// repltests.cpp : Unit tests for replication // /** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kDefault #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/document.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/mutable_bson_test_utils.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/db.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/dbdirectclient.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/update.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/master_slave.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_global.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_mock.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/sync_tail.h" #include "mongo/dbtests/dbtests.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" using namespace mongo::repl; namespace ReplTests { using std::unique_ptr; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::stringstream; using std::vector; BSONObj f(const char* s) { return fromjson(s); } class Base { protected: const ServiceContext::UniqueOperationContext _txnPtr = cc().makeOperationContext(); OperationContext& _txn = *_txnPtr; mutable DBDirectClient _client; public: Base() : _client(&_txn) { ReplSettings replSettings; replSettings.setOplogSizeBytes(10 * 1024 * 1024); replSettings.setMaster(true); setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(new repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock(replSettings)); getGlobalServiceContext()->setOpObserver(stdx::make_unique()); setOplogCollectionName(); createOplog(&_txn); OldClientWriteContext ctx(&_txn, ns()); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(&_txn); Collection* c = ctx.db()->getCollection(ns()); if (!c) { c = ctx.db()->createCollection(&_txn, ns()); } ASSERT(c->getIndexCatalog()->haveIdIndex(&_txn)); wuow.commit(); } ~Base() { try { deleteAll(ns()); deleteAll(cllNS()); ReplSettings replSettings; replSettings.setOplogSizeBytes(10 * 1024 * 1024); setGlobalReplicationCoordinator(new repl::ReplicationCoordinatorMock(replSettings)); } catch (...) { FAIL("Exception while cleaning up test"); } } protected: static const char* ns() { return "unittests.repltests"; } static const char* cllNS() { return "local.oplog.$main"; } BSONObj one(const BSONObj& query = BSONObj()) const { return _client.findOne(ns(), query); } void checkOne(const BSONObj& o) const { check(o, one(o)); } void checkAll(const BSONObj& o) const { unique_ptr c = _client.query(ns(), o); verify(c->more()); while (c->more()) { check(o, c->next()); } } void check(const BSONObj& expected, const BSONObj& got) const { if (expected.woCompare(got)) { ::mongo::log() << "expected: " << expected.toString() << ", got: " << got.toString() << endl; } ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(expected, got); } BSONObj oneOp() const { return _client.findOne(cllNS(), BSONObj()); } int count() const { ScopedTransaction transaction(&_txn, MODE_X); Lock::GlobalWrite lk(_txn.lockState()); OldClientContext ctx(&_txn, ns()); Database* db = ctx.db(); Collection* coll = db->getCollection(ns()); if (!coll) { WriteUnitOfWork wunit(&_txn); coll = db->createCollection(&_txn, ns()); wunit.commit(); } int count = 0; auto cursor = coll->getCursor(&_txn); while (auto record = cursor->next()) { ++count; } return count; } int opCount() { ScopedTransaction transaction(&_txn, MODE_X); Lock::GlobalWrite lk(_txn.lockState()); OldClientContext ctx(&_txn, cllNS()); Database* db = ctx.db(); Collection* coll = db->getCollection(cllNS()); if (!coll) { WriteUnitOfWork wunit(&_txn); coll = db->createCollection(&_txn, cllNS()); wunit.commit(); } int count = 0; auto cursor = coll->getCursor(&_txn); while (auto record = cursor->next()) { ++count; } return count; } void applyAllOperations() { ScopedTransaction transaction(&_txn, MODE_X); Lock::GlobalWrite lk(_txn.lockState()); vector ops; { OldClientContext ctx(&_txn, cllNS()); Database* db = ctx.db(); Collection* coll = db->getCollection(cllNS()); auto cursor = coll->getCursor(&_txn); while (auto record = cursor->next()) { ops.push_back(record->data.releaseToBson().getOwned()); } } { OldClientContext ctx(&_txn, ns()); BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("host", "localhost"); b.appendTimestamp("syncedTo", 0); ReplSource a(&_txn, b.obj()); for (vector::iterator i = ops.begin(); i != ops.end(); ++i) { if (0) { mongo::unittest::log() << "op: " << *i << endl; } _txn.setReplicatedWrites(false); a.applyOperation(&_txn, ctx.db(), *i); _txn.setReplicatedWrites(true); } } } void printAll(const char* ns) { ScopedTransaction transaction(&_txn, MODE_X); Lock::GlobalWrite lk(_txn.lockState()); OldClientContext ctx(&_txn, ns); Database* db = ctx.db(); Collection* coll = db->getCollection(ns); if (!coll) { WriteUnitOfWork wunit(&_txn); coll = db->createCollection(&_txn, ns); wunit.commit(); } auto cursor = coll->getCursor(&_txn); ::mongo::log() << "all for " << ns << endl; while (auto record = cursor->next()) { ::mongo::log() << record->data.releaseToBson() << endl; } } // These deletes don't get logged. void deleteAll(const char* ns) const { ScopedTransaction transaction(&_txn, MODE_X); Lock::GlobalWrite lk(_txn.lockState()); OldClientContext ctx(&_txn, ns); WriteUnitOfWork wunit(&_txn); Database* db = ctx.db(); Collection* coll = db->getCollection(ns); if (!coll) { coll = db->createCollection(&_txn, ns); } ASSERT_OK(coll->truncate(&_txn)); wunit.commit(); } void insert(const BSONObj& o) const { ScopedTransaction transaction(&_txn, MODE_X); Lock::GlobalWrite lk(_txn.lockState()); OldClientContext ctx(&_txn, ns()); WriteUnitOfWork wunit(&_txn); Database* db = ctx.db(); Collection* coll = db->getCollection(ns()); if (!coll) { coll = db->createCollection(&_txn, ns()); } OpDebug* const nullOpDebug = nullptr; if (o.hasField("_id")) { _txn.setReplicatedWrites(false); coll->insertDocument(&_txn, o, nullOpDebug, true); _txn.setReplicatedWrites(true); wunit.commit(); return; } class BSONObjBuilder b; OID id; id.init(); b.appendOID("_id", &id); b.appendElements(o); _txn.setReplicatedWrites(false); coll->insertDocument(&_txn, b.obj(), nullOpDebug, true); _txn.setReplicatedWrites(true); wunit.commit(); } static BSONObj wid(const char* json) { class BSONObjBuilder b; OID id; id.init(); b.appendOID("_id", &id); b.appendElements(fromjson(json)); return b.obj(); } }; class LogBasic : public Base { public: void run() { ASSERT_EQUALS(2, opCount()); _client.insert(ns(), fromjson("{\"a\":\"b\"}")); ASSERT_EQUALS(3, opCount()); } }; namespace Idempotence { class Base : public ReplTests::Base { public: virtual ~Base() {} void run() { reset(); doIt(); int nOps = opCount(); check(); applyAllOperations(); check(); ASSERT_EQUALS(nOps, opCount()); reset(); applyAllOperations(); check(); ASSERT_EQUALS(nOps, opCount()); applyAllOperations(); check(); ASSERT_EQUALS(nOps, opCount()); } protected: virtual void doIt() const = 0; virtual void check() const = 0; virtual void reset() const = 0; }; class InsertTimestamp : public Base { public: void doIt() const { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("a", 1); b.appendTimestamp("t"); _client.insert(ns(), b.done()); date_ = _client.findOne(ns(), QUERY("a" << 1)).getField("t").date(); } void check() const { BSONObj o = _client.findOne(ns(), QUERY("a" << 1)); ASSERT(Date_t{} != o.getField("t").date()); ASSERT_EQUALS(date_, o.getField("t").date()); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); } private: mutable Date_t date_; }; class InsertAutoId : public Base { public: InsertAutoId() : o_(fromjson("{\"a\":\"b\"}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.insert(ns(), o_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); } protected: BSONObj o_; }; class InsertWithId : public InsertAutoId { public: InsertWithId() { o_ = fromjson("{\"_id\":ObjectId(\"0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f\"),\"a\":\"b\"}"); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(o_); } }; class InsertTwo : public Base { public: InsertTwo() : o_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:'b'}")), t_(fromjson("{'_id':2,c:'d'}")) {} void doIt() const { vector v; v.push_back(o_); v.push_back(t_); _client.insert(ns(), v); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(2, count()); checkOne(o_); checkOne(t_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); } private: BSONObj o_; BSONObj t_; }; class InsertTwoIdentical : public Base { public: InsertTwoIdentical() : o_(fromjson("{\"a\":\"b\"}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.insert(ns(), o_); _client.insert(ns(), o_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(2, count()); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); } private: BSONObj o_; }; class UpdateTimestamp : public Base { public: void doIt() const { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("_id", 1); b.appendTimestamp("t"); _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 1), b.done()); date_ = _client.findOne(ns(), QUERY("_id" << 1)).getField("t").date(); } void check() const { BSONObj o = _client.findOne(ns(), QUERY("_id" << 1)); ASSERT(Date_t{} != o.getField("t").date()); ASSERT_EQUALS(date_, o.getField("t").date()); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(BSON("_id" << 1)); } private: mutable Date_t date_; }; class UpdateSameField : public Base { public: UpdateSameField() : q_(fromjson("{a:'b'}")), o1_(wid("{a:'b'}")), o2_(wid("{a:'b'}")), u_(fromjson("{a:'c'}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(2, count()); ASSERT(!_client.findOne(ns(), q_).isEmpty()); ASSERT(!_client.findOne(ns(), u_).isEmpty()); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(o1_); insert(o2_); } private: BSONObj q_, o1_, o2_, u_; }; class UpdateSameFieldWithId : public Base { public: UpdateSameFieldWithId() : o_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:'b'}")), q_(fromjson("{a:'b'}")), u_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:'c'}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(2, count()); ASSERT(!_client.findOne(ns(), q_).isEmpty()); ASSERT(!_client.findOne(ns(), u_).isEmpty()); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(o_); insert(fromjson("{'_id':2,a:'b'}")); } private: BSONObj o_, q_, u_; }; class UpdateSameFieldExplicitId : public Base { public: UpdateSameFieldExplicitId() : o_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:'b'}")), u_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:'c'}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), o_, u_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(u_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(o_); } protected: BSONObj o_, u_; }; class UpdateDifferentFieldExplicitId : public Base { public: UpdateDifferentFieldExplicitId() : o_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:'b'}")), q_(fromjson("{'_id':1}")), u_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:'c'}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(u_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(o_); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_; }; class UpsertUpdateNoMods : public UpdateDifferentFieldExplicitId { void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_, true); } }; class UpsertInsertNoMods : public InsertAutoId { void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), fromjson("{a:'c'}"), o_, true); } }; class UpdateSet : public Base { public: UpdateSet() : o_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:5}")), q_(fromjson("{a:5}")), u_(fromjson("{$set:{a:7}}")), ou_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:7}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(ou_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(o_); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class UpdateInc : public Base { public: UpdateInc() : o_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:5}")), q_(fromjson("{a:5}")), u_(fromjson("{$inc:{a:3}}")), ou_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:8}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(ou_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(o_); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class UpdateInc2 : public Base { public: UpdateInc2() : o_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:5}")), q_(fromjson("{a:5}")), u_(fromjson("{$inc:{a:3},$set:{x:5}}")), ou_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:8,x:5}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(ou_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(o_); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class IncEmbedded : public Base { public: IncEmbedded() : o_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:{b:3},b:{b:1}}")), q_(fromjson("{'_id':1}")), u_(fromjson("{$inc:{'a.b':1,'b.b':1}}")), ou_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:{b:4},b:{b:2}}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(ou_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(o_); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class IncCreates : public Base { public: IncCreates() : o_(fromjson("{'_id':1}")), q_(fromjson("{'_id':1}")), u_(fromjson("{$inc:{'a':1}}")), ou_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:1}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(ou_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(o_); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class UpsertInsertIdMod : public Base { public: UpsertInsertIdMod() : q_(fromjson("{'_id':5,a:4}")), u_(fromjson("{$inc:{a:3}}")), ou_(fromjson("{'_id':5,a:7}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_, true); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(ou_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); } protected: BSONObj q_, u_, ou_; }; class UpsertInsertSet : public Base { public: UpsertInsertSet() : q_(fromjson("{a:5}")), u_(fromjson("{$set:{a:7}}")), ou_(fromjson("{a:7}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_, true); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(2, count()); ASSERT(!_client.findOne(ns(), ou_).isEmpty()); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':7,a:7}")); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class UpsertInsertInc : public Base { public: UpsertInsertInc() : q_(fromjson("{a:5}")), u_(fromjson("{$inc:{a:3}}")), ou_(fromjson("{a:8}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), q_, u_, true); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); ASSERT(!_client.findOne(ns(), ou_).isEmpty()); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); } protected: BSONObj o_, q_, u_, ou_; }; class MultiInc : public Base { public: string s() const { stringstream ss; unique_ptr cc = _client.query(ns(), Query().sort(BSON("_id" << 1))); bool first = true; while (cc->more()) { if (first) first = false; else ss << ","; BSONObj o = cc->next(); ss << o["x"].numberInt(); } return ss.str(); } void doIt() const { _client.insert(ns(), BSON("_id" << 1 << "x" << 1)); _client.insert(ns(), BSON("_id" << 2 << "x" << 5)); ASSERT_EQUALS("1,5", s()); _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 1), BSON("$inc" << BSON("x" << 1))); ASSERT_EQUALS("2,5", s()); _client.update(ns(), BSONObj(), BSON("$inc" << BSON("x" << 1))); ASSERT_EQUALS("3,5", s()); _client.update(ns(), BSONObj(), BSON("$inc" << BSON("x" << 1)), false, true); check(); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS("4,6", s()); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); } }; class UpdateWithoutPreexistingId : public Base { public: UpdateWithoutPreexistingId() : o_(fromjson("{a:5}")), u_(fromjson("{a:5}")), ot_(fromjson("{b:4}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), o_, u_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(2, count()); checkOne(u_); checkOne(ot_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(ot_); insert(o_); } protected: BSONObj o_, u_, ot_; }; class Remove : public Base { public: Remove() : o1_(f("{\"_id\":\"010101010101010101010101\",\"a\":\"b\"}")), o2_(f("{\"_id\":\"010101010101010101010102\",\"a\":\"b\"}")), q_(f("{\"a\":\"b\"}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.remove(ns(), q_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(0, count()); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(o1_); insert(o2_); } protected: BSONObj o1_, o2_, q_; }; class RemoveOne : public Remove { void doIt() const { _client.remove(ns(), q_, true); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); } }; class FailingUpdate : public Base { public: FailingUpdate() : o_(fromjson("{'_id':1,a:'b'}")), u_(fromjson("{'_id':1,c:'d'}")) {} void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), o_, u_); _client.insert(ns(), o_); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(o_); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); } protected: BSONObj o_, u_; }; class SetNumToStr : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$set" << BSON("a" << "bcd"))); } void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); checkOne(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << "bcd")); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << 4.0)); } }; class Push : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$push" << BSON("a" << 5.0))); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4]}")); } }; class PushUpsert : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$push" << BSON("a" << 5.0)), true); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4]}")); } }; class MultiPush : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$push" << BSON("a" << 5.0) << "$push" << BSON("b.c" << 6.0))); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5],b:{c:[6]}}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4]}")); } }; class EmptyPush : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$push" << BSON("a" << 5.0))); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[5]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0}")); } }; class EmptyPushSparseIndex : public EmptyPush { public: EmptyPushSparseIndex() { _client.insert("unittests.system.indexes", BSON("ns" << ns() << "key" << BSON("a" << 1) << "name" << "foo" << "sparse" << true)); } ~EmptyPushSparseIndex() { _client.dropIndexes(ns()); } }; class PushAll : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$pushAll:{a:[5.0,6.0]}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5,6]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4]}")); } }; class PushWithDollarSigns : public Base { void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$push" << BSON("a" << BSON("$foo" << 1)))); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0, a:[0, {'$foo':1}]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << BSON_ARRAY(0))); } }; class PushSlice : public Base { void doIt() const { _client.update( ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$push" << BSON("a" << BSON("$each" << BSON_ARRAY(3) << "$slice" << -2)))); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0, a:[2,3]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2))); } }; class PushSliceInitiallyInexistent : public Base { void doIt() const { _client.update( ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$push" << BSON("a" << BSON("$each" << BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2) << "$slice" << -2)))); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0, a:[1,2] }"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(BSON("_id" << 0)); } }; class PushSliceToZero : public Base { void doIt() const { _client.update( ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$push" << BSON("a" << BSON("$each" << BSON_ARRAY(3) << "$slice" << 0)))); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0, a:[]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(BSON("_id" << 0)); } }; class PushAllUpsert : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$pushAll:{a:[5.0,6.0]}}"), true); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5,6]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4]}")); } }; class EmptyPushAll : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$pushAll:{a:[5.0,6.0]}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[5,6]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0}")); } }; class Pull : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$pull" << BSON("a" << 4.0))); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[5]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}")); } }; class PullNothing : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$pull" << BSON("a" << 6.0))); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}")); } }; class PullAll : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$pullAll:{a:[4,5]}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[6]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5,6]}")); } }; class Pop : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$pop:{a:1}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5,6]}")); } }; class PopReverse : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$pop:{a:-1}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[5,6]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[4,5,6]}")); } }; class BitOp : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$bit:{a:{and:2,or:8}}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << ((3 & 2) | 8)), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:3}")); } }; class Rename : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$rename:{a:'b'}}")); _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$set:{a:50}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mutablebson::unordered(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << 50 << "b" << 3)), mutablebson::unordered(one(fromjson("{'_id':0}")))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:3}")); } }; class RenameReplace : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$rename:{a:'b'}}")); _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$set:{a:50}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mutablebson::unordered(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << 50 << "b" << 3)), mutablebson::unordered(one(fromjson("{'_id':0}")))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:3,b:100}")); } }; class RenameOverwrite : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$rename:{a:'b'}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); ASSERT_EQUALS(mutablebson::unordered(BSON("_id" << 0 << "b" << 3 << "z" << 1)), mutablebson::unordered(one(fromjson("{'_id':0}")))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,z:1,a:3}")); } }; class NoRename : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$rename:{c:'b'},$set:{z:1}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << 3 << "z" << 1), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:3}")); } }; class NestedNoRename : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$rename:{'a.b':'c.d'},$set:{z:1}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(BSON("_id" << 0 << "z" << 1), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0}")); } }; class SingletonNoRename : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSONObj(), fromjson("{$rename:{a:'b'}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{_id:0,z:1}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,z:1}")); } }; class IndexedSingletonNoRename : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSONObj(), fromjson("{$rename:{a:'b'}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{_id:0,z:1}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); // Add an index on 'a'. This prevents the update from running 'in place'. ASSERT_OK(dbtests::createIndex(&_txn, ns(), BSON("a" << 1))); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,z:1}")); } }; class AddToSetEmptyMissing : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), fromjson("{$addToSet:{a:{$each:[]}}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{_id:0,a:[]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0}")); } }; class AddToSetWithDollarSigns : public Base { void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSON("_id" << 0), BSON("$addToSet" << BSON("a" << BSON("$foo" << 1)))); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{'_id':0, a:[0, {'$foo':1}]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << BSON_ARRAY(0))); } }; // // replay cases // class ReplaySetPreexistingNoOpPull : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSONObj(), fromjson("{$unset:{z:1}}")); // This is logged as {$set:{'a.b':[]},$set:{z:1}}, which might not be // replayable against future versions of a document (here {_id:0,a:1,z:1}) due // to SERVER-4781. As a result the $set:{z:1} will not be replayed in such // cases (and also an exception may abort replication). If this were instead // logged as {$set:{z:1}}, SERVER-4781 would not be triggered. _client.update(ns(), BSONObj(), fromjson("{$pull:{'a.b':1}, $set:{z:1}}")); _client.update(ns(), BSONObj(), fromjson("{$set:{a:1}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{_id:0,a:1,z:1}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:{b:[]},z:1}")); } }; class ReplayArrayFieldNotAppended : public Base { public: void doIt() const { _client.update(ns(), BSONObj(), fromjson("{$push:{'a.0.b':2}}")); _client.update(ns(), BSONObj(), fromjson("{$set:{'a.0':1}}")); } using ReplTests::Base::check; void check() const { ASSERT_EQUALS(1, count()); check(fromjson("{_id:0,a:[1,{b:[1]}]}"), one(fromjson("{'_id':0}"))); } void reset() const { deleteAll(ns()); insert(fromjson("{'_id':0,a:[{b:[0]},{b:[1]}]}")); } }; } // namespace Idempotence class DeleteOpIsIdBased : public Base { public: void run() { insert(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << 10)); insert(BSON("_id" << 1 << "a" << 11)); insert(BSON("_id" << 3 << "a" << 10)); _client.remove(ns(), BSON("a" << 10)); ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, _client.count(ns(), BSONObj())); insert(BSON("_id" << 0 << "a" << 11)); insert(BSON("_id" << 2 << "a" << 10)); insert(BSON("_id" << 3 << "a" << 10)); applyAllOperations(); ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, _client.count(ns(), BSONObj())); ASSERT(!one(BSON("_id" << 1)).isEmpty()); ASSERT(!one(BSON("_id" << 2)).isEmpty()); } }; class DatabaseIgnorerBasic { public: void run() { DatabaseIgnorer d; ASSERT(!d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(4, 0))); d.doIgnoreUntilAfter("a", Timestamp(5, 0)); ASSERT(d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(4, 0))); ASSERT(!d.ignoreAt("b", Timestamp(4, 0))); ASSERT(d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(4, 10))); ASSERT(d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(5, 0))); ASSERT(!d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(5, 1))); // Ignore state is expired. ASSERT(!d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(4, 0))); } }; class DatabaseIgnorerUpdate { public: void run() { DatabaseIgnorer d; d.doIgnoreUntilAfter("a", Timestamp(5, 0)); d.doIgnoreUntilAfter("a", Timestamp(6, 0)); ASSERT(d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(5, 5))); ASSERT(d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(6, 0))); ASSERT(!d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(6, 1))); d.doIgnoreUntilAfter("a", Timestamp(5, 0)); d.doIgnoreUntilAfter("a", Timestamp(6, 0)); d.doIgnoreUntilAfter("a", Timestamp(6, 0)); d.doIgnoreUntilAfter("a", Timestamp(5, 0)); ASSERT(d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(5, 5))); ASSERT(d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(6, 0))); ASSERT(!d.ignoreAt("a", Timestamp(6, 1))); } }; class SyncTest : public SyncTail { public: bool returnEmpty; SyncTest() : SyncTail(nullptr, SyncTail::MultiSyncApplyFunc()), returnEmpty(false) {} virtual ~SyncTest() {} virtual BSONObj getMissingDoc(OperationContext* txn, Database* db, const BSONObj& o) { if (returnEmpty) { BSONObj o; return o; } return BSON("_id" << "on remote" << "foo" << "baz"); } }; class ShouldRetry : public Base { public: void run() { bool threw = false; BSONObj o = BSON("ns" << ns() << "o" << BSON("foo" << "bar") << "o2" << BSON("_id" << "in oplog" << "foo" << "bar")); ScopedTransaction transaction(&_txn, MODE_X); Lock::GlobalWrite lk(_txn.lockState()); // this should fail because we can't connect try { SyncTail badSource(nullptr, SyncTail::MultiSyncApplyFunc()); badSource.setHostname("localhost:123"); OldClientContext ctx(&_txn, ns()); badSource.getMissingDoc(&_txn, ctx.db(), o); } catch (DBException&) { threw = true; } verify(threw); // now this should succeed SyncTest t; verify(t.shouldRetry(&_txn, o)); verify(!_client .findOne(ns(), BSON("_id" << "on remote")) .isEmpty()); // force it not to find an obj t.returnEmpty = true; verify(!t.shouldRetry(&_txn, o)); } }; class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite("repl") {} void setupTests() { add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); // SERVER-716 add(); // SERVER-717 add(); add(); add(); add(); // Don't worry about this until someone wants this functionality. // add< Idempotence::UpdateWithoutPreexistingId >(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); } }; SuiteInstance myall; } // namespace ReplTests