factory]( const std::vector& batch, const boost::optional& postBatchResumeToken) { if (ShardingDataTransformMetrics::isEnabled()) { _env->metricsNew()->onOplogEntriesFetched(batch.size(), Milliseconds(batchFetchTimer.millis())); } ThreadClient client(fmt::format("ReshardingFetcher-{}-{}", _reshardingUUID.toString(), _donorShard.toString()), _service(), nullptr); auto opCtxRaii = factory.makeOperationContext(client.get()); auto opCtx = opCtxRaii.get(); // Noting some possible optimizations: // // * Batch more inserts into larger storage transactions. // * Parallize writing documents across multiple threads. // * Doing either of the above while still using the underlying message buffer of bson // objects. AutoGetCollection toWriteTo(opCtx, _toWriteInto, LockMode::MODE_IX); for (const BSONObj& doc : batch) { WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); auto nextOplog = uassertStatusOK(repl::OplogEntry::parse(doc)); auto startAt = ReshardingDonorOplogId::parse( {"OplogFetcherParsing"}, nextOplog.get_id()->getDocument().toBson()); Timer insertTimer; uassertStatusOK(toWriteTo->insertDocument(opCtx, InsertStatement{doc}, nullptr)); wuow.commit(); if (ShardingDataTransformMetrics::isEnabled()) { _env->metricsNew()->onLocalInsertDuringOplogFetching( Milliseconds(insertTimer.millis())); } ++_numOplogEntriesCopied; _env->metrics()->onOplogEntriesFetched(1); auto [p, f] = makePromiseFuture(); { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _startAt = startAt; _onInsertPromise.emplaceValue(); _onInsertPromise = std::move(p); _onInsertFuture = std::move(f); } if (isFinalOplog(nextOplog, _reshardingUUID)) { moreToCome = false; return false; } } if (postBatchResumeToken) { // Insert a noop entry with the latest oplog timestamp from the donor's cursor // response. This will allow the fetcher to resume reading from the last oplog entry // it fetched even if that entry is for a different collection, making resuming less // wasteful. try { auto lastOplogTs = postBatchResumeToken->getField("ts").timestamp(); auto startAt = ReshardingDonorOplogId(lastOplogTs, lastOplogTs); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); repl::MutableOplogEntry oplog; oplog.setNss(_toWriteInto); oplog.setOpType(repl::OpTypeEnum::kNoop); oplog.setUuid(_collUUID); oplog.set_id(Value(startAt.toBSON())); oplog.setObject(BSON("msg" << "Latest oplog ts from donor's cursor response")); oplog.setObject2(BSON("type" << kReshardProgressMark)); oplog.setOpTime(OplogSlot()); oplog.setWallClockTime(opCtx->getServiceContext()->getFastClockSource()->now()); uassertStatusOK( toWriteTo->insertDocument(opCtx, InsertStatement{oplog.toBSON()}, nullptr)); wuow.commit(); // Also include synthetic oplog in the fetched count so it can match up with the // total oplog applied count in the end. _env->metrics()->onOplogEntriesFetched(1); if (ShardingDataTransformMetrics::isEnabled()) { _env->metricsNew()->onOplogEntriesFetched(1, Milliseconds(0)); } auto [p, f] = makePromiseFuture(); { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _startAt = startAt; _onInsertPromise.emplaceValue(); _onInsertPromise = std::move(p); _onInsertFuture = std::move(f); } } catch (const ExceptionFor&) { // It's possible that the donor shard has not generated new oplog entries since // the previous getMore. In this case the latest oplog timestamp the donor // returns will be the same, so it's safe to ignore this error. } } if (_maxBatches > -1 && ++batchesProcessed >= _maxBatches) { return false; } return true; })); return moreToCome; } } // namespace mongo