/** * Copyright (C) 2022-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/s/sharding_expressions.h" #include "mongo/client/index_spec.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/index_key_validate.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/value.h" #include "mongo/db/index/2d_common.h" #include "mongo/db/index/btree_key_generator.h" #include "mongo/db/index/expression_keys_private.h" #include "mongo/db/index/expression_params.h" #include "mongo/db/index/s2_common.h" #include "mongo/db/index/wildcard_key_generator.h" #include "mongo/db/index_names.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_visitor.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/variables.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collator_factory_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/s/sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/s/grid.h" #include "mongo/s/is_mongos.h" namespace mongo { namespace { /** * The class IndexKeysObjectsGenerator is used to generate the index keys objects for the provided * document 'docObj' and the index descriptor 'indexDescriptor'. This class determines the index * type from the 'indexDescriptor', generates the corresponding key strings and then convert those * key strings to the index keys objects. An index keys object is of the following form: * {: , ...}, which maps a field name to an index key. */ class IndexKeysObjectsGenerator { public: IndexKeysObjectsGenerator(ExpressionContext* expCtx, const BSONObj& docObj, IndexDescriptor* indexDescriptor) : _expCtx{expCtx}, _docObj{docObj}, _indexDescriptor{indexDescriptor}, _fieldNames{indexDescriptor->getFieldNames()} { // Validate the key pattern to ensure that the field ordering is ascending. auto keyPattern = _indexDescriptor->keyPattern(); for (auto& keyElem : keyPattern) { uassert(6868501, str::stream() << "Index key pattern field ordering must be ascending. Field: " << keyElem.fieldNameStringData() << " is not ascending.", !keyElem.isNumber() || keyElem.numberInt() == 1); } // Set the collator interface if the index descriptor has a collation. if (auto collation = indexDescriptor->collation(); !collation.isEmpty()) { auto collatorFactory = CollatorFactoryInterface::get(expCtx->opCtx->getServiceContext()); auto collatorFactoryResult = collatorFactory->makeFromBSON(collation); uassert(6868502, str::stream() << "Malformed 'collation' document provided. Reason " << collatorFactoryResult.getStatus(), collatorFactoryResult.isOK()); _collatorInterface = std::move(collatorFactoryResult.getValue()); } } /** * Returns the generated index keys objects for the provided index type. The returned value * 'Value' is an array of 'BSONObj' the contains the generated keys objects. */ Value generateKeys() const { KeyStringSet keyStrings; // Generate the key strings based on the index type. switch (_indexDescriptor->getIndexType()) { case IndexType::INDEX_BTREE: { _generateBtreeIndexKeys(&keyStrings); break; } case IndexType::INDEX_HASHED: { _generateHashedIndexKeys(&keyStrings); break; } case IndexType::INDEX_2D: { _generate2DIndexKeys(&keyStrings); break; } case IndexType::INDEX_2DSPHERE: case IndexType::INDEX_2DSPHERE_BUCKET: { _generate2DSphereIndexKeys(&keyStrings); break; } case IndexType::INDEX_TEXT: { _generateTextIndexKeys(&keyStrings); break; } case IndexType::INDEX_WILDCARD: { _generateWildcardIndexKeys(&keyStrings); break; } default: { uasserted(6868503, str::stream() << "Unsupported index type: " << _indexDescriptor->getIndexType()); } }; return _generateReply(keyStrings); } private: /** * Generates the key string for the 'btree' index type and adds them to the 'keyStrings'. */ void _generateBtreeIndexKeys(KeyStringSet* keyStrings) const { std::vector keysElements{_fieldNames.size(), BSONElement{}}; auto bTreeKeyGenerator = std::make_unique( _fieldNames, keysElements, _indexDescriptor->isSparse(), _keyStringVersion, _ordering); constexpr bool skipMultikey = false; const boost::optional recordId = boost::none; MultikeyPaths multikeyPaths; SharedBufferFragmentBuilder pooledBufferBuilder(BufBuilder::kDefaultInitSizeBytes); bTreeKeyGenerator->getKeys(pooledBufferBuilder, _docObj, skipMultikey, keyStrings, &multikeyPaths, _collatorInterface.get(), recordId); } /** * Generates the key strings for the 'hashed' index type and adds them to the 'keyStrings'. */ void _generateHashedIndexKeys(KeyStringSet* keyStrings) const { HashSeed seed; int hashVersion; BSONObj keyPattern; ExpressionParams::parseHashParams( _indexDescriptor->infoObj(), &seed, &hashVersion, &keyPattern); constexpr auto ignoreArraysAlongPath = false; const boost::optional recordId = boost::none; SharedBufferFragmentBuilder pooledBufferBuilder(BufBuilder::kDefaultInitSizeBytes); ExpressionKeysPrivate::getHashKeys(pooledBufferBuilder, _docObj, keyPattern, seed, hashVersion, _indexDescriptor->isSparse(), _collatorInterface.get(), keyStrings, _keyStringVersion, _ordering, ignoreArraysAlongPath, recordId); } /* * Generates the key strings for the '2d' index type and adds them to the 'keyStrings'. */ void _generate2DIndexKeys(KeyStringSet* keyStrings) const { TwoDIndexingParams twoDIndexingParams; ExpressionParams::parseTwoDParams(_indexDescriptor->infoObj(), &twoDIndexingParams); const boost::optional recordId = boost::none; SharedBufferFragmentBuilder pooledBufferBuilder(BufBuilder::kDefaultInitSizeBytes); ExpressionKeysPrivate::get2DKeys(pooledBufferBuilder, _docObj, twoDIndexingParams, keyStrings, _keyStringVersion, _ordering, recordId); } /* * Generates the key strings for the '2dsphere' and the '2dsphere_bucket' index types and adds * them to the 'keyStrings'. */ void _generate2DSphereIndexKeys(KeyStringSet* keyStrings) const { S2IndexingParams s2IndexingParams; ExpressionParams::initialize2dsphereParams( _indexDescriptor->infoObj(), _collatorInterface.get(), &s2IndexingParams); MultikeyPaths multikeyPaths; const boost::optional recordId = boost::none; SharedBufferFragmentBuilder pooledBufferBuilder(BufBuilder::kDefaultInitSizeBytes); ExpressionKeysPrivate::getS2Keys(pooledBufferBuilder, _docObj, _indexDescriptor->keyPattern(), s2IndexingParams, keyStrings, &multikeyPaths, _keyStringVersion, SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext::kAddingKeys, _ordering, recordId); } /** * Generates the key strings for the 'text' index type and adds them to the 'keyStrings'. */ void _generateTextIndexKeys(KeyStringSet* keyStrings) const { fts::FTSSpec ftsSpec{_indexDescriptor->infoObj()}; const boost::optional recordId = boost::none; SharedBufferFragmentBuilder pooledBufferBuilder(BufBuilder::kDefaultInitSizeBytes); ExpressionKeysPrivate::getFTSKeys(pooledBufferBuilder, _docObj, ftsSpec, keyStrings, _keyStringVersion, _ordering, recordId); } /* * Generates the key string for the 'wildcard' index type and adds them to the 'keyStrings'. */ void _generateWildcardIndexKeys(KeyStringSet* keyStrings) const { WildcardKeyGenerator wildcardKeyGenerator{_indexDescriptor->keyPattern(), _indexDescriptor->pathProjection(), _collatorInterface.get(), _keyStringVersion, _ordering}; KeyStringSet* multikeyMetadataKeys = nullptr; const boost::optional recordId = boost::none; SharedBufferFragmentBuilder pooledBufferBuilder(BufBuilder::kDefaultInitSizeBytes); wildcardKeyGenerator.generateKeys( pooledBufferBuilder, _docObj, keyStrings, multikeyMetadataKeys, recordId); } /** * Returns a 'Value' that is a vector of 'BSONObj' that contains the index keys documents. */ Value _generateReply(const KeyStringSet& keyStrings) const { // This helper accepts the key string 'keyString' and returns a 'BSONObj' that maps a field // names to its index key. auto buildObjectFromKeyString = [&](const auto& keyString) { auto keyStringObj = KeyString::toBson(keyString, Ordering::make(BSONObj())); BSONObjBuilder keyObjectBuilder; switch (_indexDescriptor->getIndexType()) { // // A wild card key string is of the following format: // {'': , '': }. // The 'keyStringObj' itself contains the field name and the key. As such build a // new 'BSONObj' that directly maps a field name and its index key. // case IndexType::INDEX_WILDCARD: { boost::optional fieldName; boost::optional keyStringElem; BSONObjIterator keyStringObjIter = BSONObjIterator(keyStringObj); if (keyStringObjIter.more()) { fieldName = keyStringObjIter.next().String(); } if (keyStringObjIter.more()) { keyStringElem = keyStringObjIter.next(); } invariant(!keyStringObjIter.more()); if (fieldName && keyStringElem) { keyObjectBuilder << *fieldName << *keyStringElem; } break; } // // For all other index types, each 'BSONElement' field of the 'keyStringObj' has a // one-to-one mapping with the elements of the '_fieldNames'. This one-to-one // property is utilized to builds a new 'BSONObj' that has keys from 'fieldNames' // and values from key string 'BSONElement'. // default: { auto fieldNamesIter = _fieldNames.begin(); for (auto&& keyStringElem : keyStringObj) { keyObjectBuilder << *fieldNamesIter << keyStringElem; ++fieldNamesIter; } invariant(fieldNamesIter == _fieldNames.end()); break; } } return keyObjectBuilder.obj(); }; // Iterate through each key string and get a new 'BSONObj' that has field names and // corresponding keys embedded to it. std::vector keysArrayBuilder; for (auto&& keyString : keyStrings) { auto keyStringObj = buildObjectFromKeyString(keyString); if (!keyStringObj.isEmpty()) { keysArrayBuilder.push_back(std::move(keyStringObj)); } } return Value{keysArrayBuilder}; } // An existing expression context. const ExpressionContext* const _expCtx; // The document for which the key strings should be generated. const BSONObj& _docObj; // The index descriptor to be used for generating the key strings. const IndexDescriptor* const _indexDescriptor; // Field names derived from the key pattern of the index descriptor. const std::vector _fieldNames; // The collator interface initialized from the index descriptor. std::unique_ptr _collatorInterface; // The key string version to be used for generating the key strings. const KeyString::Version _keyStringVersion = KeyString::Version::kLatestVersion; // The ordering to be used for generating the key strings. const Ordering _ordering = Ordering::allAscending(); }; } // namespace Value ExpressionInternalOwningShard::evaluate(const Document& root, Variables* variables) const { // TODO SERVER-71519: Add support for handling stale exception from mongos with // enableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh. uassert(6868600, "$_internalOwningShard is currently not supported on mongos", !isMongos()); Value input = _children[0]->evaluate(root, variables); if (input.nullish()) { return Value(BSONNULL); } // Retrieve the values from the incoming document. NamespaceString ns(getExpressionContext()->ns.tenantId(), input["ns"_sd].getStringData()); const auto shardVersionObj = input["shardVersion"_sd].getDocument().toBson(); const auto shardVersion = ShardVersion::parse(BSON("" << shardVersionObj).firstElement()); const auto shardKeyVal = input["shardKeyVal"_sd].getDocument().toBson(); // Get the 'chunkManager' from the catalog cache. auto opCtx = getExpressionContext()->opCtx; const auto catalogCache = Grid::get(opCtx)->catalogCache(); uassert(6868602, "$_internalOwningShard expression only makes sense in sharded environment", catalogCache); // Setting 'allowLocks' to true when evaluating on mongod, as otherwise an invariant is thrown. // We can safely set it to true as there is no risk of deadlock, because the code still throws // when a refresh would actually need to take place. const auto chunkManager = uassertStatusOK(catalogCache->getCollectionRoutingInfo(opCtx, ns, true /* allowLocks */)) .cm; // Invalidate catalog cache if the chunk manager version is stale. if (chunkManager.getVersion().isOlderThan(shardVersion.placementVersion())) { boost::optional collIndexes; ShardVersion currentShardVersion(chunkManager.getVersion(), collIndexes); uasserted(StaleConfigInfo(ns, currentShardVersion, boost::none /* wanted */, ShardingState::get(opCtx)->shardId()), str::stream() << "Sharding information of collection " << ns << " is currently stale and needs to be recovered from the config server"); } // Retrieve the shard id for the given shard key value. std::set shardIds; chunkManager.getShardIdsForRange(shardKeyVal, shardKeyVal, &shardIds); uassert(6868601, "The value should belong to exactly one ShardId", shardIds.size() == 1); const auto shardId = *(shardIds.begin()); return Value(shardId.toString()); } boost::intrusive_ptr ExpressionInternalIndexKey::parse(ExpressionContext* expCtx, BSONElement bsonExpr, const VariablesParseState& vps) { uassert(6868506, str::stream() << opName << " supports an object as its argument", bsonExpr.type() == BSONType::Object); BSONElement docElement; BSONElement specElement; for (auto&& bsonArgs : bsonExpr.embeddedObject()) { if (bsonArgs.fieldNameStringData() == kDocField) { docElement = bsonArgs; } else if (bsonArgs.fieldNameStringData() == kSpecField) { uassert(6868507, str::stream() << opName << " requires 'spec' argument to be an object", bsonArgs.type() == BSONType::Object); specElement = bsonArgs; } else { uasserted(6868508, str::stream() << "Unknown argument: " << bsonArgs.fieldNameStringData() << "found while parsing" << opName); } } uassert(6868509, str::stream() << opName << " requires both 'doc' and 'spec' arguments", !docElement.eoo() && !specElement.eoo()); return new ExpressionInternalIndexKey(expCtx, parseOperand(expCtx, docElement, vps), ExpressionConstant::create(expCtx, Value{specElement})); } ExpressionInternalIndexKey::ExpressionInternalIndexKey(ExpressionContext* expCtx, boost::intrusive_ptr doc, boost::intrusive_ptr spec) : Expression(expCtx, {std::move(doc), std::move(spec)}), _doc(_children[0]), _spec(_children[1]) { expCtx->sbeCompatible = false; } boost::intrusive_ptr ExpressionInternalIndexKey::optimize() { invariant(_doc); invariant(_spec); _doc = _doc->optimize(); _spec = _spec->optimize(); return this; } Value ExpressionInternalIndexKey::serialize(bool explain) const { invariant(_doc); invariant(_spec); return Value(DOC(opName << DOC(kDocField << _doc->serialize(explain) << kSpecField << _spec->serialize(explain)))); } Value ExpressionInternalIndexKey::evaluate(const Document& root, Variables* variables) const { uassert( 6868510, str::stream() << opName << " is currently not supported on mongos", !isMongos()); auto docObj = _doc->evaluate(root, variables).getDocument().toBson(); auto specObj = _spec->evaluate(root, variables).getDocument().toBson(); // Parse and validate the index spec and then create the index descriptor object from it. auto indexSpec = index_key_validate::parseAndValidateIndexSpecs(getExpressionContext()->opCtx, specObj); BSONObj keyPattern = indexSpec.getObjectField(kIndexSpecKeyField); auto indexDescriptor = std::make_unique(IndexNames::findPluginName(keyPattern), indexSpec); IndexKeysObjectsGenerator indexKeysObjectsGenerator( getExpressionContext(), docObj, indexDescriptor.get()); return indexKeysObjectsGenerator.generateKeys(); } REGISTER_STABLE_EXPRESSION(_internalOwningShard, ExpressionInternalOwningShard::parse); REGISTER_STABLE_EXPRESSION(_internalIndexKey, ExpressionInternalIndexKey::parse); }; // namespace mongo