typedef BtreeBucket::_KeyNode _KeyNode; const char* ns() { return "unittests.btreetests"; } // dummy, valid record loc const DiskLoc recordLoc() { return DiskLoc( 0, 2 ); } class Ensure { public: Ensure() { _c.ensureIndex( ns(), BSON( "a" << 1 ), false, "testIndex", false, // given two versions not sure if cache true would mess us up... false, BTVERSION); } ~Ensure() { _c.dropCollection( ns() ); //_c.dropIndexes( ns() ); } private: DBDirectClient _c; }; class Base : public Ensure { public: Base() : _context( ns() ) { { bool f = false; verify( f = true ); massert( 10402 , "verify is misdefined", f); } } virtual ~Base() {} static string bigNumString( long long n, int len = 800 ) { char sub[17]; sprintf( sub, "%.16llx", n ); string val( len, ' ' ); for( int i = 0; i < len; ++i ) { val[ i ] = sub[ i % 16 ]; } return val; } protected: const BtreeBucket* bt() { return id().head.btree(); } DiskLoc dl() { return id().head; } IndexDetails& id() { NamespaceDetails *nsd = nsdetails( ns() ); verify( nsd ); verify( nsd->getTotalIndexCount() >= 2 ); return nsd->idx( 1 ); } void checkValid( int nKeys ) { ASSERT( bt() ); ASSERT( bt()->isHead() ); bt()->assertValid( order(), true ); ASSERT_EQUALS( nKeys, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); } void dump() { bt()->dumpTree( dl(), order() ); } void insert( BSONObj &key ) { const BtreeBucket *b = bt(); b->bt_insert( dl(), recordLoc(), key, Ordering::make(order()), true, id(), true ); getDur().commitIfNeeded(); } bool unindex( BSONObj &key ) { getDur().commitIfNeeded(); return bt()->unindex( dl(), id(), key, recordLoc() ); } static BSONObj simpleKey( char c, int n = 1 ) { BSONObjBuilder builder; string val( n, c ); builder.append( "a", val ); return builder.obj(); } void locate( BSONObj &key, int expectedPos, bool expectedFound, const DiskLoc &expectedLocation, int direction = 1 ) { int pos; bool found; DiskLoc location = bt()->locate( id(), dl(), key, Ordering::make(order()), pos, found, recordLoc(), direction ); ASSERT_EQUALS( expectedFound, found ); ASSERT( location == expectedLocation ); ASSERT_EQUALS( expectedPos, pos ); } bool present( BSONObj &key, int direction ) { int pos; bool found; bt()->locate( id(), dl(), key, Ordering::make(order()), pos, found, recordLoc(), direction ); return found; } BSONObj order() { return id().keyPattern(); } const BtreeBucket *child( const BtreeBucket *b, int i ) { verify( i <= b->nKeys() ); DiskLoc d; if ( i == b->nKeys() ) { d = b->getNextChild(); } else { d = b->keyNode( i ).prevChildBucket; } verify( !d.isNull() ); return d.btree(); } void checkKey( char i ) { stringstream ss; ss << i; checkKey( ss.str() ); } void checkKey( const string &k ) { BSONObj key = BSON( "" << k ); // log() << "key: " << key << endl; ASSERT( present( key, 1 ) ); ASSERT( present( key, -1 ) ); } private: Lock::GlobalWrite lk_; Client::Context _context; }; class Create : public Base { public: Create() { } void run() { checkValid( 0 ); } }; class SimpleInsertDelete : public Base { public: void run() { BSONObj key = simpleKey( 'z' ); insert( key ); checkValid( 1 ); locate( key, 0, true, dl() ); unindex( key ); checkValid( 0 ); locate( key, 0, false, DiskLoc() ); } }; class SplitUnevenBucketBase : public Base { public: virtual ~SplitUnevenBucketBase() {} void run() { for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { BSONObj shortKey = simpleKey( shortToken( i ), 1 ); insert( shortKey ); BSONObj longKey = simpleKey( longToken( i ), 800 ); insert( longKey ); } checkValid( 20 ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, bt()->nKeys() ); checkSplit(); } protected: virtual char shortToken( int i ) const = 0; virtual char longToken( int i ) const = 0; static char leftToken( int i ) { return 'a' + i; } static char rightToken( int i ) { return 'z' - i; } virtual void checkSplit() = 0; }; class SplitRightHeavyBucket : public SplitUnevenBucketBase { private: virtual char shortToken( int i ) const { return leftToken( i ); } virtual char longToken( int i ) const { return rightToken( i ); } virtual void checkSplit() { ASSERT_EQUALS( 15, child( bt(), 0 )->nKeys() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, child( bt(), 1 )->nKeys() ); } }; class SplitLeftHeavyBucket : public SplitUnevenBucketBase { private: virtual char shortToken( int i ) const { return rightToken( i ); } virtual char longToken( int i ) const { return leftToken( i ); } virtual void checkSplit() { ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, child( bt(), 0 )->nKeys() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 15, child( bt(), 1 )->nKeys() ); } }; class MissingLocate : public Base { public: void run() { for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { BSONObj k = simpleKey( 'b' + 2 * i ); insert( k ); } locate( 1, 'a', 'b', dl() ); locate( 1, 'c', 'd', dl() ); locate( 1, 'e', 'f', dl() ); locate( 1, 'g', 'g' + 1, DiskLoc() ); // of course, 'h' isn't in the index. // old behavior // locate( -1, 'a', 'b', dl() ); // locate( -1, 'c', 'd', dl() ); // locate( -1, 'e', 'f', dl() ); // locate( -1, 'g', 'f', dl() ); locate( -1, 'a', 'a' - 1, DiskLoc() ); // of course, 'a' - 1 isn't in the index locate( -1, 'c', 'b', dl() ); locate( -1, 'e', 'd', dl() ); locate( -1, 'g', 'f', dl() ); } private: void locate( int direction, char token, char expectedMatch, DiskLoc expectedLocation ) { BSONObj k = simpleKey( token ); int expectedPos = ( expectedMatch - 'b' ) / 2; Base::locate( k, expectedPos, false, expectedLocation, direction ); } }; class MissingLocateMultiBucket : public Base { public: void run() { for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { insert( i ); } insert( 9 ); insert( 8 ); // dump(); BSONObj straddle = key( 'i' ); locate( straddle, 0, false, dl(), 1 ); straddle = key( 'k' ); locate( straddle, 0, false, dl(), -1 ); } private: BSONObj key( char c ) { return simpleKey( c, 800 ); } void insert( int i ) { BSONObj k = key( 'b' + 2 * i ); Base::insert( k ); } }; class SERVER983 : public Base { public: void run() { for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { insert( i ); } // dump(); BSONObj straddle = key( 'o' ); locate( straddle, 0, false, dl(), 1 ); straddle = key( 'q' ); locate( straddle, 0, false, dl(), -1 ); } private: BSONObj key( char c ) { return simpleKey( c, 800 ); } void insert( int i ) { BSONObj k = key( 'b' + 2 * i ); Base::insert( k ); } }; class DontReuseUnused : public Base { public: void run() { for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { insert( i ); } // dump(); BSONObj root = key( 'p' ); unindex( root ); Base::insert( root ); locate( root, 0, true, bt()->getNextChild(), 1 ); } private: BSONObj key( char c ) { return simpleKey( c, 800 ); } void insert( int i ) { BSONObj k = key( 'b' + 2 * i ); Base::insert( k ); } }; /* // QUERY_MIGRATION: port later class PackUnused : public Base { public: void run() { for ( long long i = 0; i < 1000000; i += 1000 ) { insert( i ); } string orig, after; { stringstream ss; bt()->shape( ss ); orig = ss.str(); } vector< string > toDel; vector< string > other; BSONObjBuilder start; start.appendMinKey( "a" ); BSONObjBuilder end; end.appendMaxKey( "a" ); auto_ptr< BtreeCursor > c( BtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( ns() ), id(), start.done(), end.done(), false, 1 ) ); while( c->ok() ) { bool has_child = c->getBucket().btree()->keyNode(c->getKeyOfs()).prevChildBucket.isNull(); if (has_child) { toDel.push_back( c->currKey().firstElement().valuestr() ); } else { other.push_back( c->currKey().firstElement().valuestr() ); } c->advance(); } ASSERT( toDel.size() > 0 ); for( vector< string >::const_iterator i = toDel.begin(); i != toDel.end(); ++i ) { BSONObj o = BSON( "a" << *i ); unindex( o ); } ASSERT( other.size() > 0 ); for( vector< string >::const_iterator i = other.begin(); i != other.end(); ++i ) { BSONObj o = BSON( "a" << *i ); unindex( o ); } long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); for ( long long i = 50000; i < 50100; ++i ) { insert( i ); } long long unused2 = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 100, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused2, true ) ); // log() << "old unused: " << unused << ", new unused: " << unused2 << endl; // ASSERT( unused2 <= unused ); } protected: void insert( long long n ) { string val = bigNumString( n ); BSONObj k = BSON( "a" << val ); Base::insert( k ); } }; class DontDropReferenceKey : public PackUnused { public: void run() { // with 80 root node is full for ( long long i = 0; i < 80; i += 1 ) { insert( i ); } BSONObjBuilder start; start.appendMinKey( "a" ); BSONObjBuilder end; end.appendMaxKey( "a" ); BSONObj l = bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson(); string toInsert; auto_ptr< BtreeCursor > c( BtreeCursor::make( nsdetails( ns() ), id(), start.done(), end.done(), false, 1 ) ); while( c->ok() ) { if ( c->currKey().woCompare( l ) > 0 ) { toInsert = c->currKey().firstElement().valuestr(); break; } c->advance(); } // too much work to try to make this happen through inserts and deletes // we are intentionally manipulating the btree bucket directly here BtreeBucket::Loc* L = const_cast< BtreeBucket::Loc* >( &bt()->keyNode( 1 ).prevChildBucket ); getDur().writing(L)->Null(); getDur().writingInt( const_cast< BtreeBucket::Loc& >( bt()->keyNode( 1 ).recordLoc ).GETOFS() ) |= 1; // make unused BSONObj k = BSON( "a" << toInsert ); Base::insert( k ); } }; */ class MergeBuckets : public Base { public: virtual ~MergeBuckets() {} void run() { for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { insert( i ); } // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); int expectedCount = 10 - unindexKeys(); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( expectedCount, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); } protected: BSONObj key( char c ) { return simpleKey( c, 800 ); } void insert( int i ) { BSONObj k = key( 'b' + 2 * i ); Base::insert( k ); } virtual int unindexKeys() = 0; }; class MergeBucketsLeft : public MergeBuckets { virtual int unindexKeys() { BSONObj k = key( 'b' ); unindex( k ); k = key( 'b' + 2 ); unindex( k ); k = key( 'b' + 4 ); unindex( k ); k = key( 'b' + 6 ); unindex( k ); return 4; } }; class MergeBucketsRight : public MergeBuckets { virtual int unindexKeys() { BSONObj k = key( 'b' + 2 * 9 ); unindex( k ); return 1; } }; // deleting from head won't coalesce yet // class MergeBucketsHead : public MergeBuckets { // virtual BSONObj unindexKey() { return key( 'p' ); } // }; class MergeBucketsDontReplaceHead : public Base { public: void run() { for ( int i = 0; i < 18; ++i ) { insert( i ); } // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = key( 'a' + 17 ); unindex( k ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 17, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); } private: BSONObj key( char c ) { return simpleKey( c, 800 ); } void insert( int i ) { BSONObj k = key( 'a' + i ); Base::insert( k ); } }; // Tool to construct custom trees for tests. class ArtificialTree : public BtreeBucket { public: void push( const BSONObj &key, const DiskLoc &child ) { KeyOwned k(key); pushBack( dummyDiskLoc(), k, Ordering::make( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ), child ); } void setNext( const DiskLoc &child ) { nextChild = child; } static DiskLoc make( IndexDetails &id ) { DiskLoc ret = addBucket( id ); is( ret )->init(); getDur().commitIfNeeded(); return ret; } static ArtificialTree *is( const DiskLoc &l ) { return static_cast< ArtificialTree * >( l.btreemod() ); } static DiskLoc makeTree( const string &spec, IndexDetails &id ) { return makeTree( fromjson( spec ), id ); } static DiskLoc makeTree( const BSONObj &spec, IndexDetails &id ) { DiskLoc node = make( id ); ArtificialTree *n = ArtificialTree::is( node ); BSONObjIterator i( spec ); while( i.more() ) { BSONElement e = i.next(); DiskLoc child; if ( e.type() == Object ) { child = makeTree( e.embeddedObject(), id ); } if ( e.fieldName() == string( "_" ) ) { n->setNext( child ); } else { n->push( BSON( "" << expectedKey( e.fieldName() ) ), child ); } } n->fixParentPtrs( node ); return node; } static void setTree( const string &spec, IndexDetails &id ) { set( makeTree( spec, id ), id ); } static void set( const DiskLoc &l, IndexDetails &id ) { ArtificialTree::is( id.head )->deallocBucket( id.head, id ); *getDur().writing(&id.head) = l; } static string expectedKey( const char *spec ) { if ( spec[ 0 ] != '$' ) { return spec; } char *endPtr; // parsing a long long is a pain, so just allow shorter keys for now unsigned long long num = strtol( spec + 1, &endPtr, 16 ); int len = 800; if( *endPtr == '$' ) { len = strtol( endPtr + 1, 0, 16 ); } return Base::bigNumString( num, len ); } static void checkStructure( const BSONObj &spec, const IndexDetails &id, const DiskLoc node ) { ArtificialTree *n = ArtificialTree::is( node ); BSONObjIterator j( spec ); for( int i = 0; i < n->n; ++i ) { ASSERT( j.more() ); BSONElement e = j.next(); KeyNode kn = n->keyNode( i ); string expected = expectedKey( e.fieldName() ); ASSERT( present( id, BSON( "" << expected ), 1 ) ); ASSERT( present( id, BSON( "" << expected ), -1 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( expected, kn.key.toBson().firstElement().valuestr() ); if ( kn.prevChildBucket.isNull() ) { ASSERT( e.type() == jstNULL ); } else { ASSERT( e.type() == Object ); checkStructure( e.embeddedObject(), id, kn.prevChildBucket ); } } if ( n->nextChild.isNull() ) { // maybe should allow '_' field with null value? ASSERT( !j.more() ); } else { BSONElement e = j.next(); ASSERT_EQUALS( string( "_" ), e.fieldName() ); ASSERT( e.type() == Object ); checkStructure( e.embeddedObject(), id, n->nextChild ); } ASSERT( !j.more() ); } static void checkStructure( const string &spec, const IndexDetails &id ) { checkStructure( fromjson( spec ), id, id.head ); } static bool present( const IndexDetails &id, const BSONObj &key, int direction ) { int pos; bool found; id.head.btree()->locate( id, id.head, key, Ordering::make(id.keyPattern()), pos, found, recordLoc(), direction ); return found; } int headerSize() const { return BtreeBucket::headerSize(); } int packedDataSize( int pos ) const { return BtreeBucket::packedDataSize( pos ); } void fixParentPtrs( const DiskLoc &thisLoc ) { BtreeBucket::fixParentPtrs( thisLoc ); } void forcePack() { topSize += emptySize; emptySize = 0; setNotPacked(); } private: DiskLoc dummyDiskLoc() const { return DiskLoc( 0, 2 ); } }; /** * We could probably refactor the following tests, but it's easier to debug * them in the present state. */ class MergeBucketsDelInternal : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{d:{b:{a:null},bb:null,_:{c:null}},_:{f:{e:null},_:{g:null}}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 8, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "bb" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{b:{a:null},d:{c:null},f:{e:null},_:{g:null}}", id() ); } }; class MergeBucketsRightNull : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{d:{b:{a:null},bb:null,cc:{c:null}},_:{f:{e:null},h:{g:null}}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 10, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "bb" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 9, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{b:{a:null},cc:{c:null},d:null,f:{e:null},h:{g:null}}", id() ); } }; // not yet handling this case class DontMergeSingleBucket : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{d:{b:{a:null},c:null}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "c" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{d:{b:{a:null}}}", id() ); } }; class ParentMergeNonRightToLeft : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{d:{b:{a:null},bb:null,cc:{c:null}},i:{f:{e:null},h:{g:null}}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 11, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "bb" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 10, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); // child does not currently replace parent in this case ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{i:{b:{a:null},cc:{c:null},d:null,f:{e:null},h:{g:null}}}", id() ); } }; class ParentMergeNonRightToRight : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{d:{b:{a:null},cc:{c:null}},i:{f:{e:null},ff:null,h:{g:null}}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 11, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "ff" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 10, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); // child does not currently replace parent in this case ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{i:{b:{a:null},cc:{c:null},d:null,f:{e:null},h:{g:null}}}", id() ); } }; class CantMergeRightNoMerge : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{d:{b:{a:null},bb:null,cc:{c:null}},dd:null,_:{f:{e:null},h:{g:null}}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 11, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "bb" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 10, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{d:{b:{a:null},cc:{c:null}},dd:null,_:{f:{e:null},h:{g:null}}}", id() ); } }; class CantMergeLeftNoMerge : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{c:{b:{a:null}},d:null,_:{f:{e:null},g:null}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "g" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{c:{b:{a:null}},d:null,_:{f:{e:null}}}", id() ); } }; class MergeOption : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{c:{b:{a:null}},f:{e:{d:null},ee:null},_:{h:{g:null}}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 9, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "ee" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 8, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{c:{b:{a:null}},_:{e:{d:null},f:null,h:{g:null}}}", id() ); } }; class ForceMergeLeft : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{c:{b:{a:null}},f:{e:{d:null},ee:null},ff:null,_:{h:{g:null}}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 10, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "ee" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 9, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{f:{b:{a:null},c:null,e:{d:null}},ff:null,_:{h:{g:null}}}", id() ); } }; class ForceMergeRight : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{c:{b:{a:null}},cc:null,f:{e:{d:null},ee:null},_:{h:{g:null}}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 10, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "ee" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 9, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{c:{b:{a:null}},cc:null,_:{e:{d:null},f:null,h:{g:null}}}", id() ); } }; class RecursiveMerge : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{h:{e:{b:{a:null},c:null,d:null},g:{f:null}},j:{i:null}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 10, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "c" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 9, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); // height is not currently reduced in this case ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{j:{g:{b:{a:null},d:null,e:null,f:null},h:null,i:null}}", id() ); } }; class RecursiveMergeRightBucket : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{h:{e:{b:{a:null},c:null,d:null},g:{f:null}},_:{i:null}}", id() ); // dump(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 9, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "c" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 8, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{g:{b:{a:null},d:null,e:null,f:null},h:null,i:null}", id() ); } }; class RecursiveMergeDoubleRightBucket : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( "{h:{e:{b:{a:null},c:null,d:null},_:{f:null}},_:{i:null}}", id() ); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 8, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "c" ); verify( unindex( k ) ); long long keyCount = bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, keyCount ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); // no recursion currently in this case ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{h:{b:{a:null},d:null,e:null,f:null},_:{i:null}}", id() ); } }; class MergeSizeBase : public Base { public: MergeSizeBase() : _count() {} virtual ~MergeSizeBase() {} void run() { typedef ArtificialTree A; A::set( A::make( id() ), id() ); A* root = A::is( dl() ); DiskLoc left = A::make( id() ); root->push( biggestKey( 'm' ), left ); _count = 1; A* l = A::is( left ); DiskLoc right = A::make( id() ); root->setNext( right ); A* r = A::is( right ); root->fixParentPtrs( dl() ); //ASSERT_EQUALS( bigSize(), bigSize() / 2 * 2 ); fillToExactSize( l, leftSize(), 'a' ); fillToExactSize( r, rightSize(), 'n' ); ASSERT( leftAdditional() <= 2 ); if ( leftAdditional() >= 2 ) { l->push( bigKey( 'k' ), DiskLoc() ); } if ( leftAdditional() >= 1 ) { l->push( bigKey( 'l' ), DiskLoc() ); } ASSERT( rightAdditional() <= 2 ); if ( rightAdditional() >= 2 ) { r->push( bigKey( 'y' ), DiskLoc() ); } if ( rightAdditional() >= 1 ) { r->push( bigKey( 'z' ), DiskLoc() ); } _count += leftAdditional() + rightAdditional(); // dump(); initCheck(); string ns = id().indexNamespace(); const char *keys = delKeys(); for( const char *i = keys; *i; ++i ) { long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( _count, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = bigKey( *i ); unindex( k ); // dump(); --_count; } // dump(); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( _count, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); validate(); if ( !merge() ) { ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); } else { ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); } } protected: virtual int leftAdditional() const { return 2; } virtual int rightAdditional() const { return 2; } virtual void initCheck() {} virtual void validate() {} virtual int leftSize() const = 0; virtual int rightSize() const = 0; virtual const char * delKeys() const { return "klyz"; } virtual bool merge() const { return true; } void fillToExactSize( ArtificialTree *t, int targetSize, char startKey ) { int size = 0; while( size < targetSize ) { int space = targetSize - size; int nextSize = space - sizeof( _KeyNode ); verify( nextSize > 0 ); BSONObj newKey = key( startKey++, nextSize ); t->push( newKey, DiskLoc() ); size += BtreeBucket::KeyOwned(newKey).dataSize() + sizeof( _KeyNode ); _count += 1; } if( t->packedDataSize( 0 ) != targetSize ) { ASSERT_EQUALS( t->packedDataSize( 0 ), targetSize ); } } static BSONObj key( char a, int size ) { if ( size >= bigSize() ) { return bigKey( a ); } return simpleKey( a, size - ( bigSize() - 801 ) ); } static BSONObj bigKey( char a ) { return simpleKey( a, 801 ); } static BSONObj biggestKey( char a ) { int size = BtreeBucket::getKeyMax() - bigSize() + 801; return simpleKey( a, size ); } static int bigSize() { return BtreeBucket::KeyOwned(bigKey( 'a' )).dataSize(); } static int biggestSize() { return BtreeBucket::KeyOwned(biggestKey( 'a' )).dataSize(); } int _count; }; class MergeSizeJustRightRight : public MergeSizeBase { protected: virtual int rightSize() const { return BtreeBucket::lowWaterMark() - 1; } virtual int leftSize() const { return BtreeBucket::bodySize() - biggestSize() - sizeof( _KeyNode ) - ( BtreeBucket::lowWaterMark() - 1 ); } }; class MergeSizeJustRightLeft : public MergeSizeBase { protected: virtual int leftSize() const { return BtreeBucket::lowWaterMark() - 1; } virtual int rightSize() const { return BtreeBucket::bodySize() - biggestSize() - sizeof( _KeyNode ) - ( BtreeBucket::lowWaterMark() - 1 ); } virtual const char * delKeys() const { return "yzkl"; } }; class MergeSizeRight : public MergeSizeJustRightRight { virtual int rightSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightRight::rightSize() - 1; } virtual int leftSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightRight::leftSize() + 1; } }; class MergeSizeLeft : public MergeSizeJustRightLeft { virtual int rightSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightLeft::rightSize() + 1; } virtual int leftSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightLeft::leftSize() - 1; } }; class NoMergeBelowMarkRight : public MergeSizeJustRightRight { virtual int rightSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightRight::rightSize() + 1; } virtual int leftSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightRight::leftSize() - 1; } virtual bool merge() const { return false; } }; class NoMergeBelowMarkLeft : public MergeSizeJustRightLeft { virtual int rightSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightLeft::rightSize() - 1; } virtual int leftSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightLeft::leftSize() + 1; } virtual bool merge() const { return false; } }; class MergeSizeRightTooBig : public MergeSizeJustRightLeft { virtual int rightSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightLeft::rightSize() + 1; } virtual bool merge() const { return false; } }; class MergeSizeLeftTooBig : public MergeSizeJustRightRight { virtual int leftSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightRight::leftSize() + 1; } virtual bool merge() const { return false; } }; class BalanceOneLeftToRight : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$10:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null,$5:null,$6:null},b:{$20:null,$30:null,$40:null,$50:null,a:null},_:{c:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 14, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x40 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 13, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$6:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null,$5:null},b:{$10:null,$20:null,$30:null,$50:null,a:null},_:{c:null}}", id() ); } }; class BalanceOneRightToLeft : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$10:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null},b:{$20:null,$30:null,$40:null,$50:null,$60:null,$70:null},_:{c:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 13, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x3 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 12, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$20:{$1:null,$2:null,$4:null,$10:null},b:{$30:null,$40:null,$50:null,$60:null,$70:null},_:{c:null}}", id() ); } }; class BalanceThreeLeftToRight : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$20:{$1:{$0:null},$3:{$2:null},$5:{$4:null},$7:{$6:null},$9:{$8:null},$11:{$10:null},$13:{$12:null},_:{$14:null}},b:{$30:null,$40:{$35:null},$50:{$45:null}},_:{c:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 23, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 14, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x30 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 22, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 14, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$9:{$1:{$0:null},$3:{$2:null},$5:{$4:null},$7:{$6:null},_:{$8:null}},b:{$11:{$10:null},$13:{$12:null},$20:{$14:null},$40:{$35:null},$50:{$45:null}},_:{c:null}}", id() ); } }; class BalanceThreeRightToLeft : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$20:{$1:{$0:null},$3:{$2:null},$5:null,_:{$14:null}},b:{$30:{$25:null},$40:{$35:null},$50:{$45:null},$60:{$55:null},$70:{$65:null},$80:{$75:null},$90:{$85:null},$100:{$95:null}},_:{c:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 25, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 15, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x5 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 24, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 15, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$50:{$1:{$0:null},$3:{$2:null},$20:{$14:null},$30:{$25:null},$40:{$35:null},_:{$45:null}},b:{$60:{$55:null},$70:{$65:null},$80:{$75:null},$90:{$85:null},$100:{$95:null}},_:{c:null}}", id() ); } }; class BalanceSingleParentKey : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$10:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null,$5:null,$6:null},_:{$20:null,$30:null,$40:null,$50:null,a:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 12, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x40 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 11, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$6:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null,$5:null},_:{$10:null,$20:null,$30:null,$50:null,a:null}}", id() ); } }; class PackEmpty : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{a:null}", id() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "a" ); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); ArtificialTree *t = ArtificialTree::is( dl() ); t->forcePack(); Tester::checkEmpty( t, id() ); } class Tester : public ArtificialTree { public: static void checkEmpty( ArtificialTree *a, const IndexDetails &id ) { Tester *t = static_cast< Tester * >( a ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, t->n ); ASSERT( !( t->flags & Packed ) ); Ordering o = Ordering::make( id.keyPattern() ); int zero = 0; t->_packReadyForMod( o, zero ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, t->n ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, t->topSize ); ASSERT_EQUALS( BtreeBucket::bodySize(), t->emptySize ); ASSERT( t->flags & Packed ); } }; }; class PackedDataSizeEmpty : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{a:null}", id() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "a" ); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); ArtificialTree *t = ArtificialTree::is( dl() ); t->forcePack(); Tester::checkEmpty( t, id() ); } class Tester : public ArtificialTree { public: static void checkEmpty( ArtificialTree *a, const IndexDetails &id ) { Tester *t = static_cast< Tester * >( a ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, t->n ); ASSERT( !( t->flags & Packed ) ); int zero = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, t->packedDataSize( zero ) ); ASSERT( !( t->flags & Packed ) ); } }; }; class BalanceSingleParentKeyPackParent : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$10:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null,$5:null,$6:null},_:{$20:null,$30:null,$40:null,$50:null,a:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 12, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); // force parent pack ArtificialTree::is( dl() )->forcePack(); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x40 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 11, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$6:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null,$5:null},_:{$10:null,$20:null,$30:null,$50:null,a:null}}", id() ); } }; class BalanceSplitParent : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$10$10:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null},$100:{$20:null,$30:null,$40:null,$50:null,$60:null,$70:null,$80:null},$200:null,$300:null,$400:null,$500:null,$600:null,$700:null,$800:null,$900:null,_:{c:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 22, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x3 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 21, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$500:{$30:{$1:null,$2:null,$4:null,$10$10:null,$20:null},$100:{$40:null,$50:null,$60:null,$70:null,$80:null},$200:null,$300:null,$400:null},_:{$600:null,$700:null,$800:null,$900:null,_:{c:null}}}", id() ); } }; class RebalancedSeparatorBase : public Base { public: void run() { ArtificialTree::setTree( treeSpec(), id() ); modTree(); Tester::checkSeparator( id(), expectedSeparator() ); } virtual string treeSpec() const = 0; virtual int expectedSeparator() const = 0; virtual void modTree() {} struct Tester : public ArtificialTree { static void checkSeparator( const IndexDetails& id, int expected ) { ASSERT_EQUALS( expected, static_cast< Tester * >( id.head.btreemod() )->rebalancedSeparatorPos( id.head, 0 ) ); } }; }; class EvenRebalanceLeft : public RebalancedSeparatorBase { virtual string treeSpec() const { return "{$7:{$1:null,$2$31f:null,$3:null,$4$31f:null,$5:null,$6:null},_:{$8:null,$9:null,$10$31e:null}}"; } virtual int expectedSeparator() const { return 4; } }; class EvenRebalanceLeftCusp : public RebalancedSeparatorBase { virtual string treeSpec() const { return "{$6:{$1:null,$2$31f:null,$3:null,$4$31f:null,$5:null},_:{$7:null,$8:null,$9$31e:null,$10:null}}"; } virtual int expectedSeparator() const { return 4; } }; class EvenRebalanceRight : public RebalancedSeparatorBase { virtual string treeSpec() const { return "{$3:{$1:null,$2$31f:null},_:{$4$31f:null,$5:null,$6:null,$7:null,$8$31e:null,$9:null,$10:null}}"; } virtual int expectedSeparator() const { return 4; } }; class EvenRebalanceRightCusp : public RebalancedSeparatorBase { virtual string treeSpec() const { return "{$4$31f:{$1:null,$2$31f:null,$3:null},_:{$5:null,$6:null,$7$31e:null,$8:null,$9:null,$10:null}}"; } virtual int expectedSeparator() const { return 4; } }; class EvenRebalanceCenter : public RebalancedSeparatorBase { virtual string treeSpec() const { return "{$5:{$1:null,$2$31f:null,$3:null,$4$31f:null},_:{$6:null,$7$31e:null,$8:null,$9:null,$10:null}}"; } virtual int expectedSeparator() const { return 4; } }; class OddRebalanceLeft : public RebalancedSeparatorBase { virtual string treeSpec() const { return "{$6$31f:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null,$5:null},_:{$7:null,$8:null,$9:null,$10:null}}"; } virtual int expectedSeparator() const { return 4; } }; class OddRebalanceRight : public RebalancedSeparatorBase { virtual string treeSpec() const { return "{$4:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null},_:{$5:null,$6:null,$7:null,$8$31f:null,$9:null,$10:null}}"; } virtual int expectedSeparator() const { return 4; } }; class OddRebalanceCenter : public RebalancedSeparatorBase { virtual string treeSpec() const { return "{$5:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null},_:{$6:null,$7:null,$8:null,$9:null,$10$31f:null}}"; } virtual int expectedSeparator() const { return 4; } }; class RebalanceEmptyRight : public RebalancedSeparatorBase { virtual string treeSpec() const { return "{$a:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null,$5:null,$6:null,$7:null,$8:null,$9:null},_:{$b:null}}"; } virtual void modTree() { BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0xb ) ); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); } virtual int expectedSeparator() const { return 4; } }; class RebalanceEmptyLeft : public RebalancedSeparatorBase { virtual string treeSpec() const { return "{$a:{$1:null},_:{$11:null,$12:null,$13:null,$14:null,$15:null,$16:null,$17:null,$18:null,$19:null}}"; } virtual void modTree() { BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x1 ) ); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); } virtual int expectedSeparator() const { return 4; } }; class NoMoveAtLowWaterMarkRight : public MergeSizeJustRightRight { virtual int rightSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightRight::rightSize() + 1; } virtual void initCheck() { _oldTop = bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson(); } virtual void validate() { ASSERT_EQUALS( _oldTop, bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson() ); } virtual bool merge() const { return false; } protected: BSONObj _oldTop; }; class MoveBelowLowWaterMarkRight : public NoMoveAtLowWaterMarkRight { virtual int rightSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightRight::rightSize(); } virtual int leftSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightRight::leftSize() + 1; } // different top means we rebalanced virtual void validate() { ASSERT( !( _oldTop == bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson() ) ); } }; class NoMoveAtLowWaterMarkLeft : public MergeSizeJustRightLeft { virtual int leftSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightLeft::leftSize() + 1; } virtual void initCheck() { _oldTop = bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson(); } virtual void validate() { ASSERT_EQUALS( _oldTop, bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson() ); } virtual bool merge() const { return false; } protected: BSONObj _oldTop; }; class MoveBelowLowWaterMarkLeft : public NoMoveAtLowWaterMarkLeft { virtual int leftSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightLeft::leftSize(); } virtual int rightSize() const { return MergeSizeJustRightLeft::rightSize() + 1; } // different top means we rebalanced virtual void validate() { ASSERT( !( _oldTop == bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson() ) ); } }; class PreferBalanceLeft : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$10:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null,$5:null,$6:null},$20:{$11:null,$12:null,$13:null,$14:null},_:{$30:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 13, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x12 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 12, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$5:{$1:null,$2:null,$3:null,$4:null},$20:{$6:null,$10:null,$11:null,$13:null,$14:null},_:{$30:null}}", id() ); } }; class PreferBalanceRight : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$10:{$1:null},$20:{$11:null,$12:null,$13:null,$14:null},_:{$31:null,$32:null,$33:null,$34:null,$35:null,$36:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 13, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x12 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 12, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$10:{$1:null},$31:{$11:null,$13:null,$14:null,$20:null},_:{$32:null,$33:null,$34:null,$35:null,$36:null}}", id() ); } }; class RecursiveMergeThenBalance : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$10:{$5:{$1:null,$2:null},$8:{$6:null,$7:null}},_:{$20:null,$30:null,$40:null,$50:null,$60:null,$70:null,$80:null,$90:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 15, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x7 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 14, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$40:{$8:{$1:null,$2:null,$5:null,$6:null},$10:null,$20:null,$30:null},_:{$50:null,$60:null,$70:null,$80:null,$90:null}}", id() ); } }; class MergeRightEmpty : public MergeSizeBase { protected: virtual int rightAdditional() const { return 1; } virtual int leftAdditional() const { return 1; } virtual const char * delKeys() const { return "lz"; } virtual int rightSize() const { return 0; } virtual int leftSize() const { return BtreeBucket::bodySize() - biggestSize() - sizeof( _KeyNode ); } }; class MergeMinRightEmpty : public MergeSizeBase { protected: virtual int rightAdditional() const { return 1; } virtual int leftAdditional() const { return 0; } virtual const char * delKeys() const { return "z"; } virtual int rightSize() const { return 0; } virtual int leftSize() const { return bigSize() + sizeof( _KeyNode ); } }; class MergeLeftEmpty : public MergeSizeBase { protected: virtual int rightAdditional() const { return 1; } virtual int leftAdditional() const { return 1; } virtual const char * delKeys() const { return "zl"; } virtual int leftSize() const { return 0; } virtual int rightSize() const { return BtreeBucket::bodySize() - biggestSize() - sizeof( _KeyNode ); } }; class MergeMinLeftEmpty : public MergeSizeBase { protected: virtual int leftAdditional() const { return 1; } virtual int rightAdditional() const { return 0; } virtual const char * delKeys() const { return "l"; } virtual int leftSize() const { return 0; } virtual int rightSize() const { return bigSize() + sizeof( _KeyNode ); } }; class BalanceRightEmpty : public MergeRightEmpty { protected: virtual int leftSize() const { return BtreeBucket::bodySize() - biggestSize() - sizeof( _KeyNode ) + 1; } virtual bool merge() const { return false; } virtual void initCheck() { _oldTop = bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson(); } virtual void validate() { ASSERT( !( _oldTop == bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson() ) ); } private: BSONObj _oldTop; }; class BalanceLeftEmpty : public MergeLeftEmpty { protected: virtual int rightSize() const { return BtreeBucket::bodySize() - biggestSize() - sizeof( _KeyNode ) + 1; } virtual bool merge() const { return false; } virtual void initCheck() { _oldTop = bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson(); } virtual void validate() { ASSERT( !( _oldTop == bt()->keyNode( 0 ).key.toBson() ) ); } private: BSONObj _oldTop; }; class DelEmptyNoNeighbors : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{b:{a:null}}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "a" ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{b:null}", id() ); } }; class DelEmptyEmptyNeighbors : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{a:null,c:{b:null},d:null}", id() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "b" ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), 0, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{a:null,c:null,d:null}", id() ); } }; class DelInternal : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{a:null,c:{b:null},d:null}", id() ); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "c" ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{a:null,b:null,d:null}", id() ); } }; class DelInternalReplaceWithUnused : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{a:null,c:{b:null},d:null}", id() ); getDur().writingInt( const_cast< BtreeBucket::Loc& >( bt()->keyNode( 1 ).prevChildBucket.btree()->keyNode( 0 ).recordLoc ).GETOFS() ) |= 1; // make unused long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "c" ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); // doesn't discriminate between used and unused ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{a:null,b:null,d:null}", id() ); } }; class DelInternalReplaceRight : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{a:null,_:{b:null}}", id() ); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "a" ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{b:null}", id() ); } }; class DelInternalPromoteKey : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{a:null,y:{d:{c:{b:null}},_:{e:null}},z:null}", id() ); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 7, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "y" ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 6, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{a:null,e:{c:{b:null},d:null},z:null}", id() ); } }; class DelInternalPromoteRightKey : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{a:null,_:{e:{c:null},_:{f:null}}}", id() ); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "a" ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{c:null,_:{e:null,f:null}}", id() ); } }; class DelInternalReplacementPrevNonNull : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{a:null,d:{c:{b:null}},e:null}", id() ); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "d" ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{a:null,d:{c:{b:null}},e:null}", id() ); ASSERT( bt()->keyNode( 1 ).recordLoc.getOfs() & 1 ); // check 'unused' key } }; class DelInternalReplacementNextNonNull : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{a:null,_:{c:null,_:{d:null}}}", id() ); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << "a" ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{a:null,_:{c:null,_:{d:null}}}", id() ); ASSERT( bt()->keyNode( 0 ).recordLoc.getOfs() & 1 ); // check 'unused' key } }; class DelInternalSplitPromoteLeft : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$10:null,$20:null,$30$10:{$25:{$23:null},_:{$27:null}},$40:null,$50:null,$60:null,$70:null,$80:null,$90:null,$100:null}", id() ); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 13, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x30, 0x10 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 12, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$60:{$10:null,$20:null,$27:{$23:null,$25:null},$40:null,$50:null},_:{$70:null,$80:null,$90:null,$100:null}}", id() ); } }; class DelInternalSplitPromoteRight : public Base { public: void run() { string ns = id().indexNamespace(); ArtificialTree::setTree( "{$10:null,$20:null,$30:null,$40:null,$50:null,$60:null,$70:null,$80:null,$90:null,$100$10:{$95:{$93:null},_:{$97:null}}}", id() ); long long unused = 0; ASSERT_EQUALS( 13, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); BSONObj k = BSON( "" << bigNumString( 0x100, 0x10 ) ); // dump(); ASSERT( unindex( k ) ); // dump(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 12, bt()->fullValidate( dl(), order(), &unused, true ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, unused ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, nsdetails( ns )->numRecords() ); ArtificialTree::checkStructure( "{$80:{$10:null,$20:null,$30:null,$40:null,$50:null,$60:null,$70:null},_:{$90:null,$97:{$93:null,$95:null}}}", id() ); } }; class SignedZeroDuplication : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT_EQUALS( 0.0, -0.0 ); DBDirectClient c; c.ensureIndex( ns(), BSON( "b" << 1 ), true ); c.insert( ns(), BSON( "b" << 0.0 ) ); c.insert( ns(), BSON( "b" << 1.0 ) ); c.update( ns(), BSON( "b" << 1.0 ), BSON( "b" << -0.0 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, c.count( ns(), BSON( "b" << 0.0 ) ) ); } }; class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite( testName ) { } void setupTests() { add< Create >(); add< SimpleInsertDelete >(); add< SplitRightHeavyBucket >(); add< SplitLeftHeavyBucket >(); add< MissingLocate >(); add< MissingLocateMultiBucket >(); add< SERVER983 >(); add< DontReuseUnused >(); // QUERY_MIGRATION // add< PackUnused >(); // add< DontDropReferenceKey >(); add< MergeBucketsLeft >(); add< MergeBucketsRight >(); // add< MergeBucketsHead >(); add< MergeBucketsDontReplaceHead >(); add< MergeBucketsDelInternal >(); add< MergeBucketsRightNull >(); add< DontMergeSingleBucket >(); add< ParentMergeNonRightToLeft >(); add< ParentMergeNonRightToRight >(); add< CantMergeRightNoMerge >(); add< CantMergeLeftNoMerge >(); add< MergeOption >(); add< ForceMergeLeft >(); add< ForceMergeRight >(); add< RecursiveMerge >(); add< RecursiveMergeRightBucket >(); add< RecursiveMergeDoubleRightBucket >(); add< MergeSizeJustRightRight >(); add< MergeSizeJustRightLeft >(); add< MergeSizeRight >(); add< MergeSizeLeft >(); add< NoMergeBelowMarkRight >(); add< NoMergeBelowMarkLeft >(); add< MergeSizeRightTooBig >(); add< MergeSizeLeftTooBig >(); add< BalanceOneLeftToRight >(); add< BalanceOneRightToLeft >(); add< BalanceThreeLeftToRight >(); add< BalanceThreeRightToLeft >(); add< BalanceSingleParentKey >(); add< PackEmpty >(); add< PackedDataSizeEmpty >(); add< BalanceSingleParentKeyPackParent >(); add< BalanceSplitParent >(); add< EvenRebalanceLeft >(); add< EvenRebalanceLeftCusp >(); add< EvenRebalanceRight >(); add< EvenRebalanceRightCusp >(); add< EvenRebalanceCenter >(); add< OddRebalanceLeft >(); add< OddRebalanceRight >(); add< OddRebalanceCenter >(); add< RebalanceEmptyRight >(); add< RebalanceEmptyLeft >(); add< NoMoveAtLowWaterMarkRight >(); add< MoveBelowLowWaterMarkRight >(); add< NoMoveAtLowWaterMarkLeft >(); add< MoveBelowLowWaterMarkLeft >(); add< PreferBalanceLeft >(); add< PreferBalanceRight >(); add< RecursiveMergeThenBalance >(); add< MergeRightEmpty >(); add< MergeMinRightEmpty >(); add< MergeLeftEmpty >(); add< MergeMinLeftEmpty >(); add< BalanceRightEmpty >(); add< BalanceLeftEmpty >(); add< DelEmptyNoNeighbors >(); add< DelEmptyEmptyNeighbors >(); add< DelInternal >(); add< DelInternalReplaceWithUnused >(); add< DelInternalReplaceRight >(); add< DelInternalPromoteKey >(); add< DelInternalPromoteRightKey >(); add< DelInternalReplacementPrevNonNull >(); add< DelInternalReplacementNextNonNull >(); add< DelInternalSplitPromoteLeft >(); add< DelInternalSplitPromoteRight >(); add< SignedZeroDuplication >(); } } myall;