package db import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "strings" ) // IsNoCmd reeturns true if err indicates a query command is not supported, // otherwise, returns false. func IsNoCmd(err error) bool { e, ok := err.(*mgo.QueryError) return ok && strings.HasPrefix(e.Message, "no such cmd:") } // IsNoCollection returns true if err indicates a query resulted in a "no collection" error // otherwise, returns false. func IsNoCollection(err error) bool { e, ok := err.(*mgo.QueryError) return ok && e.Message == "no collection" } // buildBsonArray takes a cursor iterator and returns an array of // all of its documents as bson.D objects. func buildBsonArray(iter *mgo.Iter) ([]bson.D, error) { ret := make([]bson.D, 0, 0) index := new(bson.D) for iter.Next(index) { ret = append(ret, *index) index = new(bson.D) } if iter.Err() != nil { return nil, iter.Err() } return ret, nil } // GetIndexes returns an iterator to thethe raw index info for a collection by // using the listIndexes command if available, or by falling back to querying // against system.indexes (pre-3.0 systems). nil is returned if the collection // does not exist. func GetIndexes(coll *mgo.Collection) (*mgo.Iter, error) { var cmdResult struct { Cursor struct { FirstBatch []bson.Raw `bson:"firstBatch"` NS string Id int64 } } err := coll.Database.Run(bson.D{{"listIndexes", coll.Name}, {"cursor", bson.M{}}}, &cmdResult) switch { case err == nil: ns := strings.SplitN(cmdResult.Cursor.NS, ".", 2) if len(ns) < 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("server returned invalid cursor.ns `%v` on listIndexes for `%v`: %v", cmdResult.Cursor.NS, coll.FullName, err) } ses := coll.Database.Session return ses.DB(ns[0]).C(ns[1]).NewIter(ses, cmdResult.Cursor.FirstBatch, cmdResult.Cursor.Id, nil), nil case IsNoCmd(err): log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "No support for listIndexes command, falling back to querying system.indexes") return getIndexesPre28(coll) case IsNoCollection(err): return nil, nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("error running `listIndexes`. Collection: `%v` Err: %v", coll.FullName, err) } } func getIndexesPre28(coll *mgo.Collection) (*mgo.Iter, error) { indexColl := coll.Database.C("system.indexes") iter := indexColl.Find(&bson.M{"ns": coll.FullName}).Iter() return iter, nil } func GetCollections(database *mgo.Database, name string) (*mgo.Iter, bool, error) { var cmdResult struct { Cursor struct { FirstBatch []bson.Raw `bson:"firstBatch"` NS string Id int64 } } command := bson.D{{"listCollections", 1}, {"cursor", bson.M{}}} if len(name) > 0 { command = bson.D{{"listCollections", 1}, {"filter", bson.M{"name": name}}, {"cursor", bson.M{}}} } err := database.Run(command, &cmdResult) switch { case err == nil: ns := strings.SplitN(cmdResult.Cursor.NS, ".", 2) if len(ns) < 2 { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("server returned invalid cursor.ns `%v` on listCollections for `%v`: %v", cmdResult.Cursor.NS, database.Name, err) } return database.Session.DB(ns[0]).C(ns[1]).NewIter(database.Session, cmdResult.Cursor.FirstBatch, cmdResult.Cursor.Id, nil), false, nil case IsNoCmd(err): log.Logvf(log.DebugLow, "No support for listCollections command, falling back to querying system.namespaces") iter, err := getCollectionsPre28(database, name) return iter, true, err default: return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("error running `listCollections`. Database: `%v` Err: %v", database.Name, err) } } func getCollectionsPre28(database *mgo.Database, name string) (*mgo.Iter, error) { indexColl := database.C("system.namespaces") selector := bson.M{} if len(name) > 0 { selector["name"] = database.Name + "." + name } iter := indexColl.Find(selector).Iter() return iter, nil } func GetCollectionOptions(coll *mgo.Collection) (*bson.D, error) { iter, useFullName, err := GetCollections(coll.Database, coll.Name) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer iter.Close() comparisonName := coll.Name if useFullName { comparisonName = coll.FullName } collInfo := &bson.D{} for iter.Next(collInfo) { name, err := bsonutil.FindValueByKey("name", collInfo) if err != nil { collInfo = nil continue } if nameStr, ok := name.(string); ok { if nameStr == comparisonName { // we've found the collection we're looking for break } } else { collInfo = nil continue } } if collInfo != nil { optsInterface, _ := bsonutil.FindValueByKey("options", collInfo) if optsInterface != nil { optsD, ok := optsInterface.(bson.D) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot unmarshal collection options for collection %v.%v", coll.Database, coll.Name) } return &optsD, nil } } return nil, iter.Err() }