/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define LOGV2_FOR_TRANSACTION(ID, DLEVEL, MESSAGE, ...) \ LOGV2_DEBUG_OPTIONS(ID, DLEVEL, {logv2::LogComponent::kTransaction}, MESSAGE, ##__VA_ARGS__) #include "mongo/db/transaction/transaction_participant.h" #include #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_write_path.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/database_holder.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/index_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/local_oplog_info.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/uncommitted_catalog_updates.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/test_commands_enabled.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/d_concurrency.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/exception_util.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/lock_state.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/locker.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/replication_state_transition_lock_guard.h" #include "mongo/db/curop_failpoint_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/dbdirectclient.h" #include "mongo/db/dbhelpers.h" #include "mongo/db/index/index_access_method.h" #include "mongo/db/internal_transactions_feature_flag_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/op_observer/op_observer.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/update.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/write_ops_retryability.h" #include "mongo/db/query/get_executor.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/apply_ops_command_info.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_client_info.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/storage_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/s/sharding_write_router.h" #include "mongo/db/server_recovery.h" #include "mongo/db/session/logical_session_id.h" #include "mongo/db/session/session_catalog_mongod.h" #include "mongo/db/stats/fill_locker_info.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/flow_control.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction/retryable_writes_stats.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction/server_transactions_metrics.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction/transaction_history_iterator.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction/transaction_participant_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/txn_retry_counter_too_old_info.h" #include "mongo/db/vector_clock_mutable.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/s/grid.h" #include "mongo/s/would_change_owning_shard_exception.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point.h" #include "mongo/util/log_with_sampling.h" #include "mongo/util/net/socket_utils.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kStorage namespace mongo { using namespace fmt::literals; namespace { // Failpoint which will pause an operation just after allocating a point-in-time storage engine // transaction. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterPreallocateSnapshot); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterReservingPrepareTimestamp); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterSettingPrepareStartTime); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangBeforeReleasingTransactionOplogHole); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(skipCommitTxnCheckPrepareMajorityCommitted); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(restoreLocksFail); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(failTransactionNoopWrite); const auto getTransactionParticipant = Session::declareDecoration(); const auto retryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalogDecoration = Session::declareDecoration(); /** * Returns the RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog for the given session. */ RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog& getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog( Session* session) { if (const auto parentSession = session->getParentSession()) { return retryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalogDecoration(parentSession); } return retryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalogDecoration(session); } /** * Returns the RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog for the session checked out by the * given 'opCtx'. */ RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog& getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog( OperationContext* opCtx) { auto session = OperationContextSession::get(opCtx); return getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog(session); } // The command names that are allowed in a prepared transaction. const StringMap preparedTxnCmdAllowlist = { {"abortTransaction", 1}, {"commitTransaction", 1}, {"prepareTransaction", 1}}; void fassertOnRepeatedExecution(const LogicalSessionId& lsid, TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter, StmtId stmtId, const repl::OpTime& firstOpTime, const repl::OpTime& secondOpTime) { LOGV2_FATAL( 40526, "Statement id {stmtId} from transaction [ {lsid}:{txnNumberAndRetryCounter} ] was " "committed once with opTime {firstCommitOpTime} and a second time with opTime { " "secondCommitOpTime}. This indicates possible data corruption or server bug and the " "process will be terminated.", "Statement from transaction was committed twice. This indicates possible data corruption " "or server bug and the process will be terminated", "stmtId"_attr = stmtId, "lsid"_attr = lsid.toBSON(), "txnNumberAndRetryCounter"_attr = txnNumberAndRetryCounter, "firstCommitOpTime"_attr = firstOpTime, "secondCommitOpTime"_attr = secondOpTime); } void validateTransactionHistoryApplyOpsOplogEntry(const repl::OplogEntry& oplogEntry) { uassert(5875601, "Found an applyOps oplog entry for retryable writes that were executed without " "using a retryable internal transaction", isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite(*oplogEntry.getSessionId())); uassert(5875602, "Found an applyOps oplog entry for retryable internal transaction with top-level " "'stmtId' field", oplogEntry.getStatementIds().empty()); } /** * Runs the given 'callable' with a DBDirectClient with a no-timestamp read source, and restores * the original timestamp read source after returning. Used for performing a read against the * config.transactions collection during refresh below since snapshot reads and causal consistent * majority reads against are not supported in that collection. */ template auto performReadWithNoTimestampDBDirectClient(OperationContext* opCtx, Callable&& callable) { ReadSourceScope readSourceScope(opCtx, RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kNoTimestamp); DBDirectClient client(opCtx); // If the 'opCtx' is marked as "in multi document transaction", the read done by 'callable' // would acquire the global lock in the IX mode. That upconvert would require a flow control // ticket to be obtained. FlowControl::Bypass flowControlBypass(opCtx); return callable(&client); } void rethrowPartialIndexQueryBadValueWithContext(const DBException& ex) { if (ex.reason().find("hint provided does not correspond to an existing index") != std::string::npos) { uassertStatusOKWithContext( ex.toStatus(), str::stream() << "Failed to find partial index for " << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns() << ". Please create an index directly on this replica set with the specification: " << MongoDSessionCatalog::getConfigTxnPartialIndexSpec() << " or drop the " << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns() << " collection and step up a new primary."); } } struct ActiveTransactionHistory { boost::optional lastTxnRecord; TransactionParticipant::CommittedStatementTimestampMap committedStatements; bool hasIncompleteHistory{false}; }; ActiveTransactionHistory fetchActiveTransactionHistory(OperationContext* opCtx, const LogicalSessionId& lsid, bool fetchOplogEntries) { // FlowControl is only impacted when a MODE_IX global lock is acquired. If we are in a // multi-document transaction, we must acquire a MODE_IX global lock. Prevent obtaining a flow // control ticket while in a mutli-document transaction. FlowControl::Bypass flowControlBypass(opCtx); // Storage engine operations require at a least global MODE_IS lock. In multi-document // transactions, storage opeartions require at least a global MODE_IX lock. Prevent lock // upgrading in the case of a multi-document transaction. Lock::GlobalLock lk(opCtx, opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction() ? MODE_IX : MODE_IS); ActiveTransactionHistory result; result.lastTxnRecord = [&]() -> auto { return performReadWithNoTimestampDBDirectClient( opCtx, [&](DBDirectClient* client) -> boost::optional { auto result = client->findOne(NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace, BSON(SessionTxnRecord::kSessionIdFieldName << lsid.toBSON())); if (result.isEmpty()) { return boost::none; } return SessionTxnRecord::parse( IDLParserContext("parse latest txn record for session"), result); }); } (); if (!result.lastTxnRecord) { return result; } if (auto state = result.lastTxnRecord->getState()) { if (!isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite(lsid) || state != DurableTxnStateEnum::kCommitted) { // When state is given, it must be a transaction, so we don't need to traverse the // history if it is not a committed transaction for retryable writes. return result; } } if (!fetchOplogEntries) { return result; } // Helper for registering statement ids of an oplog entry for a retryable write or a retryable // internal transaction. auto insertStmtIdsForOplogEntry = [&](const repl::OplogEntry& entry) { for (auto stmtId : entry.getStatementIds()) { uassert(5875604, str::stream() << "Found an oplog entry with an invalid stmtId " << entry.toBSONForLogging(), stmtId >= 0); const auto insertRes = result.committedStatements.emplace(stmtId, entry.getOpTime()); if (!insertRes.second) { const auto& existingOpTime = insertRes.first->second; fassertOnRepeatedExecution(lsid, result.lastTxnRecord->getTxnNum(), stmtId, existingOpTime, entry.getOpTime()); } } }; // Restore the current timestamp read source after fetching transaction history, which may // change our ReadSource. ReadSourceScope readSourceScope(opCtx, RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kNoTimestamp); auto it = TransactionHistoryIterator(result.lastTxnRecord->getLastWriteOpTime()); while (it.hasNext()) { try { const auto entry = it.next(opCtx); auto stmtIds = entry.getStatementIds(); if (isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite(lsid)) { uassert(5875605, "Found an oplog entry for retryable internal transaction with top-level " "'stmtId' field", stmtIds.empty()); if (entry.getCommandType() == repl::OplogEntry::CommandType::kCommitTransaction) { continue; } else if (entry.getCommandType() == repl::OplogEntry::CommandType::kApplyOps) { validateTransactionHistoryApplyOpsOplogEntry(entry); std::vector innerEntries; repl::ApplyOps::extractOperationsTo( entry, entry.getEntry().toBSON(), &innerEntries); for (const auto& innerEntry : innerEntries) { insertStmtIdsForOplogEntry(innerEntry); } } else { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } else { // Oplog entries for retryable writes are expected to have a statement id. invariant(!stmtIds.empty()); if (stmtIds.front() == kIncompleteHistoryStmtId) { // Only the dead end sentinel can have this id for oplog write history invariant(stmtIds.size() == 1); invariant(entry.getObject2()); invariant(entry.getObject2()->woCompare( TransactionParticipant::kDeadEndSentinel) == 0); result.hasIncompleteHistory = true; continue; } // TODO (SERVER-64172): Remove leftover upgrade/downgrade code from 4.2 in // fetchActiveTransactionHistory. if (entry.getCommandType() == repl::OplogEntry::CommandType::kApplyOps && !entry.shouldPrepare() && !entry.isPartialTransaction()) { result.lastTxnRecord->setState(DurableTxnStateEnum::kCommitted); return result; } insertStmtIdsForOplogEntry(entry); } } catch (const DBException& ex) { if (ex.code() == ErrorCodes::IncompleteTransactionHistory) { result.hasIncompleteHistory = true; break; } throw; } } return result; } /** * Returns the highest txnNumber in the given session that has corresponding internal sessions as * found in the config.transactions collection. */ TxnNumber fetchHighestTxnNumberWithInternalSessions(OperationContext* opCtx, const LogicalSessionId& parentLsid) { TxnNumber highestTxnNumber = kUninitializedTxnNumber; try { performReadWithNoTimestampDBDirectClient(opCtx, [&](DBDirectClient* client) { FindCommandRequest findRequest{NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace}; findRequest.setFilter( BSON(SessionTxnRecord::kParentSessionIdFieldName << parentLsid.toBSON())); findRequest.setSort(BSON((SessionTxnRecord::kSessionIdFieldName + "." + LogicalSessionId::kTxnNumberFieldName) << -1)); findRequest.setProjection(BSON(SessionTxnRecord::kSessionIdFieldName << 1)); findRequest.setLimit(1); findRequest.setHint(BSON("$hint" << MongoDSessionCatalog::kConfigTxnsPartialIndexName)); auto cursor = client->find(findRequest); while (cursor->more()) { const auto doc = cursor->next(); const auto childLsid = LogicalSessionId::parse(IDLParserContext("LogicalSessionId"), doc.getObjectField("_id")); invariant(!cursor->more()); // All config.transactions entries with the parentLsid field should have a txnNumber // in their sessionId, but users may manually modify that collection so we can't // assume that. if (childLsid.getTxnNumber().has_value()) { highestTxnNumber = *childLsid.getTxnNumber(); } } }); } catch (const ExceptionFor& ex) { rethrowPartialIndexQueryBadValueWithContext(ex); throw; } return highestTxnNumber; } void updateSessionEntry(OperationContext* opCtx, const UpdateRequest& updateRequest, const LogicalSessionId& sessionId, TxnNumber txnNum) { // Current code only supports replacement update. dassert(updateRequest.getUpdateModification().type() == write_ops::UpdateModification::Type::kReplacement); const auto updateMod = updateRequest.getUpdateModification().getUpdateReplacement(); // TODO SERVER-58243: evaluate whether this is safe or whether acquiring the lock can block. AllowLockAcquisitionOnTimestampedUnitOfWork allowLockAcquisition(opCtx->lockState()); AutoGetCollection collection( opCtx, NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace, MODE_IX); uassert(40527, str::stream() << "Unable to persist transaction state because the session transaction " "collection is missing. This indicates that the " << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns() << " collection has been manually deleted.", collection.getCollection()); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); auto idIndex = collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIdIndex(opCtx); uassert(40672, str::stream() << "Failed to fetch _id index for " << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns(), idIndex); auto indexAccess = collection->getIndexCatalog()->getEntry(idIndex)->accessMethod()->asSortedData(); // Since we are looking up a key inside the _id index, create a key object consisting of only // the _id field. auto idToFetch = updateRequest.getQuery().firstElement(); auto toUpdateIdDoc = idToFetch.wrap(); dassert(idToFetch.fieldNameStringData() == "_id"_sd); auto recordId = indexAccess->findSingle(opCtx, *collection, toUpdateIdDoc); auto startingSnapshotId = opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getSnapshotId(); if (recordId.isNull()) { // Upsert case. auto status = collection_internal::insertDocument( opCtx, *collection, InsertStatement(updateMod), nullptr, false); if (status == ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey) { throwWriteConflictException( str::stream() << "Updating session entry failed with duplicate key, session "_sd << sessionId << ", transaction "_sd << txnNum); } uassertStatusOK(status); wuow.commit(); return; } auto originalRecordData = collection->getRecordStore()->dataFor(opCtx, recordId); auto originalDoc = originalRecordData.toBson(); const auto parentLsidFieldName = SessionTxnRecord::kParentSessionIdFieldName; uassert(5875700, str::stream() << "Cannot modify the '" << parentLsidFieldName << "' field of " << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace << " entries", updateMod.getObjectField(parentLsidFieldName) .woCompare(originalDoc.getObjectField(parentLsidFieldName)) == 0); invariant(collection->getDefaultCollator() == nullptr); boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx( new ExpressionContext(opCtx, nullptr, updateRequest.getNamespaceString())); auto matcher = fassert(40673, MatchExpressionParser::parse(updateRequest.getQuery(), std::move(expCtx))); if (!matcher->matchesBSON(originalDoc)) { // Document no longer match what we expect so throw WCE to make the caller re-examine. throwWriteConflictException( str::stream() << "Updating session entry failed as document no longer matches, "_sd << "session "_sd << sessionId << ", transaction "_sd << txnNum); } CollectionUpdateArgs args; args.update = updateMod; args.criteria = toUpdateIdDoc; // Specify indexesAffected = false because the sessions collection has two indexes: {_id: 1} and // {parentLsid: 1, _id.txnNumber: 1, _id: 1}, and none of the fields are mutable. collection->updateDocument(opCtx, recordId, Snapshotted(startingSnapshotId, originalDoc), updateMod, false, /* indexesAffected */ nullptr, &args); wuow.commit(); } // Failpoint which allows different failure actions to happen after each write. Supports the // parameters below, which can be combined with each other (unless explicitly disallowed): // // closeConnection (bool, default = true): Closes the connection on which the write was executed. // failBeforeCommitExceptionCode (int, default = not specified): If set, the specified exception // code will be thrown, which will cause the write to not commit; if not specified, the write // will be allowed to commit. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(onPrimaryTransactionalWrite); } // namespace const BSONObj TransactionParticipant::kDeadEndSentinel(BSON("$incompleteOplogHistory" << 1)); TransactionParticipant::TransactionParticipant() = default; TransactionParticipant::~TransactionParticipant() { // invariant(!_o.txnState.isInProgress()); } TransactionParticipant::Observer::Observer(const ObservableSession& osession) : Observer(&getTransactionParticipant(osession.get())) {} TransactionParticipant::Participant::Participant(OperationContext* opCtx) : Observer([opCtx]() -> TransactionParticipant* { if (auto session = OperationContextSession::get(opCtx)) { return &getTransactionParticipant(session); } return nullptr; }()) {} TransactionParticipant::Participant::Participant(OperationContext* opCtx, Session* session) : Observer([opCtx, session]() -> TransactionParticipant* { invariant(session); auto checkedOutSession = OperationContextSession::get(opCtx); uassert(6202000, str::stream() << "Cannot get the transaction participant for the session " << session->getSessionId() << " without having it or its parent checked out", checkedOutSession && (castToParentSessionId(checkedOutSession->getSessionId()) == castToParentSessionId(session->getSessionId()))); return &getTransactionParticipant(session); }()) {} TransactionParticipant::Participant::Participant(const SessionToKill& session) : Observer(&getTransactionParticipant(session.get())) {} void TransactionParticipant::performNoopWrite(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData msg) { const auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); // The locker must not have a max lock timeout when this noop write is performed, since if it // threw LockTimeout, this would be treated as a TransientTransactionError, which would indicate // it's safe to retry the entire transaction. We cannot know it is safe to attach // TransientTransactionError until the noop write has been performed and the writeConcern has // been satisfied. invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->hasMaxLockTimeout()); // Simulate an operation timeout and fail the noop write if the fail point is enabled. This is // to test that NoSuchTransaction error is not considered transient if the noop write cannot // occur. if (MONGO_unlikely(failTransactionNoopWrite.shouldFail())) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::MaxTimeMSExpired, "failTransactionNoopWrite fail point enabled"); } { AutoGetOplog oplogWrite(opCtx, OplogAccessMode::kWrite); uassert(ErrorCodes::NotWritablePrimary, "Not primary when performing noop write for {}"_format(msg), replCoord->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx, "admin")); writeConflictRetry( opCtx, "performNoopWrite", NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.ns(), [&opCtx, &msg] { WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); opCtx->getClient()->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver()->onOpMessage( opCtx, BSON("msg" << msg)); wuow.commit(); }); } } StorageEngine::OldestActiveTransactionTimestampResult TransactionParticipant::getOldestActiveTimestamp(Timestamp stableTimestamp) { // Read from config.transactions at the stable timestamp for the oldest active transaction // timestamp. Use a short timeout: another thread might have the global lock e.g. to shut down // the server, and it both blocks this thread from querying config.transactions and waits for // this thread to terminate. auto client = getGlobalServiceContext()->makeClient("OldestActiveTxnTimestamp"); AlternativeClientRegion acr(client); try { auto opCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); auto nss = NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace; auto deadline = Date_t::now() + Milliseconds(100); ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock shouldNotConflictBlock( opCtx->lockState()); Lock::DBLock dbLock(opCtx.get(), nss.dbName(), MODE_IS, deadline); Lock::CollectionLock collLock(opCtx.get(), nss, MODE_IS, deadline); auto databaseHolder = DatabaseHolder::get(opCtx.get()); auto db = databaseHolder->getDb(opCtx.get(), nss.dbName()); if (!db) { // There is no config database, so there cannot be any active transactions. return boost::none; } auto collection = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx.get())->lookupCollectionByNamespace(opCtx.get(), nss); if (!collection) { return boost::none; } if (!stableTimestamp.isNull()) { opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setTimestampReadSource(RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kProvided, stableTimestamp); } // Scan. We guess that occasional scans are cheaper than the write overhead of an index. boost::optional oldestTxnTimestamp; auto cursor = collection->getCursor(opCtx.get()); while (auto record = cursor->next()) { auto doc = record.value().data.toBson(); auto txnRecord = SessionTxnRecord::parse(IDLParserContext("parse oldest active txn record"), doc); if (txnRecord.getState() != DurableTxnStateEnum::kPrepared && txnRecord.getState() != DurableTxnStateEnum::kInProgress) { continue; } // A prepared transaction must have a start timestamp. invariant(txnRecord.getStartOpTime()); auto ts = txnRecord.getStartOpTime()->getTimestamp(); if (!oldestTxnTimestamp || ts < oldestTxnTimestamp.value()) { oldestTxnTimestamp = ts; } } return oldestTxnTimestamp; } catch (const DBException&) { return exceptionToStatus(); } } boost::optional TransactionParticipant::Observer::getClientTxnNumber( const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter& txnNumberAndRetryCounter) const { if (_isInternalSessionForNonRetryableWrite()) { return boost::none; } else if (_isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()) { invariant(_sessionId().getTxnNumber()); return _sessionId().getTxnNumber(); } return {txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()}; } Session* TransactionParticipant::Observer::_session() const { return getTransactionParticipant.owner(_tp); } const LogicalSessionId& TransactionParticipant::Observer::_sessionId() const { return _session()->getSessionId(); } bool TransactionParticipant::Observer::_isInternalSession() const { return isChildSession(_sessionId()); } bool TransactionParticipant::Observer::_isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite() const { return isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite(_sessionId()); } bool TransactionParticipant::Observer::_isInternalSessionForNonRetryableWrite() const { return isInternalSessionForNonRetryableWrite(_sessionId()); } boost::optional TransactionParticipant::Observer::_activeRetryableWriteTxnNumber() const { if (_isInternalSessionForNonRetryableWrite()) { return boost::none; } if (_isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()) { return *_sessionId().getTxnNumber(); } invariant(!_isInternalSession()); if (o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode()) { const auto txnNumber = o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber(); return txnNumber != kUninitializedTxnNumber ? boost::make_optional(txnNumber) : boost::none; } return boost::none; } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_uassertNoConflictingInternalTransactionForRetryableWrite( OperationContext* opCtx, const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter& txnNumberAndRetryCounter) { auto clientTxnNumber = getClientTxnNumber(txnNumberAndRetryCounter); if (!clientTxnNumber) { // This must be a non-retryable child session transaction so there can't be a conflict. return; } auto& retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog = getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog(opCtx); retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.checkForConflictingInternalTransactions( opCtx, *clientTxnNumber, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); } bool TransactionParticipant::Participant::_verifyCanBeginMultiDocumentTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx, const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter& txnNumberAndRetryCounter) { if (txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() == o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()) { if (txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() < o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()) { uasserted( TxnRetryCounterTooOldInfo(*o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()), str::stream() << "Cannot start a transaction at given transaction number " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " on session " << _sessionId() << " using txnRetryCounter " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() << " because it has already been restarted using a " << "higher txnRetryCounter " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()); } else if (txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() == o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() || o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() == kUninitializedTxnRetryCounter) { // Servers in a sharded cluster can start a new transaction at the active transaction // number to allow internal retries by routers on re-targeting errors, like // StaleShard/DatabaseVersion or SnapshotTooOld. uassert(ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress, "Only servers in a sharded cluster can start a new transaction at the active " "transaction number", serverGlobalParams.clusterRole != ClusterRole::None); if (_isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite() && o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kCommitted)) { // This is a retry of a committed internal transaction for retryable writes so // skip resetting the state and updating the metrics. return true; } _uassertCanReuseActiveTxnNumberForTransaction(opCtx); } else { const auto restartableStates = TransactionState::kNone | TransactionState::kInProgress | TransactionState::kAbortedWithoutPrepare | TransactionState::kAbortedWithPrepare; uassert(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, str::stream() << "Cannot restart transaction " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " using txnRetryCounter " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() << " because it is already in state " << o().txnState << " with txnRetryCounter " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter(), o().txnState.isInSet(restartableStates)); } } else { invariant(txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() > o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()); } _uassertNoConflictingInternalTransactionForRetryableWrite(opCtx, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); return false; } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_uassertCanReuseActiveTxnNumberForTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx) { if (o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kNone)) { const auto& retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog = getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog(opCtx); invariant(retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.isValid()); for (const auto& it : retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.getParticipants()) { const auto& txnParticipant = it.second; if (txnParticipant._sessionId() == _sessionId()) { continue; } invariant(txnParticipant._isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()); uassert( 6202002, str::stream() << "Cannot start transaction with session id " << _sessionId() << " and transaction number " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " because a retryable write with the same transaction number" << " is being executed in a retryable internal transaction " << " with session id " << txnParticipant._sessionId() << " and transaction number " << txnParticipant.getActiveTxnNumberAndRetryCounter().getTxnNumber() << " in state " << txnParticipant.o().txnState, txnParticipant.transactionIsAbortedWithoutPrepare()); } } else { uassert( 50911, str::stream() << "Cannot start a transaction with session id " << _sessionId() << " and transaction number " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.toBSON() << " because a transaction with the same transaction number is in state " << o().txnState, o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kAbortedWithoutPrepare)); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_beginOrContinueRetryableWrite( OperationContext* opCtx, const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter& txnNumberAndRetryCounter) { invariant(!txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()); _uassertNoConflictingInternalTransactionForRetryableWrite(opCtx, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); if (txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() > o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()) { // New retryable write. _setNewTxnNumberAndRetryCounter( opCtx, {txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber(), kUninitializedTxnRetryCounter}); p().autoCommit = boost::none; auto& retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog = getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog(opCtx); retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.addParticipant(*this); } else { // Retrying a retryable write. // If this retryable write's transaction id has been converted to a transaction, and that // transaction is in prepare, wait for it to exit prepare before throwing // IncompleteTransactionHistory so the error response's operationTime is inclusive of the // transaction's 2PC decision, guaranteeing causally consistent sessions will always read // the transaction's writes. uassert(ErrorCodes::PreparedTransactionInProgress, "Retryable write that has been converted to a transaction is in prepare", !o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kPrepared)); uassert(ErrorCodes::IncompleteTransactionHistory, "Cannot retry a retryable write that has been converted into a transaction", o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode()); invariant(p().autoCommit == boost::none); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_continueMultiDocumentTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx, const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter& txnNumberAndRetryCounter) { uassert(ErrorCodes::NoSuchTransaction, str::stream() << "Given transaction number " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " does not match any in-progress transactions. The active transaction number is " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber(), txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() == o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() && !o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode()); uassert(TxnRetryCounterTooOldInfo(*o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()), str::stream() << "Cannot continue transaction " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " on session " << _sessionId() << " using txnRetryCounter " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() << " because it has already been restarted using a higher" << " txnRetryCounter " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter(), txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() >= o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()); uassert(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, str::stream() << "Cannot continue transaction " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " on session " << _sessionId() << " using txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() << " because it is currently in state " << o().txnState << " with txnRetryCounter " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter(), txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() == o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()); if (o().txnState.isInProgress() && !o().txnResourceStash) { // This indicates that the first command in the transaction failed but did not implicitly // abort the transaction. It is not safe to continue the transaction, in particular because // we have not saved the readConcern from the first statement of the transaction. Mark the // transaction as active here, since _abortTransactionOnSession() will assume we are // aborting an active transaction since there are no stashed resources. { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onUnstash( ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()), opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource()); } _abortTransactionOnSession(opCtx); uasserted( ErrorCodes::NoSuchTransaction, str::stream() << "Transaction with " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.toBSON() << " has been aborted because an earlier command in this transaction failed."); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_beginMultiDocumentTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx, const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter& txnNumberAndRetryCounter) { // Aborts any in-progress txns. _setNewTxnNumberAndRetryCounter(opCtx, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); p().autoCommit = false; auto& retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog = getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog(opCtx); if (_isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()) { retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.addParticipant(*this); } else if (!_isInternalSessionForNonRetryableWrite()) { // Don't reset the RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog upon starting an internal // transaction for a non-retryable write since the transaction is unrelated to the // retryable write or transaction in the original session that the write runs in. In // addition, it is incorrect to clear the transaction history in the original session since // the history should be kept until there is a retryable write or transaction with a higher // txnNumber. retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.reset(); } { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).txnState.transitionTo(TransactionState::kInProgress); // Start tracking various transactions metrics. // // We measure the start time in both microsecond and millisecond resolution. The TickSource // provides microsecond resolution to record the duration of the transaction. The start // "wall clock" time can be considered an approximation to the microsecond measurement. auto now = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getPreciseClockSource()->now(); auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); o(lk).transactionExpireDate = now + Seconds(gTransactionLifetimeLimitSeconds.load()); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onStart( ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()), *p().autoCommit, tickSource, now, *o().transactionExpireDate); invariant(p().transactionOperations.empty()); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::beginOrContinue( OperationContext* opCtx, TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter, boost::optional autocommit, boost::optional startTransaction) { if (_isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()) { auto parentTxnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx, _session()->getParentSession()); parentTxnParticipant.beginOrContinue( opCtx, {*_sessionId().getTxnNumber(), boost::none}, boost::none, boost::none); } // Make sure we are still a primary. We need to hold on to the RSTL through the end of this // method, as we otherwise risk stepping down in the interim and incorrectly updating the // transaction number, which can abort active transactions. repl::ReplicationStateTransitionLockGuard rstl(opCtx, MODE_IX); if (opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); uassert(ErrorCodes::NotWritablePrimary, "Not primary so we cannot begin or continue a transaction", replCoord->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx, "admin")); // Disallow multi-statement transactions on shard servers that have // writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault=false unless enableTestCommands=true. But allow // retryable writes (autocommit == boost::none). uassert(ErrorCodes::OperationNotSupportedInTransaction, "Transactions are not allowed on shard servers when " "writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault=false", replCoord->getWriteConcernMajorityShouldJournal() || serverGlobalParams.clusterRole != ClusterRole::ShardServer || !autocommit || getTestCommandsEnabled()); } if (txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() < o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()) { const std::string currOperation = o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode() ? "retryable write" : "transaction"; if (!autocommit) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::TransactionTooOld, str::stream() << "Retryable write with txnNumber " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " is prohibited on session " << _sessionId() << " because a newer " << currOperation << " with txnNumber " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " has already started on this session."); } else { uasserted(ErrorCodes::TransactionTooOld, str::stream() << "Cannot start transaction with " << txnNumberAndRetryCounter.toBSON() << " on session " << _sessionId() << " because a newer " << currOperation << " with txnNumberAndRetryCounter " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.toBSON() << " has already started on this session."); } } // Requests without an autocommit field are interpreted as retryable writes. They cannot specify // startTransaction, which is verified earlier when parsing the request. if (!autocommit) { invariant(!startTransaction); invariant(!txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter(), "Cannot specify a txnRetryCounter for retryable write"); _beginOrContinueRetryableWrite(opCtx, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); return; } // Attempt to continue a multi-statement transaction. In this case, it is required that // autocommit be given as an argument on the request, and currently it can only be false, which // is verified earlier when parsing the request. invariant(*autocommit == false); invariant(opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction()); if (txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()) { uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "txnRetryCounter is only supported in sharded clusters", serverGlobalParams.clusterRole != ClusterRole::None); invariant(*txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter() >= 0, "Cannot specify a negative txnRetryCounter"); } else { txnNumberAndRetryCounter.setTxnRetryCounter(0); } if (!startTransaction) { _continueMultiDocumentTransaction(opCtx, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); return; } // Attempt to start a multi-statement transaction, which requires startTransaction be given as // an argument on the request. The 'startTransaction' argument currently can only be specified // as true, which is verified earlier, when parsing the request. invariant(*startTransaction); auto isRetry = _verifyCanBeginMultiDocumentTransaction(opCtx, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); if (isRetry) { // This is a retry for the active transaction, so we don't throw, and we also don't need to // start the transaction since that already happened. return; } _beginMultiDocumentTransaction(opCtx, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::beginOrContinueTransactionUnconditionally( OperationContext* opCtx, TxnNumberAndRetryCounter txnNumberAndRetryCounter) { invariant(opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction()); // We don't check or fetch any on-disk state, so treat the transaction as 'valid' for the // purposes of this method and continue the transaction unconditionally p().isValid = true; if (o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() != txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()) { if (!txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()) { txnNumberAndRetryCounter.setTxnRetryCounter(0); } _beginMultiDocumentTransaction(opCtx, txnNumberAndRetryCounter); } else { invariant(o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kInProgress | TransactionState::kPrepared), str::stream() << "Current state: " << o().txnState); } // Assume we need to write an abort if we abort this transaction. This method is called only // on secondaries (in which case we never write anything) and when a new primary knows about // an in-progress transaction. If a new primary knows about an in-progress transaction, it // needs an abort oplog entry to be written if aborted (because the new primary could not // have found out if there wasn't an oplog entry for the new primary). p().needToWriteAbortEntry = true; } SharedSemiFuture TransactionParticipant::Participant::onExitPrepare() const { if (!o().txnState._exitPreparePromise) { // The participant is not in prepare, so just return a ready future. return Future::makeReady(); } // The participant is in prepare, so return a future that will be signaled when the participant // transitions out of prepare. return o().txnState._exitPreparePromise->getFuture(); } SharedSemiFuture TransactionParticipant::Participant::onCompletion() const { if (!o().txnState._completionPromise) { // The participant is not in progress or in prepare. invariant(!o().txnState.isOpen()); return Future::makeReady(); } // The participant is in progress or in prepare, so return a future that will be signaled when // the participant commits or aborts. invariant(o().txnState.isOpen()); return o().txnState._completionPromise->getFuture(); } SharedSemiFuture TransactionParticipant::Participant::onConflictingInternalTransactionCompletion( OperationContext* opCtx) const { auto& retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog = getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog(opCtx); invariant(retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.isValid()); for (const auto& [_, txnParticipant] : retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.getParticipants()) { if (txnParticipant._sessionId() == _sessionId() || !txnParticipant._isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()) { continue; } if (txnParticipant.transactionIsOpen()) { return txnParticipant.onCompletion(); } } // There is no conflicting internal transaction. return Future::makeReady(); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_setReadSnapshot(OperationContext* opCtx, repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcernArgs) { if (readConcernArgs.getArgsAtClusterTime()) { // Read concern code should have already set the timestamp on the recovery unit. const auto readTimestamp = readConcernArgs.getArgsAtClusterTime()->asTimestamp(); const auto ruTs = opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getPointInTimeReadTimestamp(opCtx); invariant(readTimestamp == ruTs, "readTimestamp: {}, pointInTime: {}"_format(readTimestamp.toString(), ruTs ? ruTs->toString() : "none")); stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onChooseReadTimestamp(readTimestamp); } else if (readConcernArgs.getLevel() == repl::ReadConcernLevel::kSnapshotReadConcern) { // For transactions with read concern level specified as 'snapshot', we will use // 'kAllDurableSnapshot' which ensures a snapshot with no 'holes'; that is, it is a state // of the system that could be reconstructed from the oplog. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setTimestampReadSource( RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kAllDurableSnapshot); const auto readTimestamp = repl::StorageInterface::get(opCtx)->getPointInTimeReadTimestamp(opCtx); stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onChooseReadTimestamp(readTimestamp); } else { // For transactions with read concern level specified as 'local' or 'majority', we will use // 'kNoTimestamp' which gives us the most recent snapshot. This snapshot may reflect oplog // 'holes' from writes earlier than the last applied write which have not yet completed. // Using 'kNoTimestamp' ensures that transactions with mode 'local' are always able to read // writes from earlier transactions with mode 'local' on the same connection. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setTimestampReadSource(RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kNoTimestamp); // Catalog conflicting timestamps must be set on primaries performing transactions. // However, secondaries performing oplog application must avoid setting // _catalogConflictTimestamp. Currently, only oplog application on secondaries can run // inside a transaction, thus `writesAreReplicated` is a suitable proxy to single out // transactions on primaries. if (opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { // Since this snapshot may reflect oplog holes, record the most visible timestamp before // opening a storage transaction. This timestamp will be used later to detect any // changes in the catalog after a storage transaction is opened. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setCatalogConflictingTimestamp( opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine()->getAllDurableTimestamp()); } } opCtx->recoveryUnit()->preallocateSnapshot(); } TransactionParticipant::OplogSlotReserver::OplogSlotReserver(OperationContext* opCtx, int numSlotsToReserve) : _opCtx(opCtx), _globalLock(opCtx, MODE_IX) { // Stash the transaction on the OperationContext on the stack. At the end of this function it // will be unstashed onto the OperationContext. TransactionParticipant::SideTransactionBlock sideTxn(opCtx); // Begin a new WUOW and reserve a slot in the oplog. WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); auto oplogInfo = LocalOplogInfo::get(opCtx); _oplogSlots = oplogInfo->getNextOpTimes(opCtx, numSlotsToReserve); // Release the WUOW state since this WUOW is no longer in use. wuow.release(); // We must lock the Client to change the Locker on the OperationContext. stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); // Save the RecoveryUnit from the new transaction and replace it with an empty one. _recoveryUnit = opCtx->releaseAndReplaceRecoveryUnit(); // End two-phase locking on locker manually since the WUOW has been released. _opCtx->lockState()->endWriteUnitOfWork(); } TransactionParticipant::OplogSlotReserver::~OplogSlotReserver() { if (MONGO_unlikely(hangBeforeReleasingTransactionOplogHole.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(22520, "transaction - hangBeforeReleasingTransactionOplogHole fail point enabled. Blocking " "until fail point is disabled"); hangBeforeReleasingTransactionOplogHole.pauseWhileSet(); } // If the constructor did not complete, we do not attempt to abort the units of work. if (_recoveryUnit) { // We should be at WUOW nesting level 1, only the top level WUOW for the oplog reservation // side transaction. _recoveryUnit->abortUnitOfWork(); } } TransactionParticipant::TxnResources::TxnResources(WithLock wl, OperationContext* opCtx, StashStyle stashStyle) noexcept { // We must hold the Client lock to change the Locker on the OperationContext. Hence the // WithLock. _ruState = opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()->release(); opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(nullptr); _locker = opCtx->swapLockState(std::make_unique(opCtx->getServiceContext()), wl); // Inherit the locking setting from the original one. opCtx->lockState()->setShouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication( _locker->shouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication()); _locker->releaseTicket(); _locker->unsetThreadId(); if (opCtx->getLogicalSessionId()) { _locker->setDebugInfo("lsid: " + opCtx->getLogicalSessionId()->toBSON().toString()); } // On secondaries, we yield the locks for transactions. if (stashStyle == StashStyle::kSecondary) { _lockSnapshot = std::make_unique(); // Transactions have at least a global IX lock. Invariant that we have something to release. invariant(_locker->releaseWriteUnitOfWorkAndUnlock(_lockSnapshot.get())); } // This thread must still respect the transaction lock timeout, since it can prevent the // transaction from making progress. auto maxTransactionLockMillis = gMaxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis.load(); if (stashStyle == StashStyle::kPrimary && maxTransactionLockMillis >= 0) { opCtx->lockState()->setMaxLockTimeout(Milliseconds(maxTransactionLockMillis)); } // On secondaries, max lock timeout must not be set. invariant(!(stashStyle == StashStyle::kSecondary && opCtx->lockState()->hasMaxLockTimeout())); _recoveryUnit = opCtx->releaseAndReplaceRecoveryUnit(); _apiParameters = APIParameters::get(opCtx); _readConcernArgs = repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx); } TransactionParticipant::TxnResources::~TxnResources() { if (!_released && _recoveryUnit) { // This should only be reached when aborting a transaction that isn't active, i.e. // when starting a new transaction before completing an old one. So we should // be at WUOW nesting level 1 (only the top level WriteUnitOfWork). _recoveryUnit->abortUnitOfWork(); // If locks are not yielded, release them. if (!_lockSnapshot) { _locker->endWriteUnitOfWork(); } invariant(!_locker->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); } } void TransactionParticipant::TxnResources::release(OperationContext* opCtx) { // Perform operations that can fail the release before marking the TxnResources as released. ScopeGuard onError([&] { // Release any locks acquired as part of lock restoration. if (_lockSnapshot) { // WUOW should be released before unlocking. Locker::WUOWLockSnapshot dummyWUOWLockInfo; _locker->releaseWriteUnitOfWork(&dummyWUOWLockInfo); Locker::LockSnapshot dummyLockInfo; _locker->saveLockStateAndUnlock(&dummyLockInfo); } // Release the ticket if acquired. // restoreWriteUnitOfWorkAndLock() can reacquire the ticket as well. if (_locker->getClientState() != Locker::ClientState::kInactive) { _locker->releaseTicket(); } }); // Restore locks if they are yielded. if (_lockSnapshot) { invariant(!_locker->isLocked()); // opCtx is passed in to enable the restoration to be interrupted. _locker->restoreWriteUnitOfWorkAndLock(opCtx, *_lockSnapshot); } _locker->reacquireTicket(opCtx); if (MONGO_unlikely(restoreLocksFail.shouldFail())) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::LockTimeout, str::stream() << "Lock restore failed due to failpoint"); } invariant(!_released); _released = true; // Successfully reacquired the locks and tickets. onError.dismiss(); _lockSnapshot.reset(nullptr); // It is necessary to lock the client to change the Locker on the OperationContext. stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->getClientState() == Locker::ClientState::kInactive); // We intentionally do not capture the return value of swapLockState(), which is just an empty // locker. At the end of the operation, if the transaction is not complete, we will stash the // operation context's locker and replace it with a new empty locker. opCtx->swapLockState(std::move(_locker), lk); opCtx->lockState()->updateThreadIdToCurrentThread(); auto oldState = opCtx->setRecoveryUnit(std::move(_recoveryUnit), WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork); invariant(oldState == WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork, str::stream() << "RecoveryUnit state was " << oldState); opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(WriteUnitOfWork::createForSnapshotResume(opCtx, _ruState)); auto& apiParameters = APIParameters::get(opCtx); apiParameters = _apiParameters; auto& readConcernArgs = repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx); readConcernArgs = _readConcernArgs; } void TransactionParticipant::TxnResources::setNoEvictionAfterRollback() { _recoveryUnit->setNoEvictionAfterRollback(); } TransactionParticipant::SideTransactionBlock::SideTransactionBlock(OperationContext* opCtx) : _opCtx(opCtx) { // Do nothing if we are already in a SideTransactionBlock. We can tell we are already in a // SideTransactionBlock because there is no top level write unit of work. if (!_opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()) { return; } // Release WUOW. _ruState = opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()->release(); opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(nullptr); // Remember the locking state of WUOW, opt out two-phase locking, but don't release locks. opCtx->lockState()->releaseWriteUnitOfWork(&_WUOWLockSnapshot); // Release recovery unit, saving the recovery unit off to the side, keeping open the storage // transaction. _recoveryUnit = opCtx->releaseAndReplaceRecoveryUnit(); } TransactionParticipant::SideTransactionBlock::~SideTransactionBlock() { if (!_recoveryUnit) { return; } // Restore locker's state about WUOW. _opCtx->lockState()->restoreWriteUnitOfWork(_WUOWLockSnapshot); // Restore recovery unit. auto oldState = _opCtx->setRecoveryUnit(std::move(_recoveryUnit), WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork); invariant(oldState == WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork, str::stream() << "RecoveryUnit state was " << oldState); // Restore WUOW. _opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(WriteUnitOfWork::createForSnapshotResume(_opCtx, _ruState)); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_stashActiveTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx) { if (p().inShutdown) { return; } invariant(o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() == opCtx->getTxnNumber()); stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); { auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onStash(ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx), tickSource); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onTransactionOperation( opCtx, CurOp::get(opCtx)->debug().additiveMetrics, o().txnState.isPrepared()); } invariant(!o().txnResourceStash); // If this is a prepared transaction, invariant that it does not hold the RSTL lock. invariant(!o().txnState.isPrepared() || !opCtx->lockState()->isRSTLLocked()); auto stashStyle = opCtx->writesAreReplicated() ? TxnResources::StashStyle::kPrimary : TxnResources::StashStyle::kSecondary; o(lk).txnResourceStash = TxnResources(lk, opCtx, stashStyle); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::stashTransactionResources(OperationContext* opCtx) { if (opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) { return; } invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber()); if (o().txnState.isOpen()) { _stashActiveTransaction(opCtx); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_releaseTransactionResourcesToOpCtx( OperationContext* opCtx, MaxLockTimeout maxLockTimeout, AcquireTicket acquireTicket) { // Transaction resources already exist for this transaction. Transfer them from the // stash to the operation context. // // Because TxnResources::release must acquire the Client lock midway through, and because we // must hold the Client clock to mutate txnResourceStash, we jump through some hoops here to // move the TxnResources in txnResourceStash into a local variable that can be manipulated // without holding the Client lock. auto tempTxnResourceStash = [&]() noexcept { using std::swap; boost::optional trs; stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); swap(trs, o(lk).txnResourceStash); return trs; } (); ScopeGuard releaseOnError([&] { // Restore the lock resources back to transaction participant. using std::swap; stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); swap(o(lk).txnResourceStash, tempTxnResourceStash); }); invariant(tempTxnResourceStash); auto stashLocker = tempTxnResourceStash->locker(); invariant(stashLocker); if (maxLockTimeout == MaxLockTimeout::kNotAllowed) { stashLocker->unsetMaxLockTimeout(); } else { // If maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis is set, then we will ensure no // future lock request waits longer than maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis // to acquire a lock. This is to avoid deadlocks and minimize non-transaction // operation performance degradations. auto maxTransactionLockMillis = gMaxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis.load(); if (maxTransactionLockMillis >= 0) { stashLocker->setMaxLockTimeout(Milliseconds(maxTransactionLockMillis)); } } if (acquireTicket == AcquireTicket::kSkip) { stashLocker->skipAcquireTicket(); } tempTxnResourceStash->release(opCtx); releaseOnError.dismiss(); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::unstashTransactionResources(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& cmdName) { invariant(!opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient()); invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber()); // Verify that transaction number and mode are as expected. if (opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction()) { uassert(ErrorCodes::NoSuchTransaction, str::stream() << "Attempted to run '" << cmdName << "' inside a transaction with " << "session id" << _sessionId() << " and transaction number " << *opCtx->getTxnNumber() << " but the active transaction number on the session is " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber(), *opCtx->getTxnNumber() == o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()); uassert(6611000, str::stream() << "Attempted to use the active transaction number " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " in session " << _sessionId() << " to run a transaction but it corresponds to a retryable write", !o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode()); } else { uassert(6564100, str::stream() << "Attempted to run '" << cmdName << "' as a retryable write with " << "session id" << _sessionId() << " and transaction number " << *opCtx->getTxnNumber() << " but the active transaction number on the session is " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber(), *opCtx->getTxnNumber() == o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()); uassert(6611001, str::stream() << "Attempted to use the active transaction number " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " in session " << _sessionId() << " to run a retryable write but it corresponds to a transaction", o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode()); } // If this is not a multi-document transaction, there is nothing to unstash. if (o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode()) { invariant(!o().txnResourceStash); return; } _checkIsCommandValidWithTxnState({*opCtx->getTxnNumber()}, cmdName); if (o().txnResourceStash) { MaxLockTimeout maxLockTimeout; // Default is we should acquire ticket. AcquireTicket acquireTicket{AcquireTicket::kNoSkip}; if (opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { // Primaries should respect the transaction lock timeout, since it can prevent // the transaction from making progress. maxLockTimeout = MaxLockTimeout::kAllowed; // commitTransaction and abortTransaction commands can skip ticketing mechanism as they // don't acquire any new storage resources (except writing to oplog) but they release // any claimed storage resources. // Prepared transactions should not acquire ticket. Else, it can deadlock with other // non-transactional operations that have exhausted the write tickets and are blocked on // them due to prepare or lock conflict. if (o().txnState.isPrepared() || cmdName == "commitTransaction" || cmdName == "abortTransaction") { acquireTicket = AcquireTicket::kSkip; } } else { // Max lock timeout must not be set on secondaries, since secondary oplog application // cannot fail. maxLockTimeout = MaxLockTimeout::kNotAllowed; } _releaseTransactionResourcesToOpCtx(opCtx, maxLockTimeout, acquireTicket); stdx::lock_guard lg(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lg).transactionMetricsObserver.onUnstash(ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx), opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource()); return; } // If we have no transaction resources then we cannot be prepared. If we're not in progress, // we don't do anything else. invariant(!o().txnState.isPrepared()); if (!o().txnState.isInProgress()) { // At this point we're either committed and this is a 'commitTransaction' command, or we // are in the process of committing. return; } // All locks of transactions must be acquired inside the global WUOW so that we can // yield and restore all locks on state transition. Otherwise, we'd have to remember // which locks are managed by WUOW. invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isRSTLLocked()); invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); // Stashed transaction resources do not exist for this in-progress multi-document // transaction. Set up the transaction resources on the opCtx. opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(std::make_unique(opCtx)); // If maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis is set, then we will ensure no // future lock request waits longer than maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis // to acquire a lock. This is to avoid deadlocks and minimize non-transaction // operation performance degradations. auto maxTransactionLockMillis = gMaxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis.load(); if (opCtx->writesAreReplicated() && maxTransactionLockMillis >= 0) { opCtx->lockState()->setMaxLockTimeout(Milliseconds(maxTransactionLockMillis)); } // On secondaries, max lock timeout must not be set. invariant(opCtx->writesAreReplicated() || !opCtx->lockState()->hasMaxLockTimeout()); // Storage engine transactions may be started in a lazy manner. By explicitly // starting here we ensure that a point-in-time snapshot is established during the // first operation of a transaction. // // Active transactions are protected by the locking subsystem, so we must always hold at least a // Global intent lock before starting a transaction. We pessimistically acquire an intent // exclusive lock here because we might be doing writes in this transaction, and it is currently // not deadlock-safe to upgrade IS to IX. Lock::GlobalLock globalLock(opCtx, MODE_IX); // This begins the storage transaction and so we do it after acquiring the global lock. _setReadSnapshot(opCtx, repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx)); // The Client lock must not be held when executing this failpoint as it will block currentOp // execution. if (MONGO_unlikely(hangAfterPreallocateSnapshot.shouldFail())) { CurOpFailpointHelpers::waitWhileFailPointEnabled( &hangAfterPreallocateSnapshot, opCtx, "hangAfterPreallocateSnapshot"); } { stdx::lock_guard lg(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lg).transactionMetricsObserver.onUnstash(ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx), opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource()); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::refreshLocksForPreparedTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx, bool yieldLocks) { // The opCtx will be used to swap locks, so it cannot hold any lock. invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isRSTLLocked()); invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); // The node must have txn resource. invariant(o().txnResourceStash); invariant(o().txnState.isPrepared()); // Lock and Ticket reacquisition of a prepared transaction should not fail for // state transitions (step up/step down). _releaseTransactionResourcesToOpCtx(opCtx, MaxLockTimeout::kNotAllowed, AcquireTicket::kNoSkip); // Snapshot transactions don't conflict with PBWM lock on both primary and secondary. invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->shouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication()); // Transfer the txn resource back from the operation context to the stash. auto stashStyle = yieldLocks ? TxnResources::StashStyle::kSecondary : TxnResources::StashStyle::kPrimary; stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).txnResourceStash = TxnResources(lk, opCtx, stashStyle); } Timestamp TransactionParticipant::Participant::prepareTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx, boost::optional prepareOptime) { ScopeGuard abortGuard([&] { // Prepare transaction on secondaries should always succeed. invariant(!prepareOptime); try { // This shouldn't cause deadlocks with other prepared txns, because the acquisition // of RSTL lock inside abortTransaction will be no-op since we already have it. // This abortGuard gets dismissed before we release the RSTL while transitioning to // prepared. UninterruptibleLockGuard noInterrupt(opCtx->lockState()); abortTransaction(opCtx); } catch (...) { // It is illegal for aborting a prepared transaction to fail for any reason, so we crash // instead. LOGV2_FATAL_CONTINUE(22525, "Caught exception during abort of prepared transaction " "{txnNumber} on {lsid}: {error}", "Caught exception during abort of prepared transaction", "txnNumber"_attr = opCtx->getTxnNumber(), "lsid"_attr = _sessionId().toBSON(), "error"_attr = exceptionToStatus()); std::terminate(); } }); auto& completedTransactionOperations = retrieveCompletedTransactionOperations(opCtx); // Ensure that no transaction operations were done against temporary collections. // Transactions should not operate on temporary collections because they are for internal use // only and are deleted on both repl stepup and server startup. // Create a set of collection UUIDs through which to iterate, so that we do not recheck the same // collection multiple times: it is a costly check. stdx::unordered_set transactionOperationUuids; for (const auto& transactionOp : completedTransactionOperations) { if (transactionOp.getOpType() == repl::OpTypeEnum::kNoop) { // No-ops can't modify data, so there's no need to check if they involved a temporary // collection. continue; } transactionOperationUuids.insert(transactionOp.getUuid().value()); } auto catalog = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx); for (const auto& uuid : transactionOperationUuids) { auto collection = catalog->lookupCollectionByUUID(opCtx, uuid); uassert(ErrorCodes::OperationNotSupportedInTransaction, str::stream() << "prepareTransaction failed because one of the transaction " "operations was done against a temporary collection '" << collection->ns() << "'.", !collection->isTemporary()); } boost::optional oplogSlotReserver; OplogSlot prepareOplogSlot; { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); // This check is necessary in order to avoid a race where a session with an active (but not // prepared) transaction is killed, but it still ends up in the prepared state opCtx->checkForInterrupt(); o(lk).txnState.transitionTo(TransactionState::kPrepared); } std::vector reservedSlots; if (prepareOptime) { // On secondary, we just prepare the transaction and discard the buffered ops. prepareOplogSlot = OplogSlot(*prepareOptime); stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).prepareOpTime = *prepareOptime; reservedSlots.push_back(prepareOplogSlot); } else { // Even if the prepared transaction contained no statements, we always reserve at least // 1 oplog slot for the prepare oplog entry. auto numSlotsToReserve = retrieveCompletedTransactionOperations(opCtx).size(); numSlotsToReserve += p().numberOfPrePostImagesToWrite; oplogSlotReserver.emplace(opCtx, std::max(1, static_cast(numSlotsToReserve))); invariant(oplogSlotReserver->getSlots().size() >= 1); prepareOplogSlot = oplogSlotReserver->getLastSlot(); reservedSlots = oplogSlotReserver->getSlots(); invariant(o().prepareOpTime.isNull(), str::stream() << "This transaction has already reserved a prepareOpTime at: " << o().prepareOpTime.toString()); { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).prepareOpTime = prepareOplogSlot; } if (MONGO_unlikely(hangAfterReservingPrepareTimestamp.shouldFail())) { // This log output is used in js tests so please leave it. LOGV2(22521, "transaction - hangAfterReservingPrepareTimestamp fail point " "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. Prepare OpTime: " "{prepareOpTime}", "prepareOpTime"_attr = prepareOplogSlot); hangAfterReservingPrepareTimestamp.pauseWhileSet(); } } auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); const auto wallClockTime = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getFastClockSource()->now(); auto applyOpsOplogSlotAndOperationAssignment = opObserver->preTransactionPrepare(opCtx, reservedSlots, p().numberOfPrePostImagesToWrite, wallClockTime, &completedTransactionOperations); opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setPrepareTimestamp(prepareOplogSlot.getTimestamp()); opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()->prepare(); p().needToWriteAbortEntry = true; opObserver->onTransactionPrepare(opCtx, reservedSlots, &completedTransactionOperations, applyOpsOplogSlotAndOperationAssignment.get(), p().numberOfPrePostImagesToWrite, wallClockTime); abortGuard.dismiss(); { const auto ticks = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource()->getTicks(); stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onPrepare(ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx), ticks); // Ensure the lastWriteOpTime is set. This is needed so that we can correctly assign the // prevOpTime for commit and abort oplog entries if a failover happens after the prepare. // This value is updated in _registerCacheUpdateOnCommit, but only on primaries. We // update the lastWriteOpTime here so that it is also available to secondaries. We can // count on it to persist since we never invalidate prepared transactions. o(lk).lastWriteOpTime = prepareOplogSlot; } if (MONGO_unlikely(hangAfterSettingPrepareStartTime.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(22522, "transaction - hangAfterSettingPrepareStartTime fail point enabled. Blocking " "until fail point is disabled"); hangAfterSettingPrepareStartTime.pauseWhileSet(); } // We unlock the RSTL to allow prepared transactions to survive state transitions. This should // be the last thing we do since a state transition may happen immediately after releasing the // RSTL. const bool unlocked = opCtx->lockState()->unlockRSTLforPrepare(); invariant(unlocked); return prepareOplogSlot.getTimestamp(); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::setPrepareOpTimeForRecovery(OperationContext* opCtx, repl::OpTime prepareOpTime) { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).recoveryPrepareOpTime = prepareOpTime; } repl::OpTime TransactionParticipant::Participant::getPrepareOpTimeForRecovery() const { return o().recoveryPrepareOpTime; } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::addTransactionOperation( OperationContext* opCtx, const repl::ReplOperation& operation) { // Ensure that we only ever add operations to an in progress transaction. if (!o().txnState.isInProgress() && _isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()) { // Throw a uassert error instead of an invariant error if this is a retryable internal // transaction since all write statements are allowed to bypass the checks in // beginOrContinue if the transaction has already committed. uasserted(5875606, "Cannot perform writes in a retryable internal transaction that has already " "committed, aborted or prepared"); } invariant(o().txnState.isInProgress(), str::stream() << "Current state: " << o().txnState); invariant(p().autoCommit && !*p().autoCommit && o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() != kUninitializedTxnNumber); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); const auto stmtIds = operation.getStatementIds(); for (auto stmtId : stmtIds) { auto [_, inserted] = p().transactionStmtIds.insert(stmtId); uassert(5875600, str::stream() << "Found two operations using the same stmtId of " << stmtId, inserted); } p().transactionOperations.push_back(operation); p().transactionOperationBytes += repl::DurableOplogEntry::getDurableReplOperationSize(operation); if (!operation.getPreImage().isEmpty()) { p().transactionOperationBytes += operation.getPreImage().objsize(); if (operation.isChangeStreamPreImageRecordedInOplog() || operation.isPreImageRecordedForRetryableInternalTransaction()) { ++p().numberOfPrePostImagesToWrite; } } if (!operation.getPostImage().isEmpty()) { p().transactionOperationBytes += operation.getPostImage().objsize(); ++p().numberOfPrePostImagesToWrite; } auto transactionSizeLimitBytes = gTransactionSizeLimitBytes.load(); uassert(ErrorCodes::TransactionTooLarge, str::stream() << "Total size of all transaction operations must be less than " << "server parameter 'transactionSizeLimitBytes' = " << transactionSizeLimitBytes, p().transactionOperationBytes <= static_cast(transactionSizeLimitBytes)); } std::vector& TransactionParticipant::Participant::retrieveCompletedTransactionOperations( OperationContext* opCtx) { // Ensure that we only ever retrieve a transaction's completed operations when in progress // or prepared. invariant(o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kInProgress | TransactionState::kPrepared), str::stream() << "Current state: " << o().txnState); return p().transactionOperations; } TxnResponseMetadata TransactionParticipant::Participant::getResponseMetadata() { // Currently the response metadata only contains a single field, which is whether or not the // transaction is read-only so far. return {o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kInProgress) && p().transactionOperations.empty()}; } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::clearOperationsInMemory(OperationContext* opCtx) { // Ensure that we only ever end a prepared or in-progress transaction. invariant(o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kPrepared | TransactionState::kInProgress), str::stream() << "Current state: " << o().txnState); invariant(p().autoCommit); p().transactionOperationBytes = 0; p().transactionOperations.clear(); p().transactionStmtIds.clear(); p().numberOfPrePostImagesToWrite = 0; } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::commitUnpreparedTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx) { uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "commitTransaction must provide commitTimestamp to prepared transaction.", !o().txnState.isPrepared()); auto txnOps = retrieveCompletedTransactionOperations(opCtx); auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); invariant(opObserver); opObserver->onUnpreparedTransactionCommit(opCtx, &txnOps, p().numberOfPrePostImagesToWrite); // Read-only transactions with all read concerns must wait for any data they read to be majority // committed. For local read concern this is to match majority read concern. For both local and // majority read concerns we do an untimestamped read, so we have no read timestamp to wait on. // Instead, we write a noop which is guaranteed to have a greater OpTime than any writes we // read. // // TODO (SERVER-41165): Snapshot read concern should wait on the read timestamp instead. auto wc = opCtx->getWriteConcern(); auto needsNoopWrite = txnOps.empty() && !opCtx->getWriteConcern().usedDefaultConstructedWC; const size_t operationCount = p().transactionOperations.size(); const size_t oplogOperationBytes = p().transactionOperationBytes; clearOperationsInMemory(opCtx); // _commitStorageTransaction can throw, but it is safe for the exception to be bubbled up to // the caller, since the transaction can still be safely aborted at this point. _commitStorageTransaction(opCtx); _finishCommitTransaction(opCtx, operationCount, oplogOperationBytes); if (needsNoopWrite) { performNoopWrite( opCtx, str::stream() << "read-only transaction with writeConcern " << wc.toBSON()); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::commitPreparedTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx, Timestamp commitTimestamp, boost::optional commitOplogEntryOpTime) { // A correctly functioning coordinator could hit this uassert. This could happen if this // participant shard failed over and the new primary majority committed prepare without this // node in its majority. The coordinator could legally send commitTransaction with a // commitTimestamp to this shard but target the old primary (this node) that has yet to prepare // the transaction. We uassert since this node cannot commit the transaction. if (!o().txnState.isPrepared()) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "commitTransaction cannot provide commitTimestamp to unprepared transaction."); } // Re-acquire the RSTL to prevent state transitions while committing the transaction. When the // transaction was prepared, we dropped the RSTL. We do not need to reacquire the PBWM because // if we're not the primary we will uassert anyways. repl::ReplicationStateTransitionLockGuard rstl(opCtx, MODE_IX); // Prepared transactions cannot hold the RSTL, or else they will deadlock with state // transitions. If we do not commit the transaction we must unlock the RSTL explicitly so two // phase locking doesn't hold onto it. ScopeGuard unlockGuard([&] { invariant(opCtx->lockState()->unlockRSTLforPrepare()); }); const auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); if (opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { uassert(ErrorCodes::NotWritablePrimary, "Not primary so we cannot commit a prepared transaction", replCoord->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx, "admin")); } uassert( ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "'commitTimestamp' cannot be null", !commitTimestamp.isNull()); const auto prepareTimestamp = o().prepareOpTime.getTimestamp(); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "'commitTimestamp' must be greater than or equal to 'prepareTimestamp'", commitTimestamp >= prepareTimestamp); if (!commitOplogEntryOpTime) { // A correctly functioning coordinator could hit this uassert. This could happen if this // participant shard failed over and the new primary majority committed prepare but has yet // to communicate that to this node. The coordinator could legally send commitTransaction // with a commitTimestamp to this shard but target the old primary (this node) that does not // yet know prepare is majority committed. We uassert since the commit oplog entry would be // written in an old term and be guaranteed to roll back. This makes it easier to write // correct tests, consider fewer participant commit cases, and catch potential bugs since // hitting this uassert correctly is unlikely. uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "commitTransaction for a prepared transaction cannot be run before its prepare " "oplog entry has been majority committed", replCoord->getLastCommittedOpTime().getTimestamp() >= prepareTimestamp || MONGO_unlikely(skipCommitTxnCheckPrepareMajorityCommitted.shouldFail())); } try { // We can no longer uassert without terminating. unlockGuard.dismiss(); // Once entering "committing with prepare" we cannot throw an exception. UninterruptibleLockGuard noInterrupt(opCtx->lockState()); opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setCommitTimestamp(commitTimestamp); // On secondary, we generate a fake empty oplog slot, since it's not used by opObserver. OplogSlot commitOplogSlot; boost::optional oplogSlotReserver; if (opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { invariant(!commitOplogEntryOpTime); // When this receiving node is not in a readable state, the cluster time gossiping // protocol is not enabled, thus it is necessary to advance it explicitely, // so that causal consistency is maintained in these situations. VectorClockMutable::get(opCtx)->tickClusterTimeTo(LogicalTime(commitTimestamp)); // On primary, we reserve an oplog slot before committing the transaction so that no // writes that are causally related to the transaction commit enter the oplog at a // timestamp earlier than the commit oplog entry. oplogSlotReserver.emplace(opCtx); commitOplogSlot = oplogSlotReserver->getLastSlot(); invariant(commitOplogSlot.getTimestamp() >= commitTimestamp, str::stream() << "Commit oplog entry must be greater than or equal to commit " "timestamp due to causal consistency. commit timestamp: " << commitTimestamp.toBSON() << ", commit oplog entry optime: " << commitOplogSlot.toBSON()); } else { // We always expect a non-null commitOplogEntryOpTime to be passed in on secondaries // in order to set the finishOpTime. invariant(commitOplogEntryOpTime); } // We must have a lastWriteOpTime set, as that will be used for the prevOpTime on the oplog // entry. invariant(!o().lastWriteOpTime.isNull()); // If commitOplogEntryOpTime is a nullopt, then we grab the OpTime from the commitOplogSlot // which will only be set if we are primary. Otherwise, the commitOplogEntryOpTime must have // been passed in during secondary oplog application. auto commitOplogSlotOpTime = commitOplogEntryOpTime.value_or(commitOplogSlot); opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setDurableTimestamp(commitOplogSlotOpTime.getTimestamp()); _commitStorageTransaction(opCtx); auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); invariant(opObserver); // Once the transaction is committed, the oplog entry must be written. opObserver->onPreparedTransactionCommit( opCtx, commitOplogSlot, commitTimestamp, retrieveCompletedTransactionOperations(opCtx)); const size_t operationCount = p().transactionOperations.size(); const size_t oplogOperationBytes = p().transactionOperationBytes; clearOperationsInMemory(opCtx); _finishCommitTransaction(opCtx, operationCount, oplogOperationBytes); } catch (...) { // It is illegal for committing a prepared transaction to fail for any reason, other than an // invalid command, so we crash instead. LOGV2_FATAL_CONTINUE(22526, "Caught exception during commit of prepared transaction {txnNumber} " "on {lsid}: {error}", "Caught exception during commit of prepared transaction", "txnNumber"_attr = opCtx->getTxnNumber(), "lsid"_attr = _sessionId().toBSON(), "error"_attr = exceptionToStatus()); std::terminate(); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_commitStorageTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx) { invariant(opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isRSTLLocked()); opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()->commit(); opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(nullptr); // We must clear the recovery unit and locker for the 'config.transactions' and oplog entry // writes. opCtx->setRecoveryUnit(std::unique_ptr( opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine()->newRecoveryUnit()), WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork); opCtx->lockState()->unsetMaxLockTimeout(); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_finishCommitTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx, size_t operationCount, size_t oplogOperationBytes) noexcept { { auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).txnState.transitionTo(TransactionState::kCommitted); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onCommit(opCtx, ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx), tickSource, &Top::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()), operationCount, oplogOperationBytes); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onTransactionOperation( opCtx, CurOp::get(opCtx)->debug().additiveMetrics, o().txnState.isPrepared()); } // We must clear the recovery unit and locker so any post-transaction writes can run without // transactional settings such as a read timestamp. _cleanUpTxnResourceOnOpCtx(opCtx, TerminationCause::kCommitted); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::shutdown(OperationContext* opCtx) { stdx::lock_guard lock(*opCtx->getClient()); p().inShutdown = true; o(lock).txnResourceStash = boost::none; } APIParameters TransactionParticipant::Participant::getAPIParameters(OperationContext* opCtx) const { // If we have are in a retryable write, use the API parameters that the client passed in with // the write, instead of the first write's API parameters. if (o().txnResourceStash && !o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode()) { return o().txnResourceStash->getAPIParameters(); } return APIParameters::get(opCtx); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::setLastWriteOpTime(OperationContext* opCtx, const repl::OpTime& lastWriteOpTime) { stdx::lock_guard lg(*opCtx->getClient()); auto& curLastWriteOpTime = o(lg).lastWriteOpTime; invariant(lastWriteOpTime.isNull() || lastWriteOpTime > curLastWriteOpTime); curLastWriteOpTime = lastWriteOpTime; } bool TransactionParticipant::Observer::expiredAsOf(Date_t when) const { return o().txnState.isInProgress() && o().transactionExpireDate && o().transactionExpireDate < when; } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::abortTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx) { if (_isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite() && o().txnState.isCommitted()) { // An error occurred while retrying an committed retryable internal transaction should // not modify the state of the committed transaction. return; } // Normally, absence of a transaction resource stash indicates an inactive transaction. // However, in the case of a failed "unstash", an active transaction may exist without a stash // and be killed externally. In that case, the opCtx will not have a transaction number. if (o().txnResourceStash || !opCtx->getTxnNumber()) { // Aborting an inactive transaction. _abortTransactionOnSession(opCtx); } else if (o().txnState.isPrepared()) { _abortActivePreparedTransaction(opCtx); } else { _abortActiveTransaction(opCtx, TransactionState::kInProgress); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_abortActivePreparedTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx) { // TODO SERVER-58243: evaluate whether this is safe or whether acquiring the lock can block. AllowLockAcquisitionOnTimestampedUnitOfWork allowLockAcquisition(opCtx->lockState()); // Re-acquire the RSTL to prevent state transitions while aborting the transaction. Since the // transaction was prepared, we dropped it on preparing the transaction. We do not need to // reacquire the PBWM because if we're not the primary we will uassert anyways. repl::ReplicationStateTransitionLockGuard rstl(opCtx, MODE_IX); // Prepared transactions cannot hold the RSTL, or else they will deadlock with state // transitions. If we do not abort the transaction we must unlock the RSTL explicitly so two // phase locking doesn't hold onto it. Unlocking the RSTL may be a noop if it's already // unlocked. ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { opCtx->lockState()->unlockRSTLforPrepare(); }); if (opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); uassert(ErrorCodes::NotWritablePrimary, "Not primary so we cannot abort a prepared transaction", replCoord->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx, "admin")); } _abortActiveTransaction(opCtx, TransactionState::kPrepared); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_abortActiveTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx, TransactionState::StateSet expectedStates) { invariant(!o().txnResourceStash); if (!o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode()) { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onTransactionOperation( opCtx, CurOp::get(opCtx)->debug().additiveMetrics, o().txnState.isPrepared()); } auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); invariant(opObserver); const bool needToWriteAbortEntry = opCtx->writesAreReplicated() && p().needToWriteAbortEntry; if (needToWriteAbortEntry) { // We reserve an oplog slot before aborting the transaction so that no writes that are // causally related to the transaction abort enter the oplog at a timestamp earlier than the // abort oplog entry. OplogSlotReserver oplogSlotReserver(opCtx); // Clean up the transaction resources on the opCtx even if the transaction resources on the // session were not aborted. This actually aborts the storage-transaction. _cleanUpTxnResourceOnOpCtx(opCtx, TerminationCause::kAborted); try { // If we need to write an abort oplog entry, this function can no longer be interrupted. UninterruptibleLockGuard noInterrupt(opCtx->lockState()); // Write the abort oplog entry. This must be done after aborting the storage // transaction, so that the lock state is reset, and there is no max lock timeout on the // locker. opObserver->onTransactionAbort(opCtx, oplogSlotReserver.getLastSlot()); _finishAbortingActiveTransaction(opCtx, expectedStates); } catch (...) { // It is illegal for aborting a transaction that must write an abort oplog entry to fail // after aborting the storage transaction, so we crash instead. LOGV2_FATAL_CONTINUE( 22527, "Caught exception during abort of transaction that must write abort oplog " "entry {txnNumber} on {lsid}: {error}", "Caught exception during abort of transaction that must write abort oplog " "entry", "txnNumber"_attr = opCtx->getTxnNumber(), "lsid"_attr = _sessionId().toBSON(), "error"_attr = exceptionToStatus()); std::terminate(); } } else { // Clean up the transaction resources on the opCtx even if the transaction resources on the // session were not aborted. This actually aborts the storage-transaction. // // These functions are allowed to throw. We are not writing an oplog entry, so the only risk // is not cleaning up some internal TransactionParticipant state, updating metrics, or // logging the end of the transaction. That will either be cleaned up in the // ServiceEntryPoint's abortGuard or when the next transaction begins. _cleanUpTxnResourceOnOpCtx(opCtx, TerminationCause::kAborted); opObserver->onTransactionAbort(opCtx, boost::none); _finishAbortingActiveTransaction(opCtx, expectedStates); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_finishAbortingActiveTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx, TransactionState::StateSet expectedStates) { // Only abort the transaction in session if it's in expected states. // When the state of active transaction on session is not expected, it means another // thread has already aborted the transaction on session. if (o().txnState.isInSet(expectedStates)) { invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber() == o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()); _abortTransactionOnSession(opCtx); } else if (opCtx->getTxnNumber() == o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()) { if (o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode()) { // The active transaction is not a multi-document transaction. invariant(opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork() == nullptr); return; } // Cannot abort these states unless they are specified in expectedStates explicitly. const auto unabortableStates = TransactionState::kPrepared // | TransactionState::kCommitted; // invariant(!o().txnState.isInSet(unabortableStates), str::stream() << "Cannot abort transaction in " << o().txnState); } else { // If _activeTxnNumber is higher than ours, it means the transaction is already aborted. invariant(o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kNone | TransactionState::kAbortedWithoutPrepare | TransactionState::kAbortedWithPrepare | TransactionState::kExecutedRetryableWrite), str::stream() << "actual state: " << o().txnState); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_abortTransactionOnSession(OperationContext* opCtx) { const auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.onAbort( ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()), tickSource, &Top::get(opCtx->getServiceContext())); } if (o().txnResourceStash) { _logSlowTransaction(opCtx, &(o().txnResourceStash->locker()->getLockerInfo(boost::none))->stats, TerminationCause::kAborted, o().txnResourceStash->getAPIParameters(), o().txnResourceStash->getReadConcernArgs()); } const auto nextState = o().txnState.isPrepared() ? TransactionState::kAbortedWithPrepare : TransactionState::kAbortedWithoutPrepare; stdx::unique_lock lk(*opCtx->getClient()); if (o().txnResourceStash && opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getNoEvictionAfterRollback()) { o(lk).txnResourceStash->setNoEvictionAfterRollback(); } _resetTransactionStateAndUnlock(&lk, nextState); _resetRetryableWriteState(); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_cleanUpTxnResourceOnOpCtx( OperationContext* opCtx, TerminationCause terminationCause) { // Log the transaction if its duration is longer than the slowMS command threshold. _logSlowTransaction( opCtx, &(opCtx->lockState()->getLockerInfo(CurOp::get(*opCtx)->getLockStatsBase()))->stats, terminationCause, APIParameters::get(opCtx), repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx)); // Reset the WUOW. We should be able to abort empty transactions that don't have WUOW. if (opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()) { // We could have failed trying to get the initial global lock; in that case we will have a // WriteUnitOfWork but not have allocated the storage transaction. That is the only case // where it is legal to abort a unit of work without the RSTL. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isRSTLLocked() || !opCtx->recoveryUnit()->isActive()); opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(nullptr); } // We must clear the recovery unit and locker so any post-transaction writes can run without // transactional settings such as a read timestamp. opCtx->setRecoveryUnit(std::unique_ptr( opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine()->newRecoveryUnit()), WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork); opCtx->lockState()->unsetMaxLockTimeout(); invariant(UncommittedCatalogUpdates::get(opCtx).isEmpty()); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_checkIsCommandValidWithTxnState( const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter& requestTxnNumberAndRetryCounter, const std::string& cmdName) const { uassert(ErrorCodes::NoSuchTransaction, str::stream() << "Transaction with " << requestTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.toBSON() << " has been aborted.", !o().txnState.isAborted()); // Cannot change committed transaction but allow retrying: // - commitTransaction command. // - any command if the transaction is an internal transaction for retryable writes. uassert(ErrorCodes::TransactionCommitted, str::stream() << "Transaction with " << requestTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.toBSON() << " has been committed.", !o().txnState.isCommitted() || cmdName == "commitTransaction" || _isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()); // Disallow operations other than abort, prepare or commit on a prepared transaction uassert(ErrorCodes::PreparedTransactionInProgress, str::stream() << "Cannot call any operation other than abort, prepare or commit on" << " a prepared transaction", !o().txnState.isPrepared() || preparedTxnCmdAllowlist.find(cmdName) != preparedTxnCmdAllowlist.cend()); } BSONObj TransactionParticipant::Observer::reportStashedState(OperationContext* opCtx) const { BSONObjBuilder builder; reportStashedState(opCtx, &builder); return builder.obj(); } void TransactionParticipant::Observer::reportStashedState(OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { if (o().txnResourceStash && o().txnResourceStash->locker()) { if (auto lockerInfo = o().txnResourceStash->locker()->getLockerInfo(boost::none)) { invariant(o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() != kUninitializedTxnNumber); builder->append("type", "idleSession"); builder->append("host", getHostNameCachedAndPort()); builder->append("desc", "inactive transaction"); const auto& lastClientInfo = o().transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats().getLastClientInfo(); builder->append("client", lastClientInfo.clientHostAndPort); builder->append("connectionId", lastClientInfo.connectionId); builder->append("appName", lastClientInfo.appName); builder->append("clientMetadata", lastClientInfo.clientMetadata); { BSONObjBuilder lsid(builder->subobjStart("lsid")); _sessionId().serialize(&lsid); } BSONObjBuilder transactionBuilder; _reportTransactionStats( opCtx, &transactionBuilder, o().txnResourceStash->getReadConcernArgs()); builder->append("transaction", transactionBuilder.obj()); builder->append("waitingForLock", false); builder->append("active", false); fillLockerInfo(*lockerInfo, *builder); } } } void TransactionParticipant::Observer::reportUnstashedState(OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { // The Client mutex must be held when calling this function, so it is safe to access the state // of the TransactionParticipant. if (!o().txnResourceStash) { BSONObjBuilder transactionBuilder; _reportTransactionStats(opCtx, &transactionBuilder, repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx)); builder->append("transaction", transactionBuilder.obj()); } } std::string TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::toString(StateFlag state) { switch (state) { case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kNone: return "TxnState::None"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kInProgress: return "TxnState::InProgress"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kPrepared: return "TxnState::Prepared"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kCommitted: return "TxnState::Committed"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kAbortedWithoutPrepare: return "TxnState::AbortedWithoutPrepare"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kAbortedWithPrepare: return "TxnState::AbortedAfterPrepare"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kExecutedRetryableWrite: return "TxnState::ExecutedRetryableWrite"; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } bool TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::_isLegalTransition(StateFlag oldState, StateFlag newState) { switch (oldState) { case kNone: switch (newState) { case kNone: case kInProgress: case kExecutedRetryableWrite: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kInProgress: switch (newState) { case kNone: case kPrepared: case kCommitted: case kAbortedWithoutPrepare: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kPrepared: switch (newState) { case kAbortedWithPrepare: case kCommitted: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kCommitted: switch (newState) { case kNone: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kAbortedWithoutPrepare: switch (newState) { case kNone: case kInProgress: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kAbortedWithPrepare: switch (newState) { case kNone: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kExecutedRetryableWrite: switch (newState) { case kNone: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::transitionTo(StateFlag newState, TransitionValidation shouldValidate) { if (shouldValidate == TransitionValidation::kValidateTransition) { invariant(TransactionState::_isLegalTransition(_state, newState), str::stream() << "Current state: " << toString(_state) << ", Illegal attempted next state: " << toString(newState)); } // If we are transitioning out of prepare, fulfill and reset the exit prepare promise. if (isPrepared()) { invariant(_exitPreparePromise); _exitPreparePromise->emplaceValue(); _exitPreparePromise.reset(); } _state = newState; // If we have transitioned into prepare, initialize the exit prepare promise so other threads // can wait for the participant to transition out of prepare. if (isPrepared()) { invariant(!_exitPreparePromise); _exitPreparePromise.emplace(); } if (isOpen() && !_completionPromise) { // If we have transitioned into the in progress or prepare state, initialize the commit or // abort promise so other threads can wait for the participant to commit or abort. _completionPromise.emplace(); } else if (!isOpen() && _completionPromise) { // If we have transitioned into the commited or aborted or none state, fulfill and reset the // commit or abort promise. If the state transition is caused by a refresh, the promise is // expected to have not been initialized and no work is required. _completionPromise->emplaceValue(); _completionPromise.reset(); } } void TransactionParticipant::Observer::_reportTransactionStats( OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObjBuilder* builder, repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcernArgs) const { const auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); o().transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats().report( builder, readConcernArgs, tickSource, tickSource->getTicks()); } std::string TransactionParticipant::Participant::_transactionInfoForLog( OperationContext* opCtx, const SingleThreadedLockStats* lockStats, TerminationCause terminationCause, APIParameters apiParameters, repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcernArgs) const { invariant(lockStats); StringBuilder s; // User specified transaction parameters. BSONObjBuilder parametersBuilder; BSONObjBuilder lsidBuilder(parametersBuilder.subobjStart("lsid")); _sessionId().serialize(&lsidBuilder); lsidBuilder.doneFast(); parametersBuilder.append("txnNumber", o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()); parametersBuilder.append("txnRetryCounter", *o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()); parametersBuilder.append("autocommit", p().autoCommit ? *p().autoCommit : true); apiParameters.appendInfo(¶metersBuilder); readConcernArgs.appendInfo(¶metersBuilder); s << "parameters:" << parametersBuilder.obj().toString() << ","; const auto& singleTransactionStats = o().transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats(); s << " readTimestamp:" << singleTransactionStats.getReadTimestamp().toString() << ","; s << singleTransactionStats.getOpDebug()->additiveMetrics.report(); std::string terminationCauseString = terminationCause == TerminationCause::kCommitted ? "committed" : "aborted"; s << " terminationCause:" << terminationCauseString; auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); auto curTick = tickSource->getTicks(); s << " timeActiveMicros:" << durationCount( singleTransactionStats.getTimeActiveMicros(tickSource, curTick)); s << " timeInactiveMicros:" << durationCount( singleTransactionStats.getTimeInactiveMicros(tickSource, curTick)); // Number of yields is always 0 in multi-document transactions, but it is included mainly to // match the format with other slow operation logging messages. s << " numYields:" << 0; // Aggregate lock statistics. BSONObjBuilder locks; lockStats->report(&locks); s << " locks:" << locks.obj().toString(); if (singleTransactionStats.getOpDebug()->storageStats) s << " storage:" << singleTransactionStats.getOpDebug()->storageStats->toBSON().toString(); // It is possible for a slow transaction to have aborted in the prepared state if an // exception was thrown before prepareTransaction succeeds. const auto totalPreparedDuration = durationCount( singleTransactionStats.getPreparedDuration(tickSource, curTick)); const bool txnWasPrepared = totalPreparedDuration > 0; s << " wasPrepared:" << txnWasPrepared; if (txnWasPrepared) { s << " totalPreparedDurationMicros:" << totalPreparedDuration; s << " prepareOpTime:" << o().prepareOpTime.toString(); } // Total duration of the transaction. s << ", " << duration_cast(singleTransactionStats.getDuration(tickSource, curTick)); return s.str(); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_transactionInfoForLog( OperationContext* opCtx, const SingleThreadedLockStats* lockStats, TerminationCause terminationCause, APIParameters apiParameters, repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcernArgs, logv2::DynamicAttributes* pAttrs) const { invariant(lockStats); // User specified transaction parameters. BSONObjBuilder parametersBuilder; BSONObjBuilder lsidBuilder(parametersBuilder.subobjStart("lsid")); _sessionId().serialize(&lsidBuilder); lsidBuilder.doneFast(); parametersBuilder.append("txnNumber", o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()); parametersBuilder.append("txnRetryCounter", *o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnRetryCounter()); parametersBuilder.append("autocommit", p().autoCommit ? *p().autoCommit : true); apiParameters.appendInfo(¶metersBuilder); readConcernArgs.appendInfo(¶metersBuilder); pAttrs->add("parameters", parametersBuilder.obj()); const auto& singleTransactionStats = o().transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats(); pAttrs->addDeepCopy("readTimestamp", singleTransactionStats.getReadTimestamp().toString()); singleTransactionStats.getOpDebug()->additiveMetrics.report(pAttrs); StringData terminationCauseString = terminationCause == TerminationCause::kCommitted ? "committed" : "aborted"; pAttrs->add("terminationCause", terminationCauseString); auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); auto curTick = tickSource->getTicks(); pAttrs->add("timeActive", singleTransactionStats.getTimeActiveMicros(tickSource, curTick)); pAttrs->add("timeInactive", singleTransactionStats.getTimeInactiveMicros(tickSource, curTick)); // Number of yields is always 0 in multi-document transactions, but it is included mainly to // match the format with other slow operation logging messages. pAttrs->add("numYields", 0); // Aggregate lock statistics. BSONObjBuilder locks; lockStats->report(&locks); pAttrs->add("locks", locks.obj()); if (singleTransactionStats.getOpDebug()->storageStats) pAttrs->add("storage", singleTransactionStats.getOpDebug()->storageStats->toBSON()); // It is possible for a slow transaction to have aborted in the prepared state if an // exception was thrown before prepareTransaction succeeds. const auto totalPreparedDuration = durationCount( singleTransactionStats.getPreparedDuration(tickSource, curTick)); const bool txnWasPrepared = totalPreparedDuration > 0; pAttrs->add("wasPrepared", txnWasPrepared); if (txnWasPrepared) { pAttrs->add("totalPreparedDuration", Microseconds(totalPreparedDuration)); pAttrs->add("prepareOpTime", o().prepareOpTime); } // Total duration of the transaction. pAttrs->add( "duration", duration_cast(singleTransactionStats.getDuration(tickSource, curTick))); } // Needs to be kept in sync with _transactionInfoForLog BSONObj TransactionParticipant::Participant::_transactionInfoBSONForLog( OperationContext* opCtx, const SingleThreadedLockStats* lockStats, TerminationCause terminationCause, APIParameters apiParameters, repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcernArgs) const { invariant(lockStats); // User specified transaction parameters. BSONObjBuilder parametersBuilder; BSONObjBuilder lsidBuilder(parametersBuilder.subobjStart("lsid")); _sessionId().serialize(&lsidBuilder); lsidBuilder.doneFast(); parametersBuilder.append("txnNumber", o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()); parametersBuilder.append("autocommit", p().autoCommit ? *p().autoCommit : true); apiParameters.appendInfo(¶metersBuilder); readConcernArgs.appendInfo(¶metersBuilder); BSONObjBuilder logLine; { BSONObjBuilder attrs = logLine.subobjStart("attr"); attrs.append("parameters", parametersBuilder.obj()); const auto& singleTransactionStats = o().transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats(); attrs.append("readTimestamp", singleTransactionStats.getReadTimestamp().toString()); attrs.appendElements(singleTransactionStats.getOpDebug()->additiveMetrics.reportBSON()); StringData terminationCauseString = terminationCause == TerminationCause::kCommitted ? "committed" : "aborted"; attrs.append("terminationCause", terminationCauseString); auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); auto curTick = tickSource->getTicks(); attrs.append("timeActiveMicros", durationCount( singleTransactionStats.getTimeActiveMicros(tickSource, curTick))); attrs.append("timeInactiveMicros", durationCount( singleTransactionStats.getTimeInactiveMicros(tickSource, curTick))); // Number of yields is always 0 in multi-document transactions, but it is included mainly to // match the format with other slow operation logging messages. attrs.append("numYields", 0); // Aggregate lock statistics. BSONObjBuilder locks; lockStats->report(&locks); attrs.append("locks", locks.obj()); if (singleTransactionStats.getOpDebug()->storageStats) attrs.append("storage", singleTransactionStats.getOpDebug()->storageStats->toBSON()); // It is possible for a slow transaction to have aborted in the prepared state if an // exception was thrown before prepareTransaction succeeds. const auto totalPreparedDuration = durationCount( singleTransactionStats.getPreparedDuration(tickSource, curTick)); const bool txnWasPrepared = totalPreparedDuration > 0; attrs.append("wasPrepared", txnWasPrepared); if (txnWasPrepared) { attrs.append("totalPreparedDurationMicros", totalPreparedDuration); attrs.append("prepareOpTime", o().prepareOpTime.toBSON()); } // Total duration of the transaction. attrs.append( "durationMillis", duration_cast(singleTransactionStats.getDuration(tickSource, curTick)) .count()); } return logLine.obj(); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_logSlowTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx, const SingleThreadedLockStats* lockStats, TerminationCause terminationCause, APIParameters apiParameters, repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcernArgs) { // Only log multi-document transactions. if (!o().txnState.isInRetryableWriteMode()) { const auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); const auto opDuration = duration_cast( o().transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats().getDuration( tickSource, tickSource->getTicks())); if (shouldLogSlowOpWithSampling(opCtx, logv2::LogComponent::kTransaction, opDuration, Milliseconds(serverGlobalParams.slowMS)) .first) { logv2::DynamicAttributes attr; _transactionInfoForLog( opCtx, lockStats, terminationCause, apiParameters, readConcernArgs, &attr); LOGV2_OPTIONS(51802, {logv2::LogComponent::kTransaction}, "transaction", attr); } } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_setNewTxnNumberAndRetryCounter( OperationContext* opCtx, const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter& txnNumberAndRetryCounter) { uassert(ErrorCodes::PreparedTransactionInProgress, "Cannot change transaction number while the session has a prepared transaction", !o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kPrepared)); LOGV2_FOR_TRANSACTION( 23984, 4, "New transaction started with txnNumber: {txnNumberAndRetryCounter} on session with lsid " "{lsid}", "New transaction started", "txnNumberAndRetryCounter"_attr = txnNumberAndRetryCounter, "lsid"_attr = _sessionId(), "apiParameters"_attr = APIParameters::get(opCtx).toBSON()); // Abort the existing transaction if it's not prepared, committed, or aborted. if (o().txnState.isInProgress()) { _abortTransactionOnSession(opCtx); } // If txnNumber ordering applies, abort any child transactions with a lesser txnNumber. auto clientTxnNumber = getClientTxnNumber(txnNumberAndRetryCounter); if (clientTxnNumber.has_value()) { getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog(opCtx).abortSupersededTransactions( opCtx, *clientTxnNumber); } stdx::unique_lock lk(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lk).activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter = txnNumberAndRetryCounter; o(lk).lastWriteOpTime = repl::OpTime(); // Reset the retryable writes state _resetRetryableWriteState(); // Reset the transactions metrics o(lk).transactionMetricsObserver.resetSingleTransactionStats(txnNumberAndRetryCounter); // Reset the transactional state _resetTransactionStateAndUnlock(&lk, TransactionState::kNone); invariant(!lk); if (isParentSessionId(_sessionId())) { // Only observe parent sessions because retryable transactions begin the same txnNumber on // their parent session. OperationContextSession::observeNewTxnNumberStarted( opCtx, _sessionId(), txnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()); } } void RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog::addParticipant( const TransactionParticipant::Participant& participant) { invariant(participant.p().isValid); const auto txnNumber = participant._activeRetryableWriteTxnNumber(); invariant(*txnNumber >= _activeTxnNumber); if (txnNumber > _activeTxnNumber) { reset(); _activeTxnNumber = *txnNumber; } if (auto it = _participants.find(participant._sessionId()); it != _participants.end()) { invariant(it->second._tp == participant._tp); } else { _participants.emplace(participant._sessionId(), participant); } } void RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog::reset() { _activeTxnNumber = kUninitializedTxnNumber; _participants.clear(); _hasSeenIncomingConflictingRetryableTransaction = false; } void RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog::markAsValid() { invariant(std::all_of(_participants.begin(), _participants.end(), [](const auto& it) { return it.second.p().isValid; })); _isValid = true; } void RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog::invalidate() { reset(); _isValid = false; } bool RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog::isValid() const { return _isValid && std::all_of(_participants.begin(), _participants.end(), [](const auto& it) { return it.second.p().isValid; }); } void RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog::checkForConflictingInternalTransactions( OperationContext* opCtx, TxnNumber incomingClientTxnNumber, const TxnNumberAndRetryCounter& incomingTxnNumberAndRetryCounter) { invariant(isValid()); for (auto&& it : _participants) { auto& sessionId = it.first; auto& txnParticipant = it.second; if (sessionId == opCtx->getLogicalSessionId() || !txnParticipant._isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()) { continue; } if (!txnParticipant.transactionIsOpen()) { // The transaction isn't open, so it can't conflict with an incoming transaction. continue; } auto clientTxnNumber = txnParticipant.getClientTxnNumber(txnParticipant.getActiveTxnNumberAndRetryCounter()); invariant(clientTxnNumber.has_value()); if (*clientTxnNumber < incomingClientTxnNumber) { // To match the behavior of client transactions when a logically earlier prepared // transaction is in progress, throw an error to block the new transaction until the // earlier one exists prepare. uassert(ErrorCodes::RetryableTransactionInProgress, "Operation conflicts with an earlier retryable transaction in prepare", !txnParticipant.transactionIsPrepared()); // Otherwise skip this transaction because it will be aborted when this one begins. continue; } if (!_hasSeenIncomingConflictingRetryableTransaction && txnParticipant.transactionIsInProgress()) { // Only abort when the transaction is in progress since other states may not be safe, // e.g. prepare. _hasSeenIncomingConflictingRetryableTransaction = true; txnParticipant._abortTransactionOnSession(opCtx); } else { uassert( ErrorCodes::RetryableTransactionInProgress, str::stream() << "Cannot run operation with session id " << opCtx->getLogicalSessionId() << " and transaction number " << incomingTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " because it conflicts with an active operation with session id " << sessionId << " and transaction number " << txnParticipant.getActiveTxnNumberAndRetryCounter().getTxnNumber() << " in state " << txnParticipant.o().txnState, !txnParticipant.transactionIsOpen()); } } } void RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog::abortSupersededTransactions( OperationContext* opCtx, TxnNumber incomingClientTxnNumber) { if (!isValid()) { // This was called while refreshing from storage or applying ops on a secondary, so skip it. return; } for (auto&& it : _participants) { auto& sessionId = it.first; auto& txnParticipant = it.second; if (sessionId == opCtx->getLogicalSessionId() || !txnParticipant._isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()) { continue; } // We should never try to abort a prepared transaction. We should have earlier thrown either // RetryableTransactionInProgress or PreparedTransactionInProgress. invariant(!txnParticipant.transactionIsPrepared(), str::stream() << "Transaction on session " << sessionId << " unexpectedly in prepare"); auto clientTxnNumber = txnParticipant.getClientTxnNumber(txnParticipant.getActiveTxnNumberAndRetryCounter()); invariant(clientTxnNumber.has_value()); if (*clientTxnNumber < incomingClientTxnNumber && txnParticipant.transactionIsInProgress()) { txnParticipant._abortTransactionOnSession(opCtx); } } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::refreshFromStorageIfNeeded(OperationContext* opCtx) { return _refreshFromStorageIfNeeded(opCtx, true); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::refreshFromStorageIfNeededNoOplogEntryFetch( OperationContext* opCtx) { return _refreshFromStorageIfNeeded(opCtx, false); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_refreshFromStorageIfNeeded(OperationContext* opCtx, bool fetchOplogEntries) { _refreshSelfFromStorageIfNeeded(opCtx, fetchOplogEntries); if (!_isInternalSessionForNonRetryableWrite()) { // Internal sessions for non-retryable writes only support transactions and those // transactions are not retryable or related to the retryable write or transaction the // original sessions that those writes run in, so there is no need to do a cross-session // refresh. _refreshActiveTransactionParticipantsFromStorageIfNeeded(opCtx, fetchOplogEntries); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_refreshSelfFromStorageIfNeeded(OperationContext* opCtx, bool fetchOplogEntries) { invariant(!opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient()); invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); if (p().isValid) { return; } auto activeTxnHistory = fetchActiveTransactionHistory(opCtx, _sessionId(), fetchOplogEntries); const auto& lastTxnRecord = activeTxnHistory.lastTxnRecord; if (lastTxnRecord) { stdx::lock_guard lg(*opCtx->getClient()); o(lg).activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.setTxnNumber(lastTxnRecord->getTxnNum()); o(lg).activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.setTxnRetryCounter([&] { if (lastTxnRecord->getState()) { if (lastTxnRecord->getTxnRetryCounter().has_value()) { return *lastTxnRecord->getTxnRetryCounter(); } return 0; } return kUninitializedTxnRetryCounter; }()); o(lg).lastWriteOpTime = lastTxnRecord->getLastWriteOpTime(); p().activeTxnCommittedStatements = std::move(activeTxnHistory.committedStatements); p().hasIncompleteHistory = activeTxnHistory.hasIncompleteHistory; if (!lastTxnRecord->getState()) { o(lg).txnState.transitionTo( TransactionState::kExecutedRetryableWrite, TransactionState::TransitionValidation::kRelaxTransitionValidation); } else { switch (*lastTxnRecord->getState()) { case DurableTxnStateEnum::kCommitted: o(lg).txnState.transitionTo( TransactionState::kCommitted, TransactionState::TransitionValidation::kRelaxTransitionValidation); break; case DurableTxnStateEnum::kAborted: o(lg).txnState.transitionTo( TransactionState::kAbortedWithPrepare, TransactionState::TransitionValidation::kRelaxTransitionValidation); break; // We should never be refreshing a prepared or in-progress transaction from // storage since it should already be in a valid state after replication // recovery. case DurableTxnStateEnum::kPrepared: case DurableTxnStateEnum::kInProgress: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } } if (!_isInternalSession()) { const auto txnNumber = fetchHighestTxnNumberWithInternalSessions(opCtx, _sessionId()); if (txnNumber > o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()) { _setNewTxnNumberAndRetryCounter(opCtx, {txnNumber, kUninitializedTxnRetryCounter}); } } p().isValid = true; } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_refreshActiveTransactionParticipantsFromStorageIfNeeded( OperationContext* opCtx, bool fetchOplogEntries) { invariant(!opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient()); invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); auto parentTxnParticipant = _isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite() ? TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx, _session()->getParentSession()) : *this; parentTxnParticipant._refreshSelfFromStorageIfNeeded(opCtx, fetchOplogEntries); auto& retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog = getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog(opCtx); if (retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.isValid()) { return; } // Populate the catalog if the session is running a retryable write, and reset it otherwise. if (const auto activeRetryableWriteTxnNumber = parentTxnParticipant._activeRetryableWriteTxnNumber()) { // Add parent Participant. retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.addParticipant(parentTxnParticipant); // Add child participants. std::vector childTxnParticipants; // Make sure that every child session has a corresponding // Session/TransactionParticipant. try { performReadWithNoTimestampDBDirectClient(opCtx, [&](DBDirectClient* client) { FindCommandRequest findRequest{NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace}; findRequest.setFilter(BSON(SessionTxnRecord::kParentSessionIdFieldName << parentTxnParticipant._sessionId().toBSON() << (SessionTxnRecord::kSessionIdFieldName + "." + LogicalSessionId::kTxnNumberFieldName) << BSON("$gte" << *activeRetryableWriteTxnNumber))); findRequest.setProjection(BSON(SessionTxnRecord::kSessionIdFieldName << 1)); findRequest.setHint( BSON("$hint" << MongoDSessionCatalog::kConfigTxnsPartialIndexName)); auto cursor = client->find(findRequest); while (cursor->more()) { const auto doc = cursor->next(); const auto childLsid = LogicalSessionId::parse( IDLParserContext("LogicalSessionId"), doc.getObjectField("_id")); uassert(6202001, str::stream() << "Refresh expected the highest transaction number in the session " << parentTxnParticipant._sessionId() << " to be " << *activeRetryableWriteTxnNumber << " found a " << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace << " entry for an internal transaction for retryable writes with " << "transaction number " << *childLsid.getTxnNumber(), *childLsid.getTxnNumber() == *activeRetryableWriteTxnNumber); auto sessionCatalog = SessionCatalog::get(opCtx); sessionCatalog->scanSession( childLsid, [&](const ObservableSession& osession) { auto childTxnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx, osession.get()); childTxnParticipants.push_back(childTxnParticipant); }, SessionCatalog::ScanSessionCreateSession::kYes); } }); } catch (const ExceptionFor& ex) { rethrowPartialIndexQueryBadValueWithContext(ex); throw; } for (auto& childTxnParticipant : childTxnParticipants) { childTxnParticipant._refreshSelfFromStorageIfNeeded(opCtx, fetchOplogEntries); retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.addParticipant(childTxnParticipant); } } else { retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.reset(); } retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.markAsValid(); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::onWriteOpCompletedOnPrimary( OperationContext* opCtx, std::vector stmtIdsWritten, const SessionTxnRecord& sessionTxnRecord) { invariant(opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); invariant(sessionTxnRecord.getSessionId() == _sessionId()); invariant(sessionTxnRecord.getTxnNum() == o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()); if (o().txnState.isCommitted()) { // Only write statements in retryable internal transaction can bypass the checks in // beginOrContinue and get to here. invariant(_isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()); uasserted(5875603, "Cannot perform writes in a retryable internal transaction that has already " "committed"); } // Sanity check that we don't double-execute statements for (const auto stmtId : stmtIdsWritten) { const auto stmtOpTime = _checkStatementExecutedSelf(stmtId); if (stmtOpTime) { fassertOnRepeatedExecution(_sessionId(), sessionTxnRecord.getTxnNum(), stmtId, *stmtOpTime, sessionTxnRecord.getLastWriteOpTime()); } } const auto updateRequest = _makeUpdateRequest(sessionTxnRecord); repl::UnreplicatedWritesBlock doNotReplicateWrites(opCtx); updateSessionEntry(opCtx, updateRequest, _sessionId(), sessionTxnRecord.getTxnNum()); _registerUpdateCacheOnCommit( opCtx, std::move(stmtIdsWritten), sessionTxnRecord.getLastWriteOpTime()); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::onRetryableWriteCloningCompleted( OperationContext* opCtx, std::vector stmtIdsWritten, const SessionTxnRecord& sessionTxnRecord) { invariant(opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); invariant(sessionTxnRecord.getSessionId() == _sessionId()); invariant(sessionTxnRecord.getTxnNum() == o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber()); const auto updateRequest = _makeUpdateRequest(sessionTxnRecord); repl::UnreplicatedWritesBlock doNotReplicateWrites(opCtx); updateSessionEntry(opCtx, updateRequest, _sessionId(), sessionTxnRecord.getTxnNum()); _registerUpdateCacheOnCommit( opCtx, std::move(stmtIdsWritten), sessionTxnRecord.getLastWriteOpTime()); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_invalidate(WithLock wl) { p().isValid = false; o(wl).activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter = {kUninitializedTxnNumber, kUninitializedTxnRetryCounter}; o(wl).lastWriteOpTime = repl::OpTime(); // Reset the transactions metrics. o(wl).transactionMetricsObserver.resetSingleTransactionStats( o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter); } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_resetRetryableWriteState() { p().activeTxnCommittedStatements.clear(); p().hasIncompleteHistory = false; } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_resetTransactionStateAndUnlock( stdx::unique_lock* lk, TransactionState::StateFlag state) { invariant(lk && lk->owns_lock()); // If we are transitioning to kNone, we are either starting a new transaction or aborting a // prepared transaction for rollback. In the latter case, we will need to relax the // invariant that prevents transitioning from kPrepared to kNone. if (o().txnState.isPrepared() && state == TransactionState::kNone) { o(*lk).txnState.transitionTo( state, TransactionState::TransitionValidation::kRelaxTransitionValidation); } else { o(*lk).txnState.transitionTo(state); } p().transactionOperationBytes = 0; p().transactionOperations.clear(); p().transactionStmtIds.clear(); o(*lk).prepareOpTime = repl::OpTime(); o(*lk).recoveryPrepareOpTime = repl::OpTime(); p().autoCommit = boost::none; p().needToWriteAbortEntry = false; // Swap out txnResourceStash while holding the Client lock, then release any locks held by this // participant and abort the storage transaction after releasing the lock. The transaction // rollback can block indefinitely if the storage engine recruits it for eviction. In that case // we should not be holding the Client lock, as that would block tasks like the periodic // transaction killer from making progress. using std::swap; boost::optional temporary; swap(o(*lk).txnResourceStash, temporary); lk->unlock(); temporary = boost::none; } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::invalidate(OperationContext* opCtx) { stdx::unique_lock lk(*opCtx->getClient()); uassert(ErrorCodes::PreparedTransactionInProgress, "Cannot invalidate prepared transaction", !o().txnState.isInSet(TransactionState::kPrepared)); // Invalidate the session and clear both the retryable writes and transactional states on // this participant. _invalidate(lk); _resetRetryableWriteState(); // Get the RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog without checking the opCtx has checked // out this session since by design it is illegal to invalidate sessions with an opCtx that has // a session checked out. auto& retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog = getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog(_session()); if (!_isInternalSessionForNonRetryableWrite()) { // Don't invalidate the RetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog upon invalidating an // internal transaction for a non-retryable write since the transaction is unrelated to // the retryable write or transaction in the original session that the write runs in. retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.invalidate(); } _resetTransactionStateAndUnlock(&lk, TransactionState::kNone); } boost::optional TransactionParticipant::Participant::checkStatementExecuted( OperationContext* opCtx, StmtId stmtId) const { const auto stmtOpTime = _checkStatementExecuted(opCtx, stmtId); if (!stmtOpTime) { return boost::none; } // Use a SideTransactionBlock since it is illegal to scan the oplog while in a write unit of // work. TransactionParticipant::SideTransactionBlock sideTxn(opCtx); TransactionHistoryIterator txnIter(*stmtOpTime); while (txnIter.hasNext()) { const auto entry = txnIter.next(opCtx); if (entry.getCommandType() == repl::OplogEntry::CommandType::kApplyOps) { validateTransactionHistoryApplyOpsOplogEntry(entry); std::vector innerEntries; repl::ApplyOps::extractOperationsTo(entry, entry.getEntry().toBSON(), &innerEntries); for (const auto& innerEntry : innerEntries) { auto stmtIds = innerEntry.getStatementIds(); if (std::find(stmtIds.begin(), stmtIds.end(), stmtId) != stmtIds.end()) { return innerEntry; } } } else { auto stmtIds = entry.getStatementIds(); invariant(!stmtIds.empty()); if (std::find(stmtIds.begin(), stmtIds.end(), stmtId) != stmtIds.end()) { return entry; } } } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } bool TransactionParticipant::Participant::checkStatementExecutedNoOplogEntryFetch( OperationContext* opCtx, StmtId stmtId) const { return bool(_checkStatementExecuted(opCtx, stmtId)); } boost::optional TransactionParticipant::Participant::_checkStatementExecuted( OperationContext* opCtx, StmtId stmtId) const { const auto& retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog = getRetryableWriteTransactionParticipantCatalog(opCtx); invariant(retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.isValid()); invariant(retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.getActiveTxnNumber() == _activeRetryableWriteTxnNumber()); if (auto opTime = _checkStatementExecutedSelf(stmtId)) { return opTime; } for (const auto& [sessionId, txnParticipant] : retryableWriteTxnParticipantCatalog.getParticipants()) { if (_sessionId() == sessionId || txnParticipant.transactionIsAborted()) { continue; } if (auto opTime = txnParticipant._checkStatementExecutedSelf(stmtId)) { return opTime; } } return boost::none; } boost::optional TransactionParticipant::Participant::_checkStatementExecutedSelf( StmtId stmtId) const { invariant(p().isValid); if (_isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()) { invariant(!transactionIsAborted()); } const auto it = p().activeTxnCommittedStatements.find(stmtId); if (it == p().activeTxnCommittedStatements.end()) { uassert(ErrorCodes::IncompleteTransactionHistory, str::stream() << "Incomplete history detected for transaction " << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " on session " << _sessionId(), !p().hasIncompleteHistory); return boost::none; } return it->second; } UpdateRequest TransactionParticipant::Participant::_makeUpdateRequest( const SessionTxnRecord& sessionTxnRecord) const { auto updateRequest = UpdateRequest(); updateRequest.setNamespaceString(NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace); updateRequest.setUpdateModification( write_ops::UpdateModification::parseFromClassicUpdate(sessionTxnRecord.toBSON())); updateRequest.setQuery(BSON(SessionTxnRecord::kSessionIdFieldName << _sessionId().toBSON())); updateRequest.setUpsert(true); return updateRequest; } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::addCommittedStmtIds( OperationContext* opCtx, const std::vector& stmtIdsCommitted, const repl::OpTime& writeOpTime) { stdx::lock_guard lg(*opCtx->getClient()); for (auto stmtId : stmtIdsCommitted) { p().activeTxnCommittedStatements.emplace(stmtId, writeOpTime); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::handleWouldChangeOwningShardError( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr wouldChangeOwningShardInfo) { if (o().txnState.isNone() && p().autoCommit == boost::none) { // If this was a retryable write, reset the transaction state so this participant can be // reused for the transaction mongos will use to handle the WouldChangeOwningShard error. if (opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) { return; } invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber()); stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); _resetRetryableWriteState(); } else if (_isInternalSessionForRetryableWrite()) { // If this was a retryable transaction, add a sentinel noop to the transaction's operations // so retries can detect that a WouldChangeOwningShard error was thrown and know to throw // IncompleteTransactionHistory. uassert(5918601, "Expected retryable internal session to have a transaction, not a retryable write", p().autoCommit != boost::none); repl::ReplOperation operation; operation.setOpType(repl::OpTypeEnum::kNoop); operation.setObject(kWouldChangeOwningShardSentinel); // Set the "o2" field to differentiate between a WouldChangeOwningShard noop oplog entry // written while handling a WouldChangeOwningShard error and a noop oplog entry with // {"o": {$wouldChangeOwningShard: 1}} written by an external client through the // appendOplogNote command. operation.setObject2(BSONObj()); // Required by chunk migration and resharding. invariant(wouldChangeOwningShardInfo->getNs()); invariant(wouldChangeOwningShardInfo->getUuid()); operation.setNss(*wouldChangeOwningShardInfo->getNs()); operation.setUuid(*wouldChangeOwningShardInfo->getUuid()); ShardingWriteRouter shardingWriteRouter( opCtx, *wouldChangeOwningShardInfo->getNs(), Grid::get(opCtx)->catalogCache()); operation.setDestinedRecipient(shardingWriteRouter.getReshardingDestinedRecipient( wouldChangeOwningShardInfo->getPreImage())); // Required by chunk migration. invariant(wouldChangeOwningShardInfo->getNs()); operation.setNss(*wouldChangeOwningShardInfo->getNs()); // The operation that triggers WouldChangeOwningShard should always be the first in its // transaction. operation.setInitializedStatementIds({0}); addTransactionOperation(opCtx, operation); } } void TransactionParticipant::Participant::_registerUpdateCacheOnCommit( OperationContext* opCtx, std::vector stmtIdsWritten, const repl::OpTime& lastStmtIdWriteOpTime) { opCtx->recoveryUnit()->onCommit([opCtx, stmtIdsWritten = std::move(stmtIdsWritten), lastStmtIdWriteOpTime](boost::optional) { TransactionParticipant::Participant participant(opCtx); invariant(participant.p().isValid); RetryableWritesStats::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()) ->incrementTransactionsCollectionWriteCount(); stdx::lock_guard lg(*opCtx->getClient()); // The cache of the last written record must always be advanced after a write so that // subsequent writes have the correct point to start from. participant.o(lg).lastWriteOpTime = lastStmtIdWriteOpTime; for (const auto stmtId : stmtIdsWritten) { if (stmtId == kIncompleteHistoryStmtId) { participant.p().hasIncompleteHistory = true; continue; } const auto insertRes = participant.p().activeTxnCommittedStatements.emplace(stmtId, lastStmtIdWriteOpTime); if (!insertRes.second) { const auto& existingOpTime = insertRes.first->second; fassertOnRepeatedExecution(participant._sessionId(), participant.o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter, stmtId, existingOpTime, lastStmtIdWriteOpTime); } } // If this is the first time executing a retryable write, we should indicate that to // the transaction participant. if (participant.o(lg).txnState.isNone()) { participant.o(lg).txnState.transitionTo(TransactionState::kExecutedRetryableWrite); } }); onPrimaryTransactionalWrite.execute([&](const BSONObj& data) { const auto closeConnectionElem = data["closeConnection"]; if (closeConnectionElem.eoo() || closeConnectionElem.Bool()) { opCtx->getClient()->session()->end(); } const auto failBeforeCommitExceptionElem = data["failBeforeCommitExceptionCode"]; if (!failBeforeCommitExceptionElem.eoo()) { const auto failureCode = ErrorCodes::Error(int(failBeforeCommitExceptionElem.Number())); uasserted(failureCode, str::stream() << "Failing write for " << _sessionId() << ":" << o().activeTxnNumberAndRetryCounter.getTxnNumber() << " due to failpoint. The write must not be reflected."); } }); } } // namespace mongo