/** * Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kNetwork #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/rpc/op_msg.h" #include #include #include "mongo/base/data_type_endian.h" #include "mongo/db/bson/dotted_path_support.h" #include "mongo/rpc/object_check.h" #include "mongo/util/bufreader.h" #include "mongo/util/hex.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" namespace mongo { namespace { auto kAllSupportedFlags = OpMsg::kChecksumPresent | OpMsg::kMoreToCome; bool containsUnknownRequiredFlags(uint32_t flags) { const uint32_t kRequiredFlagMask = 0xffff; // Low 2 bytes are required, high 2 are optional. return (flags & ~kAllSupportedFlags & kRequiredFlagMask) != 0; } enum class Section : uint8_t { kBody = 0, kDocSequence = 1, }; } // namespace uint32_t OpMsg::flags(const Message& message) { if (message.operation() != dbMsg) return 0; // Other command protocols are the same as no flags set. return BufReader(message.singleData().data(), message.dataSize()) .read>(); } void OpMsg::replaceFlags(Message* message, uint32_t flags) { invariant(!message->empty()); invariant(message->operation() == dbMsg); invariant(message->dataSize() >= static_cast(sizeof(uint32_t))); DataView(message->singleData().data()).write>(flags); } OpMsg OpMsg::parse(const Message& message) try { // It is the caller's responsibility to call the correct parser for a given message type. invariant(!message.empty()); invariant(message.operation() == dbMsg); const uint32_t flags = OpMsg::flags(message); uassert(ErrorCodes::IllegalOpMsgFlag, str::stream() << "Message contains illegal flags value: Ob" << std::bitset<32>(flags).to_string(), !containsUnknownRequiredFlags(flags)); constexpr int kCrc32Size = 4; const bool haveChecksum = flags & kChecksumPresent; const int checksumSize = haveChecksum ? kCrc32Size : 0; // The sections begin after the flags and before the checksum (if present). BufReader sectionsBuf(message.singleData().data() + sizeof(flags), message.dataSize() - sizeof(flags) - checksumSize); // TODO some validation may make more sense in the IDL parser. I've tagged them with comments. bool haveBody = false; OpMsg msg; while (!sectionsBuf.atEof()) { const auto sectionKind = sectionsBuf.read
(); switch (sectionKind) { case Section::kBody: { uassert(40430, "Multiple body sections in message", !haveBody); haveBody = true; msg.body = sectionsBuf.read>(); break; } case Section::kDocSequence: { // We use an O(N^2) algorithm here and an O(N*M) algorithm below. These are fastest // for the current small values of N, but would be problematic if it is large. // If we need more document sequences, raise the limit and use a better algorithm. uassert(ErrorCodes::TooManyDocumentSequences, "Too many document sequences in OP_MSG", msg.sequences.size() < 2); // Limit is <=2 since we are about to add one. // The first 4 bytes are the total size, including themselves. const auto remainingSize = sectionsBuf.read>() - sizeof(int32_t); BufReader seqBuf(sectionsBuf.skip(remainingSize), remainingSize); const auto name = seqBuf.readCStr(); uassert(40431, str::stream() << "Duplicate document sequence: " << name, !msg.getSequence(name)); // TODO IDL msg.sequences.push_back({name.toString()}); while (!seqBuf.atEof()) { msg.sequences.back().objs.push_back(seqBuf.read>()); } break; } default: // Using uint32_t so we append as a decimal number rather than as a char. uasserted(40432, str::stream() << "Unknown section kind " << uint32_t(sectionKind)); } } uassert(40587, "OP_MSG messages must have a body", haveBody); // Detect duplicates between doc sequences and body. TODO IDL // Technically this is O(N*M) but N is at most 2. for (const auto& docSeq : msg.sequences) { const char* name = docSeq.name.c_str(); // Pointer is redirected by next call. auto inBody = !dotted_path_support::extractElementAtPathOrArrayAlongPath(msg.body, name).eoo(); uassert(40433, str::stream() << "Duplicate field between body and document sequence " << docSeq.name, !inBody); } return msg; } catch (const DBException& ex) { LOG(1) << "invalid message: " << ex.code() << " " << redact(ex) << " -- " << redact(hexdump(message.singleData().view2ptr(), message.size())); throw; } Message OpMsg::serialize() const { OpMsgBuilder builder; for (auto&& seq : sequences) { auto docSeq = builder.beginDocSequence(seq.name); for (auto&& obj : seq.objs) { docSeq.append(obj); } } builder.beginBody().appendElements(body); return builder.finish(); } void OpMsg::shareOwnershipWith(const ConstSharedBuffer& buffer) { if (!body.isOwned()) { body.shareOwnershipWith(buffer); } for (auto&& seq : sequences) { for (auto&& obj : seq.objs) { if (!obj.isOwned()) { obj.shareOwnershipWith(buffer); } } } } auto OpMsgBuilder::beginDocSequence(StringData name) -> DocSequenceBuilder { invariant(_state == kEmpty || _state == kDocSequence); invariant(!_openBuilder); _openBuilder = true; _state = kDocSequence; _buf.appendStruct(Section::kDocSequence); int sizeOffset = _buf.len(); _buf.skip(sizeof(int32_t)); // section size. _buf.appendStr(name, true); return DocSequenceBuilder(this, &_buf, sizeOffset); } void OpMsgBuilder::finishDocumentStream(DocSequenceBuilder* docSequenceBuilder) { invariant(_state == kDocSequence); invariant(_openBuilder); _openBuilder = false; const int32_t size = _buf.len() - docSequenceBuilder->_sizeOffset; invariant(size > 0); DataView(_buf.buf()).write>(size, docSequenceBuilder->_sizeOffset); } BSONObjBuilder OpMsgBuilder::beginBody() { invariant(_state == kEmpty || _state == kDocSequence); _state = kBody; _buf.appendStruct(Section::kBody); invariant(_bodyStart == 0); _bodyStart = _buf.len(); // Cannot be 0. return BSONObjBuilder(_buf); } BSONObjBuilder OpMsgBuilder::resumeBody() { invariant(_state == kBody); invariant(_bodyStart != 0); return BSONObjBuilder(BSONObjBuilder::ResumeBuildingTag(), _buf, _bodyStart); } AtomicBool OpMsgBuilder::disableDupeFieldCheck_forTest{false}; Message OpMsgBuilder::finish() { if (kDebugBuild && !disableDupeFieldCheck_forTest.load()) { std::set seenFields; for (auto elem : resumeBody().asTempObj()) { if (!(seenFields.insert(elem.fieldNameStringData()).second)) { severe() << "OP_MSG with duplicate field '" << elem.fieldNameStringData() << "' : " << redact(resumeBody().asTempObj()); fassert(40474, false); } } } invariant(_state == kBody); invariant(_bodyStart); invariant(!_openBuilder); _state = kDone; const auto size = _buf.len(); MSGHEADER::View header(_buf.buf()); header.setMessageLength(size); // header.setRequestMsgId(...); // These are currently filled in by the networking layer. // header.setResponseToMsgId(...); header.setOpCode(dbMsg); return Message(_buf.release()); } } // namespace mongo