/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h" #include "mongo/platform/process_id.h" #include "mongo/stdx/variant.h" #include "mongo/util/net/cidr.h" namespace mongo { const int DEFAULT_UNIX_PERMS = 0700; constexpr size_t DEFAULT_MAX_CONN = 1000000; enum class ClusterRole { None, ShardServer, ConfigServer }; struct ServerGlobalParams { std::string binaryName; // mongod or mongos std::string cwd; // cwd of when process started int port = DefaultDBPort; // --port enum { ConfigServerPort = 27019, CryptDServerPort = 27020, DefaultDBPort = 27017, ShardServerPort = 27018, }; static std::string getPortSettingHelpText(); std::vector bind_ips; // --bind_ip bool enableIPv6 = false; bool rest = false; // --rest int listenBacklog = 0; // --listenBacklog, real default is SOMAXCONN bool indexBuildRetry = true; // --noIndexBuildRetry AtomicWord quiet{false}; // --quiet ClusterRole clusterRole = ClusterRole::None; // --configsvr/--shardsvr bool cpu = false; // --cpu show cpu time periodically bool objcheck = true; // --objcheck int defaultProfile = 0; // --profile int slowMS = 100; // --time in ms that is "slow" double sampleRate = 1.0; // --samplerate rate at which to sample slow queries int defaultLocalThresholdMillis = 15; // --localThreshold in ms to consider a node local bool moveParanoia = false; // for move chunk paranoia bool noUnixSocket = false; // --nounixsocket bool doFork = false; // --fork std::string socket = "/tmp"; // UNIX domain socket directory std::string transportLayer; // --transportLayer (must be either "asio" or "legacy") // --serviceExecutor ("adaptive", "synchronous") std::string serviceExecutor; size_t maxConns = DEFAULT_MAX_CONN; // Maximum number of simultaneous open connections. std::vector> maxConnsOverride; int reservedAdminThreads = 0; int unixSocketPermissions = DEFAULT_UNIX_PERMS; // permissions for the UNIX domain socket std::string keyFile; // Path to keyfile, or empty if none. std::string pidFile; // Path to pid file, or empty if none. std::string timeZoneInfoPath; // Path to time zone info directory, or empty if none. std::string logpath; // Path to log file, if logging to a file; otherwise, empty. bool logAppend = false; // True if logging to a file in append mode. bool logRenameOnRotate = true; // True if logging should rename log files on rotate bool logWithSyslog = false; // True if logging to syslog; must not be set if logpath is set. int syslogFacility; // Facility used when appending messages to the syslog. #ifndef _WIN32 ProcessId parentProc; // --fork pid of initial process ProcessId leaderProc; // --fork pid of leader process #endif /** * Switches to enable experimental (unsupported) features. */ struct ExperimentalFeatures { ExperimentalFeatures() : storageDetailsCmdEnabled(false) {} bool storageDetailsCmdEnabled; // -- enableExperimentalStorageDetailsCmd } experimental; time_t started = ::time(nullptr); BSONArray argvArray; BSONObj parsedOpts; enum AuthState { kEnabled, kDisabled, kUndefined }; AuthState authState = AuthState::kUndefined; bool transitionToAuth = false; // --transitionToAuth, mixed mode for rolling auth upgrade AtomicWord clusterAuthMode; // --clusterAuthMode, the internal cluster auth mode enum ClusterAuthModes { ClusterAuthMode_undefined, /** * Authenticate using keyfile, accept only keyfiles */ ClusterAuthMode_keyFile, /** * Authenticate using keyfile, accept both keyfiles and X.509 */ ClusterAuthMode_sendKeyFile, /** * Authenticate using X.509, accept both keyfiles and X.509 */ ClusterAuthMode_sendX509, /** * Authenticate using X.509, accept only X.509 */ ClusterAuthMode_x509 }; // for the YAML config, sharding._overrideShardIdentity. Can only be used when in // queryableBackupMode. BSONObj overrideShardIdentity; struct FeatureCompatibility { /** * The combination of the fields (version, targetVersion) in the featureCompatiiblityVersion * document in the server configuration collection (admin.system.version) are represented by * this enum and determine this node's behavior. * * Features can be gated for specific versions, or ranges of versions above or below some * minimum or maximum version, respectively. * * The legal enum (and featureCompatibilityVersion document) states are: * * kFullyDowngradedTo42 * (4.2, Unset): Only 4.2 features are available, and new and existing storage * engine entries use the 4.2 format * * kUpgradingTo44 * (4.2, 4.4): Only 4.2 features are available, but new storage engine entries * use the 4.4 format, and existing entries may have either the * 4.2 or 4.4 format * * kFullyUpgradedTo44 * (4.4, Unset): 4.4 features are available, and new and existing storage * engine entries use the 4.4 format * * kDowngradingTo42 * (4.2, 4.2): Only 4.2 features are available and new storage engine * entries use the 4.2 format, but existing entries may have * either the 4.2 or 4.4 format * * kUnsetDefault42Behavior * (Unset, Unset): This is the case on startup before the fCV document is * loaded into memory. isVersionInitialized() will return * false, and getVersion() will return the default * (kFullyDowngradedTo42). * */ enum class Version { // The order of these enums matter, higher upgrades having higher values, so that // features can be active or inactive if the version is higher than some minimum or // lower than some maximum, respectively. kUnsetDefault42Behavior = 0, kFullyDowngradedTo42 = 1, kDowngradingTo42 = 2, kUpgradingTo44 = 3, kFullyUpgradedTo44 = 4, }; /** * On startup, the featureCompatibilityVersion may not have been explicitly set yet. This * exposes the actual state of the featureCompatibilityVersion if it is uninitialized. */ const bool isVersionInitialized() const { return _version.load() != Version::kUnsetDefault42Behavior; } /** * This safe getter for the featureCompatibilityVersion parameter ensures the parameter has * been initialized with a meaningful value. */ const Version getVersion() const { invariant(isVersionInitialized()); return _version.load(); } void reset() { _version.store(Version::kUnsetDefault42Behavior); } void setVersion(Version version) { return _version.store(version); } bool isVersionUpgradingOrUpgraded() { return (getVersion() == Version::kUpgradingTo44 || getVersion() == Version::kFullyUpgradedTo44); } private: AtomicWord _version{Version::kUnsetDefault42Behavior}; } featureCompatibility; // Feature validation differs depending on the role of a mongod in a replica set. Replica set // primaries can accept user-initiated writes and validate based on the feature compatibility // version. A secondary always validates in the upgraded mode so that it can sync new features, // even when in the downgraded feature compatibility mode. AtomicWord validateFeaturesAsMaster{true}; std::vector disabledSecureAllocatorDomains; bool enableMajorityReadConcern = true; }; extern ServerGlobalParams serverGlobalParams; template struct TraitNamedDomain { static bool peg() { const auto& dsmd = serverGlobalParams.disabledSecureAllocatorDomains; const auto contains = [&](StringData dt) { return std::find(dsmd.begin(), dsmd.end(), dt) != dsmd.end(); }; static const bool ret = !(contains("*"_sd) || contains(NameTrait::DomainType)); return ret; } }; } // namespace mongo