/** * Copyright (C) 2016 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kDefault #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/rpc/metadata/client_metadata.h" #include #include #include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/s/is_mongos.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" namespace mongo { constexpr auto kMetadataDoc = "client"_sd; constexpr auto kApplication = "application"_sd; constexpr auto kDriver = "driver"_sd; constexpr auto kName = "name"_sd; constexpr auto kType = "type"_sd; constexpr auto kVersion = "version"_sd; constexpr auto kOperatingSystem = "os"_sd; constexpr auto kArchitecture = "architecture"_sd; constexpr auto kMongos = "mongos"_sd; constexpr auto kClient = "client"_sd; constexpr auto kHost = "host"_sd; constexpr auto kUnknown = "unkown"_sd; #define ASSERT_DOC_OK(...) \ do { \ auto _swParseStatus = \ ClientMetadata::parse(BSON(kMetadataDoc << BSON(__VA_ARGS__))[kMetadataDoc]); \ ASSERT_OK(_swParseStatus.getStatus()); \ } while (0) #define ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(...) \ do { \ auto _swParseStatus = \ ClientMetadata::parse(BSON(kMetadataDoc << BSON(__VA_ARGS__))[kMetadataDoc]); \ ASSERT_NOT_OK(_swParseStatus.getStatus()); \ } while (0) TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestLoopbackTest) { // Serialize without application name { BSONObjBuilder builder; ASSERT_OK(ClientMetadata::serializePrivate("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", &builder)); auto obj = builder.obj(); auto swParseStatus = ClientMetadata::parse(obj[kMetadataDoc]); ASSERT_OK(swParseStatus.getStatus()); ASSERT_EQUALS("g", swParseStatus.getValue().get().getApplicationName()); BSONObj outDoc = BSON(kMetadataDoc << BSON( kApplication << BSON(kName << "g") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "a" << kVersion << "b") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << "c" << kName << "d" << kArchitecture << "e" << kVersion << "f"))); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(obj, outDoc); } // Serialize without application name { BSONObjBuilder builder; ClientMetadata::serializePrivate("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", &builder); auto obj = builder.obj(); auto swParseStatus = ClientMetadata::parse(obj[kMetadataDoc]); ASSERT_OK(swParseStatus.getStatus()); BSONObj outDoc = BSON( kMetadataDoc << BSON( kDriver << BSON(kName << "a" << kVersion << "b") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << "c" << kName << "d" << kArchitecture << "e" << kVersion << "f"))); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(obj, outDoc); } // Serialize with the os information automatically computed { BSONObjBuilder builder; ASSERT_OK(ClientMetadata::serialize("a", "b", "f", &builder)); auto obj = builder.obj(); auto swParse = ClientMetadata::parse(obj[kMetadataDoc]); ASSERT_OK(swParse.getStatus()); ASSERT_EQUALS("f", swParse.getValue().get().getApplicationName()); } } // Mixed: no client metadata document TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestEmptyDoc) { { auto parseStatus = ClientMetadata::parse(BSONElement()); ASSERT_OK(parseStatus.getStatus()); } { auto obj = BSON("client" << BSONObj()); auto parseStatus = ClientMetadata::parse(obj[kMetadataDoc]); ASSERT_NOT_OK(parseStatus.getStatus()); } } // Positive: test with only required fields TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestRequiredOnlyFields) { // Without app name ASSERT_DOC_OK(kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); // With AppName ASSERT_DOC_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); } // Positive: test with app_name spelled wrong fields TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestWithAppNameSpelledWrong) { ASSERT_DOC_OK(kApplication << BSON("extra" << "1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); } // Positive: test with empty application document TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestWithEmptyApplication) { ASSERT_DOC_OK(kApplication << BSONObj() << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); } // Negative: test with appplication wrong type TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestNegativeWithAppNameWrongType) { ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kApplication << "1" << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); } // Positive: test with extra fields TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestExtraFields) { ASSERT_DOC_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1" << "extra" << "v1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); ASSERT_DOC_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1" << "extra" << "v1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1" << "extra" << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); ASSERT_DOC_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1" << "extra" << "v1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown << "extra" << "v1")); ASSERT_DOC_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1" << "extra" << "v1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown) << "extra" << "v1"); } // Negative: only application specified TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestNegativeOnlyApplication) { ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1" << "extra" << "v1")); } // Negative: all combinations of only missing 1 required field TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestNegativeMissingRequiredOneField) { ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kDriver << BSON(kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1")); } // Negative: document with wrong types for required fields TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestNegativeWrongTypes) { ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << 1) << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << 1 << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << 1) << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "v1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << 1)); } // Negative: document larger than 512 bytes TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestNegativeLargeDocument) { bool savedMongos = isMongos(); auto unsetMongoS = MakeGuard(&setMongos, savedMongos); setMongos(true); { std::string str(350, 'x'); ASSERT_DOC_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown) << "extra" << str); } { std::string str(512, 'x'); ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << "1") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown) << "extra" << str); } } // Negative: document with app_name larger than 128 bytes TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestNegativeLargeAppName) { { std::string str(128, 'x'); ASSERT_DOC_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << str) << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); BSONObjBuilder builder; ASSERT_OK(ClientMetadata::serialize("n1", "1", str, &builder)); } { std::string str(129, 'x'); ASSERT_DOC_NOT_OK(kApplication << BSON(kName << str) << kDriver << BSON(kName << "n1" << kVersion << "1") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << kUnknown)); BSONObjBuilder builder; ASSERT_NOT_OK(ClientMetadata::serialize("n1", "1", str, &builder)); } } // Serialize and attach mongos information TEST(ClientMetadatTest, TestMongoSAppend) { BSONObjBuilder builder; ASSERT_OK(ClientMetadata::serializePrivate("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", &builder)); auto obj = builder.obj(); auto swParseStatus = ClientMetadata::parse(obj[kMetadataDoc]); ASSERT_OK(swParseStatus.getStatus()); ASSERT_EQUALS("g", swParseStatus.getValue().get().getApplicationName()); swParseStatus.getValue().get().setMongoSMetadata("h", "i", "j"); ASSERT_EQUALS("g", swParseStatus.getValue().get().getApplicationName()); auto doc = swParseStatus.getValue().get().getDocument(); constexpr auto kMongos = "mongos"_sd; constexpr auto kClient = "client"_sd; constexpr auto kHost = "host"_sd; BSONObj outDoc = BSON(kApplication << BSON(kName << "g") << kDriver << BSON(kName << "a" << kVersion << "b") << kOperatingSystem << BSON(kType << "c" << kName << "d" << kArchitecture << "e" << kVersion << "f") << kMongos << BSON(kHost << "h" << kClient << "i" << kVersion << "j")); ASSERT_BSONOBJ_EQ(doc, outDoc); } } // namespace mongo