/** * Copyright (C) 2023-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/storage/collection_markers.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/idle_thread_block.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kStorage namespace mongo { // TODO SERVER-74250: Change to slowCollectionSamplingReads once 7.0 is released. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(slowOplogSamplingReads); CollectionTruncateMarkers::CollectionTruncateMarkers(CollectionTruncateMarkers&& other) { stdx::lock_guard lk(other._collectionMarkersReclaimMutex); stdx::lock_guard lk2(other._markersMutex); stdx::lock_guard lk3(other._lastHighestRecordMutex); _currentRecords.store(other._currentRecords.swap(0)); _currentBytes.store(other._currentBytes.swap(0)); _minBytesPerMarker = other._minBytesPerMarker; _markers = std::move(other._markers); _isDead = other._isDead; _supportsExpiringPartialMarkers = other._supportsExpiringPartialMarkers; _lastHighestRecordId = std::exchange(other._lastHighestRecordId, RecordId()); _lastHighestWallTime = std::exchange(other._lastHighestWallTime, Date_t()); } bool CollectionTruncateMarkers::isDead() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_collectionMarkersReclaimMutex); return _isDead; } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::kill() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_collectionMarkersReclaimMutex); _isDead = true; _reclaimCv.notify_one(); } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::_replaceNewHighestMarkingIfNecessary(const RecordId& rId, Date_t wallTime) { stdx::unique_lock lk(_lastHighestRecordMutex); _lastHighestRecordId = std::max(_lastHighestRecordId, rId); _lastHighestWallTime = std::max(_lastHighestWallTime, wallTime); } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::awaitHasExcessMarkersOrDead(OperationContext* opCtx) { // Wait until kill() is called or there are too many collection markers. stdx::unique_lock lock(_collectionMarkersReclaimMutex); while (!_isDead) { { MONGO_IDLE_THREAD_BLOCK; stdx::lock_guard lk(_markersMutex); if (_hasExcessMarkers(opCtx)) { const auto& oldestMarker = _markers.front(); invariant(oldestMarker.lastRecord.isValid()); LOGV2_DEBUG(7393215, 2, "Collection has excess markers", "lastRecord"_attr = oldestMarker.lastRecord, "wallTime"_attr = oldestMarker.wallTime); return; } } _reclaimCv.wait(lock); } } boost::optional CollectionTruncateMarkers::peekOldestMarkerIfNeeded(OperationContext* opCtx) const { stdx::lock_guard lk(_markersMutex); if (!_hasExcessMarkers(opCtx)) { return {}; } return _markers.front(); } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::popOldestMarker() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_markersMutex); _markers.pop_front(); } CollectionTruncateMarkers::Marker& CollectionTruncateMarkers::createNewMarker( const RecordId& lastRecord, Date_t wallTime) { return _markers.emplace_back( _currentRecords.swap(0), _currentBytes.swap(0), lastRecord, wallTime); } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::createNewMarkerIfNeeded(OperationContext* opCtx, const RecordId& lastRecord, Date_t wallTime) { auto logFailedLockAcquisition = [&](const std::string& lock) { LOGV2_DEBUG(7393214, 2, "Failed to acquire lock to check if a new collection marker is needed", "lock"_attr = lock); }; // Try to lock both mutexes, if we fail to lock a mutex then someone else is either already // creating a new marker or popping the oldest one. In the latter case, we let the next insert // trigger the new marker's creation. stdx::unique_lock reclaimLk(_collectionMarkersReclaimMutex, stdx::try_to_lock); if (!reclaimLk) { logFailedLockAcquisition("_collectionMarkersReclaimMutex"); return; } stdx::unique_lock lk(_markersMutex, stdx::try_to_lock); if (!lk) { logFailedLockAcquisition("_markersMutex"); return; } if (_currentBytes.load() < _minBytesPerMarker) { // Must have raced to create a new marker, someone else already triggered it. return; } if (!_markers.empty() && lastRecord < _markers.back().lastRecord) { // Skip creating a new marker when the record's position comes before the most recently // created marker. We likely raced with another batch of inserts that caused us to try and // make multiples markers. return; } auto& marker = createNewMarker(lastRecord, wallTime); LOGV2_DEBUG(7393213, 2, "Created a new collection marker", "lastRecord"_attr = marker.lastRecord, "wallTime"_attr = marker.wallTime, "numMarkers"_attr = _markers.size()); pokeReclaimThreadIfNeeded(opCtx); } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::updateCurrentMarkerAfterInsertOnCommit( OperationContext* opCtx, int64_t bytesInserted, const RecordId& highestInsertedRecordId, Date_t wallTime, int64_t countInserted) { opCtx->recoveryUnit()->onCommit([collectionMarkers = this, bytesInserted, recordId = highestInsertedRecordId, wallTime, countInserted](OperationContext* opCtx, auto) { invariant(bytesInserted >= 0); invariant(recordId.isValid()); if (collectionMarkers->_supportsExpiringPartialMarkers) { // By putting the highest marker modification first we can guarantee than in the // event of a race condition between expiring a partial marker the metrics increase // will happen after the marker has been created. This guarantees that the metrics // will eventually be correct as long as the expiration criteria checks for the // metrics and the highest marker expiration. collectionMarkers->_replaceNewHighestMarkingIfNecessary(recordId, wallTime); } collectionMarkers->_currentRecords.addAndFetch(countInserted); int64_t newCurrentBytes = collectionMarkers->_currentBytes.addAndFetch(bytesInserted); if (wallTime != Date_t() && newCurrentBytes >= collectionMarkers->_minBytesPerMarker) { // When other transactions commit concurrently, an uninitialized wallTime may delay // the creation of a new marker. This delay is limited to the number of concurrently // running transactions, so the size difference should be inconsequential. collectionMarkers->createNewMarkerIfNeeded(opCtx, recordId, wallTime); } }); } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::clearMarkersOnCommit(OperationContext* opCtx) { opCtx->recoveryUnit()->onCommit([this](OperationContext*, boost::optional) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_markersMutex); _currentRecords.store(0); _currentBytes.store(0); _markers.clear(); }); } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::updateMarkersAfterCappedTruncateAfter( int64_t recordsRemoved, int64_t bytesRemoved, const RecordId& firstRemovedId) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_markersMutex); int64_t numMarkersToRemove = 0; int64_t recordsInMarkersToRemove = 0; int64_t bytesInMarkersToRemove = 0; // Compute the number and associated sizes of the records from markers that are either fully or // partially truncated. for (auto it = _markers.rbegin(); it != _markers.rend(); ++it) { if (it->lastRecord < firstRemovedId) { break; } numMarkersToRemove++; recordsInMarkersToRemove += it->records; bytesInMarkersToRemove += it->bytes; } // Remove the markers corresponding to the records that were deleted. int64_t offset = _markers.size() - numMarkersToRemove; _markers.erase(_markers.begin() + offset, _markers.end()); // Account for any remaining records from a partially truncated marker in the marker currently // being filled. _currentRecords.addAndFetch(recordsInMarkersToRemove - recordsRemoved); _currentBytes.addAndFetch(bytesInMarkersToRemove - bytesRemoved); } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::setMinBytesPerMarker(int64_t size) { invariant(size > 0); stdx::lock_guard lk(_markersMutex); _minBytesPerMarker = size; } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::pokeReclaimThreadIfNeeded(OperationContext* opCtx) { if (_hasExcessMarkers(opCtx)) { _reclaimCv.notify_one(); } } CollectionTruncateMarkers::InitialSetOfMarkers CollectionTruncateMarkers::createMarkersByScanning( OperationContext* opCtx, RecordStore* rs, int64_t minBytesPerMarker, std::function getRecordIdAndWallTime) { auto startTime = curTimeMicros64(); LOGV2_INFO(7393212, "Scanning collection to determine where to place markers for truncation", "namespace"_attr = rs->ns()); int64_t numRecords = 0; int64_t dataSize = 0; auto cursor = rs->getCursor(opCtx, true); int64_t currentRecords = 0; int64_t currentBytes = 0; std::deque markers; while (auto record = cursor->next()) { currentRecords++; currentBytes += record->data.size(); if (currentBytes >= minBytesPerMarker) { auto [rId, wallTime] = getRecordIdAndWallTime(*record); LOGV2_DEBUG(7393211, 1, "Marking entry as a potential future truncation point", "wall"_attr = wallTime); markers.emplace_back( std::exchange(currentRecords, 0), std::exchange(currentBytes, 0), rId, wallTime); } numRecords++; dataSize += record->data.size(); } rs->updateStatsAfterRepair(opCtx, numRecords, dataSize); auto endTime = curTimeMicros64(); return CollectionTruncateMarkers::InitialSetOfMarkers{ std::move(markers), currentRecords, currentBytes, Microseconds{static_cast(endTime - startTime)}, MarkersCreationMethod::Scanning}; } CollectionTruncateMarkers::InitialSetOfMarkers CollectionTruncateMarkers::createMarkersBySampling( OperationContext* opCtx, RecordStore* rs, int64_t estimatedRecordsPerMarker, int64_t estimatedBytesPerMarker, std::function getRecordIdAndWallTime) { auto startTime = curTimeMicros64(); LOGV2_INFO(7393210, "Sampling the collection to determine where to place markers for truncation", "namespace"_attr = rs->ns()); RecordId earliestRecordId, latestRecordId; { const bool forward = true; auto cursor = rs->getCursor(opCtx, forward); auto record = cursor->next(); if (!record) { // This shouldn't really happen unless the size storer values are far off from reality. // The collection is probably empty, but fall back to scanning the collection just in // case. LOGV2(7393209, "Failed to determine the earliest recordId, falling back to scanning the " "collection", "namespace"_attr = rs->ns()); return CollectionTruncateMarkers::createMarkersByScanning( opCtx, rs, estimatedBytesPerMarker, std::move(getRecordIdAndWallTime)); } earliestRecordId = record->id; } { const bool forward = false; auto cursor = rs->getCursor(opCtx, forward); auto record = cursor->next(); if (!record) { // This shouldn't really happen unless the size storer values are far off from reality. // The collection is probably empty, but fall back to scanning the collection just in // case. LOGV2( 7393208, "Failed to determine the latest recordId, falling back to scanning the collection", "namespace"_attr = rs->ns()); return CollectionTruncateMarkers::createMarkersByScanning( opCtx, rs, estimatedBytesPerMarker, std::move(getRecordIdAndWallTime)); } latestRecordId = record->id; } LOGV2(7393207, "Sampling from the collection to determine where to place markers for truncation", "namespace"_attr = rs->ns(), "from"_attr = earliestRecordId, "to"_attr = latestRecordId); int64_t wholeMarkers = rs->numRecords(opCtx) / estimatedRecordsPerMarker; // We don't use the wholeMarkers variable here due to integer division not being associative. // For example, 10 * (47500 / 28700) = 10, but (10 * 47500) / 28700 = 16. int64_t numSamples = (kRandomSamplesPerMarker * rs->numRecords(opCtx)) / estimatedRecordsPerMarker; LOGV2(7393216, "Taking samples and assuming each collection section contains equal amounts", "namespace"_attr = rs->ns(), "numSamples"_attr = numSamples, "containsNumRecords"_attr = estimatedRecordsPerMarker, "containsNumBytes"_attr = estimatedBytesPerMarker); // Divide the collection into 'wholeMarkers' logical sections, with each section containing // approximately 'estimatedRecordsPerMarker'. Do so by oversampling the collection, sorting the // samples in order of their RecordId, and then choosing the samples expected to be near the // right edge of each logical section. auto cursor = rs->getRandomCursor(opCtx); std::vector collectionEstimates; Timer lastProgressTimer; for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) { auto samplingLogIntervalSeconds = gCollectionSamplingLogIntervalSeconds.load(); slowOplogSamplingReads.execute( [&](const BSONObj& dataObj) { sleepsecs(dataObj["delay"].numberInt()); }); auto record = cursor->next(); if (!record) { // This shouldn't really happen unless the size storer values are far off from reality. // The collection is probably empty, but fall back to scanning the collection just in // case. LOGV2(7393206, "Failed to get enough random samples, falling back to scanning the collection", "namespace"_attr = rs->ns()); return CollectionTruncateMarkers::createMarkersByScanning( opCtx, rs, estimatedBytesPerMarker, std::move(getRecordIdAndWallTime)); } collectionEstimates.emplace_back(getRecordIdAndWallTime(*record)); if (samplingLogIntervalSeconds > 0 && lastProgressTimer.elapsed() >= Seconds(samplingLogIntervalSeconds)) { LOGV2(7393217, "Collection sampling progress", "namespace"_attr = rs->ns(), "completed"_attr = (i + 1), "total"_attr = numSamples); lastProgressTimer.reset(); } } std::sort( collectionEstimates.begin(), collectionEstimates.end(), [](const RecordIdAndWallTime& a, const RecordIdAndWallTime& b) { return a.id < b.id; }); LOGV2(7393205, "Collection sampling complete", "namespace"_attr = rs->ns()); std::deque markers; for (int i = 1; i <= wholeMarkers; ++i) { // Use every (kRandomSamplesPerMarker)th sample, starting with the // (kRandomSamplesPerMarker - 1)th, as the last record for each marker. // If parsing "wall" fails, we crash to allow user to fix their collection. const auto& [id, wallTime] = collectionEstimates[kRandomSamplesPerMarker * i - 1]; LOGV2_DEBUG(7393204, 1, "Marking entry as a potential future truncation point", "namespace"_attr = rs->ns(), "wall"_attr = wallTime, "ts"_attr = id); markers.emplace_back(estimatedRecordsPerMarker, estimatedBytesPerMarker, id, wallTime); } // Account for the partially filled chunk. auto currentRecords = rs->numRecords(opCtx) - estimatedRecordsPerMarker * wholeMarkers; auto currentBytes = rs->dataSize(opCtx) - estimatedBytesPerMarker * wholeMarkers; return CollectionTruncateMarkers::InitialSetOfMarkers{ std::move(markers), currentRecords, currentBytes, Microseconds{static_cast(curTimeMicros64() - startTime)}, MarkersCreationMethod::Sampling}; } CollectionTruncateMarkers::InitialSetOfMarkers CollectionTruncateMarkers::createFromExistingRecordStore( OperationContext* opCtx, RecordStore* rs, int64_t minBytesPerMarker, std::function getRecordIdAndWallTime) { long long numRecords = rs->numRecords(opCtx); long long dataSize = rs->dataSize(opCtx); LOGV2(7393203, "The size storer reports that the collection contains", "numRecords"_attr = numRecords, "dataSize"_attr = dataSize); // Don't calculate markers if this is a new collection. This is to prevent standalones from // attempting to get a forward scanning cursor on an explicit create of the collection. These // values can be wrong. The assumption is that if they are both observed to be zero, there must // be very little data in the collection; the cost of being wrong is imperceptible. if (numRecords == 0 && dataSize == 0) { return CollectionTruncateMarkers::InitialSetOfMarkers{ {}, 0, 0, Microseconds{0}, MarkersCreationMethod::EmptyCollection}; } // Only use sampling to estimate where to place the collection markers if the number of samples // drawn is less than 5% of the collection. const uint64_t kMinSampleRatioForRandCursor = 20; // If the collection doesn't contain enough records to make sampling more efficient, then scan // the collection to determine where to put down markers. auto numMarkers = dataSize / minBytesPerMarker; if (numRecords <= 0 || dataSize <= 0 || uint64_t(numRecords) < kMinSampleRatioForRandCursor * kRandomSamplesPerMarker * numMarkers) { return CollectionTruncateMarkers::createMarkersByScanning( opCtx, rs, minBytesPerMarker, std::move(getRecordIdAndWallTime)); } // Use the collection's average record size to estimate the number of records in each marker, // and thus estimate the combined size of the records. double avgRecordSize = double(dataSize) / double(numRecords); double estimatedRecordsPerMarker = std::ceil(minBytesPerMarker / avgRecordSize); double estimatedBytesPerMarker = estimatedRecordsPerMarker * avgRecordSize; return CollectionTruncateMarkers::createMarkersBySampling(opCtx, rs, (int64_t)estimatedRecordsPerMarker, (int64_t)estimatedBytesPerMarker, std::move(getRecordIdAndWallTime)); } void CollectionTruncateMarkers::createPartialMarkerIfNecessary(OperationContext* opCtx) { auto logFailedLockAcquisition = [&](const std::string& lock) { LOGV2_DEBUG(7393202, 2, "Failed to acquire lock to check if a new partial collection marker is needed", "lock"_attr = lock); }; // Try to lock all mutexes, if we fail to lock a mutex then someone else is either already // creating a new marker or popping the oldest one. In the latter case, we let the next check // trigger the new partial marker's creation. stdx::unique_lock reclaimLk(_collectionMarkersReclaimMutex, stdx::try_to_lock); if (!reclaimLk) { logFailedLockAcquisition("_collectionMarkersReclaimMutex"); return; } stdx::unique_lock lk(_markersMutex, stdx::try_to_lock); if (!lk) { logFailedLockAcquisition("_markersMutex"); return; } stdx::unique_lock markerLk(_lastHighestRecordMutex, stdx::try_to_lock); if (!markerLk) { logFailedLockAcquisition("_lastHighestRecordMutex"); return; } if (_currentBytes.load() == 0 && _currentRecords.load() == 0) { // Nothing can be used for a marker. Early exit now. return; } if (_hasPartialMarkerExpired(opCtx)) { auto& marker = createNewMarker(_lastHighestRecordId, _lastHighestWallTime); LOGV2_DEBUG(7393201, 2, "Created a new partial collection marker", "lastRecord"_attr = marker.lastRecord, "wallTime"_attr = marker.wallTime, "numMarkers"_attr = _markers.size()); pokeReclaimThreadIfNeeded(opCtx); } } } // namespace mongo