(function() { load("jstests/configs/standard_dump_targets.config.js"); // Tests running mongorestore with invalid specified dumps (directories when // files are expected, and visa versa). jsTest.log('Testing running mongorestore with a invalid dump targets'); var toolTest = new ToolTest('invalid_dump_target'); toolTest.startDB('foo'); // run restore with a file, not a directory, specified as the dump location var ret = toolTest.runTool.apply(toolTest, ['restore'] .concat(getRestoreTarget('jstests/restore/testdata/blankdb/README'))); assert.neq(0, ret); // run restore with --db specified and a file, not a directory, as the db dump ret = toolTest.runTool.apply(toolTest, ['restore', '--db', 'test'] .concat(getRestoreTarget('jstests/restore/testdata/blankdb/README'))); assert.neq(0, ret); // run restore with --collection specified and a directory, not a file, // as the dump file ret = toolTest.runTool.apply(toolTest, ['restore', '--db', 'test', '--collection', 'blank'] .concat(getRestoreTarget('jstests/restore/testdata/blankdb'))); assert.neq(0, ret); // success toolTest.stop(); }());