/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kControl #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/startup_warnings_mongod.h" #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/db/server_options.h" #include "mongo/db/startup_warnings_common.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_options.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/processinfo.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #include "mongo/util/version.h" namespace mongo { namespace { const std::string kTransparentHugePagesDirectory("/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage"); } // namespace using std::ios_base; using std::string; // static StatusWith StartupWarningsMongod::readTransparentHugePagesParameter( const std::string& parameter) { return readTransparentHugePagesParameter(parameter, kTransparentHugePagesDirectory); } // static StatusWith StartupWarningsMongod::readTransparentHugePagesParameter( const std::string& parameter, const std::string& directory) { std::string opMode; try { boost::filesystem::path directoryPath(directory); if (!boost::filesystem::exists(directoryPath)) { return StatusWith( ErrorCodes::NonExistentPath, str::stream() << "Unable to read non-existent transparent Huge Pages directory: " << directory); } boost::filesystem::path parameterPath(directoryPath / parameter); if (!boost::filesystem::exists(parameterPath)) { return StatusWith( ErrorCodes::NonExistentPath, str::stream() << "Unable to read non-existent transparent Huge Pages file: " << parameterPath.string()); } std::string filename(parameterPath.string()); std::ifstream ifs(filename.c_str()); if (!ifs) { return StatusWith( ErrorCodes::FileNotOpen, str::stream() << "Unable to open transparent Huge Pages file " << filename); } std::string line; if (!std::getline(ifs, line)) { int errorcode = errno; return StatusWith( ErrorCodes::FileStreamFailed, str::stream() << "failed to read from " << filename << ": " << ((ifs.eof()) ? "EOF" : errnoWithDescription(errorcode))); } std::string::size_type posBegin = line.find("["); std::string::size_type posEnd = line.find("]"); if (posBegin == string::npos || posEnd == string::npos || posBegin >= posEnd) { return StatusWith(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, str::stream() << "cannot parse line: '" << line << "'"); } opMode = line.substr(posBegin + 1, posEnd - posBegin - 1); if (opMode.empty()) { return StatusWith(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "invalid mode in " << filename << ": '" << line << "'"); } // Check against acceptable values of opMode. if (opMode != "always" && opMode != "madvise" && opMode != "never") { return StatusWith( ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "** WARNING: unrecognized transparent Huge Pages mode of operation in " << filename << ": '" << opMode << "''"); } } catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& err) { return StatusWith(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, str::stream() << "Failed to probe \"" << err.path1().string() << "\": " << err.code().message()); } return StatusWith(opMode); } void logMongodStartupWarnings(const StorageGlobalParams& storageParams, const ServerGlobalParams& serverParams, ServiceContext* svcCtx) { logCommonStartupWarnings(serverParams); bool warned = false; if (sizeof(int*) == 4) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22151, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS( 22152, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** NOTE: This is a 32 bit MongoDB binary."); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22153, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** 32 bit builds are limited to less than 2GB of data (or less with " "--journal)."); if (!storageParams.dur) { LOGV2_OPTIONS( 22154, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** Note that journaling defaults to off for 32 bit and is currently off."); } LOGV2_OPTIONS(22155, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/32bit"); warned = true; } if (!ProcessInfo::blockCheckSupported()) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22156, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS( 22157, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** NOTE: your operating system version does not support the method that MongoDB"); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22158, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** uses to detect impending page faults."); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22159, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** This may result in slower performance for certain use cases"); warned = true; } #ifdef __linux__ if (boost::filesystem::exists("/proc/vz") && !boost::filesystem::exists("/proc/bc")) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22160, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22161, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: You are running in OpenVZ which can cause issues on versions of " "RHEL older than RHEL6."); warned = true; } bool hasMultipleNumaNodes = false; try { hasMultipleNumaNodes = boost::filesystem::exists("/sys/devices/system/node/node1"); } catch (boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& e) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22162, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22163, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: Cannot detect if NUMA interleaving is enabled. Failed to probe " "\"{e_path1_string}\": {e_code_message}", "e_path1_string"_attr = e.path1().string(), "e_code_message"_attr = e.code().message()); } if (hasMultipleNumaNodes) { // We are on a box with a NUMA enabled kernel and more than 1 numa node (they start at // node0) // Now we look at the first line of /proc/self/numa_maps // // Bad example: // $ cat /proc/self/numa_maps // 00400000 default file=/bin/cat mapped=6 N4=6 // // Good example: // $ numactl --interleave=all cat /proc/self/numa_maps // 00400000 interleave:0-7 file=/bin/cat mapped=6 N4=6 std::ifstream f("/proc/self/numa_maps", std::ifstream::in); if (f.is_open()) { std::string line; // we only need the first line std::getline(f, line); if (f.fail()) { LOGV2_WARNING_OPTIONS( 22200, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "failed to read from /proc/self/numa_maps: {errnoWithDescription}", "errnoWithDescription"_attr = errnoWithDescription()); warned = true; } else { // skip over pointer std::string::size_type where = line.find(' '); if ((where == std::string::npos) || (++where == line.size())) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22164, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22165, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: cannot parse numa_maps line: '{line}'", "line"_attr = line); warned = true; } // if the text following the space doesn't begin with 'interleave', then // issue the warning. else if (line.find("interleave", where) != where) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22166, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22167, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: You are running on a NUMA machine."); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22168, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** We suggest launching mongod like this to avoid " "performance problems:"); LOGV2_OPTIONS( 22169, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** numactl --interleave=all mongod [other options]"); warned = true; } } } } if (storageParams.dur) { std::fstream f("/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory", ios_base::in); unsigned val; f >> val; if (val == 2) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22170, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22171, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory is {val}", "val"_attr = val); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22172, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** Journaling works best with it set to 0 or 1"); } } if (boost::filesystem::exists("/proc/sys/vm/zone_reclaim_mode")) { std::fstream f("/proc/sys/vm/zone_reclaim_mode", ios_base::in); unsigned val; f >> val; if (val != 0) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22173, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22174, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: /proc/sys/vm/zone_reclaim_mode is {val}", "val"_attr = val); LOGV2_OPTIONS( 22175, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** We suggest setting it to 0"); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22176, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt"); } } // Transparent Hugepages checks StatusWith transparentHugePagesEnabledResult = StartupWarningsMongod::readTransparentHugePagesParameter("enabled"); bool shouldWarnAboutDefragAlways = false; if (transparentHugePagesEnabledResult.isOK()) { if (transparentHugePagesEnabledResult.getValue() == "always") { // If we do not have hugepages enabled, we don't need to warn about its features shouldWarnAboutDefragAlways = true; LOGV2_OPTIONS(22177, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22178, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: {kTransparentHugePagesDirectory}/enabled is 'always'.", "kTransparentHugePagesDirectory"_attr = kTransparentHugePagesDirectory); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22179, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** We suggest setting it to 'never'"); warned = true; } } else if (transparentHugePagesEnabledResult.getStatus().code() != ErrorCodes::NonExistentPath) { LOGV2_WARNING_OPTIONS(22201, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_WARNING_OPTIONS(22202, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "{transparentHugePagesEnabledResult_getStatus_reason}", "transparentHugePagesEnabledResult_getStatus_reason"_attr = transparentHugePagesEnabledResult.getStatus().reason()); warned = true; } StatusWith transparentHugePagesDefragResult = StartupWarningsMongod::readTransparentHugePagesParameter("defrag"); if (transparentHugePagesDefragResult.isOK()) { if (shouldWarnAboutDefragAlways && transparentHugePagesDefragResult.getValue() == "always") { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22180, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22181, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: {kTransparentHugePagesDirectory}/defrag is 'always'.", "kTransparentHugePagesDirectory"_attr = kTransparentHugePagesDirectory); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22182, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** We suggest setting it to 'never'"); warned = true; } } else if (transparentHugePagesDefragResult.getStatus().code() != ErrorCodes::NonExistentPath) { LOGV2_WARNING_OPTIONS(22203, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_WARNING_OPTIONS(22204, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "{transparentHugePagesDefragResult_getStatus_reason}", "transparentHugePagesDefragResult_getStatus_reason"_attr = transparentHugePagesDefragResult.getStatus().reason()); warned = true; } #endif // __linux__ #ifndef _WIN32 // Check that # of files rlmit >= 64000 const unsigned int minNumFiles = 64000; struct rlimit rlnofile; if (!getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlnofile)) { if (rlnofile.rlim_cur < minNumFiles) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22183, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22184, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: soft rlimits too low. Number of files is " "{rlnofile_rlim_cur}, should be at least {minNumFiles}", "rlnofile_rlim_cur"_attr = rlnofile.rlim_cur, "minNumFiles"_attr = minNumFiles); } } else { const auto errmsg = errnoWithDescription(); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22185, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22186, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: getrlimit failed. {errmsg}", "errmsg"_attr = errmsg); } // Solaris does not have RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, these are exposed via getrctl(2) instead #ifndef __sun // Check we can lock at least 16 pages for the SecureAllocator const unsigned int minLockedPages = 16; struct rlimit rlmemlock; if (!getrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, &rlmemlock)) { if ((rlmemlock.rlim_cur / ProcessInfo::getPageSize()) < minLockedPages) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22187, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS( 22188, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: soft rlimits too low. The locked memory size is {rlmemlock_rlim_cur} " "bytes, it should be at least {minLockedPages_ProcessInfo_getPageSize} bytes", "rlmemlock_rlim_cur"_attr = rlmemlock.rlim_cur, "minLockedPages_ProcessInfo_getPageSize"_attr = minLockedPages * ProcessInfo::getPageSize()); } } else { const auto errmsg = errnoWithDescription(); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22189, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22190, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: getrlimit failed. {errmsg}", "errmsg"_attr = errmsg); } #endif #endif #ifdef _WIN32 ProcessInfo p; if (p.hasNumaEnabled()) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22191, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22192, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** WARNING: You are running on a NUMA machine."); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22193, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** We suggest disabling NUMA in the machine BIOS "); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22194, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** by enabling interleaving to avoid performance problems. "); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22195, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** See your BIOS documentation for more information."); warned = true; } #endif // #ifdef _WIN32 if (storageParams.engine == "ephemeralForTest") { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22196, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); LOGV2_OPTIONS(22197, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** NOTE: The ephemeralForTest storage engine is for testing only. "); LOGV2_OPTIONS( 22198, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "** Do not use in production."); warned = true; } if (warned) { LOGV2_OPTIONS(22199, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, ""); } } } // namespace mongo