package mongoimport var Usage = ` Import CSV, TSV or JSON data into MongoDB. If no file is provided, mongoimport reads from stdin. See for more information.` // InputOptions defines the set of options for reading input data. type InputOptions struct { // Fields is an option to directly specify comma-separated fields to import to CSV. Fields *string `long:"fields" value-name:"[,]*" short:"f" description:"comma separated list of fields, e.g. -f name,age"` // FieldFile is a filename that refers to a list of fields to import, 1 per line. FieldFile *string `long:"fieldFile" value-name:"" description:"file with field names - 1 per line"` // Specifies the location and name of a file containing the data to import. File string `long:"file" value-name:"" description:"file to import from; if not specified, stdin is used"` // Treats the input source's first line as field list (csv and tsv only). HeaderLine bool `long:"headerline" description:"use first line in input source as the field list (CSV and TSV only)"` // Indicates that the underlying input source contains a single JSON array with the documents to import. JSONArray bool `long:"jsonArray" description:"treat input source as a JSON array"` // Indicates how to handle type coercion failures ParseGrace string `long:"parseGrace" value-name:"" default:"stop" description:"controls behavior when type coercion fails - one of: autoCast, skipField, skipRow, stop (defaults to 'stop')"` // Specifies the file type to import. The default format is JSON, but it’s possible to import CSV and TSV files. Type string `long:"type" value-name:"" default:"json" default-mask:"-" description:"input format to import: json, csv, or tsv (defaults to 'json')"` // Indicates that field names include type descriptions ColumnsHaveTypes bool `long:"columnsHaveTypes" description:"indicated that the field list (from --fields, --fieldsFile, or --headerline) specifies types; They must be in the form of '.()'. The type can be one of: auto, binary, bool, date, date_go, date_ms, date_oracle, double, int32, int64, string. For each of the date types, the argument is a datetime layout string. For the binary type, the argument can be one of: base32, base64, hex. All other types take an empty argument. Only valid for CSV and TSV imports. e.g. zipcode.string(), thumbnail.binary(base64)"` } // Name returns a description of the InputOptions struct. func (_ *InputOptions) Name() string { return "input" } // IngestOptions defines the set of options for storing data. type IngestOptions struct { // Drops target collection before importing. Drop bool `long:"drop" description:"drop collection before inserting documents"` // Ignores fields with empty values in CSV and TSV imports. IgnoreBlanks bool `long:"ignoreBlanks" description:"ignore fields with empty values in CSV and TSV"` // Indicates that documents will be inserted in the order of their appearance in the input source. MaintainInsertionOrder bool `long:"maintainInsertionOrder" description:"insert documents in the order of their appearance in the input source"` // Sets the number of insertion routines to use NumInsertionWorkers int `short:"j" value-name:"" long:"numInsertionWorkers" description:"number of insert operations to run concurrently (defaults to 1)" default:"1" default-mask:"-"` // Forces mongoimport to halt the import operation at the first insert or upsert error. StopOnError bool `long:"stopOnError" description:"stop importing at first insert/upsert error"` // Modifies the import process to update existing objects in the database if they match --upsertFields. Upsert bool `long:"upsert" description:"insert or update objects that already exist"` // Specifies a list of fields for the query portion of the upsert; defaults to _id field. UpsertFields string `long:"upsertFields" value-name:"[,]*" description:"comma-separated fields for the query part of the upsert"` // Sets write concern level for write operations. WriteConcern string `long:"writeConcern" default:"majority" value-name:"" default-mask:"-" description:"write concern options e.g. --writeConcern majority, --writeConcern '{w: 3, wtimeout: 500, fsync: true, j: true}' (defaults to 'majority')"` // Indicates that the server should bypass document validation on import. BypassDocumentValidation bool `long:"bypassDocumentValidation" description:"bypass document validation"` // Specifies the number of threads to use in processing data read from the input source NumDecodingWorkers int `long:"numDecodingWorkers" default:"0" hidden:"true"` BulkBufferSize int `long:"batchSize" default:"1000" hidden:"true"` } // Name returns a description of the IngestOptions struct. func (_ *IngestOptions) Name() string { return "ingest" }