/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kTest #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/db/s/shard_server_test_fixture.h" #include "mongo/db/s/sharding_initialization_mongod.h" #include "mongo/db/s/split_chunk.h" #include "mongo/db/server_options.h" #include "mongo/executor/remote_command_request.h" #include "mongo/executor/remote_command_response.h" #include "mongo/executor/task_executor.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/type_chunk.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/type_collection.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/type_database_gen.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/type_shard.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog_cache_loader.h" #include "mongo/s/client/shard_registry.h" #include "mongo/s/grid.h" #include "mongo/s/write_ops/batched_command_request.h" #include "mongo/s/write_ops/batched_command_response.h" namespace mongo { namespace { using executor::RemoteCommandRequest; using executor::RemoteCommandResponse; class SplitChunkTest : public ShardServerTestFixture { public: void setUp() override { ShardServerTestFixture::setUp(); ShardingState::get(operationContext())->setInitialized(_shardId, OID::gen()); CatalogCacheLoader::get(getServiceContext()).initializeReplicaSetRole(true); // Instantiate names. _epoch = OID::gen(); _shardId = ShardId("shardId"); _nss = NamespaceString(StringData("dbName"), StringData("collName")); // Set up the databases collection _db.setName("dbName"); _db.setPrimary(_shardId.toString()); _db.setSharded(true); ASSERT_OK(_db.validate()); // Set up the collections collection _coll.setNss(_nss); _coll.setEpoch(_epoch); _coll.setUpdatedAt(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(ChunkVersion(1, 3, _epoch).toLong())); _coll.setKeyPattern(BSON("_id" << 1)); _coll.setUique(false); ASSERT_OK(_coll.validate()); // Set up the shard _shard.setName(_shardId.toString()); _shard.setHost("TestHost1"); ASSERT_OK(_shard.validate()); setUpChunkRanges(); setUpChunkVersions(); } /** * Returns the mock response that correspond with particular requests. For example, dbResponse * returns a response for when a find-databases request occurs. * * commitChunkSplitResponse : responds with { "ok" : 1 } or { "ok" : 0 } * dbResponse : responds with vector containing _db.toBSON() * collResponse : responds with vector containing _coll.toBSON() * shardResponse : responds with vector containing _shard.toBSON() * chunkResponse : responds with vector containing all every chunk.toConfigBSON() * emptyResponse : responds with empty vector */ void commitChunkSplitResponse(bool isOk); void dbResponse(); void collResponse(); void shardResponse(); void chunkResponse(); void emptyResponse(); protected: /** * Helper functions to return vectors of basic chunk ranges, chunk versions to * be used by some of the tests. */ void setUpChunkRanges(); void setUpChunkVersions(); OID _epoch; NamespaceString _nss; ShardId _shardId; DatabaseType _db; CollectionType _coll; ShardType _shard; std::vector _chunkRanges; std::vector _chunkVersions; }; void SplitChunkTest::setUpChunkRanges() { BSONObjBuilder minKeyBuilder; BSONObjBuilder maxKeyBuilder; minKeyBuilder.appendMinKey("foo"); maxKeyBuilder.appendMaxKey("foo"); const BSONObj key1 = minKeyBuilder.obj(); const BSONObj key2 = BSON("foo" << 0); const BSONObj key3 = BSON("foo" << 1024); const BSONObj key4 = maxKeyBuilder.obj(); _chunkRanges.push_back(ChunkRange(key1, key2)); _chunkRanges.push_back(ChunkRange(key2, key3)); _chunkRanges.push_back(ChunkRange(key3, key4)); } void SplitChunkTest::setUpChunkVersions() { _chunkVersions = { ChunkVersion(1, 1, _epoch), ChunkVersion(1, 2, _epoch), ChunkVersion(1, 3, _epoch)}; } void SplitChunkTest::commitChunkSplitResponse(bool isOk) { onCommand([&](const RemoteCommandRequest& request) { return isOk ? BSON("ok" << 1) : BSON("ok" << 0); }); } void SplitChunkTest::dbResponse() { onFindCommand( [&](const RemoteCommandRequest& request) { return std::vector{_db.toBSON()}; }); } void SplitChunkTest::collResponse() { onFindCommand( [&](const RemoteCommandRequest& request) { return std::vector{_coll.toBSON()}; }); } void SplitChunkTest::shardResponse() { onFindCommand( [&](const RemoteCommandRequest& request) { return std::vector{_shard.toBSON()}; }); } void SplitChunkTest::chunkResponse() { onFindCommand([&](const RemoteCommandRequest& request) { std::vector response; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _chunkRanges.size(); ++i) { ChunkType chunk(_nss, _chunkRanges[i], _chunkVersions[i], _shardId); response.push_back(chunk.toConfigBSON()); } return response; }); } void SplitChunkTest::emptyResponse() { onFindCommand([&](const RemoteCommandRequest& request) { return std::vector(); }); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, HashedKeyPatternNumberLongSplitKeys) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << "hashed"); _coll.setKeyPattern(BSON("_id" << "hashed")); // Build a vector of valid split keys, which are values of NumberLong types. std::vector validSplitKeys; for (long long i = 256; i <= 1024; i += 256) { validSplitKeys.push_back(BSON("foo" << i)); } // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], validSplitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_OK(statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. The requests first // do a find on the databases, then a find on all collections in the database we are looking // for. Next, filter by the specific collection, and find the relevant chunks and shards. dbResponse(); collResponse(); collResponse(); chunkResponse(); shardResponse(); // Because we provided valid split points, the config server should respond with { "ok" : 1 }. commitChunkSplitResponse(true); // Finally, we find the original collection, and then find the relevant chunks. collResponse(); chunkResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, HashedKeyPatternIntegerSplitKeys) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << "hashed"); _coll.setKeyPattern(BSON("_id" << "hashed")); // Build a vector of valid split keys, which contains values that may not necessarily be able // to be converted to NumberLong types. std::vector invalidSplitKeys{ BSON("foo" << -1), BSON("foo" << 0), BSON("foo" << 1), BSON("foo" << 42)}; // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], invalidSplitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::CannotSplit, statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. The requests first // do a find on the databases, then a find on all collections in the database we are looking // for. Next, filter by the specific collection, and find the relevant chunks and shards. dbResponse(); collResponse(); collResponse(); chunkResponse(); shardResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, HashedKeyPatternDoubleSplitKeys) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << "hashed"); _coll.setKeyPattern(BSON("_id" << "hashed")); // Build a vector of valid split keys, which contains values that may not necessarily be able // to be converted to NumberLong types. std::vector invalidSplitKeys{ BSON("foo" << 47.21230129), BSON("foo" << 1.0), BSON("foo" << 0.0), BSON("foo" << -0.001)}; // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], invalidSplitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::CannotSplit, statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. The requests first // do a find on the databases, then a find on all collections in the database we are looking // for. Next, filter by the specific collection, and find the relevant chunks and shards. dbResponse(); collResponse(); collResponse(); chunkResponse(); shardResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, HashedKeyPatternStringSplitKeys) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << "hashed"); _coll.setKeyPattern(BSON("_id" << "hashed")); // Build a vector of valid split keys, which contains values that may not necessarily be able // to be converted to NumberLong types. std::vector invalidSplitKeys{BSON("foo" << "@&(9@*88+_241(/.*@8uuDU@(9];a;s;]3"), BSON("foo" << "string"), BSON("foo" << "14.13289"), BSON("foo" << "")}; // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], invalidSplitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_EQUALS(ErrorCodes::CannotSplit, statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. The requests first // do a find on the databases, then a find on all collections in the database we are looking // for. Next, filter by the specific collection, and find the relevant chunks and shards. dbResponse(); collResponse(); collResponse(); chunkResponse(); shardResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, ValidRangeKeyPatternSplitKeys) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << 1); // Build a vector of valid split keys, which contains values that may not necessarily be able // be converted to NumberLong types. However, this does not matter since we are not using a // hashed shard key pattern. std::vector validSplitKeys{BSON("foo" << 20), BSON("foo" << 512), BSON("foo" << "hello"), BSON("foo" << ""), BSON("foo" << 3.1415926535)}; // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], validSplitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_OK(statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. The requests first // do a find on the databases, then a find on all collections in the database we are looking // for. Next, filter by the specific collection, and find the relevant chunks and shards. dbResponse(); collResponse(); collResponse(); chunkResponse(); shardResponse(); // Because we provided valid split points, the config server should respond with { "ok" : 1 }. commitChunkSplitResponse(true); // Finally, we find the original collection, and then find the relevant chunks. collResponse(); chunkResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, SplitChunkWithNoErrors) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << 1); // Build a vector of split keys. Note that we start at {"foo" : 256} and end at {"foo" : 768}, // neither of which are boundary points. std::vector splitKeys; for (int i = 256; i < 1024; i += 256) { splitKeys.push_back(BSON("foo" << i)); } // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], splitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_OK(statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. The requests first // do a find on the databases, then a find on all collections in the database we are looking // for. Next, filter by the specific collection, and find the relevant chunks and shards. dbResponse(); collResponse(); collResponse(); chunkResponse(); shardResponse(); // Mock an OK response to the request to the config server regarding the chunk split, but first // check the request parameters. onCommand([&](const RemoteCommandRequest& request) { ASSERT_EQ(HostAndPort("dummy", 123), request.target); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(request.cmdObj["min"].Obj(), BSON("foo" << 0)); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(request.cmdObj["max"].Obj(), BSON("foo" << 1024)); // Check that the split points in the request are the same as the split keys that were // initially passed to the splitChunk function. std::vector splitPoints = request.cmdObj["splitPoints"].Array(); ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), splitPoints.size()); int i = 0; for (auto e : splitPoints) { ASSERT(e.Obj().woCompare(splitKeys[i]) == 0); i++; } return BSON("ok" << 1); }); // Finally, we find the original collection, and then find the relevant chunks. collResponse(); chunkResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, AttemptSplitWithConfigsvrError) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << 1); // Build a vector of split keys. Note that we start at {"foo" : 0} and end at {"foo" : 1024}, // both of which are boundary points. std::vector splitKeys; for (int i = 0; i <= 1024; i += 256) { splitKeys.push_back(BSON("foo" << i)); } // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], splitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_NOT_OK(statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. The requests first // do a find on the databases, then a find on all collections in the database we are looking // for. Next, filter by the specific collection, and find the relevant chunks and shards. dbResponse(); collResponse(); collResponse(); chunkResponse(); shardResponse(); // Because we provided invalid split points, the config server should respond with { "ok" : 0 }. commitChunkSplitResponse(false); // Finally, we find the original collection, and then find the relevant chunks. collResponse(); chunkResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, AttemptSplitOnNoDatabases) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << 1); // Build a vector of split keys. Note that we start at {"foo" : 256} and end at {"foo" : 768}, // neither of which are boundary points. std::vector splitKeys; for (int i = 256; i < 1024; i += 256) { splitKeys.push_back(BSON("foo" << i)); } // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], splitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_NOT_OK(statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. We give an empty // response to the request that finds the database, along with the request that finds all // collections in the database. emptyResponse(); emptyResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, AttemptSplitOnNoCollections) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << 1); // Build a vector of split keys. Note that we start at {"foo" : 256} and end at {"foo" : 768}, // neither of which are boundary points. std::vector splitKeys; for (int i = 256; i < 1024; i += 256) { splitKeys.push_back(BSON("foo" << i)); } // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], splitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_NOT_OK(statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. We first respond // to the request finding the databases. dbResponse(); // Next, we give an empty response to the request for finding collections in the database, // followed by a response to the request for relevant shards. emptyResponse(); shardResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, AttemptSplitOnNoChunks) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << 1); // Build a vector of split keys. Note that we start at {"foo" : 256} and end at {"foo" : 768}, // neither of which are boundary points. std::vector splitKeys; for (int i = 256; i < 1024; i += 256) { splitKeys.push_back(BSON("foo" << i)); } // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], splitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_NOT_OK(statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. The requests first // do a find on the databases, then a find on all collections in the database we are looking // for. dbResponse(); collResponse(); // We attempt to find the relevant chunks three times. For each of these times, we will respond // with the relevant collection, but no chunks. collResponse(); emptyResponse(); collResponse(); emptyResponse(); collResponse(); emptyResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, NoCollectionAfterSplit) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << 1); // Build a vector of split keys. Note that we start at {"foo" : 256} and end at {"foo" : 768}, // neither of which are boundary points. std::vector splitKeys; for (int i = 256; i < 1024; i += 256) { splitKeys.push_back(BSON("foo" << i)); } // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], splitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_OK(statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. The requests first // do a find on the databases, then a find on all collections in the database we are looking // for. Next, filter by the specific collection, and find the relevant chunks and shards. dbResponse(); collResponse(); collResponse(); chunkResponse(); shardResponse(); // Here, we mock a successful response from the config server, which denotes that the split was // successful on the config server's end. commitChunkSplitResponse(true); // Finally, give an empty response to a request regarding a find on the original collection. emptyResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } TEST_F(SplitChunkTest, NoChunksAfterSplit) { BSONObj keyPatternObj = BSON("foo" << 1); // Build a vector of split keys. Note that we start at {"foo" : 256} and end at {"foo" : 768}, // neither of which are boundary points. std::vector splitKeys; for (int i = 256; i < 1024; i += 256) { splitKeys.push_back(BSON("foo" << i)); } // Call the splitChunk function asynchronously on a different thread, so that we do not block, // and so we can construct the mock responses to requests made by splitChunk below. auto future = launchAsync([&] { auto statusWithOptionalChunkRange = splitChunk(operationContext(), _nss, keyPatternObj, _chunkRanges[1], splitKeys, _shardId.toString(), _epoch); ASSERT_NOT_OK(statusWithOptionalChunkRange.getStatus()); }); // Here, we mock responses to the requests made by the splitChunk operation. The requests first // do a find on the databases, then a find on all collections in the database we are looking // for. Next, filter by the specific collection, and find the relevant chunks and shards. dbResponse(); collResponse(); collResponse(); chunkResponse(); shardResponse(); // Here, we mock a successful response from the config server, which denotes that the split was // successful on the config server's end. commitChunkSplitResponse(true); // We attempt to find the relevant chunks three times. For each of these times, we will respond // with the relevant collection, but no chunks. collResponse(); emptyResponse(); collResponse(); emptyResponse(); collResponse(); emptyResponse(); future.default_timed_get(); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo