/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/db/update/update_leaf_node.h" namespace mongo { /** * The apply() function for an update modifier must * 1) update the element at the update path if it exists; * 2) raise a user error, indicate a no-op, or create and initialize a new element if the update * path does not exist, depending on the specific modifier semantics; * 3) check for any changes that modify an immutable path; * 4) determine whether indexes may be affected; * 5) validate that the updated document is valid for storage; and * 6) create an oplog entry for the update. * ModifierNode provides a generic implementation of the apply() function that does all this heavy * lifting and calls out to modifier-specific overrides that customize apply() behavior where * necessary. */ class ModifierNode : public UpdateLeafNode { public: explicit ModifierNode(Context context = Context::kAll) : UpdateLeafNode(context) {} ApplyResult apply(ApplyParams applyParams, UpdateNodeApplyParams updateNodeApplyParams) const final; protected: enum class ModifyResult { // No log entry is necessary for no-op updates. kNoOp, // The update can be logged as normal (usually with a $set on the entire element). kNormalUpdate, // The element is an array, and the update only appends new array items to the end. The // update can be logged as a $set on each appended element, rather than including the entire // array in the log entry. kArrayAppendUpdate, // The element did not exist, so it was created then populated with setValueForNewElement(). // The updateExistingElement() method should never return this value. kCreated }; /** * ModifierNode::apply() calls this method when applying an update to an existing path. The * child's implementation of this method is responsible for updating 'element' and indicating * what kind of update was performed in its return value. */ virtual ModifyResult updateExistingElement(mutablebson::Element* element, const FieldRef& elementPath) const = 0; /** * ModifierNode::apply() calls this method when applying an update to a path that does not yet * exist and should be created. The child's implementation of this method is responsible for * assigning a value to the new element, which will initially be null. * * This method only gets called when the child class implementation of allowCreation() returns * true. ModiferNode child classes should override setValueForNewElement() iff allowCreation() * returns true. */ virtual void setValueForNewElement(mutablebson::Element* element) const { // Only implementations that return true for allowCreation() will override this method. MONGO_UNREACHABLE; }; /** * ModifierNode::apply() calls this method after it finishes applying its update to validate * that no changes resulted in an invalid document. See the implementation of * storage_validation::scanDocument() for more detail about document validation requirements. * Most ModifierNode child classes can use the default implementation of this method. * * - 'updatedElement' is the element that was set by either updateExistingElement() or * setValueForNewElement(). * - 'leftSibling' and 'rightSibling' are the left and right siblings of 'updatedElement' or * are invalid if 'updatedElement' is the first or last element in its object, respectively. * If a ModifierNode deletes an element as part of its update (as $unset does), * 'updatedElement' will be invalid, but validateUpdate() can use the siblings to perform * validation instead. * - 'recursionLevel' is the document nesting depth of the 'updatedElement' field. * - 'modifyResult' is either the value returned by updateExistingElement() or the value * ModifyResult::kCreated. * - If 'validateForStorage' is true, we should verify that the updated element is valid for * storage. * - 'containsDotsAndDollarsField' is true if 'updatedElement' contains any dots/dollars field. */ virtual void validateUpdate(mutablebson::ConstElement updatedElement, mutablebson::ConstElement leftSibling, mutablebson::ConstElement rightSibling, std::uint32_t recursionLevel, ModifyResult modifyResult, bool validateForStorage, bool* containsDotsAndDollarsField) const; /** * ModifierNode::apply() calls this method after validation to create an oplog entry for the * applied update. Most ModifierNode child classes can use the default implementation of this * method, which creates a $set entry using 'pathTaken' for the path and 'element' for the * value. * * - 'logBuilder' provides the interface for appending log entries. * - 'pathTaken' is the path of the applied update. * - 'element' is the element that was set by either updateExistingElement() or * setValueForNewElement(). * - 'modifyResult' is either the value returned by updateExistingElement() or the value * ModifyResult::kCreated. * - 'createdFieldIdx' indicates what the first component in 'pathTaken' is that was created as * part of this update. If the update did not add any new fields, boost::none should be * provided. */ virtual void logUpdate(LogBuilderInterface* logBuilder, const RuntimeUpdatePath& pathTaken, mutablebson::Element element, ModifyResult modifyResult, boost::optional createdFieldIdx) const; /** * ModifierNode::apply() calls this method to determine what to do when applying an update to a * path that does not exist. If the child class overrides this method to return true, * ModifierNode::apply() will create a new element at the path and call setValueForNewElement() * on it. Child classes must implement setValueForNewElement() iff this function returns true. */ virtual bool allowCreation() const { return false; } /** * When allowCreation() returns false, ModiferNode::apply() calls this method when determining * if an update to a non-existent path is a no-op or an error. When allowNonViablePath() is * false, an update to a path that could be created (i.e. a "viable" path) is a no-op, and an * update to a path that could not be created results in a PathNotViable user error. When * allowNonViablePath() is true, there is no viabilty check, and any update to a nonexistent * path is a no-op. */ virtual bool allowNonViablePath() const { return false; } /** * When it is possible for updateExistingElement to replace the element's contents with an * object value (e.g., {$set: {a: {c: 1}}} applied to the document {a: {b:1}}), * ModifierNode::apply() has to do extra work to determine if any immutable paths have been * modified. Any ModifierNode child class that can perform such an update should override this * method to return true, so that ModifierNode::apply() knows to do the extra checks. */ virtual bool canSetObjectValue() const { return false; } void produceSerializationMap( FieldRef* currentPath, std::map>>* operatorOrientedUpdates) const override { (*operatorOrientedUpdates)[operatorName().toString()].emplace_back( currentPath->dottedField(), operatorValue()); } private: /** * Retrieve the name of the operator this node represents in input syntax. For example, for the * input syntax: {$set: {a: 3}}, this function would return "$set". */ virtual StringData operatorName() const = 0; /** * Retrieve the value this operator applies as a single-element BSONObj with an empty string as * the keyname. For example, for the input syntax: {$set: {a: 3}}, this function would return: * {"": 3} in BSON. */ virtual BSONObj operatorValue() const = 0; ApplyResult applyToNonexistentElement(ApplyParams applyParams, UpdateNodeApplyParams updateNodeApplyParams) const; ApplyResult applyToExistingElement(ApplyParams applyParams, UpdateNodeApplyParams updateNodeApplyParams) const; }; } // namespace mongo