// key_string.h
* Copyright (C) 2014 MongoDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#pragma once
#include "mongo/base/static_assert.h"
#include "mongo/bson/bsonmisc.h"
#include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h"
#include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h"
#include "mongo/bson/ordering.h"
#include "mongo/bson/timestamp.h"
#include "mongo/db/record_id.h"
#include "mongo/platform/decimal128.h"
namespace mongo {
class KeyString {
* Selects version of KeyString to use. V0 and V1 differ in their encoding of numeric values.
enum class Version : uint8_t { V0 = 0, V1 = 1 };
static StringData versionToString(Version version) {
return version == Version::V0 ? "V0" : "V1";
* Encodes info needed to restore the original BSONTypes from a KeyString. They cannot be
* stored in place since we don't want them to affect the ordering (1 and 1.0 compare as
* equal).
class TypeBits {
// Sufficient bytes to encode extra type information for any BSON key that fits in 1KB.
// The encoding format will need to change if we raise this limit.
static const uint8_t kMaxBytesNeeded = 127;
static const uint32_t kMaxKeyBytes = 1024;
static const uint32_t kMaxTypeBitsPerDecimal = 17;
static const uint32_t kBytesForTypeAndEmptyKey = 2;
static const uint32_t kMaxDecimalsPerKey =
kMaxKeyBytes / (sizeof(Decimal128::Value) + kBytesForTypeAndEmptyKey);
kMaxTypeBitsPerDecimal* kMaxDecimalsPerKey < kMaxBytesNeeded * 8UL,
"encoding needs change to contain all type bits for worst case key");
static const uint8_t kStoredDecimalExponentBits = 6;
static const uint32_t kStoredDecimalExponentMask = (1U << kStoredDecimalExponentBits) - 1;
explicit TypeBits(Version version) : version(version) {
* If there are no bytes remaining, assumes AllZeros. Otherwise, reads bytes out of the
* BufReader in the format described on the getBuffer() method.
void resetFromBuffer(BufReader* reader);
static TypeBits fromBuffer(Version version, BufReader* reader) {
TypeBits out(version);
return out;
* If true, no bits have been set to one. This is true if no bits have been set at all.
bool isAllZeros() const {
return _isAllZeros;
* These methods return a buffer and size which encodes all of the type bits in this
* instance.
* Encoded format:
* Case 1 (first byte has high bit set to 1):
* Remaining bits of first byte encode number of follow-up bytes that are data
* bytes. Note that _buf is always maintained in this format but these methods may
* return one of the other formats, if possible, by skipping over the first byte.
* Case 2 (first byte is 0x0):
* This encodes the "AllZeros" state which represents an infinite stream of bits set
* to 0. Callers may optionally encode this case as an empty buffer if they have
* another way to mark the end of the buffer. There are no follow-up bytes.
* Case 3 (first byte isn't 0x0 but has high bit set to 0):
* The first byte is the only data byte. This can represent any 7-bit sequence or an
* 8-bit sequence if the 8th bit is 0, since the 8th bit is the same as the bit that
* is 1 if the first byte is the size byte. There are no follow-up bytes.
* Within data bytes (ie everything excluding the size byte if there is one), bits are
* packed in from low to high.
const uint8_t* getBuffer() const {
return getSize() == 1 ? _buf + 1 : _buf;
size_t getSize() const {
if (_isAllZeros) { // Case 2
dassert(_buf[1] == 0);
return 1;
uint8_t rawSize = getSizeByte();
dassert(rawSize >= 1); // 0 should be handled as isAllZeros.
if (rawSize == 1 && !(_buf[1] & 0x80)) { // Case 3
return 1;
return rawSize + 1; // Case 1
// Everything below is only for use by KeyString.
// Note: No space is used if all bits are 0 so the most common cases should be 0x0.
static const uint8_t kString = 0x0;
static const uint8_t kSymbol = 0x1;
static const uint8_t kInt = 0x0;
static const uint8_t kLong = 0x1;
static const uint8_t kDouble = 0x2;
static const uint8_t kDecimal = 0x3; // indicates 6 more bits of typeinfo follow.
static const uint8_t kSpecialZeroPrefix = 0x3; // kNumericZero case, 3 more bits follow.
static const uint8_t kNegativeDoubleZero = 0x3; // normalized -0.0 double, either V0 or V1.
static const uint8_t kV0NegativeDoubleZero = 0x3; // legacy encoding for V0
// The following describe the initial 5 type bits for kNegativeOrDecimalZero. These bits
// encode double -0 or a 3-bit prefix (range 0 to 5) of the 15-bit decimal zero type.
static const uint8_t kV1NegativeDoubleZero = 0x18; // 0b11000
static const uint8_t kUnusedEncoding = 0x19; // 0b11001
// There are 6 * (1<<12) == 2 * (kMaxBiasedExponent + 1) == 24576 decimal zeros.
static const uint8_t kDecimalZero0xxx = 0x1a; // 0b11010 12 more exponent bits follow
static const uint8_t kDecimalZero1xxx = 0x1b; // 0b11011
static const uint8_t kDecimalZero2xxx = 0x1c; // 0b11100
static const uint8_t kDecimalZero3xxx = 0x1d; // 0b11101
static const uint8_t kDecimalZero4xxx = 0x1e; // 0b11110
static const uint8_t kDecimalZero5xxx = 0x1f; // 0b11111
void reset() {
_curBit = 0;
_isAllZeros = true;
_buf[1] = 0;
void appendString() {
void appendSymbol() {
void appendNumberDouble() {
appendBit(kDouble >> 1);
appendBit(kDouble & 1);
void appendNumberInt() {
appendBit(kInt >> 1);
appendBit(kInt & 1);
void appendNumberLong() {
appendBit(kLong >> 1);
appendBit(kLong & 1);
void appendNumberDecimal() {
appendBit(kDecimal >> 1);
appendBit(kDecimal & 1);
void appendZero(uint8_t zeroType);
void appendDecimalZero(uint32_t whichZero);
void appendDecimalExponent(uint8_t storedExponentBits);
class Reader {
* Passed in TypeBits must outlive this Reader instance.
explicit Reader(const TypeBits& typeBits) : _curBit(0), _typeBits(typeBits) {}
uint8_t readStringLike() {
return readBit();
uint8_t readNumeric() {
uint8_t highBit = readBit();
return (highBit << 1) | readBit();
uint8_t readZero();
// Given a decimal zero type between kDecimalZero0xxx and kDecimal5xxx, read the
// remaining 12 bits and return which of the 24576 decimal zeros to produce.
uint32_t readDecimalZero(uint8_t zeroType);
// Reads the stored exponent bits of a non-zero decimal number.
uint8_t readDecimalExponent();
uint8_t readBit();
size_t _curBit;
const TypeBits& _typeBits;
const Version version;
* size only includes data bytes, not the size byte itself.
uint8_t getSizeByte() const {
return _buf[0] & 0x7f;
void setSizeByte(uint8_t size) {
dassert(size < kMaxBytesNeeded);
_buf[0] = 0x80 | size;
void appendBit(uint8_t oneOrZero);
size_t _curBit;
bool _isAllZeros;
// See getBuffer()/getSize() documentation for a description of how data is encoded.
// Currently whole buffer is copied in default copy methods. If they ever show up as hot
// in profiling, we should add copy operations that only copy the parts of _buf that are
// in use.
uint8_t _buf[1 /*size*/ + kMaxBytesNeeded];
enum Discriminator {
kInclusive, // Anything to be stored in an index must use this.
* Encodes the kind of NumberDecimal that is stored.
enum DecimalContinuationMarker {
kDCMEqualToDouble = 0x0,
kDCMHasContinuationLessThanDoubleRoundedUpTo15Digits = 0x1,
kDCMEqualToDoubleRoundedUpTo15Digits = 0x2,
kDCMHasContinuationLargerThanDoubleRoundedUpTo15Digits = 0x3
explicit KeyString(Version version) : version(version), _typeBits(version) {}
KeyString(Version version, const BSONObj& obj, Ordering ord, RecordId recordId)
: KeyString(version) {
resetToKey(obj, ord, recordId);
KeyString(Version version,
const BSONObj& obj,
Ordering ord,
Discriminator discriminator = kInclusive)
: KeyString(version) {
resetToKey(obj, ord, discriminator);
KeyString(Version version, RecordId rid) : version(version), _typeBits(version) {
static BSONObj toBson(StringData data, Ordering ord, const TypeBits& types);
static BSONObj toBson(const char* buffer, size_t len, Ordering ord, const TypeBits& types);
* Decodes a RecordId from the end of a buffer.
static RecordId decodeRecordIdAtEnd(const void* buf, size_t size);
* Decodes a RecordId, consuming all bytes needed from reader.
static RecordId decodeRecordId(BufReader* reader);
void appendRecordId(RecordId loc);
void appendTypeBits(const TypeBits& bits);
* Resets to an empty state.
* Equivalent to but faster than *this = KeyString()
void resetToEmpty() {
void resetToKey(const BSONObj& obj, Ordering ord, RecordId recordId);
void resetToKey(const BSONObj& obj, Ordering ord, Discriminator discriminator = kInclusive);
void resetFromBuffer(const void* buffer, size_t size) {
memcpy(_buffer.skip(size), buffer, size);
const char* getBuffer() const {
return _buffer.buf();
size_t getSize() const {
return _buffer.len();
bool isEmpty() const {
return _buffer.len() == 0;
const TypeBits& getTypeBits() const {
return _typeBits;
int compare(const KeyString& other) const;
* @return a hex encoding of this key
std::string toString() const;
* Version to use for conversion to/from KeyString. V1 has different encodings for numeric
* values.
const Version version;
void _appendAllElementsForIndexing(const BSONObj& obj,
Ordering ord,
Discriminator discriminator);
void _appendBool(bool val, bool invert);
void _appendDate(Date_t val, bool invert);
void _appendTimestamp(Timestamp val, bool invert);
void _appendOID(OID val, bool invert);
void _appendString(StringData val, bool invert);
void _appendSymbol(StringData val, bool invert);
void _appendCode(StringData val, bool invert);
void _appendCodeWString(const BSONCodeWScope& val, bool invert);
void _appendBinData(const BSONBinData& val, bool invert);
void _appendRegex(const BSONRegEx& val, bool invert);
void _appendDBRef(const BSONDBRef& val, bool invert);
void _appendArray(const BSONArray& val, bool invert);
void _appendObject(const BSONObj& val, bool invert);
void _appendNumberDouble(const double num, bool invert);
void _appendNumberLong(const long long num, bool invert);
void _appendNumberInt(const int num, bool invert);
void _appendNumberDecimal(const Decimal128 num, bool invert);
* @param name - optional, can be NULL
* if NULL, not included in encoding
* if not NULL, put in after type, before value
void _appendBsonValue(const BSONElement& elem, bool invert, const StringData* name);
void _appendStringLike(StringData str, bool invert);
void _appendBson(const BSONObj& obj, bool invert);
void _appendSmallDouble(double value, DecimalContinuationMarker dcm, bool invert);
void _appendLargeDouble(double value, DecimalContinuationMarker dcm, bool invert);
void _appendInteger(const long long num, bool invert);
void _appendPreshiftedIntegerPortion(uint64_t value, bool isNegative, bool invert);
void _appendDoubleWithoutTypeBits(const double num, DecimalContinuationMarker dcm, bool invert);
void _appendHugeDecimalWithoutTypeBits(const Decimal128 dec, bool invert);
void _appendTinyDecimalWithoutTypeBits(const Decimal128 dec, const double bin, bool invert);
void _append(const T& thing, bool invert);
void _appendBytes(const void* source, size_t bytes, bool invert);
TypeBits _typeBits;
StackBufBuilder _buffer;
inline bool operator<(const KeyString& lhs, const KeyString& rhs) {
return lhs.compare(rhs) < 0;
inline bool operator<=(const KeyString& lhs, const KeyString& rhs) {
return lhs.compare(rhs) <= 0;
inline bool operator==(const KeyString& lhs, const KeyString& rhs) {
return lhs.compare(rhs) == 0;
inline bool operator>(const KeyString& lhs, const KeyString& rhs) {
return lhs.compare(rhs) > 0;
inline bool operator>=(const KeyString& lhs, const KeyString& rhs) {
return lhs.compare(rhs) >= 0;
inline bool operator!=(const KeyString& lhs, const KeyString& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const KeyString& value) {
return stream << value.toString();
} // namespace mongo