/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kSharding #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/hasher.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/extensions_callback_noop.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_context_for_test.h" #include "mongo/db/query/canonical_query.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/s/chunk_manager.h" #include "mongo/s/shard_key_pattern.h" #include "mongo/s/sharding_router_test_fixture.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" namespace mongo { namespace { const double INF = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); /** * Test the chunk manager index bounds for query functionality. */ class CMCollapseTreeTest : public ShardingTestFixture { protected: // Utility function to create a CanonicalQuery std::unique_ptr canonicalize(const char* queryStr) { BSONObj queryObj = fromjson(queryStr); const NamespaceString nss("test.foo"); auto qr = std::make_unique(nss); qr->setFilter(queryObj); boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx(new ExpressionContextForTest()); auto statusWithCQ = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(operationContext(), std::move(qr), expCtx, ExtensionsCallbackNoop(), MatchExpressionParser::kAllowAllSpecialFeatures); ASSERT_OK(statusWithCQ.getStatus()); return std::move(statusWithCQ.getValue()); } void checkIndexBoundsWithKey(const char* keyStr, const char* queryStr, const IndexBounds& expectedBounds) { auto query(canonicalize(queryStr)); ASSERT(query.get() != nullptr); BSONObj key = fromjson(keyStr); IndexBounds indexBounds = ChunkManager::getIndexBoundsForQuery(key, *query.get()); ASSERT_EQUALS(indexBounds.size(), expectedBounds.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < indexBounds.size(); i++) { const OrderedIntervalList& oil = indexBounds.fields[i]; const OrderedIntervalList& expectedOil = expectedBounds.fields[i]; ASSERT_EQUALS(oil.intervals.size(), expectedOil.intervals.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < oil.intervals.size(); i++) { if (Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS != oil.intervals[i].compare(expectedOil.intervals[i])) { LOGV2(22676, "{oil_intervals_i} != {expectedOil_intervals_i}", "oil_intervals_i"_attr = oil.intervals[i], "expectedOil_intervals_i"_attr = expectedOil.intervals[i]); } ASSERT_EQUALS(Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS, oil.intervals[i].compare(expectedOil.intervals[i])); } } } // Assume shard key is { a: 1 } void checkIndexBounds(const char* queryStr, const OrderedIntervalList& expectedOil) { auto query(canonicalize(queryStr)); ASSERT(query.get() != nullptr); BSONObj key = fromjson("{a: 1}"); IndexBounds indexBounds = ChunkManager::getIndexBoundsForQuery(key, *query.get()); ASSERT_EQUALS(indexBounds.size(), 1U); const OrderedIntervalList& oil = indexBounds.fields.front(); if (oil.intervals.size() != expectedOil.intervals.size()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < oil.intervals.size(); i++) { LOGV2(22677, "{oil_intervals_i}", "oil_intervals_i"_attr = oil.intervals[i]); } } ASSERT_EQUALS(oil.intervals.size(), expectedOil.intervals.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < oil.intervals.size(); i++) { ASSERT_EQUALS(Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS, oil.intervals[i].compare(expectedOil.intervals[i])); } } }; // { a: 2 } -> a: [2, 2] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, Basic) { OrderedIntervalList expected; expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 2 << "" << 2), true, true)); checkIndexBounds("{a: 2}", expected); } // { b: 2 } -> a: [MinKey, MaxKey] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, AllValue) { OrderedIntervalList expected; BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendMinKey(""); builder.appendMaxKey(""); expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), true, true)); checkIndexBounds("{b: 2}", expected); } // { 'a' : { '$not' : { '$gt' : 1 } } } -> a: [MinKey, 1.0], (inf.0, MaxKey] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, NegativeGT) { OrderedIntervalList expected; { BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendMinKey(""); builder.appendNumber("", 1.0); expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), true, true)); } { BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append("", std::numeric_limits::infinity()); builder.appendMaxKey(""); expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), false, true)); } checkIndexBounds("{ 'a' : { '$not' : { '$gt' : 1 } } }", expected); } // {$or: [{a: 20}, {$and: [{a:1}, {b:7}]}]} -> a: [1.0, 1.0], [20.0, 20.0] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, OrWithAndChild) { OrderedIntervalList expected; expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1.0 << "" << 1.0), true, true)); expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 20.0 << "" << 20.0), true, true)); checkIndexBounds("{$or: [{a: 20}, {$and: [{a:1}, {b:7}]}]}", expected); } // {a:20, $or: [{b:1}, {c:7}]} -> a: [20.0, 20.0] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, AndWithUnindexedOrChild) { // Logic rewrite could give a tree with root OR. OrderedIntervalList expected; expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 20.0 << "" << 20.0), true, true)); checkIndexBounds("{a:20, $or: [{b:1}, {c:7}]}", expected); } // {$or: [{a:{$gt:2,$lt:10}}, {a:{$gt:0,$lt:5}}]} -> a: (0.0, 10.0) TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, OrOfAnd) { OrderedIntervalList expected; expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0.0 << "" << 10.0), false, false)); checkIndexBounds("{$or: [{a:{$gt:2,$lt:10}}, {a:{$gt:0,$lt:5}}]}", expected); } // {$or: [{a:{$gt:2,$lt:10}}, {a:{$gt:0,$lt:15}}, {a:{$gt:20}}]} // -> a: (0.0, 15.0), (20.0, inf.0] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, OrOfAnd2) { OrderedIntervalList expected; expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0.0 << "" << 15.0), false, false)); expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 20.0 << "" << INF), false, true)); checkIndexBounds("{$or: [{a:{$gt:2,$lt:10}}, {a:{$gt:0,$lt:15}}, {a:{$gt:20}}]}", expected); } // "{$or: [{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:6}, {a:3,b:{$gt:0,$lt:10}}]}" -> a: (1.0, 5.0) TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, OrOfAnd3) { OrderedIntervalList expected; expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1.0 << "" << 5.0), false, false)); checkIndexBounds("{$or: [{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:6}, {a:3,b:{$gt:0,$lt:10}}]}", expected); } // // Compound shard key // // "{$or: [{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5}, b:{$gt:0,$lt:3}, c:6}, " // "{a:3, b:{$gt:1,$lt:2}, c:{$gt:0,$lt:10}}]}", // -> a: (1.0, 5.0), b: (0.0, 3.0) TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, OrOfAnd4) { IndexBounds expectedBounds; expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); expectedBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << 1.0 << "" << 5.0), false, false)); expectedBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << 0.0 << "" << 3.0), false, false)); checkIndexBoundsWithKey("{a: 1, b: 1}", // shard key "{$or: [{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5}, b:{$gt:0,$lt:3}, c:6}, " "{a:3, b:{$gt:1,$lt:2}, c:{$gt:0,$lt:10}}]}", expectedBounds); } // "{$or: [{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5}, c:6}, " // "{a:3, b:{$gt:1,$lt:2}, c:{$gt:0,$lt:10}}]}")); // -> TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, OrOfAnd5) { IndexBounds expectedBounds; expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); expectedBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << 1.0 << "" << 5.0), false, false)); BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendMinKey(""); builder.appendMaxKey(""); expectedBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), true, true)); checkIndexBoundsWithKey("{a: 1, b: 1}", // shard key "{$or: [{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5}, c:6}, " "{a:3, b:{$gt:1,$lt:2}, c:{$gt:0,$lt:10}}]}", expectedBounds); } // {$or: [{a:{$in:[1]},b:{$in:[1]}}, {a:{$in:[1,5]},b:{$in:[1,5]}}]} // -> a: [1], [5]; b: [1], [5] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, OrOfAnd6) { IndexBounds expectedBounds; expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); // a: [1], [5] expectedBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << 1.0 << "" << 1.0), true, true)); expectedBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << 5.0 << "" << 5.0), true, true)); // b: [1], [5] expectedBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << 1.0 << "" << 1.0), true, true)); expectedBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << 5.0 << "" << 5.0), true, true)); checkIndexBoundsWithKey("{a: 1, b: 1}", // shard key "{$or: [{a:{$in:[1]},b:{$in:[1]}}, {a:{$in:[1,5]},b:{$in:[1,5]}}]}", expectedBounds); } // // Array operators // // {a : {$elemMatch: {b:1}}} -> a.b: [MinKey, MaxKey] // Shard key doesn't allow multikey, but query on array should succeed without error. TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, ElemMatchOneField) { IndexBounds expectedBounds; expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); OrderedIntervalList& oil = expectedBounds.fields.front(); oil.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); checkIndexBoundsWithKey("{'a.b': 1}", "{a : {$elemMatch: {b:1}}}", expectedBounds); } // {foo: {$all: [ {$elemMatch: {a:1, b:1}}, {$elemMatch: {a:2, b:2}}]}} // -> foo.a: [1, 1] // Or -> foo.a: [2, 2] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, BasicAllElemMatch) { Interval expectedInterval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true); const char* queryStr = "{foo: {$all: [ {$elemMatch: {a:1, b:1}} ]}}"; auto query(canonicalize(queryStr)); ASSERT(query.get() != nullptr); BSONObj key = fromjson("{'foo.a': 1}"); IndexBounds indexBounds = ChunkManager::getIndexBoundsForQuery(key, *query.get()); ASSERT_EQUALS(indexBounds.size(), 1U); const OrderedIntervalList& oil = indexBounds.fields.front(); ASSERT_EQUALS(oil.intervals.size(), 1U); const Interval& interval = oil.intervals.front(); // Choose one of the two possible solutions. // Two solutions differ only by assignment of index tags. ASSERT(Interval::INTERVAL_EQUALS == interval.compare(expectedInterval)); } // {a : [1, 2, 3]} -> a: [1, 1], [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, ArrayEquality) { OrderedIntervalList expected; expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 1 << "" << 1), true, true)); BSONArray array(BSON_ARRAY(1 << 2 << 3)); Interval interval(BSON("" << array << "" << array), true, true); expected.intervals.push_back(interval); checkIndexBounds("{a : [1, 2, 3]}", expected); } // // Features: Regex, $where, $text, hashed key // // { a: /abc/ } -> a: ["", {}), [/abc/, /abc/] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, Regex) { OrderedIntervalList expected; expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << "" << "" << BSONObj()), true, false)); BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendRegex("", "abc"); builder.appendRegex("", "abc"); expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), true, true)); checkIndexBounds("{ a: /abc/ }", expected); } // {$where: 'this.credits == this.debits' } TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, Where) { OrderedIntervalList expected; BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendMinKey(""); builder.appendMaxKey(""); expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), true, true)); checkIndexBounds("{$where: 'this.credits == this.debits' }", expected); } // { $text: { $search: "coffee -cake" } } TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, Text) { OrderedIntervalList expected; BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendMinKey(""); builder.appendMaxKey(""); expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), true, true)); checkIndexBounds("{ $text: { $search: 'coffee -cake' } }", expected); } // { a: 2, $text: { $search: "leche", $language: "es" } } TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, TextWithQuery) { OrderedIntervalList expected; BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendMinKey(""); builder.appendMaxKey(""); expected.intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), true, true)); checkIndexBounds("{ a: 2, $text: { $search: 'leche', $language: 'es' } }", expected); } // { a: 0 } -> hashed a: [hash(0), hash(0)] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, HashedSinglePoint) { IndexBounds expectedBounds; expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); const auto hashOfZero = BSONElementHasher::hash64(BSON("" << 0).firstElement(), 0); expectedBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << hashOfZero << "" << hashOfZero), true, true)); checkIndexBoundsWithKey("{a: 'hashed'}", "{ a: 0}", expectedBounds); } // { a: { $lt: 2, $gt: 1} } -> hashed a: [Minkey, Maxkey] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, HashedRange) { IndexBounds expectedBounds; expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); OrderedIntervalList& expectedOil = expectedBounds.fields.front(); BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendMinKey(""); builder.appendMaxKey(""); expectedOil.intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), true, true)); checkIndexBoundsWithKey("{a: 'hashed'}", "{ a: { $lt: 2, $gt: 1} }", expectedBounds); } // { a: /abc/ } -> hashed a: [Minkey, Maxkey] TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, HashedRegex) { IndexBounds expectedBounds; expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); OrderedIntervalList& expectedOil = expectedBounds.fields.front(); BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendMinKey(""); builder.appendMaxKey(""); expectedOil.intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), true, true)); checkIndexBoundsWithKey("{a: 'hashed'}", "{ a: /abc/ }", expectedBounds); } TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, CompoundHashedShardKeyWithHashedPrefix) { const auto shardKey = "{a: 'hashed', b: 1}"; const auto query = "{$or: [{a:{$in:[1]},b:{$in:[1]}}, {a:{$in:[1,5]},b:{$gt:0,$lt:3}}]}"; IndexBounds expectedBounds; expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); const auto hashOfOne = BSONElementHasher::hash64(BSON("" << 1.0).firstElement(), 0); const auto hashOfFive = BSONElementHasher::hash64(BSON("" << 5.0).firstElement(), 0); // a: [[hash(5), hash(5)], [hash(1), hash(1)]]. Note, hash(5) is less than hash(1), hence it // appears before hash(1). expectedBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << hashOfFive << "" << hashOfFive), true, true)); expectedBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << hashOfOne << "" << hashOfOne), true, true)); // b: (0,3) expectedBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 3), false, false)); checkIndexBoundsWithKey(shardKey, query, expectedBounds); } TEST_F(CMCollapseTreeTest, CompoundHashedShardKeyWithRangePrefix) { const auto shardKey = "{a: 1, b: 'hashed', c: 1}"; const auto query = "{a:{$gt:0,$lte:3}, b: 4}"; IndexBounds expectedBounds; expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); expectedBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); const auto hashOfFour = BSONElementHasher::hash64(BSON("" << 4.0).firstElement(), 0); // a: (0,3] expectedBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 3), false, true)); // b: [hash(4), hash(4)] expectedBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back( Interval(BSON("" << hashOfFour << "" << hashOfFour), true, true)); // c: [MinKey, MaxKey] BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.appendMinKey(""); builder.appendMaxKey(""); expectedBounds.fields[2].intervals.push_back(Interval(builder.obj(), true, true)); checkIndexBoundsWithKey(shardKey, query, expectedBounds); } /** * Tests the KeyPattern key bounds generation logic. */ class CMKeyBoundsTest : public mongo::unittest::Test { protected: void checkBoundList(const BoundList& list, const BoundList& expected) { ASSERT_EQUALS(list.size(), expected.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ASSERT_EQUALS(list[i].first.woCompare(expected[i].first), 0); ASSERT_EQUALS(list[i].second.woCompare(expected[i].second), 0); } } }; // Key { a: 1 }, Bounds a: [0] // => { a: 0 } -> { a: 0 } TEST_F(CMKeyBoundsTest, Basic) { IndexBounds indexBounds; indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields.front().intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 0), true, true)); BoundList expectedList; expectedList.emplace_back(fromjson("{a: 0}"), fromjson("{a: 0}")); ShardKeyPattern skeyPattern(fromjson("{a: 1}")); BoundList list = skeyPattern.flattenBounds(indexBounds); checkBoundList(list, expectedList); } // Key { a: 1 }, Bounds a: [2, 3) // => { a: 2 } -> { a: 3 } // bound inclusion is ignored. TEST_F(CMKeyBoundsTest, SingleInterval) { IndexBounds indexBounds; indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields.front().intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 2 << "" << 3), true, false)); BoundList expectedList; expectedList.emplace_back(fromjson("{a: 2}"), fromjson("{a: 3}")); ShardKeyPattern skeyPattern(fromjson("{a: 1}")); BoundList list = skeyPattern.flattenBounds(indexBounds); checkBoundList(list, expectedList); } // Key { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1 }, Bounds a: [2, 3), b: [2, 3), c: [2: 3) // => { a: 2, b: 2, c: 2 } -> { a: 3, b: 3, c: 3 } TEST_F(CMKeyBoundsTest, MultiIntervals) { IndexBounds indexBounds; indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 2 << "" << 3), true, false)); indexBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 2 << "" << 3), true, false)); indexBounds.fields[2].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 2 << "" << 3), true, false)); BoundList expectedList; expectedList.emplace_back(fromjson("{ a: 2, b: 2, c: 2 }"), fromjson("{ a: 3, b: 3, c: 3 }")); ShardKeyPattern skeyPattern(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}")); BoundList list = skeyPattern.flattenBounds(indexBounds); checkBoundList(list, expectedList); } // Key { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1 }, Bounds a: [0, 0], b: { $in: [4, 5, 6] }, c: [2: 3) // => { a: 0, b: 4, c: 2 } -> { a: 0, b: 4, c: 3 } // { a: 0, b: 5, c: 2 } -> { a: 0, b: 5, c: 3 } // { a: 0, b: 6, c: 2 } -> { a: 0, b: 6, c: 3 } TEST_F(CMKeyBoundsTest, IntervalExpansion) { IndexBounds indexBounds; indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 0), true, true)); indexBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 4), true, true)); indexBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 5 << "" << 5), true, true)); indexBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 6 << "" << 6), true, true)); indexBounds.fields[2].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 2 << "" << 3), true, false)); BoundList expectedList; expectedList.emplace_back(fromjson("{ a: 0, b: 4, c: 2 }"), fromjson("{ a: 0, b: 4, c: 3 }")); expectedList.emplace_back(fromjson("{ a: 0, b: 5, c: 2 }"), fromjson("{ a: 0, b: 5, c: 3 }")); expectedList.emplace_back(fromjson("{ a: 0, b: 6, c: 2 }"), fromjson("{ a: 0, b: 6, c: 3 }")); ShardKeyPattern skeyPattern(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}")); BoundList list = skeyPattern.flattenBounds(indexBounds); checkBoundList(list, expectedList); } // Key { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1 }, Bounds a: [0, 1], b: { $in: [4, 5, 6] }, c: [2: 3) // => { a: 0, b: 4, c: 2 } -> { a: 1, b: 6, c: 3 } // Since field "a" is not a point, expasion after "a" is not allowed. TEST_F(CMKeyBoundsTest, NonPointIntervalExpasion) { IndexBounds indexBounds; indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields.push_back(OrderedIntervalList()); indexBounds.fields[0].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 0 << "" << 1), true, true)); indexBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 4 << "" << 4), true, true)); indexBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 5 << "" << 5), true, true)); indexBounds.fields[1].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 6 << "" << 6), true, true)); indexBounds.fields[2].intervals.push_back(Interval(BSON("" << 2 << "" << 3), true, false)); BoundList expectedList; expectedList.emplace_back(fromjson("{ a: 0, b: 4, c: 2 }"), fromjson("{ a: 1, b: 6, c: 3 }")); ShardKeyPattern skeyPattern(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}")); BoundList list = skeyPattern.flattenBounds(indexBounds); checkBoundList(list, expectedList); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo