/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/update/push_node.h" #include #include "mongo/base/simple_string_data_comparator.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/algorithm.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_parser.h" #include "mongo/db/update/update_internal_node.h" namespace mongo { const StringData PushNode::kEachClauseName = "$each"_sd; const StringData PushNode::kSliceClauseName = "$slice"; const StringData PushNode::kSortClauseName = "$sort"; const StringData PushNode::kPositionClauseName = "$position"; namespace { /** * std::abs(LLONG_MIN) results in undefined behavior on 2's complement systems because the * absolute value of LLONG_MIN cannot be represented in a 'long long'. * * If the input is LLONG_MIN, will return std::abs(LLONG_MIN + 1). */ long long safeApproximateAbs(long long val) { return val == std::numeric_limits::min() ? std::abs(val + 1) : std::abs(val); } } // namespace Status PushNode::init(BSONElement modExpr, const boost::intrusive_ptr& expCtx) { invariant(modExpr.ok()); if (modExpr.type() == BSONType::Object && modExpr[kEachClauseName]) { std::set validClauseNames{ kEachClauseName, kSliceClauseName, kSortClauseName, kPositionClauseName}; auto clausesFound = SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.makeStringDataUnorderedMap(); for (auto&& modifier : modExpr.embeddedObject()) { auto clauseName = modifier.fieldNameStringData(); auto foundClauseName = validClauseNames.find(clauseName); if (foundClauseName == validClauseNames.end()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "Unrecognized clause in $push: " << modifier.fieldNameStringData()); } if (clausesFound.find(*foundClauseName) != clausesFound.end()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "Only one " << clauseName << " is supported."); } clausesFound.insert(std::make_pair(*foundClauseName, modifier)); } // Parse $each. auto eachIt = clausesFound.find(kEachClauseName); invariant(eachIt != clausesFound.end()); // We already checked for a $each clause. const auto& eachClause = eachIt->second; if (eachClause.type() != BSONType::Array) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "The argument to $each in $push must be" " an array but it was of type: " << typeName(eachClause.type())); } for (auto&& item : eachClause.embeddedObject()) { _valuesToPush.push_back(item); } // Parse (optional) $slice. auto sliceIt = clausesFound.find(kSliceClauseName); if (sliceIt != clausesFound.end()) { auto sliceClause = sliceIt->second; auto parsedSliceValue = sliceClause.parseIntegerElementToLong(); if (parsedSliceValue.isOK()) { _slice = parsedSliceValue.getValue(); } else { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "The value for $slice must " "be an integer value but was given type: " << typeName(sliceClause.type())); } } // Parse (optional) $sort. auto sortIt = clausesFound.find(kSortClauseName); if (sortIt != clausesFound.end()) { auto sortClause = sortIt->second; if (sortClause.type() == BSONType::Object) { auto status = pattern_cmp::checkSortClause(sortClause.embeddedObject()); if (status.isOK()) { _sort = PatternElementCmp(sortClause.embeddedObject(), expCtx->getCollator()); } else { return status; } } else if (sortClause.isNumber()) { double orderVal = sortClause.Number(); if (orderVal == -1 || orderVal == 1) { _sort = PatternElementCmp(BSON("" << orderVal), expCtx->getCollator()); } else { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "The $sort element value must be either 1 or -1"); } } else { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "The $sort is invalid: use 1/-1 to sort the whole element, " "or {field:1/-1} to sort embedded fields"); } } // Parse (optional) $position. auto positionIt = clausesFound.find(kPositionClauseName); if (positionIt != clausesFound.end()) { auto positionClause = positionIt->second; auto parsedPositionValue = positionClause.parseIntegerElementToLong(); if (parsedPositionValue.isOK()) { _position = parsedPositionValue.getValue(); } else { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "The value for $position must " "be an integer value, not of type: " << typeName(positionClause.type())); } } } else { // No $each clause. We treat the value of $push as the element to add to the array. _valuesToPush.push_back(modExpr); } return Status::OK(); } BSONObj PushNode::operatorValue() const { BSONObjBuilder bob; { BSONObjBuilder subBuilder(bob.subobjStart("")); { // This serialization function always produces $each regardless of whether the input // contained it. BSONObjBuilder eachBuilder(subBuilder.subarrayStart("$each")); for (const auto& value : _valuesToPush) eachBuilder << value; } if (_slice) subBuilder << "$slice" << _slice.value(); if (_position) subBuilder << "$position" << _position.value(); if (_sort) { // The sort pattern is stored in a dummy enclosing object that we must unwrap. if (_sort->useWholeValue) subBuilder << "$sort" << _sort->sortPattern.firstElement(); else subBuilder << "$sort" << _sort->sortPattern; } } return bob.obj(); } ModifierNode::ModifyResult PushNode::insertElementsWithPosition( mutablebson::Element* array, boost::optional position, const std::vector& valuesToPush) { if (valuesToPush.empty()) { return ModifyResult::kNoOp; } auto& document = array->getDocument(); auto firstElementToInsert = document.makeElementWithNewFieldName(StringData(), valuesToPush.front()); // We assume that no array has more than std::numerical_limits::max() elements. long long arraySize = static_cast(countChildren(*array)); // We insert the first element of 'valuesToPush' at the location requested in the 'position' // variable. ModifyResult result; if (arraySize == 0) { invariant(array->pushBack(firstElementToInsert)); result = ModifyResult::kNormalUpdate; } else if (!position || position.value() > arraySize) { invariant(array->pushBack(firstElementToInsert)); result = ModifyResult::kArrayAppendUpdate; } else if (position.value() > 0) { auto insertAfter = getNthChild(*array, position.value() - 1); invariant(insertAfter.addSiblingRight(firstElementToInsert)); result = ModifyResult::kNormalUpdate; } else if (position.value() < 0 && safeApproximateAbs(position.value()) < arraySize) { auto insertAfter = getNthChild(*array, arraySize - safeApproximateAbs(position.value()) - 1); invariant(insertAfter.addSiblingRight(firstElementToInsert)); result = ModifyResult::kNormalUpdate; } else { invariant(array->pushFront(firstElementToInsert)); result = ModifyResult::kNormalUpdate; } // We insert all the rest of the elements after the one we just // inserted. // // TODO: The use of std::accumulate here is maybe questionable // given that we are ignoring the return value. MSVC flagged this, // and we worked around by tagging the result as unused. [[maybe_unused]] auto ignored = std::accumulate(std::next(valuesToPush.begin()), valuesToPush.end(), firstElementToInsert, [&document](auto&& insertAfter, auto& valueToInsert) { auto nextElementToInsert = document.makeElementWithNewFieldName(StringData(), valueToInsert); invariant(insertAfter.addSiblingRight(nextElementToInsert)); return nextElementToInsert; }); return result; } ModifierNode::ModifyResult PushNode::performPush(mutablebson::Element* element, const FieldRef* elementPath) const { if (element->getType() != BSONType::Array) { invariant(elementPath); // We can only hit this error if we are updating an existing path. auto idElem = mutablebson::findFirstChildNamed(element->getDocument().root(), "_id"); uasserted(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "The field '" << elementPath->dottedField() << "'" << " must be an array but is of type " << typeName(element->getType()) << " in document {" << (idElem.ok() ? idElem.toString() : "no id") << "}"); } auto result = insertElementsWithPosition(element, _position, _valuesToPush); if (_sort) { result = ModifyResult::kNormalUpdate; sortChildren(*element, *_sort); } if (_slice) { const auto sliceAbs = safeApproximateAbs(_slice.value()); while (static_cast(countChildren(*element)) > sliceAbs) { result = ModifyResult::kNormalUpdate; if (_slice.value() >= 0) { invariant(element->popBack()); } else { // A negative value in '_slice' trims the array down to abs(_slice) but removes // entries from the front of the array instead of the back. invariant(element->popFront()); } } } return result; } ModifierNode::ModifyResult PushNode::updateExistingElement(mutablebson::Element* element, const FieldRef& elementPath) const { return performPush(element, &elementPath); } void PushNode::logUpdate(LogBuilderInterface* logBuilder, const RuntimeUpdatePath& pathTaken, mutablebson::Element element, ModifyResult modifyResult, boost::optional createdFieldIdx) const { invariant(logBuilder); if (modifyResult == ModifyResult::kNormalUpdate) { uassertStatusOK(logBuilder->logUpdatedField(pathTaken, element)); } else if (modifyResult == ModifyResult::kCreated) { invariant(createdFieldIdx); uassertStatusOK(logBuilder->logCreatedField(pathTaken, *createdFieldIdx, element)); } else if (modifyResult == ModifyResult::kArrayAppendUpdate) { // This update only modified the array by appending entries to the end. Rather than writing // out the entire contents of the array, we create oplog entries for the newly appended // elements. const auto numAppended = _valuesToPush.size(); const auto arraySize = countChildren(element); // We have to copy the field ref provided in order to use RuntimeUpdatePathTempAppend. RuntimeUpdatePath pathTakenCopy = pathTaken; invariant(arraySize > numAppended); auto position = arraySize - numAppended; for (const auto& valueToLog : _valuesToPush) { const std::string positionAsString = std::to_string(position); RuntimeUpdatePathTempAppend tempAppend( pathTakenCopy, positionAsString, RuntimeUpdatePath::ComponentType::kArrayIndex); uassertStatusOK( logBuilder->logCreatedField(pathTakenCopy, pathTakenCopy.size() - 1, valueToLog)); ++position; } } else { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } void PushNode::setValueForNewElement(mutablebson::Element* element) const { BSONObj emptyArray; invariant(element->setValueArray(emptyArray)); (void)performPush(element, nullptr); } } // namespace mongo