/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/type_chunk.h" #include "mongo/s/chunk_manager.h" #include "mongo/s/chunk_writes_tracker.h" #include "mongo/unittest/death_test.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" namespace mongo { namespace { const ShardId kThisShard("thisShard"); const NamespaceString kNss("TestDB", "TestColl"); /** * Creates a new routing table from the input routing table by inserting the chunks specified by * newChunkBoundaryPoints. newChunkBoundaryPoints specifies a contiguous array of keys indicating * chunk boundaries to be inserted. As an example, if you want to split the range [0, 2] into chunks * [0, 1] and [1, 2], newChunkBoundaryPoints should be [0, 1, 2]. */ RoutingTableHistory splitChunk(const RoutingTableHistory& rt, const std::vector& newChunkBoundaryPoints) { invariant(newChunkBoundaryPoints.size() > 1); // Convert the boundary points into chunk range objects, e.g. {0, 1, 2} -> // {{ChunkRange{0, 1}, ChunkRange{1, 2}} std::vector newChunkRanges; for (size_t i = 0; i < newChunkBoundaryPoints.size() - 1; ++i) { newChunkRanges.emplace_back(newChunkBoundaryPoints[i], newChunkBoundaryPoints[i + 1]); } std::vector newChunks; auto curVersion = rt.getVersion(); for (const auto& range : newChunkRanges) { // Chunks must be inserted ordered by version curVersion.incMajor(); newChunks.emplace_back(rt.getUUID(), range, curVersion, kThisShard); } return rt.makeUpdated( boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none, true, newChunks); } /** * Gets a set of raw pointers to ChunkInfo objects in the specified range, */ std::set getChunksInRange(const RoutingTableHistory& rt, const BSONObj& min, const BSONObj& max) { std::set chunksFromSplit; rt.forEachOverlappingChunk(min, max, false, [&](auto& chunk) { chunksFromSplit.insert(chunk.get()); return true; }); return chunksFromSplit; } /** * Looks up a chunk that corresponds to or contains the range [min, max). There should only be one * such chunk in the input RoutingTableHistory object. */ ChunkInfo* getChunkToSplit(const RoutingTableHistory& rt, const BSONObj& min, const BSONObj& max) { std::shared_ptr firstOverlappingChunk; rt.forEachOverlappingChunk(min, max, false, [&](auto& chunkInfo) { firstOverlappingChunk = chunkInfo; return false; // only need first chunk }); invariant(firstOverlappingChunk); return firstOverlappingChunk.get(); } /** * Helper function for testing the results of a chunk split. * * Finds the chunks in a routing table resulting from a split on the range [minSplitBoundary, * maxSplitBoundary). Checks that the correct number of chunks are in the routing table for the * corresponding range. To check that the bytes written have been correctly propagated from the * chunk being split to the chunks resulting from the split, we check: * * For each chunk: * If the chunk was a result of the split: * Make sure it has expectedBytesInChunksFromSplit bytes in its writes tracker * Else: * Make sure its bytes written have not been changed due to the split (e.g. it has * expectedBytesInChunksNotSplit in its writes tracker) */ void assertCorrectBytesWritten(const RoutingTableHistory& rt, const BSONObj& minSplitBoundary, const BSONObj& maxSplitBoundary, size_t expectedNumChunksFromSplit, uint64_t expectedBytesInChunksFromSplit, uint64_t expectedBytesInChunksNotSplit) { auto chunksFromSplit = getChunksInRange(rt, minSplitBoundary, maxSplitBoundary); ASSERT_EQ(chunksFromSplit.size(), expectedNumChunksFromSplit); rt.forEachChunk([&](const auto& chunkInfo) { auto writesTracker = chunkInfo->getWritesTracker(); auto bytesWritten = writesTracker->getBytesWritten(); if (chunksFromSplit.count(chunkInfo.get()) > 0) { ASSERT_EQ(bytesWritten, expectedBytesInChunksFromSplit); } else { ASSERT_EQ(bytesWritten, expectedBytesInChunksNotSplit); } return true; }); } /** * Test fixture for tests that need to start with a fresh routing table with * only a single chunk in it, with bytes already written to that chunk object. */ class RoutingTableHistoryTest : public unittest::Test { public: void setUp() override { const UUID uuid = UUID::gen(); const OID epoch = OID::gen(); const Timestamp timestamp(1); ChunkVersion version{1, 0, epoch, timestamp}; auto initChunk = ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{_shardKeyPattern.globalMin(), _shardKeyPattern.globalMax()}, version, kThisShard}; _rt.emplace(RoutingTableHistory::makeNew(kNss, uuid, _shardKeyPattern, nullptr, false, epoch, timestamp, boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none /* chunkSizeBytes */, true, {initChunk})); ASSERT_EQ(_rt->numChunks(), 1ull); // Should only be one _rt->forEachChunk([&](const auto& chunkInfo) { auto writesTracker = chunkInfo->getWritesTracker(); writesTracker->addBytesWritten(_bytesInOriginalChunk); return true; }); } const KeyPattern& getShardKeyPattern() const { return _shardKeyPattern; } uint64_t getBytesInOriginalChunk() const { return _bytesInOriginalChunk; } const RoutingTableHistory& getInitialRoutingTable() const { return *_rt; } private: uint64_t _bytesInOriginalChunk{4ull}; boost::optional _rt; KeyPattern _shardKeyPattern{BSON("a" << 1)}; }; /** * Test fixture for tests that need to start with three chunks in it, with the * same number of bytes written to every chunk object. */ class RoutingTableHistoryTestThreeInitialChunks : public RoutingTableHistoryTest { public: void setUp() override { RoutingTableHistoryTest::setUp(); _initialChunkBoundaryPoints = {getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << 10), BSON("a" << 20), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}; _rt.emplace(splitChunk(RoutingTableHistoryTest::getInitialRoutingTable(), _initialChunkBoundaryPoints)); ASSERT_EQ(_rt->numChunks(), 3ull); } const RoutingTableHistory& getInitialRoutingTable() const { return *_rt; } std::vector getInitialChunkBoundaryPoints() { return _initialChunkBoundaryPoints; } private: boost::optional _rt; std::vector _initialChunkBoundaryPoints; }; TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTest, SplittingOnlyChunkCopiesBytesWrittenToAllSubchunks) { auto minKey = BSON("a" << 10); auto maxKey = BSON("a" << 20); auto newChunkBoundaryPoints = { getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), minKey, maxKey, getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}; auto rt = splitChunk(getInitialRoutingTable(), newChunkBoundaryPoints); ASSERT_EQ(rt.numChunks(), 3ull); rt.forEachChunk([&](const auto& chunkInfo) { auto writesTracker = chunkInfo->getWritesTracker(); auto bytesWritten = writesTracker->getBytesWritten(); ASSERT_EQ(bytesWritten, getBytesInOriginalChunk()); return true; }); } TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTestThreeInitialChunks, SplittingFirstChunkOfSeveralCopiesBytesWrittenToAllSubchunks) { auto minKey = getInitialChunkBoundaryPoints()[0]; auto maxKey = getInitialChunkBoundaryPoints()[1]; std::vector newChunkBoundaryPoints = {minKey, BSON("a" << 5), maxKey}; auto chunkToSplit = getChunkToSplit(getInitialRoutingTable(), minKey, maxKey); auto bytesToWrite = 5ull; chunkToSplit->getWritesTracker()->addBytesWritten(bytesToWrite); // Split first chunk into two auto rt = splitChunk(getInitialRoutingTable(), newChunkBoundaryPoints); auto expectedNumChunksFromSplit = 2; auto expectedBytesInChunksFromSplit = getBytesInOriginalChunk() + bytesToWrite; auto expectedBytesInChunksNotSplit = getBytesInOriginalChunk(); ASSERT_EQ(rt.numChunks(), 4ull); assertCorrectBytesWritten(rt, minKey, maxKey, expectedNumChunksFromSplit, expectedBytesInChunksFromSplit, expectedBytesInChunksNotSplit); } TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTestThreeInitialChunks, SplittingMiddleChunkOfSeveralCopiesBytesWrittenToAllSubchunks) { auto minKey = getInitialChunkBoundaryPoints()[1]; auto maxKey = getInitialChunkBoundaryPoints()[2]; auto newChunkBoundaryPoints = {minKey, BSON("a" << 16), BSON("a" << 17), maxKey}; auto chunkToSplit = getChunkToSplit(getInitialRoutingTable(), minKey, maxKey); auto bytesToWrite = 5ull; chunkToSplit->getWritesTracker()->addBytesWritten(bytesToWrite); // Split middle chunk into three auto rt = splitChunk(getInitialRoutingTable(), newChunkBoundaryPoints); auto expectedNumChunksFromSplit = 3; auto expectedBytesInChunksFromSplit = getBytesInOriginalChunk() + bytesToWrite; auto expectedBytesInChunksNotSplit = getBytesInOriginalChunk(); ASSERT_EQ(rt.numChunks(), 5ull); assertCorrectBytesWritten(rt, minKey, maxKey, expectedNumChunksFromSplit, expectedBytesInChunksFromSplit, expectedBytesInChunksNotSplit); } TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTestThreeInitialChunks, SplittingLastChunkOfSeveralCopiesBytesWrittenToAllSubchunks) { auto minKey = getInitialChunkBoundaryPoints()[2]; auto maxKey = getInitialChunkBoundaryPoints()[3]; auto newChunkBoundaryPoints = {minKey, BSON("a" << 25), maxKey}; auto chunkToSplit = getChunkToSplit(getInitialRoutingTable(), minKey, maxKey); auto bytesToWrite = 5ull; chunkToSplit->getWritesTracker()->addBytesWritten(bytesToWrite); // Split last chunk into two auto rt = splitChunk(getInitialRoutingTable(), newChunkBoundaryPoints); auto expectedNumChunksFromSplit = 2; auto expectedBytesInChunksFromSplit = getBytesInOriginalChunk() + bytesToWrite; auto expectedBytesInChunksNotSplit = getBytesInOriginalChunk(); ASSERT_EQ(rt.numChunks(), 4ull); assertCorrectBytesWritten(rt, minKey, maxKey, expectedNumChunksFromSplit, expectedBytesInChunksFromSplit, expectedBytesInChunksNotSplit); } TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTest, TestSplits) { const UUID uuid = UUID::gen(); const OID epoch = OID::gen(); const Timestamp timestamp(1); ChunkVersion version{1, 0, epoch, timestamp}; auto chunkAll = ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, version, kThisShard}; auto rt = RoutingTableHistory::makeNew(kNss, uuid, getShardKeyPattern(), nullptr, false, epoch, timestamp, boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none /* chunkSizeBytes */, true, {chunkAll}); std::vector chunks1 = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << 0)}, ChunkVersion{2, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 0), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt1 = rt.makeUpdated(boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none, true, chunks1); auto v1 = ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}; ASSERT_EQ(v1, rt1.getVersion(kThisShard)); std::vector chunks2 = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 0), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << -1)}, ChunkVersion{3, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << -1), BSON("a" << 0)}, ChunkVersion{3, 2, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt2 = rt1.makeUpdated( boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none, true, chunks2); auto v2 = ChunkVersion{3, 2, epoch, timestamp}; ASSERT_EQ(v2, rt2.getVersion(kThisShard)); } TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTest, TestReplaceEmptyChunk) { const UUID uuid = UUID::gen(); const OID epoch = OID::gen(); const Timestamp timestamp(1); std::vector initialChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{1, 0, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt = RoutingTableHistory::makeNew(kNss, uuid, getShardKeyPattern(), nullptr, false, epoch, timestamp, boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none /* chunkSizeBytes */, true, initialChunks); ASSERT_EQ(rt.numChunks(), 1); std::vector changedChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << 0)}, ChunkVersion{2, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 0), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt1 = rt.makeUpdated( boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none, true, changedChunks); auto v1 = ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}; ASSERT_EQ(v1, rt1.getVersion(kThisShard)); ASSERT_EQ(rt1.numChunks(), 2); std::shared_ptr found; rt1.forEachChunk( [&](auto& chunkInfo) { if (chunkInfo->getShardIdAt(boost::none) == kThisShard) { found = chunkInfo; return false; } return true; }, BSON("a" << 0)); ASSERT(found); } TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTest, TestUseLatestVersions) { const UUID uuid = UUID::gen(); const OID epoch = OID::gen(); const Timestamp timestamp(1); std::vector initialChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{1, 0, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt = RoutingTableHistory::makeNew(kNss, uuid, getShardKeyPattern(), nullptr, false, epoch, timestamp, boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none /* chunkSizeBytes */, true, initialChunks); ASSERT_EQ(rt.numChunks(), 1); std::vector changedChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{1, 0, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << 0)}, ChunkVersion{2, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 0), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt1 = rt.makeUpdated( boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none, true, changedChunks); auto v1 = ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}; ASSERT_EQ(v1, rt1.getVersion(kThisShard)); ASSERT_EQ(rt1.numChunks(), 2); } TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTest, TestOutOfOrderVersion) { const UUID uuid = UUID::gen(); const OID epoch = OID::gen(); const Timestamp timestamp(1); std::vector initialChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << 0)}, ChunkVersion{2, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 0), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt = RoutingTableHistory::makeNew(kNss, uuid, getShardKeyPattern(), nullptr, false, epoch, timestamp, boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none /* chunkSizeBytes */, true, initialChunks); ASSERT_EQ(rt.numChunks(), 2); std::vector changedChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 0), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{3, 0, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << 0)}, ChunkVersion{3, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt1 = rt.makeUpdated( boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none, true, changedChunks); auto v1 = ChunkVersion{3, 1, epoch, timestamp}; ASSERT_EQ(v1, rt1.getVersion(kThisShard)); ASSERT_EQ(rt1.numChunks(), 2); auto chunk1 = rt1.findIntersectingChunk(BSON("a" << 0)); ASSERT_EQ(chunk1->getLastmod(), ChunkVersion(3, 0, epoch, timestamp)); ASSERT_EQ(chunk1->getMin().woCompare(BSON("a" << 0)), 0); ASSERT_EQ(chunk1->getMax().woCompare(getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()), 0); } TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTest, TestMergeChunks) { const UUID uuid = UUID::gen(); const OID epoch = OID::gen(); const Timestamp timestamp(1); std::vector initialChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 0), BSON("a" << 10)}, ChunkVersion{2, 0, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << 0)}, ChunkVersion{2, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 10), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt = RoutingTableHistory::makeNew(kNss, uuid, getShardKeyPattern(), nullptr, false, epoch, timestamp, boost::none, boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none /* chunkSizeBytes */, true, initialChunks); ASSERT_EQ(rt.numChunks(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(rt.getVersion(), ChunkVersion(2, 2, epoch, timestamp)); std::vector changedChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 10), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{3, 0, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << 10)}, ChunkVersion{3, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt1 = rt.makeUpdated( boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none, true, changedChunks); auto v1 = ChunkVersion{3, 1, epoch, timestamp}; ASSERT_EQ(v1, rt1.getVersion(kThisShard)); ASSERT_EQ(rt1.numChunks(), 2); } TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTest, TestMergeChunksOrdering) { const UUID uuid = UUID::gen(); const OID epoch = OID::gen(); const Timestamp timestamp(1); std::vector initialChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << -10), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{2, 0, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << -500)}, ChunkVersion{2, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << -500), BSON("a" << -10)}, ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt = RoutingTableHistory::makeNew(kNss, uuid, getShardKeyPattern(), nullptr, false, epoch, timestamp, boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none /* chunkSizeBytes */, true, initialChunks); ASSERT_EQ(rt.numChunks(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(rt.getVersion(), ChunkVersion(2, 2, epoch, timestamp)); std::vector changedChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << -500), BSON("a" << -10)}, ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << -10)}, ChunkVersion{3, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}}; auto rt1 = rt.makeUpdated( boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none, true, changedChunks); auto v1 = ChunkVersion{3, 1, epoch, timestamp}; ASSERT_EQ(v1, rt1.getVersion(kThisShard)); ASSERT_EQ(rt1.numChunks(), 2); auto chunk1 = rt1.findIntersectingChunk(BSON("a" << -500)); ASSERT_EQ(chunk1->getLastmod(), ChunkVersion(3, 1, epoch, timestamp)); ASSERT_EQ(chunk1->getMin().woCompare(getShardKeyPattern().globalMin()), 0); ASSERT_EQ(chunk1->getMax().woCompare(BSON("a" << -10)), 0); } TEST_F(RoutingTableHistoryTest, TestFlatten) { const UUID uuid = UUID::gen(); const OID epoch = OID::gen(); const Timestamp timestamp(1); std::vector initialChunks = { ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << 10)}, ChunkVersion{2, 0, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 10), BSON("a" << 20)}, ChunkVersion{2, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 20), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{2, 2, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{3, 0, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{getShardKeyPattern().globalMin(), BSON("a" << 10)}, ChunkVersion{4, 0, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, ChunkType{uuid, ChunkRange{BSON("a" << 10), getShardKeyPattern().globalMax()}, ChunkVersion{4, 1, epoch, timestamp}, kThisShard}, }; auto rt = RoutingTableHistory::makeNew(kNss, UUID::gen(), getShardKeyPattern(), nullptr, false, epoch, timestamp, boost::none /* timeseriesFields */, boost::none, boost::none /* chunkSizeBytes */, true, initialChunks); ASSERT_EQ(rt.numChunks(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(rt.getVersion(), ChunkVersion(4, 1, epoch, timestamp)); auto chunk1 = rt.findIntersectingChunk(BSON("a" << 0)); ASSERT_EQ(chunk1->getLastmod(), ChunkVersion(4, 0, epoch, timestamp)); ASSERT_EQ(chunk1->getMin().woCompare(getShardKeyPattern().globalMin()), 0); ASSERT_EQ(chunk1->getMax().woCompare(BSON("a" << 10)), 0); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo