# Copyright (C) 2019-present MongoDB, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, # as published by MongoDB, Inc. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # Server Side Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License # along with this program. If not, see # . # # As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the # code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain # conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute # linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You # must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for # all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) # with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the # file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, # delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this # exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete # it in the license file. # global: cpp_namespace: "mongo" cpp_includes: - "mongo/bson/bson_depth.h" - "mongo/db/storage/storage_options.h" server_parameters: notablescan: # NOT recommended for production use. description: >- Whether all queries must use indexes. If true, MongoDB will not execute queries that require a table scan and will return an error. set_at: [ startup, runtime ] cpp_varname: 'storageGlobalParams.noTableScan' # This is an alias for the 'storage.syncPeriodSecs' config, and the default is defined in the # StorageGlobalParams struct to resolve a conflict between config parameter and set parameter evaluation. syncdelay: # In almost every situation you should not set this value and use the default setting. description: >- Interval in seconds between fsync operations where mongod flushes its working memory to disk. By default, mongod flushes memory to disk every 60 seconds. set_at: [ startup, runtime ] cpp_varname: 'storageGlobalParams.syncdelay' validator: gte: 0.0 lte: { expr: 'StorageGlobalParams::kMaxSyncdelaySecs' } # This is an alias for the 'storage.journal.commitIntervalMs' config, and the default is defined in the # StorageGlobalParams struct to resolve a conflict between config parameter and set parameter evaluation. journalCommitInterval: description: 'Number of milliseconds between journal commits' set_at: [ startup, runtime ] cpp_varname: 'storageGlobalParams.journalCommitIntervalMs' validator: gte: 1 lte: { expr: 'StorageGlobalParams::kMaxJournalCommitIntervalMs' } takeUnstableCheckpointOnShutdown: description: 'Take unstable checkpoint on shutdown' cpp_vartype: bool cpp_varname: gTakeUnstableCheckpointOnShutdown set_at: startup default: false operationMemoryPoolBlockInitialSizeKB: description: 'Initial block size in KB for the per operation temporary object memory pool' set_at: [ startup, runtime ] cpp_vartype: AtomicWord cpp_varname: gOperationMemoryPoolBlockInitialSizeKB default: 1 validator: gte: 1 operationMemoryPoolBlockMaxSizeKB: description: 'Maximum block size in KB for the per operation temporary object memory pool' set_at: [ startup, runtime ] cpp_vartype: AtomicWord cpp_varname: gOperationMemoryPoolBlockMaxSizeKB default: 2048 validator: gte: 1 indexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument: description: 'Maximum number of index keys a single document is allowed to generate' set_at: [ startup ] cpp_vartype: int32_t cpp_varname: gIndexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument default: 100000 validator: gte: 200 storageGlobalParams.directoryperdb: description: 'Read-only view of directory per db config parameter' set_at: 'readonly' cpp_class: name: StorageDirectoryPerDbParameter timeseriesValidateCompressedBuckets: description: 'Validate that there is no data loss before committing compressed timeseries buckets' set_at: [ startup, runtime ] cpp_vartype: AtomicWord cpp_varname: gValidateTimeseriesCompression default: true maintainValidCursorsAcrossSBEReadCommands: description: "Enable maintaining valid cursors across SBE read commands (find, agg, getMore)" set_at: startup cpp_varname: gMaintainValidCursorsAcrossReadCommands cpp_vartype: bool default: false maintainValidCursorsAcrossSBEYield: description: "Enable retaining valid cursors across SBE query yield" set_at: startup cpp_varname: gYieldingSupportForSBE cpp_vartype: bool default: false maxNumberOfBatchedOperationsInSingleOplogEntry: description: >- Maximum number of operations to pack into a single oplog entry, when multi-oplog format for batched writes is in use. See batchedDeletesTargetBatchDocs and maxNumberOfTransactionOperationsInSingleOplogEntry. set_at: startup cpp_vartype: int cpp_varname: gMaxNumberOfBatchedOperationsInSingleOplogEntry default: 2147483647 # INT_MAX validator: { gte: 1 } maxSizeOfBatchedOperationsInSingleOplogEntryBytes: description: >- Maximum size (bytes) of operations to pack into a single oplog entry, when multi-oplog format for batched writes is in use. See batchedDeletesTargetStagedDocBytes and BSONObjMaxUserSize. set_at: startup cpp_vartype: int cpp_varname: gMaxSizeOfBatchedOperationsInSingleOplogEntryBytes default: 16777216 # 16 MB validator: { gte: 1 } maxNumberOfInsertsBatchInsertsForRenameAcrossDatabases: description: >- Maximum number of inserts that cross-db collection renames can batch into one applyOps oplog entry. set_at: [ startup, runtime ] cpp_vartype: AtomicWord cpp_varname: gMaxNumberOfInsertsBatchInsertsForRenameAcrossDatabases default: 500 maxSizeOfBatchedInsertsForRenameAcrossDatabasesBytes: description: >- Maximum size (bytes) of each batched applyOps oplog entry for cross-db collection renames. set_at: [ startup, runtime ] cpp_vartype: AtomicWord cpp_varname: gMaxSizeOfBatchedInsertsForRenameAcrossDatabasesBytes default: 16776216 # BSONObjMaxUserSize - 1000 collectionSamplingLogIntervalSeconds: description: 'The approximate interval between log messages indicating collection sampling progress. Once interval seconds have elapsed since the last log message, a progress message will be logged after the current sample is completed. A value of zero will disable this logging.' set_at: [ startup, runtime ] cpp_vartype: 'AtomicWord' cpp_varname: gCollectionSamplingLogIntervalSeconds deprecated_name: - oplogSamplingLogIntervalSeconds default: 10 validator: { gte: 0 } allowUnsafeUntimestampedWrites: description: >- Allows a replica set member in standalone mode to perform unsafe untimestamped writes set_at: [ startup ] cpp_varname: gAllowUnsafeUntimestampedWrites cpp_vartype: bool default: true feature_flags: featureFlagTimeseriesMetricIndexes: description: "When enabled, support secondary indexes on time-series measurements" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gTimeseriesMetricIndexes default: true version: 6.0 shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagCollModIndexUnique: description: "When enabled, collMod supports making an index unique" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gCollModIndexUnique default: true version: 6.0 shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagSelectiveBackup: description: "When enabled, support selective backups and restores on collections" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gSelectiveBackup default: true version: 6.0 shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagBatchMultiDeletes: description: "When enabled, support batching multi-document deletions" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gBatchMultiDeletes default: true version: 6.1 shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagLargeBatchedOperations: description: >- Enable support for replicating batched operations over multiple applyOps oplog entries. Otherwise, batched operations that do not fit within a single applyOps oplog entry will fail with a TransactionTooLarge error. See featureFlagBatchMultiDeletes, maxNumberOfBatchedOperationsInSingleOplogEntry, and maxSizeOfBatchedOperationsInSingleOplogEntryBytes. cpp_varname: gFeatureFlagLargeBatchedOperations default: false shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagDocumentSourceListCatalog: description: "When enabled, allow the use of the $listCatalog aggregation stage" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gDocumentSourceListCatalog default: true version: 6.0 shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagDerivedMetadata: description: "When enabled, support storing derived collection and index metadata" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gDerivedMetadata default: false shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagTimeseriesScalabilityImprovements: description: "Enable scalability and usability improvements for time-series collections" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gTimeseriesScalabilityImprovements default: true version: 6.3 shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagExtendValidateCommand: description: "Enable checks on more types of inconsistencies for the validate command" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gExtendValidateCommand default: true version: 6.2 shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagInternalWritesAreReplicatedTransactionally: description: Feature flag to enable internal writes to use the transactionally replicated WriteUnitOfWork API by default. cpp_varname: gFeatureFlagInternalWritesAreReplicatedTransactionally default: false shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagTimeseriesDeletesSupport: description: "Enable support for arbitrary deletes on time-series collections" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gTimeseriesDeletesSupport default: true version: 7.0 shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagTimeseriesUpdatesSupport: description: "Enable support for arbitrary updates on time-series collections" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gTimeseriesUpdatesSupport default: false shouldBeFCVGated: true featureFlagIndexBuildGracefulErrorHandling: description: "Enable index build error handling improvements" cpp_varname: feature_flags::gIndexBuildGracefulErrorHandling default: true version: 7.1 shouldBeFCVGated: true