/** * Copyright (C) 2014 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include "mongo/base/disallow_copying.h" #include "mongo/base/global_initializer_registerer.h" #include "mongo/db/logical_session_id.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_engine.h" #include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h" #include "mongo/stdx/condition_variable.h" #include "mongo/stdx/functional.h" #include "mongo/stdx/list.h" #include "mongo/stdx/memory.h" #include "mongo/stdx/mutex.h" #include "mongo/stdx/unordered_set.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_executor.h" #include "mongo/transport/session.h" #include "mongo/util/clock_source.h" #include "mongo/util/decorable.h" #include "mongo/util/periodic_runner.h" #include "mongo/util/tick_source.h" namespace mongo { class AbstractMessagingPort; class Client; class OperationContext; class OpObserver; class ServiceEntryPoint; namespace transport { class TransportLayer; } // namespace transport /** * Classes that implement this interface can receive notification on killOp. * * See registerKillOpListener() for more information, * including limitations on the lifetime of registered listeners. */ class KillOpListenerInterface { MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(KillOpListenerInterface); public: /** * Will be called *after* ops have been told they should die. * Callback must not fail. */ virtual void interrupt(unsigned opId) = 0; virtual void interruptAll() = 0; protected: KillOpListenerInterface() = default; // Should not delete through a pointer of this type virtual ~KillOpListenerInterface() = default; }; /** * Class representing the context of a service, such as a MongoD database service or * a MongoS routing service. * * A ServiceContext is the root of a hierarchy of contexts. A ServiceContext owns * zero or more Clients, which in turn each own OperationContexts. */ class ServiceContext final : public Decorable { MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(ServiceContext); public: /** * Observer interface implemented to hook client and operation context creation and * destruction. */ class ClientObserver { public: virtual ~ClientObserver() = default; /** * Hook called after a new client "client" is created on a service by * service->makeClient(). * * For a given client and registered instance of ClientObserver, if onCreateClient * returns without throwing an exception, onDestroyClient will be called when "client" * is deleted. */ virtual void onCreateClient(Client* client) = 0; /** * Hook called on a "client" created by a service before deleting "client". * * Like a destructor, must not throw exceptions. */ virtual void onDestroyClient(Client* client) = 0; /** * Hook called after a new operation context is created on a client by * service->makeOperationContext(client) or client->makeOperationContext(). * * For a given operation context and registered instance of ClientObserver, if * onCreateOperationContext returns without throwing an exception, * onDestroyOperationContext will be called when "opCtx" is deleted. */ virtual void onCreateOperationContext(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0; /** * Hook called on a "opCtx" created by a service before deleting "opCtx". * * Like a destructor, must not throw exceptions. */ virtual void onDestroyOperationContext(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0; }; using ClientSet = stdx::unordered_set; /** * Cursor for enumerating the live Client objects belonging to a ServiceContext. * * Lifetimes of this type are synchronized with client creation and destruction. */ class LockedClientsCursor { public: /** * Constructs a cursor for enumerating the clients of "service", blocking "service" from * creating or destroying Client objects until this instance is destroyed. */ explicit LockedClientsCursor(ServiceContext* service); /** * Returns the next client in the enumeration, or nullptr if there are no more clients. */ Client* next(); private: stdx::unique_lock _lock; ClientSet::const_iterator _curr; ClientSet::const_iterator _end; }; /** * Special deleter used for cleaning up ServiceContext objects. * See UniqueServiceContext, below. */ class ServiceContextDeleter { public: void operator()(ServiceContext* service) const; }; using UniqueServiceContext = std::unique_ptr; /** * Special deleter used for cleaning up Client objects owned by a ServiceContext. * See UniqueClient, below. */ class ClientDeleter { public: void operator()(Client* client) const; }; /** * This is the unique handle type for Clients created by a ServiceContext. */ using UniqueClient = std::unique_ptr; /** * Special deleter used for cleaning up OperationContext objects owned by a ServiceContext. * See UniqueOperationContext, below. */ class OperationContextDeleter { public: void operator()(OperationContext* opCtx) const; }; /** * This is the unique handle type for OperationContexts created by a ServiceContext. */ using UniqueOperationContext = std::unique_ptr; /** * Register a function of this type using an instance of ConstructorActionRegisterer, * below, to cause the function to be executed on new ServiceContext instances. */ using ConstructorAction = stdx::function; /** * Register a function of this type using an instance of ConstructorActionRegisterer, * below, to cause the function to be executed on ServiceContext instances before they * are destroyed. */ using DestructorAction = stdx::function; /** * Representation of a paired ConstructorAction and DestructorAction. */ class ConstructorDestructorActions { public: ConstructorDestructorActions(ConstructorAction constructor, DestructorAction destructor) : _constructor(std::move(constructor)), _destructor(std::move(destructor)) {} void onCreate(ServiceContext* service) const { _constructor(service); } void onDestroy(ServiceContext* service) const { _destructor(service); } private: ConstructorAction _constructor; DestructorAction _destructor; }; /** * Registers a function to execute on new service contexts when they are created, and optionally * also register a function to execute before those contexts are destroyed. * * Construct instances of this type during static initialization only, as they register * MONGO_INITIALIZERS. */ class ConstructorActionRegisterer { public: /** * This constructor registers a constructor and optional destructor with the given * "name" and no prerequisite constructors or mongo initializers. */ ConstructorActionRegisterer(std::string name, ConstructorAction constructor, DestructorAction destructor = {}); /** * This constructor registers a constructor and optional destructor with the given * "name", and a list of names of prerequisites, "prereqs". * * The named constructor will run after all of its prereqs successfully complete, * and the corresponding destructor, if provided, will run before any of its * prerequisites execute. */ ConstructorActionRegisterer(std::string name, std::vector prereqs, ConstructorAction constructor, DestructorAction destructor = {}); private: using ConstructorActionListIterator = stdx::list::iterator; ConstructorActionListIterator _iter; boost::optional _registerer; }; /** * Factory function for making instances of ServiceContext. It is the only means by which they * should be created. */ static UniqueServiceContext make(); ServiceContext(); ~ServiceContext(); /** * Registers an observer of lifecycle events on Clients created by this ServiceContext. * * See the ClientObserver type, above, for details. * * All calls to registerClientObserver must complete before ServiceContext * is used in multi-threaded operation, or is used to create clients via calls * to makeClient. */ void registerClientObserver(std::unique_ptr observer); /** * Creates a new Client object representing a client session associated with this * ServiceContext. * * The "desc" string is used to set a descriptive name for the client, used in logging. * * If supplied, "session" is the transport::Session used for communicating with the client. */ UniqueClient makeClient(std::string desc, transport::SessionHandle session = nullptr); /** * Creates a new OperationContext on "client". * * "client" must not have an active operation context. * */ UniqueOperationContext makeOperationContext(Client* client); // // Storage // /** * Sets the storage engine for this instance. May be called up to once per instance. */ void setStorageEngine(std::unique_ptr engine); /** * Return the storage engine instance we're using. */ StorageEngine* getStorageEngine() { return _storageEngine.get(); } // // Global operation management. This may not belong here and there may be too many methods // here. // /** * Signal all OperationContext(s) that they have been killed. */ void setKillAllOperations(); /** * Reset the operation kill state after a killAllOperations. * Used for testing. */ void unsetKillAllOperations(); /** * Get the state for killing all operations. */ bool getKillAllOperations() { return _globalKill.loadRelaxed(); } /** * Kills the operation "opCtx" with the code "killCode", if opCtx has not already been killed. * Caller must own the lock on opCtx->getClient, and opCtx->getServiceContext() must be the same *as * this service context. **/ void killOperation(OperationContext* opCtx, ErrorCodes::Error killCode = ErrorCodes::Interrupted); /** * Kills all operations that have a Client that is associated with an incoming user * connection, except for the one associated with opCtx. */ void killAllUserOperations(const OperationContext* opCtx, ErrorCodes::Error killCode); /** * Registers a listener to be notified each time an op is killed. * * listener does not become owned by the environment. As there is currently no way to * unregister, the listener object must outlive this ServiceContext object. */ void registerKillOpListener(KillOpListenerInterface* listener); // // Background tasks. // /** * Set a periodic runner on the service context. The runner should already be * started when it is moved onto the service context. The service context merely * takes ownership of this object to allow it to continue running for the life of * the process */ void setPeriodicRunner(std::unique_ptr runner); /** * Returns a pointer to the global periodic runner owned by this service context. */ PeriodicRunner* getPeriodicRunner() const; // // Transport. // /** * Get the master TransportLayer. Routes to all other TransportLayers that * may be in use within this service. * * See TransportLayerManager for more details. */ transport::TransportLayer* getTransportLayer() const; /** * Get the service entry point for the service context. * * See ServiceEntryPoint for more details. */ ServiceEntryPoint* getServiceEntryPoint() const; /** * Get the service executor for the service context. * * See ServiceStateMachine for how this is used. Some configurations may not have a service * executor registered and this will return a nullptr. */ transport::ServiceExecutor* getServiceExecutor() const; /** * Waits for the ServiceContext to be fully initialized and for all TransportLayers to have been * added/started. * * If startup is already complete this returns immediately. */ void waitForStartupComplete(); /* * Marks initialization as complete and all transport layers as started. */ void notifyStartupComplete(); /** * Set the OpObserver. */ void setOpObserver(std::unique_ptr opObserver); /** * Return the OpObserver instance we're using. This may be an OpObserverRegistry that in fact * contains multiple observers. */ OpObserver* getOpObserver() const { return _opObserver.get(); } /** * Returns the tick/clock source set in this context. */ TickSource* getTickSource() const { return _tickSource.get(); } /** * Get a ClockSource implementation that may be less precise than the _preciseClockSource but * may be cheaper to call. */ ClockSource* getFastClockSource() const { return _fastClockSource.get(); } /** * Get a ClockSource implementation that is very precise but may be expensive to call. */ ClockSource* getPreciseClockSource() const { return _preciseClockSource.get(); } /** * Replaces the current tick/clock source with a new one. In other words, the old source will be * destroyed. So make sure that no one is using the old source when calling this. */ void setTickSource(std::unique_ptr newSource); /** * Call this method with a ClockSource implementation that may be less precise than * the _preciseClockSource but may be cheaper to call. */ void setFastClockSource(std::unique_ptr newSource); /** * Call this method with a ClockSource implementation that is very precise but * may be expensive to call. */ void setPreciseClockSource(std::unique_ptr newSource); /** * Binds the service entry point implementation to the service context. */ void setServiceEntryPoint(std::unique_ptr sep); /** * Binds the TransportLayer to the service context. The TransportLayer should have already * had setup() called successfully, but not startup(). * * This should be a TransportLayerManager created with the global server configuration. */ void setTransportLayer(std::unique_ptr tl); /** * Binds the service executor to the service context */ void setServiceExecutor(std::unique_ptr exec); private: class ClientObserverHolder { public: explicit ClientObserverHolder(std::unique_ptr observer) : _observer(std::move(observer)) {} void onCreate(Client* client) const { _observer->onCreateClient(client); } void onDestroy(Client* client) const { _observer->onDestroyClient(client); } void onCreate(OperationContext* opCtx) const { _observer->onCreateOperationContext(opCtx); } void onDestroy(OperationContext* opCtx) const { _observer->onDestroyOperationContext(opCtx); } private: std::unique_ptr _observer; }; stdx::mutex _mutex; /** * The storage engine, if any. */ std::unique_ptr _storageEngine; /** * The periodic runner. */ std::unique_ptr _runner; /** * The TransportLayer. */ std::unique_ptr _transportLayer; /** * The service entry point */ std::unique_ptr _serviceEntryPoint; /** * The ServiceExecutor */ std::unique_ptr _serviceExecutor; /** * Vector of registered observers. */ std::vector _clientObservers; ClientSet _clients; /** * The registered OpObserver. */ std::unique_ptr _opObserver; std::unique_ptr _tickSource; /** * A ClockSource implementation that may be less precise than the _preciseClockSource but * may be cheaper to call. */ std::unique_ptr _fastClockSource; /** * A ClockSource implementation that is very precise but may be expensive to call. */ std::unique_ptr _preciseClockSource; // Flag set to indicate that all operations are to be interrupted ASAP. AtomicWord _globalKill{false}; // protected by _mutex std::vector _killOpListeners; // Counter for assigning operation ids. AtomicUInt32 _nextOpId{1}; bool _startupComplete = false; stdx::condition_variable _startupCompleteCondVar; }; /** * Returns true if there is a global ServiceContext. */ bool hasGlobalServiceContext(); /** * Returns the singleton ServiceContext for this server process. * * Fatal if there is currently no global ServiceContext. * * Caller does not own pointer. */ ServiceContext* getGlobalServiceContext(); /** * Sets the global ServiceContext. If 'serviceContext' is NULL, un-sets and deletes * the current global ServiceContext. * * Takes ownership of 'serviceContext'. */ void setGlobalServiceContext(ServiceContext::UniqueServiceContext&& serviceContext); /** * Shortcut for querying the storage engine about whether it supports document-level locking. * If this call becomes too expensive, we could cache the value somewhere so we don't have to * fetch the storage engine every time. */ bool supportsDocLocking(); /** * Returns true if the storage engine in use is MMAPV1. */ bool isMMAPV1(); } // namespace mongo