/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include #include "mongo/base/parse_number.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/dbdirectclient.h" #include "mongo/db/hasher.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/dbtests/dbtests.h" #include "mongo/platform/decimal128.h" #include "mongo/scripting/engine.h" #include "mongo/shell/shell_utils.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/thread_name.h" #include "mongo/util/future.h" #include "mongo/util/time_support.h" #include "mongo/util/timer.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kDefault using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::stringstream; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; namespace JSTests { using ScopeFactory = Scope* (ScriptEngine::*)(); template class BuiltinTests { public: void run() { // Run any tests included with the scripting engine getGlobalScriptEngine()->runTest(); } }; template class BasicScope { public: void run() { unique_ptr s; s.reset((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->setNumber("x", 5); ASSERT(5 == s->getNumber("x")); s->setNumber("x", 1.67); ASSERT(1.67 == s->getNumber("x")); s->setString("s", "eliot was here"); ASSERT("eliot was here" == s->getString("s")); s->setBoolean("b", true); ASSERT(s->getBoolean("b")); s->setBoolean("b", false); ASSERT(!s->getBoolean("b")); } }; template class ResetScope { public: void run() { /* Currently reset does not clear data in v8 or spidermonkey scopes. See SECURITY-10 unique_ptr s; s.reset( (getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)() ); s->setBoolean( "x" , true ); ASSERT( s->getBoolean( "x" ) ); s->reset(); ASSERT( !s->getBoolean( "x" ) ); */ } }; template class FalseTests { public: void run() { // Test falsy javascript values unique_ptr s; s.reset((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); ASSERT(!s->getBoolean("notSet")); s->setString("emptyString", ""); ASSERT(!s->getBoolean("emptyString")); s->setNumber("notANumberVal", std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()); ASSERT(!s->getBoolean("notANumberVal")); auto obj = BSONObjBuilder().appendNull("null").obj(); s->setElement("nullVal", obj.getField("null"), obj); ASSERT(!s->getBoolean("nullVal")); s->setNumber("zeroVal", 0); ASSERT(!s->getBoolean("zeroVal")); } }; template class SimpleFunctions { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->invoke("x=5;", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT(5 == s->getNumber("x")); s->invoke("return 17;", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT(17 == s->getNumber("__returnValue")); s->invoke("function(){ return 18; }", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT(18 == s->getNumber("__returnValue")); s->setNumber("x", 1.76); s->invoke("return x == 1.76; ", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT(s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->setNumber("x", 1.76); s->invoke("return x == 1.79; ", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT(!s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); BSONObj obj = BSON("" << 11.0); s->invoke("function( z ){ return 5 + z; }", &obj, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(16, s->getNumber("__returnValue")); } }; template class ObjectMapping { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); BSONObj o = BSON("x" << 17.0 << "y" << "eliot" << "z" << "sara"); s->setObject("blah", o); s->invoke("return blah.x;", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(17, s->getNumber("__returnValue")); s->invoke("return blah.y;", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS("eliot", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("return this.z;", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS("sara", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("return this.z == 'sara';", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("this.z == 'sara';", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("this.z == 'asara';", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("return this.x == 17;", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("return this.x == 18;", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("function(){ return this.x == 17; }", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("function(){ return this.x == 18; }", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("function (){ return this.x == 17; }", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("function z(){ return this.x == 18; }", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("function (){ this.x == 17; }", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("function z(){ this.x == 18; }", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("x = 5; for( ; x <10; x++){ a = 1; }", nullptr, &o); ASSERT_EQUALS(10, s->getNumber("x")); } }; template class ObjectDecoding { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->invoke("z = { num : 1 };", nullptr, nullptr); BSONObj out = s->getObject("z"); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, out["num"].number()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, out.nFields()); s->invoke("z = { x : 'eliot' };", nullptr, nullptr); out = s->getObject("z"); ASSERT_EQUALS("eliot", out["x"].str()); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, out.nFields()); BSONObj o = BSON("x" << 17); s->setObject("blah", o); out = s->getObject("blah"); ASSERT_EQUALS(17, out["x"].number()); } }; template class JSOIDTests { public: void run() { #ifdef MOZJS unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->localConnect("blah"); s->invoke("z = { _id : new ObjectId() , a : 123 };", 0, 0); BSONObj out = s->getObject("z"); ASSERT_EQUALS(123, out["a"].number()); ASSERT_EQUALS(jstOID, out["_id"].type()); OID save = out["_id"].__oid(); s->setObject("a", out); s->invoke("y = { _id : a._id , a : 124 };", 0, 0); out = s->getObject("y"); ASSERT_EQUALS(124, out["a"].number()); ASSERT_EQUALS(jstOID, out["_id"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(out["_id"].__oid().str(), save.str()); s->invoke("y = { _id : new ObjectId( a._id ) , a : 125 };", 0, 0); out = s->getObject("y"); ASSERT_EQUALS(125, out["a"].number()); ASSERT_EQUALS(jstOID, out["_id"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(out["_id"].__oid().str(), save.str()); #endif } }; template class SetImplicit { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); BSONObj o = BSON("foo" << "bar"); s->setObject("a.b", o); ASSERT(s->getObject("a").isEmpty()); BSONObj o2 = BSONObj(); s->setObject("a", o2); s->setObject("a.b", o); ASSERT(s->getObject("a").isEmpty()); o2 = fromjson("{b:{}}"); s->setObject("a", o2); s->setObject("a.b", o); ASSERT(!s->getObject("a").isEmpty()); } }; template class ObjectModReadonlyTests { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); BSONObj o = BSON("x" << 17 << "y" << "eliot" << "z" << "sara" << "zz" << BSONObj()); s->setObject("blah", o, true); BSONObj out; ASSERT_THROWS(s->invoke("blah.y = 'e'", nullptr, nullptr), mongo::AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS(s->invoke("blah.a = 19;", nullptr, nullptr), mongo::AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS(s->invoke("blah.zz.a = 19;", nullptr, nullptr), mongo::AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS(s->invoke("blah.zz = { a : 19 };", nullptr, nullptr), mongo::AssertionException); ASSERT_THROWS(s->invoke("delete blah['x']", nullptr, nullptr), mongo::AssertionException); // read-only object itself can be overwritten s->invoke("blah = {}", nullptr, nullptr); out = s->getObject("blah"); ASSERT(out.isEmpty()); // test array - can't implement this in v8 // o = fromjson( "{a:[1,2,3]}" ); // s->setObject( "blah", o, true ); // out = s->getObject( "blah" ); // s->invoke( "blah.a[ 0 ] = 4;", BSONObj() ); // s->invoke( "delete blah['a'][ 2 ];", BSONObj() ); // out = s->getObject( "blah" ); // ASSERT_EQUALS( 1.0, out[ "a" ].embeddedObject()[ 0 ].number() ); // ASSERT_EQUALS( 3.0, out[ "a" ].embeddedObject()[ 2 ].number() ); } }; template class OtherJSTypes { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); { // date BSONObj o; { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendDate("d", Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(123456789)); o = b.obj(); } s->setObject("x", o); s->invoke("return x.d.getTime() != 12;", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s->getBoolean("__returnValue")); s->invoke("z = x.d.getTime();", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(123456789, s->getNumber("z")); s->invoke("z = { z : x.d }", nullptr, nullptr); BSONObj out = s->getObject("z"); ASSERT(out["z"].type() == Date); } { // regex BSONObj o; { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendRegex("r", "^a", "i"); o = b.obj(); } s->setObject("x", o); s->invoke("z = x.r.test( 'b' );", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s->getBoolean("z")); s->invoke("z = x.r.test( 'a' );", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s->getBoolean("z")); s->invoke("z = x.r.test( 'ba' );", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s->getBoolean("z")); s->invoke("z = { a : x.r };", nullptr, nullptr); BSONObj out = s->getObject("z"); ASSERT_EQUALS((string) "^a", out["a"].regex()); ASSERT_EQUALS((string) "i", out["a"].regexFlags()); // This regex used to cause a segfault because x isn't a valid flag for a js RegExp. // Now it throws a JS exception. BSONObj invalidRegex = BSON_ARRAY(BSON("regex" << BSONRegEx("asdf", "x"))); const char* code = "function (obj) {" " var threw = false;" " try {" " obj.regex;" // should throw " } catch(e) {" " threw = true;" " }" " assert(threw);" // NOLINT "}"; ASSERT_EQUALS(s->invoke(code, &invalidRegex, nullptr), 0); } // array { BSONObj o = fromjson("{r:[1,2,3]}"); s->setObject("x", o, false); BSONObj out = s->getObject("x"); ASSERT_EQUALS(Array, out.firstElement().type()); s->setObject("x", o, true); out = s->getObject("x"); ASSERT_EQUALS(Array, out.firstElement().type()); } // symbol { // test mutable object with symbol type BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendSymbol("sym", "value"); BSONObj in = builder.done(); s->setObject("x", in, false); BSONObj out = s->getObject("x"); ASSERT_EQUALS(Symbol, out.firstElement().type()); // readonly s->setObject("x", in, true); out = s->getObject("x"); ASSERT_EQUALS(Symbol, out.firstElement().type()); } } }; template class SpecialDBTypes { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendTimestamp("a", 123456789); b.appendMinKey("b"); b.appendMaxKey("c"); b.append("d", Timestamp(1234, 9876)); { BSONObj t = b.done(); ASSERT_EQUALS(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1234000), t["d"].timestampTime()); ASSERT_EQUALS(9876U, t["d"].timestampInc()); } s->setObject("z", b.obj()); ASSERT(s->invoke("y = { a : z.a , b : z.b , c : z.c , d: z.d }", nullptr, nullptr) == 0); BSONObj out = s->getObject("y"); ASSERT_EQUALS(bsonTimestamp, out["a"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(MinKey, out["b"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(MaxKey, out["c"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(bsonTimestamp, out["d"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(9876U, out["d"].timestampInc()); ASSERT_EQUALS(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(1234000), out["d"].timestampTime()); ASSERT_EQUALS(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(123456789), out["a"].date()); } }; template class TypeConservation { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); // -- A -- BSONObj o; { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", (int)5); b.append("b", 5.6); o = b.obj(); } ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberInt, o["a"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, o["b"].type()); s->setObject("z", o); s->invoke("return z", nullptr, nullptr); BSONObj out = s->getObject("__returnValue"); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, out["a"].number()); ASSERT_EQUALS(5.6, out["b"].number()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, out["b"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberInt, out["a"].type()); // -- B -- { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", (int)5); b.append("b", 5.6); o = b.obj(); } s->setObject("z", o, false); s->invoke("return z", nullptr, nullptr); out = s->getObject("__returnValue"); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, out["a"].number()); ASSERT_EQUALS(5.6, out["b"].number()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, out["b"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberInt, out["a"].type()); // -- C -- { BSONObjBuilder b; { BSONObjBuilder c; c.append("0", 5.5); c.append("1", 6); b.appendArray("a", c.obj()); } o = b.obj(); } ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, o["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["0"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberInt, o["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["1"].type()); s->setObject("z", o, false); out = s->getObject("z"); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, out["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["0"].type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberInt, out["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["1"].type()); s->invokeSafe("z.z = 5;", nullptr, nullptr); out = s->getObject("z"); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, out["z"].number()); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, out["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["0"].type()); // Commenting so that v8 tests will work // TODO: this is technically bad, but here to make sure that i understand the behavior // ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , out["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["1"].type() ); // Eliot says I don't have to worry about this case // // -- D -- // // o = fromjson( "{a:3.0,b:4.5}" ); // ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , o["a"].type() ); // ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , o["b"].type() ); // // s->setObject( "z" , o , false ); // s->invoke( "return z" , BSONObj() ); // out = s->getObject( "__returnValue" ); // ASSERT_EQUALS( 3 , out["a"].number() ); // ASSERT_EQUALS( 4.5 , out["b"].number() ); // // ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , out["b"].type() ); // ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , out["a"].type() ); // } }; template class NumberLong { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); BSONObjBuilder b; long long val = (long long)(0xbabadeadbeefbaddULL); b.append("a", val); BSONObj in = b.obj(); s->setObject("a", in); BSONObj out = s->getObject("a"); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::NumberLong, out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT(s->exec("b = {b:a.a}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("b"); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::NumberLong, out.firstElement().type()); if (val != out.firstElement().numberLong()) { cout << val << endl; cout << out.firstElement().numberLong() << endl; cout << out.toString() << endl; ASSERT_EQUALS(val, out.firstElement().numberLong()); } ASSERT(s->exec("c = {c:a.a.toString()}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("c"); stringstream ss; ss << "NumberLong(\"" << val << "\")"; ASSERT_EQUALS(ss.str(), out.firstElement().str()); ASSERT(s->exec("d = {d:a.a.toNumber()}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("d"); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(double(val), out.firstElement().number()); ASSERT(s->exec("e = {e:a.a.floatApprox}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("e"); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(double(val), out.firstElement().number()); ASSERT(s->exec("f = {f:a.a.top}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("f"); ASSERT(NumberDouble == out.firstElement().type() || NumberInt == out.firstElement().type()); s->setObject("z", BSON("z" << (long long)(4))); ASSERT(s->exec("y = {y:z.z.top}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("y"); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT(s->exec("x = {x:z.z.floatApprox}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("x"); ASSERT(NumberDouble == out.firstElement().type() || NumberInt == out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(double(4), out.firstElement().number()); ASSERT(s->exec("w = {w:z.z}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("w"); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::NumberLong, out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(4, out.firstElement().numberLong()); } }; template class NumberLong2 { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); BSONObj in; { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", 5); b.append("b", (long long)5); b.append("c", (long long)pow(2.0, 29)); b.append("d", (long long)pow(2.0, 30)); b.append("e", (long long)pow(2.0, 31)); b.append("f", (long long)pow(2.0, 45)); in = b.obj(); } s->setObject("a", in); ASSERT(s->exec("x = tojson( a ); ", "foo", false, true, false)); string outString = s->getString("x"); ASSERT(s->exec((string) "y = " + outString, "foo2", false, true, false)); BSONObj out = s->getObject("y"); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(in, out); } }; template class NumberLongUnderLimit { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); BSONObjBuilder b; // limit is 2^53 long long val = (long long)(9007199254740991ULL); b.append("a", val); BSONObj in = b.obj(); s->setObject("a", in); BSONObj out = s->getObject("a"); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::NumberLong, out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT(s->exec("b = {b:a.a}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("b"); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::NumberLong, out.firstElement().type()); if (val != out.firstElement().numberLong()) { cout << val << endl; cout << out.firstElement().numberLong() << endl; cout << out.toString() << endl; ASSERT_EQUALS(val, out.firstElement().numberLong()); } ASSERT(s->exec("c = {c:a.a.toString()}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("c"); stringstream ss; ss << "NumberLong(\"" << val << "\")"; ASSERT_EQUALS(ss.str(), out.firstElement().str()); ASSERT(s->exec("d = {d:a.a.toNumber()}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("d"); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(double(val), out.firstElement().number()); ASSERT(s->exec("e = {e:a.a.floatApprox}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("e"); ASSERT_EQUALS(NumberDouble, out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT_EQUALS(double(val), out.firstElement().number()); ASSERT(s->exec("f = {f:a.a.top}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("f"); ASSERT(Undefined == out.firstElement().type()); } }; template class NumberDecimal { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); BSONObjBuilder b; Decimal128 val = Decimal128("2.010"); b.append("a", val); BSONObj in = b.obj(); s->setObject("a", in); // Test the scope object BSONObj out = s->getObject("a"); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::NumberDecimal, out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT_TRUE(val.isEqual(out.firstElement().numberDecimal())); ASSERT(s->exec("b = {b:a.a}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("b"); ASSERT_EQUALS(mongo::NumberDecimal, out.firstElement().type()); ASSERT_TRUE(val.isEqual(out.firstElement().numberDecimal())); // Test that the appropriate string output is generated ASSERT(s->exec("c = {c:a.a.toString()}", "foo", false, true, false)); out = s->getObject("c"); stringstream ss; ss << "NumberDecimal(\"" << val.toString() << "\")"; ASSERT_EQUALS(ss.str(), out.firstElement().str()); } }; template class NumberDecimalGetFromScope { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); ASSERT(s->exec("a = 5;", "a", false, true, false)); ASSERT_TRUE(Decimal128(5).isEqual(s->getNumberDecimal("a"))); } }; template class NumberDecimalBigObject { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); BSONObj in; { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", 5); b.append("b", Decimal128("1.5E-3000")); b.append("c", Decimal128("1.5E-1")); b.append("d", Decimal128("1.5E3000")); b.append("e", Decimal128("Infinity")); b.append("f", Decimal128("NaN")); in = b.obj(); } s->setObject("a", in); ASSERT(s->exec("x = tojson( a ); ", "foo", false, true, false)); string outString = s->getString("x"); ASSERT(s->exec((string) "y = " + outString, "foo2", false, true, false)); BSONObj out = s->getObject("y"); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(in, out); } }; template class MaxTimestamp { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); // Timestamp 't' component can exceed max for int32_t. BSONObj in; { BSONObjBuilder b; b.bb().appendNum(static_cast(bsonTimestamp)); b.bb().appendStr("a"); b.bb().appendNum(std::numeric_limits::max()); in = b.obj(); } s->setObject("a", in); ASSERT(s->exec("x = tojson( a ); ", "foo", false, true, false)); } }; template class WeirdObjects { public: BSONObj build(int depth) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("0", depth); if (depth > 0) b.appendArray("1", build(depth - 1)); return b.obj(); } void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); for (int i = 5; i < 100; i += 10) { s->setObject("a", build(i), false); s->invokeSafe("tojson( a )", nullptr, nullptr); s->setObject("a", build(5), true); s->invokeSafe("tojson( a )", nullptr, nullptr); } } }; /** * Test exec() timeout value terminates execution (SERVER-8053) */ template class ExecTimeout { public: void run() { unique_ptr scope((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); // assert timeout occurred ASSERT(!scope->exec("var a = 1; while (true) { ; }", "ExecTimeout", false, true, false, 1)); } }; /** * Test exec() timeout value terminates execution (SERVER-8053) */ template class ExecNoTimeout { public: void run() { unique_ptr scope((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); // assert no timeout occurred ASSERT(scope->exec("var a = function() { return 1; }", "ExecNoTimeout", false, true, false, 5 * 60 * 1000)); } }; /** * Test invoke() timeout value terminates execution (SERVER-8053) */ template class InvokeTimeout { public: void run() { unique_ptr scope((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); // scope timeout after 500ms bool caught = false; try { scope->invokeSafe( "function() { " " while (true) { } " "} ", nullptr, nullptr, 1); } catch (const DBException&) { caught = true; } ASSERT(caught); } }; template class SleepInterruption { public: void run() { auto scopePF = makePromiseFuture(); auto awakenedPF = makePromiseFuture(); auto safeToDestroyScopePF = makePromiseFuture(); // Spawn a thread which attempts to sleep indefinitely. stdx::thread thread([&] { std::unique_ptr scope((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); scopePF.promise.emplaceValue(scope.get()); awakenedPF.promise.setWith([&] { scope->exec( "" " try {" " sleep(99999999999);" " } finally {" " throw \"FAILURE\";" " }" "", "test", false, false, true); }); // The parent thread uses the 'scope' pointer to send the "kill" signal, making it // unsafe to destroy 'scope' until we have confirmation that the parent no longer needs // it. This wait protects against a use-after-free error that can occur if Scope::exec() // fails instead of executing its long sleep. safeToDestroyScopePF.future.wait(); }); // Wait until just before the sleep begins. auto scope = scopePF.future.get(); // Attempt to wait until Javascript enters the sleep. // It's OK if we kill the function prematurely, before it begins sleeping. Either cause of // death will emit an error with the Interrupted code. sleepsecs(1); // Send the operation a kill signal. scope->kill(); safeToDestroyScopePF.promise.setWith([&scope] { scope = nullptr; }); // Wait for the error. auto result = awakenedPF.future.getNoThrow(); ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCodes::Interrupted, result); thread.join(); } }; /** * Test invoke() timeout value does not terminate execution (SERVER-8053) */ template class InvokeNoTimeout { public: void run() { unique_ptr scope((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); // invoke completes before timeout scope->invokeSafe( "function() { " " for (var i=0; i<1; i++) { ; } " "} ", nullptr, nullptr, 5 * 60 * 1000); } }; template class Utf8Check { public: Utf8Check() { reset(); } ~Utf8Check() { reset(); } void run() { ASSERT(getGlobalScriptEngine()->utf8Ok()); } private: void check(const BSONObj& one, const BSONObj& two) { if (one.woCompare(two) != 0) { static string fail = string("Assertion failure expected ") + one.toString() + ", got " + two.toString(); FAIL(fail.c_str()); } } void reset() { const ServiceContext::UniqueOperationContext opCtxPtr = cc().makeOperationContext(); OperationContext& opCtx = *opCtxPtr; DBDirectClient client(&opCtx); client.dropCollection(ns()); } static const char* ns() { return "unittest.jstests.utf8check"; } }; template class BinDataType { public: void pp(const char* s, BSONElement e) { int len; const char* data = e.binData(len); cout << s << ":" << e.binDataType() << "\t" << len << endl; cout << "\t"; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) cout << (int)(data[i]) << " "; cout << endl; } void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); const char* foo = "asdas\0asdasd"; const char* base64 = "YXNkYXMAYXNkYXNk"; BSONObj in; { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", 7); b.appendBinData("b", 12, BinDataGeneral, foo); in = b.obj(); s->setObject("x", in); } s->invokeSafe("myb = x.b; print( myb ); printjson( myb );", nullptr, nullptr); s->invokeSafe("y = { c : myb };", nullptr, nullptr); BSONObj out = s->getObject("y"); ASSERT_EQUALS(BinData, out["c"].type()); // pp( "in " , in["b"] ); // pp( "out" , out["c"] ); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, in["b"].woCompare(out["c"], false)); // check that BinData js class is utilized s->invokeSafe("q = x.b.toString();", nullptr, nullptr); stringstream expected; expected << "BinData(" << BinDataGeneral << ",\"" << base64 << "\")"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected.str(), s->getString("q")); stringstream scriptBuilder; scriptBuilder << "z = { c : new BinData( " << BinDataGeneral << ", \"" << base64 << "\" ) };"; string script = scriptBuilder.str(); s->invokeSafe(script.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr); out = s->getObject("z"); // pp( "out" , out["c"] ); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, in["b"].woCompare(out["c"], false)); s->invokeSafe("a = { f: new BinData( 128, \"\" ) };", nullptr, nullptr); out = s->getObject("a"); int len = -1; out["f"].binData(len); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, len); ASSERT_EQUALS(128, out["f"].binDataType()); } }; template class VarTests { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); ASSERT(s->exec("a = 5;", "a", false, true, false)); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, s->getNumber("a")); ASSERT(s->exec("var b = 6;", "b", false, true, false)); ASSERT_EQUALS(6, s->getNumber("b")); } }; template class Speed1 { public: void run() { BSONObj start = BSON("x" << 5.0); BSONObj empty; unique_ptr s; s.reset((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); ScriptingFunction f = s->createFunction("return this.x + 6;"); Timer t; double n = 0; for (; n < 10000; n++) { s->invoke(f, &empty, &start); ASSERT_EQUALS(11, s->getNumber("__returnValue")); } // cout << "speed1: " << ( n / t.millis() ) << " ops/ms" << endl; } }; template class ScopeOut { public: void run() { unique_ptr s; s.reset((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->invokeSafe("x = 5;", nullptr, nullptr); { BSONObjBuilder b; s->append(b, "z", "x"); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(BSON("z" << 5), b.obj()); } s->invokeSafe("x = function(){ return 17; }", nullptr, nullptr); BSONObj temp; { BSONObjBuilder b; s->append(b, "z", "x"); temp = b.obj(); } s->invokeSafe("foo = this.z();", nullptr, &temp); ASSERT_EQUALS(17, s->getNumber("foo")); } }; template class RenameTest { public: void run() { unique_ptr s; s.reset((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->setNumber("x", 5); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, s->getNumber("x")); ASSERT_EQUALS(Undefined, s->type("y")); s->rename("x", "y"); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, s->getNumber("y")); ASSERT_EQUALS(Undefined, s->type("x")); s->rename("y", "x"); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, s->getNumber("x")); ASSERT_EQUALS(Undefined, s->type("y")); } }; /** * This tests a bug discovered in SERVER-24054, where certain interesting nan patterns crash * spidermonkey by looking like non-double type puns. This verifies that we put that particular * interesting nan in and that we still get a nan out. */ template class NovelNaN { public: void run() { uint8_t bits[] = { 16, 0, 0, 0, 0x01, 'a', '\0', 0x61, 0x79, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, }; unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->setObject("val", BSONObj(reinterpret_cast(bits)).getOwned()); s->invoke("val[\"a\"];", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(std::isnan(s->getNumber("__returnValue"))); } }; template class NoReturnSpecified { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->invoke("x=5;", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, s->getNumber("__returnValue")); s->invoke("x='test'", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS("test", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("x='return'", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS("return", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("return 'return'", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS("return", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("x = ' return '", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(" return ", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("x = \" return \"", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(" return ", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("x = \"' return '\"", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS("' return '", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("x = '\" return \"'", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS("\" return \"", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke(";return 5", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(5, s->getNumber("__returnValue")); s->invoke("String('return')", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS("return", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("String(' return ')", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(" return ", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("String(\"'return\")", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS("'return", s->getString("__returnValue")); s->invoke("String('\"return')", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS("\"return", s->getString("__returnValue")); } }; template class RecursiveInvoke { public: static BSONObj callback(const BSONObj& args, void* data) { auto scope = static_cast(data); scope->invoke("x = 10;", nullptr, nullptr); return BSONObj(); } void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->injectNative("foo", callback, s.get()); s->invoke("var x = 1; foo();", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT_EQUALS(s->getNumberInt("x"), 10); } }; template class ErrorCodeFromInvoke { public: void run() { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); { bool threwException = false; try { s->invoke("\"use strict\"; x = 10;", nullptr, nullptr); } catch (...) { threwException = true; auto status = exceptionToStatus(); ASSERT_EQUALS(status.code(), ErrorCodes::JSInterpreterFailure); } ASSERT(threwException); } { bool threwException = false; try { s->invoke("UUID(1,2,3,4,5);", nullptr, nullptr); } catch (...) { threwException = true; auto status = exceptionToStatus(); ASSERT_EQUALS(status.code(), ErrorCodes::BadValue); } ASSERT(threwException); } } }; template class ErrorWithSidecarFromInvoke { public: void run() { auto sidecarThrowingFunc = [](const BSONObj& args, void* data) -> BSONObj { uassertStatusOK(Status(ErrorExtraInfoExample(123), "foo")); return {}; }; unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->injectNative("foo", sidecarThrowingFunc); ASSERT_THROWS_WITH_CHECK( s->invoke("try { foo(); } catch (e) { throw e; } throw new Error(\"bar\");", nullptr, nullptr), ExceptionFor, [](const auto& ex) { ASSERT_EQ(ex->data, 123); }); } }; template class RequiresOwnedObjects { public: void run() { char buf[] = {5, 0, 0, 0, 0}; BSONObj unowned(buf); BSONObj owned = unowned.getOwned(); ASSERT(!unowned.isOwned()); ASSERT(owned.isOwned()); // Ensure that by default we can bind owned and unowned { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->setObject("unowned", unowned, true); s->setObject("owned", owned, true); } // After we set the flag, we should only be able to set owned { unique_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); s->requireOwnedObjects(); s->setObject("owned", owned, true); bool threwException = false; try { s->setObject("unowned", unowned, true); } catch (...) { threwException = true; auto status = exceptionToStatus(); ASSERT_EQUALS(status.code(), ErrorCodes::BadValue); } ASSERT(threwException); // after resetting, we can set unowned's again s->reset(); s->setObject("unowned", unowned, true); } } }; template class ConvertShardKeyToHashed { public: void check(shared_ptr s, const mongo::BSONObj& o) { s->setObject("o", o, true); s->invoke("return convertShardKeyToHashed(o);", nullptr, nullptr); const auto scopeShardKey = s->getNumber("__returnValue"); // Wrapping to form a proper element const auto wrapO = BSON("" << o); const auto e = wrapO[""]; const auto trueShardKey = mongo::BSONElementHasher::hash64(e, mongo::BSONElementHasher::DEFAULT_HASH_SEED); ASSERT_EQUALS(scopeShardKey, trueShardKey); } void checkNoArgs(shared_ptr s) { s->invoke("return convertShardKeyToHashed();", nullptr, nullptr); } void checkWithExtraArg(shared_ptr s, const mongo::BSONObj& o, int seed) { s->setObject("o", o, true); s->invoke("return convertShardKeyToHashed(o, 1);", nullptr, nullptr); } void run() { shared_ptr s((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); shell_utils::installShellUtils(*s); // Check a few elementary objects check(s, BSON("" << 1)); check(s, BSON("" << 10.0)); check(s, BSON("" << "Shardy")); check(s, BSON("" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 3))); check(s, BSON("" << mongo::jstNULL)); check(s, BSON("" << mongo::BSONObj())); check(s, BSON("A" << 1 << "B" << "Shardy")); ASSERT_THROWS(checkNoArgs(s), mongo::DBException); ASSERT_THROWS(checkWithExtraArg(s, BSON("" << 10.0), 0), mongo::DBException); } }; /** * A basic async test to make sure that async works and doesn't break */ template class BasicAsyncJS { public: void run() { unique_ptr scope((getGlobalScriptEngine()->*scopeFactory)()); scope->setNumber("x", 0); /* The async code will get run after the return, so * 0 should be returned. Immediately after the return is * evaluated the function within the then() will be executed, * setting x to 28. */ scope->invoke( "let f = async function() { return 28; };" "f().then(function(y){ x = y; });" "return x;", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT(0 == scope->getNumber("__returnValue")); /* When we return x the second time the value has been updated * by the async function */ scope->invoke("return x;", nullptr, nullptr); ASSERT(28 == scope->getNumber("__returnValue")); } }; class All : public OldStyleSuiteSpecification { public: All() : OldStyleSuiteSpecification("js") {} template void setupTestsWithScopeFactory() { add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); add>(); } void setupTests() { setupTestsWithScopeFactory<&ScriptEngine::newScope>(); setupTestsWithScopeFactory<&ScriptEngine::newScopeForCurrentThread>(); } }; OldStyleSuiteInitializer myall; } // namespace JSTests