/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonelement.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsontypes.h" #include "mongo/bson/simple_bsonobj_comparator.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/stdx/type_traits.h" #include "mongo/util/serialization_context.h" namespace mongo { namespace idl { template using HasBSONSerializeOp = decltype(std::declval().serialize(std::declval())); template constexpr bool hasBSONSerialize = stdx::is_detected_v; template void idlSerialize(BSONObjBuilder* builder, StringData fieldName, T arg) { if constexpr (hasBSONSerialize) { BSONObjBuilder subObj(builder->subobjStart(fieldName)); arg.serialize(&subObj); } else { builder->append(fieldName, arg); } } template void idlSerialize(BSONObjBuilder* builder, StringData fieldName, std::vector arg) { BSONArrayBuilder arrayBuilder(builder->subarrayStart(fieldName)); for (const auto& item : arg) { if constexpr (hasBSONSerialize) { BSONObjBuilder subObj(arrayBuilder.subobjStart()); item.serialize(&subObj); } else { arrayBuilder.append(item); } } } /** * A few overloads of `idlPreparsedValue` are built into IDL. See * `preparsedValue` below. They are placed into a tiny private * namespace which defines no types to isolate them. */ namespace preparsed_value_adl_barrier { /** * This is the fallback for `idlPreparsedValue`. It value-initializes a `T` * with a forwarded argument list in the usual way. */ template auto idlPreparsedValue(stdx::type_identity, A&&... a) { return T(std::forward(a)...); } /** * The value -1 is a conspicuous "uninitialized" value for integers. * The integral type `bool` is exempt from this convention, however. */ template && !std::is_same_v, int> = 0> auto idlPreparsedValue(stdx::type_identity) { return static_cast(-1); } /** * Define a default Feature Compatibility Version enum value for use in parsed * ServerGlobalParams. * TODO(SERVER-50101): Remove 'FeatureCompatibility::Version' once IDL supports * a command cpp_type of C++ enum. */ inline auto idlPreparsedValue(stdx::type_identity) { return multiversion::FeatureCompatibilityVersion::kUnsetDefaultLastLTSBehavior; } } // namespace preparsed_value_adl_barrier /** * Constructs an instance of `T(args...)` for use in idl parsing. The way the * IDL generator currently writes C++ parse functions, it makes an instance of * a field of type `T` and then mutates it. `preparsedValue()` is used to * construct those objects. This convention allows an extension hook whereby a * type can select a custom initializer for such pre-parsed objects, * particularly for types that shouldn't have a public default constructor. * * The extension hook is implemented via ADL on the name `idlPreparsedValue`. * * `idlPreparsedValue` takes a `type_identity` and then some forwarded * constructor arguments optionally (the IDL generator doesn't currently * provide any such arguments but could conceivably do so in the future). A * type `T` is deduced from this `type_identity` argument. * * There are other ways to implement this extension mechanism, but this * phrasing allows argument-dependent lookup to search the namespaces * associated with `T`, since `T` is a template parameter of the * `type_identity` argument. */ template T preparsedValue(A&&... args) { using preparsed_value_adl_barrier::idlPreparsedValue; return idlPreparsedValue(stdx::type_identity{}, std::forward(args)...); } /** Support routines for IDL-generated comparison operators */ namespace relop { template struct BasicOrderOps; template struct Ordering { friend bool operator==(const Ordering& a, const Ordering& b) { return BasicOrderOps{}.equal(a._v, b._v); } friend bool operator<(const Ordering& a, const Ordering& b) { return BasicOrderOps{}.less(a._v, b._v); } friend bool operator!=(const Ordering& a, const Ordering& b) { return !(a == b); } friend bool operator>(const Ordering& a, const Ordering& b) { return b < a; } friend bool operator<=(const Ordering& a, const Ordering& b) { return !(a > b); } friend bool operator>=(const Ordering& a, const Ordering& b) { return !(a < b); } const T& _v; }; template Ordering(const T&) -> Ordering; /** fallback case */ template struct BasicOrderOps { bool equal(const T& a, const T& b) const { return a == b; } bool less(const T& a, const T& b) const { return a < b; } }; template <> struct BasicOrderOps { bool equal(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b) const { return _cmp(a, b) == 0; } bool less(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b) const { return _cmp(a, b) < 0; } private: int _cmp(const BSONObj& a, const BSONObj& b) const { return SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.compare(a, b); } }; /** Disengaged optionals precede engaged optionals. */ template struct BasicOrderOps> { bool equal(const boost::optional& a, const boost::optional& b) const { return (!a || !b) ? (!!a == !!b) : (Ordering{*a} == Ordering{*b}); } bool less(const boost::optional& a, const boost::optional& b) const { return (!a || !b) ? (!!a < !!b) : (Ordering{*a} < Ordering{*b}); } }; } // namespace relop } // namespace idl /** * IDLParserContext manages the current parser context for parsing BSON documents. * * The class stores the path to the current document to enable it provide more useful error * messages. The path is a dot delimited list of field names which is useful for nested struct * parsing. * * This class is responsible for throwing all error messages the IDL generated parsers throw, * and provide utility methods like checking a BSON type or set of BSON types. */ class IDLParserContext { IDLParserContext(const IDLParserContext&) = delete; IDLParserContext& operator=(const IDLParserContext&) = delete; template friend void throwComparisonError(IDLParserContext& ctxt, StringData fieldName, StringData op, T actualValue, T expectedValue); public: /** * String constants for well-known IDL fields. */ static constexpr auto kOpMsgDollarDB = "$db"_sd; static constexpr auto kOpMsgDollarDBDefault = "admin"_sd; explicit IDLParserContext(StringData fieldName) : IDLParserContext{fieldName, false} {} IDLParserContext(StringData fieldName, bool apiStrict) : IDLParserContext{fieldName, apiStrict, boost::none} {} IDLParserContext(StringData fieldName, bool apiStrict, boost::optional tenantId, const SerializationContext& serializationContext = SerializationContext()) : _serializationContext(serializationContext), _currentField(fieldName), _apiStrict(apiStrict), _tenantId(std::move(tenantId)), _predecessor(nullptr) {} IDLParserContext(StringData fieldName, const IDLParserContext* predecessor) : IDLParserContext(fieldName, predecessor, boost::none, SerializationContext()) {} IDLParserContext(StringData fieldName, const IDLParserContext* predecessor, boost::optional tenantId, const SerializationContext& serializationContext) : _serializationContext(serializationContext), _currentField(fieldName), _apiStrict(predecessor->_apiStrict), _tenantId(tenantId), _predecessor(predecessor) { assertTenantIdMatchesPredecessor(predecessor); } /** * Check that BSON element is a given type or whether the field should be skipped. * * Returns true if the BSON element is the correct type. * Return false if the BSON element is Null or Undefined and the field's value should not be * processed. * Throws an exception if the BSON element's type is wrong. */ bool checkAndAssertType(const BSONElement& element, BSONType type) const { if (MONGO_likely(element.type() == type)) { return true; } return checkAndAssertTypeSlowPath(element, type); } /** * Check that BSON element is a bin data type, and has the specified bin data subtype, or * whether the field should be skipped. * * Returns true if the BSON element is the correct type. * Return false if the BSON element is Null or Undefined and the field's value should not be * processed. * Throws an exception if the BSON element's type is wrong. */ bool checkAndAssertBinDataType(const BSONElement& element, BinDataType type) const { if (MONGO_likely(element.type() == BinData && element.binDataType() == type)) { return true; } return checkAndAssertBinDataTypeSlowPath(element, type); } /** * Check that BSON element is one of a given type or whether the field should be skipped. * * Returns true if the BSON element is one of the types. * Return false if the BSON element is Null or Undefined and the field's value should not be * processed. * Throws an exception if the BSON element's type is wrong. */ bool checkAndAssertTypes(const BSONElement& element, const std::vector& types) const; /** * Throw an error message about the BSONElement being a duplicate field. */ MONGO_COMPILER_NORETURN void throwDuplicateField(const BSONElement& element) const; /** * Throw an error message about the BSONElement being a duplicate field. */ MONGO_COMPILER_NORETURN void throwDuplicateField(StringData fieldName) const; /** * Throw an error message about the required field missing from the document. */ MONGO_COMPILER_NORETURN void throwMissingField(StringData fieldName) const; /** * Throw an error message about an unknown field in a document. */ MONGO_COMPILER_NORETURN void throwUnknownField(StringData fieldName) const; /** * Throw an error message about an array field name not being a valid unsigned integer. */ MONGO_COMPILER_NORETURN void throwBadArrayFieldNumberValue(StringData value) const; /** * Throw an error message about the array field name not being the next number in the sequence. */ MONGO_COMPILER_NORETURN void throwBadArrayFieldNumberSequence( std::uint32_t actualValue, std::uint32_t expectedValue) const; /** * Throw an error message about an unrecognized enum value. */ MONGO_COMPILER_NORETURN void throwBadEnumValue(StringData enumValue) const; MONGO_COMPILER_NORETURN void throwBadEnumValue(int enumValue) const; /** * Throw an error about a field having the wrong type. */ MONGO_COMPILER_NORETURN void throwBadType(const BSONElement& element, const std::vector& types) const; /** * Throw an 'APIStrictError' if the user command has 'apiStrict' field as true. */ void throwAPIStrictErrorIfApplicable(StringData fieldName) const; void throwAPIStrictErrorIfApplicable(BSONElement fieldName) const; /** * Equivalent to CommandHelpers::parseNsCollectionRequired. * 'allowGlobalCollectionName' allows use of global collection name, e.g. {aggregate: 1}. */ static NamespaceString parseNSCollectionRequired(const DatabaseName& dbname, const BSONElement& element, bool allowGlobalCollectionName); /** * Equivalent to CommandHelpers::parseNsOrUUID */ static NamespaceStringOrUUID parseNsOrUUID(const DatabaseName& dbname, const BSONElement& element); /** * Take all the well known command generic arguments from commandPassthroughFields, but ignore * fields that are already part of the command and append the rest to builder. */ static void appendGenericCommandArguments(const BSONObj& commandPassthroughFields, const std::vector& knownFields, BSONObjBuilder* builder); const boost::optional& getTenantId() const; const SerializationContext& getSerializationContext() const; private: /** * See comment on getElementPath below. */ std::string getElementPath(const BSONElement& element) const; /** * Return a dot seperated path to the specified field. For instance, if the code is parsing a * grandchild field that has an error, this will return "grandparent.parent.child". */ std::string getElementPath(StringData fieldName) const; /** * See comment on checkAndAssertType. */ bool checkAndAssertTypeSlowPath(const BSONElement& element, BSONType type) const; /** * See comment on checkAndAssertBinDataType. */ bool checkAndAssertBinDataTypeSlowPath(const BSONElement& element, BinDataType type) const; void assertTenantIdMatchesPredecessor(const IDLParserContext* predecessor) { if (!_tenantId || predecessor == nullptr) { return; } auto& parentTenantId = predecessor->getTenantId(); iassert(8423379, str::stream() << "The IDLParserContext tenantId " << _tenantId->toString() << " must match the predecessor's tenantId " << parentTenantId->toString(), !parentTenantId || parentTenantId == _tenantId); } private: // Modifies serialization behavior to match request format, only accessed by IDL generated code const SerializationContext _serializationContext; // Name of the current field that is being parsed. const StringData _currentField; // Whether the 'apiStrict' parameter is set in the user request. const bool _apiStrict = false; const boost::optional _tenantId; // Pointer to a parent parser context. // This provides a singly linked list of parent pointers, and use to produce a full path to a // field with an error. const IDLParserContext* _predecessor; }; /** * Throw an error when BSON validation fails during parse. */ template void throwComparisonError( IDLParserContext& ctxt, StringData fieldName, StringData op, T actualValue, T expectedValue) { std::string path = ctxt.getElementPath(fieldName); throwComparisonError(path, op, actualValue, expectedValue); } /** * Throw an error when a user calls a setter and it fails the comparison. */ template void throwComparisonError(StringData fieldName, StringData op, T actualValue, T expectedValue) { uasserted(51024, str::stream() << "BSON field '" << fieldName << "' value must be " << op << " " << expectedValue << ", actual value '" << actualValue << "'"); } /** * Transform a vector of input type to a vector of output type. * * Used by the IDL generated code to transform between vectors of view, and non-view types. */ std::vector transformVector(const std::vector& input); std::vector transformVector(const std::vector& input); std::vector transformVector(const std::vector>& input); std::vector> transformVector(const std::vector& input); /** * IMPORTANT: The method should not be modified, as API version input/output guarantees could * break because of it. */ void noOpSerializer(bool, StringData fieldName, BSONObjBuilder* bob); /** * IMPORTANT: The method should not be modified, as API version input/output guarantees could * break because of it. */ void serializeBSONWhenNotEmpty(BSONObj obj, StringData fieldName, BSONObjBuilder* bob); /** * IMPORTANT: The method should not be modified, as API version input/output guarantees could * break because of it. */ BSONObj parseOwnedBSON(BSONElement element); /** * IMPORTANT: The method should not be modified, as API version input/output guarantees could * break because of it. */ bool parseBoolean(BSONElement element); } // namespace mongo