/** * Copyright (C) 2021-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_index_schema_conversion_functions.h" #include "mongo/db/index_names.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_algo.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_parser.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_constants.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_gen.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/logv2/redaction.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kStorage namespace mongo::timeseries { namespace { bool isIndexOnControl(const StringData& field) { return field.startsWith(timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix) || field.startsWith(timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix); } /** * Takes the index specification field name, such as 'control.max.x.y', or 'control.min.z' and * returns a pair of the prefix ('control.min.' or 'control.max.') and key ('x.y' or 'z'). */ std::pair extractControlPrefixAndKey(const StringData& field) { // Can't use rfind() due to dotted fields such as 'control.max.x.y'. size_t numDotsFound = 0; auto fieldIt = std::find_if(field.begin(), field.end(), [&numDotsFound](const char c) { if (c == '.') { numDotsFound++; } return numDotsFound == 2; }); invariant(numDotsFound == 2 && fieldIt != field.end()); return {std::string(field.begin(), fieldIt + 1), std::string(fieldIt + 1, field.end())}; } /** * Converts an event-level index spec to a bucket-level index spec. * * If the input is not a valid index spec, this function must either: * - return an error Status * - return an invalid index spec */ StatusWith createBucketsSpecFromTimeseriesSpec(const TimeseriesOptions& timeseriesOptions, const BSONObj& timeseriesIndexSpecBSON, bool isShardKeySpec) { if (timeseriesIndexSpecBSON.isEmpty()) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Empty object is not a valid index spec"_sd}; } if (timeseriesIndexSpecBSON.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() == "$hint"_sd || timeseriesIndexSpecBSON.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() == "$natural"_sd) { return { ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "Invalid index spec (perhaps it's a valid hint, that was incorrectly " << "passed to createBucketsSpecFromTimeseriesSpec): " << timeseriesIndexSpecBSON}; } auto timeField = timeseriesOptions.getTimeField(); auto metaField = timeseriesOptions.getMetaField(); BSONObjBuilder builder; for (const auto& elem : timeseriesIndexSpecBSON) { if (elem.fieldNameStringData() == timeField) { // The index requested on the time field must be a number for an ascending or descending // index specification. Note: further validation is expected of the caller, such as // eventually calling index_key_validate::validateKeyPattern() on the spec. if (!elem.isNumber()) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "Invalid index spec for time-series collection: " << redact(timeseriesIndexSpecBSON) << ". Indexes on the time field must be ascending or descending " "(numbers only): " << elem}; } // The time-series index on the 'timeField' is converted into a compound time index on // the buckets collection for more efficient querying of buckets. if (elem.number() >= 0) { builder.appendAs( elem, str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix << timeField); if (!isShardKeySpec) { builder.appendAs( elem, str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix << timeField); } } else { builder.appendAs( elem, str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix << timeField); builder.appendAs( elem, str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix << timeField); } continue; } if (metaField) { if (elem.fieldNameStringData() == *metaField) { // The time-series 'metaField' field name always maps to a field named // timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName on the underlying buckets collection. builder.appendAs(elem, timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName); continue; } // Time-series indexes on sub-documents of the 'metaField' are allowed. if (elem.fieldNameStringData().startsWith(*metaField + ".")) { builder.appendAs(elem, str::stream() << timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName << "." << elem.fieldNameStringData().substr(metaField->size() + 1)); continue; } } // Indexes on measurement fields are only supported when the 'gTimeseriesMetricIndexes' // feature flag is enabled. if (!feature_flags::gTimeseriesMetricIndexes.isEnabled( serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) { auto reason = str::stream(); reason << "Invalid index spec for time-series collection: " << redact(timeseriesIndexSpecBSON) << ". "; reason << "Indexes are only supported on the '" << timeField << "' "; if (metaField) { reason << "and '" << *metaField << "' fields. "; } else { reason << "field. "; } reason << "Attempted to create an index on the field '" << elem.fieldName() << "'."; return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, reason}; } // 2dsphere indexes on measurements are allowed, but need to be re-written to // point to the data field and use the special 2dsphere_bucket index type. if (elem.valueStringData() == IndexNames::GEO_2DSPHERE) { builder.append(str::stream() << timeseries::kBucketDataFieldName << "." << elem.fieldNameStringData(), IndexNames::GEO_2DSPHERE_BUCKET); continue; } // No other special index types are allowed on timeseries measurements. if (!elem.isNumber()) { return { ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "Invalid index spec for time-series collection: " << redact(timeseriesIndexSpecBSON) << ". Indexes on measurement fields must be ascending or descending " "(numbers only), or '2dsphere': " << elem}; } if (elem.number() >= 0) { // For ascending key patterns, the { control.min.elem: 1, control.max.elem: 1 } // compound index is created. builder.appendAs( elem, str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix << elem.fieldName()); builder.appendAs( elem, str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix << elem.fieldName()); } else if (elem.number() < 0) { // For descending key patterns, the { control.max.elem: -1, control.min.elem: -1 } // compound index is created. builder.appendAs( elem, str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix << elem.fieldName()); builder.appendAs( elem, str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix << elem.fieldName()); } } return builder.obj(); } /** * Maps the buckets collection index spec 'bucketsIndexSpecBSON' to the index schema of the * time-series collection using the information provided in 'timeseriesOptions'. * * If 'bucketsIndexSpecBSON' does not match a valid time-series index format, then boost::none is * returned. * * Conversion Example: * On a time-series collection with 'tm' time field and 'mm' metadata field, * we may see a compound index on the underlying bucket collection mapped from: * { * 'meta.tag1': 1, * 'control.min.tm': 1, * 'control.max.tm': 1 * } * to an index on the time-series collection: * { * 'mm.tag1': 1, * 'tm': 1 * } */ boost::optional createTimeseriesIndexSpecFromBucketsIndexSpec( const TimeseriesOptions& timeseriesOptions, const BSONObj& bucketsIndexSpecBSON, bool timeseriesMetricIndexesFeatureFlagEnabled) { auto timeField = timeseriesOptions.getTimeField(); auto metaField = timeseriesOptions.getMetaField(); const std::string controlMinTimeField = str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix << timeField; const std::string controlMaxTimeField = str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix << timeField; BSONObjBuilder builder; for (auto elemIt = bucketsIndexSpecBSON.begin(); elemIt != bucketsIndexSpecBSON.end(); ++elemIt) { const auto& elem = *elemIt; // The index specification on the time field is ascending or descending. if (elem.fieldNameStringData() == controlMinTimeField) { if (!elem.isNumber()) { // This index spec on the underlying buckets collection is not valid for // time-series. Therefore, we will not convert the index spec. return {}; } builder.appendAs(elem, timeField); continue; } else if (elem.fieldNameStringData() == controlMaxTimeField) { // Skip 'control.max.' since the 'control.min.' field is // sufficient to determine whether the index is ascending or descending. continue; } if (metaField) { if (elem.fieldNameStringData() == timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName) { builder.appendAs(elem, *metaField); continue; } if (elem.fieldNameStringData().startsWith(timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName + ".")) { builder.appendAs(elem, str::stream() << *metaField << "." << elem.fieldNameStringData().substr( timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName.size() + 1)); continue; } } if (!timeseriesMetricIndexesFeatureFlagEnabled) { // 'elem' is an invalid index spec field for this time-series collection. It matches // neither the time field nor the metaField field. Therefore, we will not convert the // index spec. return {}; } if (elem.fieldNameStringData().startsWith(timeseries::kBucketDataFieldName + ".") && elem.valueStringData() == IndexNames::GEO_2DSPHERE_BUCKET) { builder.append( elem.fieldNameStringData().substr(timeseries::kBucketDataFieldName.size() + 1), IndexNames::GEO_2DSPHERE); continue; } if (!isIndexOnControl(elem.fieldNameStringData())) { // Only indexes on the control field are allowed beyond this point. We will not convert // the index spec. return {}; } // Indexes on measurement fields are built as compound indexes on the two 'control.min' and // 'control.max' fields. We use the BSON iterator to lookahead when doing the reverse // mapping for these indexes. const auto firstOrdering = elem.number(); std::string firstControlFieldPrefix; std::string firstControlFieldKey; std::tie(firstControlFieldPrefix, firstControlFieldKey) = extractControlPrefixAndKey(elem.fieldNameStringData()); elemIt++; if (elemIt == bucketsIndexSpecBSON.end()) { // This measurement index spec on the underlying buckets collection is not valid for // time-series as the compound index is incomplete. We will not convert the index spec. return {}; } const auto& nextElem = *elemIt; if (!isIndexOnControl(nextElem.fieldNameStringData())) { // Only indexes on the control field are allowed beyond this point. We will not convert // the index spec. return {}; } const auto secondOrdering = nextElem.number(); std::string secondControlFieldPrefix; std::string secondControlFieldKey; std::tie(secondControlFieldPrefix, secondControlFieldKey) = extractControlPrefixAndKey(nextElem.fieldNameStringData()); if (firstOrdering != secondOrdering) { // The compound index has a mixed ascending and descending key pattern. Do not convert // the index spec. return {}; } if (firstControlFieldPrefix == timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix && secondControlFieldPrefix == timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix && firstControlFieldKey == secondControlFieldKey && firstOrdering >= 0) { // Ascending index. builder.appendAs(nextElem, firstControlFieldKey); continue; } else if (firstControlFieldPrefix == timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix && secondControlFieldPrefix == timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix && firstControlFieldKey == secondControlFieldKey && firstOrdering < 0) { // Descending index. builder.appendAs(nextElem, firstControlFieldKey); continue; } else { // This measurement index spec on the underlying buckets collection is not valid for // time-series as the compound index has the wrong ordering. We will not convert the // index spec. return {}; } } return builder.obj(); } } // namespace StatusWith createBucketsIndexSpecFromTimeseriesIndexSpec( const TimeseriesOptions& timeseriesOptions, const BSONObj& timeseriesIndexSpecBSON) { return createBucketsSpecFromTimeseriesSpec(timeseriesOptions, timeseriesIndexSpecBSON, false); } StatusWith createBucketsShardKeySpecFromTimeseriesShardKeySpec( const TimeseriesOptions& timeseriesOptions, const BSONObj& timeseriesShardKeySpecBSON) { return createBucketsSpecFromTimeseriesSpec(timeseriesOptions, timeseriesShardKeySpecBSON, true); } boost::optional createTimeseriesIndexFromBucketsIndex( const TimeseriesOptions& timeseriesOptions, const BSONObj& bucketsIndex) { bool timeseriesMetricIndexesFeatureFlagEnabled = feature_flags::gTimeseriesMetricIndexes.isEnabled(serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility); if (bucketsIndex.hasField(kOriginalSpecFieldName) && timeseriesMetricIndexesFeatureFlagEnabled) { // This buckets index has the original user index definition available, return it if the // time-series metric indexes feature flag is enabled. If the feature flag isn't enabled, // the reverse mapping mechanism will be used. This is necessary to skip returning any // incompatible indexes created when the feature flag was enabled. return bucketsIndex.getObjectField(kOriginalSpecFieldName); } if (bucketsIndex.hasField(kKeyFieldName)) { auto timeseriesKeyValue = createTimeseriesIndexSpecFromBucketsIndexSpec( timeseriesOptions, bucketsIndex.getField(kKeyFieldName).Obj(), timeseriesMetricIndexesFeatureFlagEnabled); if (timeseriesKeyValue) { // This creates a BSONObj copy with the kOriginalSpecFieldName field removed, if it // exists, and modifies the kKeyFieldName field to timeseriesKeyValue. BSONObj intermediateObj = bucketsIndex.removeFields(StringDataSet{kOriginalSpecFieldName}); return intermediateObj.addFields(BSON(kKeyFieldName << timeseriesKeyValue.get()), StringDataSet{kKeyFieldName}); } } return boost::none; } std::list createTimeseriesIndexesFromBucketsIndexes( const TimeseriesOptions& timeseriesOptions, const std::list& bucketsIndexes) { std::list indexSpecs; for (const auto& bucketsIndex : bucketsIndexes) { auto timeseriesIndex = createTimeseriesIndexFromBucketsIndex(timeseriesOptions, bucketsIndex); if (timeseriesIndex) { indexSpecs.push_back(timeseriesIndex->getOwned()); } } return indexSpecs; } bool shouldIncludeOriginalSpec(const TimeseriesOptions& timeseriesOptions, const BSONObj& bucketsIndex) { if (!bucketsIndex.hasField(kKeyFieldName)) { return false; } return createTimeseriesIndexSpecFromBucketsIndexSpec( timeseriesOptions, bucketsIndex.getField(kKeyFieldName).Obj(), /*timeseriesMetricIndexesFeatureFlagEnabled=*/false) == boost::none; } bool doesBucketsIndexIncludeMeasurement(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& bucketNs, const TimeseriesOptions& timeseriesOptions, const BSONObj& bucketsIndex) { tassert(5916306, str::stream() << "Index spec has no 'key': " << bucketsIndex.toString(), bucketsIndex.hasField(kKeyFieldName)); auto timeField = timeseriesOptions.getTimeField(); auto metaField = timeseriesOptions.getMetaField(); const std::string controlMinTimeField = str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix << timeField; const std::string controlMaxTimeField = str::stream() << timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix << timeField; static const std::string idField = "_id"; auto isMeasurementField = [&](StringData name) -> bool { if (name == controlMinTimeField || name == controlMaxTimeField) { return false; } if (metaField) { if (name == timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName || name.startsWith(timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName + ".")) { return false; } } return true; }; // Check index key. const BSONObj keyObj = bucketsIndex.getField(kKeyFieldName).Obj(); for (const auto& elem : keyObj) { if (isMeasurementField(elem.fieldNameStringData())) return true; } // Check partial filter expression. if (auto filterElem = bucketsIndex[kPartialFilterExpressionFieldName]) { tassert(5916302, str::stream() << "Partial filter expression is not an object: " << filterElem, filterElem.type() == BSONType::Object); auto expCtx = make_intrusive(opCtx, nullptr /* collator */, bucketNs); MatchExpressionParser::AllowedFeatureSet allowedFeatures = MatchExpressionParser::kDefaultSpecialFeatures; // TODO SERVER-53380 convert to tassertStatusOK. auto statusWithFilter = MatchExpressionParser::parse( filterElem.Obj(), expCtx, ExtensionsCallbackNoop{}, allowedFeatures); tassert(5916303, str::stream() << "Partial filter expression failed to parse: " << statusWithFilter.getStatus(), statusWithFilter.isOK()); auto filter = std::move(statusWithFilter.getValue()); if (!expression::isOnlyDependentOn(*filter, {std::string{timeseries::kBucketMetaFieldName}, controlMinTimeField, controlMaxTimeField, idField})) { // Partial filter expression depends on a non-time, non-metadata field. return true; } } return false; } bool isHintIndexKey(const BSONObj& obj) { if (obj.isEmpty()) return false; StringData fieldName = obj.firstElement().fieldNameStringData(); if (fieldName == "$hint"_sd) return false; if (fieldName == "$natural"_sd) return false; return true; } } // namespace mongo::timeseries