/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_cpu_timer.h" #include "mongo/platform/mutex.h" namespace mongo { /** * ResourceConsumption maintains thread-safe access into a map of resource consumption Metrics. */ class ResourceConsumption { public: ResourceConsumption() = default; static ResourceConsumption& get(OperationContext* opCtx); static ResourceConsumption& get(ServiceContext* svcCtx); /** * UnitCounter observes individual input datums and then calculates the total number of bytes * and whole number units observed. */ class UnitCounter { public: UnitCounter() = default; void add(const UnitCounter& other) { _bytes += other._bytes; _units += other._units; } UnitCounter& operator+=(const UnitCounter& other) { add(other); return *this; } long long bytes() const { return _bytes; } long long units() const { return _units; } /** * Call once per input datum with its size in bytes. * * This function calculates the number of units observed based on the implentation-specific * unitSize(). The function uses the following formula to calculate the number of units per * datum: * * units = ceil (datum bytes / unit size in bytes) * * This achieves the goal of counting small datums as at least one unit while ensuring * larger units are accounted proportionately. This can result in overstating smaller datums * when the unit size is large. This is desired behavior, and the extent to which small * datums are overstated is tunable by the unit size of the implementor. */ void observeOne(size_t datumBytes); protected: /** * Returns the implementation-specific unit size. */ virtual int unitSize() const = 0; long long _bytes = 0; long long _units = 0; }; /** DocumentUnitCounter records the number of document units observed. */ class DocumentUnitCounter : public UnitCounter { private: int unitSize() const final; }; /** IdxEntryUnitCounter records the number of index entry units observed. */ class IdxEntryUnitCounter : public UnitCounter { private: int unitSize() const final; }; /** TotalUnitWriteCounter records the number of units of document plus associated indexes * observed. */ class TotalUnitWriteCounter { public: void observeOneDocument(size_t datumBytes); void observeOneIndexEntry(size_t datumBytes); TotalUnitWriteCounter& operator+=(TotalUnitWriteCounter other) { // Flush the accumulators, in case there is anything still pending. other.observeOneDocument(0); observeOneDocument(0); _units += other._units; return *this; } long long units() const { // Flush the accumulators, in case there is anything still pending. TotalUnitWriteCounter copy(*this); copy.observeOneDocument(0); return copy._units; } private: int unitSize() const; long long _accumulatedDocumentBytes = 0; long long _accumulatedIndexBytes = 0; long long _units = 0; }; /** ReadMetrics maintains metrics for read operations. */ class ReadMetrics { public: ReadMetrics() = default; void add(const ReadMetrics& other) { docsRead += other.docsRead; idxEntriesRead += other.idxEntriesRead; docsReturned += other.docsReturned; keysSorted += other.keysSorted; sorterSpills += other.sorterSpills; cursorSeeks += other.cursorSeeks; } ReadMetrics& operator+=(const ReadMetrics& other) { add(other); return *this; } /** * Reports all metrics on a BSONObjBuilder. */ void toBson(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const; // Number of document units read DocumentUnitCounter docsRead; // Number of index entry units read IdxEntryUnitCounter idxEntriesRead; // Number of document units returned by a query DocumentUnitCounter docsReturned; // Number of keys sorted for query operations long long keysSorted = 0; // Number of individual spills of data to disk by the sorter long long sorterSpills = 0; // Number of cursor seeks long long cursorSeeks = 0; }; /* WriteMetrics maintains metrics for write operations. */ class WriteMetrics { public: void add(const WriteMetrics& other) { docsWritten += other.docsWritten; idxEntriesWritten += other.idxEntriesWritten; totalWritten += other.totalWritten; } WriteMetrics& operator+=(const WriteMetrics& other) { add(other); return *this; } /** * Reports all metrics on a BSONObjBuilder. */ void toBson(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const; // Number of documents written DocumentUnitCounter docsWritten; // Number of index entries written IdxEntryUnitCounter idxEntriesWritten; // Number of total units written TotalUnitWriteCounter totalWritten; }; /** * OperationMetrics maintains resource consumption metrics for a single operation. */ class OperationMetrics { public: OperationMetrics() = default; /** * Reports all metrics on a BSONObjBuilder. */ void toBson(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const; /** * Reports metrics on a BSONObjBuilder. Only non-zero fields are reported. */ void toBsonNonZeroFields(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const; // Read and write metrics for this operation ReadMetrics readMetrics; WriteMetrics writeMetrics; // Records CPU time consumed by this operation. OperationCPUTimer* cpuTimer = nullptr; }; /** * AggregatedMetrics maintains a structure of resource consumption metrics designed to be * aggregated and added together at some global level. */ class AggregatedMetrics { public: void add(const AggregatedMetrics& other) { primaryReadMetrics += other.primaryReadMetrics; secondaryReadMetrics += other.secondaryReadMetrics; writeMetrics += other.writeMetrics; cpuNanos += other.cpuNanos; }; AggregatedMetrics& operator+=(const AggregatedMetrics& other) { add(other); return *this; } /** * Reports all metrics on a BSONObjBuilder. */ void toBson(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const; // Read metrics recorded for queries processed while this node was primary ReadMetrics primaryReadMetrics; // Read metrics recorded for queries processed while this node was secondary ReadMetrics secondaryReadMetrics; // Write metrics recorded for all operations WriteMetrics writeMetrics; // Amount of CPU time consumed by an operation in nanoseconds Nanoseconds cpuNanos; }; /** * MetricsCollector maintains non-thread-safe, per-operation resource consumption metrics for a * specific database. */ class MetricsCollector { public: MetricsCollector() = default; static MetricsCollector& get(OperationContext* opCtx); /** * When called, resource consumption metrics should be recorded for this operation. */ void beginScopedCollecting(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& dbName); /** * When called, sets state that a ScopedMetricsCollector is in scope, but is not recording * metrics. This is to support nesting Scope objects and preventing lower levels from * overriding this behavior. */ void beginScopedNotCollecting() { invariant(!isInScope()); _collecting = ScopedCollectionState::kInScopeNotCollecting; } /** * When called, resource consumption metrics should not be recorded. Returns whether this * Collector was in a collecting state. */ bool endScopedCollecting(); bool isCollecting() const { return _collecting == ScopedCollectionState::kInScopeCollecting; } bool isInScope() const { return _collecting == ScopedCollectionState::kInScopeCollecting || _collecting == ScopedCollectionState::kInScopeNotCollecting; } /** * Returns whether or not a ScopedMetricsCollector is currently collecting or was collecting * metrics at any point for this operation. */ bool hasCollectedMetrics() const { return _hasCollectedMetrics; } const std::string& getDbName() const { return _dbName; } /** * To observe the stored Metrics, the dbName must be set. This prevents "losing" collected * Metrics due to the Collector stopping without being associated with any database yet. */ OperationMetrics& getMetrics() { invariant(!_dbName.empty(), "observing Metrics before a dbName has been set"); return _metrics; } const OperationMetrics& getMetrics() const { invariant(!_dbName.empty(), "observing Metrics before a dbName has been set"); return _metrics; } void reset() { invariant(!isInScope()); *this = {}; } /** * This should be called once per document read with the number of bytes read for that * document. This is a no-op when metrics collection is disabled on this operation. */ void incrementOneDocRead(std::string uri, size_t docBytesRead); /** * This should be called once per index entry read with the number of bytes read for that * entry. This is a no-op when metrics collection is disabled on this operation. */ void incrementOneIdxEntryRead(std::string uri, size_t idxEntryBytesRead); /** * Increments the number of keys sorted for a query operation. This is a no-op when metrics * collection is disabled on this operation. */ void incrementKeysSorted(size_t keysSorted); /** * Increments the number of number of individual spills to disk by the sorter for query * operations. This is a no-op when metrics collection is disabled on this operation. */ void incrementSorterSpills(size_t spills); /** * Increments the number of document units returned in the command response. */ void incrementDocUnitsReturned(std::string ns, DocumentUnitCounter docUnitsReturned); /** * This should be called once per document written with the number of bytes written for that * document. This is a no-op when metrics collection is disabled on this operation. This * function should not be called when the operation is a write to the oplog. The metrics are * only for operations that are not oplog writes. */ void incrementOneDocWritten(std::string uri, size_t docBytesWritten); /** * This should be called once per index entry written with the number of bytes written for * that entry. This is a no-op when metrics collection is disabled on this operation. */ void incrementOneIdxEntryWritten(std::string uri, size_t idxEntryBytesWritten); /** * This should be called once every time the storage engine successfully does a cursor seek. * Note that if it takes multiple attempts to do a successful seek, this function should * only be called once. If the seek does not find anything, this function should not be * called. */ void incrementOneCursorSeek(std::string uri); private: // Privatize copy constructors to prevent callers from accidentally copying when this is // decorated on the OperationContext by reference. MetricsCollector(const MetricsCollector&) = default; MetricsCollector& operator=(const MetricsCollector&) = default; /** * Helper function that calls the Func when this collector is currently collecting metrics. */ template void _doIfCollecting(Func&& func); /** * Represents the ScopedMetricsCollector state. */ enum class ScopedCollectionState { // No ScopedMetricsCollector is in scope kInactive, // A ScopedMetricsCollector is in scope but not collecting metrics kInScopeNotCollecting, // A ScopedMetricsCollector is in scope and collecting metrics kInScopeCollecting }; ScopedCollectionState _collecting = ScopedCollectionState::kInactive; bool _hasCollectedMetrics = false; std::string _dbName; OperationMetrics _metrics; }; /** * When instantiated with commandCollectsMetrics=true, enables operation resource consumption * collection. When destructed, appends collected metrics to the global structure, if metrics * aggregation is enabled. */ class ScopedMetricsCollector { public: ScopedMetricsCollector(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& dbName, bool commandCollectsMetrics); ScopedMetricsCollector(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& dbName) : ScopedMetricsCollector(opCtx, dbName, true) {} ~ScopedMetricsCollector(); private: bool _topLevel; OperationContext* _opCtx; }; /** * Returns whether the database's metrics should be collected. */ static bool shouldCollectMetricsForDatabase(StringData dbName) { if (dbName == NamespaceString::kAdminDb || dbName == NamespaceString::kConfigDb || dbName == NamespaceString::kLocalDb) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns true if resource consumption metrics should be collected per-operation. */ static bool isMetricsCollectionEnabled(); /** * Returns true if operations should profile resource consumption metrics. */ static bool isMetricsProfilingEnabled(); /** * Returns true if resource consumption metrics should be aggregated globally. */ static bool isMetricsAggregationEnabled(); /** * Merges OperationMetrics with a globally-aggregated structure. The OperationMetrics's contents * are added to existing values in a map keyed by database name. Read metrics will be attributed * to the current replication state. If no metrics already exist for the database, a new value * is initialized with the one provided. * * The database name must not be an empty string. */ void merge(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& dbName, const OperationMetrics& metrics); /** * Returns a copy of the per-database metrics map. */ using MetricsMap = std::map; MetricsMap getDbMetrics() const; /** * Returns the number of databases with aggregated metrics. */ size_t getNumDbMetrics() const; /** * Returns the per-database metrics map and then clears the contents. This attempts to swap and * return the metrics map rather than making a full copy like getDbMetrics. */ MetricsMap getAndClearDbMetrics(); /** * Returns the globally-aggregated CPU time. */ Nanoseconds getCpuTime() const; /** * Clears the existing CPU time. */ Nanoseconds getAndClearCpuTime(); private: // Protects _dbMetrics and _cpuTime mutable Mutex _mutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("ResourceConsumption::_mutex"); MetricsMap _dbMetrics; Nanoseconds _cpuTime; }; } // namespace mongo