/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ /** * Tests for json.{h,cpp} code and BSONObj::jsonString() */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kDefault #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include #include #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/dbtests/dbtests.h" #include "mongo/platform/decimal128.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" namespace { using B = BSONObjBuilder; using Arr = BSONArrayBuilder; // Tests of the BSONObj::jsonString member function. namespace JsonStringTests { void checkJsonString(const BSONObj& bson, const std::string& json) { ASSERT_EQUALS(bson.jsonString(Strict), json); } void checkJsonStringEach(const std::vector>& pairs) { for (const auto& pair : pairs) { checkJsonString(pair.first, pair.second); } } TEST(JsonStringTest, BasicTest) { checkJsonStringEach({ {B().obj(), "{}"}, // Empty {B().append("a", "b").obj(), R"({ "a" : "b" })"}, // SingleStringMember {B().append("a", "\" \\ / \b \f \n \r \t").obj(), R"({ "a" : "\" \\ / \b \f \n \r \t" })"}, // EscapedCharacters // per http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt, control characters are // (U+0000 through U+001F). U+007F is not mentioned as a control character. {B().append("a", "\x1 \x1f").obj(), R"({ "a" : "\u0001 \u001f" })"}, // AdditionalControlCharacters {B().append("a", "\x80").obj(), "{ \"a\" : \"\x80\" }"}, // ExtendedAscii {B().append("\t", "b").obj(), R"({ "\t" : "b" })"}, // EscapeFieldName {B().append("a", 1).obj(), R"({ "a" : 1 })"}, // SingleIntMember }); } TEST(JsonStringTest, NumbersTest) { const double qNaN = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); const double sNaN = std::numeric_limits::signaling_NaN(); // Note there is no NaN in the JSON RFC but what would be the alternative? ASSERT(str::contains(B().append("a", qNaN).obj().jsonString(Strict), "NaN")); ASSERT(str::contains(B().append("a", sNaN).obj().jsonString(Strict), "NaN")); checkJsonStringEach({ {B().append("a", 1.5).obj(), R"({ "a" : 1.5 })"}, // SingleNumberMember {B().append("a", 123456789).obj(), R"({ "a" : 123456789 })"}, // NumberPrecision {B().append("a", -1).obj(), R"({ "a" : -1 })"}, // NegativeNumber }); } TEST(JsonStringTest, NumberLongStrictZero) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", 0LL); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$numberLong\" : \"0\" } }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, NumberLongStrict) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", 20000LL); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$numberLong\" : \"20000\" } }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } // Test a NumberLong that is too big to fit into a 32 bit integer TEST(JsonStringTest, NumberLongStrictLarge) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", 9223372036854775807LL); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$numberLong\" : \"9223372036854775807\" } }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, NumberLongStrictNegative) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", -20000LL); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$numberLong\" : \"-20000\" } }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, NumberDecimal) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", mongo::Decimal128("123456789.12345")); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : NumberDecimal(\"123456789.12345\") }", b.done().jsonString(TenGen)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, NumberDecimalStrict) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", mongo::Decimal128("123456789.12345")); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$numberDecimal\" : \"123456789.12345\" } }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, NumberDoubleNaN) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : NaN }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, NumberDoubleInfinity) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", std::numeric_limits::infinity()); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : Infinity }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, NumberDoubleNegativeInfinity) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", -std::numeric_limits::infinity()); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : -Infinity }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, SingleBoolMember) { ASSERT_EQUALS(R"({ "a" : true })", B().appendBool("a", true).obj().jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS(R"({ "a" : false })", B().appendBool("a", false).obj().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, SingleNullMember) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendNull("a"); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : null }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, SingleUndefinedMember) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendUndefined("a"); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$undefined\" : true } }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : undefined }", b.done().jsonString(TenGen)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, SingleObjectMember) { BSONObjBuilder b, c; b.append("a", c.done()); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : {} }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, TwoMembers) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", 1); b.append("b", 2); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2 }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, EmptyArray) { std::vector arr; BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", arr); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : [] }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, Array) { std::vector arr; arr.push_back(1); arr.push_back(2); BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", arr); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : [ 1, 2 ] }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, DBRef) { char OIDbytes[OID::kOIDSize]; memset(&OIDbytes, 0xff, OID::kOIDSize); OID oid = OID::from(OIDbytes); BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendDBRef("a", "namespace", oid); BSONObj built = b.done(); ASSERT_EQUALS( "{ \"a\" : { \"$ref\" : \"namespace\", \"$id\" : \"ffffffffffffffffffffffff\" } }", built.jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : Dbref( \"namespace\", \"ffffffffffffffffffffffff\" ) }", built.jsonString(TenGen)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, DBRefZero) { char OIDbytes[OID::kOIDSize]; memset(&OIDbytes, 0, OID::kOIDSize); OID oid = OID::from(OIDbytes); BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendDBRef("a", "namespace", oid); ASSERT_EQUALS( "{ \"a\" : { \"$ref\" : \"namespace\", \"$id\" : \"000000000000000000000000\" } }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, ObjectId) { char OIDbytes[OID::kOIDSize]; memset(&OIDbytes, 0xff, OID::kOIDSize); OID oid = OID::from(OIDbytes); BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendOID("a", &oid); BSONObj built = b.done(); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$oid\" : \"ffffffffffffffffffffffff\" } }", built.jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : ObjectId( \"ffffffffffffffffffffffff\" ) }", built.jsonString(TenGen)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, BinData) { char z[3]; z[0] = 'a'; z[1] = 'b'; z[2] = 'c'; BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendBinData("a", 3, BinDataGeneral, z); std::string o = b.done().jsonString(Strict); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$binary\" : \"YWJj\", \"$type\" : \"00\" } }", o); BSONObjBuilder c; c.appendBinData("a", 2, BinDataGeneral, z); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$binary\" : \"YWI=\", \"$type\" : \"00\" } }", c.done().jsonString(Strict)); BSONObjBuilder d; d.appendBinData("a", 1, BinDataGeneral, z); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$binary\" : \"YQ==\", \"$type\" : \"00\" } }", d.done().jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, Symbol) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendSymbol("a", "b"); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : \"b\" }", b.done().jsonString(Strict)); } #ifdef _WIN32 char tzEnvString[] = "TZ=EST+5EDT"; #else char tzEnvString[] = "TZ=America/New_York"; #endif class TimeZoneGuard { public: TimeZoneGuard() { char* _oldTimezonePtr = getenv("TZ"); _oldTimezone = std::string(_oldTimezonePtr ? _oldTimezonePtr : ""); if (-1 == putenv(tzEnvString)) { FAIL(errnoWithDescription()); } tzset(); } ~TimeZoneGuard() { if (!_oldTimezone.empty()) { #ifdef _WIN32 errno_t ret = _putenv_s("TZ", _oldTimezone.c_str()); if (0 != ret) { StringBuilder sb; sb << "Error setting TZ environment variable to: " << _oldTimezone << ". Error code: " << ret; FAIL(sb.str()); } #else if (-1 == setenv("TZ", _oldTimezone.c_str(), 1)) { FAIL(errnoWithDescription()); } #endif } else { #ifdef _WIN32 errno_t ret = _putenv_s("TZ", ""); if (0 != ret) { StringBuilder sb; sb << "Error unsetting TZ environment variable. Error code: " << ret; FAIL(sb.str()); } #else if (-1 == unsetenv("TZ")) { FAIL(errnoWithDescription()); } #endif } tzset(); } private: std::string _oldTimezone; }; TEST(JsonStringTest, Date) { TimeZoneGuard tzGuard; BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendDate("a", Date_t()); BSONObj built = b.done(); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$date\" : \"1969-12-31T19:00:00.000-0500\" } }", built.jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : Date( 0 ) }", built.jsonString(TenGen)); // Test dates above our maximum formattable date. See SERVER-13760. BSONObjBuilder b2; b2.appendDate("a", Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(32535262800000LL)); BSONObj built2 = b2.done(); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$date\" : { \"$numberLong\" : \"32535262800000\" } } }", built2.jsonString(Strict)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, DateNegative) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendDate("a", Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(-1)); BSONObj built = b.done(); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$date\" : { \"$numberLong\" : \"-1\" } } }", built.jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : Date( -1 ) }", built.jsonString(TenGen)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, Regex) { BSONObj built = B().appendRegex("a", "abc", "i").obj(); ASSERT_EQUALS(R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "abc", "$options" : "i" } })", built.jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS(R"({ "a" : /abc/i })", built.jsonString(TenGen)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, RegexEscape) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendRegex("a", "/\"", "i"); BSONObj built = b.done(); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$regex\" : \"/\\\"\", \"$options\" : \"i\" } }", built.jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : /\\/\\\"/i }", built.jsonString(TenGen)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, RegexManyOptions) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendRegex("a", "z", "abcgimx"); BSONObj built = b.done(); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : { \"$regex\" : \"z\", \"$options\" : \"abcgimx\" } }", built.jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"a\" : /z/gim }", built.jsonString(TenGen)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, RegexValidOption) { BSONObj built = B().appendRegex("a", "sometext", "ms").obj(); ASSERT_EQUALS(R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "sometext", "$options" : "ms" } })", built.jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS(R"({ "a" : /sometext/ms })", built.jsonString(TenGen)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, CodeTests) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendCode("x", "function(arg){ var string = \"\\n\"; return 1; }"); BSONObj o = b.obj(); ASSERT_EQUALS( "{ \"x\" : \"function(arg){ var string = \\\"\\\\n\\\"; " "return 1; }\" }", o.jsonString()); } TEST(JsonStringTest, CodeWScopeTests) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendCodeWScope("x", "function(arg){ var string = \"\\n\"; return x; }", BSON("x" << 1)); BSONObj o = b.obj(); ASSERT_EQUALS( "{ \"x\" : " "{ \"$code\" : " "\"function(arg){ var string = \\\"\\\\n\\\"; return x; }\" , " "\"$scope\" : { \"x\" : 1 } } }", o.jsonString()); } TEST(JsonStringTest, TimestampTests) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("x", Timestamp(4, 10)); BSONObj o = b.obj(); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"x\" : { \"$timestamp\" : { \"t\" : 4, \"i\" : 10 } } }", o.jsonString(Strict)); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"x\" : Timestamp( 4, 10 ) }", o.jsonString(TenGen)); } TEST(JsonStringTest, NullString) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("x", "a\0b", 4); BSONObj o = b.obj(); ASSERT_EQUALS("{ \"x\" : \"a\\u0000b\" }", o.jsonString()); } TEST(JsonStringTest, AllTypesTest) { OID oid; oid.init(); BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendMinKey("a"); b.append("b", 5.5); b.append("c", "abc"); b.append("e", BSON("x" << 1)); b.append("f", BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 3)); b.appendBinData("g", sizeof(*this), bdtCustom, (const void*)this); b.appendUndefined("h"); b.append("i", oid); b.appendBool("j", 1); b.appendDate("k", Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(123)); b.appendNull("l"); b.appendRegex("m", "a"); b.appendDBRef("n", "foo", oid); b.appendCode("o", "function(){}"); b.appendSymbol("p", "foo"); b.appendCodeWScope("q", "function(){}", BSON("x" << 1)); b.append("r", (int)5); b.appendTimestamp("s", 123123123123123LL); b.append("t", 12321312312LL); b.append("u", "123456789.12345"); b.appendMaxKey("v"); BSONObj o = b.obj(); o.jsonString(); } } // namespace JsonStringTests namespace FromJsonTests { void assertEquals(const std::string& json, const BSONObj& expected, const BSONObj& actual, const char* msg) { const bool bad = expected.woCompare(actual); if (bad) { ::mongo::log() << "want:" << expected.jsonString() << " size: " << expected.objsize() << std::endl; ::mongo::log() << "got :" << actual.jsonString() << " size: " << actual.objsize() << std::endl; ::mongo::log() << expected.hexDump() << std::endl; ::mongo::log() << actual.hexDump() << std::endl; ::mongo::log() << msg << std::endl; ::mongo::log() << "orig json:" << json; } ASSERT(!bad); } void checkEquivalence(const std::string& json, const BSONObj& bson) { ASSERT(fromjson(json).valid(BSONVersion::kLatest)); assertEquals(json, bson, fromjson(json), "mode: json-to-bson"); assertEquals(json, bson, fromjson(tojson(bson)), "mode: "); assertEquals(json, bson, fromjson(tojson(bson, Strict)), "mode: strict"); assertEquals(json, bson, fromjson(tojson(bson, TenGen)), "mode: tengen"); } void checkRejection(const std::string& json) { ASSERT_THROWS(fromjson(json), AssertionException); } void checkEquivalenceEach(const std::vector>& sequence) { for (const auto& equiv : sequence) { checkEquivalence(equiv.first, equiv.second); } } void checkRejectionEach(const std::vector& sequence) { for (const std::string& json : sequence) { checkRejection(json); } } TEST(FromJsonTest, Parsing) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {"{}", B().obj()}, {"{ }", B().obj()}, {R"({ "a" : "b" })", B().append("a", "b").obj()}, {R"({ "" : "" })", B().append("", "").obj()}, {R"({ "$where" : 1 })", B().append("$where", 1).obj()}, // OkDollarFieldName {R"({ "a" : 1 })", B().append("a", 1).obj()}, // SingleNumber {R"({ "a" : 0.7 })", B().append("a", 0.7).obj()}, // RealNumber {R"({ "a" : -4.4433e-2 })", B().append("a", -4.4433e-2).obj()}, // FancyNumber {R"({ "a" : 1, "b" : "foo" })", B().append("a", 1).append("b", "foo").obj()}, // 2Elem {R"({ "z" : { "a" : 1 } })", B().append("z", B().append("a", 1).obj()).obj()} // Sub }); checkRejectionEach({ R"({ "$oid" : "b" })", R"({ "$ref" : "b" })", R"({ 0 : "b" })", R"({ test.test : "b" })", R"({ \"nc\0nc\" : \"b\" })", R"({ a : })", R"({ a : a })", }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, DeeplyNestedObject) { std::string json = R"({"0":true})"; BSONObj bson = B().append("0", true).obj(); for (int depth = 35; depth-- > 0;) { json = fmt::sprintf(R"({"%d":%s})", depth, json); bson = B().append(std::to_string(depth), bson).obj(); } checkEquivalence(json, bson); } TEST(FromJsonTest, ArrayTest) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ "a" : [] })", B().append("a", std::vector()).obj()}, // ArrayEmpty {"[]", BSONArray()}, // TopLevelArrayEmpty {R"([ 123, "abc" ])", Arr().append(123).append("abc").arr()}, // TopLevelArray {R"({ "a" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] })", B().append("a", std::vector{1, 2, 3}).obj()}, }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, SpecialValuesTest) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ "a" : true })", B().appendBool("a", true).obj()}, {R"({ "a" : false })", B().appendBool("a", false).obj()}, {R"({ "a" : null })", B().appendNull("a").obj()}, {R"({ "a" : undefined })", B().appendUndefined("a").obj()}, {R"({ "a" : { "$undefined" : true } })", B().appendUndefined("a").obj()}, }); checkRejectionEach({ R"({ "a" : { "$undefined" : false } })", }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, EscapedCharacters) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ "a" : "\" \\ \/ \b \f \n \r \t \v" })", B().append("a", "\" \\ / \b \f \n \r \t \v").obj()}, // EscapedCharacters {R"({ "a" : "\% \{ \a \z \$ \# \' \ " })", B().append("a", "% { a z $ # ' ").obj()}, // NonEscapedCharacters {"{ \"a\" : \"\x7f\" }", B().append("a", "\x7f").obj()}, // AllowedControlCharacter }); checkRejectionEach({ "{ \"a\" : \"\x1f\" }", // InvalidControlCharacter }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, FieldNameTest) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ b1 : "b" })", B().append("b1", "b").obj()}, // NumbersInFieldName {R"({ "\n" : "b" })", B().append("\n", "b").obj()}, // EscapeFieldName }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, Utf8Test) { using namespace std::literals::string_literals; const std::string u = "\xea\x80\x80\xea\x80\x80"s; BSONObj built = B().append("a", u).obj(); ASSERT_EQUALS(built.firstElement().valuestr(), u); checkEquivalenceEach({ // EscapedUnicodeToUtf8 {R"({ "a" : "\ua000\uA000" })", built}, // Utf8AllOnes {R"({ "a" : "\u0001\u007f\u07ff\uffff" })", B().append("a", "\x01\x7f\xdf\xbf\xef\xbf\xbf").obj()}, // Utf8FirstByteOnes {R"({ "a" : "\u0700\uff00" })", B().append("a", "\xdc\x80\xef\xbc\x80").obj()}, }); checkRejectionEach({ R"({ "a" : "\u0ZZZ" })", // Utf8Invalid R"({ "a" : "\u000" })", // Utf8TooShort }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, DBRefTest) { checkEquivalenceEach({ // Constructor {R"({ "a" : Dbref( "ns", "000000000000000000000000" ) })", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns").append("$id", "000000000000000000000000").obj()) .obj()}, // ConstructorCapitals {R"({ "a" : DBRef( "ns", "000000000000000000000000" ) })", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns").append("$id", "000000000000000000000000").obj()) .obj()}, // ConstructorDbName {R"({ "a" : Dbref( "ns", "000000000000000000000000", "dbname" ) })", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns") .append("$id", "000000000000000000000000") .append("$db", "dbname") .obj()) .obj()}, // ConstructorNumber {R"({ "a" : Dbref( "ns", 1 ) })", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns").append("$id", 1).obj()).obj()}, // ConstructorObject {R"({ "a" : Dbref( "ns", { "b" : true } ) })", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns").append("$id", B().append("b", true).obj()).obj()) .obj()}, // NumberId {R"({ "a" : { "$ref" : "ns", "$id" : 1 } })", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns").append("$id", 1).obj()).obj()}, // ObjectAsId {R"({ "a" : { "$ref" : "ns", "$id" : { "b" : true } } })", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns").append("$id", B().append("b", true).obj()).obj()) .obj()}, // StringId {R"({ "a" : { "$ref" : "ns", "$id" : "000000000000000000000000" } })", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns").append("$id", "000000000000000000000000").obj()) .obj()}, // ObjectIDObject {R"({ "a" : { "$ref" : "ns", "$id" : { "$oid" : "000000000000000000000000" } } })", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns").append("$id", OID()).obj()).obj()}, // ObjectIDConstructor {R"({ "a" : { "$ref" : "ns", "$id" : ObjectId( "000000000000000000000000" ) } })", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns").append("$id", OID()).obj()).obj()}, // DbName {R"({ "a" : { "$ref" : "ns", "$id" : "000000000000000000000000", )" R"("$db" : "dbname" } }))", B().append("a", B().append("$ref", "ns") .append("$id", "000000000000000000000000") .append("$db", "dbname") .obj()) .obj()}, }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, IdTest) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ "_id" : "000000000000000000000000" })", B().append("_id", "000000000000000000000000").obj()}, // StringId {R"({ "_id" : { "$oid" : "000000000000000000000000" } })", // B().appendOID("_id").obj()}, // Oid {R"({ "_id" : ObjectId( "0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f" ) })", // B().append("_id", OID::from(std::string(OID::kOIDSize, '\x0f').data())).obj()}, // Oid2 }); checkRejectionEach({ R"({ "_id" : { "$oid" : "0000000000000000000000000" } })", // too long R"({ "_id" : ObjectId( "0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0" ) })", // " R"({ "_id" : { "$oid" : "00000000000000000000000" } })", // too short R"({ "_id" : ObjectId( "0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0" ) })", // " R"({ "_id" : { "$oid" : "00000000000Z000000000000" } })", // invalid char R"({ "_id" : ObjectId( "0f0f0f0f0f0fZf0f0f0f0f0f" ) })", // " }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, BinDataTypes) { struct Spec { unsigned code; BinDataType bdt; }; const Spec specs[] = { {0x00, BinDataGeneral}, {0x01, Function}, {0x02, ByteArrayDeprecated}, {0x03, bdtUUID}, {0x04, newUUID}, {0x05, MD5Type}, {0x06, Encrypt}, {0x80, bdtCustom}, }; for (const auto& ts : specs) { checkEquivalence( fmt::sprintf(R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "YWJj", "$type" : "%02x" } })", ts.code), BSONObjBuilder().appendBinData("a", 3, ts.bdt, "abc").obj()); } } TEST(FromJsonTest, BinDataPadded) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "YWI=", "$type" : "00" } })", // padded B().appendBinData("a", 2, BinDataGeneral, "ab").obj()}, {R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "YQ==", "$type" : "00" } })", // padded double B().appendBinData("a", 1, BinDataGeneral, "a").obj()}, }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, BinDataAllChars) { using namespace std::literals::string_literals; const std::string z = "\x00\x10\x83\x10\x51\x87\x20\x92" "\x8B\x30\xD3\x8F\x41\x14\x93\x51" "\x55\x97\x61\x96\x9B\x71\xD7\x9F" "\x82\x18\xA3\x92\x59\xA7\xA2\x9A" "\xAB\xB2\xDB\xAF\xC3\x1C\xB3\xD3" "\x5D\xB7\xE3\x9E\xBB\xF3\xDF\xBF"s; // std::string literal for embedded '\0' const std::string json( R"({ "a" : {)" R"( "$binary" : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",)" R"( "$type" : "00" })" R"( })"); checkEquivalence(json, B().appendBinData("a", z.size(), BinDataGeneral, z.data()).obj()); } TEST(FromJsonTest, BinDataRejection) { // A few with bad length. checkRejectionEach({ R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "YQ=", "$type" : "00" } })", R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "YQ", "$type" : "00" } })", R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "YQX==", "$type" : "00" } })", R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "YQX", "$type" : "00" } })", R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "YQXZ=", "$type" : "00" } })", R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "YQXZ==", "$type" : "00" } })", }); checkRejectionEach({ R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "a...", "$type" : "00" } })", // BadChars R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "AAAA", "$type" : "0" } })", // TypeTooShort R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "AAAA", "$type" : "000" } })", // TypeTooLong R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "AAAA", "$type" : "ZZ" } })", // TypeBadChars R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "AAAA", "$type" : "" } })", // EmptyType R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "AAAA" } })", // NoType R"({ "a" : { "$binary" : "AAAA", "$type" : "100" } })", // InvalidType }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, Date) { const uint64_t u64Max = std::numeric_limits::max(); const BSONObj negDate = B().appendDate("a", Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(-1)).obj(); checkEquivalenceEach({ // DateZero // DOCS-2539: We cannot parse dates generated with a Unix timestamp of zero in local // time, since the body of the date may be before the Unix Epoch. This causes parsing // to fail even if the offset would properly adjust the time. For example, // "1969-12-31T19:00:00-05:00" actually represents the Unix timestamp of zero, but we // cannot parse it because the body of the date is before 1970. // {R"({ "a" : { "$date" : 0 } })", B().appendDate("a", Date_t()).obj()}, // DateNonzero {R"({ "a" : { "$date" : 1000000000 } })", B().appendDate("a", Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1'000'000'000)).obj()}, // DateStrictMaxUnsigned // Need to handle this because jsonString outputs the value of Date_t as unsigned. // See SERVER-8330 and SERVER-8573. {fmt::sprintf(R"({ "a" : { "$date" : %u } })", u64Max), negDate}, {fmt::sprintf(R"({ "a" : Date( %u ) })", u64Max), negDate}, // DateMaxUnsigned {R"({ "a" : { "$date" : -1 } })", negDate}, // DateStrictNegative {R"({ "a" : Date( -1 ) })", negDate}, // DateNegative }); checkRejectionEach({ fmt::sprintf(R"({ "a" : { "$date" : %u1 } })", u64Max), // DateStrictTooLong fmt::sprintf(R"({ "a" : Date( %u1 } ) })", u64Max), // DateTooLong R"({ "a" : { "$date" : "100" } })", // DateIsString R"({ "a" : Date("a") })", // DateIsString1 R"({ "a" : new Date("a") })", // DateIsString2 R"({ "a" : { "$date" : 1.1 } })", // DateIsFloat R"({ "a" : Date(1.1) })", // DateIsFloat1 R"({ "a" : new Date(1.1) })", // DateIsFloat2 R"({ "a" : { "$date" : 10e3 } })", // DateIsExponent R"({ "a" : Date(10e3) })", // DateIsExponent1 R"({ "a" : new Date(10e3) })", // DateIsExponent2 }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, NumberTest) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ "a" : NumberLong( 20000 ) })", B().append("a", 20000LL).obj()}, // NumberLong {fmt::sprintf(R"({'a': NumberLong(%d) })", std::numeric_limits::min()), B().append("a", std::numeric_limits::min()).obj()}, // NumberLongMin {R"({ "a" : NumberInt( 20000 ) })", B().appendNumber("a", 20000).obj()}, // NumberInt {R"({ "a" : NumberLong( -20000 ) })", B().append("a", -20000LL).obj()}, // NumberLongNeg {R"({ "a" : NumberInt( -20000 ) })", B().appendNumber("a", -20000).obj()}, // NumberIntNeg }); checkRejectionEach({ R"({ "a" : NumberLong( 'sdf' ) })", R"({ "a" : NumberInt( 'sdf' ) })", }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, JSTimestampTest) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ "a" : Timestamp( 20, 5 ) })", B().append("a", Timestamp(20, 5)).obj()}, {R"({ "a" : Timestamp( 0, 0 ) })", B().append("a", Timestamp()).obj()}, }); checkRejectionEach({ R"({ "a" : Timestamp( 20 ) })", // NoIncrement R"({ "a" : Timestamp() })", // NoArgs R"({ "a" : Timestamp( 20.0, 1 ) })", // FloatSeconds R"({ "a" : Timestamp( 20, 1.0 ) })", // FloatIncrement R"({ "a" : Timestamp( -20, 5 ) })", // NegativeSeconds R"({ "a" : Timestamp( 20, -5 ) })", // NegativeIncrement R"({ "a" : Timestamp( q, 5 ) })", // InvalidSeconds }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, TimestampObjectTest) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ "a" : { "$timestamp" : { "t" : 20 , "i" : 5 } } })", B().append("a", Timestamp(20, 5)).obj()}, {R"({ "a" : { "$timestamp" : { "t" : 0, "i" : 0} } })", B().append("a", Timestamp()).obj()}, }); checkRejectionEach({ // InvalidFieldName R"({ "a" : { "$timestamp" : { "time" : 20 , "increment" : 5 } } })", R"({ "a" : { "$timestamp" : { "t" : 20 } } })", // NoIncrement R"({ "a" : { "$timestamp" : { "t" : -20 , "i" : 5 } } })", // NegativeSeconds R"({ "a" : { "$timestamp" : { "t" : 20 , "i" : -5 } } })", // NegativeIncrement R"({ "a" : { "$timestamp" : { "t" : q , "i" : 5 } } })", // InvalidSeconds R"({ "a" : { "$timestamp" : { } } })", // NoArgs R"({ "a" : { "$timestamp" : { "t" : 1.0, "i" : 0} } })", // FloatSeconds R"({ "a" : { "$timestamp" : { "t" : 20, "i" : 1.0} } })", // FloatIncrement }); } BSONObj re(const std::string& name, const std::string& re, const std::string& options) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendRegex(name, re, options); return b.obj(); } TEST(FromJsonTest, Regex) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "b", "$options" : "i" } })", re("a", "b", "i")}, {R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "b" } })", re("a", "b", "")}, {R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "\t", "$options" : "i" } })", re("a", "\t", "i")}, {R"({ "a" : /"/ })", re("a", "\"", "")}, {R"({ "a" : { $regex : "\"" }})", re("a", "\"", "")}, {R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "b", "$options" : "" } })", re("a", "b", "")}, {R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "b", "$options" : "ms" } })", re("a", "b", "ms")}, {R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "", "$options" : ""} })", re("a", "", "")}, {R"({ "a" : // })", re("a", "", "")}, }); checkRejectionEach({ R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "b", "field" : "i" } })", R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "b", "$options" : "1" } })", R"({ "a" : /b/c })", R"({ "a" : /b/ic })", R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "b", "$options" : "a" } })", R"({ "a" : /b/a })", R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : // } })", R"({ "a" : { "$regex" : "test", "$options" : "ii" } })", }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, Malformed) { checkRejectionEach({ R"({)", R"(})", R"({test})", R"({test)", R"({ test : 1)", R"({ test : 1 , })", R"({ test : 1 , tst})", R"({ a : [])", R"({ a : { test : 1 })", R"({ a : [ { test : 1]})", R"({ a : [ { test : 1], b : 2})", R"({ a : "test"string })", R"({ a : test"string" })", R"({ a"bad" : "teststring" })", R"({ "a"test : "teststring" })", R"({ "atest : "teststring" })", R"({ atest" : "teststring" })", R"({ atest" : 1 })", R"({ atest : "teststring })", R"({ atest : teststring" })", }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, UnquotedFieldName) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {"{ a_b : 1 }", BSONObjBuilder().append("a_b", 1).obj()}, // {"{ $a_b : 1 }", BSONObjBuilder().append("$a_b", 1).obj()}, // }); checkRejectionEach({ "{ 123 : 1 }", "{ -123 : 1 }", "{ .123 : 1 }", "{ -.123 : 1 }", "{ -1.23 : 1 }", "{ 1e23 : 1 }", "{ -1e23 : 1 }", "{ -1e-23 : 1 }", "{ -hello : 1 }", "{ il.legal : 1 }", "{ 10gen : 1 }", "{ _123. : 1 }", "{ he-llo : 1 }", "{ bad\nchar : 1 }", "{ thiswill\fail : 1 }", "{ failu\re : 1 }", "{ t\test : 1 }", "{ \break: 1 }", "{ \xdc\x80\xef\xbc\x80 : 1 }", // "\u0700\uff00" "{ bl\\u3333p: 1 }", "{ bl-33p: 1 }", }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, QuoteTest) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ 'ab\'c"' : 'bb\b \'"' })", B().append("ab'c\"", "bb\b '\"").obj()}, {R"({ '"' : "test" })", B().append(R"(")", "test").obj()}, {R"({ "'" : "test" })", B().append(R"(')", "test").obj()}, {R"({ '"' : "test" })", B().append(R"(")", "test").obj()}, {R"({ '"\'"' : "test" })", B().append(R"("'")", "test").obj()}, {R"({ "'\"'" : "test" })", B().append(R"('"')", "test").obj()}, {R"({ "test" : "'" })", B().append("test", R"(')").obj()}, {R"({ "test" : '"' })", B().append("test", R"(")").obj()}, }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, ObjectIdTest) { OID id; id.init("deadbeeff00ddeadbeeff00d"); checkEquivalenceEach({ // ObjectId {R"({ "_id": ObjectId( "deadbeeff00ddeadbeeff00d" ) })", B().append("_id", id).obj()}, // ObjectId2 {R"({ "foo": ObjectId( "deadbeeff00ddeadbeeff00d" ) })", B().append("foo", id).obj()}, }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, NumericTypes) { long long kMaxS64 = 0x7fff'ffff'ffff'ffff; struct Val { int i; long long l; double d; }; const Val vals[] = { {123, kMaxS64, 3.14}, {-123, -kMaxS64, -3.14}, }; for (const Val& val : vals) { const BSONObj obj = B().append("int", val.i).append("long", val.l).append("double", val.d).obj(); const std::string altReps[] = { fmt::sprintf(R"({ "int": %d, "long": %d, "double": %.2f })", val.i, val.l, val.d), fmt::sprintf(R"({ 'int': NumberInt(%d), 'long': NumberLong(%d), 'double': %.2f })", val.i, val.l, val.d), }; for (const auto& json : altReps) { checkEquivalence(json, obj); BSONObj o = fromjson(json); ASSERT(o["int"].type() == NumberInt); ASSERT(o["long"].type() == NumberLong); ASSERT(o["double"].type() == NumberDouble); ASSERT(o["long"].numberLong() == val.l); } } checkEquivalenceEach({ // NumericIntMin {fmt::sprintf("{'a': %d }", std::numeric_limits::min()), B().appendNumber("a", std::numeric_limits::min()).obj()}, // NumericLongMin {fmt::sprintf("{'a': %d }", std::numeric_limits::min()), B().append("a", std::numeric_limits::min()).obj()}, // NumericLimits {fmt::sprintf("{'': [%d,%d,%d,%d] }", std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::min(), std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::min()), B().append("", Arr() .append(std::numeric_limits::max()) .append(std::numeric_limits::min()) .append(std::numeric_limits::max()) .append(std::numeric_limits::min()) .arr()) .obj()}, }); // Overflows double by giving it an exponent that is too large checkRejectionEach({ fmt::sprintf("{ test : %g%s}", std::numeric_limits::max(), "1111111111"), fmt::sprintf("{ test : %g%s}", std::numeric_limits::min(), "11111111111"), }); } TEST(FromJsonTest, EmbeddedDates) { const long long kMin = 1257829200000; const long long kMax = 1257829200100; auto makeDate = [](long long ms) { return Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(ms); }; const BSONObj bson = B().append("time.valid", B().appendDate("$gt", makeDate(kMin)).appendDate("$lt", makeDate(kMax)).obj()) .obj(); const std::string formats[] = { R"({ "time.valid" : { $gt : { "$date" : %d } , $lt : { "$date" : %d } } })", R"({ "time.valid" : { $gt : { "$date" : %d } , $lt : { "$date" : %d } } })", R"({ "time.valid" : { $gt : Date(%d) , $lt : Date( %d ) } })", }; for (const auto& format : formats) { const std::string json = fmt::sprintf(format, kMin, kMax); BSONObj o = fromjson(json); ASSERT_EQUALS(3, (o["time.valid"].type())); BSONObj e = o["time.valid"].embeddedObjectUserCheck(); ASSERT_EQUALS(9, e["$gt"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(9, e["$lt"].type()); checkEquivalence(json, bson); } } TEST(FromJsonTest, StringContainingNull) { checkEquivalence(R"({ "x" : "a\u0000b" })", B().append("x", "a\0b", 4).obj()); checkRejection(R"({ x\u0000y : "a" })"); // NullFieldUnquoted } TEST(FromJsonTest, MinMaxKey) { checkEquivalenceEach({ {R"({ "a" : { "$minKey" : 1 } })", B().appendMinKey("a").obj()}, // MinKey {R"({ "a" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } })", B().appendMaxKey("a").obj()}, // MaxKey }); checkRejectionEach({ R"({ "$minKey" : 1 })", // MinKeyAlone R"({ "$maxKey" : 1 })", // MaxKeyAlone }); } } // namespace FromJsonTests } // namespace