/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/s/split_chunk_request_type.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/bson/util/bson_extract.h" #include "mongo/db/write_concern_options.h" namespace mongo { namespace { const char kConfigsvrSplitChunk[] = "_configsvrCommitChunkSplit"; const char kCollEpoch[] = "collEpoch"; const char kCollTimestamp[] = "collTimestamp"; const char kSplitPoints[] = "splitPoints"; const char kShardName[] = "shard"; const char kFromChunkSplitter[] = "fromChunkSplitter"; } // namespace SplitChunkRequest::SplitChunkRequest(NamespaceString nss, std::string shardName, OID epoch, boost::optional timestamp, ChunkRange chunkRange, std::vector splitPoints, bool fromChunkSplitter) : _nss(std::move(nss)), _epoch(std::move(epoch)), _timestamp(std::move(timestamp)), _chunkRange(std::move(chunkRange)), _splitPoints(std::move(splitPoints)), _shardName(std::move(shardName)), _fromChunkSplitter(fromChunkSplitter) {} StatusWith SplitChunkRequest::parseFromConfigCommand(const BSONObj& cmdObj) { std::string ns; auto parseNamespaceStatus = bsonExtractStringField(cmdObj, kConfigsvrSplitChunk, &ns); if (!parseNamespaceStatus.isOK()) { return parseNamespaceStatus; } OID epoch; auto parseEpochStatus = bsonExtractOIDField(cmdObj, kCollEpoch, &epoch); if (!parseEpochStatus.isOK()) { return parseEpochStatus; } boost::optional timestamp; if (cmdObj[kCollTimestamp]) { timestamp.emplace(); auto parseTimestampStatus = bsonExtractTimestampField(cmdObj, kCollTimestamp, timestamp.get_ptr()); if (!parseTimestampStatus.isOK()) { return parseTimestampStatus; } } auto chunkRangeStatus = ChunkRange::fromBSON(cmdObj); if (!chunkRangeStatus.isOK()) { return chunkRangeStatus.getStatus(); } std::vector splitPoints; { BSONElement splitPointsElem; auto splitPointsElemStatus = bsonExtractTypedField(cmdObj, kSplitPoints, mongo::Array, &splitPointsElem); if (!splitPointsElemStatus.isOK()) { return splitPointsElemStatus; } BSONObjIterator it(splitPointsElem.Obj()); while (it.more()) { splitPoints.push_back(it.next().Obj().getOwned()); } } std::string shardName; auto parseShardNameStatus = bsonExtractStringField(cmdObj, kShardName, &shardName); if (!parseShardNameStatus.isOK()) { return parseShardNameStatus; } bool fromChunkSplitter = [&]() { bool field = false; Status status = bsonExtractBooleanField(cmdObj, kFromChunkSplitter, &field); return status.isOK() && field; }(); auto request = SplitChunkRequest(NamespaceString(ns), std::move(shardName), std::move(epoch), std::move(timestamp), std::move(chunkRangeStatus.getValue()), std::move(splitPoints), fromChunkSplitter); Status validationStatus = request._validate(); if (!validationStatus.isOK()) { return validationStatus; } return request; } BSONObj SplitChunkRequest::toConfigCommandBSON(const BSONObj& writeConcern) { BSONObjBuilder cmdBuilder; appendAsConfigCommand(&cmdBuilder); // Tack on passed-in writeConcern cmdBuilder.append(WriteConcernOptions::kWriteConcernField, writeConcern); return cmdBuilder.obj(); } void SplitChunkRequest::appendAsConfigCommand(BSONObjBuilder* cmdBuilder) { cmdBuilder->append(kConfigsvrSplitChunk, _nss.ns()); cmdBuilder->append(kCollEpoch, _epoch); _chunkRange.append(cmdBuilder); { BSONArrayBuilder splitPointsArray(cmdBuilder->subarrayStart(kSplitPoints)); for (const auto& splitPoint : _splitPoints) { splitPointsArray.append(splitPoint); } } cmdBuilder->append(kShardName, _shardName); if (_fromChunkSplitter) { cmdBuilder->append(kFromChunkSplitter, _fromChunkSplitter); } } const NamespaceString& SplitChunkRequest::getNamespace() const { return _nss; } const OID& SplitChunkRequest::getEpoch() const { return _epoch; } const ChunkRange& SplitChunkRequest::getChunkRange() const { return _chunkRange; } const std::vector& SplitChunkRequest::getSplitPoints() const { return _splitPoints; } const std::string& SplitChunkRequest::getShardName() const { return _shardName; } bool SplitChunkRequest::isFromChunkSplitter() const { return _fromChunkSplitter; } Status SplitChunkRequest::_validate() { if (!getNamespace().isValid()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace, str::stream() << "invalid namespace '" << _nss.ns() << "' specified for request"); } if (getSplitPoints().empty()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "need to provide the split points"); } return Status::OK(); } } // namespace mongo