/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kSharding #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog_cache.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/db/logical_clock.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collator_factory_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/optime_with.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/type_collection.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/type_database.h" #include "mongo/s/client/shard_registry.h" #include "mongo/s/database_version_helpers.h" #include "mongo/s/grid.h" #include "mongo/s/stale_exception.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/with_lock.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" #include "mongo/util/timer.h" namespace mongo { const OperationContext::Decoration operationShouldBlockBehindCatalogCacheRefresh = OperationContext::declareDecoration(); namespace { // How many times to try refreshing the routing info if the set of chunks loaded from the config // server is found to be inconsistent. const int kMaxInconsistentRoutingInfoRefreshAttempts = 3; /** * Returns whether two shard versions have a matching epoch. */ bool shardVersionsHaveMatchingEpoch(boost::optional wanted, const ChunkVersion& received) { return wanted && wanted->epoch() == received.epoch(); }; /** * Given an (optional) initial routing table and a set of changed chunks returned by the catalog * cache loader, produces a new routing table with the changes applied. * * If the collection is no longer sharded returns nullptr. If the epoch has changed, expects that * the 'collectionChunksList' contains the full contents of the chunks collection for that namespace * so that the routing table can be built from scratch. * * Throws ConflictingOperationInProgress if the chunk metadata was found to be inconsistent (not * containing all the necessary chunks, contains overlaps or chunks' epoch values are not the same * as that of the collection). Since this situation may be transient, due to the collection being * dropped or recreated concurrently, the caller must retry the reload up to some configurable * number of attempts. */ std::shared_ptr refreshCollectionRoutingInfo( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, std::shared_ptr existingRoutingInfo, StatusWith swCollectionAndChangedChunks) { if (swCollectionAndChangedChunks == ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound) { return nullptr; } const auto collectionAndChunks = uassertStatusOK(std::move(swCollectionAndChangedChunks)); auto chunkManager = [&] { // If we have routing info already and it's for the same collection epoch, we're updating. // Otherwise, we're making a whole new routing table. if (existingRoutingInfo && existingRoutingInfo->getVersion().epoch() == collectionAndChunks.epoch) { return existingRoutingInfo->makeUpdated(collectionAndChunks.changedChunks); } auto defaultCollator = [&]() -> std::unique_ptr { if (!collectionAndChunks.defaultCollation.isEmpty()) { // The collation should have been validated upon collection creation return uassertStatusOK(CollatorFactoryInterface::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()) ->makeFromBSON(collectionAndChunks.defaultCollation)); } return nullptr; }(); return RoutingTableHistory::makeNew(nss, collectionAndChunks.uuid, KeyPattern(collectionAndChunks.shardKeyPattern), std::move(defaultCollator), collectionAndChunks.shardKeyIsUnique, collectionAndChunks.epoch, collectionAndChunks.changedChunks); }(); std::set shardIds; chunkManager->getAllShardIds(&shardIds); for (const auto& shardId : shardIds) { uassertStatusOK(Grid::get(opCtx)->shardRegistry()->getShard(opCtx, shardId)); } return chunkManager; } } // namespace CatalogCache::CatalogCache(CatalogCacheLoader& cacheLoader) : _cacheLoader(cacheLoader) {} CatalogCache::~CatalogCache() = default; StatusWith CatalogCache::getDatabase(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData dbName) { invariant(!opCtx->lockState() || !opCtx->lockState()->isLocked(), "Do not hold a lock while refreshing the catalog cache. Doing so would potentially " "hold the lock during a network call, and can lead to a deadlock as described in " "SERVER-37398."); try { while (true) { stdx::unique_lock ul(_mutex); auto& dbEntry = _databases[dbName]; if (!dbEntry) { dbEntry = std::make_shared(); } if (dbEntry->needsRefresh) { auto refreshNotification = dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification; if (!refreshNotification) { refreshNotification = (dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification = std::make_shared>()); _scheduleDatabaseRefresh(ul, dbName.toString(), dbEntry); } // Wait on the notification outside of the mutex. ul.unlock(); uassertStatusOK(refreshNotification->get(opCtx)); // Once the refresh is complete, loop around to get the refreshed cache entry. continue; } if (dbEntry->mustLoadShardedCollections) { // If this is the first time we are loading info for this database, also load the // sharded collections. // TODO (SERVER-34061): Stop loading sharded collections when loading a database. const auto dbNameCopy = dbName.toString(); repl::OpTime collLoadConfigOptime; const std::vector collections = uassertStatusOK(Grid::get(opCtx)->catalogClient()->getCollections( opCtx, &dbNameCopy, &collLoadConfigOptime)); CollectionInfoMap collectionEntries; for (const auto& coll : collections) { if (coll.getDropped()) { continue; } collectionEntries[coll.getNs().ns()] = std::make_shared(); } _collectionsByDb[dbName] = std::move(collectionEntries); dbEntry->mustLoadShardedCollections = false; } auto primaryShard = uassertStatusOKWithContext( Grid::get(opCtx)->shardRegistry()->getShard(opCtx, dbEntry->dbt->getPrimary()), str::stream() << "could not find the primary shard for database " << dbName); return {CachedDatabaseInfo(*dbEntry->dbt, std::move(primaryShard))}; } } catch (const DBException& ex) { return ex.toStatus(); } } StatusWith CatalogCache::getCollectionRoutingInfo( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss) { return _getCollectionRoutingInfo(opCtx, nss).statusWithInfo; } CatalogCache::RefreshResult CatalogCache::_getCollectionRoutingInfoWithForcedRefresh( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss) { setOperationShouldBlockBehindCatalogCacheRefresh(opCtx, true); { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); _createOrGetCollectionEntry(lg, nss); } return _getCollectionRoutingInfo(opCtx, nss); } CatalogCache::RefreshResult CatalogCache::_getCollectionRoutingInfo(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss) { return _getCollectionRoutingInfoAt(opCtx, nss, boost::none); } StatusWith CatalogCache::getCollectionRoutingInfoAt( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, Timestamp atClusterTime) { return _getCollectionRoutingInfoAt(opCtx, nss, atClusterTime).statusWithInfo; } CatalogCache::RefreshResult CatalogCache::_getCollectionRoutingInfoAt( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, boost::optional atClusterTime) { invariant(!opCtx->lockState() || !opCtx->lockState()->isLocked(), "Do not hold a lock while refreshing the catalog cache. Doing so would potentially " "hold the lock during a network call, and can lead to a deadlock as described in " "SERVER-37398."); // This default value can cause a single unnecessary extra refresh if this thread did do the // refresh but the refresh failed, or if the database or collection was not found, but only if // the caller is getCollectionRoutingInfoWithRefresh with the parameter // forceRefreshFromThisThread set to true RefreshAction refreshActionTaken(RefreshAction::kDidNotPerformRefresh); while (true) { const auto swDbInfo = getDatabase(opCtx, nss.db()); if (!swDbInfo.isOK()) { return {swDbInfo.getStatus(), refreshActionTaken}; } const auto dbInfo = std::move(swDbInfo.getValue()); stdx::unique_lock ul(_mutex); const auto itDb = _collectionsByDb.find(nss.db()); if (itDb == _collectionsByDb.end()) { return {CachedCollectionRoutingInfo(nss, dbInfo, nullptr), refreshActionTaken}; } const auto itColl = itDb->second.find(nss.ns()); if (itColl == itDb->second.end()) { return {CachedCollectionRoutingInfo(nss, dbInfo, nullptr), refreshActionTaken}; } auto& collEntry = itColl->second; if (collEntry->needsFullRefresh || operationShouldBlockBehindCatalogCacheRefresh(opCtx)) { auto refreshNotification = collEntry->refreshCompletionNotification; if (!refreshNotification) { refreshNotification = (collEntry->refreshCompletionNotification = std::make_shared>()); _scheduleCollectionRefresh(ul, collEntry, nss, 1); refreshActionTaken = RefreshAction::kPerformedRefresh; } // Wait on the notification outside of the mutex ul.unlock(); auto refreshStatus = [&]() { Timer t; ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { _stats.totalRefreshWaitTimeMicros.addAndFetch(t.micros()); }); try { const Milliseconds kReportingInterval{250}; while (!refreshNotification->waitFor(opCtx, kReportingInterval)) { _stats.totalRefreshWaitTimeMicros.addAndFetch(t.micros()); t.reset(); } return refreshNotification->get(opCtx); } catch (const DBException& ex) { return ex.toStatus(); } }(); if (!refreshStatus.isOK()) { return {refreshStatus, refreshActionTaken}; } setOperationShouldBlockBehindCatalogCacheRefresh(opCtx, false); // Once the refresh is complete, loop around to get the latest value continue; } auto cm = std::make_shared(collEntry->routingInfo, atClusterTime); return {CachedCollectionRoutingInfo(nss, dbInfo, std::move(cm)), refreshActionTaken}; } } StatusWith CatalogCache::getDatabaseWithRefresh(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData dbName) { invalidateDatabaseEntry(dbName); return getDatabase(opCtx, dbName); } StatusWith CatalogCache::getCollectionRoutingInfoWithRefresh( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, bool forceRefreshFromThisThread) { auto refreshResult = _getCollectionRoutingInfoWithForcedRefresh(opCtx, nss); // We want to ensure that we don't join an in-progress refresh because that // could violate causal consistency for this client. We don't need to actually perform the // refresh ourselves but we do need the refresh to begin *after* this function is // called, so calling it twice is enough regardless of what happens the // second time. See SERVER-33954 for reasoning. if (forceRefreshFromThisThread && refreshResult.actionTaken == RefreshAction::kDidNotPerformRefresh) { refreshResult = _getCollectionRoutingInfoWithForcedRefresh(opCtx, nss); } return refreshResult.statusWithInfo; } StatusWith CatalogCache::getShardedCollectionRoutingInfoWithRefresh( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss) { auto routingInfoStatus = _getCollectionRoutingInfoWithForcedRefresh(opCtx, nss).statusWithInfo; if (routingInfoStatus.isOK() && !routingInfoStatus.getValue().cm()) { return {ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotSharded, str::stream() << "Collection " << nss.ns() << " is not sharded."}; } return routingInfoStatus; } void CatalogCache::onStaleDatabaseVersion(const StringData dbName, const DatabaseVersion& databaseVersion) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); const auto itDbEntry = _databases.find(dbName); if (itDbEntry == _databases.end()) { // The database was dropped. return; } else if (itDbEntry->second->needsRefresh) { // Refresh has been scheduled for the database already return; } else if (!itDbEntry->second->dbt || databaseVersion::equal(itDbEntry->second->dbt->getVersion(), databaseVersion)) { // If the versions match, the cached database info is stale, so mark it as needs refresh. LOGV2( 22642, "Marking cached database entry for '{dbName}' as stale", "dbName"_attr = dbName); itDbEntry->second->needsRefresh = true; } } void CatalogCache::onStaleShardVersion(CachedCollectionRoutingInfo&& ccriToInvalidate, const ShardId& staleShardId) { _stats.countStaleConfigErrors.addAndFetch(1); // Ensure the move constructor of CachedCollectionRoutingInfo is invoked in order to clear the // input argument so it can't be used anymore auto ccri(ccriToInvalidate); if (!ccri._cm) { // We received StaleShardVersion for a collection we thought was unsharded. The collection // must have become sharded. onEpochChange(ccri._nss); return; } // We received StaleShardVersion for a collection we thought was sharded. Either a migration // occurred to or from a shard we contacted, or the collection was dropped. stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); const auto nss = ccri._cm->getns(); const auto itDb = _collectionsByDb.find(nss.db()); if (itDb == _collectionsByDb.end()) { // The database was dropped. return; } auto itColl = itDb->second.find(nss.ns()); if (itColl == itDb->second.end()) { // The collection was dropped. } else if (itColl->second->routingInfo->getVersion() == ccri._cm->getVersion()) { // If the versions match, the last version of the routing information that we used is no // longer valid, so mark the shard as stale. itColl->second->routingInfo->setShardStale(staleShardId); } } void CatalogCache::setOperationShouldBlockBehindCatalogCacheRefresh(OperationContext* opCtx, bool shouldBlock) { operationShouldBlockBehindCatalogCacheRefresh(opCtx) = shouldBlock; }; void CatalogCache::invalidateShardOrEntireCollectionEntryForShardedCollection( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, boost::optional wantedVersion, const ChunkVersion& receivedVersion, boost::optional shardId) { if (shardId && shardVersionsHaveMatchingEpoch(wantedVersion, receivedVersion)) { _createOrGetCollectionEntryAndMarkShardStale(nss, *shardId); } else { _createOrGetCollectionEntryAndMarkNeedsFullRefresh(nss); } }; void CatalogCache::onEpochChange(const NamespaceString& nss) { _createOrGetCollectionEntryAndMarkNeedsFullRefresh(nss); }; void CatalogCache::checkEpochOrThrow(const NamespaceString& nss, ChunkVersion targetCollectionVersion, const ShardId& shardId) const { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); const auto itDb = _collectionsByDb.find(nss.db()); uassert(StaleConfigInfo(nss, targetCollectionVersion, boost::none, shardId), str::stream() << "could not act as router for " << nss.ns() << ", no entry for database " << nss.db(), itDb != _collectionsByDb.end()); auto itColl = itDb->second.find(nss.ns()); uassert(StaleConfigInfo(nss, targetCollectionVersion, boost::none, shardId), str::stream() << "could not act as router for " << nss.ns() << ", no entry for collection.", itColl != itDb->second.end()); uassert(StaleConfigInfo(nss, targetCollectionVersion, boost::none, shardId), str::stream() << "could not act as router for " << nss.ns() << ", wanted " << targetCollectionVersion.toString() << ", but found the collection was unsharded", itColl->second->routingInfo); auto foundVersion = itColl->second->routingInfo->getVersion(); uassert(StaleConfigInfo(nss, targetCollectionVersion, foundVersion, shardId), str::stream() << "could not act as router for " << nss.ns() << ", wanted " << targetCollectionVersion.toString() << ", but found " << foundVersion.toString(), foundVersion.epoch() == targetCollectionVersion.epoch()); } void CatalogCache::invalidateDatabaseEntry(const StringData dbName) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); auto itDbEntry = _databases.find(dbName); if (itDbEntry == _databases.end()) { // The database was dropped. return; } itDbEntry->second->needsRefresh = true; } void CatalogCache::invalidateShardForShardedCollection(const NamespaceString& nss, const ShardId& staleShardId) { _createOrGetCollectionEntryAndMarkShardStale(nss, staleShardId); } void CatalogCache::invalidateEntriesThatReferenceShard(const ShardId& shardId) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); LOGV2(22643, "Starting to invalidate databases and collections with data on shard: {shardId}", "shardId"_attr = shardId); // Invalidate databases with this shard as their primary. for (const auto& [dbNs, dbInfoEntry] : _databases) { LOGV2_DEBUG(22644, 3, "Checking if database {dbNs}has primary shard: {shardId}", "dbNs"_attr = dbNs, "shardId"_attr = shardId); if (!dbInfoEntry->needsRefresh && dbInfoEntry->dbt->getPrimary() == shardId) { LOGV2_DEBUG(22645, 3, "Database {dbNs}has primary shard {shardId}, invalidating cache entry", "dbNs"_attr = dbNs, "shardId"_attr = shardId); dbInfoEntry->needsRefresh = true; } } // Invalidate collections which contain data on this shard. for (const auto& [db, collInfoMap] : _collectionsByDb) { for (const auto& [collNs, collRoutingInfoEntry] : collInfoMap) { LOGV2_DEBUG(22646, 3, "Checking if {collNs}has data on shard: {shardId}", "collNs"_attr = collNs, "shardId"_attr = shardId); // The set of shards on which this collection contains chunks. std::set shardsOwningDataForCollection; if (collRoutingInfoEntry->routingInfo) { collRoutingInfoEntry->routingInfo->getAllShardIds(&shardsOwningDataForCollection); if (shardsOwningDataForCollection.find(shardId) != shardsOwningDataForCollection.end()) { LOGV2_DEBUG(22647, 3, "{collNs}has data on shard {shardId}, invalidating cache entry", "collNs"_attr = collNs, "shardId"_attr = shardId); collRoutingInfoEntry->routingInfo->setShardStale(shardId); } } } } LOGV2(22648, "Finished invalidating databases and collections with data on shard: {shardId}", "shardId"_attr = shardId); } void CatalogCache::purgeCollection(const NamespaceString& nss) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); auto itDb = _collectionsByDb.find(nss.db()); if (itDb == _collectionsByDb.end()) { return; } itDb->second.erase(nss.ns()); } void CatalogCache::purgeDatabase(StringData dbName) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); _databases.erase(dbName); _collectionsByDb.erase(dbName); } void CatalogCache::purgeAllDatabases() { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); _databases.clear(); _collectionsByDb.clear(); } void CatalogCache::report(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { BSONObjBuilder cacheStatsBuilder(builder->subobjStart("catalogCache")); size_t numDatabaseEntries; size_t numCollectionEntries{0}; { stdx::lock_guard ul(_mutex); numDatabaseEntries = _databases.size(); for (const auto& entry : _collectionsByDb) { numCollectionEntries += entry.second.size(); } } cacheStatsBuilder.append("numDatabaseEntries", static_cast(numDatabaseEntries)); cacheStatsBuilder.append("numCollectionEntries", static_cast(numCollectionEntries)); _stats.report(&cacheStatsBuilder); } void CatalogCache::_scheduleDatabaseRefresh(WithLock lk, const std::string& dbName, std::shared_ptr dbEntry) { const auto onRefreshCompleted = [this, t = Timer(), dbName, dbEntry]( const StatusWith& swDbt) { // TODO (SERVER-34164): Track and increment stats for database refreshes. if (!swDbt.isOK()) { LOG_CATALOG_REFRESH(0) << "Refresh for database " << dbName << " took " << t.millis() << " ms and failed" << causedBy(redact(swDbt.getStatus())); return; } const auto dbVersionAfterRefresh = swDbt.getValue().getVersion(); const int logLevel = (!dbEntry->dbt || (dbEntry->dbt && !databaseVersion::equal(dbVersionAfterRefresh, dbEntry->dbt->getVersion()))) ? 0 : 1; LOG_CATALOG_REFRESH(logLevel) << "Refresh for database " << dbName << " from version " << (dbEntry->dbt ? dbEntry->dbt->getVersion().toBSON() : BSONObj()) << " to version " << dbVersionAfterRefresh.toBSON() << " took " << t.millis() << " ms"; }; // Invoked if getDatabase resulted in error or threw and exception const auto onRefreshFailed = [ this, dbName, dbEntry, onRefreshCompleted ](WithLock, const Status& status) noexcept { onRefreshCompleted(status); // Clear the notification so the next 'getDatabase' kicks off a new refresh attempt. dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification->set(status); dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification = nullptr; if (status == ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound) { // The refresh found that the database was dropped, so remove its entry from the cache. _databases.erase(dbName); _collectionsByDb.erase(dbName); return; } }; const auto refreshCallback = [ this, dbName, dbEntry, onRefreshFailed, onRefreshCompleted ]( OperationContext * opCtx, StatusWith swDbt) noexcept { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); if (!swDbt.isOK()) { onRefreshFailed(lg, swDbt.getStatus()); return; } onRefreshCompleted(swDbt); dbEntry->needsRefresh = false; dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification->set(Status::OK()); dbEntry->refreshCompletionNotification = nullptr; dbEntry->dbt = std::move(swDbt.getValue()); }; LOG_CATALOG_REFRESH(1) << "Refreshing cached database entry for " << dbName << "; current cached database info is " << (dbEntry->dbt ? dbEntry->dbt->toBSON() : BSONObj()); try { _cacheLoader.getDatabase(dbName, refreshCallback); } catch (const DBException& ex) { const auto status = ex.toStatus(); onRefreshFailed(lk, status); } } void CatalogCache::_scheduleCollectionRefresh(WithLock lk, std::shared_ptr collEntry, NamespaceString const& nss, int refreshAttempt) { const auto existingRoutingInfo = collEntry->routingInfo; // If we have an existing chunk manager, the refresh is considered "incremental", regardless of // how many chunks are in the differential const bool isIncremental(existingRoutingInfo); if (isIncremental) { _stats.numActiveIncrementalRefreshes.addAndFetch(1); _stats.countIncrementalRefreshesStarted.addAndFetch(1); } else { _stats.numActiveFullRefreshes.addAndFetch(1); _stats.countFullRefreshesStarted.addAndFetch(1); } // Invoked when one iteration of getChunksSince has completed, whether with success or error const auto onRefreshCompleted = [this, t = Timer(), nss, isIncremental, existingRoutingInfo]( const Status& status, RoutingTableHistory* routingInfoAfterRefresh) { if (isIncremental) { _stats.numActiveIncrementalRefreshes.subtractAndFetch(1); } else { _stats.numActiveFullRefreshes.subtractAndFetch(1); } if (!status.isOK()) { _stats.countFailedRefreshes.addAndFetch(1); LOG_CATALOG_REFRESH(0) << "Refresh for collection " << nss << " took " << t.millis() << " ms and failed" << causedBy(redact(status)); } else if (routingInfoAfterRefresh) { const int logLevel = (!existingRoutingInfo || (existingRoutingInfo && routingInfoAfterRefresh->getVersion() != existingRoutingInfo->getVersion())) ? 0 : 1; LOG_CATALOG_REFRESH(logLevel) << "Refresh for collection " << nss.toString() << (existingRoutingInfo ? (" from version " + existingRoutingInfo->getVersion().toString()) : "") << " to version " << routingInfoAfterRefresh->getVersion().toString() << " took " << t.millis() << " ms"; } else { LOG_CATALOG_REFRESH(0) << "Refresh for collection " << nss << " took " << t.millis() << " ms and found the collection is not sharded"; } }; // Invoked if getChunksSince resulted in error or threw an exception const auto onRefreshFailed = [ this, collEntry, nss, refreshAttempt, onRefreshCompleted ]( WithLock lk, const Status& status) noexcept { onRefreshCompleted(status, nullptr); // It is possible that the metadata is being changed concurrently, so retry the // refresh again if (status == ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress && refreshAttempt < kMaxInconsistentRoutingInfoRefreshAttempts) { _scheduleCollectionRefresh(lk, collEntry, nss, refreshAttempt + 1); } else { // Leave needsRefresh to true so that any subsequent get attempts will kick off // another round of refresh collEntry->refreshCompletionNotification->set(status); collEntry->refreshCompletionNotification = nullptr; } }; const auto refreshCallback = [ this, collEntry, nss, existingRoutingInfo, onRefreshFailed, onRefreshCompleted ]( OperationContext * opCtx, StatusWith swCollAndChunks) noexcept { std::shared_ptr newRoutingInfo; try { newRoutingInfo = refreshCollectionRoutingInfo( opCtx, nss, std::move(existingRoutingInfo), std::move(swCollAndChunks)); onRefreshCompleted(Status::OK(), newRoutingInfo.get()); } catch (const DBException& ex) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); onRefreshFailed(lg, ex.toStatus()); return; } stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); collEntry->needsFullRefresh = false; collEntry->refreshCompletionNotification->set(Status::OK()); collEntry->refreshCompletionNotification = nullptr; if (!newRoutingInfo) { // The refresh found that collection was dropped, so remove it from our cache. auto itDb = _collectionsByDb.find(nss.db()); if (itDb == _collectionsByDb.end()) { // The entire database was dropped. return; } itDb->second.erase(nss.ns()); return; } collEntry->routingInfo = std::move(newRoutingInfo); }; const ChunkVersion startingCollectionVersion = (existingRoutingInfo ? existingRoutingInfo->getVersion() : ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED()); LOG_CATALOG_REFRESH(1) << "Refreshing chunks for collection " << nss << "; current collection version is " << startingCollectionVersion; try { _cacheLoader.getChunksSince(nss, startingCollectionVersion, refreshCallback); } catch (const DBException& ex) { const auto status = ex.toStatus(); // ConflictingOperationInProgress errors trigger retry of the catalog cache reload logic. If // we failed to schedule the asynchronous reload, there is no point in doing another // attempt. invariant(status != ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress); onRefreshFailed(lk, status); } // The routing info for this collection shouldn't change, as other threads may try to use the // CatalogCache while we are waiting for the refresh to complete. invariant(collEntry->routingInfo.get() == existingRoutingInfo.get()); } void CatalogCache::_createOrGetCollectionEntryAndMarkNeedsFullRefresh(const NamespaceString& nss) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); auto optionalRoutingInfoEntry = _createOrGetCollectionEntry(lg, nss); if (!optionalRoutingInfoEntry) { return; } optionalRoutingInfoEntry->needsFullRefresh = true; } void CatalogCache::_createOrGetCollectionEntryAndMarkShardStale(const NamespaceString& nss, const ShardId& staleShardId) { stdx::lock_guard lg(_mutex); auto optionalRoutingInfoEntry = _createOrGetCollectionEntry(lg, nss); if (!optionalRoutingInfoEntry) { return; } if (optionalRoutingInfoEntry->routingInfo) { optionalRoutingInfoEntry->routingInfo->setShardStale(staleShardId); } } boost::optional CatalogCache::_createOrGetCollectionEntry(WithLock wl, const NamespaceString& nss) { auto itDb = _collectionsByDb.find(nss.db()); if (itDb == _collectionsByDb.end()) { return boost::none; } if (itDb->second.find(nss.ns()) == itDb->second.end()) { itDb->second[nss.ns()] = std::make_shared(); } return *itDb->second[nss.ns()]; } void CatalogCache::Stats::report(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { builder->append("countStaleConfigErrors", countStaleConfigErrors.load()); builder->append("totalRefreshWaitTimeMicros", totalRefreshWaitTimeMicros.load()); builder->append("numActiveIncrementalRefreshes", numActiveIncrementalRefreshes.load()); builder->append("countIncrementalRefreshesStarted", countIncrementalRefreshesStarted.load()); builder->append("numActiveFullRefreshes", numActiveFullRefreshes.load()); builder->append("countFullRefreshesStarted", countFullRefreshesStarted.load()); builder->append("countFailedRefreshes", countFailedRefreshes.load()); } CachedDatabaseInfo::CachedDatabaseInfo(DatabaseType dbt, std::shared_ptr primaryShard) : _dbt(std::move(dbt)), _primaryShard(std::move(primaryShard)) {} const ShardId& CachedDatabaseInfo::primaryId() const { return _dbt.getPrimary(); } bool CachedDatabaseInfo::shardingEnabled() const { return _dbt.getSharded(); } DatabaseVersion CachedDatabaseInfo::databaseVersion() const { return _dbt.getVersion(); } CachedCollectionRoutingInfo::CachedCollectionRoutingInfo(NamespaceString nss, CachedDatabaseInfo db, std::shared_ptr cm) : _nss(std::move(nss)), _db(std::move(db)), _cm(std::move(cm)) {} } // namespace mongo