/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kStorage #define LOG_FOR_TRANSACTION(level) \ MONGO_LOG_COMPONENT(level, ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kTransaction) #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction_participant.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/index_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/test_commands_enabled.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/d_concurrency.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/lock_state.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/locker.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/write_conflict_exception.h" #include "mongo/db/curop_failpoint_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/dbdirectclient.h" #include "mongo/db/index/index_access_method.h" #include "mongo/db/op_observer.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context_session_mongod.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/update.h" #include "mongo/db/query/get_executor.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_client_info.h" #include "mongo/db/retryable_writes_stats.h" #include "mongo/db/server_parameters.h" #include "mongo/db/server_transactions_metrics.h" #include "mongo/db/session.h" #include "mongo/db/session_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/stats/fill_locker_info.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction_history_iterator.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point_service.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/net/socket_utils.h" namespace mongo { // Server parameter that dictates the max number of milliseconds that any transaction lock request // will wait for lock acquisition. If an operation provides a greater timeout in a lock request, // maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis will override it. If this is set to a negative value, it // is inactive and nothing will be overridden. // // 5 milliseconds will help avoid deadlocks, but will still allow fast-running metadata operations // to run without aborting transactions. MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis, int, 5); // Server parameter that dictates the lifetime given to each transaction. // Transactions must eventually expire to preempt storage cache pressure immobilizing the system. MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds, std::int32_t, 60) ->withValidator([](const auto& potentialNewValue) { if (potentialNewValue < 1) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds must be greater than or equal to 1s"); } return Status::OK(); }); namespace { // Failpoint which will pause an operation just after allocating a point-in-time storage engine // transaction. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterPreallocateSnapshot); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterReservingPrepareTimestamp); const auto getTransactionParticipant = Session::declareDecoration(); // The command names that are allowed in a prepared transaction. const StringMap preparedTxnCmdWhitelist = { {"abortTransaction", 1}, {"commitTransaction", 1}, {"prepareTransaction", 1}}; void fassertOnRepeatedExecution(const LogicalSessionId& lsid, TxnNumber txnNumber, StmtId stmtId, const repl::OpTime& firstOpTime, const repl::OpTime& secondOpTime) { severe() << "Statement id " << stmtId << " from transaction [ " << lsid.toBSON() << ":" << txnNumber << " ] was committed once with opTime " << firstOpTime << " and a second time with opTime " << secondOpTime << ". This indicates possible data corruption or server bug and the process will be " "terminated."; fassertFailed(40526); } struct ActiveTransactionHistory { boost::optional lastTxnRecord; TransactionParticipant::CommittedStatementTimestampMap committedStatements; bool transactionCommitted{false}; bool hasIncompleteHistory{false}; }; ActiveTransactionHistory fetchActiveTransactionHistory(OperationContext* opCtx, const LogicalSessionId& lsid) { // Since we are using DBDirectClient to read the transactions table and the oplog, we should // never be reading from a snapshot, but directly from what is the latest on disk. This // invariant guards against programming errors where the default read concern on the // OperationContext could have been changed to something other than 'local'. invariant(repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx).getLevel() == repl::ReadConcernLevel::kLocalReadConcern); ActiveTransactionHistory result; result.lastTxnRecord = [&]() -> boost::optional { DBDirectClient client(opCtx); auto result = client.findOne(NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns(), {BSON(SessionTxnRecord::kSessionIdFieldName << lsid.toBSON())}); if (result.isEmpty()) { return boost::none; } return SessionTxnRecord::parse(IDLParserErrorContext("parse latest txn record for session"), result); }(); if (!result.lastTxnRecord) { return result; } auto it = TransactionHistoryIterator(result.lastTxnRecord->getLastWriteOpTime()); while (it.hasNext()) { try { const auto entry = it.next(opCtx); invariant(entry.getStatementId()); if (*entry.getStatementId() == kIncompleteHistoryStmtId) { // Only the dead end sentinel can have this id for oplog write history invariant(entry.getObject2()); invariant(entry.getObject2()->woCompare(TransactionParticipant::kDeadEndSentinel) == 0); result.hasIncompleteHistory = true; continue; } const auto insertRes = result.committedStatements.emplace(*entry.getStatementId(), entry.getOpTime()); if (!insertRes.second) { const auto& existingOpTime = insertRes.first->second; fassertOnRepeatedExecution(lsid, result.lastTxnRecord->getTxnNum(), *entry.getStatementId(), existingOpTime, entry.getOpTime()); } // applyOps oplog entry marks the commit of a transaction. if (entry.getCommandType() == repl::OplogEntry::CommandType::kApplyOps) { result.transactionCommitted = true; } } catch (const DBException& ex) { if (ex.code() == ErrorCodes::IncompleteTransactionHistory) { result.hasIncompleteHistory = true; break; } throw; } } return result; } void updateSessionEntry(OperationContext* opCtx, const UpdateRequest& updateRequest) { // Current code only supports replacement update. dassert(UpdateDriver::isDocReplacement(updateRequest.getUpdates())); AutoGetCollection autoColl(opCtx, NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace, MODE_IX); uassert(40527, str::stream() << "Unable to persist transaction state because the session transaction " "collection is missing. This indicates that the " << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns() << " collection has been manually deleted.", autoColl.getCollection()); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); auto collection = autoColl.getCollection(); auto idIndex = collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIdIndex(opCtx); uassert(40672, str::stream() << "Failed to fetch _id index for " << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns(), idIndex); auto indexAccess = collection->getIndexCatalog()->getIndex(idIndex); // Since we are looking up a key inside the _id index, create a key object consisting of only // the _id field. auto idToFetch = updateRequest.getQuery().firstElement(); auto toUpdateIdDoc = idToFetch.wrap(); dassert(idToFetch.fieldNameStringData() == "_id"_sd); auto recordId = indexAccess->findSingle(opCtx, toUpdateIdDoc); auto startingSnapshotId = opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getSnapshotId(); if (recordId.isNull()) { // Upsert case. auto status = collection->insertDocument( opCtx, InsertStatement(updateRequest.getUpdates()), nullptr, false); if (status == ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey) { throw WriteConflictException(); } uassertStatusOK(status); wuow.commit(); return; } auto originalRecordData = collection->getRecordStore()->dataFor(opCtx, recordId); auto originalDoc = originalRecordData.toBson(); invariant(collection->getDefaultCollator() == nullptr); boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContext(opCtx, nullptr)); auto matcher = fassert(40673, MatchExpressionParser::parse(updateRequest.getQuery(), std::move(expCtx))); if (!matcher->matchesBSON(originalDoc)) { // Document no longer match what we expect so throw WCE to make the caller re-examine. throw WriteConflictException(); } CollectionUpdateArgs args; args.update = updateRequest.getUpdates(); args.criteria = toUpdateIdDoc; args.fromMigrate = false; collection->updateDocument(opCtx, recordId, Snapshotted(startingSnapshotId, originalDoc), updateRequest.getUpdates(), false, // indexesAffected = false because _id is the only index nullptr, &args); wuow.commit(); } // Failpoint which allows different failure actions to happen after each write. Supports the // parameters below, which can be combined with each other (unless explicitly disallowed): // // closeConnection (bool, default = true): Closes the connection on which the write was executed. // failBeforeCommitExceptionCode (int, default = not specified): If set, the specified exception // code will be thrown, which will cause the write to not commit; if not specified, the write // will be allowed to commit. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(onPrimaryTransactionalWrite); } // namespace const BSONObj TransactionParticipant::kDeadEndSentinel(BSON("$incompleteOplogHistory" << 1)); TransactionParticipant* TransactionParticipant::get(OperationContext* opCtx) { auto session = OperationContextSession::get(opCtx); if (!session) { return nullptr; } return &getTransactionParticipant(session); } TransactionParticipant* TransactionParticipant::getFromNonCheckedOutSession(Session* session) { return &getTransactionParticipant(session); } const LogicalSessionId& TransactionParticipant::_sessionId() const { const auto* owningSession = getTransactionParticipant.owner(this); return owningSession->getSessionId(); } Status TransactionParticipant::applyAbortTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx, const repl::OplogEntry& entry, repl::OplogApplication::Mode mode) { // We don't put transactions into the prepare state until the end of recovery, so there is // no transaction to abort. if (mode == repl::OplogApplication::Mode::kRecovering) { return Status::OK(); } // Return error if run via applyOps command. uassert(50972, "abortTransaction is only used internally by secondaries.", mode != repl::OplogApplication::Mode::kApplyOpsCmd); // TODO: SERVER-36492 Only run on secondary until we support initial sync. invariant(mode == repl::OplogApplication::Mode::kSecondary); // Transaction operations are in its own batch, so we can modify their opCtx. invariant(entry.getSessionId()); invariant(entry.getTxnNumber()); opCtx->setLogicalSessionId(*entry.getSessionId()); opCtx->setTxnNumber(*entry.getTxnNumber()); // The write on transaction table may be applied concurrently, so refreshing state // from disk may read that write, causing starting a new transaction on an existing // txnNumber. Thus, we start a new transaction without refreshing state from disk. OperationContextSessionMongodWithoutRefresh sessionCheckout(opCtx); auto transaction = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); transaction->unstashTransactionResources(opCtx, "abortTransaction"); transaction->abortActiveTransaction(opCtx); return Status::OK(); } void TransactionParticipant::_beginOrContinueRetryableWrite(WithLock wl, TxnNumber txnNumber) { if (txnNumber > _activeTxnNumber) { // New retryable write. _setNewTxnNumber(wl, txnNumber); _autoCommit = boost::none; } else { // Retrying a retryable write. uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "Must specify autocommit=false on all operations of a multi-statement transaction.", _txnState.isNone(wl)); invariant(_autoCommit == boost::none); } } void TransactionParticipant::_continueMultiDocumentTransaction(WithLock wl, TxnNumber txnNumber) { uassert(ErrorCodes::NoSuchTransaction, str::stream() << "Given transaction number " << txnNumber << " does not match any in-progress transactions. The active transaction number is " << _activeTxnNumber, txnNumber == _activeTxnNumber && !_txnState.isNone(wl)); if (_txnState.isInProgress(wl) && !_txnResourceStash) { // This indicates that the first command in the transaction failed but did not implicitly // abort the transaction. It is not safe to continue the transaction, in particular because // we have not saved the readConcern from the first statement of the transaction. _abortTransactionOnSession(wl); uasserted(ErrorCodes::NoSuchTransaction, str::stream() << "Transaction " << txnNumber << " has been aborted."); } return; } void TransactionParticipant::_beginMultiDocumentTransaction(WithLock wl, TxnNumber txnNumber) { // Aborts any in-progress txns. _setNewTxnNumber(wl, txnNumber); _autoCommit = false; _txnState.transitionTo(wl, TransactionState::kInProgress); // Start tracking various transactions metrics. // // We measure the start time in both microsecond and millisecond resolution. The TickSource // provides microsecond resolution to record the duration of the transaction. The start "wall // clock" time can be considered an approximation to the microsecond measurement. auto now = getGlobalServiceContext()->getPreciseClockSource()->now(); auto tickSource = getGlobalServiceContext()->getTickSource(); _transactionExpireDate = now + stdx::chrono::seconds{transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds.load()}; { stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); _transactionMetricsObserver.onStart( ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(getGlobalServiceContext()), *_autoCommit, tickSource, now, *_transactionExpireDate); } invariant(_transactionOperations.empty()); } void TransactionParticipant::beginOrContinue(TxnNumber txnNumber, boost::optional autocommit, boost::optional startTransaction) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); _checkValid(lg); uassert(ErrorCodes::TransactionTooOld, str::stream() << "Cannot start transaction " << txnNumber << " on session " << _sessionId() << " because a newer transaction " << _activeTxnNumber << " has already started.", txnNumber >= _activeTxnNumber); // Requests without an autocommit field are interpreted as retryable writes. They cannot specify // startTransaction, which is verified earlier when parsing the request. if (!autocommit) { invariant(!startTransaction); _beginOrContinueRetryableWrite(lg, txnNumber); return; } // Attempt to continue a multi-statement transaction. In this case, it is required that // autocommit be given as an argument on the request, and currently it can only be false, which // is verified earlier when parsing the request. invariant(*autocommit == false); if (!startTransaction) { _continueMultiDocumentTransaction(lg, txnNumber); return; } // Attempt to start a multi-statement transaction, which requires startTransaction be given as // an argument on the request. The 'startTransaction' argument currently can only be specified // as true, which is verified earlier, when parsing the request. invariant(*startTransaction); if (txnNumber == _activeTxnNumber) { // Servers in a sharded cluster can start a new transaction at the active transaction number // to allow internal retries by routers on re-targeting errors, like // StaleShard/DatabaseVersion or SnapshotTooOld. uassert(ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress, "Only servers in a sharded cluster can start a new transaction at the active " "transaction number", serverGlobalParams.clusterRole != ClusterRole::None); // The active transaction number can only be reused if the transaction is not in a state // that indicates it has been involved in a two phase commit. In normal operation this check // should never fail. // // TODO SERVER-36639: Ensure the active transaction number cannot be reused if the // transaction is in the abort after prepare state (or any state indicating the participant // has been involved in a two phase commit). const auto restartableStates = TransactionState::kInProgress | TransactionState::kAborted; uassert(50911, str::stream() << "Cannot start a transaction at given transaction number " << txnNumber << " a transaction with the same number is in state " << _txnState.toString(), _txnState.isInSet(lg, restartableStates)); } _beginMultiDocumentTransaction(lg, txnNumber); } void TransactionParticipant::beginOrContinueTransactionUnconditionally(TxnNumber txnNumber) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); // We don't check or fetch any on-disk state, so treat the transaction as 'valid' for the // purposes of this method and continue the transaction unconditionally _isValid = true; if (_activeTxnNumber != txnNumber) { _beginMultiDocumentTransaction(lg, txnNumber); } } void TransactionParticipant::setSpeculativeTransactionOpTime( OperationContext* opCtx, SpeculativeTransactionOpTime opTimeChoice) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); repl::ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx->getClient()->getServiceContext()); opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setTimestampReadSource( opTimeChoice == SpeculativeTransactionOpTime::kAllCommitted ? RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kAllCommittedSnapshot : RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kLastAppliedSnapshot); opCtx->recoveryUnit()->preallocateSnapshot(); auto readTimestamp = opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getPointInTimeReadTimestamp(); invariant(readTimestamp); // Transactions do not survive term changes, so combining "getTerm" here with the // recovery unit timestamp does not cause races. _speculativeTransactionReadOpTime = {*readTimestamp, replCoord->getTerm()}; stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); _transactionMetricsObserver.onChooseReadTimestamp(*readTimestamp); } TransactionParticipant::OplogSlotReserver::OplogSlotReserver(OperationContext* opCtx) { // Stash the transaction on the OperationContext on the stack. At the end of this function it // will be unstashed onto the OperationContext. TransactionParticipant::SideTransactionBlock sideTxn(opCtx); // Begin a new WUOW and reserve a slot in the oplog. WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); _oplogSlot = repl::getNextOpTime(opCtx); // Release the WUOW state since this WUOW is no longer in use. wuow.release(); // We must lock the Client to change the Locker on the OperationContext. stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); // The new transaction should have an empty locker, and thus we do not need to save it. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->getClientState() == Locker::ClientState::kInactive); _locker = opCtx->swapLockState(stdx::make_unique()); // Inherit the locking setting from the original one. opCtx->lockState()->setShouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication( _locker->shouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication()); _locker->unsetThreadId(); // OplogSlotReserver is only used by primary, so always set max transaction lock timeout. invariant(opCtx->writesAreReplicated()); // This thread must still respect the transaction lock timeout, since it can prevent the // transaction from making progress. auto maxTransactionLockMillis = maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis.load(); if (maxTransactionLockMillis >= 0) { opCtx->lockState()->setMaxLockTimeout(Milliseconds(maxTransactionLockMillis)); } // Save the RecoveryUnit from the new transaction and replace it with an empty one. _recoveryUnit = opCtx->releaseRecoveryUnit(); opCtx->setRecoveryUnit(std::unique_ptr( opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine()->newRecoveryUnit()), WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork); } TransactionParticipant::OplogSlotReserver::~OplogSlotReserver() { // If the constructor did not complete, we do not attempt to abort the units of work. if (_recoveryUnit) { // We should be at WUOW nesting level 1, only the top level WUOW for the oplog reservation // side transaction. _recoveryUnit->abortUnitOfWork(); _locker->endWriteUnitOfWork(); invariant(!_locker->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); } } TransactionParticipant::TxnResources::TxnResources(OperationContext* opCtx, bool keepTicket) { // We must lock the Client to change the Locker on the OperationContext. stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); _ruState = opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()->release(); opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(nullptr); _locker = opCtx->swapLockState(stdx::make_unique()); // Inherit the locking setting from the original one. opCtx->lockState()->setShouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication( _locker->shouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication()); if (!keepTicket) { _locker->releaseTicket(); } _locker->unsetThreadId(); // This thread must still respect the transaction lock timeout, since it can prevent the // transaction from making progress. auto maxTransactionLockMillis = maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis.load(); if (opCtx->writesAreReplicated() && maxTransactionLockMillis >= 0) { opCtx->lockState()->setMaxLockTimeout(Milliseconds(maxTransactionLockMillis)); } // On secondaries, max lock timeout must not be set. invariant(opCtx->writesAreReplicated() || !opCtx->lockState()->hasMaxLockTimeout()); _recoveryUnit = opCtx->releaseRecoveryUnit(); opCtx->setRecoveryUnit(std::unique_ptr( opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine()->newRecoveryUnit()), WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork); _readConcernArgs = repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx); } TransactionParticipant::TxnResources::~TxnResources() { if (!_released && _recoveryUnit) { // This should only be reached when aborting a transaction that isn't active, i.e. // when starting a new transaction before completing an old one. So we should // be at WUOW nesting level 1 (only the top level WriteUnitOfWork). _recoveryUnit->abortUnitOfWork(); _locker->endWriteUnitOfWork(); invariant(!_locker->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); } } void TransactionParticipant::TxnResources::release(OperationContext* opCtx) { // Perform operations that can fail the release before marking the TxnResources as released. _locker->reacquireTicket(opCtx); invariant(!_released); _released = true; // We intentionally do not capture the return value of swapLockState(), which is just an empty // locker. At the end of the operation, if the transaction is not complete, we will stash the // operation context's locker and replace it with a new empty locker. // It is necessary to lock the client to change the Locker on the OperationContext. stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->getClientState() == Locker::ClientState::kInactive); opCtx->swapLockState(std::move(_locker)); opCtx->lockState()->updateThreadIdToCurrentThread(); auto oldState = opCtx->setRecoveryUnit(std::move(_recoveryUnit), WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork); invariant(oldState == WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork, str::stream() << "RecoveryUnit state was " << oldState); opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(WriteUnitOfWork::createForSnapshotResume(opCtx, _ruState)); auto& readConcernArgs = repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx); readConcernArgs = _readConcernArgs; } TransactionParticipant::SideTransactionBlock::SideTransactionBlock(OperationContext* opCtx) : _opCtx(opCtx) { if (_opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()) { _txnResources = TransactionParticipant::TxnResources(_opCtx, true /* keepTicket*/); } } TransactionParticipant::SideTransactionBlock::~SideTransactionBlock() { if (_txnResources) { // Restore the transaction state onto '_opCtx'. _txnResources->release(_opCtx); } } void TransactionParticipant::_stashActiveTransaction(WithLock, OperationContext* opCtx) { if (_inShutdown) { return; } invariant(_activeTxnNumber == opCtx->getTxnNumber()); { stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); _transactionMetricsObserver.onStash(ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx), tickSource); _transactionMetricsObserver.onTransactionOperation( opCtx->getClient(), CurOp::get(opCtx)->debug().additiveMetrics); } invariant(!_txnResourceStash); _txnResourceStash = TxnResources(opCtx); } void TransactionParticipant::stashTransactionResources(OperationContext* opCtx) { if (opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) { return; } invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber()); stdx::unique_lock lg(_mutex); // Always check session's txnNumber, since it can be modified by migration, which does not // check out the session. We intentionally do not error if _txnState=kAborted, since we // expect this function to be called at the end of the 'abortTransaction' command. _checkIsActiveTransaction(lg, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), false); if (!_txnState.inMultiDocumentTransaction(lg)) { // Not in a multi-document transaction: nothing to do. return; } _stashActiveTransaction(lg, opCtx); } void TransactionParticipant::unstashTransactionResources(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& cmdName) { if (opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) { return; } invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber()); { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); // Always check session's txnNumber and '_txnState', since they can be modified by session // kill and migration, which do not check out the session. _checkIsActiveTransaction(lg, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), false); // If this is not a multi-document transaction, there is nothing to unstash. if (_txnState.isNone(lg)) { invariant(!_txnResourceStash); return; } _checkIsCommandValidWithTxnState(lg, opCtx, cmdName); if (_txnResourceStash) { // Transaction resources already exist for this transaction. Transfer them from the // stash to the operation context. auto& readConcernArgs = repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "Only the first command in a transaction may specify a readConcern", readConcernArgs.isEmpty()); _txnResourceStash->release(opCtx); _txnResourceStash = boost::none; stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); _transactionMetricsObserver.onUnstash(ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx), opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource()); return; } // If we have no transaction resources then we cannot be prepared. If we're not in progress, // we don't do anything else. invariant(!_txnState.isPrepared(lg)); if (!_txnState.isInProgress(lg)) { // At this point we're either committed and this is a 'commitTransaction' command, or we // are in the process of committing. return; } // Stashed transaction resources do not exist for this in-progress multi-document // transaction. Set up the transaction resources on the opCtx. opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(std::make_unique(opCtx)); // If maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis is set, then we will ensure no // future lock request waits longer than maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis // to acquire a lock. This is to avoid deadlocks and minimize non-transaction // operation performance degradations. auto maxTransactionLockMillis = maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis.load(); if (opCtx->writesAreReplicated() && maxTransactionLockMillis >= 0) { opCtx->lockState()->setMaxLockTimeout(Milliseconds(maxTransactionLockMillis)); } // On secondaries, max lock timeout must not be set. invariant(opCtx->writesAreReplicated() || !opCtx->lockState()->hasMaxLockTimeout()); stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); _transactionMetricsObserver.onUnstash(ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx), opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource()); } // Storage engine transactions may be started in a lazy manner. By explicitly // starting here we ensure that a point-in-time snapshot is established during the // first operation of a transaction. // // Active transactions are protected by the locking subsystem, so we must always hold at least a // Global intent lock before starting a transaction. We pessimistically acquire an intent // exclusive lock here because we might be doing writes in this transaction, and it is currently // not deadlock-safe to upgrade IS to IX. Lock::GlobalLock(opCtx, MODE_IX); opCtx->recoveryUnit()->preallocateSnapshot(); // The Client lock must not be held when executing this failpoint as it will block currentOp // execution. if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(hangAfterPreallocateSnapshot)) { CurOpFailpointHelpers::waitWhileFailPointEnabled( &hangAfterPreallocateSnapshot, opCtx, "hangAfterPreallocateSnapshot"); } } Timestamp TransactionParticipant::prepareTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx, boost::optional prepareOptime) { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); // Always check session's txnNumber and '_txnState', since they can be modified by // session kill and migration, which do not check out the session. _checkIsActiveTransaction(lk, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), true); ScopeGuard abortGuard = MakeGuard([&] { // Prepare transaction on secondaries should always succeed. invariant(!prepareOptime); if (lk.owns_lock()) { lk.unlock(); } try { abortActiveTransaction(opCtx); } catch (...) { // It is illegal for aborting a prepared transaction to fail for any reason, so we crash // instead. severe() << "Caught exception during abort of prepared transaction " << opCtx->getTxnNumber() << " on " << _sessionId().toBSON() << ": " << exceptionToStatus(); std::terminate(); } }); _txnState.transitionTo(lk, TransactionState::kPrepared); boost::optional oplogSlotReserver; OplogSlot prepareOplogSlot; if (prepareOptime) { // On secondary, we just prepare the transaction and discard the buffered ops. prepareOplogSlot = OplogSlot(*prepareOptime, 0); } else { // On primary, we reserve an optime, prepare the transaction and write the oplog entry. // // Reserve an optime for the 'prepareTimestamp'. This will create a hole in the oplog and // cause 'snapshot' and 'afterClusterTime' readers to block until this transaction is done // being prepared. When the OplogSlotReserver goes out of scope and is destroyed, the // storage-transaction it uses to keep the hole open will abort and the slot (and // corresponding oplog hole) will vanish. oplogSlotReserver.emplace(opCtx); prepareOplogSlot = oplogSlotReserver->getReservedOplogSlot(); invariant(_prepareOpTime.isNull(), str::stream() << "This transaction has already reserved a prepareOpTime at: " << _prepareOpTime.toString()); _prepareOpTime = prepareOplogSlot.opTime; if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(hangAfterReservingPrepareTimestamp)) { // This log output is used in js tests so please leave it. log() << "transaction - hangAfterReservingPrepareTimestamp fail point " "enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. Prepare OpTime: " << prepareOplogSlot.opTime; MONGO_FAIL_POINT_PAUSE_WHILE_SET(hangAfterReservingPrepareTimestamp); } } opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setPrepareTimestamp(prepareOplogSlot.opTime.getTimestamp()); opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()->prepare(); // We need to unlock the session to run the opObserver onTransactionPrepare, which calls back // into the session. lk.unlock(); opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver()->onTransactionPrepare(opCtx, prepareOplogSlot); abortGuard.Dismiss(); invariant(!_oldestOplogEntryTS, str::stream() << "This transaction's oldest oplog entry Timestamp has already " << "been set to: " << _oldestOplogEntryTS->toString()); // Keep track of the Timestamp from the first oplog entry written by this transaction. _oldestOplogEntryTS = prepareOplogSlot.opTime.getTimestamp(); // Maintain the Timestamp of the oldest active oplog entry for this transaction. We currently // only write an oplog entry for an in progress transaction when it is in the prepare state // but this will change when we allow multiple oplog entries per transaction. { stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); _transactionMetricsObserver.onPrepare(ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx), *_oldestOplogEntryTS); } return prepareOplogSlot.opTime.getTimestamp(); } void TransactionParticipant::addTransactionOperation(OperationContext* opCtx, const repl::ReplOperation& operation) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); // Always check _getSession()'s txnNumber and '_txnState', since they can be modified by session // kill and migration, which do not check out the session. _checkIsActiveTransaction(lk, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), true); // Ensure that we only ever add operations to an in progress transaction. invariant(_txnState.isInProgress(lk), str::stream() << "Current state: " << _txnState); invariant(_autoCommit && !*_autoCommit && _activeTxnNumber != kUninitializedTxnNumber); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); _transactionOperations.push_back(operation); _transactionOperationBytes += repl::OplogEntry::getReplOperationSize(operation); // _transactionOperationBytes is based on the in-memory size of the operation. With overhead, // we expect the BSON size of the operation to be larger, so it's possible to make a transaction // just a bit too large and have it fail only in the commit. It's still useful to fail early // when possible (e.g. to avoid exhausting server memory). uassert(ErrorCodes::TransactionTooLarge, str::stream() << "Total size of all transaction operations must be less than " << BSONObjMaxInternalSize << ". Actual size is " << _transactionOperationBytes, _transactionOperationBytes <= BSONObjMaxInternalSize); } std::vector TransactionParticipant::endTransactionAndRetrieveOperations( OperationContext* opCtx) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); // Always check session's txnNumber and '_txnState', since they can be modified by session kill // and migration, which do not check out the session. _checkIsActiveTransaction(lk, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), true); // Ensure that we only ever end a transaction when prepared or in progress. invariant(_txnState.isInSet(lk, TransactionState::kPrepared | TransactionState::kInProgress), str::stream() << "Current state: " << _txnState); invariant(_autoCommit); _transactionOperationBytes = 0; return std::move(_transactionOperations); } void TransactionParticipant::commitUnpreparedTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx) { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); _checkIsActiveTransaction(lk, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), true); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "commitTransaction must provide commitTimestamp to prepared transaction.", !_txnState.isPrepared(lk)); // TODO SERVER-37129: Remove this invariant once we allow transactions larger than 16MB. invariant(!_oldestOplogEntryTS, str::stream() << "The oldest oplog entry Timestamp should not have been set because " << "this transaction is not prepared. But, it is currently " << _oldestOplogEntryTS->toString()); // We need to unlock the session to run the opObserver onTransactionCommit, which calls back // into the session. lk.unlock(); auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); invariant(opObserver); opObserver->onTransactionCommit(opCtx, boost::none, boost::none); lk.lock(); _checkIsActiveTransaction(lk, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), true); // The oplog entry is written in the same WUOW with the data change for unprepared transactions. // We can still consider the state is InProgress until now, since no externally visible changes // have been made yet by the commit operation. If anything throws before this point in the // function, entry point will abort the transaction. _txnState.transitionTo(lk, TransactionState::kCommittingWithoutPrepare); lk.unlock(); _commitStorageTransaction(opCtx); lk.lock(); _checkIsActiveTransaction(lk, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), false); invariant(_txnState.isCommittingWithoutPrepare(lk), str::stream() << "Current State: " << _txnState); _finishCommitTransaction(lk, opCtx); } void TransactionParticipant::commitPreparedTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx, Timestamp commitTimestamp) { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); _checkIsActiveTransaction(lk, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), true); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "commitTransaction cannot provide commitTimestamp to unprepared transaction.", _txnState.isPrepared(lk)); uassert( ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "'commitTimestamp' cannot be null", !commitTimestamp.isNull()); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "'commitTimestamp' must be greater than or equal to 'prepareTimestamp'", commitTimestamp >= _prepareOpTime.getTimestamp()); _txnState.transitionTo(lk, TransactionState::kCommittingWithPrepare); opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setCommitTimestamp(commitTimestamp); try { // We reserve an oplog slot before committing the transaction so that no writes that are // causally related to the transaction commit enter the oplog at a timestamp earlier than // the commit oplog entry. OplogSlotReserver oplogSlotReserver(opCtx); const auto commitOplogSlot = oplogSlotReserver.getReservedOplogSlot(); invariant(commitOplogSlot.opTime.getTimestamp() >= commitTimestamp, str::stream() << "Commit oplog entry must be greater than or equal to commit " "timestamp due to causal consistency. commit timestamp: " << commitTimestamp.toBSON() << ", commit oplog entry optime: " << commitOplogSlot.opTime.toBSON()); // We need to unlock the session to run the opObserver onTransactionCommit, which calls back // into the session. We also do not want to write to storage with the mutex locked. lk.unlock(); _commitStorageTransaction(opCtx); auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); invariant(opObserver); opObserver->onTransactionCommit(opCtx, commitOplogSlot, commitTimestamp); lk.lock(); _checkIsActiveTransaction(lk, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), true); _finishCommitTransaction(lk, opCtx); } catch (...) { // It is illegal for committing a prepared transaction to fail for any reason, other than an // invalid command, so we crash instead. severe() << "Caught exception during commit of prepared transaction " << opCtx->getTxnNumber() << " on " << _sessionId().toBSON() << ": " << exceptionToStatus(); std::terminate(); } } void TransactionParticipant::_commitStorageTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx) try { invariant(opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()); opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()->commit(); opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(nullptr); // We must clear the recovery unit and locker for the 'config.transactions' and oplog entry // writes. opCtx->setRecoveryUnit(std::unique_ptr( opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine()->newRecoveryUnit()), WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork); opCtx->lockState()->unsetMaxLockTimeout(); } catch (...) { // It is illegal for committing a storage-transaction to fail so we crash instead. severe() << "Caught exception during commit of storage-transaction " << opCtx->getTxnNumber() << " on " << _sessionId().toBSON() << ": " << exceptionToStatus(); std::terminate(); } void TransactionParticipant::_finishCommitTransaction(WithLock lk, OperationContext* opCtx) { // If no writes have been done, set the client optime forward to the read timestamp so waiting // for write concern will ensure all read data was committed. // // TODO(SERVER-34881): Once the default read concern is speculative majority, only set the // client optime forward if the original read concern level is "majority" or "snapshot". auto& clientInfo = repl::ReplClientInfo::forClient(opCtx->getClient()); if (_speculativeTransactionReadOpTime > clientInfo.getLastOp()) { clientInfo.setLastOp(_speculativeTransactionReadOpTime); } _txnState.transitionTo(lk, TransactionState::kCommitted); { stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); auto tickSource = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getTickSource(); _transactionMetricsObserver.onCommit(ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(opCtx), tickSource, _oldestOplogEntryTS, &Top::get(getGlobalServiceContext())); _transactionMetricsObserver.onTransactionOperation( opCtx->getClient(), CurOp::get(opCtx)->debug().additiveMetrics); } // We must clear the recovery unit and locker so any post-transaction writes can run without // transactional settings such as a read timestamp. _cleanUpTxnResourceOnOpCtx(lk, opCtx, TransactionState::kCommitted); } void TransactionParticipant::shutdown() { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); _inShutdown = true; _txnResourceStash = boost::none; } void TransactionParticipant::abortArbitraryTransaction() { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); if (!_txnState.isInProgress(lock)) { // We do not want to abort transactions that are prepared unless we get an // 'abortTransaction' command. return; } _abortTransactionOnSession(lock); } void TransactionParticipant::abortArbitraryTransactionIfExpired() { stdx::lock_guard lock(_mutex); if (!_txnState.isInProgress(lock) || !_transactionExpireDate || _transactionExpireDate >= Date_t::now()) { return; } const auto* session = getTransactionParticipant.owner(this); auto currentOperation = session->getCurrentOperation(); if (currentOperation) { // If an operation is still running for this transaction when it expires, kill the currently // running operation. stdx::lock_guard clientLock(*currentOperation->getClient()); getGlobalServiceContext()->killOperation(currentOperation, ErrorCodes::ExceededTimeLimit); } // Log after killing the current operation because jstests may wait to see this log message to // imply that the operation has been killed. log() << "Aborting transaction with txnNumber " << _activeTxnNumber << " on session with lsid " << session->getSessionId().getId() << " because it has been running for longer than 'transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds'"; _abortTransactionOnSession(lock); } void TransactionParticipant::abortActiveTransaction(OperationContext* opCtx) { stdx::unique_lock lock(_mutex); // This function shouldn't throw if the transaction is already aborted. _checkIsActiveTransaction(lock, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), false); _abortActiveTransaction( std::move(lock), opCtx, TransactionState::kInProgress | TransactionState::kPrepared); } void TransactionParticipant::abortActiveUnpreparedOrStashPreparedTransaction( OperationContext* opCtx) try { stdx::unique_lock lock(_mutex); if (_txnState.isInSet(lock, TransactionState::kNone)) { // If there is no active transaction, do nothing. return; } // We do this check to follow convention and maintain safety. If this were to throw we should // have returned in the check above. As a result, throwing here is fatal. _checkIsActiveTransaction(lock, *opCtx->getTxnNumber(), false); // Stash the transaction if it's in prepared state. if (_txnState.isInSet(lock, TransactionState::kPrepared)) { _stashActiveTransaction(lock, opCtx); return; } // TODO SERVER-37129: Remove this invariant once we allow transactions larger than 16MB. invariant(!_oldestOplogEntryTS, str::stream() << "The oldest oplog entry Timestamp should not have been set because " << "this transaction is not prepared. But, it is currently " << _oldestOplogEntryTS->toString()); _abortActiveTransaction(std::move(lock), opCtx, TransactionState::kInProgress); } catch (...) { // It is illegal for this to throw so we catch and log this here for diagnosability. severe() << "Caught exception during transaction " << opCtx->getTxnNumber() << " abort or stash on " << _sessionId().toBSON() << " in state " << _txnState << ": " << exceptionToStatus(); std::terminate(); } void TransactionParticipant::abortOrYieldArbitraryTransaction( std::vector>* yieldedLocks) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); if (_txnState.isInProgress(lk)) { _abortTransactionOnSession(lk); return; } if (_txnState.isPrepared(lk)) { Locker::LockSnapshot locks; _txnResourceStash->locker()->saveLockStateAndUnlockForPrepare(&locks); yieldedLocks->push_back(std::make_pair(_txnResourceStash->locker(), std::move(locks))); } } void TransactionParticipant::_abortActiveTransaction(stdx::unique_lock lock, OperationContext* opCtx, TransactionState::StateSet expectedStates) { invariant(!_txnResourceStash); invariant(!_txnState.isCommittingWithPrepare(lock)); if (!_txnState.isNone(lock)) { stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); _transactionMetricsObserver.onTransactionOperation( opCtx->getClient(), CurOp::get(opCtx)->debug().additiveMetrics); } // We reserve an oplog slot before aborting the transaction so that no writes that are causally // related to the transaction abort enter the oplog at a timestamp earlier than the abort oplog // entry. On secondaries, we generate a fake empty oplog slot, since it's not used by the // OpObserver. boost::optional oplogSlotReserver; boost::optional abortOplogSlot; if (_txnState.isPrepared(lock) && opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) { oplogSlotReserver.emplace(opCtx); abortOplogSlot = oplogSlotReserver->getReservedOplogSlot(); } // Clean up the transaction resources on the opCtx even if the transaction resources on the // session were not aborted. This actually aborts the storage-transaction. _cleanUpTxnResourceOnOpCtx(lock, opCtx, TransactionState::kAborted); // Write the abort oplog entry. This must be done after aborting the storage transaction, so // that the lock state is reset, and there is no max lock timeout on the locker. We need to // unlock the session to run the opObserver onTransactionAbort, which calls back into the // session. lock.unlock(); auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); invariant(opObserver); opObserver->onTransactionAbort(opCtx, abortOplogSlot); lock.lock(); // We do not check if the active transaction number is correct here because we handle it below. // Only abort the transaction in session if it's in expected states. // When the state of active transaction on session is not expected, it means another // thread has already aborted the transaction on session. if (_txnState.isInSet(lock, expectedStates)) { invariant(opCtx->getTxnNumber() == _activeTxnNumber); _abortTransactionOnSession(lock); } else if (opCtx->getTxnNumber() == _activeTxnNumber) { if (_txnState.isNone(lock)) { // The active transaction is not a multi-document transaction. invariant(opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork() == nullptr); return; } // Cannot abort these states unless they are specified in expectedStates explicitly. const auto unabortableStates = TransactionState::kPrepared // | TransactionState::kCommittingWithPrepare // | TransactionState::kCommittingWithoutPrepare // | TransactionState::kCommitted; // invariant(!_txnState.isInSet(lock, unabortableStates), str::stream() << "Cannot abort transaction in " << _txnState.toString()); } else { // If _activeTxnNumber is higher than ours, it means the transaction is already aborted. invariant(_txnState.isInSet(lock, TransactionState::kNone | TransactionState::kAborted)); } } void TransactionParticipant::_abortTransactionOnSession(WithLock wl) { const auto tickSource = getGlobalServiceContext()->getTickSource(); // If the transaction is stashed, then we have aborted an inactive transaction. if (_txnResourceStash) { // The transaction is stashed, so we abort the inactive transaction on session. { stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); _transactionMetricsObserver.onAbortInactive( ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(getGlobalServiceContext()), tickSource, _oldestOplogEntryTS, &Top::get(getGlobalServiceContext())); } _logSlowTransaction(wl, &(_txnResourceStash->locker()->getLockerInfo(boost::none))->stats, TransactionState::kAborted, _txnResourceStash->getReadConcernArgs()); _txnResourceStash = boost::none; } else { stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); _transactionMetricsObserver.onAbortActive( ServerTransactionsMetrics::get(getGlobalServiceContext()), tickSource, _oldestOplogEntryTS, &Top::get(getGlobalServiceContext())); } _transactionOperationBytes = 0; _transactionOperations.clear(); _txnState.transitionTo(wl, TransactionState::kAborted); _prepareOpTime = repl::OpTime(); _oldestOplogEntryTS = boost::none; _speculativeTransactionReadOpTime = repl::OpTime(); } void TransactionParticipant::_cleanUpTxnResourceOnOpCtx( WithLock wl, OperationContext* opCtx, TransactionState::StateFlag terminationCause) { // Log the transaction if its duration is longer than the slowMS command threshold. _logSlowTransaction( wl, &(opCtx->lockState()->getLockerInfo(CurOp::get(*opCtx)->getLockStatsBase()))->stats, terminationCause, repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx)); // Reset the WUOW. We should be able to abort empty transactions that don't have WUOW. if (opCtx->getWriteUnitOfWork()) { opCtx->setWriteUnitOfWork(nullptr); } // We must clear the recovery unit and locker so any post-transaction writes can run without // transactional settings such as a read timestamp. opCtx->setRecoveryUnit(std::unique_ptr( opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine()->newRecoveryUnit()), WriteUnitOfWork::RecoveryUnitState::kNotInUnitOfWork); opCtx->lockState()->unsetMaxLockTimeout(); } void TransactionParticipant::_checkIsActiveTransaction(WithLock wl, const TxnNumber& requestTxnNumber, bool checkAbort) const { uassert(ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress, str::stream() << "Cannot perform operations on requested transaction " << requestTxnNumber << " on session " << _sessionId() << " because a different transaction " << _activeTxnNumber << " is now active.", requestTxnNumber == _activeTxnNumber); uassert(ErrorCodes::NoSuchTransaction, str::stream() << "Transaction " << _activeTxnNumber << " has been aborted.", !checkAbort || !_txnState.isAborted(wl)); } void TransactionParticipant::_checkIsCommandValidWithTxnState(WithLock wl, OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& cmdName) { // Throw NoSuchTransaction error instead of TransactionAborted error since this is the entry // point of transaction execution. uassert(ErrorCodes::NoSuchTransaction, str::stream() << "Transaction " << *opCtx->getTxnNumber() << " has been aborted.", !_txnState.isAborted(wl)); // Cannot change committed transaction but allow retrying commitTransaction command. uassert(ErrorCodes::TransactionCommitted, str::stream() << "Transaction " << *opCtx->getTxnNumber() << " has been committed.", cmdName == "commitTransaction" || !_txnState.isCommitted(wl)); // Disallow operations other than abort, prepare or commit on a prepared transaction uassert(ErrorCodes::PreparedTransactionInProgress, str::stream() << "Cannot call any operation other than abort, prepare or commit on" << " a prepared transaction", !_txnState.isPrepared(wl) || preparedTxnCmdWhitelist.find(cmdName) != preparedTxnCmdWhitelist.cend()); } BSONObj TransactionParticipant::reportStashedState() const { BSONObjBuilder builder; reportStashedState(&builder); return builder.obj(); } void TransactionParticipant::reportStashedState(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { stdx::lock_guard lm(_mutex); if (_txnResourceStash && _txnResourceStash->locker()) { if (auto lockerInfo = _txnResourceStash->locker()->getLockerInfo(boost::none)) { invariant(_activeTxnNumber != kUninitializedTxnNumber); builder->append("type", "idleSession"); builder->append("host", getHostNameCachedAndPort()); builder->append("desc", "inactive transaction"); const auto& lastClientInfo = _transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats().getLastClientInfo(); builder->append("client", lastClientInfo.clientHostAndPort); builder->append("connectionId", lastClientInfo.connectionId); builder->append("appName", lastClientInfo.appName); builder->append("clientMetadata", lastClientInfo.clientMetadata); { BSONObjBuilder lsid(builder->subobjStart("lsid")); _sessionId().serialize(&lsid); } BSONObjBuilder transactionBuilder; _reportTransactionStats( lm, &transactionBuilder, _txnResourceStash->getReadConcernArgs()); builder->append("transaction", transactionBuilder.obj()); builder->append("waitingForLock", false); builder->append("active", false); fillLockerInfo(*lockerInfo, *builder); } } } void TransactionParticipant::reportUnstashedState(repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcernArgs, BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); // This method may only take the metrics mutex, as it is called with the Client mutex held. So // we cannot check the stashed state directly. Instead, a transaction is considered unstashed // if it is not actually a transaction (retryable write, no stash used), or is active (not // stashed), or has ended (any stash would be cleared). const auto& singleTransactionStats = _transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats(); if (!singleTransactionStats.isForMultiDocumentTransaction() || singleTransactionStats.isActive() || singleTransactionStats.isEnded()) { BSONObjBuilder transactionBuilder; _reportTransactionStats(lm, &transactionBuilder, readConcernArgs); builder->append("transaction", transactionBuilder.obj()); } } std::string TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::toString(StateFlag state) { switch (state) { case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kNone: return "TxnState::None"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kInProgress: return "TxnState::InProgress"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kPrepared: return "TxnState::Prepared"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kCommittingWithoutPrepare: return "TxnState::CommittingWithoutPrepare"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kCommittingWithPrepare: return "TxnState::CommittingWithPrepare"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kCommitted: return "TxnState::Committed"; case TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::kAborted: return "TxnState::Aborted"; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } bool TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::_isLegalTransition(StateFlag oldState, StateFlag newState) { switch (oldState) { case kNone: switch (newState) { case kNone: case kInProgress: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kInProgress: switch (newState) { case kNone: case kPrepared: case kCommittingWithoutPrepare: case kAborted: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kPrepared: switch (newState) { case kCommittingWithPrepare: case kAborted: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kCommittingWithPrepare: case kCommittingWithoutPrepare: switch (newState) { case kNone: case kCommitted: case kAborted: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kCommitted: switch (newState) { case kNone: case kInProgress: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; case kAborted: switch (newState) { case kNone: case kInProgress: return true; default: return false; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void TransactionParticipant::TransactionState::transitionTo(WithLock, StateFlag newState, TransitionValidation shouldValidate) { if (shouldValidate == TransitionValidation::kValidateTransition) { invariant(TransactionState::_isLegalTransition(_state, newState), str::stream() << "Current state: " << toString(_state) << ", Illegal attempted next state: " << toString(newState)); } _state = newState; } void TransactionParticipant::_reportTransactionStats(WithLock wl, BSONObjBuilder* builder, repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcernArgs) const { auto tickSource = getGlobalServiceContext()->getTickSource(); _transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats().report( builder, readConcernArgs, tickSource, tickSource->getTicks()); } std::string TransactionParticipant::_transactionInfoForLog( const SingleThreadedLockStats* lockStats, TransactionState::StateFlag terminationCause, repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcernArgs) { invariant(lockStats); invariant(terminationCause == TransactionState::kCommitted || terminationCause == TransactionState::kAborted); StringBuilder s; // User specified transaction parameters. BSONObjBuilder parametersBuilder; BSONObjBuilder lsidBuilder(parametersBuilder.subobjStart("lsid")); _sessionId().serialize(&lsidBuilder); lsidBuilder.doneFast(); parametersBuilder.append("txnNumber", _activeTxnNumber); parametersBuilder.append("autocommit", _autoCommit ? *_autoCommit : true); readConcernArgs.appendInfo(¶metersBuilder); s << "parameters:" << parametersBuilder.obj().toString() << ","; s << " readTimestamp:" << _speculativeTransactionReadOpTime.getTimestamp().toString() << ","; auto singleTransactionStats = _transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats(); s << singleTransactionStats.getOpDebug()->additiveMetrics.report(); std::string terminationCauseString = terminationCause == TransactionState::kCommitted ? "committed" : "aborted"; s << " terminationCause:" << terminationCauseString; auto tickSource = getGlobalServiceContext()->getTickSource(); auto curTick = tickSource->getTicks(); s << " timeActiveMicros:" << durationCount( singleTransactionStats.getTimeActiveMicros(tickSource, curTick)); s << " timeInactiveMicros:" << durationCount( singleTransactionStats.getTimeInactiveMicros(tickSource, curTick)); // Number of yields is always 0 in multi-document transactions, but it is included mainly to // match the format with other slow operation logging messages. s << " numYields:" << 0; // Aggregate lock statistics. BSONObjBuilder locks; lockStats->report(&locks); s << " locks:" << locks.obj().toString(); // Total duration of the transaction. s << " " << duration_cast(singleTransactionStats.getDuration(tickSource, curTick)); return s.str(); } void TransactionParticipant::_logSlowTransaction(WithLock wl, const SingleThreadedLockStats* lockStats, TransactionState::StateFlag terminationCause, repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcernArgs) { // Only log multi-document transactions. if (!_txnState.isNone(wl)) { auto tickSource = getGlobalServiceContext()->getTickSource(); // Log the transaction if its duration is longer than the slowMS command threshold. if (_transactionMetricsObserver.getSingleTransactionStats().getDuration( tickSource, tickSource->getTicks()) > Milliseconds(serverGlobalParams.slowMS)) { log(logger::LogComponent::kTransaction) << "transaction " << _transactionInfoForLog(lockStats, terminationCause, readConcernArgs); } } } void TransactionParticipant::_setNewTxnNumber(WithLock wl, const TxnNumber& txnNumber) { uassert(ErrorCodes::PreparedTransactionInProgress, "Cannot change transaction number while the session has a prepared transaction", !_txnState.isInSet( wl, TransactionState::kPrepared | TransactionState::kCommittingWithPrepare)); LOG_FOR_TRANSACTION(4) << "New transaction started with txnNumber: " << txnNumber << " on session with lsid " << _sessionId().getId(); // Abort the existing transaction if it's not prepared, committed, or aborted. if (_txnState.isInProgress(wl)) { _abortTransactionOnSession(wl); } _activeTxnNumber = txnNumber; // Reset the retryable writes state _activeTxnCommittedStatements.clear(); _hasIncompleteHistory = false; // Reset the transactional state _txnState.transitionTo(wl, TransactionState::kNone); _prepareOpTime = repl::OpTime(); _oldestOplogEntryTS = boost::none; _speculativeTransactionReadOpTime = repl::OpTime(); _multikeyPathInfo.clear(); _autoCommit = boost::none; // Reset the transactions metrics stdx::lock_guard lm(_metricsMutex); _transactionMetricsObserver.resetSingleTransactionStats(txnNumber); } void TransactionParticipant::refreshFromStorageIfNeeded(OperationContext* opCtx) { if (opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) { return; } invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); stdx::unique_lock ul(_mutex); while (!_isValid) { const int numInvalidations = _numInvalidations; ul.unlock(); auto activeTxnHistory = fetchActiveTransactionHistory(opCtx, _sessionId()); ul.lock(); // Protect against concurrent refreshes or invalidations if (!_isValid && _numInvalidations == numInvalidations) { _isValid = true; _lastWrittenSessionRecord = std::move(activeTxnHistory.lastTxnRecord); if (_lastWrittenSessionRecord) { _activeTxnNumber = _lastWrittenSessionRecord->getTxnNum(); _activeTxnCommittedStatements = std::move(activeTxnHistory.committedStatements); _hasIncompleteHistory = activeTxnHistory.hasIncompleteHistory; if (activeTxnHistory.transactionCommitted) { _txnState.transitionTo( ul, TransactionState::kCommitted, TransactionState::TransitionValidation::kRelaxTransitionValidation); } } break; } } } void TransactionParticipant::onWriteOpCompletedOnPrimary( OperationContext* opCtx, TxnNumber txnNumber, std::vector stmtIdsWritten, const repl::OpTime& lastStmtIdWriteOpTime, Date_t lastStmtIdWriteDate, boost::optional txnState) { invariant(opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); stdx::unique_lock ul(_mutex); // Sanity check that we don't double-execute statements for (const auto stmtId : stmtIdsWritten) { const auto stmtOpTime = _checkStatementExecuted(ul, txnNumber, stmtId); if (stmtOpTime) { fassertOnRepeatedExecution( _sessionId(), txnNumber, stmtId, *stmtOpTime, lastStmtIdWriteOpTime); } } const auto updateRequest = _makeUpdateRequest(ul, txnNumber, lastStmtIdWriteOpTime, lastStmtIdWriteDate, txnState); ul.unlock(); repl::UnreplicatedWritesBlock doNotReplicateWrites(opCtx); updateSessionEntry(opCtx, updateRequest); _registerUpdateCacheOnCommit( opCtx, txnNumber, std::move(stmtIdsWritten), lastStmtIdWriteOpTime); } bool TransactionParticipant::onMigrateBeginOnPrimary(OperationContext* opCtx, TxnNumber txnNumber, StmtId stmtId) { beginOrContinue(txnNumber, boost::none, boost::none); try { if (checkStatementExecuted(opCtx, txnNumber, stmtId)) { return false; } } catch (const DBException& ex) { // If the transaction chain was truncated on the recipient shard, then we // are most likely copying from a session that hasn't been touched on the // recipient shard for a very long time but could be recent on the donor. // We continue copying regardless to get the entire transaction from the donor. if (ex.code() != ErrorCodes::IncompleteTransactionHistory) { throw; } if (stmtId == kIncompleteHistoryStmtId) { return false; } } return true; } void TransactionParticipant::onMigrateCompletedOnPrimary(OperationContext* opCtx, TxnNumber txnNumber, std::vector stmtIdsWritten, const repl::OpTime& lastStmtIdWriteOpTime, Date_t oplogLastStmtIdWriteDate) { invariant(opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); stdx::unique_lock ul(_mutex); _checkValid(ul); _checkIsActiveTransaction(ul, txnNumber); // We do not migrate transaction oplog entries. auto txnState = boost::none; const auto updateRequest = _makeUpdateRequest( ul, txnNumber, lastStmtIdWriteOpTime, oplogLastStmtIdWriteDate, txnState); ul.unlock(); repl::UnreplicatedWritesBlock doNotReplicateWrites(opCtx); updateSessionEntry(opCtx, updateRequest); _registerUpdateCacheOnCommit( opCtx, txnNumber, std::move(stmtIdsWritten), lastStmtIdWriteOpTime); } void TransactionParticipant::invalidate() { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); uassert(ErrorCodes::PreparedTransactionInProgress, "Cannot invalidate prepared transaction", !_txnState.isInSet( lg, TransactionState::kPrepared | TransactionState::kCommittingWithPrepare)); _isValid = false; _numInvalidations++; _lastWrittenSessionRecord.reset(); _activeTxnNumber = kUninitializedTxnNumber; _activeTxnCommittedStatements.clear(); _hasIncompleteHistory = false; } repl::OpTime TransactionParticipant::getLastWriteOpTime(TxnNumber txnNumber) const { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); _checkValid(lg); _checkIsActiveTransaction(lg, txnNumber); if (!_lastWrittenSessionRecord || _lastWrittenSessionRecord->getTxnNum() != txnNumber) return {}; return _lastWrittenSessionRecord->getLastWriteOpTime(); } boost::optional TransactionParticipant::checkStatementExecuted( OperationContext* opCtx, TxnNumber txnNumber, StmtId stmtId) const { const auto stmtTimestamp = [&] { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); return _checkStatementExecuted(lg, txnNumber, stmtId); }(); if (!stmtTimestamp) return boost::none; TransactionHistoryIterator txnIter(*stmtTimestamp); while (txnIter.hasNext()) { const auto entry = txnIter.next(opCtx); invariant(entry.getStatementId()); if (*entry.getStatementId() == stmtId) return entry; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } bool TransactionParticipant::checkStatementExecutedNoOplogEntryFetch(TxnNumber txnNumber, StmtId stmtId) const { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); return bool(_checkStatementExecuted(lg, txnNumber, stmtId)); } void TransactionParticipant::_checkValid(WithLock) const { uassert(ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress, str::stream() << "Session " << _sessionId() << " was concurrently modified and the operation must be retried.", _isValid); } void TransactionParticipant::_checkIsActiveTransaction(WithLock, TxnNumber txnNumber) const { uassert(ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress, str::stream() << "Cannot perform operations on transaction " << txnNumber << " on session " << _sessionId() << " because a different transaction " << _activeTxnNumber << " is now active.", txnNumber == _activeTxnNumber); } boost::optional TransactionParticipant::_checkStatementExecuted(WithLock wl, TxnNumber txnNumber, StmtId stmtId) const { _checkValid(wl); _checkIsActiveTransaction(wl, txnNumber); const auto it = _activeTxnCommittedStatements.find(stmtId); if (it == _activeTxnCommittedStatements.end()) { uassert(ErrorCodes::IncompleteTransactionHistory, str::stream() << "Incomplete history detected for transaction " << txnNumber << " on session " << _sessionId(), !_hasIncompleteHistory); return boost::none; } invariant(_lastWrittenSessionRecord); invariant(_lastWrittenSessionRecord->getTxnNum() == txnNumber); return it->second; } Date_t TransactionParticipant::_getLastWriteDate(WithLock wl, TxnNumber txnNumber) const { _checkValid(wl); _checkIsActiveTransaction(wl, txnNumber); if (!_lastWrittenSessionRecord || _lastWrittenSessionRecord->getTxnNum() != txnNumber) return {}; return _lastWrittenSessionRecord->getLastWriteDate(); } UpdateRequest TransactionParticipant::_makeUpdateRequest( WithLock, TxnNumber newTxnNumber, const repl::OpTime& newLastWriteOpTime, Date_t newLastWriteDate, boost::optional newState) const { UpdateRequest updateRequest(NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace); const auto updateBSON = [&] { SessionTxnRecord newTxnRecord; newTxnRecord.setSessionId(_sessionId()); newTxnRecord.setTxnNum(newTxnNumber); newTxnRecord.setLastWriteOpTime(newLastWriteOpTime); newTxnRecord.setLastWriteDate(newLastWriteDate); newTxnRecord.setState(newState); return newTxnRecord.toBSON(); }(); updateRequest.setUpdates(updateBSON); updateRequest.setQuery(BSON(SessionTxnRecord::kSessionIdFieldName << _sessionId().toBSON())); updateRequest.setUpsert(true); return updateRequest; } void TransactionParticipant::_registerUpdateCacheOnCommit( OperationContext* opCtx, TxnNumber newTxnNumber, std::vector stmtIdsWritten, const repl::OpTime& lastStmtIdWriteOpTime) { opCtx->recoveryUnit()->onCommit( [ this, newTxnNumber, stmtIdsWritten = std::move(stmtIdsWritten), lastStmtIdWriteOpTime ]( boost::optional) { RetryableWritesStats::get(getGlobalServiceContext()) ->incrementTransactionsCollectionWriteCount(); stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (!_isValid) return; // The cache of the last written record must always be advanced after a write so that // subsequent writes have the correct point to start from. if (!_lastWrittenSessionRecord) { _lastWrittenSessionRecord.emplace(); _lastWrittenSessionRecord->setSessionId(_sessionId()); _lastWrittenSessionRecord->setTxnNum(newTxnNumber); _lastWrittenSessionRecord->setLastWriteOpTime(lastStmtIdWriteOpTime); } else { if (newTxnNumber > _lastWrittenSessionRecord->getTxnNum()) _lastWrittenSessionRecord->setTxnNum(newTxnNumber); if (lastStmtIdWriteOpTime > _lastWrittenSessionRecord->getLastWriteOpTime()) _lastWrittenSessionRecord->setLastWriteOpTime(lastStmtIdWriteOpTime); } if (newTxnNumber > _activeTxnNumber) { // This call is necessary in order to advance the txn number and reset the cached // state in the case where just before the storage transaction commits, the cache // entry gets invalidated and immediately refreshed while there were no writes for // newTxnNumber yet. In this case _activeTxnNumber will be less than newTxnNumber // and we will fail to update the cache even though the write was successful. _beginOrContinueRetryableWrite(lg, newTxnNumber); } if (newTxnNumber == _activeTxnNumber) { for (const auto stmtId : stmtIdsWritten) { if (stmtId == kIncompleteHistoryStmtId) { _hasIncompleteHistory = true; continue; } const auto insertRes = _activeTxnCommittedStatements.emplace(stmtId, lastStmtIdWriteOpTime); if (!insertRes.second) { const auto& existingOpTime = insertRes.first->second; fassertOnRepeatedExecution(_sessionId(), newTxnNumber, stmtId, existingOpTime, lastStmtIdWriteOpTime); } } } }); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_BLOCK(onPrimaryTransactionalWrite, customArgs) { const auto& data = customArgs.getData(); const auto closeConnectionElem = data["closeConnection"]; if (closeConnectionElem.eoo() || closeConnectionElem.Bool()) { opCtx->getClient()->session()->end(); } const auto failBeforeCommitExceptionElem = data["failBeforeCommitExceptionCode"]; if (!failBeforeCommitExceptionElem.eoo()) { const auto failureCode = ErrorCodes::Error(int(failBeforeCommitExceptionElem.Number())); uasserted(failureCode, str::stream() << "Failing write for " << _sessionId() << ":" << newTxnNumber << " due to failpoint. The write must not be reflected."); } } } } // namespace mongo