// basictests.cpp : basic unit tests // /** * Copyright (C) 2009 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/pch.h" #include "mongo/db/db.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context_impl.h" #include "mongo/dbtests/dbtests.h" #include "mongo/util/array.h" #include "mongo/util/base64.h" #include "mongo/util/compress.h" #include "mongo/util/paths.h" #include "mongo/util/queue.h" #include "mongo/util/stringutils.h" #include "mongo/util/text.h" #include "mongo/util/time_support.h" namespace BasicTests { class Rarely { public: void run() { int first = 0; int second = 0; int third = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 128; ++i ) { incRarely( first ); incRarely2( second ); ONCE ++third; } ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, first ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, second ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, third ); } private: void incRarely( int &c ) { RARELY ++c; } void incRarely2( int &c ) { RARELY ++c; } }; class Base64Tests { public: void roundTrip( string s ) { ASSERT_EQUALS( s , base64::decode( base64::encode( s ) ) ); } void roundTrip( const unsigned char * _data , int len ) { const char *data = (const char *) _data; string s = base64::encode( data , len ); string out = base64::decode( s ); ASSERT_EQUALS( out.size() , static_cast(len) ); bool broke = false; for ( int i=0; i= 0 && sec <= 2 ); t.reset(); } if ( matches < 2 ) mongo::unittest::log() << "matches:" << matches << endl; ASSERT( matches >= 2 ); sleepmicros( 1527123 ); ASSERT( t.micros() > 1000000 ); ASSERT( t.micros() < 2000000 ); t.reset(); sleepmillis( 1727 ); ASSERT( t.millis() >= 1000 ); ASSERT( t.millis() <= 2500 ); { int total = 1200; int ms = 2; t.reset(); for ( int i=0; i<(total/ms); i++ ) { sleepmillis( ms ); } { int x = t.millis(); if ( x < 1000 || x > 2500 ) { cout << "sleeptest finds sleep accuracy to be not great. x: " << x << endl; ASSERT( x >= 1000 ); ASSERT( x <= 20000 ); } } } #ifdef __linux__ { int total = 1200; int micros = 100; t.reset(); int numSleeps = 1000*(total/micros); for ( int i=0; i 2500 ) { cout << "sleeptest y: " << y << endl; ASSERT( y >= 1000 ); /* ASSERT( y <= 100000 ); */ } } } #endif } }; class SleepBackoffTest { public: void run() { int maxSleepTimeMillis = 1000; Backoff backoff( maxSleepTimeMillis, maxSleepTimeMillis * 2 ); // Double previous sleep duration ASSERT_EQUALS( backoff.getNextSleepMillis( 0, 0, 0 ), 1 ); ASSERT_EQUALS( backoff.getNextSleepMillis( 2, 0, 0 ), 4 ); ASSERT_EQUALS( backoff.getNextSleepMillis( 256, 0, 0 ), 512 ); // Make sure our backoff increases to the maximum value ASSERT_EQUALS( backoff.getNextSleepMillis( maxSleepTimeMillis - 200, 0, 0 ), maxSleepTimeMillis ); ASSERT_EQUALS( backoff.getNextSleepMillis( maxSleepTimeMillis * 2, 0, 0 ), maxSleepTimeMillis ); // Make sure that our backoff gets reset if we wait much longer than the maximum wait unsigned long long resetAfterMillis = maxSleepTimeMillis + maxSleepTimeMillis * 2; ASSERT_EQUALS( backoff.getNextSleepMillis( 20, resetAfterMillis, 0), 40 ); // no reset here ASSERT_EQUALS( backoff.getNextSleepMillis( 20, resetAfterMillis + 1, 0), 1 ); // reset expected } }; class AssertTests { public: int x; AssertTests() { x = 0; } string foo() { x++; return ""; } void run() { uassert( -1 , foo() , 1 ); if( x != 0 ) { ASSERT_EQUALS( 0 , x ); } try { uassert( -1 , foo() , 0 ); } catch ( ... ) {} ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 , x ); } }; namespace ArrayTests { class basic1 { public: void run() { FastArray a(100); a.push_back( 5 ); a.push_back( 6 ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2 , a.size() ); FastArray::iterator i = a.begin(); ASSERT( i != a.end() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5 , *i ); ++i; ASSERT( i != a.end() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 6 , *i ); ++i; ASSERT( i == a.end() ); } }; }; class ThreadSafeStringTest { public: void run() { ThreadSafeString s; s = "eliot"; ASSERT_EQUALS( s.toString() , "eliot" ); ASSERT( s.toString() != "eliot2" ); ThreadSafeString s2; s2 = s.toString().c_str(); ASSERT_EQUALS( s2.toString() , "eliot" ); { string foo; { ThreadSafeString bar; bar = "eliot2"; foo = bar.toString(); } ASSERT_EQUALS( "eliot2" , foo ); } } }; class DatabaseOwnsNS { public: void run() { OperationContextImpl txn; Lock::GlobalWrite lk(txn.lockState()); WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn.recoveryUnit()); Database db( &txn, "dbtests_basictests_ownsns", NULL ); wunit.commit(); ASSERT( db.ownsNS( "dbtests_basictests_ownsns.x" ) ); ASSERT( db.ownsNS( "dbtests_basictests_ownsns.x.y" ) ); ASSERT( !db.ownsNS( "dbtests_basictests_ownsn.x.y" ) ); ASSERT( !db.ownsNS( "dbtests_basictests_ownsnsa.x.y" ) ); } }; class PtrTests { public: void run() { scoped_ptr p1 (new int(1)); boost::shared_ptr p2 (new int(2)); scoped_ptr p3 (new int(3)); boost::shared_ptr p4 (new int(4)); //non-const ASSERT_EQUALS( p1.get() , ptr(p1) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p2.get() , ptr(p2) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p2.get() , ptr(p2.get()) ); // T* constructor ASSERT_EQUALS( p2.get() , ptr(ptr(p2)) ); // copy constructor ASSERT_EQUALS( *p2 , *ptr(p2)); ASSERT_EQUALS( p2.get() , ptr >(&p2)->get() ); // operator-> //const ASSERT_EQUALS( p1.get() , ptr(p1) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p2.get() , ptr(p2) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p2.get() , ptr(p2.get()) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p3.get() , ptr(p3) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p4.get() , ptr(p4) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p4.get() , ptr(p4.get()) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p2.get() , ptr(ptr(p2)) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p2.get() , ptr(ptr(p2)) ); // constizing copy constructor ASSERT_EQUALS( *p2 , *ptr(p2)); ASSERT_EQUALS( p2.get() , ptr >(&p2)->get() ); //bool context ASSERT( ptr(p1) ); ASSERT( !ptr(NULL) ); ASSERT( !ptr() ); #if 0 // These shouldn't compile ASSERT_EQUALS( p3.get() , ptr(p3) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p4.get() , ptr(p4) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( p2.get() , ptr(ptr(p2)) ); #endif } }; struct StringSplitterTest { void test( string s ) { vector v = StringSplitter::split( s , "," ); ASSERT_EQUALS( s , StringSplitter::join( v , "," ) ); } void run() { test( "a" ); test( "a,b" ); test( "a,b,c" ); vector x = StringSplitter::split( "axbxc" , "x" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3 , (int)x.size() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "a" , x[0] ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "b" , x[1] ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "c" , x[2] ); x = StringSplitter::split( "axxbxxc" , "xx" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3 , (int)x.size() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "a" , x[0] ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "b" , x[1] ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "c" , x[2] ); } }; struct IsValidUTF8Test { // macros used to get valid line numbers #define good(s) ASSERT(isValidUTF8(s)); #define bad(s) ASSERT(!isValidUTF8(s)); void run() { good("A"); good("\xC2\xA2"); // cent: ¢ good("\xE2\x82\xAC"); // euro: € good("\xF0\x9D\x90\x80"); // Blackboard A: 𝐀 //abrupt end bad("\xC2"); bad("\xE2\x82"); bad("\xF0\x9D\x90"); bad("\xC2 "); bad("\xE2\x82 "); bad("\xF0\x9D\x90 "); //too long bad("\xF8\x80\x80\x80\x80"); bad("\xFC\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80"); bad("\xFE\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80"); bad("\xFF\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80"); bad("\xF5\x80\x80\x80"); // U+140000 > U+10FFFF bad("\x80"); //cant start with continuation byte bad("\xC0\x80"); // 2-byte version of ASCII NUL #undef good #undef bad } }; class QueueTest { public: void run() { BlockingQueue q; Timer t; int x; ASSERT( ! q.blockingPop( x , 5 ) ); ASSERT( t.seconds() > 3 && t.seconds() < 9 ); } }; class StrTests { public: void run() { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1u , str::count( "abc" , 'b' ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3u , str::count( "babab" , 'b' ) ); } }; class HostAndPortTests { public: void run() { HostAndPort a( "x1" , 1000 ); HostAndPort b( "x1" , 1000 ); HostAndPort c( "x1" , 1001 ); HostAndPort d( "x2" , 1000 ); ASSERT( a == b ); ASSERT( a != c ); ASSERT( a != d ); } }; class RelativePathTest { public: void run() { RelativePath a = RelativePath::fromRelativePath( "a" ); RelativePath b = RelativePath::fromRelativePath( "a" ); RelativePath c = RelativePath::fromRelativePath( "b" ); RelativePath d = RelativePath::fromRelativePath( "a/b" ); ASSERT( a == b ); ASSERT( a != c ); ASSERT( a != d ); ASSERT( c != d ); } }; struct CompressionTest1 { void run() { const char * c = "this is a test"; std::string s; size_t len = compress(c, strlen(c)+1, &s); verify( len > 0 ); std::string out; bool ok = uncompress(s.c_str(), s.size(), &out); verify(ok); verify( strcmp(out.c_str(), c) == 0 ); } } ctest1; class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite( "basic" ) { } void setupTests() { add< Rarely >(); add< Base64Tests >(); add< stringbuildertests::simple1 >(); add< stringbuildertests::simple2 >(); add< stringbuildertests::reset1 >(); add< stringbuildertests::reset2 >(); add< sleeptest >(); add< SleepBackoffTest >(); add< AssertTests >(); add< ArrayTests::basic1 >(); add< DatabaseOwnsNS >(); add< PtrTests >(); add< StringSplitterTest >(); add< IsValidUTF8Test >(); add< QueueTest >(); add< StrTests >(); add< HostAndPortTests >(); add< RelativePathTest >(); add< CompressionTest1 >(); } } myall; } // namespace BasicTests