/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/s/transaction_coordinator_service.h" #include "mongo/db/internal_transactions_feature_flag_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_client_info.h" #include "mongo/db/s/transaction_coordinator_document_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/s/transaction_coordinator_params_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/flow_control.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction_participant_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/write_concern.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/s/grid.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kTransaction namespace mongo { namespace { const auto transactionCoordinatorServiceDecoration = ServiceContext::declareDecoration(); } // namespace TransactionCoordinatorService::TransactionCoordinatorService() = default; TransactionCoordinatorService::~TransactionCoordinatorService() { joinPreviousRound(); } TransactionCoordinatorService* TransactionCoordinatorService::get(OperationContext* opCtx) { return get(opCtx->getServiceContext()); } TransactionCoordinatorService* TransactionCoordinatorService::get(ServiceContext* serviceContext) { return &transactionCoordinatorServiceDecoration(serviceContext); } void TransactionCoordinatorService::createCoordinator( OperationContext* opCtx, LogicalSessionId lsid, TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter, Date_t commitDeadline) { auto cas = _getCatalogAndScheduler(opCtx); auto& catalog = cas->catalog; auto& scheduler = cas->scheduler; if (auto latestTxnNumberRetryCounterAndCoordinator = catalog.getLatestOnSession(opCtx, lsid)) { auto latestTxnNumberAndRetryCounter = latestTxnNumberRetryCounterAndCoordinator->first; auto latestCoordinator = latestTxnNumberRetryCounterAndCoordinator->second; if (txnNumberAndRetryCounter == latestTxnNumberAndRetryCounter) { return; } latestCoordinator->cancelIfCommitNotYetStarted(); } auto coordinator = std::make_shared( opCtx, lsid, txnNumberAndRetryCounter, scheduler.makeChildScheduler(), commitDeadline); try { catalog.insert(opCtx, lsid, txnNumberAndRetryCounter, coordinator); } catch (const DBException&) { // Handle the case where the opCtx has been interrupted and we do not successfully insert // the coordinator into the catalog. coordinator->cancelIfCommitNotYetStarted(); // Wait for it to finish processing the error before throwing, since leaving this scope will // cause the newly created coordinator to be destroyed. We ignore the return Status since we // want to just rethrow whatever exception was thrown when inserting into the catalog. [[maybe_unused]] auto status = coordinator->onCompletion().waitNoThrow(); throw; } } void TransactionCoordinatorService::reportCoordinators(OperationContext* opCtx, bool includeIdle, std::vector* ops) { std::shared_ptr cas; try { cas = _getCatalogAndScheduler(opCtx); } catch (ExceptionFor&) { // If we are not primary, don't include any output for transaction coordinators in // the curOp command. return; } auto& catalog = cas->catalog; auto predicate = [includeIdle](const LogicalSessionId lsid, const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter, const std::shared_ptr transactionCoordinator) { TransactionCoordinator::Step step = transactionCoordinator->getStep(); if (includeIdle || step > TransactionCoordinator::Step::kInactive) { return true; } return false; }; auto reporter = [ops](const LogicalSessionId lsid, const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter, const std::shared_ptr transactionCoordinator) { BSONObjBuilder doc; transactionCoordinator->reportState(doc); ops->push_back(doc.obj()); }; catalog.filter(predicate, reporter); } boost::optional> TransactionCoordinatorService::coordinateCommit(OperationContext* opCtx, LogicalSessionId lsid, TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter, const std::set& participantList) { auto cas = _getCatalogAndScheduler(opCtx); auto& catalog = cas->catalog; auto coordinator = catalog.get(opCtx, lsid, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); if (!coordinator) { return boost::none; } coordinator->runCommit(opCtx, std::vector{participantList.begin(), participantList.end()}); return coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision.load() ? coordinator->getDecision() : coordinator->onCompletion(); } boost::optional> TransactionCoordinatorService::recoverCommit( OperationContext* opCtx, LogicalSessionId lsid, TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter) { auto cas = _getCatalogAndScheduler(opCtx); auto& catalog = cas->catalog; auto coordinator = catalog.get(opCtx, lsid, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); if (!coordinator) { return boost::none; } // Make sure that recover can terminate right away if coordinateCommit never reached // the coordinator. coordinator->cancelIfCommitNotYetStarted(); return coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision.load() ? coordinator->getDecision() : coordinator->onCompletion(); } void TransactionCoordinatorService::onStepUp(OperationContext* opCtx, Milliseconds recoveryDelayForTesting) { joinPreviousRound(); stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (_isShuttingDown) { return; } invariant(!_catalogAndScheduler); _catalogAndScheduler = std::make_shared(opCtx->getServiceContext()); auto future = _catalogAndScheduler->scheduler .scheduleWorkIn( recoveryDelayForTesting, [catalogAndScheduler = _catalogAndScheduler](OperationContext* opCtx) { auto& replClientInfo = repl::ReplClientInfo::forClient(opCtx->getClient()); replClientInfo.setLastOpToSystemLastOpTime(opCtx); const auto lastOpTime = replClientInfo.getLastOp(); LOGV2_DEBUG(22451, 3, "Waiting for OpTime {lastOpTime} to become majority committed", "Waiting for OpTime to become majority committed", "lastOpTime"_attr = lastOpTime); WriteConcernResult unusedWCResult; uassertStatusOK(waitForWriteConcern( opCtx, lastOpTime, WriteConcernOptions{WriteConcernOptions::kMajority, WriteConcernOptions::SyncMode::UNSET, WriteConcernOptions::kNoTimeout}, &unusedWCResult)); FlowControl::Bypass flowControlBypass(opCtx); auto coordinatorDocs = txn::readAllCoordinatorDocs(opCtx); LOGV2(22452, "Need to resume coordinating commit for {numPendingTransactions} " "transactions", "Need to resume coordinating commit for transactions with an in-progress " "two-phase commit/abort", "numPendingTransactions"_attr = coordinatorDocs.size()); const auto service = opCtx->getServiceContext(); const auto clockSource = service->getFastClockSource(); auto& catalog = catalogAndScheduler->catalog; auto& scheduler = catalogAndScheduler->scheduler; for (const auto& doc : coordinatorDocs) { LOGV2_DEBUG( 22453, 3, "Going to resume coordinating commit for {transactionCoordinatorInfo}", "Going to resume coordinating commit", "transactionCoordinatorInfo"_attr = doc.toBSON()); const auto lsid = *doc.getId().getSessionId(); const auto txnNumber = *doc.getId().getTxnNumber(); const auto txnRetryCounter = [&] { if (auto optTxnRetryCounter = doc.getId().getTxnRetryCounter()) { return *optTxnRetryCounter; } return 0; }(); auto coordinator = std::make_shared( opCtx, lsid, TxnNumberAndRetryCounter{txnNumber, txnRetryCounter}, scheduler.makeChildScheduler(), clockSource->now() + Seconds(gTransactionLifetimeLimitSeconds.load())); catalog.insert(opCtx, lsid, {txnNumber, txnRetryCounter}, coordinator, true /* forStepUp */); coordinator->continueCommit(doc); } }) .tapAll([catalogAndScheduler = _catalogAndScheduler](Status status) { auto& catalog = catalogAndScheduler->catalog; catalog.exitStepUp(status); }); _catalogAndScheduler->recoveryTaskCompleted.emplace(std::move(future)); } void TransactionCoordinatorService::onStepDown() { { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (!_catalogAndScheduler) return; _catalogAndSchedulerToCleanup = std::move(_catalogAndScheduler); } _catalogAndSchedulerToCleanup->onStepDown(); } void TransactionCoordinatorService::shutdown() { { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); _isShuttingDown = true; } onStepDown(); joinPreviousRound(); } void TransactionCoordinatorService::onShardingInitialization(OperationContext* opCtx, bool isPrimary) { if (!isPrimary) return; stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (_isShuttingDown) { return; } invariant(!_catalogAndScheduler); _catalogAndScheduler = std::make_shared(opCtx->getServiceContext()); _catalogAndScheduler->catalog.exitStepUp(Status::OK()); _catalogAndScheduler->recoveryTaskCompleted.emplace(Future::makeReady()); } std::shared_ptr TransactionCoordinatorService::_getCatalogAndScheduler(OperationContext* opCtx) { stdx::unique_lock ul(_mutex); uassert(ErrorCodes::NotWritablePrimary, "Transaction coordinator is not a primary", _catalogAndScheduler); return _catalogAndScheduler; } void TransactionCoordinatorService::joinPreviousRound() { stdx::unique_lock ul(_mutex); // onStepDown must have been called invariant(!_catalogAndScheduler); if (!_catalogAndSchedulerToCleanup) return; auto schedulerToCleanup = _catalogAndSchedulerToCleanup; ul.unlock(); LOGV2(22454, "Waiting for coordinator tasks from previous term to complete"); // Block until all coordinators scheduled the previous time the service was primary to have // drained. Because the scheduler was interrupted, it should be extremely rare for there to be // any coordinators left, so if this actually causes blocking, it would most likely be a bug. schedulerToCleanup->join(); ul.lock(); _catalogAndSchedulerToCleanup.reset(); } void TransactionCoordinatorService::CatalogAndScheduler::onStepDown() { scheduler.shutdown({ErrorCodes::TransactionCoordinatorSteppingDown, "Transaction coordinator service stepping down"}); catalog.onStepDown(); } void TransactionCoordinatorService::CatalogAndScheduler::join() { recoveryTaskCompleted->wait(); catalog.join(); } void TransactionCoordinatorService::cancelIfCommitNotYetStarted( OperationContext* opCtx, LogicalSessionId lsid, TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter) { auto cas = _getCatalogAndScheduler(opCtx); auto& catalog = cas->catalog; // No need to look at every coordinator since we cancel old coordinators when adding new ones. if (auto latestTxnNumberRetryCounterAndCoordinator = catalog.getLatestOnSession(opCtx, lsid)) { if (txnNumberAndRetryCounter == latestTxnNumberRetryCounterAndCoordinator->first) { latestTxnNumberRetryCounterAndCoordinator->second->cancelIfCommitNotYetStarted(); } } } } // namespace mongo