package convey import ( "fmt" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "path" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "testing" "" ) func TestSingleScopeReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { So(1, ShouldEqual, 1) }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|Success|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestNestedScopeReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { Convey("B", func() { So(1, ShouldEqual, 1) }) }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|B|Success|Exit|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestFailureReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { So(1, ShouldBeNil) }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|Failure|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestFirstFailureEndsScopeExecution(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { So(1, ShouldBeNil) So(nil, ShouldBeNil) }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|Failure|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestComparisonFailureDeserializedAndReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { So("hi", ShouldEqual, "bye") }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|Failure(bye/hi)|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestNestedFailureReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { Convey("B", func() { So(2, ShouldBeNil) }) }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|B|Failure|Exit|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestSuccessAndFailureReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { So(nil, ShouldBeNil) So(1, ShouldBeNil) }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|Success|Failure|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestIncompleteActionReportedAsSkipped(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { Convey("B", nil) }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|B|Skipped|Exit|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestSkippedConveyReportedAsSkipped(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { SkipConvey("B", func() { So(1, ShouldEqual, 1) }) }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|B|Skipped|Exit|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestMultipleSkipsAreReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { Convey("0", func() { So(nil, ShouldBeNil) }) SkipConvey("1", func() {}) SkipConvey("2", func() {}) Convey("3", nil) Convey("4", nil) Convey("5", func() { So(nil, ShouldBeNil) }) }) expected := "Begin" + "|A|0|Success|Exit|Exit" + "|A|1|Skipped|Exit|Exit" + "|A|2|Skipped|Exit|Exit" + "|A|3|Skipped|Exit|Exit" + "|A|4|Skipped|Exit|Exit" + "|A|5|Success|Exit|Exit" + "|End" expectEqual(t, expected, myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestSkippedAssertionIsNotReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { SkipSo(1, ShouldEqual, 1) }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|Skipped|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestMultipleSkippedAssertionsAreNotReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { SkipSo(1, ShouldEqual, 1) So(1, ShouldEqual, 1) SkipSo(1, ShouldEqual, 1) }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|Skipped|Success|Skipped|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestErrorByManualPanicReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { panic("Gopher alert!") }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|Error|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestIterativeConveysReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { for x := 0; x < 3; x++ { Convey(strconv.Itoa(x), func() { So(x, ShouldEqual, x) }) } }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|0|Success|Exit|Exit|A|1|Success|Exit|Exit|A|2|Success|Exit|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestNestedIterativeConveysReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func() { for x := 0; x < 3; x++ { Convey(strconv.Itoa(x), func() { for y := 0; y < 3; y++ { Convey("< "+strconv.Itoa(y), func() { So(x, ShouldBeLessThan, y) }) } }) } }) expectEqual(t, ("Begin|" + "A|0|< 0|Failure|Exit|Exit|Exit|" + "A|0|< 1|Success|Exit|Exit|Exit|" + "A|0|< 2|Success|Exit|Exit|Exit|" + "A|1|< 0|Failure|Exit|Exit|Exit|" + "A|1|< 1|Failure|Exit|Exit|Exit|" + "A|1|< 2|Success|Exit|Exit|Exit|" + "A|2|< 0|Failure|Exit|Exit|Exit|" + "A|2|< 1|Failure|Exit|Exit|Exit|" + "A|2|< 2|Failure|Exit|Exit|Exit|" + "End"), myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestEmbeddedAssertionReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() Convey("A", test, func(c C) { ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c.So(r.FormValue("msg"), ShouldEqual, "ping") })) http.DefaultClient.Get(ts.URL + "?msg=ping") }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|Success|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func TestEmbeddedContextHelperReported(t *testing.T) { myReporter, test := setupFakeReporter() helper := func(c C) http.HandlerFunc { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c.Convey("Embedded", func() { So(r.FormValue("msg"), ShouldEqual, "ping") }) }) } Convey("A", test, func(c C) { ts := httptest.NewServer(helper(c)) http.DefaultClient.Get(ts.URL + "?msg=ping") }) expectEqual(t, "Begin|A|Embedded|Success|Exit|Exit|End", myReporter.wholeStory()) } func expectEqual(t *testing.T, expected interface{}, actual interface{}) { if expected != actual { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1) t.Errorf("Expected '%v' to be '%v' but it wasn't. See '%s' at line %d.", actual, expected, path.Base(file), line) } } func setupFakeReporter() (*fakeReporter, *fakeGoTest) { myReporter := new(fakeReporter) myReporter.calls = []string{} testReporter = myReporter return myReporter, new(fakeGoTest) } type fakeReporter struct { calls []string } func (self *fakeReporter) BeginStory(story *reporting.StoryReport) { self.calls = append(self.calls, "Begin") } func (self *fakeReporter) Enter(scope *reporting.ScopeReport) { self.calls = append(self.calls, scope.Title) } func (self *fakeReporter) Report(report *reporting.AssertionResult) { if report.Error != nil { self.calls = append(self.calls, "Error") } else if report.Failure != "" { message := "Failure" if report.Expected != "" || report.Actual != "" { message += fmt.Sprintf("(%s/%s)", report.Expected, report.Actual) } self.calls = append(self.calls, message) } else if report.Skipped { self.calls = append(self.calls, "Skipped") } else { self.calls = append(self.calls, "Success") } } func (self *fakeReporter) Exit() { self.calls = append(self.calls, "Exit") } func (self *fakeReporter) EndStory() { self.calls = append(self.calls, "End") } func (self *fakeReporter) Write(content []byte) (int, error) { return len(content), nil // no-op } func (self *fakeReporter) wholeStory() string { return strings.Join(self.calls, "|") } //////////////////////////////// type fakeGoTest struct{} func (self *fakeGoTest) Fail() {} func (self *fakeGoTest) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {} var test t = new(fakeGoTest)