/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kSharding #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/s/chunk_manager.h" #include "mongo/bson/simple_bsonobj_comparator.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/extensions_callback_noop.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collation_index_key.h" #include "mongo/db/query/index_bounds_builder.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_planner.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_planner_common.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/key_string.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/s/chunk_writes_tracker.h" #include "mongo/s/mongod_and_mongos_server_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/s/shard_invalidated_for_targeting_exception.h" namespace mongo { namespace { bool allElementsAreOfType(BSONType type, const BSONObj& obj) { for (auto&& elem : obj) { if (elem.type() != type) { return false; } } return true; } void checkAllElementsAreOfType(BSONType type, const BSONObj& o) { uassert(ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress, str::stream() << "Not all elements of " << o << " are of type " << typeName(type), allElementsAreOfType(type, o)); } void appendChunkTo(std::vector>& chunks, const std::shared_ptr& chunk) { if (!chunks.empty() && chunk->getRange().overlaps(chunks.back()->getRange())) { if (chunks.back()->getLastmod().isOlderThan(chunk->getLastmod())) { chunks.pop_back(); chunks.push_back(chunk); } } else { chunks.push_back(chunk); } } // This function processes the passed in chunks by removing the older versions of any overlapping // chunks. The resulting chunks must be ordered by the maximum bound and not have any // overlapping chunks. In order to process the original set of chunks correctly which may have // chunks from older versions of the map that overlap, this algorithm would need to sort by // ascending minimum bounds before processing it. However, since we want to take advantage of the // precomputed KeyString representations of the maximum bounds, this function implements the same // algorithm by reverse sorting the chunks by the maximum before processing but then must // reverse the resulting collection before it is returned. std::vector> flatten(const std::vector& changedChunks) { if (changedChunks.empty()) return std::vector>(); std::vector> changedChunkInfos(changedChunks.size()); std::transform(changedChunks.begin(), changedChunks.end(), changedChunkInfos.begin(), [](const auto& c) { return std::make_shared(c); }); std::sort(changedChunkInfos.begin(), changedChunkInfos.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a->getMaxKeyString() > b->getMaxKeyString(); }); std::vector> flattened; flattened.reserve(changedChunkInfos.size()); flattened.push_back(changedChunkInfos[0]); for (size_t i = 1; i < changedChunkInfos.size(); ++i) { appendChunkTo(flattened, changedChunkInfos[i]); } std::reverse(flattened.begin(), flattened.end()); return flattened; } void validateChunkIsNotOlderThan(const std::shared_ptr& chunk, const ChunkVersion& version) { uassert(ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress, str::stream() << "Changed chunk " << chunk->toString() << " has timestamp different from that of the collection " << version.getTimestamp(), version.getTimestamp() == chunk->getLastmod().getTimestamp()); uassert(626840, str::stream() << "Changed chunk " << chunk->toString() << " doesn't have version that's greater or equal than that of the collection " << version.toString(), version.isOlderOrEqualThan(chunk->getLastmod())); } } // namespace ShardVersionMap ChunkMap::constructShardVersionMap() const { ShardVersionMap shardVersions; ChunkVector::const_iterator current = _chunkMap.cbegin(); boost::optional firstMin = boost::none; boost::optional lastMax = boost::none; while (current != _chunkMap.cend()) { const auto& firstChunkInRange = *current; const auto& currentRangeShardId = firstChunkInRange->getShardIdAt(boost::none); // Tracks the max shard version for the shard on which the current range will reside auto shardVersionIt = shardVersions.find(currentRangeShardId); if (shardVersionIt == shardVersions.end()) { shardVersionIt = shardVersions .emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(currentRangeShardId), std::forward_as_tuple(_collectionVersion.epoch(), _collectionVersion.getTimestamp())) .first; } auto& maxShardVersion = shardVersionIt->second.shardVersion; current = std::find_if(current, _chunkMap.cend(), [¤tRangeShardId, &maxShardVersion](const auto& currentChunk) { if (currentChunk->getShardIdAt(boost::none) != currentRangeShardId) return true; if (maxShardVersion.isOlderThan(currentChunk->getLastmod())) maxShardVersion = currentChunk->getLastmod(); return false; }); const auto rangeLast = *std::prev(current); const auto& rangeMin = firstChunkInRange->getMin(); const auto& rangeMax = rangeLast->getMax(); // Check the continuity of the chunks map if (lastMax && !SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.evaluate(*lastMax == rangeMin)) { if (SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.evaluate(*lastMax < rangeMin)) uasserted(ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress, str::stream() << "Gap exists in the routing table between chunks " << findIntersectingChunk(*lastMax)->getRange().toString() << " and " << rangeLast->getRange().toString()); else uasserted(ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress, str::stream() << "Overlap exists in the routing table between chunks " << findIntersectingChunk(*lastMax)->getRange().toString() << " and " << rangeLast->getRange().toString()); } if (!firstMin) firstMin = rangeMin; lastMax = rangeMax; // If a shard has chunks it must have a shard version, otherwise we have an invalid chunk // somewhere, which should have been caught at chunk load time invariant(maxShardVersion.isSet()); } if (!_chunkMap.empty()) { invariant(!shardVersions.empty()); invariant(firstMin.is_initialized()); invariant(lastMax.is_initialized()); checkAllElementsAreOfType(MinKey, firstMin.get()); checkAllElementsAreOfType(MaxKey, lastMax.get()); } return shardVersions; } void ChunkMap::appendChunk(const std::shared_ptr& chunk) { appendChunkTo(_chunkMap, chunk); const auto chunkVersion = chunk->getLastmod(); if (_collectionVersion.isOlderThan(chunkVersion)) { _collectionVersion = ChunkVersion(chunkVersion.majorVersion(), chunkVersion.minorVersion(), chunkVersion.epoch(), _collTimestamp); } } std::shared_ptr ChunkMap::findIntersectingChunk(const BSONObj& shardKey) const { const auto it = _findIntersectingChunk(shardKey); if (it != _chunkMap.end()) return *it; return std::shared_ptr(); } ChunkMap ChunkMap::createMerged( const std::vector>& changedChunks) const { size_t chunkMapIndex = 0; size_t changedChunkIndex = 0; ChunkMap updatedChunkMap( getVersion().epoch(), getVersion().getTimestamp(), _chunkMap.size() + changedChunks.size()); while (chunkMapIndex < _chunkMap.size() || changedChunkIndex < changedChunks.size()) { if (chunkMapIndex >= _chunkMap.size()) { validateChunkIsNotOlderThan(changedChunks[changedChunkIndex], getVersion()); updatedChunkMap.appendChunk(changedChunks[changedChunkIndex++]); continue; } if (changedChunkIndex >= changedChunks.size()) { updatedChunkMap.appendChunk(_chunkMap[chunkMapIndex++]); continue; } auto overlap = _chunkMap[chunkMapIndex]->getRange().overlaps( changedChunks[changedChunkIndex]->getRange()); if (overlap) { auto& changedChunk = changedChunks[changedChunkIndex++]; auto& chunkInfo = _chunkMap[chunkMapIndex]; auto bytesInReplacedChunk = chunkInfo->getWritesTracker()->getBytesWritten(); changedChunk->getWritesTracker()->addBytesWritten(bytesInReplacedChunk); validateChunkIsNotOlderThan(changedChunk, getVersion()); updatedChunkMap.appendChunk(changedChunk); } else { updatedChunkMap.appendChunk(_chunkMap[chunkMapIndex++]); } } return updatedChunkMap; } BSONObj ChunkMap::toBSON() const { BSONObjBuilder builder; getVersion().serializeToBSON("startingVersion"_sd, &builder); builder.append("chunkCount", static_cast(_chunkMap.size())); { BSONArrayBuilder arrayBuilder(builder.subarrayStart("chunks"_sd)); for (const auto& chunk : _chunkMap) { arrayBuilder.append(chunk->toString()); } } return builder.obj(); } ChunkMap::ChunkVector::const_iterator ChunkMap::_findIntersectingChunk(const BSONObj& shardKey, bool isMaxInclusive) const { auto shardKeyString = ShardKeyPattern::toKeyString(shardKey); if (!isMaxInclusive) { return std::lower_bound(_chunkMap.begin(), _chunkMap.end(), shardKey, [&shardKeyString](const auto& chunkInfo, const BSONObj& shardKey) { return chunkInfo->getMaxKeyString() < shardKeyString; }); } else { return std::upper_bound(_chunkMap.begin(), _chunkMap.end(), shardKey, [&shardKeyString](const BSONObj& shardKey, const auto& chunkInfo) { return shardKeyString < chunkInfo->getMaxKeyString(); }); } } std::pair ChunkMap::_overlappingBounds(const BSONObj& min, const BSONObj& max, bool isMaxInclusive) const { const auto itMin = _findIntersectingChunk(min); const auto itMax = [&]() { auto it = _findIntersectingChunk(max, isMaxInclusive); return it == _chunkMap.end() ? it : ++it; }(); return {itMin, itMax}; } ShardVersionTargetingInfo::ShardVersionTargetingInfo(const OID& epoch, const Timestamp& timestamp) : shardVersion(0, 0, epoch, timestamp) {} RoutingTableHistory::RoutingTableHistory( NamespaceString nss, UUID uuid, KeyPattern shardKeyPattern, std::unique_ptr defaultCollator, bool unique, boost::optional timeseriesFields, boost::optional reshardingFields, boost::optional maxChunkSizeBytes, bool allowMigrations, ChunkMap chunkMap) : _nss(std::move(nss)), _uuid(std::move(uuid)), _shardKeyPattern(std::move(shardKeyPattern)), _defaultCollator(std::move(defaultCollator)), _unique(unique), _timeseriesFields(std::move(timeseriesFields)), _reshardingFields(std::move(reshardingFields)), _maxChunkSizeBytes(maxChunkSizeBytes), _allowMigrations(allowMigrations), _chunkMap(std::move(chunkMap)), _shardVersions(_chunkMap.constructShardVersionMap()) {} void RoutingTableHistory::setShardStale(const ShardId& shardId) { if (gEnableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh) { auto it = _shardVersions.find(shardId); if (it != _shardVersions.end()) { it->second.isStale.store(true); } } } void RoutingTableHistory::setAllShardsRefreshed() { if (gEnableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh) { for (auto& [shard, targetingInfo] : _shardVersions) { targetingInfo.isStale.store(false); } } } Chunk ChunkManager::findIntersectingChunk(const BSONObj& shardKey, const BSONObj& collation, bool bypassIsFieldHashedCheck) const { const bool hasSimpleCollation = (collation.isEmpty() && !_rt->optRt->getDefaultCollator()) || SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.evaluate(collation == CollationSpec::kSimpleSpec); if (!hasSimpleCollation) { for (BSONElement elt : shardKey) { // We must assume that if the field is specified as "hashed" in the shard key pattern, // then the hash value could have come from a collatable type. const bool isFieldHashed = (_rt->optRt->getShardKeyPattern().isHashedPattern() && _rt->optRt->getShardKeyPattern().getHashedField().fieldNameStringData() == elt.fieldNameStringData()); // If we want to skip the check in the special case where the _id field is hashed and // used as the shard key, set bypassIsFieldHashedCheck. This assumes that a request with // a query that contains an _id field can target a specific shard. uassert(ErrorCodes::ShardKeyNotFound, str::stream() << "Cannot target single shard due to collation of key " << elt.fieldNameStringData() << " for namespace " << _rt->optRt->nss(), !CollationIndexKey::isCollatableType(elt.type()) && (!isFieldHashed || bypassIsFieldHashedCheck)); } } auto chunkInfo = _rt->optRt->findIntersectingChunk(shardKey); uassert(ErrorCodes::ShardKeyNotFound, str::stream() << "Cannot target single shard using key " << shardKey << " for namespace " << _rt->optRt->nss(), chunkInfo && chunkInfo->containsKey(shardKey)); return Chunk(*chunkInfo, _clusterTime); } bool ChunkManager::keyBelongsToShard(const BSONObj& shardKey, const ShardId& shardId) const { if (shardKey.isEmpty()) return false; auto chunkInfo = _rt->optRt->findIntersectingChunk(shardKey); if (!chunkInfo) return false; invariant(chunkInfo->containsKey(shardKey)); return chunkInfo->getShardIdAt(_clusterTime) == shardId; } void ChunkManager::getShardIdsForQuery(boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx, const BSONObj& query, const BSONObj& collation, std::set* shardIds) const { auto findCommand = std::make_unique(_rt->optRt->nss()); findCommand->setFilter(query.getOwned()); expCtx->uuid = getUUID(); if (!collation.isEmpty()) { findCommand->setCollation(collation.getOwned()); } else if (_rt->optRt->getDefaultCollator()) { auto defaultCollator = _rt->optRt->getDefaultCollator(); findCommand->setCollation(defaultCollator->getSpec().toBSON()); expCtx->setCollator(defaultCollator->clone()); } auto cq = uassertStatusOK( CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(expCtx->opCtx, std::move(findCommand), false, /* isExplain */ expCtx, ExtensionsCallbackNoop(), MatchExpressionParser::kAllowAllSpecialFeatures)); // Fast path for targeting equalities on the shard key. auto shardKeyToFind = _rt->optRt->getShardKeyPattern().extractShardKeyFromQuery(*cq); if (!shardKeyToFind.isEmpty()) { try { auto chunk = findIntersectingChunk(shardKeyToFind, collation); shardIds->insert(chunk.getShardId()); return; } catch (const DBException&) { // The query uses multiple shards } } // Transforms query into bounds for each field in the shard key // for example : // Key { a: 1, b: 1 }, // Query { a : { $gte : 1, $lt : 2 }, // b : { $gte : 3, $lt : 4 } } // => Bounds { a : [1, 2), b : [3, 4) } IndexBounds bounds = getIndexBoundsForQuery(_rt->optRt->getShardKeyPattern().toBSON(), *cq); // Transforms bounds for each shard key field into full shard key ranges // for example : // Key { a : 1, b : 1 } // Bounds { a : [1, 2), b : [3, 4) } // => Ranges { a : 1, b : 3 } => { a : 2, b : 4 } BoundList ranges = _rt->optRt->getShardKeyPattern().flattenBounds(bounds); for (BoundList::const_iterator it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) { getShardIdsForRange(it->first /*min*/, it->second /*max*/, shardIds); // Once we know we need to visit all shards no need to keep looping. // However, this optimization does not apply when we are reading from a snapshot // because _shardVersions contains shards with chunks and is built based on the last // refresh. Therefore, it is possible for _shardVersions to have fewer entries if a shard // no longer owns chunks when it used to at _clusterTime. if (!_clusterTime && shardIds->size() == _rt->optRt->_shardVersions.size()) { break; } } // SERVER-4914 Some clients of getShardIdsForQuery() assume at least one shard will be returned. // For now, we satisfy that assumption by adding a shard with no matches rather than returning // an empty set of shards. if (shardIds->empty()) { _rt->optRt->forEachChunk([&](const std::shared_ptr& chunkInfo) { shardIds->insert(chunkInfo->getShardIdAt(_clusterTime)); return false; }); } } void ChunkManager::getShardIdsForRange(const BSONObj& min, const BSONObj& max, std::set* shardIds) const { // If our range is [MinKey, MaxKey], we can simply return all shard ids right away. However, // this optimization does not apply when we are reading from a snapshot because _shardVersions // contains shards with chunks and is built based on the last refresh. Therefore, it is // possible for _shardVersions to have fewer entries if a shard no longer owns chunks when it // used to at _clusterTime. if (!_clusterTime && allElementsAreOfType(MinKey, min) && allElementsAreOfType(MaxKey, max)) { getAllShardIds(shardIds); return; } _rt->optRt->forEachOverlappingChunk(min, max, true, [&](auto& chunkInfo) { shardIds->insert(chunkInfo->getShardIdAt(_clusterTime)); // No need to iterate through the rest of the ranges, because we already know we need to use // all shards. However, this optimization does not apply when we are reading from a snapshot // because _shardVersions contains shards with chunks and is built based on the last // refresh. Therefore, it is possible for _shardVersions to have fewer entries if a shard // no longer owns chunks when it used to at _clusterTime. if (!_clusterTime && shardIds->size() == _rt->optRt->_shardVersions.size()) { return false; } return true; }); } bool ChunkManager::rangeOverlapsShard(const ChunkRange& range, const ShardId& shardId) const { bool overlapFound = false; _rt->optRt->forEachOverlappingChunk( range.getMin(), range.getMax(), false, [&](auto& chunkInfo) { if (chunkInfo->getShardIdAt(_clusterTime) == shardId) { overlapFound = true; return false; } return true; }); return overlapFound; } boost::optional ChunkManager::getNextChunkOnShard(const BSONObj& shardKey, const ShardId& shardId) const { boost::optional chunk; _rt->optRt->forEachChunk( [&](auto& chunkInfo) { if (chunkInfo->getShardIdAt(_clusterTime) == shardId) { chunk.emplace(*chunkInfo, _clusterTime); return false; } return true; }, shardKey); return chunk; } ShardId ChunkManager::getMinKeyShardIdWithSimpleCollation() const { auto minKey = getShardKeyPattern().getKeyPattern().globalMin(); return findIntersectingChunkWithSimpleCollation(minKey).getShardId(); } void RoutingTableHistory::getAllShardIds(std::set* all) const { std::transform(_shardVersions.begin(), _shardVersions.end(), std::inserter(*all, all->begin()), [](const ShardVersionMap::value_type& pair) { return pair.first; }); } int RoutingTableHistory::getNShardsOwningChunks() const { return _shardVersions.size(); } IndexBounds ChunkManager::getIndexBoundsForQuery(const BSONObj& key, const CanonicalQuery& canonicalQuery) { // $text is not allowed in planning since we don't have text index on mongos. // TODO: Treat $text query as a no-op in planning on mongos. So with shard key {a: 1}, // the query { a: 2, $text: { ... } } will only target to {a: 2}. if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(canonicalQuery.root(), MatchExpression::TEXT)) { IndexBounds bounds; IndexBoundsBuilder::allValuesBounds(key, &bounds, false); // [minKey, maxKey] return bounds; } // Similarly, ignore GEO_NEAR queries in planning, since we do not have geo indexes on mongos. if (QueryPlannerCommon::hasNode(canonicalQuery.root(), MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR)) { // If the GEO_NEAR predicate is a child of AND, remove the GEO_NEAR and continue building // bounds. Currently a CanonicalQuery can have at most one GEO_NEAR expression, and only at // the top-level, so this check is sufficient. auto geoIdx = [](auto root) -> boost::optional { if (root->matchType() == MatchExpression::AND) { for (size_t i = 0; i < root->numChildren(); ++i) { if (MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR == root->getChild(i)->matchType()) { return boost::make_optional(i); } } } return boost::none; }(canonicalQuery.root()); if (!geoIdx) { IndexBounds bounds; IndexBoundsBuilder::allValuesBounds(key, &bounds, false); return bounds; } canonicalQuery.root()->getChildVector()->erase( canonicalQuery.root()->getChildVector()->begin() + geoIdx.get()); } // Consider shard key as an index std::string accessMethod = IndexNames::findPluginName(key); dassert(accessMethod == IndexNames::BTREE || accessMethod == IndexNames::HASHED); const auto indexType = IndexNames::nameToType(accessMethod); // Use query framework to generate index bounds QueryPlannerParams plannerParams; // Must use "shard key" index plannerParams.options = QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN; IndexEntry indexEntry(key, indexType, IndexDescriptor::kLatestIndexVersion, // The shard key index cannot be multikey. false, // Empty multikey paths, since the shard key index cannot be multikey. MultikeyPaths{}, // Empty multikey path set, since the shard key index cannot be multikey. {}, false /* sparse */, false /* unique */, IndexEntry::Identifier{"shardkey"}, nullptr /* filterExpr */, BSONObj(), nullptr, /* collator */ nullptr /* projExec */); plannerParams.indices.push_back(std::move(indexEntry)); auto statusWithMultiPlanSolns = QueryPlanner::plan(canonicalQuery, plannerParams); if (statusWithMultiPlanSolns.getStatus().code() != ErrorCodes::NoQueryExecutionPlans) { auto solutions = uassertStatusOK(std::move(statusWithMultiPlanSolns)); // Pick any solution that has non-trivial IndexBounds. bounds.size() == 0 represents a // trivial IndexBounds where none of the fields' values are bounded. for (auto&& soln : solutions) { IndexBounds bounds = collapseQuerySolution(soln->root()); if (bounds.size() > 0) { return bounds; } } } // We cannot plan the query without collection scan, so target to all shards. IndexBounds bounds; IndexBoundsBuilder::allValuesBounds(key, &bounds, false); // [minKey, maxKey] return bounds; } IndexBounds ChunkManager::collapseQuerySolution(const QuerySolutionNode* node) { if (node->children.empty()) { invariant(node->getType() == STAGE_IXSCAN); const IndexScanNode* ixNode = static_cast(node); return ixNode->bounds; } if (node->children.size() == 1) { // e.g. FETCH -> IXSCAN return collapseQuerySolution(node->children.front()); } // children.size() > 1, assert it's OR / SORT_MERGE. if (node->getType() != STAGE_OR && node->getType() != STAGE_SORT_MERGE) { // Unexpected node. We should never reach here. LOGV2_ERROR(23833, "could not generate index bounds on query solution tree: {node}", "node"_attr = redact(node->toString())); dassert(false); // We'd like to know this error in testing. // Bail out with all shards in production, since this isn't a fatal error. return IndexBounds(); } IndexBounds bounds; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = node->children.begin(); it != node->children.end(); it++) { // The first branch under OR if (it == node->children.begin()) { invariant(bounds.size() == 0); bounds = collapseQuerySolution(*it); if (bounds.size() == 0) { // Got unexpected node in query solution tree return IndexBounds(); } continue; } IndexBounds childBounds = collapseQuerySolution(*it); if (childBounds.size() == 0) { // Got unexpected node in query solution tree return IndexBounds(); } invariant(childBounds.size() == bounds.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) { bounds.fields[i].intervals.insert(bounds.fields[i].intervals.end(), childBounds.fields[i].intervals.begin(), childBounds.fields[i].intervals.end()); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++) { IndexBoundsBuilder::unionize(&bounds.fields[i]); } return bounds; } ChunkManager ChunkManager::makeAtTime(const ChunkManager& cm, Timestamp clusterTime) { return ChunkManager(cm.dbPrimary(), cm.dbVersion(), cm._rt, clusterTime); } bool ChunkManager::allowMigrations() const { if (!_rt->optRt) return true; return _rt->optRt->allowMigrations(); } bool ChunkManager::allowAutoSplit() const { const auto maxChunkSize = maxChunkSizeBytes(); if (!maxChunkSize) return true; return *maxChunkSize != 0; } boost::optional ChunkManager::maxChunkSizeBytes() const { if (!_rt->optRt) return boost::none; return _rt->optRt->maxChunkSizeBytes(); } std::string ChunkManager::toString() const { return _rt->optRt ? _rt->optRt->toString() : "UNSHARDED"; } bool RoutingTableHistory::compatibleWith(const RoutingTableHistory& other, const ShardId& shardName) const { // Return true if the shard version is the same in the two chunk managers // TODO: This doesn't need to be so strong, just major vs return other.getVersion(shardName) == getVersion(shardName); } ChunkVersion RoutingTableHistory::_getVersion(const ShardId& shardName, bool throwOnStaleShard) const { auto it = _shardVersions.find(shardName); if (it == _shardVersions.end()) { // Shards without explicitly tracked shard versions (meaning they have no chunks) always // have a version of (0, 0, epoch, timestamp) const auto collVersion = _chunkMap.getVersion(); return ChunkVersion(0, 0, collVersion.epoch(), collVersion.getTimestamp()); } if (throwOnStaleShard && gEnableFinerGrainedCatalogCacheRefresh) { uassert(ShardInvalidatedForTargetingInfo(_nss), "shard has been marked stale", !it->second.isStale.load()); } return it->second.shardVersion; } ChunkVersion RoutingTableHistory::getVersion(const ShardId& shardName) const { return _getVersion(shardName, true); } ChunkVersion RoutingTableHistory::getVersionForLogging(const ShardId& shardName) const { return _getVersion(shardName, false); } std::string RoutingTableHistory::toString() const { StringBuilder sb; sb << "RoutingTableHistory: " << _nss.ns() << " key: " << _shardKeyPattern.toString() << '\n'; sb << "Chunks:\n"; _chunkMap.forEach([&sb](const auto& chunk) { sb << "\t" << chunk->toString() << '\n'; return true; }); sb << "Shard versions:\n"; for (const auto& entry : _shardVersions) { sb << "\t" << entry.first << ": " << entry.second.shardVersion.toString() << '\n'; } return sb.str(); } RoutingTableHistory RoutingTableHistory::makeNew( NamespaceString nss, UUID uuid, KeyPattern shardKeyPattern, std::unique_ptr defaultCollator, bool unique, OID epoch, const Timestamp& timestamp, boost::optional timeseriesFields, boost::optional reshardingFields, boost::optional maxChunkSizeBytes, bool allowMigrations, const std::vector& chunks) { auto changedChunkInfos = flatten(chunks); return RoutingTableHistory(std::move(nss), std::move(uuid), std::move(shardKeyPattern), std::move(defaultCollator), std::move(unique), std::move(timeseriesFields), std::move(reshardingFields), maxChunkSizeBytes, allowMigrations, ChunkMap{epoch, timestamp}.createMerged(changedChunkInfos)); } // Note that any new parameters added to RoutingTableHistory::makeUpdated() must also be added to // ShardServerCatalogCacheLoader::_getLoaderMetadata() and copied into the persisted metadata when // it may overlap with the enqueued metadata. RoutingTableHistory RoutingTableHistory::makeUpdated( boost::optional timeseriesFields, boost::optional reshardingFields, boost::optional maxChunkSizeBytes, bool allowMigrations, const std::vector& changedChunks) const { auto changedChunkInfos = flatten(changedChunks); auto chunkMap = _chunkMap.createMerged(changedChunkInfos); // Only update the same collection. invariant(getVersion().isSameCollection(chunkMap.getVersion())); return RoutingTableHistory(_nss, _uuid, getShardKeyPattern().getKeyPattern(), CollatorInterface::cloneCollator(getDefaultCollator()), isUnique(), std::move(timeseriesFields), std::move(reshardingFields), maxChunkSizeBytes, allowMigrations, std::move(chunkMap)); } AtomicWord ComparableChunkVersion::_epochDisambiguatingSequenceNumSource{1ULL}; AtomicWord ComparableChunkVersion::_forcedRefreshSequenceNumSource{1ULL}; ComparableChunkVersion ComparableChunkVersion::makeComparableChunkVersion( const ChunkVersion& version) { return ComparableChunkVersion(_forcedRefreshSequenceNumSource.load(), version, _epochDisambiguatingSequenceNumSource.fetchAndAdd(1)); } ComparableChunkVersion ComparableChunkVersion::makeComparableChunkVersionForForcedRefresh() { return ComparableChunkVersion(_forcedRefreshSequenceNumSource.addAndFetch(2) - 1, boost::none, _epochDisambiguatingSequenceNumSource.fetchAndAdd(1)); } void ComparableChunkVersion::setChunkVersion(const ChunkVersion& version) { _chunkVersion = version; } BSONObj ComparableChunkVersion::toBSONForLogging() const { BSONObjBuilder builder; if (_chunkVersion) _chunkVersion->serializeToBSON("chunkVersion"_sd, &builder); else builder.append("chunkVersion"_sd, "None"); builder.append("forcedRefreshSequenceNum"_sd, static_cast(_forcedRefreshSequenceNum)); builder.append("epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum"_sd, static_cast(_epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum)); return builder.obj(); } bool ComparableChunkVersion::operator==(const ComparableChunkVersion& other) const { if (_forcedRefreshSequenceNum != other._forcedRefreshSequenceNum) return false; // Values created on two sides of a forced refresh sequence number are always // considered different if (_forcedRefreshSequenceNum == 0) return true; // Only default constructed values have _forcedRefreshSequenceNum == 0 and // they are always equal // Relying on the boost::optional::operator== comparison return _chunkVersion == other._chunkVersion; } bool ComparableChunkVersion::operator<(const ComparableChunkVersion& other) const { if (_forcedRefreshSequenceNum < other._forcedRefreshSequenceNum) return true; // Values created on two sides of a forced refresh sequence number are always // considered different if (_forcedRefreshSequenceNum > other._forcedRefreshSequenceNum) return false; // Values created on two sides of a forced refresh sequence number are always // considered different if (_forcedRefreshSequenceNum == 0) return false; // Only default constructed values have _forcedRefreshSequenceNum == 0 and // they are always equal if (_chunkVersion.is_initialized() != other._chunkVersion.is_initialized()) return _epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum < other._epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum; // One side is not initialised, but the other // is, which can only happen if one side is // ForForcedRefresh and the other is made from // makeComparableChunkVersion. In this case, use // the _epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum to see // which one is more recent. if (!_chunkVersion.is_initialized()) return _epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum < other._epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum; // Both sides are not initialised, which can // only happen if both were created from // ForForcedRefresh. In this case, use the // _epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum to see which // one is more recent. if (_chunkVersion->getTimestamp() == other._chunkVersion->getTimestamp()) { if (!_chunkVersion->isSet() && !other._chunkVersion->isSet()) { return false; } else if (_chunkVersion->isSet() && other._chunkVersion->isSet()) { return _chunkVersion->majorVersion() < other._chunkVersion->majorVersion() || (_chunkVersion->majorVersion() == other._chunkVersion->majorVersion() && _chunkVersion->minorVersion() < other._chunkVersion->minorVersion()); } } else if (_chunkVersion->isSet() && other._chunkVersion->isSet()) { return _chunkVersion->getTimestamp() < other._chunkVersion->getTimestamp(); } return _epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum < other._epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum; } ShardEndpoint::ShardEndpoint(const ShardId& shardName, boost::optional shardVersion, boost::optional dbVersion) : shardName(shardName), shardVersion(std::move(shardVersion)), databaseVersion(std::move(dbVersion)) { if (databaseVersion) invariant(shardVersion && *shardVersion == ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED()); else if (shardVersion) invariant(*shardVersion != ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED()); else invariant(shardName == ShardId::kConfigServerId); } } // namespace mongo