/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kASIO #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/executor/connection_pool_tl.h" #include "mongo/client/authenticate.h" #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_manager.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" namespace mongo { namespace executor { namespace connection_pool_tl { namespace { const auto kMaxTimerDuration = Milliseconds::max(); struct TimeoutHandler { AtomicWord done; Promise promise; explicit TimeoutHandler(Promise p) : promise(std::move(p)) {} }; } // namespace void TLTypeFactory::shutdown() { // Stop any attempt to schedule timers in the future _inShutdown.store(true); stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); LOGV2(22582, "Killing all outstanding egress activity."); for (auto collar : _collars) { collar->kill(); } } void TLTypeFactory::fasten(Type* type) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _collars.insert(type); } void TLTypeFactory::release(Type* type) { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _collars.erase(type); type->_wasReleased = true; } TLTypeFactory::Type::Type(const std::shared_ptr& factory) : _factory{factory} {} TLTypeFactory::Type::~Type() { invariant(_wasReleased); } void TLTypeFactory::Type::release() { _factory->release(this); } bool TLTypeFactory::inShutdown() const { return _inShutdown.load(); } void TLTimer::setTimeout(Milliseconds timeoutVal, TimeoutCallback cb) { // We will not wait on a timeout if we are in shutdown. // The clients will be canceled as an inevitable consequence of pools shutting down. if (inShutdown()) { LOGV2_DEBUG(22583, 2, "Skipping timeout due to impending shutdown."); return; } // Wait until our timeoutVal then run on the reactor _timer->waitUntil(_reactor->now() + timeoutVal) .thenRunOn(_reactor) .getAsync([cb = std::move(cb)](Status status) { // If we get canceled, then we don't worry about the timeout anymore if (status == ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled) { return; } fassert(50475, status); cb(); }); } void TLTimer::cancelTimeout() { _timer->cancel(); } Date_t TLTimer::now() { return _reactor->now(); } const HostAndPort& TLConnection::getHostAndPort() const { return _peer; } transport::ConnectSSLMode TLConnection::getSslMode() const { return _sslMode; } bool TLConnection::isHealthy() { return _client->isStillConnected(); } bool TLConnection::maybeHealthy() { // The connection has been successfully used after the last time we checked for its health, so // we may assume it's still healthy. if (auto lastUsedWithTimeout = getLastUsed() + kIsHealthyCacheTimeout; lastUsedWithTimeout > _isHealthyExpiresAt) { _isHealthyExpiresAt = lastUsedWithTimeout; // We may reset `_isHealthyCache` below if `now()` has already passed `_isHealthyExpiresAt`. _isHealthyCache = true; } if (auto currentTime = now(); !_isHealthyCache || currentTime >= _isHealthyExpiresAt) { _isHealthyCache = isHealthy(); _isHealthyExpiresAt = currentTime + kIsHealthyCacheTimeout; } return _isHealthyCache; } AsyncDBClient* TLConnection::client() { return _client.get(); } void TLConnection::setTimeout(Milliseconds timeout, TimeoutCallback cb) { auto anchor = shared_from_this(); _timer->setTimeout(timeout, [cb = std::move(cb), anchor = std::move(anchor)] { cb(); }); } void TLConnection::cancelTimeout() { _timer->cancelTimeout(); } namespace { class TLConnectionSetupHook : public executor::NetworkConnectionHook { public: explicit TLConnectionSetupHook(executor::NetworkConnectionHook* hookToWrap, bool x509AuthOnly) : _wrappedHook(hookToWrap), _x509AuthOnly(x509AuthOnly) {} BSONObj augmentIsMasterRequest(const HostAndPort& remoteHost, BSONObj cmdObj) override { BSONObjBuilder bob(std::move(cmdObj)); bob.append("hangUpOnStepDown", false); auto systemUser = internalSecurity.getUser(); if (systemUser && *systemUser) { bob.append("saslSupportedMechs", (*systemUser)->getName().getUnambiguousName()); } if (_x509AuthOnly) { _speculativeAuthType = auth::SpeculativeAuthType::kAuthenticate; } else { _speculativeAuthType = auth::speculateInternalAuth(remoteHost, &bob, &_session); } return bob.obj(); } Status validateHost(const HostAndPort& remoteHost, const BSONObj& isMasterRequest, const RemoteCommandResponse& isMasterReply) override try { const auto& reply = isMasterReply.data; // X.509 auth only means we only want to use a single mechanism regards of what hello says if (_x509AuthOnly) { _saslMechsForInternalAuth.clear(); _saslMechsForInternalAuth.push_back("MONGODB-X509"); } else { const auto saslMechsElem = reply.getField("saslSupportedMechs"); if (saslMechsElem.type() == Array) { auto array = saslMechsElem.Array(); for (const auto& elem : array) { _saslMechsForInternalAuth.push_back(elem.checkAndGetStringData().toString()); } } } const auto specAuth = reply.getField(auth::kSpeculativeAuthenticate); if (specAuth.type() == Object) { _speculativeAuthenticate = specAuth.Obj().getOwned(); } if (!_wrappedHook) { return Status::OK(); } else { return _wrappedHook->validateHost(remoteHost, isMasterRequest, isMasterReply); } } catch (const DBException& e) { return e.toStatus(); } StatusWith> makeRequest( const HostAndPort& remoteHost) final { if (_wrappedHook) { return _wrappedHook->makeRequest(remoteHost); } else { return boost::none; } } Status handleReply(const HostAndPort& remoteHost, RemoteCommandResponse&& response) final { if (_wrappedHook) { return _wrappedHook->handleReply(remoteHost, std::move(response)); } else { return Status::OK(); } } const std::vector& saslMechsForInternalAuth() const { return _saslMechsForInternalAuth; } std::shared_ptr getSession() { return _session; } auth::SpeculativeAuthType getSpeculativeAuthType() const { return _speculativeAuthType; } BSONObj getSpeculativeAuthenticateReply() { return _speculativeAuthenticate; } private: std::vector _saslMechsForInternalAuth; std::shared_ptr _session; auth::SpeculativeAuthType _speculativeAuthType; BSONObj _speculativeAuthenticate; executor::NetworkConnectionHook* const _wrappedHook = nullptr; bool _x509AuthOnly; }; #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL class TransientInternalAuthParametersProvider : public auth::InternalAuthParametersProvider { public: TransientInternalAuthParametersProvider( const std::shared_ptr transientSSLContext) : _transientSSLContext(transientSSLContext) {} ~TransientInternalAuthParametersProvider() = default; BSONObj get(size_t index, StringData mechanism) final { if (_transientSSLContext) { if (index == 0) { return auth::createInternalX509AuthDocument( boost::optional{_transientSSLContext->manager->getSSLConfiguration() .clientSubjectName.toString()}); } else { return BSONObj(); } } return auth::getInternalAuthParams(index, mechanism); } private: const std::shared_ptr _transientSSLContext; }; #endif } // namespace void TLConnection::setup(Milliseconds timeout, SetupCallback cb, std::string instanceName) { auto anchor = shared_from_this(); auto pf = makePromiseFuture(); auto handler = std::make_shared(std::move(pf.promise)); std::move(pf.future).thenRunOn(_reactor).getAsync( [this, cb = std::move(cb), anchor](Status status) { cb(this, std::move(status)); }); setTimeout(timeout, [this, handler, timeout] { if (handler->done.swap(true)) { return; } std::string reason = str::stream() << "Timed out connecting to " << _peer << " after " << timeout; handler->promise.setError( Status(ErrorCodes::NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit, std::move(reason))); if (_client) { _client->cancel(); } }); #ifdef MONGO_CONFIG_SSL bool x509AuthOnly = _transientSSLContext.get() && _transientSSLContext->targetClusterURI.has_value(); auto authParametersProvider = std::make_shared(_transientSSLContext); #else bool x509AuthOnly = false; auto authParametersProvider = auth::createDefaultInternalAuthProvider(); #endif // For transient connections, only use X.509 auth. auto isMasterHook = std::make_shared(_onConnectHook, x509AuthOnly); AsyncDBClient::connect( _peer, _sslMode, _serviceContext, _reactor, timeout, _transientSSLContext) .thenRunOn(_reactor) .onError([](StatusWith swc) -> StatusWith { return Status(ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable, swc.getStatus().reason()); }) .then([this, isMasterHook, instanceName = std::move(instanceName)]( AsyncDBClient::Handle client) { _client = std::move(client); return _client->initWireVersion(instanceName, isMasterHook.get()); }) .then([this, isMasterHook]() -> Future { if (_skipAuth) { return false; } return _client->completeSpeculativeAuth(isMasterHook->getSession(), auth::getInternalAuthDB(), isMasterHook->getSpeculativeAuthenticateReply(), isMasterHook->getSpeculativeAuthType()); }) .then([this, isMasterHook, authParametersProvider](bool authenticatedDuringConnect) { if (_skipAuth || authenticatedDuringConnect) { return Future::makeReady(); } boost::optional mechanism; if (!isMasterHook->saslMechsForInternalAuth().empty()) mechanism = isMasterHook->saslMechsForInternalAuth().front(); return _client->authenticateInternal(std::move(mechanism), authParametersProvider); }) .then([this] { if (!_onConnectHook) { return Future::makeReady(); } auto connectHookRequest = uassertStatusOK(_onConnectHook->makeRequest(_peer)); if (!connectHookRequest) { return Future::makeReady(); } return _client->runCommandRequest(*connectHookRequest) .then([this](RemoteCommandResponse response) { return _onConnectHook->handleReply(_peer, std::move(response)); }); }) .getAsync([this, handler, anchor](Status status) { if (handler->done.swap(true)) { return; } cancelTimeout(); if (status.isOK()) { handler->promise.emplaceValue(); } else { LOGV2_DEBUG(22584, 2, "Failed to connect to {hostAndPort} - {error}", "Failed to connect", "hostAndPort"_attr = _peer, "error"_attr = redact(status)); handler->promise.setError(status); } }); LOGV2_DEBUG(22585, 2, "Finished connection setup."); } void TLConnection::refresh(Milliseconds timeout, RefreshCallback cb) { auto anchor = shared_from_this(); auto pf = makePromiseFuture(); auto handler = std::make_shared(std::move(pf.promise)); std::move(pf.future).thenRunOn(_reactor).getAsync( [this, cb = std::move(cb), anchor](Status status) { cb(this, status); }); setTimeout(timeout, [this, handler] { if (handler->done.swap(true)) { return; } indicateFailure({ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable, "Timed out refreshing host"}); _client->cancel(); handler->promise.setError(getStatus()); }); _client ->runCommandRequest( {_peer, std::string("admin"), BSON("isMaster" << 1), BSONObj(), nullptr}) .then([](executor::RemoteCommandResponse response) { return Future::makeReady(response.status); }) .getAsync([this, handler, anchor](Status status) { if (handler->done.swap(true)) { return; } cancelTimeout(); if (status.isOK()) { indicateSuccess(); handler->promise.emplaceValue(); } else { indicateFailure(status); handler->promise.setError(status); } }); } Date_t TLConnection::now() { return _reactor->now(); } void TLConnection::cancelAsync() { if (_client) _client->cancel(); } auto TLTypeFactory::reactor() { return checked_pointer_cast(_executor); } std::shared_ptr TLTypeFactory::makeConnection( const HostAndPort& hostAndPort, transport::ConnectSSLMode sslMode, size_t generation) { auto conn = std::make_shared(shared_from_this(), reactor(), getGlobalServiceContext(), hostAndPort, sslMode, generation, _onConnectHook.get(), _connPoolOptions.skipAuthentication, _transientSSLContext); fasten(conn.get()); return conn; } std::shared_ptr TLTypeFactory::makeTimer() { auto timer = std::make_shared(shared_from_this(), reactor()); fasten(timer.get()); return timer; } Date_t TLTypeFactory::now() { return checked_cast(_executor.get())->now(); } } // namespace connection_pool_tl } // namespace executor } // namespace mongo