// documentsourcetests.cpp : Unit tests for DocumentSource classes. /** * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_PCH_WHITELISTED #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/pch.h" #undef MONGO_PCH_WHITELISTED #include #include #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/database.h" #include "mongo/db/dbdirectclient.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context_impl.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/dependencies.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/document_source.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context.h" #include "mongo/db/query/get_executor.h" #include "mongo/db/storage_options.h" #include "mongo/dbtests/dbtests.h" namespace DocumentSourceTests { using boost::intrusive_ptr; using boost::shared_ptr; static const char* const ns = "unittests.documentsourcetests"; static const BSONObj metaTextScore = BSON("$meta" << "textScore"); BSONObj toBson( const intrusive_ptr& source ) { vector arr; source->serializeToArray(arr); ASSERT_EQUALS(arr.size(), 1UL); return arr[0].getDocument().toBson(); } class CollectionBase { public: CollectionBase() : client(&_opCtx) { } ~CollectionBase() { client.dropCollection( ns ); } protected: OperationContextImpl _opCtx; DBDirectClient client; }; namespace DocumentSourceClass { using mongo::DocumentSource; template set arrayToSet(const char* (&array) [ArrayLen]) { set out; for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLen; i++) out.insert(array[i]); return out; } class Deps { public: void run() { { const char* array[] = {"a", "b"}; // basic DepsTracker deps; deps.fields = arrayToSet(array); ASSERT_EQUALS(deps.toProjection(), BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "_id" << 0)); } { const char* array[] = {"a", "ab"}; // prefixed but not subfield DepsTracker deps; deps.fields = arrayToSet(array); ASSERT_EQUALS(deps.toProjection(), BSON("a" << 1 << "ab" << 1 << "_id" << 0)); } { const char* array[] = {"a", "b", "a.b"}; // a.b included by a DepsTracker deps; deps.fields = arrayToSet(array); ASSERT_EQUALS(deps.toProjection(), BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "_id" << 0)); } { const char* array[] = {"a", "_id"}; // _id now included DepsTracker deps; deps.fields = arrayToSet(array); ASSERT_EQUALS(deps.toProjection(), BSON("a" << 1 << "_id" << 1)); } { const char* array[] = {"a", "_id.a"}; // still include whole _id (SERVER-7502) DepsTracker deps; deps.fields = arrayToSet(array); ASSERT_EQUALS(deps.toProjection(), BSON("a" << 1 << "_id" << 1)); } { const char* array[] = {"a", "_id", "_id.a"}; // handle both _id and subfield DepsTracker deps; deps.fields = arrayToSet(array); ASSERT_EQUALS(deps.toProjection(), BSON("a" << 1 << "_id" << 1)); } { const char* array[] = {"a", "_id", "_id_a"}; // _id prefixed but non-subfield DepsTracker deps; deps.fields = arrayToSet(array); ASSERT_EQUALS(deps.toProjection(), BSON("_id_a" << 1 << "a" << 1 << "_id" << 1)); } { const char* array[] = {"a"}; // fields ignored with needWholeDocument DepsTracker deps; deps.fields = arrayToSet(array); deps.needWholeDocument = true; ASSERT_EQUALS(deps.toProjection(), BSONObj()); } { const char* array[] = {"a"}; // needTextScore with needWholeDocument DepsTracker deps; deps.fields = arrayToSet(array); deps.needWholeDocument = true; deps.needTextScore = true; ASSERT_EQUALS( deps.toProjection(), BSON(Document::metaFieldTextScore << metaTextScore)); } { const char* array[] = {"a"}; // needTextScore without needWholeDocument DepsTracker deps; deps.fields = arrayToSet(array); deps.needTextScore = true; ASSERT_EQUALS(deps.toProjection(), BSON(Document::metaFieldTextScore << metaTextScore << "a" << 1 << "_id" << 0)); } } }; } namespace DocumentSourceCursor { using mongo::DocumentSourceCursor; class Base : public CollectionBase { public: Base() : _ctx(new ExpressionContext(&_opCtx, NamespaceString(ns))) { _ctx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp"; } protected: void createSource() { // clean up first if this was called before _source.reset(); _exec.reset(); Client::WriteContext ctx(&_opCtx, ns); CanonicalQuery* cq; uassertStatusOK(CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(ns, /*query=*/BSONObj(), &cq)); PlanExecutor* execBare; uassertStatusOK(getExecutor(&_opCtx, ctx.getCollection(), cq, PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL, &execBare)); _exec.reset(execBare); _exec->saveState(); _exec->registerExec(); _source = DocumentSourceCursor::create(ns, _exec, _ctx); } intrusive_ptr ctx() { return _ctx; } DocumentSourceCursor* source() { return _source.get(); } private: // It is important that these are ordered to ensure correct destruction order. boost::shared_ptr _exec; intrusive_ptr _ctx; intrusive_ptr _source; }; /** Create a DocumentSourceCursor. */ class Empty : public Base { public: void run() { createSource(); // The DocumentSourceCursor doesn't hold a read lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); // The collection is empty, so the source produces no results. ASSERT( !source()->getNext() ); // Exhausting the source releases the read lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); } }; /** Iterate a DocumentSourceCursor. */ class Iterate : public Base { public: void run() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); createSource(); // The DocumentSourceCursor doesn't hold a read lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); // The cursor will produce the expected result. boost::optional next = source()->getNext(); ASSERT(bool(next)); ASSERT_EQUALS(Value(1), next->getField("a")); // There are no more results. ASSERT( !source()->getNext() ); // Exhausting the source releases the read lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); } }; /** Dispose of a DocumentSourceCursor. */ class Dispose : public Base { public: void run() { createSource(); // The DocumentSourceCursor doesn't hold a read lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); source()->dispose(); // Releasing the cursor releases the read lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); // The source is marked as exhausted. ASSERT( !source()->getNext() ); } }; /** Iterate a DocumentSourceCursor and then dispose of it. */ class IterateDispose : public Base { public: void run() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 2 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 3 ) ); createSource(); // The result is as expected. boost::optional next = source()->getNext(); ASSERT(bool(next)); ASSERT_EQUALS(Value(1), next->getField("a")); // The next result is as expected. next = source()->getNext(); ASSERT(bool(next)); ASSERT_EQUALS(Value(2), next->getField("a")); // The DocumentSourceCursor doesn't hold a read lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); source()->dispose(); // Disposing of the source releases the lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); // The source cannot be advanced further. ASSERT( !source()->getNext() ); } }; /** Set a value or await an expected value. */ class PendingValue { public: PendingValue( int initialValue ) : _value( initialValue ), _mutex( "DocumentSourceTests::PendingValue::_mutex" ) { } void set( int newValue ) { scoped_lock lk( _mutex ); _value = newValue; _condition.notify_all(); } void await( int expectedValue ) const { scoped_lock lk( _mutex ); while( _value != expectedValue ) { _condition.wait( lk.boost() ); } } private: int _value; mutable mongo::mutex _mutex; mutable boost::condition _condition; }; /** Test coalescing a limit into a cursor */ class LimitCoalesce : public Base { public: intrusive_ptr mkLimit(long long limit) { return DocumentSourceLimit::create(ctx(), limit); } void run() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 2 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 3 ) ); createSource(); // initial limit becomes limit of cursor ASSERT(source()->coalesce(mkLimit(10))); ASSERT_EQUALS(source()->getLimit(), 10); // smaller limit lowers cursor limit ASSERT(source()->coalesce(mkLimit(2))); ASSERT_EQUALS(source()->getLimit(), 2); // higher limit doesn't effect cursor limit ASSERT(source()->coalesce(mkLimit(3))); ASSERT_EQUALS(source()->getLimit(), 2); // The cursor allows exactly 2 documents through ASSERT(bool(source()->getNext())); ASSERT(bool(source()->getNext())); ASSERT(!source()->getNext()); } }; } // namespace DocumentSourceCursor namespace DocumentSourceLimit { using mongo::DocumentSourceLimit; class Base : public DocumentSourceCursor::Base { protected: void createLimit( int limit ) { BSONObj spec = BSON( "$limit" << limit ); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); _limit = DocumentSourceLimit::createFromBson( specElement, ctx() ); } DocumentSource* limit() { return _limit.get(); } private: intrusive_ptr _limit; }; /** Exhausting a DocumentSourceLimit disposes of the limit's source. */ class DisposeSource : public Base { public: void run() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 2 ) ); createSource(); // The DocumentSourceCursor doesn't hold a read lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); createLimit( 1 ); limit()->setSource( source() ); // The limit's result is as expected. boost::optional next = limit()->getNext(); ASSERT(bool(next)); ASSERT_EQUALS(Value(1), next->getField("a")); // The limit is exhausted. ASSERT( !limit()->getNext() ); // The limit disposes the source, releasing the read lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); } }; /** Exhausting a DocumentSourceLimit disposes of the pipeline's DocumentSourceCursor. */ class DisposeSourceCascade : public Base { public: void run() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); createSource(); // Create a DocumentSourceMatch. BSONObj spec = BSON( "$match" << BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); intrusive_ptr match = DocumentSourceMatch::createFromBson( specElement, ctx() ); match->setSource( source() ); createLimit( 1 ); limit()->setSource( match.get() ); // The limit is not exhauted. boost::optional next = limit()->getNext(); ASSERT(bool(next)); ASSERT_EQUALS(Value(1), next->getField("a")); // The limit is exhausted. ASSERT( !limit()->getNext() ); // The limit disposes the match, which disposes the source and releases the read // lock. ASSERT( !_opCtx.lockState()->isReadLocked() ); } }; /** A limit does not introduce any dependencies. */ class Dependencies : public Base { public: void run() { createLimit( 1 ); DepsTracker dependencies; ASSERT_EQUALS( DocumentSource::SEE_NEXT, limit()->getDependencies(&dependencies) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0U, dependencies.fields.size() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false, dependencies.needWholeDocument ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false, dependencies.needTextScore ); } }; } // namespace DocumentSourceLimit namespace DocumentSourceGroup { using mongo::DocumentSourceGroup; class Base : public DocumentSourceCursor::Base { protected: void createGroup( const BSONObj &spec, bool inShard = false ) { BSONObj namedSpec = BSON( "$group" << spec ); BSONElement specElement = namedSpec.firstElement(); intrusive_ptr expressionContext = new ExpressionContext(&_opCtx, NamespaceString(ns)); expressionContext->inShard = inShard; expressionContext->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp"; _group = DocumentSourceGroup::createFromBson( specElement, expressionContext ); assertRoundTrips( _group ); _group->setSource( source() ); } DocumentSource* group() { return _group.get(); } /** Assert that iterator state accessors consistently report the source is exhausted. */ void assertExhausted( const intrusive_ptr &source ) const { // It should be safe to check doneness multiple times ASSERT( !source->getNext() ); ASSERT( !source->getNext() ); ASSERT( !source->getNext() ); } private: /** Check that the group's spec round trips. */ void assertRoundTrips( const intrusive_ptr& group ) { // We don't check against the spec that generated 'group' originally, because // $const operators may be introduced in the first serialization. BSONObj spec = toBson(group); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); intrusive_ptr generated = DocumentSourceGroup::createFromBson( specElement, ctx() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( spec, toBson( generated ) ); } intrusive_ptr _group; }; class ParseErrorBase : public Base { public: virtual ~ParseErrorBase() { } void run() { ASSERT_THROWS( createGroup( spec() ), UserException ); } protected: virtual BSONObj spec() = 0; }; class ExpressionBase : public Base { public: virtual ~ExpressionBase() { } void run() { // Insert a single document for $group to iterate over. client.insert( ns, doc() ); createSource(); createGroup( spec() ); // A group result is available. boost::optional next = group()->getNext(); ASSERT(bool(next)); // The constant _id value from the $group spec is passed through. ASSERT_EQUALS(expected(), next->toBson()); } protected: virtual BSONObj doc() = 0; virtual BSONObj spec() = 0; virtual BSONObj expected() = 0; }; class IdConstantBase : public ExpressionBase { virtual BSONObj doc() { return BSONObj(); } virtual BSONObj expected() { // Since spec() specifies a constant _id, its value will be passed through. return spec(); } }; /** $group spec is not an object. */ class NonObject : public Base { public: void run() { BSONObj spec = BSON( "$group" << "foo" ); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); ASSERT_THROWS( DocumentSourceGroup::createFromBson( specElement, ctx() ), UserException ); } }; /** $group spec is an empty object. */ class EmptySpec : public ParseErrorBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSONObj(); } }; /** $group _id is an empty object. */ class IdEmptyObject : public IdConstantBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << BSONObj() ); } }; /** $group _id is computed from an object expression. */ class IdObjectExpression : public ExpressionBase { BSONObj doc() { return BSON( "a" << 6 ); } BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << BSON( "z" << "$a" ) ); } BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "_id" << BSON( "z" << 6 ) ); } }; /** $group _id is specified as an invalid object expression. */ class IdInvalidObjectExpression : public ParseErrorBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << BSON( "$add" << 1 << "$and" << 1 ) ); } }; /** $group with two _id specs. */ class TwoIdSpecs : public ParseErrorBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 1 << "_id" << 2 ); } }; /** $group _id is the empty string. */ class IdEmptyString : public IdConstantBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << "" ); } }; /** $group _id is a string constant. */ class IdStringConstant : public IdConstantBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << "abc" ); } }; /** $group _id is a field path expression. */ class IdFieldPath : public ExpressionBase { BSONObj doc() { return BSON( "a" << 5 ); } BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << "$a" ); } BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "_id" << 5 ); } }; /** $group with _id set to an invalid field path. */ class IdInvalidFieldPath : public ParseErrorBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << "$a.." ); } }; /** $group _id is a numeric constant. */ class IdNumericConstant : public IdConstantBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 2 ); } }; /** $group _id is an array constant. */ class IdArrayConstant : public IdConstantBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ); } }; /** $group _id is a regular expression (not supported). */ class IdRegularExpression : public IdConstantBase { BSONObj spec() { return fromjson( "{_id:/a/}" ); } }; /** The name of an aggregate field is specified with a $ prefix. */ class DollarAggregateFieldName : public ParseErrorBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 1 << "$foo" << BSON( "$sum" << 1 ) ); } }; /** An aggregate field spec that is not an object. */ class NonObjectAggregateSpec : public ParseErrorBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << 1 ); } }; /** An aggregate field spec that is not an object. */ class EmptyObjectAggregateSpec : public ParseErrorBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << BSONObj() ); } }; /** An aggregate field spec with an invalid accumulator operator. */ class BadAccumulator : public ParseErrorBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << BSON( "$bad" << 1 ) ); } }; /** An aggregate field spec with an array argument. */ class SumArray : public ParseErrorBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << BSON( "$sum" << BSONArray() ) ); } }; /** Multiple accumulator operators for a field. */ class MultipleAccumulatorsForAField : public ParseErrorBase { BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << BSON( "$sum" << 1 << "$push" << 1 ) ); } }; /** Aggregation using duplicate field names is allowed currently. */ class DuplicateAggregateFieldNames : public ExpressionBase { BSONObj doc() { return BSONObj(); } BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 0 << "z" << BSON( "$sum" << 1 ) << "z" << BSON( "$push" << 1 ) ); } BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "_id" << 0 << "z" << 1 << "z" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 ) ); } }; /** Aggregate the value of an object expression. */ class AggregateObjectExpression : public ExpressionBase { BSONObj doc() { return BSON( "a" << 6 ); } BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 0 << "z" << BSON( "$first" << BSON( "x" << "$a" ) ) ); } BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "_id" << 0 << "z" << BSON( "x" << 6 ) ); } }; /** Aggregate the value of an operator expression. */ class AggregateOperatorExpression : public ExpressionBase { BSONObj doc() { return BSON( "a" << 6 ); } BSONObj spec() { return BSON( "_id" << 0 << "z" << BSON( "$first" << "$a" ) ); } BSONObj expected() { return BSON( "_id" << 0 << "z" << 6 ); } }; struct ValueCmp { bool operator()(const Value& a, const Value& b) const { return Value::compare( a, b ) < 0; } }; typedef map IdMap; class CheckResultsBase : public Base { public: virtual ~CheckResultsBase() { } void run() { runSharded( false ); client.dropCollection( ns ); runSharded( true ); } void runSharded( bool sharded ) { populateData(); createSource(); createGroup( groupSpec() ); intrusive_ptr sink = group(); if ( sharded ) { sink = createMerger(); // Serialize and re-parse the shard stage. createGroup( toBson( group() )[ "$group" ].Obj(), true ); sink->setSource( group() ); } checkResultSet( sink ); } protected: virtual void populateData() {} virtual BSONObj groupSpec() { return BSON( "_id" << 0 ); } /** Expected results. Must be sorted by _id to ensure consistent ordering. */ virtual BSONObj expectedResultSet() { BSONObj wrappedResult = // fromjson cannot parse an array, so place the array within an object. fromjson( string( "{'':" ) + expectedResultSetString() + "}" ); return wrappedResult[ "" ].embeddedObject().getOwned(); } /** Expected results. Must be sorted by _id to ensure consistent ordering. */ virtual string expectedResultSetString() { return "[]"; } intrusive_ptr createMerger() { // Set up a group merger to simulate merging results in the router. In this // case only one shard is in use. SplittableDocumentSource *splittable = dynamic_cast( group() ); ASSERT( splittable ); intrusive_ptr routerSource = splittable->getMergeSource(); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS( group(), routerSource.get() ); return routerSource; } void checkResultSet( const intrusive_ptr &sink ) { // Load the results from the DocumentSourceGroup and sort them by _id. IdMap resultSet; while (boost::optional current = sink->getNext()) { // Save the current result. Value id = current->getField( "_id" ); resultSet[ id ] = *current; } // Verify the DocumentSourceGroup is exhausted. assertExhausted( sink ); // Convert results to BSON once they all have been retrieved (to detect any errors // resulting from incorrectly shared sub objects). BSONArrayBuilder bsonResultSet; for( IdMap::const_iterator i = resultSet.begin(); i != resultSet.end(); ++i ) { bsonResultSet << i->second; } // Check the result set. ASSERT_EQUALS( expectedResultSet(), bsonResultSet.arr() ); } }; /** An empty collection generates no results. */ class EmptyCollection : public CheckResultsBase { }; /** A $group performed on a single document. */ class SingleDocument : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); } virtual BSONObj groupSpec() { return BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << BSON( "$sum" << "$a" ) ); } virtual string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0,a:1}]"; } }; /** A $group performed on two values for a single key. */ class TwoValuesSingleKey : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 2 ) ); } virtual BSONObj groupSpec() { return BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << BSON( "$push" << "$a" ) ); } virtual string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0,a:[1,2]}]"; } }; /** A $group performed on two values with one key each. */ class TwoValuesTwoKeys : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 1 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << 2 ) ); } virtual BSONObj groupSpec() { return BSON( "_id" << "$_id" << "a" << BSON( "$push" << "$a" ) ); } virtual string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0,a:[1]},{_id:1,a:[2]}]"; } }; /** A $group performed on two values with two keys each. */ class FourValuesTwoKeys : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "id" << 0 << "a" << 1 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "id" << 1 << "a" << 2 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "id" << 0 << "a" << 3 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "id" << 1 << "a" << 4 ) ); } virtual BSONObj groupSpec() { return BSON( "_id" << "$id" << "a" << BSON( "$push" << "$a" ) ); } virtual string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0,a:[1,3]},{_id:1,a:[2,4]}]"; } }; /** A $group performed on two values with two keys each and two accumulator operations. */ class FourValuesTwoKeysTwoAccumulators : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "id" << 0 << "a" << 1 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "id" << 1 << "a" << 2 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "id" << 0 << "a" << 3 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "id" << 1 << "a" << 4 ) ); } virtual BSONObj groupSpec() { return BSON( "_id" << "$id" << "list" << BSON( "$push" << "$a" ) << "sum" << BSON( "$sum" << BSON( "$divide" << BSON_ARRAY( "$a" << 2 ) ) ) ); } virtual string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0,list:[1,3],sum:2},{_id:1,list:[2,4],sum:3}]"; } }; /** Null and undefined _id values are grouped together. */ class GroupNullUndefinedIds : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << BSONNULL << "b" << 100 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "b" << 10 ) ); } virtual BSONObj groupSpec() { return BSON( "_id" << "$a" << "sum" << BSON( "$sum" << "$b" ) ); } virtual string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:null,sum:110}]"; } }; /** A complex _id expression. */ class ComplexId : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << "de" << "b" << "ad" << "c" << "beef" << "d" << "" )); client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << "d" << "b" << "eadbe" << "c" << "" << "d" << "ef" )); } virtual BSONObj groupSpec() { return BSON( "_id" << BSON( "$concat" << BSON_ARRAY( "$a" << "$b" << "$c" << "$d" ) ) ); } virtual string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:'deadbeef'}]"; } }; /** An undefined accumulator value is dropped. */ class UndefinedAccumulatorValue : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSONObj() ); } virtual BSONObj groupSpec() { return BSON( "_id" << 0 << "first" << BSON( "$first" << "$missing" ) ); } virtual string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0, first:null}]"; } }; /** Simulate merging sharded results in the router. */ class RouterMerger : public CheckResultsBase { public: void run() { BSONObj sourceData = fromjson( "{'':[{_id:0,list:[1,2]},{_id:1,list:[3,4]}" // from shard 1 ",{_id:0,list:[10,20]},{_id:1,list:[30,40]}]}" // from shard 2 ); BSONElement sourceDataElement = sourceData.firstElement(); // Create a source with synthetic data. intrusive_ptr source = DocumentSourceBsonArray::create( sourceDataElement.Obj(), ctx() ); // Create a group source. createGroup( BSON( "_id" << "$x" << "list" << BSON( "$push" << "$y" ) ) ); // Create a merger version of the source. intrusive_ptr group = createMerger(); // Attach the merger to the synthetic shard results. group->setSource( source.get() ); // Check the merger's output. checkResultSet( group ); } private: string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0,list:[1,2,10,20]},{_id:1,list:[3,4,30,40]}]"; } }; /** Dependant field paths. */ class Dependencies : public Base { public: void run() { createGroup( fromjson( "{_id:'$x',a:{$sum:'$y.z'},b:{$avg:{$add:['$u','$v']}}}" ) ); DepsTracker dependencies; ASSERT_EQUALS( DocumentSource::EXHAUSTIVE_ALL, group()->getDependencies( &dependencies ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4U, dependencies.fields.size() ); // Dependency from _id expression. ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "x" ) ); // Dependencies from accumulator expressions. ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "y.z" ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "u" ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "v" ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false, dependencies.needWholeDocument ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false, dependencies.needTextScore ); } }; /** * A string constant (not a field path) as an _id expression and passed to an accumulator. * SERVER-6766 */ class StringConstantIdAndAccumulatorExpressions : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSONObj() ); } BSONObj groupSpec() { return fromjson( "{_id:{$const:'$_id...'},a:{$push:{$const:'$a...'}}}" ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:'$_id...',a:['$a...']}]"; } }; /** An array constant passed to an accumulator. */ class ArrayConstantAccumulatorExpression : public CheckResultsBase { public: void run() { // A parse exception is thrown when a raw array is provided to an accumulator. ASSERT_THROWS( createGroup( fromjson( "{_id:1,a:{$push:[4,5,6]}}" ) ), UserException ); // Run standard base tests. CheckResultsBase::run(); } void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSONObj() ); } BSONObj groupSpec() { // An array can be specified using $const. return fromjson( "{_id:[1,2,3],a:{$push:{$const:[4,5,6]}}}" ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:[1,2,3],a:[[4,5,6]]}]"; } }; } // namespace DocumentSourceGroup namespace DocumentSourceProject { using mongo::DocumentSourceProject; class Base : public DocumentSourceCursor::Base { protected: void createProject( const BSONObj& projection = BSON( "a" << true ) ) { BSONObj spec = BSON( "$project" << projection ); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); _project = DocumentSourceProject::createFromBson( specElement, ctx() ); checkBsonRepresentation( spec ); _project->setSource( source() ); } DocumentSource* project() { return _project.get(); } /** Assert that iterator state accessors consistently report the source is exhausted. */ void assertExhausted() const { ASSERT( !_project->getNext() ); ASSERT( !_project->getNext() ); ASSERT( !_project->getNext() ); } /** * Check that the BSON representation generated by the souce matches the BSON it was * created with. */ void checkBsonRepresentation( const BSONObj& spec ) { vector arr; _project->serializeToArray(arr); BSONObj generatedSpec = arr[0].getDocument().toBson(); ASSERT_EQUALS( spec, generatedSpec ); } private: intrusive_ptr _project; }; /** The 'a' and 'c.d' fields are included, but the 'b' field is not. */ class Inclusion : public Base { public: void run() { client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:0,a:1,b:1,c:{d:1}}" ) ); createSource(); createProject( BSON( "a" << true << "c" << BSON( "d" << true ) ) ); // The first result exists and is as expected. boost::optional next = project()->getNext(); ASSERT(bool(next)); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, next->getField( "a" ).getInt() ); ASSERT( next->getField( "b" ).missing() ); // The _id field is included by default in the root document. ASSERT_EQUALS(0, next->getField( "_id" ).getInt()); // The nested c.d inclusion. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, (*next)["c"]["d"].getInt()); } }; /** Optimize the projection. */ class Optimize : public Base { public: void run() { createProject(BSON("a" << BSON("$and" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("$const" << true))))); project()->optimize(); // Optimizing the DocumentSourceProject optimizes the Expressions that comprise it, // in this case replacing an expression depending on constants with a constant. checkBsonRepresentation( fromjson( "{$project:{a:{$const:true}}}" ) ); } }; /** Projection spec is not an object. */ class NonObjectSpec : public Base { public: void run() { BSONObj spec = BSON( "$project" << "foo" ); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); ASSERT_THROWS( DocumentSourceProject::createFromBson( specElement, ctx() ), UserException ); } }; /** Projection spec is an empty object. */ class EmptyObjectSpec : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT_THROWS( createProject( BSONObj() ), UserException ); } }; /** Projection spec contains a top level dollar sign. */ class TopLevelDollar : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT_THROWS( createProject( BSON( "$add" << BSONArray() ) ), UserException ); } }; /** Projection spec is invalid. */ class InvalidSpec : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT_THROWS( createProject( BSON( "a" << BSON( "$invalidOperator" << 1 ) ) ), UserException ); } }; /** Two documents are projected. */ class TwoDocuments : public Base { public: void run() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 2 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 3 << "b" << 4 ) ); createSource(); createProject(); boost::optional next = project()->getNext(); ASSERT(bool(next)); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, next->getField( "a" ).getInt() ); ASSERT( next->getField( "b" ).missing() ); next = project()->getNext(); ASSERT(bool(next)); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, next->getField( "a" ).getInt() ); ASSERT( next->getField( "b" ).missing() ); assertExhausted(); } }; /** List of dependent field paths. */ class Dependencies : public Base { public: void run() { createProject(fromjson( "{a:true,x:'$b',y:{$and:['$c','$d']}, z: {$meta:'textScore'}}")); DepsTracker dependencies; ASSERT_EQUALS( DocumentSource::EXHAUSTIVE_FIELDS, project()->getDependencies( &dependencies ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5U, dependencies.fields.size() ); // Implicit _id dependency. ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "_id" ) ); // Inclusion dependency. ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "a" ) ); // Field path expression dependency. ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "b" ) ); // Nested expression dependencies. ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "c" ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "d" ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false, dependencies.needWholeDocument ); ASSERT_EQUALS( true, dependencies.needTextScore ); } }; } // namespace DocumentSourceProject namespace DocumentSourceSort { using mongo::DocumentSourceSort; class Base : public DocumentSourceCursor::Base { protected: void createSort( const BSONObj& sortKey = BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) { BSONObj spec = BSON( "$sort" << sortKey ); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); _sort = DocumentSourceSort::createFromBson( specElement, ctx() ); checkBsonRepresentation( spec ); _sort->setSource( source() ); } DocumentSourceSort* sort() { return dynamic_cast(_sort.get()); } /** Assert that iterator state accessors consistently report the source is exhausted. */ void assertExhausted() const { ASSERT( !_sort->getNext() ); ASSERT( !_sort->getNext() ); ASSERT( !_sort->getNext() ); } private: /** * Check that the BSON representation generated by the souce matches the BSON it was * created with. */ void checkBsonRepresentation( const BSONObj& spec ) { vector arr; _sort->serializeToArray(arr); BSONObj generatedSpec = arr[0].getDocument().toBson(); ASSERT_EQUALS( spec, generatedSpec ); } intrusive_ptr _sort; }; class SortWithLimit : public Base { public: void run() { createSort(BSON("a" << 1)); ASSERT_EQUALS(sort()->getLimit(), -1); { // pre-limit checks vector arr; sort()->serializeToArray(arr); ASSERT_EQUALS(arr[0].getDocument().toBson(), BSON("$sort" << BSON("a" << 1))); ASSERT(sort()->getShardSource() == NULL); ASSERT(sort()->getMergeSource() != NULL); } ASSERT_TRUE(sort()->coalesce(mkLimit(10))); ASSERT_EQUALS(sort()->getLimit(), 10); ASSERT_TRUE(sort()->coalesce(mkLimit(15))); ASSERT_EQUALS(sort()->getLimit(), 10); // unchanged ASSERT_TRUE(sort()->coalesce(mkLimit(5))); ASSERT_EQUALS(sort()->getLimit(), 5); // reduced vector arr; sort()->serializeToArray(arr); ASSERT_EQUALS(Value(arr), DOC_ARRAY(DOC("$sort" << DOC("a" << 1)) << DOC("$limit" << sort()->getLimit()))); ASSERT(sort()->getShardSource() != NULL); ASSERT(sort()->getMergeSource() != NULL); } intrusive_ptr mkLimit(int limit) { BSONObj obj = BSON("$limit" << limit); BSONElement e = obj.firstElement(); return mongo::DocumentSourceLimit::createFromBson(e, ctx()); } }; class CheckResultsBase : public Base { public: virtual ~CheckResultsBase() {} void run() { populateData(); createSource(); createSort( sortSpec() ); // Load the results from the DocumentSourceUnwind. vector resultSet; while (boost::optional current = sort()->getNext()) { // Get the current result. resultSet.push_back(*current); } // Verify the DocumentSourceUnwind is exhausted. assertExhausted(); // Convert results to BSON once they all have been retrieved (to detect any errors // resulting from incorrectly shared sub objects). BSONArrayBuilder bsonResultSet; for( vector::const_iterator i = resultSet.begin(); i != resultSet.end(); ++i ) { bsonResultSet << *i; } // Check the result set. ASSERT_EQUALS( expectedResultSet(), bsonResultSet.arr() ); } protected: virtual void populateData() {} virtual BSONObj expectedResultSet() { BSONObj wrappedResult = // fromjson cannot parse an array, so place the array within an object. fromjson( string( "{'':" ) + expectedResultSetString() + "}" ); return wrappedResult[ "" ].embeddedObject().getOwned(); } virtual string expectedResultSetString() { return "[]"; } virtual BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a" << 1 ); } }; class InvalidSpecBase : public Base { public: virtual ~InvalidSpecBase() { } void run() { ASSERT_THROWS( createSort( sortSpec() ), UserException ); } protected: virtual BSONObj sortSpec() = 0; }; class InvalidOperationBase : public Base { public: virtual ~InvalidOperationBase() { } void run() { populateData(); createSource(); createSort( sortSpec() ); ASSERT_THROWS( exhaust(), UserException ); } protected: virtual void populateData() = 0; virtual BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a" << 1 ); } private: void exhaust() { while (sort()->getNext()) { // do nothing } } }; /** No documents in source. */ class Empty : public CheckResultsBase { }; /** Sort a single document. */ class SingleValue : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 1 ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0,a:1}]"; } }; /** Sort two documents. */ class TwoValues : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 2 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << 1 ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:1,a:1},{_id:0,a:2}]"; } }; /** Sort spec is not an object. */ class NonObjectSpec : public Base { public: void run() { BSONObj spec = BSON( "$sort" << 1 ); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); ASSERT_THROWS( DocumentSourceSort::createFromBson( specElement, ctx() ), UserException ); } }; /** Sort spec is an empty object. */ class EmptyObjectSpec : public InvalidSpecBase { BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSONObj(); } }; /** Sort spec value is not a number. */ class NonNumberDirectionSpec : public InvalidSpecBase { BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a" << "b" ); } }; /** Sort spec value is not a valid number. */ class InvalidNumberDirectionSpec : public InvalidSpecBase { BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a" << 0 ); } }; /** Sort spec with a descending field. */ class DescendingOrder : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 2 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << 1 ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0,a:2},{_id:1,a:1}]"; } virtual BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a" << -1 ); } }; /** Sort spec with a dotted field. */ class DottedSortField : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << BSON( "b" << 2 ) ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:1,a:{b:1}},{_id:0,a:{b:2}}]"; } virtual BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a.b" << 1 ); } }; /** Sort spec with a compound key. */ class CompoundSortSpec : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 1 << "b" << 3 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << 1 << "b" << 2 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 2 << "a" << 0 << "b" << 4 ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:2,a:0,b:4},{_id:1,a:1,b:2},{_id:0,a:1,b:3}]"; } virtual BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ); } }; /** Sort spec with a compound key and descending order. */ class CompoundSortSpecAlternateOrder : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 1 << "b" << 3 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << 1 << "b" << 2 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 2 << "a" << 0 << "b" << 4 ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:1,a:1,b:2},{_id:0,a:1,b:3},{_id:2,a:0,b:4}]"; } virtual BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a" << -1 << "b" << 1 ); } }; /** Sort spec with a compound key and descending order. */ class CompoundSortSpecAlternateOrderSecondField : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 1 << "b" << 3 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << 1 << "b" << 2 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 2 << "a" << 0 << "b" << 4 ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:2,a:0,b:4},{_id:0,a:1,b:3},{_id:1,a:1,b:2}]"; } virtual BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << -1 ); } }; /** Sorting different types is not supported. */ class InconsistentTypeSort : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << 1) ); client.insert( ns, BSON("_id" << 1 << "a" << "foo") ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0,a:1},{_id:1,a:\"foo\"}]"; } }; /** Sorting different numeric types is supported. */ class MixedNumericSort : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 2.3 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << 1 ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:1,a:1},{_id:0,a:2.3}]"; } }; /** Ordering of a missing value. */ class MissingValue : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 1 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:1},{_id:0,a:1}]"; } }; /** Ordering of a null value. */ class NullValue : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << 1 ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << BSONNULL ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:1,a:null},{_id:0,a:1}]"; } }; /** A missing nested object within an array returns an empty array. */ class MissingObjectWithinArray : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 ) ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 1 << "a" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON("b" << 1) ) ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:0,a:[1]},{_id:1,a:[{b:1}]}]"; } BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a.b" << 1 ); } }; /** Compare nested values from within an array. */ class ExtractArrayValues : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:0,a:[{b:1},{b:2}]}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:1,a:[{b:1},{b:1}]}" ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() { return "[{_id:1,a:[{b:1},{b:1}]},{_id:0,a:[{b:1},{b:2}]}]"; } BSONObj sortSpec() { return BSON( "a.b" << 1 ); } }; /** Dependant field paths. */ class Dependencies : public Base { public: void run() { createSort( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b.c" << -1 ) ); DepsTracker dependencies; ASSERT_EQUALS( DocumentSource::SEE_NEXT, sort()->getDependencies( &dependencies ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2U, dependencies.fields.size() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "a" ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "b.c" ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false, dependencies.needWholeDocument ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false, dependencies.needTextScore ); } }; } // namespace DocumentSourceSort namespace DocumentSourceUnwind { using mongo::DocumentSourceUnwind; class Base : public DocumentSourceCursor::Base { protected: void createUnwind( const string& unwindFieldPath = "$a" ) { BSONObj spec = BSON( "$unwind" << unwindFieldPath ); BSONElement specElement = spec.firstElement(); _unwind = DocumentSourceUnwind::createFromBson( specElement, ctx() ); checkBsonRepresentation( spec ); _unwind->setSource( source() ); } DocumentSource* unwind() { return _unwind.get(); } /** Assert that iterator state accessors consistently report the source is exhausted. */ void assertExhausted() const { ASSERT( !_unwind->getNext() ); ASSERT( !_unwind->getNext() ); ASSERT( !_unwind->getNext() ); } private: /** * Check that the BSON representation generated by the source matches the BSON it was * created with. */ void checkBsonRepresentation( const BSONObj& spec ) { vector arr; _unwind->serializeToArray(arr); BSONObj generatedSpec = Value(arr[0]).getDocument().toBson(); ASSERT_EQUALS( spec, generatedSpec ); } intrusive_ptr _unwind; }; class CheckResultsBase : public Base { public: virtual ~CheckResultsBase() {} void run() { populateData(); createSource(); createUnwind( unwindFieldPath() ); // Load the results from the DocumentSourceUnwind. vector resultSet; while (boost::optional current = unwind()->getNext()) { // Get the current result. resultSet.push_back(*current); } // Verify the DocumentSourceUnwind is exhausted. assertExhausted(); // Convert results to BSON once they all have been retrieved (to detect any errors // resulting from incorrectly shared sub objects). BSONArrayBuilder bsonResultSet; for( vector::const_iterator i = resultSet.begin(); i != resultSet.end(); ++i ) { bsonResultSet << *i; } // Check the result set. ASSERT_EQUALS( expectedResultSet(), bsonResultSet.arr() ); } protected: virtual void populateData() {} virtual BSONObj expectedResultSet() const { BSONObj wrappedResult = // fromjson cannot parse an array, so place the array within an object. fromjson( string( "{'':" ) + expectedResultSetString() + "}" ); return wrappedResult[ "" ].embeddedObject().getOwned(); } virtual string expectedResultSetString() const { return "[]"; } virtual string unwindFieldPath() const { return "$a"; } }; class UnexpectedTypeBase : public Base { public: virtual ~UnexpectedTypeBase() {} void run() { populateData(); createSource(); createUnwind(); // A UserException is thrown during iteration. ASSERT_THROWS( iterateAll(), UserException ); } protected: virtual void populateData() {} private: void iterateAll() { while (unwind()->getNext()) { // do nothing } } }; /** An empty collection produces no results. */ class Empty : public CheckResultsBase { }; /** A document without the unwind field produces no results. */ class MissingField : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSONObj() ); } }; /** A document with a null field produces no results. */ class NullField : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << BSONNULL ) ); } }; /** A document with an empty array produces no results. */ class EmptyArray : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << BSONArray() ) ); } }; /** A document with a number field produces a UserException. */ class UnexpectedNumber : public UnexpectedTypeBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); } }; /** An additional document with a number field produces a UserException. */ class LaterUnexpectedNumber : public UnexpectedTypeBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 ) ) ); client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); } }; /** A document with a string field produces a UserException. */ class UnexpectedString : public UnexpectedTypeBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << "foo" ) ); } }; /** A document with an object field produces a UserException. */ class UnexpectedObject : public UnexpectedTypeBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "a" << BSONObj() ) ); } }; /** Unwind an array with one value. */ class UnwindOneValue : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 ) ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() const { return "[{_id:0,a:1}]"; } }; /** Unwind an array with two values. */ class UnwindTwoValues : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, BSON( "_id" << 0 << "a" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() const { return "[{_id:0,a:1},{_id:0,a:2}]"; } }; /** Unwind an array with two values, one of which is null. */ class UnwindNull : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:0,a:[1,null]}" ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() const { return "[{_id:0,a:1},{_id:0,a:null}]"; } }; /** Unwind two documents with arrays. */ class TwoDocuments : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:0,a:[1,2]}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:1,a:[3,4]}" ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() const { return "[{_id:0,a:1},{_id:0,a:2},{_id:1,a:3},{_id:1,a:4}]"; } }; /** Unwind an array in a nested document. */ class NestedArray : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:0,a:{b:[1,2],c:3}}" ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() const { return "[{_id:0,a:{b:1,c:3}},{_id:0,a:{b:2,c:3}}]"; } string unwindFieldPath() const { return "$a.b"; } }; /** A missing array (that cannot be nested below a non object field) produces no results. */ class NonObjectParent : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:0,a:4}" ) ); } string unwindFieldPath() const { return "$a.b"; } }; /** Unwind an array in a doubly nested document. */ class DoubleNestedArray : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:0,a:{b:{d:[1,2],e:4},c:3}}" ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() const { return "[{_id:0,a:{b:{d:1,e:4},c:3}},{_id:0,a:{b:{d:2,e:4},c:3}}]"; } string unwindFieldPath() const { return "$a.b.d"; } }; /** Unwind several documents in a row. */ class SeveralDocuments : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:0,a:[1,2,3]}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:1}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:2}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:3,a:[10,20]}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:4,a:[30]}" ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() const { return "[{_id:0,a:1},{_id:0,a:2},{_id:0,a:3},{_id:3,a:10}," "{_id:3,a:20},{_id:4,a:30}]"; } }; /** Unwind several more documents in a row. */ class SeveralMoreDocuments : public CheckResultsBase { void populateData() { client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:0,a:null}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:1}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:2,a:['a','b']}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:3}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:4,a:[1,2,3]}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:5,a:[4,5,6]}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:6,a:[7,8,9]}" ) ); client.insert( ns, fromjson( "{_id:7,a:[]}" ) ); } string expectedResultSetString() const { return "[{_id:2,a:'a'},{_id:2,a:'b'},{_id:4,a:1},{_id:4,a:2}," "{_id:4,a:3},{_id:5,a:4},{_id:5,a:5},{_id:5,a:6}," "{_id:6,a:7},{_id:6,a:8},{_id:6,a:9}]"; } }; /** Dependant field paths. */ class Dependencies : public Base { public: void run() { createUnwind( "$x.y.z" ); DepsTracker dependencies; ASSERT_EQUALS( DocumentSource::SEE_NEXT, unwind()->getDependencies( &dependencies ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.size() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, dependencies.fields.count( "x.y.z" ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false, dependencies.needWholeDocument ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false, dependencies.needTextScore ); } }; } // namespace DocumentSourceUnwind namespace DocumentSourceGeoNear { using mongo::DocumentSourceGeoNear; using mongo::DocumentSourceLimit; class LimitCoalesce : public DocumentSourceCursor::Base { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr geoNear = DocumentSourceGeoNear::create(ctx()); ASSERT_EQUALS(geoNear->getLimit(), 100); ASSERT(geoNear->coalesce(DocumentSourceLimit::create(ctx(), 200))); ASSERT_EQUALS(geoNear->getLimit(), 100); ASSERT(geoNear->coalesce(DocumentSourceLimit::create(ctx(), 50))); ASSERT_EQUALS(geoNear->getLimit(), 50); ASSERT(geoNear->coalesce(DocumentSourceLimit::create(ctx(), 30))); ASSERT_EQUALS(geoNear->getLimit(), 30); } }; } // namespace DocumentSourceGeoNear namespace DocumentSourceMatch { using mongo::DocumentSourceMatch; // Helpers to make a DocumentSourceMatch from a query object or json string intrusive_ptr makeMatch(const BSONObj& query) { intrusive_ptr uncasted = DocumentSourceMatch::createFromBson(BSON("$match" << query).firstElement(), NULL); return dynamic_cast(uncasted.get()); } intrusive_ptr makeMatch(const string& queryJson) { return makeMatch(fromjson(queryJson)); } class RedactSafePortion { public: void test(string input, string safePortion) { try { intrusive_ptr match = makeMatch(input); ASSERT_EQUALS(match->redactSafePortion(), fromjson(safePortion)); } catch(...) { unittest::log() << "Problem with redactSafePortion() of: " << input; throw; } } void run() { // Empty test("{}", "{}"); // Basic allowed things test("{a:1}", "{a:1}"); test("{a:'asdf'}", "{a:'asdf'}"); test("{a:/asdf/i}", "{a:/asdf/i}"); test("{a: {$regex: 'adsf'}}", "{a: {$regex: 'adsf'}}"); test("{a: {$regex: 'adsf', $options: 'i'}}", "{a: {$regex: 'adsf', $options: 'i'}}"); test("{a: {$mod: [1, 0]}}", "{a: {$mod: [1, 0]}}"); test("{a: {$type: 1}}", "{a: {$type: 1}}"); // Basic disallowed things test("{a: null}", "{}"); test("{a: {}}", "{}"); test("{a: []}", "{}"); test("{'a.0': 1}", "{}"); test("{'a.0.b': 1}", "{}"); test("{a: {$ne: 1}}", "{}"); test("{a: {$nin: [1, 2, 3]}}", "{}"); test("{a: {$exists: true}}", // could be allowed but currently isn't "{}"); test("{a: {$exists: false}}", // can never be allowed "{}"); test("{a: {$size: 1}}", "{}"); test("{$nor: [{a:1}]}", "{}"); // Combinations test("{a:1, b: 'asdf'}", "{a:1, b: 'asdf'}"); test("{a:1, b: null}", "{a:1}"); test("{a:null, b: null}", "{}"); // $elemMatch test("{a: {$elemMatch: {b: 1}}}", "{a: {$elemMatch: {b: 1}}}"); test("{a: {$elemMatch: {b:null}}}", "{}"); test("{a: {$elemMatch: {b:null, c:1}}}", "{a: {$elemMatch: {c: 1}}}"); // explicit $and test("{$and:[{a: 1}]}", "{$and:[{a: 1}]}"); test("{$and:[{a: 1}, {b: null}]}", "{$and:[{a: 1}]}"); test("{$and:[{a: 1}, {b: null, c:1}]}", "{$and:[{a: 1}, {c:1}]}"); test("{$and:[{a: null}, {b: null}]}", "{}"); // explicit $or test("{$or:[{a: 1}]}", "{$or:[{a: 1}]}"); test("{$or:[{a: 1}, {b: null}]}", "{}"); test("{$or:[{a: 1}, {b: null, c:1}]}", "{$or:[{a: 1}, {c:1}]}"); test("{$or:[{a: null}, {b: null}]}", "{}"); test("{}", "{}"); // $all and $in test("{a: {$all: [1, 0]}}", "{a: {$all: [1, 0]}}"); test("{a: {$all: [1, 0, null]}}", "{a: {$all: [1, 0]}}"); test("{a: {$all: [{$elemMatch: {b:1}}]}}", // could be allowed but currently isn't "{}"); test("{a: {$all: [1, 0, null]}}", "{a: {$all: [1, 0]}}"); test("{a: {$in: [1, 0]}}", "{a: {$in: [1, 0]}}"); test("{a: {$in: [1, 0, null]}}", "{}"); { const char* comparisonOps[] = { "$gt", "$lt" , "$gte", "$lte", NULL}; for (int i = 0; comparisonOps[i]; i++) { const char* op = comparisonOps[i]; test(string("{a: {") + op + ": 1}}", string("{a: {") + op + ": 1}}"); // $elemMatch takes direct expressions ... test(string("{a: {$elemMatch: {") + op + ": 1}}}", string("{a: {$elemMatch: {") + op + ": 1}}}"); // ... or top-level style full matches test(string("{a: {$elemMatch: {b: {") + op + ": 1}}}}", string("{a: {$elemMatch: {b: {") + op + ": 1}}}}"); test(string("{a: {") + op + ": null}}", "{}"); test(string("{a: {") + op + ": {}}}", "{}"); test(string("{a: {") + op + ": []}}", "{}"); test(string("{'a.0': {") + op + ": null}}", "{}"); test(string("{'a.0.b': {") + op + ": null}}", "{}"); } } } }; class Coalesce { public: void run() { intrusive_ptr match1 = makeMatch(BSON("a" << 1)); intrusive_ptr match2 = makeMatch(BSON("b" << 1)); intrusive_ptr match3 = makeMatch(BSON("c" << 1)); // Check initial state ASSERT_EQUALS(match1->getQuery(), BSON("a" << 1)); ASSERT_EQUALS(match2->getQuery(), BSON("b" << 1)); ASSERT_EQUALS(match3->getQuery(), BSON("c" << 1)); ASSERT(match1->coalesce(match2)); ASSERT_EQUALS(match1->getQuery(), fromjson("{'$and': [{a:1}, {b:1}]}")); ASSERT(match1->coalesce(match3)); ASSERT_EQUALS(match1->getQuery(), fromjson("{'$and': [{'$and': [{a:1}, {b:1}]}," "{c:1}]}")); } }; } // namespace DocumentSourceMatch class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite( "documentsource" ) { } void setupTests() { add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); } }; SuiteInstance myall; } // namespace DocumentSourceTests