/** * Copyright (C) 2021-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/base/error_codes.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_merge_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/legacy_runtime_constants_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/pipeline.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context_d_test_fixture.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_update_delete_util.h" #include "mongo/unittest/death_test.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" namespace mongo { namespace { class TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest : public ServiceContextMongoDTest { protected: void setUp() { ServiceContextMongoDTest::setUp(); _opCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); } BSONObj _toBSON(const char* obj) const { return fromjson(fmt::format(obj, _metaField)); } BSONObj _translateQuery(const char* query) const { return timeseries::translateQuery(_toBSON(query), _metaField); } BSONObj _translateUpdate(const BSONObj& update) const { return timeseries::translateUpdate( write_ops::UpdateModification::parseFromClassicUpdate(update), _metaField) .getUpdateModifier(); } BSONObj _translateUpdate(const char* update) const { return _translateUpdate(_toBSON(update)); } /** * Runs two translations: the first is expected to succeed and the second is expected to fail. * Each translation can have three types of string substitutions. * * The first type of substitution, {0}, will be the metaField in both cases. On success, it is * expected to be translated to "meta". * * The second type of substitution, {1}, will be the metaField in the success case and will be * "notMetaField" in the fail case. On success, it is expected to be translated to "meta". * * The third type of substitution, {2}, will be the metaField in both cases. On success, it is * expected to be untranslated and still remain the metaField. */ void _testTranslate(const char* obj, std::function translateFn) const { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ( translateFn(fromjson(fmt::format(obj, _metaField, _metaField, _metaField))), fromjson(fmt::format(obj, "meta", "meta", _metaField))); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE( translateFn(fromjson(fmt::format(obj, _metaField, "notMetaField", _metaField))), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } void _testTranslateQuery(const char* query) const { _testTranslate(query, [metaField = _metaField](const BSONObj& query) { return timeseries::translateQuery(query, metaField); }); } void _testTranslateUpdate(const char* update) const { _testTranslate(update, [this](const BSONObj& update) { return _translateUpdate(update); }); } ServiceContext::UniqueOperationContext _opCtx; StringData _metaField = "tag"; NamespaceString _ns{"timeseries_update_delete_util_test", "system.buckets.t"}; }; TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQueryEmpty) { ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(timeseries::translateQuery(BSONObj(), _metaField), BSONObj()); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQuerySimple) { _testTranslateQuery(R"({{ '{1}': 'A' }})"); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQueryDotNotation) { _testTranslateQuery(R"({{ '{1}.a': 'A' }})"); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQueryPrefix) { ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateQuery(R"({{ '{0}a': 'A' }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQueryNested) { _testTranslateQuery(R"({{ '{1}': {{'{2}': 'A'}} }})"); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateQuery(R"({{ 'a': {{ '{0}': 'a' }} }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQueryMultipleFields) { _testTranslateQuery(R"({{ '{0}.a': 'A', '{1}.b': {{'$gt': 0}} }})"); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQueryLogicalOperator) { _testTranslateQuery(R"({{ '$and': [ {{'{0}.a': 'A', '{0}.b': {{'$gt': 0}}}}, {{'{0}.c': 'C', '{1}.d': {{'$nin': [1, 2, 3]}}}} ] }})"); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQueryLogicalOperatorNested) { _testTranslateQuery(R"({{ '$and': [ {{'$or': [ {{'{0}.a': 'A', '{0}.b': {{'$gt': 0}}}}, {{'{0}.c': 'C', '{0}.d': {{'$nin': [1, 2, 3]}}}} ]}}, {{'$nor': [ {{'{0}.e': {{'$exists': true}}, '{0}.f': 'F'}}, {{'{0}.g': {{'{2}': 0}}, '{1}.h': 'H'}} ]}} ] }})"); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQueryJsonSchemaRequired) { _testTranslateQuery(R"({{ '$jsonSchema': {{ 'required': ['{1}'] }} }})"); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateQuery(R"({{ '$jsonSchema': {{ 'required': ['{0}', 'notMetaField'] }} }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateQuery(R"({{ '$jsonSchema': {{ 'required': ['{0}.a'] }} }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateQuery(R"({{ '$jsonSchema': {{ 'required': ['{0}', 0] }} }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQueryJsonSchemaProperties) { _testTranslateQuery(R"({{ '$jsonSchema': {{ 'required': ['{0}'], 'properties': {{ '{1}': {{ 'bsonType': 'object', 'required': ['{2}'] }} }} }} }})"); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateQuery(R"({{ '$jsonSchema': {{ 'required': ['{0}'], 'properties': {{ '{0}': {{ 'bsonType': 'string' }}, 'notMetaField': {{ 'bsonType': 'string' }} }} }} }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateQuery(R"({{ '$jsonSchema': {{ 'required': ['{0}'], 'properties': {{ '{0}.a': {{ 'bsonType': 'string' }} }} }} }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateQuery(R"({{ '$jsonSchema': {{ 'required': ['{0}'], 'properties': {{ '0': {{ 'bsonType': 'string' }} }} }} }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateQueryDisallowedOperators) { ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateQuery(R"({{ '$expr': {{ '$eq': ['${0}', 0] }} }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateQuery(R"({{ '$where': 'function() {{ return true; }}' }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateUpdateEmpty) { ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateUpdate(BSONObj{}), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateUpdateSimple) { _testTranslateUpdate(R"({{ '$set': {{'{1}': 'A'}} }})"); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateUpdateDotNotation) { _testTranslateUpdate(R"({{ '$set': {{'{1}.a': 'A'}} }})"); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateUpdateMultiple) { _testTranslateUpdate(R"({{ '$unset': {{'{0}.a': ''}}, '$inc': {{'{1}.b': 10}} }})"); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateUpdatePrefix) { ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateUpdate(R"({{ '$unset': {{ '{0}.a': '' }}, '$inc': {{ '{0}a': 10 }} }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } TEST_F(TimeseriesUpdateDeleteUtilTest, TranslateUpdateRename) { _testTranslateUpdate(R"({{ '$rename': {{'{0}.a': '{1}.b'}} }})"); _testTranslateUpdate(R"({{ '$rename': {{'{1}.{2}.{2}': '{0}.{2}.a'}} }})"); _testTranslateUpdate(R"({{ '$rename': {{'{0}.a.a': '{0}.b.b', '{1}.c': '{0}.d'}} }})"); ASSERT_THROWS_CODE(_translateUpdate(R"({{ '$rename': {{'{0}.a': 0 }} }})"), AssertionException, ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo