/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/catalog/create_collection.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/dbdirectclient.h" #include "mongo/db/s/collection_sharding_runtime.h" #include "mongo/db/s/operation_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/s/shard_server_test_fixture.h" #include "mongo/db/s/split_vector.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kTest namespace mongo { namespace { const NamespaceString kNss = NamespaceString("foo", "bar"); const std::string kPattern = "_id"; void setUnshardedFilteringMetadata(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss) { AutoGetDb autoDb(opCtx, nss.dbName(), MODE_IX); Lock::CollectionLock collLock(opCtx, nss, MODE_IX); CollectionShardingRuntime::assertCollectionLockedAndAcquireExclusive(opCtx, nss) ->setFilteringMetadata(opCtx, CollectionMetadata()); } class SplitVectorTest : public ShardServerTestFixture { public: void setUp() { ShardServerTestFixture::setUp(); auto opCtx = operationContext(); { OperationShardingState::ScopedAllowImplicitCollectionCreate_UNSAFE unsafeCreateCollection(opCtx); uassertStatusOK( createCollection(operationContext(), kNss.dbName(), BSON("create" << kNss.coll()))); } setUnshardedFilteringMetadata(opCtx, kNss); DBDirectClient client(opCtx); client.createIndex(kNss.ns(), BSON(kPattern << 1)); // Insert 100 documents into the collection so the tests can test splitting with different // constraints. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append(kPattern, i); BSONObj obj = builder.obj(); client.insert(kNss.toString(), obj); } ASSERT_EQUALS(100ULL, client.count(kNss)); } const long long& getDocSizeBytes() { return docSizeBytes; } private: // Number of bytes in each of the same-size documents we insert into the collection. const long long docSizeBytes = BSON(kPattern << 1).objsize(); }; TEST_F(SplitVectorTest, SplitVectorInHalf) { std::vector splitKeys = splitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1), BSON(kPattern << 0), BSON(kPattern << 100), false, boost::none, boost::none, getDocSizeBytes() * 100LL); std::vector expected = {BSON(kPattern << 50)}; ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), expected.size()); for (auto splitKeysIt = splitKeys.begin(), expectedIt = expected.begin(); splitKeysIt != splitKeys.end() && expectedIt != expected.end(); ++splitKeysIt, ++expectedIt) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(*splitKeysIt, *expectedIt); } } TEST_F(SplitVectorTest, ForceSplit) { std::vector splitKeys = splitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1), BSON(kPattern << 0), BSON(kPattern << 100), true, boost::none, boost::none, getDocSizeBytes() * 6LL); std::vector expected = {BSON(kPattern << 50)}; ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), expected.size()); for (auto splitKeysIt = splitKeys.begin(), expectedIt = expected.begin(); splitKeysIt != splitKeys.end() && expectedIt != expected.end(); ++splitKeysIt, ++expectedIt) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(*splitKeysIt, *expectedIt); } } TEST_F(SplitVectorTest, MaxChunkObjectsSet) { std::vector splitKeys = splitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1), BSON(kPattern << 0), BSON(kPattern << 100), false, boost::none, 10, getDocSizeBytes() * 100LL); // Unlike the SplitVectorInHalf test, should split at every 10th key. std::vector expected = {BSON(kPattern << 10), BSON(kPattern << 21), BSON(kPattern << 32), BSON(kPattern << 43), BSON(kPattern << 54), BSON(kPattern << 65), BSON(kPattern << 76), BSON(kPattern << 87), BSON(kPattern << 98)}; ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), expected.size()); for (auto splitKeysIt = splitKeys.begin(), expectedIt = expected.begin(); splitKeysIt != splitKeys.end() && expectedIt != expected.end(); ++splitKeysIt, ++expectedIt) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(*splitKeysIt, *expectedIt); } } TEST_F(SplitVectorTest, SplitEveryThird) { std::vector splitKeys = splitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1), BSON(kPattern << 0), BSON(kPattern << 100), false, boost::none, boost::none, getDocSizeBytes() * 6LL); std::vector expected = { BSON(kPattern << 3), BSON(kPattern << 7), BSON(kPattern << 11), BSON(kPattern << 15), BSON(kPattern << 19), BSON(kPattern << 23), BSON(kPattern << 27), BSON(kPattern << 31), BSON(kPattern << 35), BSON(kPattern << 39), BSON(kPattern << 43), BSON(kPattern << 47), BSON(kPattern << 51), BSON(kPattern << 55), BSON(kPattern << 59), BSON(kPattern << 63), BSON(kPattern << 67), BSON(kPattern << 71), BSON(kPattern << 75), BSON(kPattern << 79), BSON(kPattern << 83), BSON(kPattern << 87), BSON(kPattern << 91), BSON(kPattern << 95), BSON(kPattern << 99)}; ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), expected.size()); for (auto splitKeysIt = splitKeys.begin(), expectedIt = expected.begin(); splitKeysIt != splitKeys.end() && expectedIt != expected.end(); ++splitKeysIt, ++expectedIt) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(*splitKeysIt, *expectedIt); } } TEST_F(SplitVectorTest, MaxSplitPointsSet) { std::vector splitKeys = splitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1), BSON(kPattern << 0), BSON(kPattern << 100), false, 3, boost::none, getDocSizeBytes() * 6LL); // Unlike the SplitEveryThird test, should only return the first 3 split points since // maxSplitPoints is 3. std::vector expected = { BSON(kPattern << 3), BSON(kPattern << 7), BSON(kPattern << 11)}; ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), expected.size()); for (auto splitKeysIt = splitKeys.begin(), expectedIt = expected.begin(); splitKeysIt != splitKeys.end() || expectedIt != expected.end(); ++splitKeysIt, ++expectedIt) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(*splitKeysIt, *expectedIt); } } TEST_F(SplitVectorTest, IgnoreMaxChunkObjects) { std::vector splitKeys = splitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1), BSON(kPattern << 0), BSON(kPattern << 100), false, boost::none, 10, getDocSizeBytes() * 6LL); // The "maxChunkObjects"th key (10) is larger than the key count at half the maxChunkSize (3), // so it should be ignored. std::vector expected = { BSON(kPattern << 3), BSON(kPattern << 7), BSON(kPattern << 11), BSON(kPattern << 15), BSON(kPattern << 19), BSON(kPattern << 23), BSON(kPattern << 27), BSON(kPattern << 31), BSON(kPattern << 35), BSON(kPattern << 39), BSON(kPattern << 43), BSON(kPattern << 47), BSON(kPattern << 51), BSON(kPattern << 55), BSON(kPattern << 59), BSON(kPattern << 63), BSON(kPattern << 67), BSON(kPattern << 71), BSON(kPattern << 75), BSON(kPattern << 79), BSON(kPattern << 83), BSON(kPattern << 87), BSON(kPattern << 91), BSON(kPattern << 95), BSON(kPattern << 99)}; ASSERT_EQ(splitKeys.size(), expected.size()); for (auto splitKeysIt = splitKeys.begin(), expectedIt = expected.begin(); splitKeysIt != splitKeys.end() && expectedIt != expected.end(); ++splitKeysIt, ++expectedIt) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(*splitKeysIt, *expectedIt); } } TEST_F(SplitVectorTest, NoSplit) { std::vector splitKeys = splitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1), BSON(kPattern << 0), BSON(kPattern << 100), false, boost::none, boost::none, getDocSizeBytes() * 1000LL); ASSERT_EQUALS(splitKeys.size(), 0UL); } TEST_F(SplitVectorTest, NoCollection) { ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(splitVector(operationContext(), NamespaceString("dummy", "collection"), BSON(kPattern << 1), BSON(kPattern << 0), BSON(kPattern << 100), false, boost::none, boost::none, boost::none), DBException, ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound); } TEST_F(SplitVectorTest, NoIndex) { ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(splitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON("foo" << 1), BSON(kPattern << 0), BSON(kPattern << 100), false, boost::none, boost::none, boost::none), DBException, ErrorCodes::IndexNotFound); } TEST_F(SplitVectorTest, NoMaxChunkSize) { ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(splitVector(operationContext(), kNss, BSON(kPattern << 1), BSON(kPattern << 0), BSON(kPattern << 100), false, boost::none, boost::none, boost::none), DBException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } const NamespaceString kJumboNss = NamespaceString("foo", "bar2"); const std::string kJumboPattern = "a"; class SplitVectorJumboTest : public ShardServerTestFixture { public: void setUp() { ShardServerTestFixture::setUp(); auto opCtx = operationContext(); { OperationShardingState::ScopedAllowImplicitCollectionCreate_UNSAFE unsafeCreateCollection(opCtx); uassertStatusOK(createCollection( operationContext(), kJumboNss.dbName(), BSON("create" << kJumboNss.coll()))); } setUnshardedFilteringMetadata(opCtx, kJumboNss); DBDirectClient client(opCtx); client.createIndex(kJumboNss.ns(), BSON(kJumboPattern << 1)); // Insert 10000 documents into the collection with the same shard key value. BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append(kJumboPattern, 1); BSONObj obj = builder.obj(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { client.insert(kJumboNss.toString(), obj); } ASSERT_EQUALS(1000ULL, client.count(kJumboNss)); } const long long& getDocSizeBytes() { return docSizeBytes; } private: // Number of bytes in each of the same-size documents we insert into the collection. const long long docSizeBytes = BSON(kJumboPattern << 1).objsize(); }; TEST_F(SplitVectorJumboTest, JumboChunk) { std::vector splitKeys = splitVector(operationContext(), kJumboNss, BSON(kJumboPattern << 1), BSON(kJumboPattern << 1), BSON(kJumboPattern << 2), false, boost::none, boost::none, getDocSizeBytes() * 1LL); ASSERT_EQUALS(splitKeys.size(), 0UL); } const NamespaceString kMaxResponseNss = NamespaceString("foo", "bar3"); // This is not the actual max bytes size -- we are rounding down from 512000. int maxShardingUnitTestOplogDocSize = 510000; // We need a number of documents two over the threshold so that we will hit the max size threshold // before we reach the end of the document scan. int numDocs = (BSONObjMaxUserSize / maxShardingUnitTestOplogDocSize) + 2; /** * Assert that once the cumulative size of the splitVector BSON objects reaches the max BSON size * limit (adding another split point would tip over the limit), the splitVector function returns. */ class SplitVectorMaxResponseSizeTest : public ShardServerTestFixture { public: void setUp() { ShardServerTestFixture::setUp(); auto opCtx = operationContext(); { OperationShardingState::ScopedAllowImplicitCollectionCreate_UNSAFE unsafeCreateCollection(opCtx); uassertStatusOK(createCollection(operationContext(), kMaxResponseNss.dbName(), BSON("create" << kMaxResponseNss.coll()))); } setUnshardedFilteringMetadata(opCtx, kMaxResponseNss); DBDirectClient client(opCtx); client.createIndex(kMaxResponseNss.ns(), BSON("a" << 1)); for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; ++i) { BSONObjBuilder builder; // splitVector won't create more than one split key for each unique document, so we must // ensure that our documents are unique. builder.append("a", createUniqueHalfMegabyteString(i)); BSONObj obj = builder.obj(); client.insert(kMaxResponseNss.toString(), obj); } ASSERT_EQUALS(numDocs, (int)client.count(kMaxResponseNss)); } std::string createUniqueHalfMegabyteString(int uniqueInt) { StringBuilder sb; for (int i = 0; i < maxShardingUnitTestOplogDocSize; ++i) { sb << "a"; } sb << uniqueInt; return sb.str(); } }; TEST_F(SplitVectorMaxResponseSizeTest, MaxResponseSize) { std::vector splitKeys = splitVector(operationContext(), kMaxResponseNss, BSON("a" << 1), {}, {}, false, boost::none, boost::none, 1LL); ASSERT_EQUALS((int)splitKeys.size(), numDocs - 2); int runningDocSize = 0; for (const auto& key : splitKeys) { ASSERT_LT(key.objsize(), BSONObjMaxUserSize); ASSERT_LT(runningDocSize, BSONObjMaxUserSize); runningDocSize += key.objsize(); } auto overflowDoc = BSON("a" << createUniqueHalfMegabyteString(100)); ASSERT_GT(runningDocSize + overflowDoc.objsize(), BSONObjMaxUserSize); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo