/** * Copyright (C) 2023-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "pinned_connection_task_executor.h" #include "mongo/executor/network_interface.h" #include "mongo/executor/thread_pool_task_executor.h" #include "mongo/util/scoped_unlock.h" // IWYU pragma: keep namespace mongo::executor { /** * Used as the state for callbacks _only_ for RPCs scheduled through this executor. */ class PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::CallbackState : public TaskExecutor::CallbackState { CallbackState(const CallbackState&) = delete; CallbackState& operator=(const CallbackState&) = delete; public: static std::shared_ptr make(const RemoteCommandOnAnyCallbackFn& cb, const BatonHandle& baton) { return std::make_shared(cb, baton); } /** * Do not call directly. Use make. */ CallbackState(const RemoteCommandOnAnyCallbackFn& cb, const BatonHandle& baton) : callback(cb), baton(baton) {} virtual ~CallbackState() = default; bool isCanceled() const override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void cancel() override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void waitForCompletion() override { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } // Run callback with a CallbackCanceled error. static void runCallbackCanceled(stdx::unique_lock& lk, RequestAndCallback rcb, TaskExecutor* exec) { CallbackHandle cbHandle; setCallbackForHandle(&cbHandle, rcb.second); auto errorResponse = RemoteCommandOnAnyResponse(boost::none, kCallbackCanceledErrorStatus); TaskExecutor::RemoteCommandOnAnyCallbackFn callback; using std::swap; swap(rcb.second->callback, callback); ScopedUnlock guard(lk); callback({exec, cbHandle, rcb.first, errorResponse}); } // Run callback with the provided result. static void runCallbackFinished(stdx::unique_lock& lk, RequestAndCallback rcb, TaskExecutor* exec, const StatusWith& result, boost::optional targetUsed) { // Convert the result into a RemoteCommandResponse unconditionally. RemoteCommandResponse asRcr = result.isOK() ? result.getValue() : RemoteCommandResponse(result.getStatus()); // Convert the response into an OnAnyResponse using the provided target. RemoteCommandOnAnyResponse asOnAnyRcr(targetUsed, asRcr); CallbackHandle cbHandle; setCallbackForHandle(&cbHandle, rcb.second); TaskExecutor::RemoteCommandOnAnyCallbackFn callback; using std::swap; swap(rcb.second->callback, callback); ScopedUnlock guard(lk); callback({exec, cbHandle, rcb.first, asOnAnyRcr}); } // All fields except for "canceled" are guarded by the owning task executor's _mutex. enum class State { kWaiting, kRunning, kDone, kCanceled }; RemoteCommandOnAnyCallbackFn callback; boost::optional finishedCondition; State state{State::kWaiting}; bool isNetworkOperation = true; bool startedNetworking = false; BatonHandle baton; }; PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor( const std::shared_ptr& executor, NetworkInterface* net) : _executor(executor), _net(net), _cancellationExecutor(executor) {} PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::~PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor() { shutdown(); join(); } Date_t PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::now() { return _executor->now(); } StatusWith PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::makeEvent() { return _executor->makeEvent(); } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::signalEvent(const EventHandle& event) { return _executor->signalEvent(event); } StatusWith PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::onEvent( const EventHandle& event, CallbackFn&& work) { return _executor->onEvent(event, std::move(work)); } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::waitForEvent(const EventHandle& event) { _executor->waitForEvent(event); } StatusWith PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::waitForEvent(OperationContext* opCtx, const EventHandle& event, Date_t deadline) { return _executor->waitForEvent(opCtx, event, deadline); } StatusWith PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::scheduleWork( CallbackFn&& work) { return _executor->scheduleWork(std::move(work)); } StatusWith PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::scheduleWorkAt( Date_t when, CallbackFn&& work) { return _executor->scheduleWorkAt(when, std::move(work)); } StatusWith PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::scheduleRemoteCommandOnAny( const RemoteCommandRequestOnAny& requestOnAny, const RemoteCommandOnAnyCallbackFn& cb, const BatonHandle& baton) { stdx::unique_lock lk{_mutex}; if (_state != State::running) { return {ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress, "Shutdown in progress"}; } invariant(requestOnAny.target.size() == 1, "RPCs scheduled through PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor can only target a single host."); RemoteCommandRequest req = RemoteCommandRequest(requestOnAny, 0); auto state = PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::CallbackState::make(cb, baton); _requestQueue.push_back({req, state}); CallbackHandle cbHandle; setCallbackForHandle(&cbHandle, state); if (!_isDoingNetworking) { _doNetworking(std::move(lk)); } return cbHandle; } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::_cancel(WithLock, CallbackState* cbState) { switch (cbState->state) { case CallbackState::State::kWaiting: // Just set the state to canceled. The callback will be run with an // error status once it reaches the front of the queue. cbState->state = CallbackState::State::kCanceled; break; case CallbackState::State::kRunning: { // Cancel the ongoing operation. cbState->state = CallbackState::State::kCanceled; if (_stream) { auto client = _stream->getClient(); client->cancel(cbState->baton); } break; } case CallbackState::State::kCanceled: [[fallthrough]]; case CallbackState::State::kDone: // Nothing to do. break; } } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::cancel(const CallbackHandle& cbHandle) { auto cbState = dynamic_cast(getCallbackFromHandle(cbHandle)); if (!cbState) { // Defer to underlying for non-RPC. _executor->cancel(cbHandle); return; } stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); return _cancel(std::move(lk), cbState); } ExecutorFuture PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::_ensureStream( WithLock, HostAndPort target, Milliseconds timeout, transport::ConnectSSLMode sslMode) { if (!_stream) { auto streamFuture = _net->leaseStream(target, sslMode, timeout); // If the stream is ready, send the RPC immediately by continuing inline. if (streamFuture.isReady()) { auto stream = std::move(streamFuture).getNoThrow(); if (!stream.isOK()) { // Propogate the error down the future chain. return ExecutorFuture(*_executor, stream.getStatus()); } _stream = std::move(stream.getValue()); return ExecutorFuture(*_executor); } // Otherwise continue on the networking reactor once the stream is ready. return std::move(streamFuture) .thenRunOn(*_executor) .then([this](std::unique_ptr stream) { stdx::lock_guard lk{_mutex}; _stream = std::move(stream); }); } auto remote = _stream->getClient()->remote(); using namespace fmt::literals; invariant( target == remote, "Attempted to schedule RPC to {} on TaskExecutor that had pinned connection to {}"_format( target, remote)); return ExecutorFuture(*_executor); } Future PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::_runSingleCommand( RemoteCommandRequest command, std::shared_ptr cbState) { stdx::lock_guard lk{_mutex}; if (auto& state = cbState->state; MONGO_unlikely(state == CallbackState::State::kCanceled)) { // It's possible this callback was canceled after it was moved // out of the queue, but before we actually started work on the client. // In that case, don't run it. return kCallbackCanceledErrorStatus; } auto client = _stream->getClient(); cbState->startedNetworking = true; return client->runCommandRequest(command, cbState->baton); } boost::optional PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::_getFirstUncanceledRequest(stdx::unique_lock& lk) { while (!_requestQueue.empty()) { auto req = std::move(_requestQueue.front()); _requestQueue.pop_front(); if (req.second->state == CallbackState::State::kCanceled) { CallbackState::runCallbackCanceled(lk, req, this); } else { return req; } } return boost::none; } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::_doNetworking(stdx::unique_lock&& lk) { _isDoingNetworking = true; // Find the first non-canceled request. boost::optional maybeReqToRun = _getFirstUncanceledRequest(lk); if (!maybeReqToRun) { // No non-canceled requests. Stop doing networking. _isDoingNetworking = false; invariant(_requestQueue.empty()); _requestQueueEmptyCV.notify_all(); return; } auto req = *maybeReqToRun; // Set req state to running invariant(req.second->state == CallbackState::State::kWaiting); req.second->state = CallbackState::State::kRunning; auto streamFut = _ensureStream(lk, req.first.target, req.first.timeout, req.first.sslMode); // Stash the in-progress operation before releasing the lock so we can // access it if we're shutdown while it's in-progress. _inProgressRequest = req.second; lk.unlock(); std::move(streamFut) .then([req, this]() { return _runSingleCommand(req.first, req.second); }) .thenRunOn(makeGuaranteedExecutor(req.second->baton, _cancellationExecutor)) .getAsync([req, this, self = shared_from_this()](StatusWith result) { stdx::unique_lock lk{_mutex}; _inProgressRequest.reset(); if (auto& state = req.second->state; MONGO_unlikely(state == CallbackState::State::kCanceled)) { CallbackState::runCallbackCanceled(lk, req, this); } else { invariant(state == CallbackState::State::kRunning); // Three possibilities here: we either finished the RPC // successfully, got a local error from the stream after // attempting to start networking, or never were able to acquire a // stream. In any case, we first complete the current request // by invoking it's callback: state = CallbackState::State::kDone; // Get the target if we successfully acquired a stream. boost::optional target = boost::none; if (_stream) { target = _stream->getClient()->remote(); } CallbackState::runCallbackFinished(lk, req, this, result, target); } // If we used the _stream, update it accordingly. if (req.second->startedNetworking) { if (auto status = result.getStatus(); status.isOK()) { _stream->indicateUsed(); _stream->indicateSuccess(); } else { // We didn't get a response from the remote. // We assume the stream is broken and therefore can do no more work. Notify the // stream of the failure, and shutdown. _stream->indicateFailure(status); _shutdown(lk); } } // If we weren't able to acquire a stream, shut-down. if (!_stream) { _shutdown(lk); } _isDoingNetworking = false; if (!_requestQueue.empty()) { return _doNetworking(std::move(lk)); } _requestQueueEmptyCV.notify_all(); }); } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::_shutdown(WithLock lk) { if (_state != State::running) { return; } _state = State::joinRequired; _executor->shutdown(); for (auto&& [_, cbState] : _requestQueue) { _cancel(lk, cbState.get()); } if (_isDoingNetworking && _inProgressRequest) { // Cancel the in-progress request that was already popped from the queue. _cancel(lk, _inProgressRequest.get()); } } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::shutdown() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); _shutdown(lk); } // May be called by any thread that wishes to wait until this executor is done shutting down. // Any thread that calls this will block until no work remains scheduled but not completed // on this executor. After join() completes, the state if this executor will be 'shutdownComplete'. void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::join() { stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex); if (_state == State::shutdownComplete) { return; } invariant(_state == State::joinRequired || _state == State::joining); _state = State::joining; _requestQueueEmptyCV.wait(lk, [this]() { return _requestQueue.empty() && !_isDoingNetworking; }); _executor->join(); _state = State::shutdownComplete; return; } SharedSemiFuture PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::joinAsync() { MONGO_UNIMPLEMENTED; } bool PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::isShuttingDown() const { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); return _state != State::running; } // Below are the portions of the TaskExecutor API that are illegal to use through // PinnedCursorTaskExecutor and/or are unimplemented at this time. void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::wait(const CallbackHandle& cbHandle, Interruptible* interruptible) { MONGO_UNIMPLEMENTED; } StatusWith PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::scheduleExhaustRemoteCommandOnAny( const RemoteCommandRequestOnAny& request, const RemoteCommandOnAnyCallbackFn& cb, const BatonHandle& baton) { MONGO_UNIMPLEMENTED; } bool PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::hasTasks() { stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex); return (!_requestQueue.empty()) || _executor->hasTasks(); } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::startup() { MONGO_UNIMPLEMENTED; } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::appendDiagnosticBSON(mongo::BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { MONGO_UNIMPLEMENTED; } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::appendConnectionStats(ConnectionPoolStats* stats) const { MONGO_UNIMPLEMENTED; } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::dropConnections(const HostAndPort& hostAndPort) { MONGO_UNIMPLEMENTED; } void PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor::appendNetworkInterfaceStats(BSONObjBuilder& bob) const { MONGO_UNIMPLEMENTED; } } // namespace mongo::executor